
BED BANK • Ml the Newe of An Ideal Fbtes to llv* RED BANK Locntod on the Beautiful and Surrounding Town* Shrewsbury Hirer, ono hour Told Fearlessly and Without Btw from New York and provide BANK REGISTER Ing every -citjr convenience. (••nid WMtlr. Er.Ur.d u S*eirad-Cla4» U«tt«r at th» Poil- Subscription Ptlcat On« v »2.00. VOLUME LVIII, NO. 29. offl» at B«d Bank, N. J, ondir Ih. Act of March 8. 1878. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1936. ear 3ll Month, n.oo. ainglo Copj «0. PAGES 1 TO 12;' Storm Sewer Job Anderson Bros. COMING ANNUAL BALL. That Basketball School Alumni To NO MORE LIQUOR PLACES. Broadcast About Eleventh Yearly Affair ot Bed Bank Mayor and Council Fix Limit At One Annual Meeting Of Almost Completed Buy Two Houses Firemen WasJilrffton's Birthday. Game At Leonardo Give 3-Act Comedy More Than the Present Number. Building Industry The eleventh annual ball of the Red Councilman Joseph C. Irwin stated Insurance Co. W. P. A. Workers Will Fini.h Red Bank Firm the New Owner Bank flro department will bo held at Preparations Progressing for Catholic Alumni Association to at the New Years reorganization Lumber Company Invites AH In- East Red Bank Project in of Two Double Dwellings on the Elks home on the night of Wash- Burlesque Contest Between Present "Too Much Family" meeting of the mayor and council of terested Persons to Enjoy Ra- About a Week—Ahead of Mechanic Street' Near Its ington'u birthday, Saturday, Feb- School Board Members and ,at School Auditorium Tomor- Red Bank that he would introduce dio Program and Buffet Lunch ^^h Event rf TO, Kin«I Schedule on Front Street Job. Plant. ruary 22. Teachers. row Night—Dancing Follows. a resolution limiting tho number of at Their Place Monday. —AH Officers and Director! of The ball committee this year con- bars and other places selling alcoholic Last Year Re-elected. The work of laying fltorm scwera In Anderson Bros, of Red Bank have sists of Walter Hamilton,- George Tho date for the "circus" basket- Tho Alumni association oS the Red beverages to not more than is the The Monmouth Lumber company bought as an Investment two double ball game to be played at tho Leon- East Red Bunk In a brook bed, from Moody, Jerry McConvey, ' Kenneth Bank Catholi school will prep - case now. and he made good this of Ttotl Batik invites all contractors, The 97th annual meeting and din- a point near Harrison avenue to houses on tho north side of Mechanic Woodward, Reginald VanBrunt, Fred ardo high school court has been promise "Monday night at the first architects and oilier persons inter- ner of the Shrewsbury Mutual Firs street, a short distance west of their changed to Saturday night; January sent a three-act comedy tomorrow Carl Schwenkev's pond la ne'aring Wilman and Daniel HopklnB, Jr. It night at the local school auditorium regular meeting of the year. The ested in tho building industry to as- Insurance company wan held Mon- completion. It IB being done by warchorao and garage. The houses 31. It had originally been planned 1 Is being held under the direction of entitled, "Too Much Family." The resolution was carried unanimously. semble al ita ofllc'e at 97'Central ave-! fS'iL"trv <-l.ih n't MonmoutTT I . h Count-y Coun•- were owned by the Slgmund Eisner to play the game Friday evening, 1 Works Progress Administration em- tho executive council of the Red proceeds of tho «how win go to the Councilman Thomas II. Gopsil] was riue Monday morning to listen to the l?^:^ ^^ ployees. An average of twenty per- estate. Each lot la 47x47 feet. Tho Bank flre department, the officers ol January 24. Preparations for the houses have seven rooms on each contest have progressed to a point athletic association of the achool. The sons is employed each day and It is which are Harry G.. Degenrlng pres- curtain will bo raised promptly at expected that the ]op*wlll bo finished side and they are provided with elec- Ident, Joseph Fox vice president, which seems to assure its financial tricity, gas and running water. BUCcesS.'. The proceeds ar^o to be used 8:30 o'clock and dancing will follow in about a week unless bad weather Kenneth Woodward secretary and the performance. conditions occur. Pipe thirty Inches With this acquisition Andereon Raymond Browcr treasurer. to buy equipment for the high school Bros, now havo a plot 174x144 feet band. The board of education lacked MIKS Bessio Thome and Charles In diameter are being laid for a dis- Tabor are directing the production, tance of 212 feet, tho sewers will adjoining '£h_«jr.__building... Three The money raised by this event is funds to make such a purchase BO houses and a large barn arc on this used for tho general benefit of tho the game was planned in lieu of pro- the scenes of which are laid in the drain a largo area which has fre- apartment of the Nebblepredder fam- quently been flooded and which hafl 'and. Tho barn was at one time used entire department, whose' needs at viding an appropriation. by the late Lemuel Ketcham for his times aro varied and numerous; The The contest will be between a team ily. This comical family consists of been FL source of mosquito breeding. Mr. and Mrs. Nebblepredder, both All the mntorlal, including a mnnhole ilvery business and later it was executive council, through the ball made up of the male members of the owned by Edward Rellly and Martin committee, la sending out tickets, board of education and the school senior and junior, young Herbie and nnd cover, is supplied by the federal his unmarried tsistor, Josie. government. The water to bo dis- Grlflln. Tho barn Is back of the two asking thnt remittances for same be bus drivers and a team consisting of can be granted withou sent to Mr. Hamilton, whose address The p)6t coolers around Nebble- by all branches of tbe industry will i tmv[1 amts N. Wolcott of Enton. charged by tho storm BCWCIS into Mr. double houses which have just been the male teachers. Some of the play- jiutions wilt hp of- ' Ti-r-.TMner—- is 25 Drummond avenue, Red Bank. predder, Jr.,' u proyreaaive store !al!k Jcorpo C. Honrlns of tied Hohwonker's pond eventually passes purchased. Anderson'Bros, have no era have never taken parp t in a bus- fered by national lenders. The lum-;' - Immediate Intention of using tho p!ot The committee, in addition to aek- clerk, who takes the responeibilitleb into the Shrewsbury river. kotbalkbl! ! j00$ findd moat ot thh e others ber company has issued the follow- i Directors present nt tho "dinner for business purposes, but they will lng folks to purchase tickets, urges of his family too seriously. In an West of Harrison avenue and ex- have not played in years. However, Red Bank Seniors ing statement about the broadcast: ! were James E. Giiggs of New Mon- tending to Marlon street is another have ample space to do BO )f thia those who do so io graco the affair intensive practice is' going on. The effort to create; peace and content- becomes desirable. with their presence. school board members and the busment in his home, Elmer tends to "Tiie American public is ready to mouth. George c. Richdale or Pha- lino or storm sewer pipe,.. Thin .wns entire building industry la™ Joseph W. Thompson of Lln- Thei moving vfuT and^storajje busi- men spent three hours Monday night produce some yoiy hilarious situ- To Give Comedy _- .,..„.. .._.._,..„ ..._ ;; mpson of Lln- uncovered nnd tho W. P. A. workers n Wlli have shoveled earth over it. ness of Anderson Bros, la one of in "going through the paces." Some utiony. with a Breat: .respfinsibillty, ...Today "oft, Walter n. Walling of Chapel more new homes are needed thani11'"' George W. Bray of Hert Bank Tim W, P. A. project of . laying largest and best known In the East. of them were pretty stiff and sore The talented cast includes many "Fly Away Home" to be Pre- anci From a humble beginning twenty Government. To Fill Tuesday morning, but they expect amateur play em who, in the past few ever before. The greatest revival in: William Hendrlcltsbn of Long storm sewora on" West "Front street sented Friday, January 17, at a century confronts us. Our respon- j branch. Agents present were Her- years ago It has steadily grown and years, have become well, known to a Is progressing ahend of schedule. that by January 31st they will be .Junior High School Auditorium sibility lies in meeting this revival chel Birdsall and James A. Curley The amount of work done Is about prospered. The firm has had Its Post Office Jobs limbered up sufficiently to experience local audie Gladys VanNess, nt Ked —Dancing to Follow. on the soundest basis. That can only \ Bank; Myron L. Campbell of one week ahead of the time alloted. headquarters on Mechanic atrcet the "no morning after the night beforfore who was the yingi-nj etar for the be accomplished by constructiv•- e• plan- - 1 Little Silver; Fred C. Huss ot Cooks- An iwernge of 35 men la employed pnst eleven years. It has a large one past four years in th e Catholic high . The cast and committees of the w ; Ler Civil Service Examinations for effect." The teachers have not d ning, united action—by organization j i° " oy Bellia of Flemlngton; garage on Newman Springs road and so much practicing, but they intend school, plays the part of Elmer's B G dally on this job. It is expected that annual senior play of Red Bank high of every man who makes his livcli- | - - Jelliffe of Hamilton, and Mar- the work will be completed about a storehouse, garago and office at Postmasters at Red Bank and to be in trim, for the big contest. faithful and attentive wife. Bern- school are bard nt work perfecting Hood in tho building industry toward shall McDowell of Holmdel. March 15. Tho sowers will drain a Bradley Beach. Long Branch to be Held In addition to the gnme there will adette Emmoris has the role of Aunt the play, "Fly Away Home," which one end. Kamely, better homeg for The company has an Interesting largo section which has been subject Anderson Bros. have_.12 to 25 em- Soon. be music by the band, dancing and Em:na, a very pessimistic personal- will be given at the junior high America^ better business for the in- history.. It was granted a perpetual to Hooded cellars. ployees, tho number fluctuating ac- an exhibition of the work of the To fill tho vacancy In tho poaition ity, who Is in constant complaint school auditorium on Branch ave- dustry. charter 'by an act of the legislature The work at the Red Bank airport cording to seasonal conditions. It manual training pupils. The exhi- of postmasters at Red Bank and against life. She Is best remembered nue, Friday evening, January 17. "Outstanding men connected with in 1839. Some of Its present officials has not progressed as rapidly as had has 22 moving vans, some of which Long Branch, the United States Civil bition Is expected to be very elabor- lor her part in "The Mikado," a pro- Dancing "will follow the performance. are descendants of Its Incorporators. boon expected due to Inclement are especially constructed and equip- ate. The belief is general not only in every division of the building Indus- Service commission has announced, duction of a few years back. On tbe The cast will give several scenes try- from architecture to financing— Through good times and bad the weather. An average of fifty men ped for the transportation of horses. at the request of the Postmaster Middletown township but elsewhere masculine side of the cast, Charlie from the play in ascmbly Tuesday A specialty Is made of" long distance will tell you what they are doing, and company has carried on without de- have been working at making run- General and in accordance with an that the buyers of tickets for the Tabor boasts of John • Attridge and afternoon, January. 14. moving and tho vans ot Anderson what you can do, in planning to meet viation from its original course. ways and grading tho grounds. order of the President, an open com- event are going to get more than Paul Hemschoo1r~"who have played Bros, aro frequently seen In the New Mrs. Robert C. Brown, who many the great upsurge ..of activity that is Losses have been promptly pald"aht final action. * Mr. McGorky, a truant officer..Ray Murphy Library Grows and Former Fair Haven Resi- a corsage of roses was presented to Oil! Donahue, a istore detective ward Chinnock, asistants; Marjorle water and sewer malns.-^ plx. dent is Convalescing in South Applicants will not be required to Mrs. Harrison Bance, the new pres- Bill Maloney Kohl, chairman ticket committee; draughtsmen are doing this work at Mr. Mullin , John Holian Richard Gorsueh, William Magce, K. In Circulation —Feted at Jer«ey City. assemble in an examination room for ident. Mrs. Reussille, who had been (;athe was Those who were installed were: Orchids" by Lulz, and a Rood many Nothing waa left of the bird except tions were better than usual after ways was honest and the fact ho Is f closing business on Tuesday, Janu- two o'clock. wounded. rounciltir—Mrs. Annn Atimm-k. book.s in the non-llcUon clufcs. Th - the framework when tho party end- such a heavy storm. broke today proven It. Of all the op- Asaocinie oovincilnr—Mr-;. Maria T'i'i. libraiy will appreciate any donation portunities he had, Joo always ary. 28. Winnfleld had no money to pay his ed after midnight. Albert T. Dore- The salary paid the postmasters at VESPER SERVICES CONTINUE. way home, and that he was as strong Vice i-milieilnr—Ashlt'y Shrrnian, I to the book fund, no matter how 7nus acted as toastmaster at ths par- steered clear of rackets. He will bo Associate vife coundlnr—Mr;. Susie ) small. NEW MONMOUTII UOIX CALL. his former self again and ho wfll an- Red Bank nnd Long Branch Is $3,400 as his appearance indicated him to Shormnn. tv and Dr. T. A. Doremus and R. V. nounco the first big fight at the new per year. Sunduy Afternoon T-liwrcifiCs to Be be wns shown by tlio fact thnt he JlecordinK secretary—Mrs. f'ora Warner. R. H. Stout wore the masters of cer- walked all the way from Long Associate reconlinK secretary—Mrs. Je-;- | WILL CLOSE FOR WINTER. Annual Event, to bo Held by tho Jersey City stadium upon its com- Applicants for the positions must Hold at Baptist Church. sifi Taylor. emonies. BnpthlH Next Thursday. pletion In tho spring." show ability to meet and deal with Branch to Matawan, a distance of Hnanelnl secretnry-.-MWs Ruth Droyer The congregation of the Baptist about 21 miles. Winnfield stopped at Tretxsurei — Mis.s I.utie Allunr lied Rank Viuiit Club To Hold S«"«'f- The annunl roll call of tho New tho public satisfactorily nnd for Mr. Humphries expressed his ap-, church, by a large majority, last Port Monmouth to have a talk with fjuillf- Mrs. Eva KouMter. sli'iik on Last Night. FREE LECTURE SUNDAY. Monmouth Unptlst church will bo Inside Cimr.l Mrs. lv.tli,. preciatlon In accepting the tickets, thoso parliculnr positions must show week decided to continue to hold the George W. Kinney, on whoao farm ho I-'linln held Thuralny, January 16, After- Oulsido riiinr.1 Mrs. Ncllip Tin' board of trustees of the Red "I weathered three UnocUouts and I that for at least three' years -they afternoon vesper hour of worship in- was formerly employed. Winnfleld 'I'rusloi—Mrs. Mra Krr.l. Christian Science Societies Sponsor noon nnd evening sessions will tako am now up for tho fourth round," lie have been engaged In oceupnllons In stead of the regular evening services. has relatives at Matawan with whom Slate rfT)rrsi')i[«tive—Mr Hank' Yacht dub at a recent moet- Public Affulr nt Long Branch. place and tho speakers will be Rev said, referring to tho fact that he had which they have demonstrated abil- Ada 'ing decided in tho Interest of econ- The new organ and church auditor- he is stopping. She The First Church of Christ, George Ellin of Atlantic Highlands, been critically sick on three occa- jty to conduct the affairs of tho busi- ium will bo used for the vesper pro- Altc mite—Mr; iniv to close the clubhouse, for the Rev. George Douglass of Point. Pleas- Following tho installation, a birth- balance of Iho winter. The club, al- Scientist, Roil Bank, and tho Chris- sions In recent years. "I want to ness to the extent required of a post- gram. A song ficvvit'c iind selections tian Science societies at Long; ant nnd Hov. Gcorgo McNceley of thank Mayor Hague," ho went on to mnstor for tho postofllcc for which THE MinnLETOWN DINNUK. day celebration was held for Miss Ihuugh exceptionally active during Elizabeth. Supper will ho served by by the young people's choir will be Branch and Atlantic Highlands an- say, "Ho Is the only one of my real they nro applicants. a part of the exercisrs. Allgor. A birthday gift was present- tile summer endeavored tho women of die church, under the No Reference Intended to the Inde- nounce a free lecturo on Christian friends left." Tho examination will bo rated with Rev. Edwnrd W. Miller, pastor of ed her by the lodge and a large hirlh- for several winters to keep the club- Science. It will be glvon by William direction of a committee consisting On his Hojourn in the South Joe la twenty points for education and pendent American Association. dny enkp w:i.< given her hv Mrs. Wii-house open for the convenience of of Mrs. Nellie Acker, Mrs. Ada Wall- the church, declared that tho church Duncan.Kllpatrick, C. S. B., of De- accompanied by hia nephew, Harry training nnd eighty points for, bjujl- intends to give^ the vesper service The Register is in receipt of a let- Ro Ref roshmont:; wore members. Tbe keeping of tho club- troit, Michigan, member of tho boarl Ing and Mrs. Uiurn Pcntcrmnn. Tho F. Humphries, and by Joseph Cron- noss experience and fitness. served. house open during the winter months roll call Is tho largest annual social idea a fair trlnl. He said, "we are ter from James Hjirry Bennett of of lectureship of tho Mother Church, ly, a retired police lieutenant or Free- going to add every attractive feature Holford, who Is ono of the officials of h;w not. been prolltnblc at all and tho tho First Church of Christ, Scien- (went of the diurcli and- tho usual port, Long Island. (il.KK CI.UIJ fONCKRT. drci.sion as .set furth above has been big attendance Is looked for next possible, We nro asking anyone In- the Independent American associa- tist, In Boston. Tho lecture will ho RECITAL FOIt 1UVERVIEW. leached. week. terested In ally subject (o hand the tion, to the effect that no member of | given In tho Iiong Branch high tha( organization attended.the din- Mnrdrntiwn (irmip to Appear Hero Thn Entertainment committee will NKW NIGHT DESK MAN. sarno to thn ptifltor for sermon topics. school, VVcstwooil avonue. next Sun- cHtRldo Auxiliary to Sponsor MUH- ner given liy United states Senator In Iliispitnl Uenoflt. close tills year'u activities with a New Horvloo Station. Our aim Is to have n community ser- day afternoon, January 12, at 3:15 Icnlo Sunday, January 10. W. Warren Harbour lnst week at biH'tsttiak at tho clubhouse .isnturday Jamos Stout lias completed tho Joseph Inllay TnluM Over Work vice. Everyone will lie welcomed." The glee club 6f the Bordentown o'clock, to which the public Is cor- Port Mnnmouth. In Its report of tho tllghl, January 18, lit sovuil o'clock. dially invited. construction of a servlco slut Ion of Formerly Hone liy Lieut. Connoro. Team No. 4 of tho West Itcd Bank j Industrial school will give a concert An appeal 1ms been tnado to all the Spanish design on I ho corner of auxiliary of tho nivorvlew hospital This Year's dinner Tile Register stilted that the ! Mundny afternoon, January l!l, at lh,\ Patrolman Joseph Imlay in now will present tho Rordentown Glee diners wore not confined entirely to [(we.stsi'do Y. M. C'A. on West licr- member* of the dub to conn out with Routo 35 and King'" Highway, near filling tho .poalllon of night dunk Tho .itincil of Re New Oils KUitlon Operator). club In a recital for the benefit of mayor nnd iiins. as among those present place, under tho i iu;t]ilce;! of their friends and riinko this last so- MUldletown vllluge. known ns Flvo man at Red Bnnk pollco headquar- Bunk will hold a conference Injtl/fX were several Democrats' and a few Allen Cnnklin nnd l<"rml Irons *r« Cornorn. The station him been tho hospital Sunday afternoon, Jan- team four of the Wost Red Rank cliil ovi'iil of tills seasun a nifi.