Public Document Pack SOUTHPORT AREA COMMITTEE Date: Wednesday 5th January, 2011 Time: 6.30 pm Venue: Town Hall, Southport AREA COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Ainsdale Ward Birkdale Ward Councillor Councillor Jones, Conservative Party Brodie - Browne, Liberal Democrats Porter, Conservative Party Hands (Chair), Liberal Democrats Preece, Liberal Democrats Shaw, Liberal Democrats Cambridge Ward Dukes Ward Councillor Councillor Glover, Conservative Party Byrom, The Labour Party McGuire, Liberal Democrats Pearson, Conservative Party Preston, Liberal Democrats Sir Ron Watson, Conservative Party Kew Ward Meols Ward Councillor Councillor Booth, Liberal Democrats Dodd, Liberal Democrats Weavers, Liberal Democrats D Rimmer, Liberal Democrats Tattersall, Liberal Democrats Norwood Ward Advisory Group Members Councillor Lord Fearn, Liberal Democrats Mr. J. Fairhurst Mr. S. Sugden B Rimmer (Vice-Chair), Liberal Democrats Mrs. M. Pointon Sumner, Liberal Democrats COMMITTEE OFFICER: Paul Fraser Telephone: 0151 934 2068 Fax: 0151 934 2034 E-mail:
[email protected] If you have any special needs that may require arrangements to facilitate your attendance at this meeting, please contact the Committee Officer named above, who will endeavour to assist. A G E N D A (This first part of the meeting will take place in the Birkdale Room). 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Declarations of Interest Members and Officers are requested to give notice of any personal or prejudicial interest and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the relevant Code of Conduct 3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting (Pages 5 - 22) Minutes of the meeting held on 17 November 2010 Part A These items are for consultation or information of interest to the local communit y.