
Quêtes littéraires, N˚6 Hybride(s)

Astrid Van Assche, Université de Gand, Belgique

The gallant letter, or the fruitful abundance of transgression

ABSTRACT: This essay concentrates on early modern expressions of literary hybridity in the 17th-century gallant letters of Vincent Voiture (1597-1648), Charles Cotin (1604-1681) and Antoine Godeau (1605 -1672), circulating in the Parisian salon L’Hôtel de Rambouillet. Firstly, we look at the hybridity of the letter form an sich, within the context of salon sociability and early gallantry. Secondly, we study the multiplicity of both the authorial voice and the audience of the gallant letter. Thirdly, we highlight the intriguing exchange between genres within the gallant letter, as well as their confrontation and, finally, cross-fertilisation. This tripartite case study substantiates our conviction that literary hybridity functions as an intriguing indicator and catalyst of literary evolution and creation. Keywords: Seventeenth-century letter writing, sociability, literary hybridity, gallant letter

Astrid Van Assche – doctorante au département de littérature française de l’Université de Gand. Adresse pour correspondance : Université de Gand, Blandijnberg 2, 9000 Gand, Belgique ; e-mail : [email protected]


Alicja Rychlewska-Delimat, Université Pédagogique de Cracovie, Pologne

The loves of Psyche and Cupid by as an example of prosimetrum

ABSTRACT: The loves of Psyche and Cupid by La Fontaine is a romance of mixed genres, combining the features of a tale, a narrative poem and a philosophical dialogue. The author of this study classifies it as a prosimetrum, to focus her analysis, on the one hand – upon the interrelation between prose and verse, functions and means of introducing rhyming parts, etc., on the other hand – examining metatextual texts of the narrator who provokes interesting aesthetic reflection. Keywords: La Fontaine, prosimetrum, metatextuality

Dr Alicja Rychlewska-Delimat – maître de conférences à l’Institut de Lettres et de Langues Modernes de l’Université Pédagogique de Cracovie. Adresse pour correspondance : Instytut Neofilologii, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Kraków ; e- mail : [email protected]


Anna Kaczmarek-Wiśniewska, Université d’Opole, Pologne

Emile Zola’s chronicles as textual hybrids

ABSTRACT: The journalistic part of Emile Zola’s work is often neglected by critics who usually focus on the writer’s novels and other texts of fiction. Nonetheless, these writings worth readers’ and critics’ attention because of their originality based on their hybrid character. This hybridism concerns their narrative forms, including ‘classical’ press chronicles, causeries (a kind of chat with the potential reader) and confidences of real or fictive persons. The identity of their author is also hybrid, combining some traits of a romantic, a positivist and a materialist. The outcome of such a mix of various attitudes towards the reality is a set of uncomparable texts of both anthropological and documentary value. Keywords: Zola, journalism, chronicle, hybridism

Dr Anna Kaczmarek-Wiśniewska – maître de conférences à la Chaire de Culture et de Langue françaises de l’Université d’Opole ; adresse pour correspondance : Uniwersytet Opolski, Katedra Kultury i Języka Francuskiego, pl. Kopernika 11, 45-040 Opole, Pologne ; e-mail : [email protected]


Olivier Sécardin, Université d’Utrecht, Pays-Bas

Mallarmé and poetics of hybridity

ABSTRACT: The hybridity that is seen everywhere in symbolist is not so much evidence of a temporary trend of the era following the interest in the crossing of species in nature as much as it is an attempt to confront the very nature of “art” itself. The time of the “quarrel of monsters” has passed, and the hybrids of contemporary poetry – competing for a place in the mythological scene that is symbolism – roam guiltless. And yet, beyond literary conventions, this mythological bestiary is anything but innocent and outdated; in fact, it embodies a genuine mythopoetic repertoire. For Mallarmé in particular, this hybrid bestiary reflects the illusive “Chimera” of poetry. Keywords: Mallarmé, hybridity, modernity, symbolist poetry, mythological bestiary

Dr Olivier Sécardin – titulaire d’un doctorat de littérature comparée obtenu en Sorbonne. Après avoir enseigné dans de nombreuses universités internationales, notamment à la Columbia University de New York, à l’Université du Kyushu (au Japon), à l’Université de Chicago ainsi qu’à Cornell University (États-Unis), il est actuellement professeur assistant de littérature française à l’Université d’Utrecht (Pays-Bas). Étudiant aussi bien les textes canoniques que les formes plus contemporaines, il est lui-même l’auteur de textes littéraires et artistiques. Adresse pour correspondance : Department of Humanities, Utrecht University, Trans 10, 3512 JK, Utrecht, The Netherlands ; email : [email protected]