-it in- ters. This work wna dono tint 11 re- uary 19, nt tho WestBldo Y. M. C. A. mayor's ofHco next Tuesday nlght.4o Independents, or "mugwumps." Mr. auxiliary of the Rivervlew hospital teieritlng affair. now operating tho Amoco gas station equipped with the most modern tools prcpnro tho budget nf ex,pon3os for cently by Lieut. Edwnrd Connorn, on tho corner of Went. Bergen place Honnolt evidently thlniiH tho word Mrs l-'iumio Kciremsn in president f)nrini,' tlie w-hili'i' ni'iiilh'i » mini- nt'/ir tho rnljroail station on Mon- for car groaning The Oulf Refining wlio wati recently retired on n pen- 1030. The budget ordinance.i.s schrd- mouth street. Tho station was for- and Tlllon avenue, Independent!) refers to members of of the auxiliary and Mrs. Mae W'esl- her of lniorior i'liani;es will bi^ mad Company lirtFI IMWC! tho building and jdon after having nerved 2Y ynara on ulod to receive Its /h.l rcidlng' merly conducted hy John Dean of Minn Joan Koater, radio artliit, will bin organization. Tliis i;i not the Inonk is eiinirman of tetim four. The and I lie club will next It ojichcrl for business lard, week with tho fmrn. Mr. Imlay ban been In day night, January 2(1. cusp. Tho word was intended to re- Shrewsbury. M Nlw also hp heard In a monologue. The It Is expect- fining willi Harold Jonra "' Monmoulh ns pervlco 24 yeura nnd lie IHIH nn ex- 1 glee chili is composed of mixril program will Mart .nt threo o'clock ed that It will provld*' for con.siil-j for to volor.H wlso in o no( members of Inlr. operator. 'V cellrnt rrcord. Ho will hf> ollRlblo to voices nnd has boon hoard in Hod In .Miami llritch, Florida, and all aro cordially Invited to at- erably smaller than wns nny partisan oi>;niii/;i( l"ll and who receive a prmfllon when ho reachc.i Rank on Hovernl occasions. The pro stop lit "Tho llnhann," one of tho bet- Collect DIvlcli'iiilH Forever tend. tbe (MHO In 1D35. do not believe either party him a mo- (ard I'nrly l'nr Cliuivh. ter apartment hotolH; nt Otoxol And his until birthday'In lO.'IH. '> nopoly of nil that Id good or all thnt ceods will be used to bitv snpplir.s Savings hnnkii wl» »uly pay about foi tho hospital. A card pmty fur Iho benellt of St, llith streets, Ideally located, over- 2% Intercut mi your money, It In n For Snlo. Is hnd. Among these iiiflopcndontii or aiy'schui'i'li of New .Mmiiimutli will looking tho ocran, elouo to the shop- good bond Mint pnys «'.,"•. Von can In- Iliirnett to Npenk Ilorp. ping district and nil Dm uttrictlons. ' ' lUwoltition. Soda wator. all illnvorn, Clicquot "mugwumps," wns tho editor of Tho o hi'lil Krlilny ovcnlnt;. J.muary SI, vent a little more than $100.00 and be D. FcpdiM'Ick Hurnett, cotnmlsnion- Club, beverages, Eldilor'n boor and iltei'lnter. I lliiiu'ii Party. A ronl nice apartment hotel with a guaranteed over 1 <>'•;. on your money He It Ilwinlvml, by thn Mayor and er of tliif [itate department of al- nt Indo|ii'iidt'iil llic-nii'ii':; h.ill nt Hel-homelike utmoHphei't1. You can Bet Council of the HoroiiKli nf Uuni»on other brandsns; ; also distilled water and ' The Himt'lric Rod mid (inn chili will 1 Mm. ?or all time In ('"inn I' »h H Invest- coholic beverages, will bo the »iii>nk- White Rock. BenJimiln II. Cm to, II fiird. Mi Anihonv." li- or ul (lie meeting of (ho Prriiby(c.r- North Brldgo avenue, Hod Bank mitation Job. I'"'' "' "'"• onplncoiii lnr mnetlngii of the Horotif;h of Kum- January 17th, at Union lire house, tui » warm giootlnif of n Red Ditnkar, v lhl non Council bo itnd the mime tiro bin Brotherhood ot lied Hunk Mon- phone I486.—Advertisement. Shrewsbury avomio. Ihiten nnil clrculniti on rcqueHt, -Ad- will be very ghi'l I" l"" " " '" vonr l.inrnift Inn I'liinulii); n l'loiiHiiut Notice, herebyy fixed an thn ] and fourth day overling. KofroHhrunnls will bo Alfnlr for This Snlurdiiy. I'ublii- vertisement, oatlnfnctloii. It will (aim but no few Fuel OH All clorlMill "I Hi'' hnycl "f tnltl moments' linn-. "'•>"»" , '"'. 'j"nThiirmliiyn or each nnd every month, nerved nnd thorn will bo by Xb milt your burner, liivit Krndeii ami If you want n ri'iil gurnl llnio, with Knjoy II IMciiHiint lorn for l,lluSn>fl I'linpi-/ Will lalir .— . ~^m^. _^ at thn hour of H:1R P. M., nt Mi-mor- wonderful orelu'stra (icli'i'tliiini, gu tu Roofing Cmiipmiy. Hr.l llnnli 31118. n:li>n Tfraln 2100. Advartlftemimt. l:ln It i offered hy Cotinellmnn nun, BundBy,,fniuiiiry <'• ' ••«. » < 1 lypowrltor Horvlco, Koynnrt N. J, content. Al inldnlghl Hut himtii, lllt;llCrnd" lints Now ¥1.(1(1. Auohlni'loiiH, Horondeil by Ounnel - Ilnilnnnnh, Tlckola $1.10 $l.(ii) and Mlt: prli'oii. KKpoii iiipnliliiK. Tolloyn. P. M! Tho pi/bllc l» Invllcd l« itttend. phono 481.--Ailvert.lflomft'»t. Advortldpinont. Mrtrl" nnd Dantn Ddverl", will iiorvo Ai'tunl $2 In $1 VHIIIOH. K.xlra goiid linmil Blri'ol. Ke'l (lank. Advortlno- 1'Uhol Mount Blo/jir Hi'hool of —Advertisement ^ nmn Wllnon, tintl uuanlmmiidy adopt- npiighottl with niitu'o n In Mario, with hni'r.nlnii. Knyii, II llroml iitcoct, Rod «-15 Mnmnoulh nlr.int, He* od. inont. Onmo and H,M,r Nmv Oriiinolii , Tho road to holtor anil lilgRor huol- nt Atluntle hotel. l''«ll''iilr Haven, on «xQrclK(» oln«i9n» for women First .»Veniii>. A(l««Hn HlRhlnmln.-- Borough Clerk. *>•» dpajfhqtll Saturday night. Ad- K and Saturdays.-- Advor- nnm nil in. I'honn (tad Itsnk —Advertisement. A'hmph IwBotnotil, flhiew.ibury avo- IB Rector plnco, I!od Hiink.—Advor- IK'.'I.M londn tliri)iu:I)Tho lU'Ulmor'itiul- Advartlteinent. veiUuement, nuo, Uetl Bank,—Advortlscmont. tlHeniont. veitlsliiK columna,—Advurtlautuoiit, tlscmenL Iiifoniiiitlon. AUtlt RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 9,1986. •piihy's plant ja i uiiitujr tho -pal nt on •front" of ^ter home Thursday after- trip with a-Register—*»proi>enUtl¥« Here and There many homes nearby will result in a noon and broke her left arm. She stated that there was a possibility conference between the Long Branch wai taken to the Fltkln hospital for that they would stop off at Holly- Christian Science BuY commissioners and the gas engineer treatment. wood, but he was afraid the mo- in the County of tho company. tion picture inW«st» would kidnap Reading Room Died In Hospital. BOTTLED BEE] Died in Florida. Mrs. Dolliyer and star hor In an- Broad Street National Bank Bldf* Personal Notes, Sales of Prop Bennington R. Freeman of Freehold, ticipated releases. If they did so. William Purhesne, a prominent died In tho Monmouth Memorial hos- 12 Brond Street, KM Bank erty, Buildinp Operation? hotel man ot Long Branch, died at Mr. Dolliver, who wan an exocu- AT ITS BEST pital at Long Branch Thursday, i!# tive of the Standard Oil company Ways and Means Lodge Doings, Births. Mar* Dnytona Beach, Florida, Tuesday of had been in the employ of tho Cen- OPKN DAILY last week. The body was brought for- many years', retired a fow years riages and Deaths. tral railroad for a number ot yours. ago, and he and Mrs. Dolliver are tliSO A. M. to 4:30 P. M. to l^ontx Branch where the funeral He is survived by a widow. Tueeday and Friday Eveninfel Insurance Men Transferred. mis held on Friday. Mr. Duchcane taking tilings easy, visiting various 7i30 to «i30. Vincent B. Smith, who hud hcon i* survived by a widow and a Stole Boonunate'i Clothes. parts of tho country. During tho ' to pay current-bills, to buy needed manager of the Metropolitan Life In- daughter. Raymond DuBols, 25, was find $10 early part of his rotlrod life, muou Here tin Bible, tha Worki of Mary surance company's ofllco at Freehold and ordered to got out of town by of his tlmo was spent "aboard his Baker Eddy, Dlacoverer and Founder replacements or additional com- lor several years, has been trans- Car Crash Near Marlboro. large cabin cruiser IlDvlllod, 2d. He of Chrlillun Sconce, and all other An automobile owned by Charles Recorder William S. Holmes at Free- autfcorlieri Chrlitlan Sclenca Litera- ferred to Elizabeth and Adrian M. hold last week. Ho was charged with sold this boat last year and plans ture may ba read, borrowed or itur- forts for home or personal use, to EnBor, who had been assistant man- Brown of West Kcansburg was bad- from now on to tako most of his ehaied. ager, has heen transferred to Wash- ly damaged near Marlboro tftst Week stealing clothing belonging to Clur- trips Inland.by automobile. They pay educational fees, doctors' bills, ington, £*• ^ Hairy Leonard of as ho was pushing a stalied ear ence Atweller, a roommate. expect to bo homo in the early part Raadlhir Roe* Uaintalned by Plalnfleld Is the new manager at nlnni? tlio road. The car driven by New Secretary. of June. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. Freehold. rtlchavd . A. Walcott of Newark W. Rhea Moreau has been elected etc., and to finance the purchase of > m • a» <—• SCIENTIST, Lands Political Job. crashed Into Mr. Brown's car. secretary of tho Maplewood ceme- The culminating point of the Ap- 800 DItOAIl STREET, BED BANK Edgar Close, who was defeated for tery corporation of Freehold, suc- pennlncs, tho Gran Sasso d'ltalla at a new automobile are offered Hunting Cubln Burned. ceeding Mrs. George B. Conover. Tim Tha Public la Welcome. councilman at Asbury Park last A log cabin near New Gretna, Abbruzzi, Is 0,500 loot high. spring, has been appointed custodian cemetery now has an endowment through the facilities of owned by C. Arthur Burke, John R. fund of $50,750. of supplies for tho city by City Man- Loit, J. .Stanley Huff, Thomas Maher ager Milford G. Farley. Close is the and Gcurge W. Conover of Freehold, Aged Woman Dead. Becond defeated council candidate to waa recently destroyed by fire. Tho Mrs. Martha V. Lewis, widow of receive a Job from the Hetrlclt nd- nun uncd the cabin for hunting pur- Sfcnon P. Lewis, died at her homo Opening Specials 1912 minls'tratlon, the other being Harry potcx. near Jersoyvllle Sunday of last Harsln, director of public safety. week. She was eighty years old ami Battery Charge .: 75c Successful Canning Season. Is survived by three daughters and Our Personal Loan Plan New Store Manager. '--. Thn Farmers' and Packers" fac- two sons. Grease and Spring Spray 50c William Morris of Freehold, tory at Farmlngdale has completed Flats Fixed 35c has been employed for some time by a successful season. Farmers re- Must Build Sewage riant. H0RNUNGS AND the American Stores company at ceived $14 per ton for their tomatoes The Sea .Girt borough council Trico Wipers Repaired 1.00 WHITE BOCK Spottswood, has been made manager and averaged about $2 more than, has been directed by tho stirio board AH Fuel Pumps Repaired 1.00 of the Freehold storo at South and the market price. About 1,700 tons " health to construct an adequate BEER McLean streets. Harold Dennison, wore purchased. -..• • .cylinder Abo on Diaught at hading taproom§, Our New Car Purchase Plan •who has been acting, manager for wore s'ven to May 31 next to com- COMPLETE ELECTRICAL KEPA1R SKKVICK some time, has been transferred to Long Branch Woman Dead. ply with the order. tho West Main street store. Mrs. Olive Metzlar, wife of"Anton GENEHATOIt-IGNITION—STARTEH8 Metzlar of Long Branch, died at the Hotel Man Weds. BENJAMIN H. CRATE Mrs. Ida D. Henderson of Wash- 14 N. DRIDGE AVE., Engaged to Cadet. Monmouth Memorial hospital Thurs- ington and S. H. VanNoss uf-Asbury «F.D BANK, N. J. Announjiernent has been made of day night after a long sickness. She Park wero married at Philadelphia AMOCO-At the Station TELEPHONE HSU. the engagement of Miss June S. was 5G years old and besides her on Now Years day. Mr. VanNess Is Monmouth Street I Jacob Horaunq Brewing Co., Philadelphia The First National Bank Richardson 'Of Jersey City to Cadet husband leaves one daughter and proprietor of the Lakelyn hotel at Maxwell Kallman of tho United four sons. States military academy at West Asbury Park. ALLEN CONKLIN — FRED IRONS Point. The announcement was made Promoted to Sergeant. Suspended Sentence. TESTING—ESTMIATKS FBEE. Boys ctvn make extra pocltct money J of ,Eatontown, New Jersey New Tear's evo at a party given at Thomas Marks, an officer on the Samuel White, 36, of Carteret, who sclllnR The Register.—Advertisement. the homo of Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Gor- Long Branch police force, was pro- was convicted recently on a charge don of Marlboro. moted to the rank of sergeant last week to replace , the late Sergeant of aiding and abetting in the man- Truck Driver Injured. Alex Swanson. The new sergeant is ufacture of illegal liquor, was givon Harry Cooper of Neptune was 31 years old and has been a plain- mispended sentence last week by Member Federal Reserve System seriously injured Thursday night clothes man. Judge Knight , whon his truelc struck a car and Freed on Impersonation Charge Freehold Couple to Wed. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation overturned on Victory bridge at Frank Edgar of Long Branch was Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Clark of Free- Perth Amboy. Cooper's truck slid freed last week by a Jury at Free- hold have announced tho engage- on the ice and crashed into the car hold on a charge of impersonating ment of Mrs. Clark's sister, Miss driven by Carl Hebener of South Approved Mortgagee an alcoholio beverage control agent. Marianna J.v Mount, to John Trcla, Amboy. Complaint against him was made also of Freehold. Federal Housing Administration AU Records Cp To Date. by Antonio Merindino of Long Cost of Belief. Maintaining a record which has Branch, ' The emergency relief program for been Itept for several years, the coun- Want Pay Restored. Keansburg for 1935 cost $35,526. Of ty clerk's office finished the year 1935 Tho Ocean township committee this amount tho borough contrib- with all papers that had. been re- will consider the restoration of the uted $1,800 and the balance was from ceived, having been copied, compared ten per cent salary cut when the 1936 federal, state and county funds. and returned. During the year 6,380 budget is made up. Members of the TIMOTHY R. HOUNIHAN deeds were received of which 800 Stolen Car Recovered. were sheriff deeds. force have petitioned the committee An automobile owned by Roy Contractor and Builder asking that tho reduction be re- Combs of Freehold was (stolen from Complains of Smoke. stored. tha front of his bo3ie Now Years SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING A complaint made by Charles Jelil C. C. C. Captain Leaves. day. The car was recovered by tho SCREEN AND STORM ENCLOSURES that soot and smoke from the Jer- Captain Charles Green, who has police- at New Brunswick. 60 BROAD ST., PHONE 1444 RED BANK Telephone 940-M. 160 Bridge Avenue, Bed Bank, N. J. sey Central Power and Light com- been in command of tie C. C. C. Building Loan Matures. camp at Freehold, has been granted The Manasquan Building and Loan Buy Buy a leave of absence. He plans to association is maturing its 27th ser- take a course of training at' the ies of shares with a total value of With SUPER VALUES! With Mitchell flying field and will then $40,000. Of this $22,000 will bo paid Safety THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Safety resume school teaching. in cash. « House at til ft wood Burns. Tax Board's Annual Meeting. .40 D. & R. A two-story frame house- at Cliff- The annual meeting of the Mon- .60 Rem 39c 1I 3 oz. Creo Terpin 29c wood occupied by James Erren and Cold Cream. ...26c WE SURRENDER family, colored, was destroyed by mouth County Tax Board will be fire last Wednesday. The blaze is held tomorrow. ' All assessors are to believed to have started from be present with their tax Hats and 1 pt. Rhubarb & 1 100 Bayer? .65 Pinex 42c OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF . Most of the family's fur- tax duplicates. nituro was-saved. Injured In Fall. 49c I Aspirin • 50c Louis Richmond of Freehold Is re- Out Again; In Again. covering froai injuries suffered in a .25 Anacin .50 Dioxogen James Andreas, fifty, a man "with- fall recently. He sustained a broken .25 Ex Lax 17c out a country, but according to po- collar bone and shoulder which were Tablets 17c Cream ...... 37c lice never without a jail for very placed In plaster casts. WOMEN'S SHOES lonfr, was discharged from the coun- ty j.iil last week. He,, was turned Fairy—Farry. Electric AT THE FOLLOWING over to the police of Hartford, Con- The engagement of Miss Bernlco Electric necticut, to answer, forgery charges. M. Farry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Flat Oliver B. Farry of Farmlngdale, to Iron Toaster IWlrod Oicer Ends Life. Perce Farry, Jr., of Chicago, has Chromium Harry H. ' Forgus, 48, who com- been announced. mitted suicide at his homo at Sea IMnte. Girt last week, -was a retired lieu- Keyport Man Dead. Complete with PRICES tenant-commander of the - United William Uhrlg, 65, of Koyport, died Cord. Tuesday morning of last week at States Navy. Ho Is survived by the Monmouth Memorial hospital at widow and a daughter. Long Branch after an operation. He 4.49 BLACKS EVENING Shore People Inherit leaves a widow and three sons. Michael Davern and Margaret Doctor Foils on Ice. BROWNS SLIPPERS. Kyan of West End, each received a 1.25Kreml •..89c ^JOc Bottle quarter share of the estate of their Dr. C. M. Trlppo of Asbury Park .50 Lyons Powder 35c I brother, the late John T. Ryan of fell on the ice last Wednesday and J SUEDES New York. The shares will amount fractured his right log. He was Itexillana taken to the Fitkln hospital. PATENTS to about ?13,000 each. 1.00 Patch's Cod I * .2&Mistol 17c 1 .Spring Lake Couple Engaged. New Belmar Policeman. Liver Oil .....69c | Announcement has been made of Fred Titus, son of Commissioner Cough Syrup, the engagement of Miss Dorothy E. George S. Titus, was appointed to Woolley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the Belmar police force last week by .55 Pond's Cream 36c Edward J. Woolley of Spring Lake, the Belmar commission. .75 Ovaltine 52c to Arthur Harms of that place. No date has been set for the wedding. WILL BE AWAT FTVE MONTHS. 4' ,- ' Foil I)o\vnstairB. •1 RenHaBa txtrm heavy Wedding 1.53 TOWER SHOES «iJ« walli. pt. San Marten Brandy 1.29 Your Neare Phont I'irw w . ^ 1.50 1.75 2.50 56 Broad Street < «f store) M««I« by Myrtlo tab.., V. V., *5J^ 10 yewa old pt. Crystal Gin .59 5059* i RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 9. 1936.

lmlBt*4 t> tit* county UbtMy com- FARM BUREAU MEETING. wide popularity of these stamps. BUMSON YOUNC^MAN TO WE1>. HowardW.Robertaj rnlulon "or Bv« y**ra. County Ad- Uncle Sam's postal department I Ju«!er Jo'in I* Montgomery win deit- Annual Meeting Will Be Held at did not add many to the total ut Long Branch Girl Engaged to Is County Counseli lunatrd 10 rcprcMnt the board In New Brunswick an January 10. regular stamps put out, although George Armstrong, Jr. I Matters Iwfora the elate board ol The seventeenth annual meeting the Farley special printings last NEW POWER-FLO ! chlMreti'» ftutrdUnt. March created quite a stir for a The engagement Is announced of Ha Succeed* William A. Stevcm of the New Jersey Farm Bureau time. These varieties were printed Miss Pearl Woolley, daughter of Mr. m Reorganization of Freehold- will be held at tho Hotel Woodrow imperforttto and un^innmed to and Mrs,,Stanley E. Wootley of Long ers—J. Rus.ell Wooley I> New WJlfori at New Brunswick Friday, protests of collectors who had •lifraj]fl*f»fB*- Ge.oruc Armstrong, Jr., CROSS COUNTRY Clerk of the Board. January 10, according to an" an- Austria's annual scml-posinl IBSUS, jectcd to tho purported rarity of son of ?&&, and Mrs. George Arm- Compare with any $9 battery nouncement made by Harry E. Tay- h tl w 'Tiip board of freeholder!! roorttan- which in the past lins pictured poets, certain sheets of the stamps pre- strong, Sr.."Sf Kunib6n. No date has W/F&^W^^^W^^BKS^^^E/ft^^_*"*^W''^*** *^'JF ' '"'A,*^P ** lor, secretary of the Farm Bureau. sented as gifts. been set for the wedding. 'Mil liiBt'Tliuwiny when Ihu DtTiiu- Representatives of every county artists and architect.9, this year an- BATTERY 'lats lost control of the board, a» pnrcntfy relied s Otherwise ihe U. S. new postal Is- Miss Woolley is employed in lb° i/4,1 in the state will attend the all-day Long Branch store of the Liggett well us miiny ]oba. to the Hcpubll-' meeting, which will feature discus- the prevailing tl- sues in 11)35 co/iiincd themselves to Gives cans. Raymond L. WycUoft of Key- sions on problems or vital interest mosphere of Kur- four 3-cent conirneinoiatives—Con- drug company. Mr. Armstrong was fmrt, Ri-eloctcd, And. James H. ParHca to New Jersey farmers. Speakers ope. Military necticut tercentenary, Michigan cen- graduated from the Red Bank high EXTRA POWER "f Kcd Bank wore sworn Intu oltlce at the banquet, scheduled for 6:00 lenders nre lllus- tenary, California exposition and school in 1931. He is assistant pro liy Counly qiiTk Joseph McDcrmott.' p. m. and concluding the meeting, tratprl. Bouliler dam. Also there was a at the Sea Bright Tennis and for Lights, Mr. Wyckoff wua choaen director of will be Chester Gray, Washington 'I'lie men yhown new 25-ccnt airmail iiiFued in con- Cricket club in the summer, and In ho .board, succeeding Frederick P. representative of the Amerlcah Farm all have /inured nection with the transfuiclflc. flights., the winter be is employed as pro at Ignition, Radio ttelchuy ot BrailWy Beach. Mr. Wyo- Bureau Federation; David H. Agans, In tho history of Because not all of 1935's stamps the University club of Kansas City, kolT In tuldnu the ctinlr of director, master of the State Grange"; Dr. Austria. Accom- have come to hand as yet "the com- Missouri. and Heater cjijimised hia gratitude In belles Robert C. Clothier, president or Rut- panying t i^e i r pilation of the tolfil issues has not lilaccd In" thin responsible iioaltlon. gers University; and Dr. J. G. Lln- portraits are their been completed. However, figures Boys can make extra pocket money Ho reviewed the promises of the last man, dean of (he New Jersey Col- birth and death date.). Tin: group so far available wovilci indicates that, selling The Register.—Advertisement. $ ('(ini|i;ii^'M in vcunld to :nulldra of ef- comprises: 12-fj;rosche'i brown, Prinze the number will out-distance that of lege of Agriculture and director of Recharged llelnicy and economy, reduction of a the State Agricultural Experiment Eugene of .Savoy, lfi«7-17;ili; lil-j; nuniln'r of ufeloHH olUcea and jirom- Station. Klmer Wcne, vice president green. Field Marshal Lautlon, 1717- FREE for Iwil (lint hn [ilcclKea have not. beta of the Jersey Chick Association, will V79O; 30-K brown red. Franz Horzoi; More Polish Scelirs 34 Months ii^liottiMi, Hi. auld thnt the, UKC of serve as song leader. Karl, mi-lB'17; il)-K /,'i.iy blue, Field Four more ' stamps in Poland pic- 5 . .SLI-III. wuuld lie nbollBhqd it it was Marshal Josef liraf Itadet/.ky. 17615- torial scries have just arrived. They FREE! found IViwible. The three Ucpubll- Highlights of the morning session 1808; 60-R druk blue. Vii-e Admiral GUARANTEED Include discussions by W. B. Duryee. consist of a lO-^ros/.y green, moun- <'iur; vuted in favor of a number of Tegetthoff, 1S27-1S71; «1-j: violet, tain and lake .scene; 20-g gray, cas- Twft" choice Sets Cataloguing 24 MONTHS n'jmliilioiiH and all of tho appoint- secretary of tho State Department Field Marshal Franz Conrad Ilotzen- over $1.(1(1 (including fine air- ments. The two Democratic mem- of -Agriculture, and Prof. H. J. Bak- dorf, 1852-1925. mail sot;; !• "Stamp Finder" 'ji'i.i jvfuxt'd to voto on some and er, director of the Staje Extension (tells the country to which any wpie divided, upon the otlicrn. Service in agriculture and homo stamp helongs); beautifully Il- Dependable 13 Plate economics. Professor Baker will ad- A (jianco ut VX)b lustrated '32-page "Boohlct on Hnward W. Huberts of Midciiclown dross the Ejpoup on "Agricultural Now that lt':i 1036,. si uliilwc. back Stamp Collecting;" 48-pa£e "List GOLD CREST BATTERIES Planning," at the past year ^iiow.s tho pre- liiwn-ihii) wiia appointed counsel for of U. S. Stamps," and big "An- Only SEARS could offor such a Kturdy llu! board (or three yeuia, at a aalary HOWARD W. ROBERTS. The afternoon session will I dominance of commemorative issues. nual Catalog" listing everything o[ $ri,00(l j! year, Thia appointment opened with the annual messagi; of Probably the reason behind the for tho stamp collector—all for Battery at- so 'Low a'Price. Made of wji.. (nought about only after acvornl The committees named are as fo.l- the president of tho Farm Bureau, jump In this classlllcation was the 10c to cover mailing expenses. entirely new materials. riiiilciciicns 'aiming the Republican IOWH: Highway, Wyckoff, Parkes and given by Frank App of Bridgeton. various jubilee issues at the British Approvals included. leiidfir^ Mr. Roberts* succeeds Wil- Herbert; bridges, Parkes, Mayer and "How Retailers Sell Farm Produce" empire which totaled 249 stamps in Don't confuse this Battery with "RE- with your will bo explained by George B. Hull 02 acts. liam A. .SteveliH. J, Ktitfscll Woolley Pryor; county property, Parkes, May- B17ILTS" sold at this low price. 'y\d battery of Wout Limn Brunch wiui appointed er and Pryor; Allenwood hospital, of Chicago, purchasing agent for th« The demand from collectors for H. E. HARRIS & CO. * cleilt ot Hie board for threeryeura at Pryor, Wyckoff and Mayer?-welfare Independent Grocers' Alliance of these stamps no doubt lja:; been one Dept. 259, $L\7WJ ;i year, leplaclns Cimr!ey K. home, Herbert, Parkea and Wyckoff; America, and tho question "Why Do6f~ tUje 'outstanding trends.. in . the tle, on-a- mountain; 25-g dark, green, Cole. .1. Victor Carton of Neptune finance, Mayer, Herbert and Wyc- New Jersey Farmers Sell Their Veg- atamp market. Complete sets have mansion; 30-g carmine, castle. Pre- 108-A Massachusetts Avenue, etables for Less Money Than Grow- been priced'Ground $00, with indica- City \v;is appointed auditor/ replac- koff; purchasing, Wyckoff, Mayer and vious values in this series arc a 5 I5OSTOM, MASS. iiiK Mr. Roberta, at $-',400., ,Dr. Har- Parkes. ers From Competing Slates" will be tions that as the years I"»ss this and 15-groRzy, the latter picturing 27-2? Monmouth St. RED BANK Red Bank 1290 vey W Hurtmann of Knyport was The board will continue to meet discussed by W. W. Oley, chief ot figure will go up due to the \vorld7 the new Polish liner Pilsudski. reappninted county physician for on Wednesdays, following the first tho division of markets of the State three yeara i,t $3,000 a year. Arthur and third Monday of each month. Department of Agriculture, and L». McKaiSniie of Kcyport was appoint- . Mr. Stevens issued the following A. Bevan, extension professor of ed liUpervifioi" ot yoldlors' graven for agricultural economics at the New statement; Jersey College of Agriculture. one. yi.-iir at $500 and Clarence Cham- "I have been privileged to serve the hcrhin «( Anbury Park was appoint- counly as Ita counsel for seventeen Reports from the various commit- ed supervisor of Boldieru' burials and years continuously. I have endeav- tees and an election of officers for hcudatonea at $500 for a year. Wil- ored to conduct that office to the ut- tho coming yenr have also been liam H. VauDyke of Lonp: Branch most of my ability. I leave the ofllce scheduled as part of the meeting waa appointed lire marshal for one with no feeling that I havo been re- your at $M0. miss In any manner In fully meeting THE COMMUTERS' BATES. The ofllcori of county purchasing tho responsibilities imposed upon me. ."ffoti' und Ilia aauiat'ant were abol- "The board's complexion is again Senators Barbour and Moore Asked ished us were the olllces of assistant Republican and I sincerely trust that to Protest Them. counly road supervlacr and atislntunt the confidence expressed by the vot- Senators Barbour, Republican, and ARB scrip catiliier. Those otliceu were cre-•ers of this county In making that Moore, Democrat, of New Jersey 26 Broad Street Red Bank ated by tho Democrats. ' Ofllces, the possible will bo fully Justified." have been requested to protest to the termH of which are not fixed by law. Interstate Commerce Commission re- BARBOUR ENDORSED. cently published tariffs of the.Penn- were declared vacant except whore sylvania railroad and the Central tenure protects the holder. All em- railroad pt New Jersey Increasing ployees claiming tenure must file New Jersey Ttcpubllcan County Chairmen Favor Him. commutation rates. AFTER their c!;iim/i and proofs with • the C. Mechouch of Paterson wrote board, The New Jersey Republican Coun- Senator Barbour he had received a Grorse C. (Jonover of Highlands ty chairmen's association at Trenton form letter from the I. C. C. Inform- was reinstated to the position of road Tuesday endorsed W. Warren Bar- ing him the commission would not supervisor from which he wne ousted bour for a second term as. United take action to suspend the schedule by the Drmocrata last year, Adrian States Senator. The association of increased commutation rates effec- IS, Moreuu and Mrs. Annie B. Ker- praised his record, party loyalty, pa- tive January 1. foot, bcitli of Freehold, were appoint- triotism and stand for "reduction of ed to Die county welfare board. Mrs. taxes, economy and reduction of ex- Death of 173 pedestrians on Cali- Geraldinp L, Thompson of Llncroft penditures and waste." fornia highways in 1934 was blamcl • way roaiipolnted to the board of • -^^-* 1^ on their failure to walk on the left munniioiti of tho Alienwoocl hospital, Boys can make extra pocket money side of the road and face oncoming Miss Ada Yard ot Freehold was ap-selling The Register.—Advertisement. traffic. LLER'S

There is just One Sale like this a year! Just one time when we take complete invent- ory, and clear out our stock. Just one time when Prices are not only Reduced —but mer- cilessly slashed on Coats and Dresses in our immediate, regular stock. This Sale is your Big Opportunity to have more, smarter clothes than you've worn in years! And all at Savings that will enable you to buy other needs. PRICE Our Entire Stock of Sport and Dress Coats, trimmed with high quality Furs and beautifully silk lined and heavy in- terlined. All Sizes.


$24*50 $12.25 Now In Progress! Approximately 2300 pairs of $29-50 Men's and Women's High $14.75 Grade Footwear, taken from our regular stock, and ranging in price from $5.00 to $8.50. $39.50 $19-75 $49-50 $24-75 OTHER HIGHER PRICED COATS AT THE SAME REDUCTION DRESSES AT EACH You will find Dresses for all occasions in all the Smartest Styles and Colors that you have been wishing for at this low price. Of course, all sizes. ,,.,~,»,T^r% ALL WE ASK IS PLEASE COME EARLY TO AVOID BEING DISAPPOINTED. TABLE SPECIALS and WOOL DRESSES Shoes That Originally Sold for $5.00 to $8.50 There is nothing wrong with these Dresses except they are slightly aoiled from handling. ALBERT S. MILLER SALE STARTS FRIDAY, January 10th, at 9 A.M. 18 Broad Street Red Bank RED BANK REGISTER, JANUAHY V, 1986.

persona do not receive license* an* that their business had performed hia duty under tho KBW fABTY. RED BANK REGISTER location! are desirable, as Mr. Gopslll pointed out, but Common Informer Act. 'Spirit of the Age" Testimonial To there should be no arbitrary limit. The natural working At any rate, thli law ha« a cer- Patricia Sealtjr of Batontow1n Enter- ESTABLISHED 1878 BY JOHN H. COCSK. out of the laws of economics will take cars of that de- Editorial Views tain "nuisance value" ao long as It An Old Newspaper taint Guette on New Year * Hva. Ex-Mayor He tail better than human beings can. The taxpayers' side remains on the statute books, and ~ GEORGB C. IIAJJCE, Editor. for that reason It should bo re- Miss Patricia iMly, daughUr of FHEDBIO S. HAVES, Managing Editor. should also receive consideration. Every time a li- Issued at New Monmoulh Over r. and Mrs. Ljslle D. Bsely of Resolution Praiaing Him for I cense Is issued the money paid helps to reduce taxes. moved.—Hudson Dlepatch. THOMAS IRVING BROWN, (The opinions expressed In the Editorial Sixty Year* Ago—Copy Can louttt street, Batontown, entertained Public Service Presented! This point should not be unduly emphasized, but neither Views hereunder do not necessarily carry be Seen at The Register number of fUMti New Tear's eve Reorganization Meeting . Publisher ami Bu8lneso,J,MafiB^er. ^ the endorsement of The Register;) Staggering Toll. . should it be entirely Ignored, as it has been in remarku Automobile fatalltlea last year In Office. ; a house party. Oames wera Rumson Mayor and Cou THE RED BANK REGISTER mode about the question at recent council meetings. Abusing Freedom of the Press. the United States cams up to the ayed and cheers, noise makers and One ot the highlights of I is a member of An old newspaper of much Interest • ringing of belli waloomed the In his discourse on Christmas this grim expectation of a now high rec- to Monmouth county readers ot The ganlzatlon meeting of the THE ASSOCIATED PRESS -o-o-oo-o-o- year G. K. Chesterton observed that •w Year. RifreshmenU were mayor and council last week 1 ord. Thirty-six thousand, four hun- Register Is a copy of the "Spirit pt irvei. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the we have a habit of gliding the Illy dred persons killed—approximately the Age," first number of the second the presentation of an engro* une for republication of all news dispatches to It or not Ashes As a Preventive and then condemning It because It ppy Thoie prtient ware George and testimonial to former Mayor Van! 1000 dayd! ! ImagineIi , If yyou can, thhe olurvie, which was published at New Illlam Dillon, Oordon and Carlton Otherwise credited In thin paper and aiso the local news Is artificial. He stretches tho para- Monmouth June 25, 1873, by A. B. Halsey, In recognition of his serv|l of Automobile Accidents. dox to Include our proclivity for eum of ththo agony and the horror of obblns, Jimmy Mrrlokion, Asa as a public official of that munjj published therein. that staggering slaughter of human Hallenbake. This copy, which 1> In gleliart, Helen Errlckson, Ruth Surprisingly few'automobile accidents occurred last adorning our institutions with abuses exceptionally good etate of preserva- pallty. The testimonial was Big Member National Editoral Association week despite the fact that driving waa extremely haz- and then contending that tho insti- lives upon tho nation's public high )avu, Kennedy Bmith, Balvatore by members of the council ion, has beon loaned to The Regls- I'rgl, Frank Bruo, Jr., James Pet- ardous because of weather conditions. If only a modi- tutions themselves should be scrapped ways. er by Mrs. Hershell Birdsall of 20 served during Mr. Halsey's last teij Member New Jersey Press Association becauso they look less appealing af- Small consolation Is to be had, It, Jack VanBrunt, John Sherman, as mayor. They wero Lewis T. cum of the same care and caution were used when con- ter wo havo thus decorated them. eroy place. lalph Barron, Virginia Lawrence, eon, Bernard V. Ryan, George ', dltionB Sfefdeal jaccldents would be very much reduced. from the knowledge that had auto- Tho paper has eight pages, four ot Telephone Red Bank 13. Freedom of 'the press, an institu- mobile accldonts Increased In the lair* Johnson, Kenneth Shear, Vera Kuhn, Robert G. Ilsley, Frank Larger use of ashes should bo made on the roads which are devoted to general stories .tthtws, Eleanor No*, Dorothy Nary and 'James C. AuchlnclOsl •Subscription Prices s. .ion that is sacred at least to all same ratio as population, car regis- and national advertising. These are when automobilirig Is so risky as it w'as the fore part of legitimate newspaper men, Is, we lhaffln, Helen Whitehurst, Patricia Jera J. Carew, borough clerk, w« .50 1 tration and gasoline consumption, •Three months last week. For example, a liberal application of this the four inside pages. The other four ely and Ruth Smith. also a signer, $2.00 falling into this category. Not the death toll would have been near- pages aro devoted to matters of coun- One year . preventive of skidding at the intersection of Broad and because the premise that newspa- m i «» Six months ,...„,,- ...... 1.00 er 38,000 than 36,000. While the re- ty Intere6t, ana there It approxi- Tho testimonial la as follows: Front streets would have been very useful, and there iers should be allowed to publish all mit does show that tho combined mately a full page of general adver- are many other places where this should be done. The sgitlmato news Is faulty, but be- These past fow years have beon THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1936. efforts of the authorities, the safety tising, including steamboat and rail- ioneer Merchant tlmo of change and upheaval; a tin approaches to railroad tracks should be liberally coated cause there aro "newspapera that councils and tho press to compol, or •oad timetables. when the old and tried principles '. with ashes and the tame treatment should be applied to abuse this privilege, a largo body of life have been tested and attacke public opinion Is growing to contend Instill, greater caution are making The publisher takes the first col- Of Highlands Dead The W. P. A. Workers hills. somo progress, nevertheless, It Is dis- umn of the outside page to tell about We have been living In a land hat the Institution of freedom of appointing In the face of all that has abundanco and opportunity In whl At Cleveland and in a number of other Middle West ho press itself should be demol- the paper. He gives the advertising ndt Roienblum, Resident of discouragement and distress hav Are Doing Their Part. communities the street departments get busy making shed aa unworthy. been done. It serves to emphasize rate as "10 cents a line for one Inser- been present. It has boen a t It is gratifying to report that employees of the the necessity of even more Intensive tion; 5 cents a line If for four or That Borough for Fifty Yeari, that has tried the.soul of man; an this use of ashes almost as soon as snow begins to fall. The expatriation ot the Lindbergh Stricken Saturday Night at Works Progress Administration are now available for Tho cost Is small, almost negligible, and no large amount measures, if tho objective set by the noro." The subscription price was a time that has brought to tho fron family, one factor In which Is re- National Safety Council of a 35 per '50 cents for six months, 12 num- Hit Home. much unsound doctrlno by theorist! use in clearing the streets of enow. Failure to use the of effort is required. Here is a Middle West practice putedly the meddling In their per- Tho credit and character of men i men immediately after the snowfall last week was ap- cent reduction over the next five >ers)," tho paper being published hat municipalities hereabouts would do well to adopt. sonal affairs by snooping reporters years Is to bo reached. svery other week. Bendet RoBenblum, a pioneer dry communities havo beon tested and parently duo to a misunderstanding rather than to a and photographers, emphasized this )ods merchant ot Highlands and a many have been found wanting. It is not alone a question of mak- A feature story of the front page studied policy on the part of the W. P. A. to refuse to -o-o-o-o-o-o- condition. Thero is nothing In-the ing drivers realize tho penalties of ildent of that borough for about During these dark days, however,! freedom of the press that licenses was entitled "Who Is Auditor? For- 'ty years, died last Saturday night our borough of R,umson has endured! • permit its workers to do such emergency jobs for the carelessness and to have a decent man or Applegate?" The Item at- -—town. A New Playbill With a newspaper men to take photographs his home on Bay avtnue of com- tho test and has como through "wlthl of citizens In"violation-of their wlsh- respect for tho law. There Is the tempted to,show how tho oounty aud- Icatlons. He was 76 years old. credit unimpaired and reputation! The men were used last Thursday to shovel snow _•» or to hound them for interviews task, the moro difficult perhaps, of tor and.collector law was botched, Mr. Roienblum had retired about Unsullied. It Is n bettor placo toj from the sidewalks and gutters and they did splendid Prominent Actor Missing* making tho pedestrian conscious of ho bill becoming a law