Marine Deregnoncourt, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique

The « parlé-chanté » in Phèdre to Jean Racine and Noon’s Sharing to

ABSTRACT: In this article we will seek to answer how, in Phèdre to Jean Racine and Noon’s Sharing to Paul Claudel, the « parlé-chanté » is particularly significant. To do so, this article will be divided in three parts. In the first part, the « parlé-chanté » will be defined and linked to Arnold Schoenberg’s Sprechgesang. While the second part will issue on Phèdre by Jean Racine, the third and final part will focalize on Paul Claudel's Noon’s Sharing. By focusing on the two aforesaid plays we will try to prove that the operatic voice is always present in the acting choices and that the two accustomed the dramatic rules of their time. Keywords: The « parlé-chanté », The operatic voice, Phèdre and Noon’s Sharing

Marine Deregnoncourt – candidate à l’Ecole Doctorale en Langues et Lettres de l’Université Catholique de Louvain ; adresse pour correspondance : B. - Place , 1, 1348 Louvain-la Neuve (Belgique) ; e-mail : [email protected]


Rached Chaabene, Université Sophia Antipolis,

Hybridity in Red Steppe by J. Kessel: Limit or Complementarity?

ABSTRACT: The Red Steppe of Joseph Kessel is a valuable work, insofar as it is mainly characterized by its generic hybridity. The six novellas oscillate between the biographical and autobiographical, between history and fiction, between the individual and the collective, between the current and the universal. A sort of juxtaposition and/or co-existence can be traced between the novella of Kessel and other literary genres such as the travelogue, the initiation story, the adventure story, the historical narrative and the fictional narrative. This interdiscursive report makes the historical text an open text, "a hybrid text." Keywords: hybridity, History, Fiction, Novella, initiation

Dr Rached Chaabene – docteur en littérature générale et comparée de l’Université Côte d’Azur : Faculté des lettres, arts et sciences humaines. Adresse pour correspondance Ecole Doctorale : « Sociétés, Humanités, Arts et Lettres » (SHAL), 98, boulevard E. Herriot- BP 3209, 06204 Nice cedex 3 ; e-mail : [email protected]


Tomasz Kaczmarek, Université de Łódź, Pologne

Cris des cœurs by Jean-Victor Pellerin, as an exemple of hybrid play

ABSTRACT: Cris des cœurs by Jean-Victor Pellerin consists of the three parts, each of them corresponds to a different genre: melodrama, and misterium. Rejecting the reality, the writer resignes also from the scene’s materiality what leads him as a consequence to the deconstruction of the space-time’s categories. Traditional drama’s division on act and scenes is replaced by the loose images (tableaux) where the dreamy visions mingle with reality. Puting the pressure on oniric dimension of a play, the prepares the area for a break of characters who moving in a hostile and an unspecified world without the laws of physics, get going in quest for the lost identity. Breaking the unity of action and psychological consistency of a character, Pellerin presents the crisis of a temporary human being, moreover by using heterogenic forms, he shows this crisis in ist best. Keywords: Jean-Victor Pellerin, hybrid, tableau, expressionism, character

Prof. Tomasz Kaczmarek – professeur à l’Institut de Philologie Romane de l’Université de Łódź. Adresse pour correspondance : Institut de Philologie Romane, Université de Łódź, ul. Pomorska 171/173, 91-404 Łódź, Pologne ; e-mail : [email protected]


Roberto Mannu, Université de Palerme, Italie

Surrealist anthologies: the collective elaboration of an hybrid literary genre

ABSTRACT: Published for the first time in 1940 the André Breton’s Anthology of black humor inaugurates the great season of surrealist anthologies, which will last until late 60s. The use of the traditional form of the modern anthology by the Surrealists, does not involve into a complete acceptance of its rules, already codified since the end of the 19th century, but rather a deformation of its textual structure and of its objectives, producing a literary genre with particular characteristics. The surrealist anthology, such as those realized by André Breton, Paul Éluard, Louis Aragon and Benjamin Péret, represent an hybrid literary object with structural elements in common with the dictionary, the glossary, the anthology and the catalogue. The surrealist literary collections represent both a different approach to the and an expression of surrealist poetics. Keywords: anthology, surrealism, literature, hybrid

Dr Roberto Mannu – docteur de recherche en Esthétique et théorie des arts à l’Université de Palerme ; e-mail: [email protected]