after the live In. This is duo in no small] and Information concerning their year and a half ago. He was born measure to the leadership of work. That night a torrential downpour of rain, to- In much the same manner as stage carpenters make purely personal activities, even to his peril. While 20 per cent of the freeholders ^jvere elected. The free- i Russia and came to the Hlgh- gether with a springlike temperature, removed the snow. a theater ready for a new play, mechanics and artisans the point of trying to probe their fatalities may bo laid to collisions holders were elected March 11, 1878 inds shortly after his arrival in the VAN RENSSELAffiR HALSET, —In many communitiesfiooded conditions resulted which are refurnishing-the state Jiouse at Trenton in antici- between cars, nearly 50 per cent aro and tho law..took effect seven days ntted States. He wae a very active Our. RotlilnK Mayor.... mind. There" aro rights that tran- cases of persons being struck down after. caused considerable damage and Inconvenience. The pation of ringing up the curtain next Tuesday on the Bcend the freedom of the press and rorker for tha Interest* of the bor- Having lived slnco boyhood with- L fact that this did not occur at Red Bank was very legislative playbill for 1936. The show In store may be afoot. There were special columns devot- ugh of Highlands and was one of In Ita boundaries, ho has grown up 1 .hose not established by law are re- with Its traditions and inevitably f largely due to the work of the W. P. A. employees In either high drama or rowdy farce, but regardless of vealed through a well-established Terrible as Is the sacrifice of life, ed to news from Mlddletown, Key- the original Inoorporators of the mu It by no means tells the whole story. port, Red Bank, New Jersey South- ioipallty in 1880, Later he sewed flayed an active part in Its growth, j •opening up the gutters and catch basins. this the,cast will be greatly changed,,especially in the code of newspaper ethics. Most It was natural that he should be se- j assembly. .ewspaper men are glad to comply Thirty-six thousand and odd dead ern and local intelligence. chairman of the committee which Just now the W. P. A. Is under fire and perhapB means 25 to thirty times that num- ponsored the project for the ac- lected by the people to be a member! This branch of the legislature has lost some of 1U with this code, and confine their ef- Among the Red Bank items were of the borough council In 1024 and | deservedly so to some extent, but in order to keep the ber Injured lost year, If tho propor- the following: [Ulsitlon of a publlo water plant. continue to serve aa a councilman i most colorful members and none will be missed more forts to the limits prescribed by the ' record. straight and fair it should be stated that in this law and good taste. Thero are, how- tion held the same as In other years. Mr. Rosenblum was one of the or- until 1020. He was then elected ' town it has functioned very efficiently up to the present than Theron McCampbell. For four years he repre- Think of It—approximately 1,000,000 John S. Applcgato has added a inal members of the Seaside vol- mayor of the borough and continued ' ever, newspapers which in their fran- argo number of new books to his \ time. The two storm sewer projects under way will be sented .Monmouth county in the assembly, often stand- tlo effort to sell papers through the men, women and children suffererB, mteer fire company and served as to sorvo in that capacity for three ; ing alone and bolting his own party. Aggressive and many of them so terribly mangled law library, and now has one of the Irst chief ot the Highlands nre de- terms of office. Thla year he sought of large value for drainage purposes and the maps which satisfaction of a warped public curi- retirement to enable him to devote . are being made of the sewer and water mains and their unpredictable, he was frequently the champion of lost osity transgress the bounds of good or crippled as to render them prac- best libraries in the county. lartment. Granted exemption papera Thomas Wise, near Hubbard's 1901, he nevertheless remained ac- more of his time to his personal af- appurtenances will be of great service in simplifying re- :auses. He braved, the wrath of both political machines, taste and make themselves an un- tically helpless for the rest of their fairs. He htui earned a rest. yet despite this fact he came within a hair's breadth of justified annoyance to Individuals lives. It is hard to judge which pre- bridge, aeks tho Commissioners to al- ve In the department until ill health pair jobs and other work. ow him to sell ale, or If they won't, orced his retirement a year ago, Ho Van Rensselaer Halsoy has en- winning the nomination of his party for state senator whose rights of privacy they violate. sents th« more pitiful picture. deared himself to everyone and he Both as regards administration and the amount of The photographers who took a pic- —Newark Evening News. to furnish him with a room in the lso took an active part in.all move- last September. ments for the development and bet- will bo missed at the council table; manual work done the results attained haVe been all ture of the second Lindbergh child town house. His knowledge of government, his ' that reasonably could bo expected. All the projects are This was his first defeat, but the Democratic ma- by forcing tho car in which ho was Cutting Off the Gas. J. C.Flsher is making extensive erment of this section. lnnato honesty, his fearlessness In very much worth while. They should have been done chine paid a heavy price for its victory. • Its entire ticket riding to the side of the road arid Efforts ot sobcr-thlnklng citizens Improvements on "Liberty Hall," his Surviving; Mr. Roienblum are his fighting: for "whatsoever things are was beaten with the exception of Sheriff George H. Rob- thrusting a camera before his face in the United States to check the residence, near Red Bank. lfe, Mrs. Goldlo Rouenblum; two honest, whatsoever things aro true, , years ago. When they are completed the taxpayers lsters, Mrg, Jennie Brown and Mra really will receive a substantial return at a smaller cost erts, who alone among the Democratic candidates re- have given a most glaring and re- growing number of automobile acci- Tho Commissioners brought suit whatsoever things aro of good re- dents involving drunken drivers have lose Llpschtz, and two brothers. port," his manliness, his simplicity to the community than would have been the case if the ceived the Indorsement of Mr. McCampbell. Ths action volting example of this practice. against "Prof" Worrell to aiake him But they are not alone. Hundreds in the past tended mainly In two di- pay for the side-walk they put down, hllllp and Morris Rosenblum, all of and his tender sympathy for the work had been paid for entirely by the town. of the Democratic machine In taking sides In the sena- rooklyn, Morris Is a prominent feelings of others, command our ad- of their colleagues are annoying rections. Law officials have tried to but the "Prof" non-fiulted them. miration, our respect and our love. Much criticism Is made about W. P. A. workers torial primary contest Instead of keeping hands off and instill In drivers the fear of heavy lawyer and Philip, until his retire- letting the contestants fight it out on their merits af- private citizens with the same tac- Pach wears a "thermometer hat," He has brought encouragement and nowadays, but It is very largely not justified. No one tics. penalltes for the offense, and certain and smokes good s'egars. ment, was associated with the Phil- strength to many and has created can reasonably expect that outdoor projects by such em- fronted many voters, and caused them to protest by go- publications have attempted to fill In the Mlddletown column there ps-Jones manufacturing company. a friendliness of spirit In this com- ployees will be done as rapidly as If performed by prl- Ing over to the Republican camp. And then thero arc the "boudoir them with the fear of Inevitable and were Items as follows: The funeral was held Sunday af- munity which will long endure; ! vate contractors. There are many reasons for this and It is well within the bounds of logical possibility that snoopers," a particularly despicable maiming accidents. Both of these ternoon at 2:30 o'clock at his late therefore, bo It brand of reporter who steal personal Dr. E? Field of MI'ddletown thinks omo with Rabbi Arthur H. Hcr- one of the chief ones is that a considerable number of but for this Incident the result of the election would measures apply after the driver la at of establishing himself in Red Bank Resolved, that tho undersigned, information even concerning sub- the wheel and going places. hon of the Congregation B'jial Is- members of tho council of the bor- the employees are performing work for which they were have been different and control of the county govern- jects so delicate as expected child- Rullff Conover died at his resl- rael officiating. Members of the fire not trained. Much of the fault finding is done by mo- From Denver, however, comes the idenco last Thursday, June 12. He ough of Rumson, hereby record Its ment would not have passed from Democratic to Re- birth and place it in tho public print. news that the Fargo Oil company is epartment, led by Chief Charles L. affection for torists who never grasped a pick or a shovel In their publican auspices. The Republican county organiza- Now it is an established rule in de- was 85 years, 5 months, and 6 days Herbert, attended In a body. In trying to stop the drunken driver, old. MAYOR HALSEY, llveB butwho apparently think they can judge, as they tion was torn and racked by Internecine warfare arid cent journalism that strictly person-1 while he is at the wheel to be sure, harge of the Worden funeral home its gratltudo to him for tho great Tide, Just how speedily an ex-bookkeeper should dig a dissension and it was in no condition to wage a winning al information is published only but before he gets anywhere; The The "Highland" Club, a new. one, >f Red Bank, the cortege proceeded service he has rendered our com- trench. battle if the Democrats had armored a united front. The with the consent of those involved company has forbidden its employees have located themselves at the o Brooklyn, where burial was made munity and for tho consideration Democratic primary light, with the machine barely win- or after it becomes a matter of pub- in its seventeen filling stations to Bell Waterspout, on the Highlands. :hat. afternoon in the family plot In and patlonco ho has always shown • Two weeks ago all employable men on the Red Bank The young men of Harmony and Mt. Carmel cemetery on Long Island. as our presiding officer; and be It relief rolls, 240 In number, were put on the. W. P. A. pay ning by "the skin of its teeth," despite its control of pat- llo record. Yet these journalistic gasoline to drunken drivers, upon Peeping Toms do everything but pain of immediate dismissal. Port Monmouth have a new meet- further rolls. §ince that time, however, a number of addltloha' ronage and other advantages, disrupted tho party and ing ground. Their foot-prlnta can 1 j Resolved, that we hereby express placed it under an even greater handicap than the Re- tear down the shades in a private This sounds like practical thinking persons have been put on relief, some of them being household to snatch bits of.personal Been in the sand near Frank Leon- i our regret at his retirement from publican organization. in regard to an appalling situation. folks who had never received assistance before and who information for tho edification of It will be objected that the decision ard's barn. offlco and our thankfulness for hav- had provided help for unemployed and otherwise unfor- The Democratic machine virtually handed victory their perverted readers. Among tho gentlemen appointed by County Dentists.. ing had tho privilege 'of serving of the oil company does not reach under him; nnd bo it. further tunate relatives and friends. These folks have come to to the Republicans on a silver platter by taking sides These practices in themselves arc that dangerous menace—the driver Judge Scudder as commissioners on Name Committees Resolved, that theso resolutions be "the end of the rope" financially. Their savings have against McCampbell in the primary. However, this repulsive, and unless curbed they under the influence of drink but not the Freehold and Keyport railroad ipread upon tho minutes' of this arc K. M. Hartshorne, Esq., R. A. been wiped out through no fault of their own. It seems debacle probably causes no heartburnings arhong those seem certain to lead to' tho imposi- technically drunk. But, none-the- A meeting of the Monmouth coun- eotlng and mado a permanent rec- only- right that some mention should be made of this responsible for It. Political bosses would much rather tion of restrictions far more strin- less, it is a step in the right direction, Leonardo, Esq., and Hon. W. H. Hen- ird thereof, and that a copy of drickson. y dental association was held last Bide of the picture. The old saying that "one-half of the have candidates elected to office who can bo controlled gent than the circumstances require, and when a business concern Is wlll- rlday night In the Santander hotel hese resolutions suitably engrossed .world does not know how tho> other half lives" is as even if they wear a different political tag than to have even to tho point of unjustifiably npr to forego private gain for' the Among the items pertaining to New at Asbury Park, Dr. Chester W. )e prosefitcd to Mr. Halsoy. abridging freedom of tho press. For good of the community, It la time Jersey Southern wore: true today as when it was first made. an official of their own party who is too independent to 'arsons of Englcwood, an expert on WHKLAN DRUG CO. ON AIR. it la a lesson of experience that moat for commendatory note-taking. Tho breaking of tho Plymouth nlay filling, who waa to.Jiave ad- It is not true as has often heen claimed that a ma- take orders*. ° reforms arise from abuses and go —The Christian Science iMonitor Rock's shaft will keep her off the jority of those on relief are bums, loafers and Improvi- dressed tho meeting, was unable to It well may be doubted that McCampbell hae been beyond required limits. The abuae routo about two weeks. The New- be prasont and, Instead, a round table Initial Broadcast Sunday Night Fore- dent. On the contrary they include some of the best "killed off." Any candidate who can poll as many votes of the liquor prlvilego led to 'tho port takes her place. discussion was held on various den- •unner of "Yours Sincerely" Herlcs. Eighteenth amendment; even the people of this communty who in happier times were as ho did with both party machines, one openly and the Knights of Pythias The Railroad bridge crossing the tal problems. Marking the entrance of the well-to-do and who held positions of trust which they abuse of the right to drive on trie Red Bank rivor is being put in good other covertly, arrayed against him. cannot be account- The following committees have iVhelan Drug company us a sponsor never tarnished, The chisolers are a very small part of ed a "dead one," and It is not a bad gtfffla that he may highways has resulted In overly Elect New Officers order. New "caps" have been put stringent regulations. That is the >eenfcappolnted for the new year; >n tho air waves, the opening broad- the total. Very' largely the criticism Is exaggerated and on, und the-"stringers" are to bo thor- 1 Btage a comeback. natural course of reform that is born Board of censors—Normin T. Bauer of cast of a new series sponsored by due principally to ignorance as to "how the other half Officers of Shrewsbury lodge, oughly over-hauled, 'and new one Asbury Park chairman, C. F. Carr of Long of abuses. put in where needed. Whelan was heard on Sunday even- lives." -o-o-o-o-o-o- Knights of Pythias of Red Bank Branch and William McGonlgle of Free- Ing from 6:00 to 0:30 P. M., at the were elected for the new term at tho A vlsl£ to Sandy Hook brought us, old. A famous philosopher once said when he observed The lesson is, too clear for the Mouth hygiene and public Instruction—. IVOR mutual playhouse, New York Republican Split Widened newspapers . of this country to ig- annual meeting of that organization among other places, to Gould's N. J, E. F. Thompson of Aabury Park chairman. & drunken man lying in a gutter, "There but for the Friday night. The new officers wil :lty. The program Is being broad- nore. So vital Is the principle of S. Hotel, We found Commodore Herbert Elv Williams of Red Bank, E. :ast over stations WOTt, New York, grace of God am T." With even greater reason those by Reorganization Appointments. freedom of the press to democratic be installed on Friday night, January Shrevc In charge, and of couro DeMonalegle of Aebury Park and A. L. who' are. not receiving relief might apply this same 17, by Percy Scherman, deputy grand everything in order. Very few mcr Ulilsilcll or Asbury Park. iVFIL, Philadelphia, and WOL, Internlcino warfaro continues within the ranks of government that so long as they Membership—Herbert Ely Williams of Washington, D. C. statement to themselves when they note the plights of honor U with legitimate news there chancellor for this district. They have the taste and order that th Red Bank chairman, N. A. Robblns of many who have done nothing to warrant the outrageous he Republican party in Monmouth county. Tho same need be. no fear of Its loss. But are: Commodore has, and as he was show, Toms River, R. A. Hulsfl of Asbury Park, Called "Yours Sincerely," the schisms that rocked the organization during the pri- Chancellor—Morris Weatcimnn. ing us how. tho busineflB was con A. Morris of B«lmar and D. A. Edwards themo of tho series centers around darts of misfortune thnt an unkind fate has reserved freedom of the press Is a privilege, ot Red Bank. mary campaign anj!_that threatened the party with de not a license. Ita abuse, already re- Vice, chancellor—Jacob Landnu. ducted, we could not but see thai a weekly message In nnislc prcBcnt- lor them. This docs not mean that deserved criticism Prelate — John Robinson. Program—Rossman O. Collins of Low? ed In the form of a letter from the ehonld be. withheld, but a greater degree of sympathy 'eat at tho fall electidn"^stand out clearly revealed as a flecting itself In demands for curbs, Master of work—Cnlvln Kcnnell. when the building was put up that Branch chairman, Eugtne w. Newman of MtiHter at arms—Max Cloth. the Major had had a finger in tho pie. Red Sank, Robert H Murdoch of Asbury Whelan Drug Stored to tho radio and ioleration would shorten and make more pleasant result of the appointments made, at the reorganization will inevitably lead to restrictions so rigid that the newspapers will be Inner Ktianl — Arnoa E. Burke. The Commodore runs the store, the Park and I. Leonard Yaffee of rakewood. audience. Featured in tho show are the pilgrimage to happier times. meeting of the board of freeholders. The old guard, Outer. Kunni—George I'. IMckens. Boolal and dinner—S. V. Lucllow of Free- led by County Clerk Joseph McDermott and other Re- prohibited from publishing legiti- Keeper of records and seal — Torcy restaurant, the boardlng-houso," th< hold ehalrman, Fred T. Newman of Red tho Seven Singing Stars, a group of mate news and tho reading public Scherman. flower-garden, the pork-oppolls, an Uank, Robert H. Murdoch of Asbury Park oven voices, four men and throe -o-o-o-o-o-o publican wheelhorrfca, received a trouncing at the hands Master of finance—J. B. Chadwlck. and N. A. Robblns of Toms River. of the new guard, led by fi. Donald Sterner and the will be deprived of a vast amount throws in his extra time on stoo women, under tho direction of IDd of indispensable information. Manter of exchequer—Max LewiH. building. Lcglelatlve—Robert H. Murdoch of Al- Our Best Wishes for the younger element of the party. Mr. Robinson was made reprosen bury Park chairman, H. V, Garrlty of As- Smalle, who In widely known as vo- Mr. Chesterton is right. There is tatlve to the grand lodge nnd Mr. bury Park and N. A. Robblns of Tomi cal arranger and who formerly re- The result demonstrates that Sterner is intrenched Business notices In this particulai River. constructed tho "Shannon Four" In- New Owner of The Standard. nothing wrong with the freedom df Scherman was named as alternate. Issue wero Inserted by Rufus Og Committee on Infraction of code of more securely than ever as the county leader of the But ethics—Fred T. Newman of lied Bank tho act now known aB "The The Register wishes every success for Sidney Wain the press as an institution, Mr. Burke was elected a trustee for den, the harnem •manufacturer al party. He insisted that the county appointive olliclals when newspapers smear it with three years. The auditing committee chairman, Norman T. Saucr of Asbury Revelers." Isham Jones and his In hilis new fle^d as publisher nnfi editor of The Red Bank who havo not been active an party workers should be Keyport; John B. Story of Middle ^k, James S. Cattanach of Long Branch, music provided tho orchestral hack- abusive practices, when they accept conslBts of Mossrs. Landau, Wester- town, ngent for Rlggs' Gang Flows; Jules N. Lenin of Dcimar and Henry A. Sta ndard. Thjj.j'iilc of the pnper to Mr, Wain will be- displaced by men who had been hewers of wood and it as a license to throw the spbt- man and Cloth. Kltterman of Highlands. ground for tho show, whllo Harry come effective January 2H and thereafter The Standard John Lloyd, Jr.. dealer In organs VonZell.'famouH announcer, acted al drawers of water for party success in humbler positions. light Into a bedroom and molest cit- pianos and violins; Robert McCann AuclltlnK—R. E. Mulholland of hong will be issued Friday instead of Thursday. Mr. Wain Branch chairman, It. A. Bulie and H. V. master of ceromoiilon. Mr. VonZcIl According to all account?, tho appointments were, not izens without justification, then is who advertised that ho paid partlcu (Jarrlty of Afbury Park. states that It will be his objret to make the publication 100 per cent to hi* liking, but at least he got what he the public likely to decide that free- Sale of Stamps Neerolosry—A. I* Blalsd«ll of Long Introduced Misn Peggy Walker, th« lar attention to ohoelng tender-foot Whelan Shopper, who Hald nho was better than ever before. wanted in preventing the rnappointmr-nt of the officials dom of the press In Itself nhould be cd and Interfering horses at hlB shot Branch chairman. E. DtMonsalgle of As- discarded to prohibit such tactics. To Settle Estate bury Park and B. P. Ludlow of Freehold. going to report from tlmo to lime The Register is old-fashioned enough to believe that whose terms expired nnd this wan no small victory. near Navesink station; Murray Ha> Publicity—Robert II. Murdoch of Asbury "competition Is the life of trade" and It sincerely hopes Constant vigilance In the price nf Park ehalrman, George N. Wagner of Red about bargains In tho Whelan Drug Not taking part in the reorganization fracas but The will of Arthur If, Lamborn of vens of Port Monmouth, who had* Stores. that Mr. Wain will be successful in his aim. May he and liberty and its intelligent ami dis- general More near tho depot; Mor Bank, I. Leonard YarTee of Lakewood, M. watching every move of the opposing skies with clo3e creet UHO is the price of freedom of Sea Bright, who died last Novem- Tantnbaum of Long Branch and E. J£r< The WOR mutual playhouso was his associated and The Standard live long and prosper. attention wan Mayor Clarence E. F. Hetrlck. His polit- ber, dlreots the sale of a stamp col- Johnson, who had a store at th rlckion of Freehold, the press. Newspapers that would Insurance—R, E. Mulholland of I^nir Mind to overllowlng by an enthusi- ical hold on his home town is apparently stronger than lection valued at $25,000 to add cash Highlands; J. S. Appleguto, attorne; warp It to cover contemptible prac- nnd counselor at law, Red Bank, an' Kronen ehalrman, William K. Hanklns o[ astic audience, who woro especially ever, as was demonstrated both by the primary election tices nre Inviting nn Irato citizenry to the estate. Tho sale Is to be pri- Freehold. T. A. Doremus of Iteil Bank T. F. Sniffcn, auctlonoer, with his o nnd James 3. Cattanach. delighted by tho singing of "Tcndor and regular election returns at Asbury Park. Tills to bridle them and then go a step vate or public ar.d the executors are tho Night" by the Seven Singing Natural Selectivity authorized to pay for a trip to Eur- flco at tho carriage factory at Mid Economics—Fred T. Newman of lied bodes no good for,future 'Republican success In the farther and In their Indignation Im- Bnnk chairman, George N. Wagner of Red HtarH. Tho show rloHoil with the ope for friend if necessary to make dli'town. Better Than a Man-Made Limit. county, but the leaders profess not to be worried nbout pose restrictions that close legiti- Bank and E. Krrlckson of Freehold. onsemblo rendering "Will You Re- tho sale. Arthur M. Goldman of Tho publication will be hold at Thi Council of allied medicine—]{. V. Oar- Councilman Thomas M. Gopslll advanced sound it. They cay that for mnny years Hctrtclt bluffed his mate as well as the Illicit sourcen of mrmbor." ftpnetntors commented news.—Asbury Park Prons. Newark, the friend, aldeii in assemb- RcgiHtcr office- for a few days, wher< rlty of Asbury Purk chnlrmnn, Rogart H. way Into an Important plnco in the inner councils of Murdoch of Asbury Park, Leon Relsner of that tho Initial broailt:nslwns agrcat reasons lant week why it was not desirable to place an ling the collection. it can be ncen by anyona Interested Long Branch and Frederick D. Makln of arbitrary limit on the number of licenses issued for bars the party by claiming that It wan pot possible for the in same. , Point Pleasant. success and prodlclcd that tho un- Tho principal of thn estate In to to UBual typo of entertainment glvon and for stores dealing In alcoholic beverages. Ho was party to win without carrying Asbury Park. The lead- Tho Common Informer Act. divided between the widow, Gertrude Library—K. DeMoniielttie -of Ashurv right In stating that ench application should be Judged ers say It wag shown at the last election,that this was Park ehalrman and Wllllsm McQonlgle of would be very popular with the Persons operating or participating IT. Lamborn, who receives onc-holf, Freehold. radio public. on its individual merits, with special reference to the not true. Re nnlli>s of how that may be, the altuntlon University Women K K In lotteries, rntlles and oilier illegal nnd HIX children by a former wife, Thoso from Rod Bank Dre«»nt nt oharacter of the applicant, tho location of hln business In not one calculated to have a healing effect, and it Florenco M, Lamborn of Montclslr. gaming, now have a new menace to Meet at Red Bank tho meeting were Drs. Fred T, New- NEW MNCJIlOI'f HOUSE. placo nnd various other factors. He nald that ho did not wont be nt nil ntrnnpn if thorn aro lots of fireworks consider. The new danger hai Tho latter, according to the will, wn« man, Eugene W. Newman, J. O. Vnn- take this stand because he approval of a large increase next May, when the Republicans, have their primary broken out In Camden, whore provided for during Mr. Lamborn/H Mrs. George Halsoy Hunt of Broa Nostrand, D. A. Edwards, William M cNltlcncn Ilting OmHfrur.trd for the In the number of liquor place*, nnd thin statement Is election. tain people havo dug up an old law life. m..^. street entertained members of the II Pearce, Anson O. Hoyt nnd Herbert Occupancy of Wllfonl Mullln, backed by tho fact that he voted against more applica- In New Jersey, known SB tho Com- eraturo commltteo of tho America NKW HATEH IN KFIT.CT. Ely WIHUmu. A colonial houno lii under conntruo- V tions than any other member of Ihe council. •— o o-o-o o-o mon Informer Act. Thin law waw Association of University Womon Several members of tho county HO product of the early days of thl« tlon on Matthew Mullln's Uncroll It has frequently been claimed that the saturation Utllltli'K and Interstate Coimnlimlons her homo on Monday, Mrs. Hun' olety will hold table clinics at the Progressive Rumson and state, when there wore practically no who In chulrman of the commute Estates development for Ihn occu- point hau been reached and thnt more liquor places aro Refuse to Grunt Htuiitmiiilnii. state midwinter meeting In the pancy of Wllfortl Mullln ond fam- policemen and chiefly nherlffn nnil presided at the meeting. Stacy-Trent hotel at Trenton on Bat- undesirable both because there in no public need for Its Fine New High School. constables to act ns officers of tho The new flat monthly rnto for com- ily. It Is holtu; built on Onk ulroet, them nnd becauoe business would bo Injured by having "Personal History" by Vlncci Urday, January 18. Tho annual con near SwImmliiK River road. The Once more The UegUcr KxpreKMra Its commendation law. mutora on the Pennsylvania and Hheon and "I Wrlto Aa I Pleaao" t ventlon will be hold nt Atlantic CUy too many liquor dealers. This ustiortlon cannot bo def- Central railroad linen went Into ef- house will bn 34',4xlBV4 fnc't and It of the line civic pride of tho people of Rumson as ex- In order to bring about enforc*- Walter Durant were reviewed b; In April. will have cnclonurou of brick voneor. initely .proved or (Unproved by analysis. However, the inent. nf the law against gambling fect hint week. It means an Increase Mm. Milton Vreeland of Little Btlvo fact that thero has been no decrease In the number of emplified in their new high iichonl building, which was of ten per cent for pjURcngcrii who It will havo ton roomn, four batlv- dedicated Monday nI Iit, Those exorcises, like the cor- by chance, tho Common Informer and "Mary, Queen of Scotland nm ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. applicants would necm to Indicate that the business Is K bought their tickets from month to tho Iflloa" by Htofun Zwolg, and "Tl rooinn, Mtoum liont, hardwood floors nerstone laying n few wecliu ago; took placo In stormy Act wan passed. It provided that In month and of twonty per rent for and modern Improvements. The BUfflolently well patronized to iitlll he profitable. canon of convictions, tho citizens Leon of Virginia" by Burton J, Hen Miss r.lliubrth Dwyer of Long weather, but It dlcl nol ntop the people from coming out those who formerly bought tickets a drlck wero reviewed by Mm. Ilarok rosldonco will bo Completed nbout Instead of arbitrarily limiting tho number of mich on either occniitnti. TIio auditorium was filled to Its bringing thn complaints and ac year In advance. Request* thnt the Branch to Wed Brtdgcton Man. Juno 1 ami It will bo nno «f the places It would bo wiser to let the mnttor ndjunt Unclf Clark of Rumson. capacity and mnny ml In clnnnroomH nml heard the tx- as wltnetmcH at trials should ahnro new rnte sohedulo he nmj.f rulrrl wero Announcement has been made i HncHt In that locality. Wllfonl Mul- through what might bo cnllcd the law of natural 11c] In the flnPB Imposed. refnaod lust week by the Puhlln Util- Those present wero Mrs. John I. lln In u son of Mntthnw Mullln. The erclnc.. thniiiRh I ho public addrr-ns ,yf,|nm which Is ln- Montgomery, Mm. Lrdynrd Avory the ongngement of Miss Ellr.nbcll tlvlty or the uurvlval of the fittest. Once the saturation Htnlled in every mom. In Caimlon thero are snveral »ulti ities commission nnd the Interstate Dwyor, daughter of Mrs. Dolore cellar for tho IIOUHO hn» been duit point la exceeded correction would follow automatically In court to collect moneys rlnlmrd Commerce comnilHitlon. Jr., Mm. Irving K. I/ivett, Mrs. Le- William M. llnillh, nmnly mipci•lnl.. ,dcnt or .|,OO1H lend W. Crafts, Mrs. Arthur "It. Dwyer of Long Branoh, to Llnwooi Frank Donnlo of Mlddlntnwn town- by reason of a number <»f denlorn voluntarily going out 1 H1 by citizens unilw the Common In ]n ruling on tlirt th« utltl- H Campbell, son of the I»to Mr. and ship has tho contract for the rnnaon In his dedicatory nd.irms, xnUI It wa, not only tho build- former Act. One In against mer- ii White and Mian Kntharlne Foster, C. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. John Ellis have RED BANK, N. J. site for an addition to tho armory. Aobury Park and Oefsn Miss Margaret Devlin and Leroy moved from their summer residence we can recommend as the best buy in Re'd Bank • Grove 1,833.609.88 Slckels attended a lea dance at the here to New York, whom th \Vcdni.rliiy .nnrl .Sjitii... ROUND ferts, Miss Anne Lefferts, Jacob R. 1 of slaves. DoRpito Its antiquity the LOANS ANDDISCOUNTS. and one-half years old. day. uo TRIP lerorij National, Tlt',1 Bank ?1,656,424.6G V.M. Lefferts, Jr.,- and Douglas W. dwelling Is In good condition. It has Asbury Park National and been enlarged and altered several Trust Lefferts were New Years day dinner CLYDE-MILLORY LINES times. Until recently It was occu- Lontr Branch Trust fio 998,428.yl ;uests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. pied by Otis Aucr, superintendent of 'irst National, Freehold .... 873,556.09 Jhasteney, of Summit, US Fifth Ay... Phon. Vtnd.rblll 3-8300 or PUr 34. N. B. Ph»n. WAIk.r 3-3000 orTouri.i A0.ni, Long Branch Banking: Co. .. T,J82,655.58 Mrs. Ralph Rhodes, Mrs. Joseph B. Monmouth Memorial hospital of Merchants. Trust, Red Bank 1.00^.602.93 Long Branch. Farmers and Merchants, Mat- Evans, Mr. -and Mrs. Chester P. Au- SUN RAY DRUG CO. 54 Broad St. Shrewd, careful buyers read The Register's Class awan 740,728.26 mack and daughter Doris, Ella Glide- Asbury Park and Ocean well and Garret Evans, all of Red ified Advertisements. Here you find the seller who Grove 820,953.53 Boys can make extra pocket money Atlantic Highlands National 427,840.9c Bank, and George Thomas of New wants to sell and the buyer who wants to buy. selling The Register.—Advertisement Keyport Banking Co „... 076,933.63 York were New Years day dinner Manaaauan National 443,471.07 guests of Mr. and Mrs. George W. icntral National, Freehold 281,168.24 llark; Peoples National, Keyport.... iil9.763.57 Belmar National . 247,760.40 The Saturday Night Bridge club Farmers National, Allentown 266,595 90 held a New Years eve party at the Freehold Trust Co 362,104.10 Colonial tea house. Four tables of First National, Spring Lake 415,397i3'j bridge were in play and a midnight N N. J. Trust Co., Long Branch 519,208.82 Allenhurst National 321,348.60 supper was served. High score for Neptune Bank and Trust Co, 193,077.26 the- evening among the ladles was First National, Eatontown.. 238,805181 held by Mrs. Frank E. Taylor of Xen- O First National. Rradlry Beach 260.250 23 Keanuburg National 227,005.22 kinstown, Pa., and among the men Seacoast Trust, Asbury Park 229.760.IS by Jacob Gaggenheimer. Those pres- Matawan Bank 332,047.08 ent were Mr. and Mrs.) William A. w First National, Farmingdale 253,735 42 Close, Mr. and Mrs. F. Howard Lloyd, Sea Bright National 83 61] 52 ALLEN'S First National, Englishtown 166,47005 Mr. and Mrs. Wilson W. Hobrough, Dr. and Mrs. Carl A, Gessweln, Mrs. tlM68.IM2.lt Frank A. Taylor of Jenklnstown, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Bliss, Mr. and GREATEST Mrs. George P. Lehrltter and Jacob Matawan News. Gaggenhelmer and George Carr, both of Philadelphia. (The Red Bank Rcidstcr can be bourt Frederick Flannlgan of New York Winter Is here In earnest! You should bo well supplied with dependable In Matawan from M. J. O'Connel, 12 was the week-end guest at the home remedies to ward oft colds and other distressing winter Ills. Sun Kay Is Main street and J. & J. Tassini.) of Miss Margaret J. Devlin. IS feet ready to meet every requirement at truly remarkable money-saving prices. Paul Wars of Riverdale, N. Y., Jacob R. V. M. Lefferts, Jr., spent Try Sun Kay First! was the wcok-end guest of Charles C scyeral days last week at the home FELT Schock, Jr. of Miss Jean Buckley of Summit. Weather RINSO 25c 25c Bot. Miss Edna Wickham of Red Bank Dr. and Mrs. S. M. Lazow attend- STRIPPING Henry Tctlow't was the guest Friday night ot Mil ed a performance of "May Wine" at DR. LYONS Granulated WELCH'S Elizabeth Bauer. New York Wednesday evening. Tooth Powder Swtinsdcnvn Talc Grape Juice SOAP POWDER Pint Bottle Harry B. Townsend of Washing- Miss Phyllis Todd and Thomas S. Bon ton, D. C, spent the week-end as th Beers attended a New Years eve par- 7c guest of Mr. and Mrs. VanWinkl ty at the home of Robert Eisner of 17c 7c 17c Todd. Red Bank. 6c Miss Margaret Todd attended a party given at the Rainbow room in Middletown Village. 35c Jar Pills and Tablets Cold Remedies SOc Rockefeller Center at New York New PREP [10c Tunis 6c 35c Vicli'.s Vapo Rub ....M),)Hc Prophylactic Tooth Pnsto Yoara ovo as tho guest of Joseph N. (The Tied Bonlc Reslntpr con be bought .Shaving Cream 125c Nature's Remedy 17c 35c Hill's Caseara Quinine Greene, Jr., of New YgrJc__ In Middletown from J. C. Knight and |30o Dr. Edwards Olive. Tabs, lDc Mr. and Mrs. Judsbn S. Hopla and William B. Waters.) Tabs 20c KOc Mentholatum 20c 52c S. Frank Mason, Sr., ot Keyport 10c 125c" 'Fcenninints .'.._ 17c 85c Mustcrolo _ _ 27c The funeral of Cecil Sherman Con- 175c noun's Pills 50c wero New Years day dinner guest over was held at his late residence 60c Ileni for Coughs _ Me of Mr. und Mrs. Frank Mason, Jr. |7Se Boll-Ans , 4!)c 85c S.R. 1 Cough Syrup .... 40c Friday evening and it was marked [Cascara Sagradn Tnhs., riScDeicyeau's C'gli Syrup 42c Miss Elizabeth Hutchlnson attend- by a large attendance and many ed a dinner party given by George 15c can I 5 gr., 100 for _ 23c (i5c l'lnex _ 42c SAV-MOR floral tributes. Rev. George Young 11.25 Kclpumnlt Tftfis flic l.flft Crcn Trrpin 63c Scidlltz roivders Thomas at Elizabeth Tjjesday and af- conducted the service. The inter- CLAPP'S or terward was a guest'at a New Years 1 l.tM) Ironized Yeust Tails. _ 71c SOc Hart's Kphedrine Jelly 34c Box of 10 eve party given at the home of John ment was in Fair View cemetery GERBER'S 1 1.25 Car. & Bllf Salt Tabs, 81c SOc I{cl Nasal Jelly 34c Brown of Elizabeth. Saturday morning. Mr. Conover Is BABY FOOD survived by his wife, two children 9c John Vandervoort spent New Years and a sister, the_Jatter being Miss 2 cans for Pat. Medicines Dental & Shaving eve at the home of Daniel VanMate Mario Conover. of Pialnfleld. About fifty persons attended the 50c Phillip's Milk of Mnff. 31c 25c lvbeco Triple Action Mrs. Lucille Romano of Palisades Tooth Taste 18c .oo TYER funeral of Charles A. Deininger Sun- j (i»c Sal Hepatica _.. 10c FOUNTAIN spent a few days last week at th day afternoon at his late residence. 40c Host Tooth I'astc 27c home of Anthony Rapolla. j 00c Eno Salts Site SOc Iodcnt Tooth Paste. .... 2Sc SYRINGE Miss Antoinette Rapolla is spend- Tho service was in charge of Rev. I 65c Bisodol 42c Complete Herbert S. Craig, rector of Trinity 8x37 In. SOc Forlian's Tooth Paste 34c ing a few days at the home of Fred- Adjustable 1.00 Lavoris _ 67c 50c Kolynos Tooth Paste. 34c erick ClaKO of Brooklyn. Episcopal church of Red Bank. Many 1.25 Father Johns _... 84c 35c Mennen's Shave Crwim 24c Mlsa Shirley Stillwell of Everett floral tributes were in evidence. The WINDOW 1.25 I'cruna Tonic 84c 35c Lifebuoy Shave, Cream 2Ic 37c i has been the guest of her grand- interment was in tho Lutheran cem- Ventilators ] 1.00 Haley's M-O ...._ _...67c SOc Admiral Shave Cream 24c mother, Mrs. Lena Warwick, for tw etery at Middletown Village, New 1.00 Apirol _ 07c 5(>c Molle Shave Cream .... 35c - 35c These Walk Overs (were 8.50 and 6.75) Now 4.95 to 6-95 weeks. York. 1.00 Upjohn's Citro-Carh. . «7c 75c Jar Barbasol SOc SMITH BROS. Congressman William H. Sutphln Mrs. Margaret Sadek of Newark 18c COUGH has returned to Washington, D. C, was a Sunday guest of Kenneth SYRUP Other Styles (were 5.50 to 6.50) Now for the session of congress. Smith. .. l Vitamin Products Toiletries 2-95 to 4.95 Miss Phyllis Todd attended a per- Peter, Turner and Michael Mande- formance of "Jubilee" at New York vlllo of New York, formerly o£ this I 1.50 Alilinit's Haliver Oil 30c Roger & Gnllct Up Friday night ns the guoat of Edward place, wero visitors here Sunday. 10c Calio & Yiosterol Caps. 25s 85c Pomade 19c P. Ellis of Maplcwood. Audrey Smith, daughter of Mr. and PINE ! 1.60 Abbott's Haliver Malt 50c Dloxogen Cream ..._ Sic Mrs. George P. LchHtter, Miss Mrs. George Smith, Is confined to the Toilet Soap ivllh Viosterol S oz. lx>t 7!)c 25c Woodlmry Creams lHo Beechnut Louise Clark and Miss Laura Gesa- bed with sickness. 39c Tangeo Lipsticks 26c TOMATO weln left Thursday to motor to St. Mr. and Mrs. John Dean have ] 1.00 Ilpjnbn's Super I> Coil Liver Oil _ 67o 55c Ponil's Face Powder.. 25c JUICE Petersburg, Florida, where they will moved to New York. 28c Pacquin's Hand Crwim 18c spend several weeks. Anthony, Chlmerallo, who has been | 1.25 IJpjuhn's Super n Rich in 55c Hind's II. * A. Cream Vilamln. Mrs. William H. Sutphin left Thurs- living in Edward Tilton's bungalow, 1'rarls 84c wllli dispenser 6c day to Join her husband, Congress- is now occupying part of tho John N. j 1.50 Niirdlaiul Coil Liver 1.25 val. M>c Italian Unlm man Sutphln, who la in Washington. Hillyer house. Oil, tirade AA, qt 79c 65c dispenser, both.... 55c. Mr. and Mrs. VnnWInklo Todd and Harold Jelm of Jersey City spent 25c Tube Miss KatherlnB T. Timpson wero 11.00 White's Concentrate 55o Jergon's Hand Lotion H7c NORWICH tho week-end with his sister, Mr», DR. WEST Tabs (i7c 50c Donu Rosa Face I'ow. 19c guests at a dinner party given by Mr. Arthur Koelsch. MILK OF Tooth Paste I A. V. C. Vlosterol, 10 ce. .. 5!)c Former 25c Pond's Facial MAG. 11.25 A, P. C. Halibut & Tissues, 200s : 9c S or. Bot. 8c Vlosterol Capsules, 25s C!)c 10c Vt'lour l'owdor PUIIH . 3c YOU CAN J Baby Needs Hair Preparations MEN'S, WOMEN'S & CHILDREN'S SHOES (30c Mrud'H Cereal ..._ 17c 1.01) Vllalls Repack (>0o 160c Mead's I'uhlum ~ 34c 1.0H Ollvo Hair Tonic 40c 10c Cnlio 175c Mead's Dextrl-MnltuBO 57c 1.10 VVIUlroot Hair Tonic- (19c AT BARGAIN PRICES LIFEBUOY 150c, Cocuumult 31c 1.0(1 Prolier Hulr Tonic .... 87c SOAP 11.20 S. M. A. Vowdir ._ H!)c 1.21) Kreml I lair Tonic .... 92c LAUGH AT WINTER 4 enhrs IflOn IJ>CUIK<>II _.- 72o' 1.51) Knlnrlmk _ 08c 125c J. £ih Baby Talc ....- 17c SOti Watlrin'H Mulalfled MAYBE IT'S I 25c I'iiir & Ulcer .Syringes lie Corouiuit Oil Shampoo :15c 19c 1250 (J-Tlps ..._ 17c SOc Contl Sliampoo 8Bo •1 cii. Dot. 1 Anti-Colic Huiil-Tnl> Mo Wild root Wave Set .... Su FRENCH THERE'S nothing easier. Koppers Coke sends Nipples, 4 Tor ._ _..!_ 25* Fitch's I lair Oil 8o LILAC heating troubles flying. It's the fuel that you've FREE! Sliaving Lotion 25c Bottle Headquarters for Smokers' Values MISTOL been looking for—more heat per ton, clean, 1 \i' IVp Tolmwo, !t for., lie with 1.00 I ',-'/. 2 ll)c Tins Mi < luuiiiniK'i" "r Slan- TDXI'.DO TOllACOO wvcii ClmirH, l«»>t 2ft 59e easier to tend. You'll enjoy heultliful, even heat Nasal Atomizer anil BOc Zipper Touch Until (or 1,V I'rlurn Albert, Vel- vrl or Half .V Half tOc all over your house in the coldest weather. And i lie pliKS. Hauler arid cigarette, machine, 49c nil for Hlf1 you'll find that a Koppers Coke fire is very easy Ik! WHO King ClgarH, YOUR FEET! Me. Cigarette liiso IBo us ;t for - ' '*' 1'liir. 12 lM|>n Clmnera . 10 to regulate. Abbott's 11)15 l^lluy I.lltle TRY A GOOD A. B. D. ClKiim, a fur . He- 1'opular I5fl €lKarette(i CAPSULES lClKuiiioriiCilKiirK, ItO Tor ltll« Climtrrflflld, Old «lnld, With wiy |I.M . Order a ton from us todays mm IJrlar I'lpes ">" I.ucliy NlrlliP, Caninln, Pureluwe 'Ihl4 SHOE KM Mill or Onlrlicr, 4 for 2.1«' IBo lliMHilituit Toll :l for line i'kg. J[ JL /oC LAMP MOPPERS Hook Muifhcw, (10 pads 7c Harold Coal Co. With P»r«||iM»t II JOHN B. ALLEN CO. Coal - Fuel Oil Sun Ray Drug Co. 54 Broad St. 9 BROAD ST. RED BANK 84 Oakland St. COKE Tel. Red Bank 127. Paee Six RED BANK REGISTER/JANUARY 9, 1936.