Thibaut Vaillancourt, chercheur indépendant, Belgique

Hybridities of the writing and subversions of the subject: stakes of the simulacrum around Pierre Klossowski

ABSTRACT: What can be said of Pierre Klossowski’s works’ hybridism, he who, philosopher, writer, translator and painter, unabashedly claimed to be a « monomaniac » ? This gap brings about a tension between what we call « hybridism » in his writings (to talk about this sole medium) and a coherence in his « obsessions ». Furthermore, hybridism can be inferred from the variety from which his works take their source and the qualities which the remains of the notion of « subject » inherit. Klossowski’s work, itself a non-cartesian anthropology, calls upon theologians, latin , as much as so-called « transgressive » philosophers. Hence hybridism, once coupled with the simulacrum, becomes a guiding thread, kindling the word’s etymology (hybris and ibrida), in an « excessive » and « bastardised » style that does away with any form of identity, be that of the writer itself. Keywords: Klossowski, hybridity, subject, simulacrum

Thibaut Vaillancourt prépare, après un Master ès Lettres à l’Université de Lausanne (Français moderne, Philosophie), un projet de thèse de doctorat. E-mail : [email protected]


Anna Ledwina, Université d’Opole, Pologne

Le Navire Night : a mixture of genres and arts

ABSTRACT: The works of Marguerite Duras show visible hybridity, broadly understood as a mixture of genres, correspondence of the arts, or intertextuality. Her texts reflect, par excellence, this tendency because they keep departing from classical forms. Consequently, the same text can be interpreted as a novel, screenplay, or film. This transgression seemingly results from the versatility of changing artistic interests of Duras, who, while writing, was fascinated by film-making and all possibilities of experimentation. The transgression is confirmed by a kind of polyphony of voices in her works, which makes them both extremely suggestive and open. A prime example of this technique is Le Navire Night. According to the concept of poetical-novelistic or cinematic writing, it can be seen as a ‘hybrid’ work. Therefore, Le Navire Night is sometimes read as a poem as understood by Henri Meschonnic, referring to the creativity of the author, especially in the field of language. Keywords : Duras, hybridity, mixture, inventiveness, transgression

Dr hab. Anna Ledwina – maître de conférences à la Chaire de Culture et Langue françaises de l’Université d’Opole ; adresse pour correspondance : Chaire de Culture et Langue françaises, Université d’Opole, Pl. Kopernika 11a, 45-040 Opole, Pologne ; e-mail : [email protected]


Maria Gubińska, Université Pédagogique de Cracovie, Pologne

A dialogue with painting in Femmes d’Alger dans leur appartement by Assia Djebar

ABSTRACT: The paper presents the phenomenon of hybridity present in Assia Djebar’s writings based on the example of the collection of short stories entitled Femmes d’Alger dans leur appartement (Women of Algiers in Their Apartment). The title of the collection makes reference to famous paintings by Delacroix and Picasso but in doing so the author also supplements the Europocentric discourse with her own voice, the voice of a Francophone Algerian writer who, holding a dialogue with the painters, breaks with exoticism and the orientalising European approach. The dialogue with painting is accomplished on two levels; the first, diegetic and second, essayistic; in ‘The Overture’, and especially in ‘The Afterword’, which is not only a commentary to the painting works by Delacroix and Picasso, but also a complementation of the literary plot. The permanent link of Djebar’s writings to the dramatic present and the remembrance of the women deprived of their voice and subjected to reification is voiced powerfully in the work, which cannot be easily evaluated as it is very diverse in its references to other fields of art. Keywords: Assia Djebar, hybridity postcolonial,

Dr Maria Gubińska – maître de conférences à l’Institut de Néophilologie de l’Université Pédagogique de Cracovie. Adresse pour correspondance : Institut de Néophilologie, Université Pédagogique de Cracovie, ul. Podchorążych 2, 30-001 Kraków, Pologne, e-mail : [email protected]


Emmanuelle Pelard, Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg Writing subversed by serigraphy in graphic poems of Roland Giguère ABSTRACT: The surrealist Quebec poet, painter and artists’ books editor Roland Giguère has based his entire work on a dialogue between poetry and visual arts (painting, serigraphy, typography) in order to experiment the iconicity of writing. He has composed a graphic poetry made of plastic and iconic signs as well as graphic signs, playing with the semiotic ambiguity to create poetic effects and sense. His polysemiotic experiment of the poem based on a specific use of serigraphy has impacted the readability, but has paradoxically shown a new kind of poeticity and the expressiveness of writing. The aim of this article is to establish how the writing subversion and the semiotic experiment allowed by an original use of serigraphy creates poetry. Keywords: Quebec surrealism, Roland Giguère, graphic poetry, poetic serigraphy, semiotic experiment.