AMUSEMENTS. sltown tomorrow,and ffaturday. "Una fu imported mueh Improved -Thomatvills, Georgia. J|iy_ Thompson •pending a few dsjri visiting at'! Two Suits Settled Cast* of the Missing Man" WEB pro- Oceanport News. as a patient at the Medical Center Is reported to be much Improved fqj- Woodbury, Lonu Island. duced by Columbia, and tells the at New York, has had a turn for Carlton Theater. (The Red Bank RagUter can bi bought lowlnR his heart attack several weeks Thomas E. Klrkton of Howard uni- Out of Court story of a otreet photographer who In Oceanport at the store of Carlo MICH.) the worse. ago. versity at Washington, D. 0., and Dryn Jnawr "Peter Ibbetson," Paramount'8 snaps a picture of a daring criminal Announcement has Just been made adaptation of the novel by George Miss Mary Kelly of the Main road Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mullins and William Atlclneon of St. John's and thereby becomes the prey of a Mra. Fred Wemple of Dwyane and Jack Kelly, Jr., of Red Bank children will leave this week to spend school at Brooklyn were week-end that the auit of Mrs. Helen Halllgan DuMaurier, with Gary Cuoper In the gang of desperate thieves. street haa returned homo front a vl&it 95 of Third street, Ruinson, agujnst Her- title role and Ann Harding In the were Sunday visitors at Radio City, the winter at Lexlnston, Kentucky. visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Fore- The R. K. O.-Radlo picture, "In with her daughter, Mn. Lydla Ked- musla hall, New York. Carol and Billy Ford are airaln able man. Mr. Klrkten Is a graduate of Slips....". 2 bert Gage, ari employee of the bor- female, lead, will be shown today and enburg of Bayridge. ough water works at Rahway, has Person," wtth Ginger Rogers in the The Ladles' aid society will meet to-be out after being confined to their Lincroft grammar school and Leon- tomorrow at the Carlton theater. star role, and George Brent ln tho Members of the Oceanport auxil- homo with grip. ardo high school, He was formerly been settled nnd that Mrs. Halligan Tho supporting cast includes Ida this afternoon at the home of Mrs. made of pure dye had been compensated for injurioo male lead, will be the feature at- iary of the Rlvervlew hospital will Ada Woodward. William R. Gaffney will leave to- at Foreman's boardinji school for Luplno, John Halllday, Douglas traction Sunday, Monday and Tues- moet on Thursday afternoon at the night for a stay with friends at New nine years. sufiluined by her in an accident Dumbrille, Virginia Wcldler, Dickie The Lincroft Progressive Demo- all pure silk satin which occurred when thu car in day of next week. home of Mrs. Henry C. Tllton of cratic olub will meet tonight at War- York. Mooro nnd Donald Meek. From tho story by Samuel Hopkins Bridge avenue, Red Bank. which she was rid|nK was struck by Directed by Henry Hathaway, who neker's tavern. Former Assembly- Misses Helen and Marlanna Gan- Hand grenades derive their name an automobilo owned by Mr. Gage Adams, author of the screen play, Mrs. Lloyd N. Sickles and J. Orrln man Theron McCampbell will bo the loy of Vandorburff were Saturday from the French word fqr pome- gained fame as tho director of "Lives "It Happened One Night," "In Per- Sickles of Main street have been*' HI guest speaker. Charles Kelly, pres- as she was turninj,' into Third street, of a Hcnga] Lancer," "Peter Ibbct- visitors of Mrs. William VanBrunt. granate. returninK to her home. At the time son" finds logical moments during for several days with coldi. ident, will preside. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boyle son" pictures tho world-renowned which to Introduce three popular George Hibbettu of Main street had of the collision, Mrs. HalliRUn vvus romance stnry of two people whose Mrs. Lew la S. Thompson has re- and Asher Helsler of Freehold vla- Garlic, said to be Indigenous to rUlinK in an auto.nobile owned rr.d songs and two dances interpreted by as his guest on Sunday his daugh- turned home after spending the past lted here. love- for each other was stronger ter, Mrs. Ethel Beach ot Spring Lake, Siberia, was grown In England as operated by her brother, Lawrence Ginger. In the distinct style which two months visiting her husband at early as the sixteenth century. McOormick of. Rumson. The acci- than life and more powerful than recfntly marked her brilliant work Members of the Eatontown East Miss Peggy Carey of Brookdale Is dent occurred on June 2, 1931, and death. After their friendship in in "Top Hat," the tltlan-halred star em Star and Masonic lodges attend- when Mr. • Gaj;c refused to assume childhood days, the .boy and girl dances in two smart numbers. ed the evening sorvlce at the Ocean- meet again for a short time, having responsibility for her injuries, Mrs. The gay story concerns the ro- port Methodist church oh Sunday. Halllgan instituted suit in the su- grown to manhood and womanhood. The organist wajj Mrs. Minnie Har- Separated forever by prison walla, a mantic consequences which evolve preme court. The case was assigned when a supremely egotistical girl vey of Little Silver. Kav. Sidney H. to Judge Rulif V. Lawrence for trial strange, Invisible link in tho form Davies used as his text for the dis- of n. supernatural gift reunites tho falls In love with a gentleman who at Freehold and was to have been seeks to curb her arrogance by forc- course. "Come, Tarry and Go." tried recently. Shortly before the hero and his lost love in the dream- Mrs. Edward W. Worthloy of Pem- land of the past. Purely a dream ing her to perform common house- trial, however, the attorneys for tho work. berton avenue has been confined to olonialMaple iot^ Insurance company representing Mr. fantasy, "Peter Ibbetson" represents her home for soveral dayo with a Gage offered a substantial settlement ono of the most beautiful and im- Alan Mowbray, Grant Mitchell, Samuel Hinds, Joan Breslau, Louis cold. •— to Mrs. Halllgan, which was accept, mortal love stories ever' told. Mr. and Mra. Perley Riddle o! ed. The amount involved is reported Mason and Sponoer Charters aro the YOUR €ARLY AMERICAN BtDRQDM supporting cast. , Brldgewaters, motored to AUentown to have, been $3,500. Mrs. Halligan on Sunday where they visited Misses was represented by the firm of Harriet and Bertha Wemple. Qulnn, Parsons & Doremus of Red The Oceanport Young Wonien'a Bar.k and Mr. Gage by John R. Laird Hazlet News. of Newark. club began the new year with a meet. (The lU'd Bank Register can be bouifht Ing on Wednesday afternoon at the In Hailet from Mra. Edna M. W. Peaeux.) Another suit which was settled re- home of Mrs. Sidney Davlca of Cen- cently was that of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mr. and Mra. William Urstadt have ter street. The newly elected officers Daverlo of Lincroft against Edward moved Into their new bungalow on then assumed their duties. The new Tucker of Newark, arising oiit of an the Holmdel turnpike, which was re- slate includes Miss Ruth Scare I pres- automobile accident which occurred cently completed: The bungalow Is ident. Miss Dorothy West secretary on September 4, 1934, at the corner 26x52 feet with five rooms and bath and Miss Jean Morrow treasurer. of Monmouth strert and Maple ave- and all modern improvements. The, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Dynan ot nue, Red Bank. Mr. Daverlo, who contractor was Samuel H. Thome of Branch avenue have had BB their is well known in Llncrott, while op- Keunsburg. Mr. Urstadt purchased guest Mrs. Dynan's brother, Hiram crating his automobile passed the In- the lot from Mrs. Lillian Carhart. Southgate of New York. tersection with his wife and Mr. and Thl3 Is the fourth house to be built Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Millar of Pem- Mrs. George Frattin, as passengers on this property in the last few years. berton avenue are now in Florida, and was struck by Mr. Tucker's car, George Chlsman, formerly of Key- where they will spend the winter causing considerable damage. When months. Mr. Tucker refused to adjust the port, now living In Philadelphia, is visiting his daughters, Mra. Leon Mrs. Bess Kohls of Washington, D. damage, suit was Instituted against C, returned homo on Sunday after him by Mr. and Mrs. Daverio. The Hard" and Mrs. Robert T. Woolley of the Holmdel turnpike. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. case hae just been settled by pay- Sickles of Main street. ment to Mr. and Mrs. Daverio of the Misses Louise M. Heiier, Helen MacNeice and Edith E. Schwegler of ..Mr. and Mrs. Louia West of Pem- a:nount of their damages, amounting berton avenue have had as their to' some $1,600. Brooklyn visited Mr. and Mra. Ern- est E. Peseux on Sunday. On thoir guest Mrs. West's mother, Mrs. Ella Mr. and Mrs. Daverlo were like- way home from Asbury Park on New Herbert of West Orange. wise represented by the firm of Years they were forced to leave their Mrs. A. Franks and Norcnan Qulnn, Parsons & Doremus, while car at Rathbone's garage on the Franks of Wolf Hill avenue returned Harold McDcrmott of Freehold, rep- stato highway because of icy roads. home on Sunday from a visit-with resented Mr. Tucker. ' Mr. and Mra. Paul T. Ryder of Red relatives at New York. Bank and Miss Eleanor VanBrackle Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanScholck of John Warren Honored. of Keyport were. New Years guests Pemberton avenue have had as their of Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Weigand gueBt their daughter, Mrs. McGraw Hon. John Warren, an attorney of New York. with ofllces at Newark and Jersey of the Holmdel turnpike. Mr. and Mrs. Lester V. Walling of Mrs. Georgo C. D. Hurley of Main City and who lives at Still Pond street, who haa been HI since Christ- farm, Middletown township, was ad- Bethany road and Mlsa Dora E. Original - Charming - Practical Thorne were dinner guests of Misses mas, Is now able to sit up for a short mitted to the bar of the United L time each day. States Supreme Court Monday. His Edith and Emma Walling on New Custom Quality—you must sec it to believe Shot and shell can't part these\ Years day. Mrs. J. S. Walllnj? of Main street that such flno furniture can be bought for so sponsor was Delavaille Theaixi, one had as her guests on Sunday Mr. and of the foremost lawyers of Louisiana. sweethearts! SHIRLEY TEMPLE Ira Rathbone, son of Mr. and Mra. little. The Liberty Bell Group is a modern re- B of the Mrs. Edward Walling and Missjs production of Early American Design carried and JOHN BOLES as they appear Mary, Mildred and Jane Walling of out ln a beautifully finished, rich-toned light in the Fox picture, "The Littlest) party. The young folks spent the West Long Branch. brown maple, with Its historic motif taken Mrs. Elizabeth A, Loper and Mrs. Rebel.!'- evening ln singing, dancing, playing from that American Symbol of liberty—for games, with muslo and when the new E. O. Nylander were hostesses to the which It is named. Colonial Maple Is the most values possible only in members of tho Ladles' aid society popular and appropriate, furniture for the bed- Shirley Templo returns to the yea- r cam„_.e in„„ swelle„ d the noise with pan8 and gun8 Icioua refresh- of the Oceanport church at an all-day room of today. this SALE ! Carlton screen Saturday In her lat- . - meeting • held on Tuesday at tha Dresser .$41.95 est Twentieth Century-Fox film, ments were served during the even- ing. Those present were Jean Read, church hall. Following luncheon a VANITY Night Stand .. $8.95 "Tho Littlest Rebel," an adaptation business meeting was held and plans Wa planned this sale of the stage play by Edward Peplc. Wanda Miller, Barbara Kite, Eleanor Chair $8.95 Wlnterton, Iris Woolley, Betty Woig- made for a clam chowder sale, the PCS. .75 months ago: that's why Tho main adult role.s nre taken by date to ba announced later. The so- 3 Bench $6.95 and, Jenny Plerson, William Read, CHEST John Boles, Jack Holt, Karen Mor- ciety will serve dinner at the annual we can give you this 'Luck, ts always against a man who ley. Bill Robinson and Gulnn Wil- Alvin Fitzgerald, Horace Carhart, depends too much on it" Hudson D. Carhart, Jr., Ira Rathbone church roll call to be held on Feb- liams. ruary 6. Tho next all-day meeting quality in pure dye all JANUARY. and Malcolm W. Peseux. The locale of tho picture Is old will be held on January 28 at the SEE THIS SUITE NOW ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOW WINDOW. fi~tf 8—Congress authorlici Issu- Miss Eleanor Wlnterton and Miss pure silk satin lingerie S7^fs ancc of ont cent post Virginia at the height of tho Civil church hall with Mrs. Ralph Maur- war, with Shirley and her parents Jenny Piersch of New York epent f~v cards. 1872 tho holidays with their uncle, Sidney lell and Mrs. Charles Prothero act- \0t these prices. Pat- loyal supporter^' of tho losing Con- ing as hostesses. Those present at £*V';TEJ*- '.^ 9—The great blizzard in Min- federacy. ^ Pedeo of tho Holmdel turnpike. .< lenled Biyn Mawr alters . . Misfl Ethel Jackson and son, Ron- the meeting yfere Mrs. Edward M. Vyjafe'i!*; nesota Seventy die. 187} Much of the pathos and tenderness Berry, Mrs. Perley Riddle, Mrs. Ralph 'noting bias design: inv' of the picture centers about Shirley aid Wolfe of East Orange, spent the holidays at the home of Mrs. Emma Maurlol, Mrs, John Silvers, Mrs. E. and her mother, Miss Morley, who O. Nylander, Mrs. L. West, Mrs. C. ported French lacef: 10—First U. S. Aviation meet Pcaeux : oonn Hazlet avenue. Mjr. and lield In Los Anjelej. 1910 finally succumbs to the hardship of ' - R. Walling, Mrs. James Hennessey ACME FURNrrURE CO. ftever-rip seams. (>,„ ,„••,. ' " Mrs. Harold Teevan of Paterson were and Mrs. W. H. Grills. f II—Glenn Curtlst sett air- There arc adventures in her New YearB' guestsX J EST. 1912 SIZES 32 to II. ^> plane speed record of 55 scrapes with the Yankees, and a Mr. and Mrs. Bectttun^Faul of 1' miles per hour. 1910 thrilling flight as > Shirley's father, Manahawken visited Mrs. Emma T. Lincroft News. The Most Progressive Furniture Store in the Shore Sector Boles, attempts to smuggle her Rudlger on Saturday. 1 12—Jactt London, famed no* through the Yankee lines, only to be Miss Hulda Latham, after spending (The Red Bank Register cin be bouiht > elist. born 1676 captured and held as a spy. the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- at Lincroft from George Toop, -who has 135-137 MONMOUTH ST. TEL. 2104 • " RED BANK A delivery route.) The closing sequences -are devoted liam R. Lupton on Long Island, has ^13—The high price of flout returnec d to her home on the Holm- This evening at 7:45 o'clock the 17 Broad St., causes serious riots in Nev to showing how this dimpled darling ' ; 1 York City. 1837 manages to win President Lincoln! L T young people of the Lincroft chapel Red Bank, N. J. to-her cause and saves her father Carl Gloss will hold a sociable at which time a ^14—Congress ratifies the Peaci and the Yankee officer who be- spent. the holidays with his father group of young peoplo from Leon- f Treaty with England. 1 in Connecticut. Mr. Gloss was form- ardo In chargo of Mra. Ralph Peas* 1784 V friended them. HOW THIS FREE HEATING SERVICE ENDED That lovely song, "If All Thy En- oily employed at tho Aero-Marine ln will bo guests. A guest speaker has dearing Young Charms," is sung by Keyport. been arranged. An election of of- Shirley nnd John Boles in the pic- Miss Marlon L. Peeeux, Miss Lor- ficers for the young people's organ- COLD ROOM TROUBLE FOR MR. JOHN DWYER ture. Another song, "Polly, Wolly raine Bozarth, Mlsa Adela Cross and ization will bo held. Mrs. Myrtle Doodle," was especially compogod MIBS Margaret Hurst of Middletown, Perry will do tho decorating. All A True Story of John Barclay Service for the little star by B. G. DeSylva, students at the Trenton Teachers' are invited to attend as guestB. Re- associate producer of the picture, college, Hlllwood Lakes, returned to freshments will be served. tho college on Thursday after upend- ami Sidney Clanv'' Adolph Molzon and Gene Ford have I'M THE. "BLUE COAL' I WISH YOU'D SHOW ME FOR ONE THING YOUR FURNACE AND THE FLUES I ing the holidays at their respective wired to Lincroft stating their po- homes. SERVICE MAN YOU HOW TO GET MY ROOMS NEED CLEANING. FURTHERMORE, IT ISN'T NECES- sition on a six weeks' tour, of the SENT FOR. WHAT WARM WITHOUT RUNNING SARY TO KEEP THE DRAFT OPEN WIDE. YOU Strand Theater. Mrs. Howard Barrlett of Bayonne, South and West; Word was last re- "Hid Night Out." a Universal pic- Miss Edith Scott and Mr. and Mrs. ceived from Wllcox, Moxlco. CAN I DO FOR TO THE CELLAR ALL DAY BURN TOO MUCH COAL. IN REAL COLD WEATHER ture, with Edward Kvert;tt Horton ln Henry Scott of Jersey City were Lewis S. Thompson, Jr., is expect- LONG. 1VE TRIED THREE ;g™OPEN THE TURN DAMPER A LITTLE MORE tho main role, will bo tdiown for the New Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs. DIFFERENT KINDS OF COAL clartmc0 p ed to return to Brookdaio some time last timi-H Inday at the Strand the- edoe of the Holmdel turn- BUT HAD NO LUCK )1Itl!l this weok from Thomasvllle, Georgia, aler. Ahm in the enst lire Irene > whc/6 he has been spending the hol- Hervey. Jark I.;iUuo, Robert Me- Mrs. Samuel Burke of Trenton, idays. Mr. Thompson will move In- H'mlc. I.ol.i I.arm, Billy Humid, Jack cousin of Mrs. Clarence Pedeo, Is a to his new residence, which was Mulhall, Willaril Robertson, Oscar patient at nivervlcw hospital at Red formerly occupied by Otis Aucr and Apfol, Theodore VonEltz and Clara Bank. family. Klmball Young. ' Herbert Scott, probation officer of James Luker of Main road, who Monmouth county, was a week-end about three weeks ago was lnjurod, guest of his cousin, Mrs. Clarence has a broken collar bono and Is a Pedee. patient at Monmouth Memorial hos- JSH At tho regular meeting of tho Boy pital. Scout troop on Friday ovcnlng, Wal- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Potter nnd ter Dean rocolved his tenderfoot pin. daughters of Red Bunk wcro Sundny Tho troop now has fifteen scouts. visitors of Mrs. Potter's father, Mel- Allen M. Webster and Ernest E. vln 8. Reed. Peseux, Jr., completed a fourteen- Miss Harriet Roach entertained a nillo hiko on Saturday, ns ono of tha number of guests Friday night at requirements oh a first-class scout. her homo at a social gct-togcthor. Malcolm W. and Ernest E. Pesoux, Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. IT LOOKS LIKE YOl/RE SHRK1N6 6000 Jr., Carl Gloss and George Murphy, Lewis Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Dan four Hccond-class scouts, will take Francis, Robert Smith and Horton COAL INTO THE ASHPIT. SHAKE THE tho swimming examination at As- GRATES GENTLY ANO NOT SO OFTEH, I'LL Now gets plenty of heat L. Roach and George Laingcr of Now "•"yOUR Service Man gave me much information bury Park on Monday evening;, Jan- York. AND STOP WHEN YOU SEETHE FIRST DO THAT. uary 13, for flrat class. i about ray furnace which saved roe lots of Fred Wagonfohr, who lnst week RED GLOW HERE. THEN, IF YOU'LL THANKS FOR trouble, work and time — running up and down KEEP THIS ASHPIT CLEAN, YOU'LL TOUR HELP to the cellar. . GET GOOD HEAT AND SAVE "I blamed the furnace because I hatl cold rooms. TROUBLE ANO MONEY I changed ihe front room pipe. I tried one ton of Russian coal but that was no better. So I called the old reliable to send a Service Man and nne ton of 'blue coal' for him to work on. He advised Home Heating Hints W me to keep the flue clean—the proper way to shake the fire—and to keep the fire pot full of coal. Now I can truly lay I have plenty of heat, by JOHN BARCLAY *g^ a bright fire always, less trouble, less ash." JOHN DWYER 122 York Si., New lUvm, Conn. In the production, directed by WII- If you ire having heating trouble of my kind, iiin Nigh, Hnrtnn chnom:i In Imvo Dampor \/VM\ of an inch toward nk your 'blue coal' D«ier to lend his Service I J) 0 YOU know that tho grcut- lllH.guy film; Jllilt after Iho buna's * oat wnnto in connection with tho closed upright position. If the Man to inipctt your furnace. Ho'll quickly tell fllifii hllH boon Iniitocl of $100,000 In home heating; is what heating (Ire contlnuoa to burn freely, turn you what is causing the trouble and how to bondii. Horlon thinks Mi™ 1 iervny exports call "Chlm- It another sixteenth may have tiikcn the money no Unit correct It. iie.y., J,ORH" — tho of nn inch. Itopent h eiiulii nffnni ,,|, niicniilim rorhor heat wanted up tho thin operutltm until BAILLY BROTHERS liivnlid bidtlH'r, lalie.i (hf lilnntc hlm- chimney? you find the ideal IMt MAI'IJC AVICNIHC TKr,. HKl) HANK ,',!' nelf, nnd tho fun hi'glriH. Horton It In n Hlmplo mut- adjustment that will I.ONU 1IKANC1I bumps into two iwparatfl gronpB of ter to roduco thin give you the great- A. Dc FAZIO & CO. >;n imtf.i :i. Imlli nut to got him, flnds limit to nn nbuoluto cut amount of use- For this FREE Heating Service fc himself In Jiill, tnlion for a rldo nnd minimum by using ful hoat with tho Mf CHELSEA AVK., TKI.. I.ONU 11HANCII m In cither nituiillniiH, nil of which |,o a little care ln ad- Siotlonil VI View minimum of chim- fai'c.H with unusual hruvery nnj jtistlnK 'he Turn Turn Dimpar In Smok* Pip* ney lom. Then talcs nrmni' )i. I'umner—(thutdlne aplccoof chalk and Shrewd, careful buyers read The Register's Class- sltlon on the amoks and 'blue coal* Tw,, fonlii,-,.,,. "Tim (•„.,„ ,,f „,„ or plate-llko dampor inatdo tho | mar..k_ thi.....s. ..jiltlc . ified Advertisements, Hero you find the seller who MIHBIIIK Mnn," will, ltng,.,- l'ryoruiul riitmlio p|p«), I«t mo explain how pipo end leave thn damper there. Fred D. Wikoff Co 551-552 John I'erry, and-"Tlio Ivory-Hnndlod thla la dons i Remember, tho nearer th« Turn ATLANTIC HIGIII.ANO5 llnnitit Ctinl Co. IM 1 EATONTOWN H.nrx All.n Co., Inc. . t8 W*nU to sell and the buyer who wants to buy. I-"".1 with J3, ,„ ' The next time yo, u fix the fire, Damper U to the clonod position (M. I . M.u...tr A Son) ll.ONCi UBANCII ... II. H. Shtrman « .ion* c'o.','..,'i$o )ck Jon niovo tiio handls ot the TuroJUiacmnUw the chimney, low. (7) RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 9,1986.

ANNOUNCED. liya. Hostei.ei at thla waak'a af- hill on th« school property and re- The meeting of the board of edu-Miller street hill a few days ago, has Addlson Frltts will reopen hla deli- 'slr wira Mr». John Wtldnmn *n

  • p|> fat Ulll DrMilnir Ilruiseln HiHuuts nil other Wilkinson, duMis JiquorK nnd WIIK-N until golden brown. Hcrvo hot nili'd ami Honcr Hot Appla Sauca Sour Befit• with creamed chicken, (lull, sweet- Cocoa Orange Ice BECOME AN "Artist at the Range" carl l>o piirclinr""! fromtlic following «lcnl<*rHt bread, penn nnd thn like. flUNIMT JOHN HINJ1XMANN, Inc. CAMHXLA IIHOS. chaclta SUPPKH ItoRit Duck FVoxen Tuna VMi Lonf Humsoii Sim Hot Coienl ftakad Potatoes Bplred Pear BaUd COLDS Crmtniml Ch Ortamtfl r*rtnliii fjtyar Cake •ml llocl Kild.vi ftalad Tee, DAVIDSON KHOS. w rnATE llolU t*Tnon Chiffon PU Hnl Banli Itedltonk 666 FEVER c'olte« Coff«« UQIIII>-TAni.ETS first day RactpM for mny (tlib»» (n th*M M*nut may be had free by writing te 5A1.VE-NOSE 5l'ln«y Snow, car* of thl« pap«r. tutors Headaches la 30 mlnut.i RED BANK REGISTER. JANUARY 9,1988.

    Bunday tad Monday Waiting rala- Marlboro after having apent the Leviathan Commands tlvaa tnl frlanda at Nawark. Colt'. Neck Newi. Yuletlde aaaaon with bar ion, Walter To Spieak Herd Friday Mr. and Mra. Harmaa Jon«§ an- D. Fialda. terUtned at a party but Monday Walter D. Fieldi haa baen laid up Jaanatta and Milvfn Wlllatt of with a heavy cold. Cqmmodor* Herbert Hartley, for- avanlng in honor' of their aldait Newark apant tha holiday a*a«on daughter, Battlna'a thlrtaanth birth- Charles Oahler and Martin Manger with thalr aunt, Mr*. Joaquln Law- "»r commander of the Bteamahlp recently completed a courae of three rence. leviathan, will addresa membera of day. Batty raoalvad many gl'ta from days of Instruction for patrol leaders her guaata. Among thoaa preeent New Teara eva waa gay and nolay "« Woman's club In their clubhouse at the Monmouth county Boy Scout at thla place. Parties were bald at a on Broad street tomorrow (Friday) wore Dorla Uhrlg. Helen Ubrlg of camp at Allaire. They gave a eynop- number of places. The Ore alren was afternoon at 2:80 o'clock. Wait Kaanaburg, Ruth WUaon, Roie als of the course at a meeting of the aoiinded and there was an unuiual Wllion, Mr. and Mra. Rodger Wll- Boy Scouts of Atlantic township Mon- amount of ahootlng with pistols. The Second National Bank aon of South Rlvar, Mlaa Halan Wal- day night " Mra. Hyatt, who makes her boms tera of Perth Amboy, Thomaa O'Nell The roof of Felix Tumalakl'a houaa with her eon, Frank Hyatt, la seri- of Cartarat, Mr. and Mra. Herman caught fire near the chimney last ously sick. Jonea and children Betty, John and Thursday. The firemen put the blaze Dorla of thla place. out before much damage waa done, Mr. and Mn. Raymond Holllng are at the home of Mr. and Mrs^ Warren r and Mra, Norman Moran and Infant David Tumldalekl, Morton Jonea, Snedeker for the winter. Mra. Holl- daughter Pauline have returned to Harold Selderman, Peter Llkowskl and Paul Lund enjoyed a venlaon lng haa been In poor health several their home on. Twelfth atreet from weeks past. the Monmouth Memorial hospital at dinner given by the Bucktown deer Long Branch. Mrs. Moran waa tlM dub ot Marlboro' last night In Nep- former Mlaa Ruby Walling.' tune township. SENATE CONFIRMATIONS. Mra. Barbara Lease haa concluded Th* Bogr Scouts are arranging to a stay with her aon-ln-law and hold •> buzioo party and dance next President Asks for Confirmation of Trust Company daughter, Mr. and Mr*. Felix montb *t the scboolhouse. John J. Qulnn. Smlclenakl, and family at Orange, The creeks, brooks and ponds In President Roosevelt Tuesday asked and has reopened her home at thla this section, of which there are many, the Senate to confirm the appoint- placo. ran at "high tide" last Thursday ment of John J. Qukin as United ^ of Red Bank, N. J. 4 Mra. Edythe Lunceford of "Red night when there was a warm rain- States Attorney for the District of Bank Is now making her home with fall and a complete meltage of a New Jersey, succeeding Harlan Mra. Ella Bailey on Holly avenue. snowfall about six Inches deep. Even Besson. The Holy Name aoclety of Bt. the smallest watercourses had the ap- At the same time confirmation was Ann'a church will receive Holy Com- pearance of being raging torrents. asked on the appointment of Dennis CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CONDITION DECEMBER 31, 1935 HERBERT HARTLEY. munion In a body at the half-paat However, no bridges wero washed J. O'Mahoney to be state engineer In- seven o'clock mass next Sunday away and the damage was slight. spector for the Public, Works admin- Commodore Hartley has followed morning. John E. Laird has returned from istration In the state. • tho scan for 35 years. During a great Miss Frances Kornt and Miss Bermuda, where he spent the Yule- Postmaaterablp appointments Bent part o( hla service he was command- tide season. Paula Staff of New York were week- to the Senate for confirmation Includ- RESOURCES ( er of nno of the largest ships ever John Grabeleskl Is Improving from ed William J. Maloney at Fort Han- LIABILITIES built. Hla experiences with the many end guests of Miss Kornt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Franklen Kornt. an Injured leg which he received in cock. Cash on Hand and Due from celebrities that form the usual pass- a fall while he was working at the Capital $1,250,000.00 enger Hat of a famous ship ranged MIBS Helen L. Qrehea of Atlantic Banks .....$1,258,320.90 Highlands has returned to her du Laird distillery plant. He haB been from seating the right people at the a patient at Monmouth Memorial hos- . A. B. 0. Head to Speak. U. S. Government Securities 1,759,836.88 Undivided Profits 291,861.35 right table during dinner to supply- ties aa teacher In the West Keans- D. Frederick Burnett, commlsilon- burg grammar school followinga pital at Long~ Branch. State and Municipal Bonds ,- 723,077.91 ing needle and "thread to those who Michael Bordluk, who has been in cr of the etate department of -alco- Deposits-~7.;::.:r—-.-.:.--..---—-: 6,064,476;36- ask him for it over tho telephone. two weeks' absonce. poor health several weeks, has Im- holic beverages, will be the prlncipa Stock of the Federal Reserve . . Ho has headed the welcoming com- Miss Mary Hatalan and Douglas proved sufficiently to be out, speaker at the regular monthly meet- mittee to Queen Marie ofltoumanla Rebeck of Perth Amboy were New Frank Crawford has been Confined Ing of the Presbyterian Brotherhood Bank : 37,500.00 Other Liabilities 195.25 and welcomed many brldea and Year guests of relatives at thla place. to the house with" a heavy cold, but next Monday night. A muslcaf pro- Other Bonds and Securities 1,389,265.76 grooms Into the sea of matrimony. Edward C. Thorns haa fully re- he Is Improving. gram will be presented and refresh- His task, not only as.social leader covered from a case of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Fields at- ments will be served. Loans and Discounts 1,656,424.66 of the gniat ship but as business Mr. Thome has been confined to his tended a Mew Years family gathering Real Estate Mortgages 347,800.00 commander of It, has burdened him *~>me since Thankiglvlng day. and dinner party at the home of Mr. with the job"of supervising the house- and Mrs. J. Elmer Vanderveer of Bank Building and other Real keeping of one of the largest Bhlps Freehold. They are the parents of Estate .: :...... 411,763.19 afloat and of adminlntor.'ng the great Union Beach News. Mrs. Vanderveer, who was formerly Try Purity Dairy detail and volume of buslneBS that Is Miss Alice Fields. Others present at Other Resources 22,543.66 required to conduct a purely business (The Red Bank Register cm be bought the party were Mr. Vanderveer's par- enterprise In an efllclent manner. In Union Beach at the store of Gut Sen • on.) ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Elmer Vander- From this vast experience, and with veer of West Freehold. $7,606,532.96 $7,606,532.96 the Interesting manner of a sailor MILK Announcement has been made of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson and telling hln favorite oea stories, Com- the engagement of Ml»e Helen their daughter Helen of MorrlBVlllo, modore Hartley has a fund of anec- Obuchovlez of Union Beach and Hen- Pennsylvania, spent New Years with Call R. B. 2321 dote^ concerning' the great and the ry Loonard of Union. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Weeks. OH near front which will delight nil lis- Plans were completed Friday night Tho firemen wore called out iast teners. by members of, the Catholic club to week as tho result of a fire which Freehold 505. DIRECTORS: hold a card party In toe borough hall destroyed a large part of the east side A BETTER QUALITY on January 25.. Edward Conroy li of Warren Drew's residence at Sco- MILK. West Keansburg. general chairman of the affair. beyvllle. The blaze was caused by CHARLES ALLEN, Jr. MYRON V. BROWN . Fire company No. 1 met New an overheated clilmney. The firemen Mr; and Mrs. Harold Mohler and Years day and elected the following made quick time In getting to the GEORGE K. ALLEN, Jr. '. JOHNBUCKLIN daughter Harriet were Sunday officers: place and they did very efficient work guests ot Mr, and Mrs. William President—James King-. with chemicals in putting out the RICHARD APPLEGATE JOHN COLT Bailey of BelfOrd. Vlea president—John Williams. flames. Mr. Drew says they cannot Jersey Central & Becreturj'—Edward H. Z*hn. receive too much praise. He former- Mrs. Helen Taylor of Church Treasurer— Philip Bloomer. WILLIAM W. ARMSTRONG MARCUS M. DAVIDSON atreet has recovered from a week's Foreman—Joseph McCarthy. ly lived at New York, where there la .illness and has returned to her po- Assistant foreman—Michael Kllniky. a paid fire department, and he says Power & Light Co. HARRY G. B0RDEN altlon with the Robblns-Tenncy com- Returning home from a New Years the salaried firefighters there never LEON REUSSILLE, Jr. pany. eve celebration at Newark Thursday did better work than the volunteer Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sheridan spent morning, Charles Barasuco found unpaid firemen of Atlantic townBhlp 5K% - 6% - 7% • % J:D. TULLER did at his Scobeyvllle home. He tho week-end with Mrs. Sheridan's that a thief had celebrated New plans to have the damage repaired family at Jersey City, Years eve by breaking down the back soon. door of his home on Pine avenue and PREFERRED STOCK Miss Vivian Newman, Mlsa Hazel Mrs. Thomas Kelsey, Mrs. John Newman, Miss Audrey Hartzell, Mr. carrying away a large supply of Ryan and Thomas Kelsey, Jr., of Red 9 BOUGHT - SOLD and Mrs, Richard Carney, Andrew groceries, which Included a large bag Bank spent one day last week with Deposits in this bank are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., in the manner Oberman, Jr., Fred Trcnery, Paul of flour, a dozen cans of milk, a Mrs. Asher Crawford. QUOTED Folks and Thomas Paris wore pound of cheese, two pounds of cof- Augustus Crine, son of Mr. and and to the extent provided under the terms of the Banking Act of 1933, and amendments amotiK tho New Year visitors of Mr. fee and flvo pounds of sugar. Foot- Mrs. Michael Crlne, after having First N. J. Securities and Mrs. Craig Waltt of Gutten- prints on the ground indicated that spent the Yuletlde season with his thereto. ' . ' berg, formerly of Kcanabuvg, at a the thief woro a large pair of shoes parents, has resumed his studies at New Year's dinner and dance, Assessor Ernest Bade has an- a Catholic seminary at Niagara Falls, Company. Inc. nounced that the assesomont for Mr. and Mrs. William H. Newman where he Is preparing to become a ELECTRIC BLDG. and daughter Mildred were New taxes for 1036 has been coznploted. priest. It Is expected that he will be Year guests'of Mr. and Mm. Wil- Mayor James McKlttrlck believes ordained next summer. Aibury Park Phone 2121 liam lilvtll and family at Scotch that the new monthly commuters Mra. Lydln Fields has returned to Plains. rate of tho Central railroad will be John .1. O'Nell and William L, an asset in building up the Bayshore O'Nell of New York were the week- district Although he to a commuter end guests nf Mrs. J. O'Nell of Park himself, and la therefore in sympathy avenue. with all commuters who are obliged Miss Kathryn Connolly was a to.pay tha Increased rate, he Is of Tuesday visitor at Perth Amboy. the opinion the change will benefit Mrs. Peter Dickey has returned tn Union Beach and the Bayshore dis- her homo at this place following a trict. Tho (mayor says that many wcck'B stny with her son-in-law and real estate operators take the view daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony from a bright side, eo much so that Lenowlch and family of Brooklyn. they plan to conduct a drlvo during Miss Frclda firanto of Newark tho spring and summer of real estate HOURS spent the New Year week with her along the Bayshore section. mother, Mrs. John McCormack of The marriage of Miss Ruth C this pliicc. Edgye and . Edward J. Baushack, Michael Sopalis and Joseph Ponna both of Newark, was announced a wero wcck.ond guests of their re- few days ago. Both are former res- spective fnmllles at New York. idents of Union Beach. MIBS Mnrie Rehhcln of Union Tho recently organized Junior Reg maJte Beach was a Sunday visitor at this ular Dcmocratlo club will In the lu place. turo meet on Wednesday night, in Mrs. Gladys Mohler has resigned otoad of Sunday as heretofore. her position with tho Tllton garment At the organization meeting of the factory anil hna accepted employ- borough council on January 1, Coun ment with the Robblns-Tenncy com- oilman George R. Rosa announced pany. that ho would bo unable to accept the chairmanship of the pollco com- Dorothy Kornt Is confined to her mittee as his employment takes him home on Luurol avonuo with a se- away from Union Beach at night. Mr. vere attack of grip- Ross has been active In police mat- That's all the time it takes Mies Nell Hatalan la slowly recov- ters for several years and has car- ering from a severe facial Irritation ried tho title of chief of the police and Is under thn care of a physician. department. Tho mayor re-appolnted Miss Kathleen Boylan of Jersey Ezra Karkus as borough attorney. to change your furnace • City 1B n glifst. of MIBS EllzabDth Charles A, Splelman was appointed Franzcn. borough recorder, succeeding Thom- Mlaacs Irene and Ruth Brooks of as Lyons. Harry Klnnear was ap- over to, GAS operation < • this piano, were Sunday guests of pointed aa a member of the board their brothcr-ln-liiw nnd sister, Mr. of health to fill a vacancy. Harry and Mrs. Knrl Snyder of Newark. W. Doylo was appointed a constable, which now costs LESS • • Charlos Oliver of Passalc epent and George H. Jones waa re-appoint tho W6ok-end with his family here. cd water tax collector. Tbe mayor Mrs. David r. Wolns of Railroad mnde tho following committee ap- a^fenuD him left for a throe months" pointments: than other types of automatic stay at Miami, Florida. Mr. Wolss Street and llghti—Claim, Wlble and has beon at tliat placo since Novem- Letweudke. ber. Police— Letwentko, Hgglnaon and Wlble heating Wftter—HO»R, Head and E&jrlnBnn. Joseph A. Norton of I^ong Inland Fire—EfKlnion, Iliad and Claim, . upent the wonlt-cnd as tho guest of Klnnnce—Wlble, Roia and Claim, BUDGET YOUR Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Brannlgan Bulldlnai— Head, Ross and Lttiaenakt. and family. r A surprint) birthday party was ten- HEATING COSTS! MIBS Martrnrrl l «rley entertained dered David Beaman at his home friends from Bclfm'd on Sunday. last week, Thoso who worn present Since we announced a 17% reduction in the I . WQ will estimate your fuel cost Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Aspo and wero John Saulokle, Edward Stoldle, children, John, Robert nnd Adelaide, Robert Hoss, Harold Behr, Bruce price of gas in house-heating quantities, mak- with gas and ynu.oin pny an ; wero Sunday Kiif'a of Mrs. Anpo'B Beaman, George Cowling, Miss Dor- equal amount avery monlh, family at Freehold. ing gas every man's fuel, we have had to othy Seaman, Miss Maud Home regardless of tha amount of Miss Mildred Newman haa re- Miss Isabella Hadlay, Emma Steldle increase our house-heating staff and keep it turned to her home "" ' Newman and Miss Jessie Beaman. fuel you U3O. Wo will adluot placo following » wook'a slay with Mr. and Mra. Georga Bappah have working day and night to handle the tremen- any clifforonco between tho frlenda at Mllltown- announcod the engagement of their Mlaa Mario Klcpp "P™1 Saturday daughter, MIBB Eleanor Sappah and dous response. home. Your furnace can He change'd to actualuss and .tho estimate at nt Nowaik. Joaeph Koiodzle] of Florence avenue tho close of the heating saason. Mr. and Mrs. l'rcd VanNote of No data haa been set for the wed- burn gas with but five hours' interruption in. Red Bank and Mr. and Mrs. Charloa ding.' Thla is Ju3t ono more conven- Downoy of RnU KeanaburR wore Mr. and Mrs. Edward White have And it's not too late for you to join the ever- operation. Don't wait — even if your present lonco you onioy when you uso Sunday RU»»!S '•' Mra. Margarot left for Louisiana, where they will Decker and family «f Holly avenue. upend several weeks. Increasing army of those who want to prove in fuel supply is not yet exhausted. Ask Jersey tho ono r*rfect houae-heatlng Minn Alma Ilnlli-y of Red Bank Mra. Anna Lelweniko la hoateas to fuel. waa a Saturday gurut <»' her sister?, tha members of the Ladles' After- their own homes that ideal attention-free gas Central for the full facts about heatinn vour Mlanea Adnlo nnd Tlirtma Balloy. noon Social club at her home on Park MIBS Virginia (intdfarh ami David avenue this afternoon. heat is the most practical heat for the average home with gas. QoMfBrb Jiavn iilincipd to their Edward McCarthy haa been re- home following n im dnys1 stny with elected president of tha board of Mr. and Mra. Rlrlmrd Onldfurb and health and Fred H. Zahn for 'fere- family of Brooklyn. tory, Mra. Jnmeii V. Mnitln and dnuuh- Philip Stoll of Park avenua la re- ASK FOR OUR FREE BOOK "WHOLESALE-PRICED GAS FOR THE HOME AND HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF IT tera apent Monrtny with friends at covering from Injuries Buffered when Red Bank. struck by an automobile Friday Mrs. Theronfl Miilnr'-hiilt, Mlu nlffht. Hla Injuries oonalated of a Julia Mularnhuk and I1'1"!' w- Mu'- fracture of tho left loft and right arohuk, Jr., of Now York wero Hun- shoulder and brulaaa about tho body, day .Riiaata of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew >—.— m ' m JERSEY CENTRAL POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY I Hularohuk of Frnncla place. Paper windows In Chinese homes Dorla Jon»» la on tin alok- Hat. admit more ultra-violet light than At^t, Wmfc W. Connolly, *p«nt ordinary window tlasa. Pace Teif RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 9, 1936.