Dr Emmanuelle Pelard – chercheure et enseignante en sémiotique et en littérature à l’Institut d’Études Romanes, Médias et Arts de l’Université du Luxembourg. Adresse pour correspondance : Université du Luxembourg, MSH, E02 25-130, Maison des Sciences Humaines, 11, Porte des Sciences, L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg ; e-mail : [email protected]


Aurélia Gournay, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - 3, France

Rewriting of Don Juan in the XXth century: between hybridity and intermediality, the new modes of exploitation of a myth

ABSTRACT: The contemporary rewritings of Don Juan’s myth highlight several forms of hybridity and illustrate the stakes involved. The hybridation affects in the first place the sources of the myth since the authors appeal to numerous intertextual references. But the successive transpositions of the mythical scenario also lead to a generic hybridity. This intermediality has a reflexive dimension: it raises the question of the limits of language to talk about the myth and abolishes the frontier between fiction and critical speech. Keywords: myth, Don Juan, rewriting, intertextuality, intermediality

Dr Aurélia Gournay – docteure en littérature comparée, PRAG de Lettres Modernes à l’UFR Arts et Médias de l’Université Paris 3, Sorbonne Nouvelle. Adresse pour correspondance : Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, 13 rue Santeuil, 75005 Paris, France. ; e-mail : [email protected]


Paweł Kamiński, Université de Silésie, Pologne

Hybrid identity of an exile on the example of The Forgotten by Élie Wiesel

ABSTRACT: The present article discusses a hybrid identity of two main characters from the novel The Forgotten by Élie Wiesel. Having left Europe, Elhanan Rosenbaum settles down in the United States. Even though he adapts to his new surroundings, he perceives himself chiefly as a Jew. When he begins to suffer from an incurable disease that causes him to lose his memory, he compels his son, who was brought up in the USA, to go to Romania. The main goal of this trip is to rescue the memory of the past from oblivion: memory as an indicator of Jewishness. Moreover, thanks to the expedition, Malkiel succeeds to strengthen his own Jewish identity. Keywords : Élie Wiesel, exile, search for identity, Jewishness, cultural hybrid

Mgr Paweł Kamiński – doctorant à l’Institut des Langues Romanes et de Traduction de l’Université de Silésie à Katowice ; adresse pour correspondance : Institut des Langues Romanes et de Traduction, Université de Silésie, ul. Grota-Roweckiego 5, 41-205 Sosnowiec, Pologne ; e-mail : [email protected]


Annick Jauer, Aix-Marseille Université, France

Hybridity and otherness in Magnus from Sylvie Germain (2005) ABSTRACT: Magnus, a novel from Sylvie Germain published in 2005, is a narration made up of several marks of hybridity – structural, generic and discursive hybridity. Those marks are not simply formal but emphasize the necessity of a true presence towards the world and others. The itinerary of the character is a spiritual one, and the novel reveals the part played by reading and writing in the reconsideration of our relationship towards the world and the other people. Keywords: otherness, identity, writing, reading, polyphony

Annick Jauer – maître de conférences en littérature française à Aix-Marseille Université – adresse pour correspondance : Aix-Marseille Université, département de lettres, 29 avenue Robert Schuman, 13621 Aix-en-Provence, France ; e-mail : [email protected]


Paul Kana Nguetse, Université de Dschang, Cameroun

Artistic hybridity and identity hybridity in Tels des astres éteints (2008) writing by Leonora Miano

ABSTRACT: If there is an aesthetic that characterizes the novel Tels des astres éteints writing by Leonora Miano, it is the combination of literary art and the art of music. This artistic hybridity that starts from paratexts transforms the novel into iso-epistemic space and into an archive of memory discography. For this poetic hybrid, the author expands the fields of observation and intensifies cognitive quest (Krysinski, 2004). It is also a scriptural technical mobilized to translate and defend the identity hybridity. Keywords: artistic hybridity, identity hybridity, art of music, literary art, poetic hybrid

Dr Paul Kana Nguetse – enseignant-chercheur de littérature francophone et comparée à la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de l’Université de Dschang (Cameroun). Adresse pour correspondance : Université de Dschang, Département des Langues Étrangères Appliquées, BP 49, Dschang, Cameroun ; e-mail : [email protected]


Gabriella Körömi, Université Károly Eszterházy, Hongrie

The Crime and the Punishment of a Failed Raskolnikov in Afghanistan

ABSTRACT: The second novel written directly in French by Atiq Rahimi, A Curse On Dostoevsky, calls on the masterpiece Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky. This novel shows various aspects of the hybridization of the author. The Russian novel is manifest in the French novel in two ways: implicitly by the moral reflections on the divine justice and the human justice, and explicitly by many elements of the text (title, epigraph, paratexts, quotations, paraphrases etc.). Being a lot more than a simple pastiche, the French novel is indeed the rewriting of the famous crime committed by Raskolnikov. It is its intertextuality which makes the novel of Rahimi a kind of dialogue with the novel of Dostoevsky on the mode of the rewriting of the reflections and the reformulation of the questions developed in the work of the latter. What are the similarities and the fundamental differences between the character of Rassoul, main character of Rahimi, and that of Raskolnikov, protagonist of Dostoevsky? How has Rassoul become a failed pasticheur? What punishment are they to be subjected to in a country engulfed in an endless fratricidal war? These are the questions to which the present study will seek to find the answers. Keywords: failed Raskolnikov, hybridization, intertextuality, justice, punishment

Dr Gabriella Körömi – maître de conférences au Département de Littérature de l’Université Károly Eszterházy (Hongrie, Eger). Adresse pour correspondance : Eszterházy Károly Egyetem, Irodalomtudományi Tanszék, Eger, Eszterházy tér 1., 3300, Hongrie ; e-mail: [email protected]


Martine Motard-Noar, McDaniel College, États-Unis

Hybridity and authorial voice

ABSTRACT: This article analyzes three hybrid narratives – Sylvie Gracia’s Le livre des visages (2012), Pascal Quignard’s Les ombres errantes (2002), and Hélène Cixous’s Hyperrêve (2006). Although their hybridity can be found at different levels, such as the generic level, or the lexical level, all three texts attempt to catch the Mother in their narrative subterfuges in order to bring her back to life (or in the case of Cixous, to keep her alive), in vain. In the process, the authorial voice is reinforced as the voice leading the reader through narrative transgressions. Keywords: hybrid text, authorial voice, the Mother, death, disnarration

Dr Martine Motard-Noar – professeure de français à l’université McDaniel College, à Westminster (Maryland, USA). Adresse pour correspondance : Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, 2 College Hill, McDaniel College, Westminster, MD. 21157 USA ; e-mail : [email protected]


Margareth Amatulli, Université d’Urbino, Italie

When literature meets cinema: Paradis conjugal by Alice Ferney and Le garçon inclassable by Florence Seyvos

ABSTRACT: In a society characterized by ever-changing identity and boundary- redefinition, the confines among different kinds of art are shifting consistently. Painting, photography, and cinema often surface in post-modern literature directly or indirectly. In particular, intertextual connections, generated by the intertwining of cinema and literature in literary works, lead to the creation of new text types which can hardly be classified according to traditional genre taxonomies. This essay aims to investigate some hybridization processes, triggered by the presence of cinema in literary texts, through the analysis of two novels which claim a direct connection with cinema: Paradis Conjugal d’Alice Ferney (2008) et Le Garçon incassable de Florence Seyvos (2013). Keywords: literature and cinema, hybridization, Alice Ferney, Florence Seyvos

Dr Margareth Amatulli – chercheuse de littérature française à l’Université d’Urbino « Carlo BO ». Adresse pour correspondance : Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione, Studi Umanistici e Internazionali. Storia, Culture, Lingue, Letterature, Arti, Media (DISCUI) Scuola di Lingue e Letterature Straniere, Università di Urbino Carlo Bo , Via Saffi, 15 - 61029 Urbino (PU): e-mail : [email protected]


Anne-Sophie Donnarieix, Universität Regensburg – Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense, Allemagne-France

Contemporary shamans: figures of instability

ABSTRACT: Antoine Volodine and Christian Garcin both make a distinctive use of shamanism in fictional novels. By multiplying shaman characters and intertwining the shamanistic principles and the narrative, they develop a poetic of instability noticeable through various hybridization processes notably strengthened by the intrusion of supernatural elements. The analysis of three motives in which this game of unstable balance is particularly mirrored – identity, History and fiction – shall turn our attention to the role of shamanism as a vector of fictional dynamism. Keywords: shamanism, instability, hybridization, contemporary

Anne-Sophie Donnarieix – doctorante entre les universités de Regensburg (Allemagne) et de Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense. Adresse pour correspondance : Institut für Romanistik, Universität Regensburg, Universitätsstraße 31, 90353 Regensburg, Allemagne ; e-mail : [email protected]