    Park, Vermont. Ho attended Bor- mends that a new bed be selected MonmoUth County Surrogftta's Office. NOTICE. OF ANNUAL MEETING. A New Bill For In the matter of the eitttc of W. Strothir T*ke notice that 8and«rt Cohan. Inttndt TO THE 8HAREHOLDERB OF THE SEC.1 Bridge And Road tdentown military institute in New or the old one be Riven a thorough r Janes, tlerCBsed, to mtply lo the Mayor and Council of the By virtu* of a writ of II. fa. to ma dt- QMO NATIONAL BANK AND Till 3 i Jersey from where he went to the disinfection with steam . or formal- K o creiliton to iirenent clftlm* Horoush of K«d fi*nk for a Pltnary Retail rectedeced,, Uiued out of th« Court of Chan- COMPANY OF RED BANK. N. J.i Beach Protection I University of Vermont, After £iud- dehyde. Steam Is the more effective Distribution licent* for premlm iHviattd c»rj off tthh * put* of'Mrf'M * JJtrity , will be The regular annual meetlnii o( tk»% Workers Lose Jobs | uating he did graduate work at Bos- at 61 Broad «tr*at. Had Bank, N. J. •xpoMd to aal« at public vendue, on shareholders of this bank, for the election 1 method and leaved the soil in excel- Objections, If any, should bt made im- Hlloilii to place respcmsibilty upon tnn university, Harvard and Colum- MONDAY, THE 20th DAY OF JANUARY, of directors for the ensuing year and «Uch I ' llii fudual |;ijV(!i'ni]ient for proti'ct- lent condition, for planting. However^ mediately In writing to Amy E. Shlnn, 1988, other builness as may nropBrly be i.r« ! Republicans Fire 34 Democratic bi;i. I-'roni the latter institution he if the steam method isn't practical, Clerk of the Borough, of Red Bank. sented. will be held In Its benklnu house on 1 ' in;.; cny.st.'i) pi <<|i(?i lies from erosion J b«tw««n tho houri of l^tOO o'clock and Employees, Among Them 21 received his I h. D. in 1SH*\ ._ formaldehyde remains the best chem- (tinned) 6:00 o'clock (ftt 3100 o'clock) In th* after- Tuesday, Jauuaty u, 10116. The pollsVm "' ui'iv ixiU'Wt'd ;it Wa-rihUigton,-D. Ct I In bus been FLiperlnteiident "f SANDERS COHEN. noon of said day. at th* Court Hume. In be open from eleven o'clock A. M. to noon '. Bridge Tenders—Engineer io ical disinfectant. tha Borough of Freehold. County of Mon- Friday in u l»iil lo that end by Ntnv HfhoiilH in various i-itirs in Vermont, WILLIAM B. LYMAN Contest Removal. ' JPI :-t;y Senators Harbour, Kepubli- Thoroughly soak tlio ;=oll with a IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. mouth, N*w Jsriey, to satisfy a decree of Massaohupetts nnd in Perth Amboy, formaldehyde solution made by dilut- 111/434 ••id court amQunting to approximately Cashier, "Raymond L, Wyokuli, director o\ , i-"tn, anil Mom o, Democrat. where ho hag been since ISl'JO. >o.2oa.oo. 1 1 ing o ; part of commercial formalin utors IIB nfore.stild. th«lr debta and de- To UHUNO A. UNDHOLUi An nlliTfl li'iin -of a measure pt* - Alt the following tract or parcel of Und Chant.ry / tho board of 'freehold.'!* nnpotinml <:;S to -10 por cent formaldehyde) with nuuwl^ Huttlnnt the said estate, under oath. Dy virtue of an Order ol ta« Court of and prtmlias hereinafter particularly tie- Saturday the names nf iU rimnt> f.w , si-nleel Hf-t M'.-sion, the bill would, within fix months from the date of the Chancery of New Jersey, made on the day sorlbad, situate, lying and being in. tho SHERIFF'S SALE. >.-,j;iMu-h a KM!era 1 policy of luaist-- •10 paitti of water. Most beds will re- afoi^aiil order, or they wilt be forever of the (jat« hereof. In a cirtaln eaui* ployees, all Deniorni-':;, whu I.--,- t TOMATO DISK ASKS. quire about a gallon of this solution Township of Mlddlstown, In the County of By virtue of a will uf n. fa, t0 m. ,., • .mce m the 'construction, but not hatred of thetr actions therefor anal nit wherein Edna H. Undholm In tht petition- Motimouth, and State of New Jersey. reeled, la.ued out of Ihe Couit of Ch., their jobs unle:^ they pi VJL!LI-. t- <.-v: to each square foot of bod surface. l or and yuu are the defendant, you are rs* r : i!n> inaiiitriKitHT, of work for the BEGINNING at a point ten feet from ery of the Stato of New Jer«ey will b. dence by January l*> Him iluy :i• >' Tb«> tun Ho rieventivl by Dated Freehold, N. J., Dec. 81. ItHlS. quired to answer the petltlonar'i petition the southeaiUrly corn,«c of prop*tty of U, po»ed to eule at vaiMa vondue, on 1 ^n'pMA'i'im'iit nf beaches along, UK Before sowing seeds, air tho bed WILLIAM STROTH1SU JONK3. JTU on or before the sixth day of February, protected ai" tin- 1»I :• 1 lection in the Hold or the use of cer- plant bed is tve-atcd. the plants 41 Broad Street. Keyi'Ort. N. J. thenc« (3) North aeventy-stx degrees 1 I catiitiir- fuj i rvi'entionul facjlitie.--. t should be set from two t<> four days NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT. West, one hundred and fifty-three and six- purtment eniplnyi':- Tin- iiici.-iiii! difTtiiti from ' the , tified seed will .uuaranlee agaiut^l To LEOPOLD FLATOW. and to any other IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. ty hundredths feet to a pointt thence (4) received annual iil. 1 troubled from disease-producing or- nfter treatment. Iit'DMHi, linn or corporation to whom it South, eleven degreea fifty-four mlnuten o:,e uu'A- perni MIL in extending ill 110/400 West, fifty feet to the point or place of ing SJ.HIlO. The Iv.v pi,,v• j.• ;-<\f: of c,\i;^ting laws relating j ^auisniti born inside the seed. To-ItlCHAKO LANCASTER: Beginning. A. Wells of Oaklni!- To avoid possible ti'ouhle from the PLKASB TAKE NOTICE that on the •• , \;i niiiiai inns jind stirvcys nnd t" j H day. farrfed on the siirfare of the seed, ii County Circuit Court at the instance and Delatush and wlf« by deed dated May 'i.-M-hi-\> ^n n:i lo apply insofar a? ! radio, all valued at about SI00. were suit nf M. O'Neil Supply Company, a cor. wherein Emily Barry Lancaster Is petition* 10th, 1924, and recorded In the Monniouth .. riirmlnir «a tho miiifnefir Tim |jl|dci' li'iil' is a i.;oi>d idea U er and you are the defendant, you are ju'n Mrjihlr !o i-xitniiiiiitiinis and sur-j treat all seeds fftr stoten frnm the., j-ia^olii station at ixiriitimi. aiiainHt the BOOIIH. i-hattelB. crccl- County Clerk's Office In Book 1257 of leedle pointed October, 101)8, M|(m» ,i „ Wil'iani Koduey. N itH. thhiKR. elTcctn Hnd real property of required to answer the petitioner's peti- v\< ami ii. works of improvement • ten minuter in a solution of bi- Maple avenue and place, op- tion on or before the Nineteenth day of Deeds, page 379. etc. north Una of Bald right of way 'w h liam AlleM. Nave.i:i ! I.t?otuvUl t'lntow, H resilient of the Cliy. SeUed as ^he property or ElUabeOTA. aeve»tr- ••••-. Xew Jersey to pnrsunde tlie fedmercur- ] y in thirty gallons of water. ' ,'es gained entrance by forcing a r The object of saltl suit It to obtain a to be sold hy West, Pln-uro Hay: 1 '"iij :- C •«. thoi-onii from October l'.Mh, li>;!. t. unfl longing to (ieurife Y. Maker, thonn, en" i i ;ii ,M\-!M niih nt tn undertake beach [. The seed ^liould be thoroughly window. The robbery w;is dis- whi*'!) said writ WHH executed according to decree of divorce, dlssolvlns the marriage CKORfiB H. ROBERTS, Sheriff. along' Bakcr'« land youth forty.live \L Bclford; K-IUMM licit!. .N-'i.v- U\K , side 1 between you and the aald"petitioner for "Dated Derember 13, 1935. >:^si---n invention wsuUs as wholly! waslied after tho tioalmcnt and iiay vovcrctl by Mi . Conk when he the ntaUito In such cnBe made Hiid pro-, grees und faity-Jivo minutes \ve*t ot»j,f ThoiXiari J. Cake:-, Kn.,:,--.:i; Ki i.;K vlilod on ncrember 19th, 19^5, and whlrh* the CBUBO of denertlon. Warren H. Smock, Sol'r. ohaiiiH and tweiity-flvo llnka to u atoiio Ted^ra! proj.'el.:. Tho requeyts were ! he either partially dried and planted tho place for business Monday morn- Dated December ltith, 103fi. . . (83 I.) Mellaci. Sea I'ri^h! ; II. Hch! *=.,•:•: said writ wan duly returned on the «nid thence (4) south forty-tliroc !^<- K. Knlin KoPr of Petitioner, Chancery 1 /S2 the middlo of Turtle Mill Brook thont-o 5 (h;it it 11.-1r 1 ncvfi* been' tlio deelar< d Tha next step ifi 'to take pivcau- j police and Captains Joseph Bray and APPLEGATE, STEVENS. FOSTER 64 Broad St.. Red Bank, N. J. Navosink: Gem^ Hou ; h-r;y. S>a IHiIii'v n! the rru'crnment In undor- lion against t;eed decay and da:nping j Harry T. \'anNote were assigned to & UEUSSILLE. SHERIFF SALE. (5) eiwtwurdly down tho brook tlus HOVCIRI Brishl;'ChnHrs T'lUim;. . s> i l'.uv.1; 1 liC t Attorneys for PlalntifT,; By virtue of a writ of fl. fa. to me di- courses thereof until It biterHects the mid- J'L'ie. i urh wni]i .rNecjii undri' rmii'r-j °T.f '',- f' -Uings due to eontaniinatpcjh invcs.ti^alf..-. - . .. - . . . •11 ni-omi Street.- Red liiink, N-^J. Moninouth County Orphans' Court. dle line of OL'PHII 1'ort Avenue, tht'inn (a\ .John. J-^-Ci>x- -MHIM-WMH; • Sn:iitn-!--( >.- rected, issued out of tha Court of Chan- along tho middlo of ' 1 1 st'ed li^dti. The inexpensive rod cop tho "matter of the estate of Edwin Wit" fcery of ihe" Btoto of Naw "Jersey; wlllbe Prynr, Liulo Silvei; (lively riH .- - .per oxide dust treatment should be Music Scholarship. IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY, HaniB. deceased. exposed to sale at public vendue, on ty-HCven den went thirteen cluii opher. Little Silver; Thum:^ M.•:<•>•. 112/61. in vetltlon for sale of lands to pay debti. MONDAY, THE 20th DAY OV JANUARY, eltfheightt link*s tto thoo south line cif tltliio rU/h! Pleasure' Kay; Herbert Milks-, ii HTM- uiven in all cases where any dillicut- , Hoiniinc Mudon, soprano. nf N 'I'D ARTHUR W. COOK:~ Order to show cause. ' of way of tho New Jcrncy SOHUUMH Hall VAX IN( KKASK. lies in netting and By 'virtue of nn order of the Court of Edwin Williams Parkliinon, admlnUtra- road Company thenre (7) south«iiHtwnrdly 6on;,Joseph Sacco. Jr.. I-nn^ branch; YAM k, interpret or of modern and between the hours of 12;00 o'clock end "good stand of seedlings has been ex- Chancery' of New Jersey, miule nh the day ir of the eHtate of Edwin Williams, de- along anid righg t of way foily-fouoilyfour tlnkn to John T. O'Neill, I'.elford, and '-*::a vU -, classic French music and specialist of the date hereof, In a certain cause taseii. havlnjf exhibited under oath a true 6:0p o'clock (at 2:00.o'clock) In the after- the went li f Id fl hl i'.-u Tcr <-"out Increase (iranti'd in noon of said day, at the Court House, in he went lino of Innd formerly h L. Newman, P-clford. perienced, except" when seed beds are in French 'diction, announces a SHOO wherein Cut lie rlne Cook In petitioner and count of tho personal estate and debts Wllllnm Hilnley. decenticd, tluM Wl'A KiiiiiliiyiTS. you are the defendant, you are required Bold Intestate, whereby It appears that the Borough of Freehold, County of Mon- oi. pure sand, making copper poison- scholarship, men - and women elig- rth forty-two ilctfiecB and thirty in- Three Republic;!!! tendril wvie re- Jo..ep]i H, Orhiin},', district direc- to iinswcr tlie petitioner's petition on or pernonal estate of the said Edwin Wll- mouth, New Jersey, to satisfy a decree of utes west twenty-nine CIUIIUR im»l (iva •J ing a possibility. Dust, at the rate of ible. For auditions apply to Edwyn l>cf it re Inp twentieth day of .February. ama, deceasedee, , Is Insufllclennfll ntt to pay his said court amounting io approximately t it i th iddl f O tained. Thoy were ousied wlieii !hc tor of the WurK.i Progress ajlininia- 153,021.00. point in tho middlo of Oi-emi i>OlD one-fourth to one-half ounces to the j y Kuhn, US Main street. Ocean 1 \VM\, or in default thereof, mich decree btbt s andd requestinti g tthh e id off thhe court Avenue, thenco (ii) nlon* the - mlilij]0 of Democrat:- took control of the b»>ani tiatiun, has made the following an- pound of sped, should be thorou^hly| . . . . .--.\>d)urv Park «i!l ho tnken nKiilnat you aa the.Chancel- the premises. All the following tract or parcel of land the name north eighteen dcKVccu wcsl elwht but'were reinstated", when. ni'W vrni- nouncement regarding wages: ni nv Oi Telrphontl lor -hull think equitable and jiiaU I t la thereupoh n on this seventeenth day and premises hereinafter particularly de- chains and Hovonty-tluoo llnka tn the In- shaken with the dry seed in a closptl "25-1S-.T. Voices will be heard Wednos- Thi> olijoet of snld suit Is to obtain a December, 1935. ordered that all- per- scribed, situate, lying and being In the tersection of tho editor lino of tho nfore- tested their removal, on the ^romnis lorough of Rumson, In the County of Elleetive January 'I, and th ere ut- container for a minute or two. Any dav, January 1"», doc roe of divorce, dissolving the marriage ns Interested In the. lands, tenements, lald Avenue and. tho i-oad, from Wolf mil of tftnurn violations. Thuy :tve .lolm ter the wa;;c- scale covering unskilled dust which-does not adhere should be hot wo en you and the said petitioner for redltamenta and real estate of the said Monmouth and State of New Jersey, and to Fort-nu-Peck, thenco (lfi) tilon^ Um McDonald of Lonsj Branch, Lieu: ^c- the cause of desertion. klwin Williams, 'deceased, appear before according to a survey made by Throck- middle of last mentioned roml south fifty- and interhiedlato classes on all pro- screened off More than lj'K'O miles of Kanarui Hated December 10th. 103fI. MB Court at the Court Home In the Bor- morton A Morris, Civil Engineers, Long eight dcareos Hnd ton mlnuten went seven E. Seaman, Jr., of Louy Branch .nui Branch, November 6th, 1025, described an jects will be increased ten per cent If damping off has been vcry^?e- si a to highways wort- huilt during EDWARD W. WISE. Juh of Freehold on 'the fifth day of chnlnB und sixty-«Ix lin Us, them-o' (11) N. C. King of Shark Kiver. The but tho number' of hours to 'ie Sol'r of Petitioner, arch. 11)38, at 10:00 A. M., to show follows: atlil along tho mime aouth aUty-nliiG dc- janitors to lose (heir jobs arc Wil- vcra in a bed, Dr. Haenscler recom- 1935. M Broad street. Red Bunk, N. J. nine why BO much of the said landa. ten- Beginning at a monument planted In the greea anil fifteen mlnuton went fourteen wurked will re mum tha same, viz.. nenta. hereditaments and real estate of east aide of Ward Avenue at the south- chains and Hcventy-ono links, thciu-o (\'>) liam Brown. Arthur Pet tit :unl Wil- l\\0 hours per month. e said Edwin Williams, deceased, should westerly corner of landi now or formerly still alonK the spmo HOU th fifly-nitio ecember, 193G. on the application of or formerly belonging t to one Little; now (1016) realdep. thenco (1) along the plumbers, riggers, rod workers, roof- Samuel R. Ball, administrator of the es- thence (6> south 86 degreei 16 minutes middle of said road nlxty-«tx dcKrecs and r -s, composition; roofers, slate: tate of Michael Bujalskl, deceased, notlct west a ton or the southerly line of lands now thirty-five minutes enat oltdit rhitlnn and ORUEIt TO SI1OW.( Al SK. or formerly of one Little, 793 feet and .SO eighty-ono links to a ntnke:' thenoe (2) ruulers, tar; roofers, tile; sheet ! hereby glv the creditors of laid alonK the lino of Henry II. Edwards land leceased to exhibit to the subscriber, ad- of a foot to the point or place of Begin- Asbury 1'ark Must Answer Older of in ."'lal workers, steam fitters, stone ning. north twonty-nino degrees' nnd forty-five nlnlntrator BB aforesaid, their debts and minutes went thirtoon chnlna nnd eitthty.. tho Supreme (.imrt. a''U>rs. tci'razzo workers, tile setters. lemands against the aaid estate, under Also all that parcel flowed by tide wa- The following tradea will work 65 iath, within six months from the date of .,r ol the South Shrewsbury River, Town- two links to R coiner In sulil Ed warns' In response to a re-{ hy ei edi- he aforesaid order, or th«y will be for- ship of Shrewsbury. Monmouth County, land, thenco (3) along nald KdwardR* line hours •'jier month: Asbestos work- south sixty deRreca and fiftrpn minutes tors of Asbury Park. Sup'mnc. Couit barred of their actions therefor N. J., described as follows: cis. cabinet makers, carpenters, gla- .gainst the said subscriber. Beginning at a point In the hlffhwater west nine chnins and fifty llnkn to a «or- Justice I-Iiirry llchei hm-. unloird the ;-icis, kalamein workers, painters, Dated Freehold. N. J.. Dec. 21. 1935. line with the westerly shore of said South ner In tho line of land ...of tho nfarenaiA city to show cause, why it should nut I'ine cove re rs, yteel painters. SAMUEL n. BALL. Shrewsbury River where the tame Is in- Emma West, thenco (4> ajonu hor line include $700,000 in its \[VM\ h\\i\vy\. 27 Itenner Avc. Newark, N. J. tersected by the division line between the south thlrty-thrco dpHi^DH. irn^t twelvi All changes in rates will be plucctl lands now or formerly of one Little and chains and ninety-five lllfkB to Hi place of He set February 1 a:-. Hie d.ile II.K a land of Hugh Hartshorne, deceased, be- beginning, contnlnlinjr twelve nnd in eiTeef on the different projects at Monmouth County Surrogate's Office. fifteefteen htmdredthhundredthn of(nn ncroacre. hearing on a plan to i elii; i iu-e the, '.n the matter of the estate of Harry M. ing the northeasterly corner of the tract city's entire debt ove'i ;i- t\n;y->,c.ir 'the hei-iinning of the first pay period first above described and running from THIRD TRACT, formerly in the Town- .'ifter January 'J, 103G. In ,tho ease Frost, deceased. thence easterly In line with iald division ship of Occiin, now Entontown, on tlio west period. The petition tt^Uie -cuiu t \\.i< ttlce to creditors to present claims line 07 feet to the exterior line of solid nlde of thi e mai*n PArL-fiu-Pepf" • - - c» R«n«« l• -lead *- made by tlie Julius S\ Uijijiel .!'-UH1- ' of skilled" mrchnnics where the re- against estate. Ing from Wolf HU,T t.o Ili-nnrhpdrl, and nn Pursuant to the order of Joseph L. filling established January 8, 1881. by the holders committee. The (.•nin:--cl lor fluclinn in hours causes tho hourly Commissioners appointed under authority the south aide nf n brnnrh rond R !•;•!• i(rt approximate the prevailing onahay, Surrogate of the County of Mon- of an act entitled "Act to ascertain the from anld Port-nu-Pcck Rond lo On-nn- the bondholders point'ed mi; IJM: J II• - mouth, made on tho twenty-sixth dsy of rights of the State and other riparian'own- rt. present capital debt of A.-bmy i'.ui; ]..d. the. worker will be paid only December, 1935, on the application of .ydU M. Smith, administratrix of the «•- ers tvr the-land under water of the Bay of BEGINNING at a etnko In the middle is $11,526,528, and the r.ity ;ii.-u nwes fur ilv-\L time wliieh he works nnd ate of Harry M. Frost, deceased, notice New York and elsewhere In this State, nn- of said Poit-au-Pcck Uoiid mimdd directly l ''will nnf ho ;illou-od credit for lost provad April 11. 1804. and the ouppU- oppositi e thu bum<'h mad $1,200,607- interest nn bund. . -V-'il - i IT a hereby given to the creditors of said ments thereto"; thence along aald exterior ldl t o OOceaniiort, thctiru ( I ) atonur in scrip and $-I5,(HIU on a iinic i..:i<(i i time. The hours set up are the Icceased to exhibit to the subscriber, ad- nltilatratrix ns aforesaid,. their debU and line for nolld filling, southerly to A point tho middlo g)f Hiild Port-nu-Peck Ron. d last January. '• !:uii!s the woiicov must actually n'M*- lemnndn nRalnnt the said ctitnte. .under whero the division line between lahdn south flfty-fivo de«ieon and foiiy-iivo i !'• rrn work nnd if the required num- mth, within BIX monthii from the date of her,«1nabova described and landn formerly wcHt aeveti chuhiH ami alnety-flvo ;he flforenald order, or they will be for- of Edith Selpp would strlko If extended llnkn to a corner in tho inidillo of siiid ItccrnitiiiK tur ." • !•(-(•_ of hours within the monthly easterly to said exterior line for solid fill- road, thenco (2) B(III nlonir the middle er barred of their actions therefor ing; thence wenterly In line of said last Sergeant Eihvai'd J. ] -lini! i:, not worked, the pay .will thereof HOittli flxty-Hlx IIOKICOS and thirJ^-> IM1 reduced accordingly, Rates oilier nltifit the said subscriber. mentioned division line, 96 feet to the hitch flvo mlnuten west one chain and ninety- charge of the l.i. S. At m Dated Freehold, N. J., Dec *J6, 1935. water line of the westerly shore of South nlno linkH to a Htnke in the mliMlc of said than thfsn mentioned above remain LYDIA M. SMITH, Shrewsbury Ulver. It being the southeast- .station, X^ost Oil ice builid HI?;. Tn :•!! road, thenco {'A) no Hit tv.cn! y-nlno de- th'.1 irani'i as in tho past. Mlddletown, N. J. erly corner of the tract flrit above de- Brcen and forty-Jlvo mlnutcK went thirteen ton, has bem nniilii'd ll l.'Lt an 11! lutnn Heck man, Esq., scribed! thence northerly nlong the iald chains and olnlity-two lliikx lo » corner crease of 400 men has 1)1' en ;mil] nt CoiinHollor at Law, high water line to the point or place of thence (4) south itlxty ilcmtw and fiftccti Red Bank, N. J. Beginning. .b.erl for the enlisted ^i i I'll '..; 111 nf I M,\V ASSISTANT DUIKCTOR. mlnuten went, nine chaliiH mi'l fifty'links fo a cornet- in tho line of lii'id bclonuiiitc organizatinny of I ho F •ivisi Also all the land lying under water, ly- it> :t 1.1 U't Monmouth County Surrogat«'s Office, ...S between Vho above mentioned exterior to limnm WcM, them-c (fi) nlonj: her lina stationed in thu varitn. i '• irni> • ]H> . t: )r, \\ iUimn ('. Mt'ClinnlH in Churge n tho mutter of the estate of J. Hopping line for solid filling and tho exterior line north thirty-threo iletiieea and forly-tlvo located in Ihc Second Ci u-ps Ar • a of Wl'A KduoaUdnal Activities, Frost, deceased. for piers as fixed by said Commlsnloners, minutes wcHt H!X chains moie nr less to a January 8, 1881, appointed under Act ap- branch of tho South Shrewsbury River comprising tlie :-t:ites uf . N'f-U' Jei'ta ev Notice to creditors to present claims stum Works Progress Admmhstra- proved April 11, 1864, and supplements thence (0) n]ong snid river, nnd up a bro«k New York and,.J ichiwa against estnte- Ptying Into miid river l»y liuuln bo- v :>v William IT. J. Ely has announced Pursuant-to--.the order of Joseph L. thereto, and bounded by tho northerly nnd ing-for tliesn on:ani; 'it on:; h ^i&ha^" Siirrognto of the County of Mon- southerly lines of the above described JonBlng Lo tlie Ettalo of Jnnios V. Allnire, ( lie apjiuinWmnt of Dr. William C. January -. 1!'i> i. and i Wujh, made on the twenty-sixth dny of tract extended easterly to said plor line, dcceaHciJ, and John Con. t» Hie nouth- that all re^inu-ni;. in let linn is as assistant di roc tor of Dcn«mber, 1935, on the nppllcatlon of provided alwnyn that said land under wa- cant corne....r o..f. mild Coniov_ . . liiml, thciu-o thi! division of projects and plun- Lydlft ^1. Smith, administratrix of the es- ter, lying between said exterior line for (7) alone hi«s lino north nlsixt> y degrees and Corps Area will be i e up to atc of J."Hopphiff Frost, decented, notice solid filling and the exterior line for pkrs fifteen minutes oust live ch w. nnd tlfty their full newly n'ithn | n'n:; in char^n of educational ac- IK to be used only for the purpose of a llnkn moto or lena to a utnor in the nilil- enjt!i n hereby given to the creditors of Bald by Janunry 31M. fi'/itie::. Tho ap|mintnient is to fill leccnaeri to exhibit to the subscriber, &d- rler or piers constructed or to be con- die of tho aforennld hrni h rottd leading to the v.Lc.-iney loft by the promotion ninhtratrix nn aforesaid, their debts and structed thereon and likewise any and all Ocennport, thenro (H) tho middle cmandn ngainst the said estate, under lands under water lying In front of these thereof Bouth twenty-nine decrees nnd fii.^Jiv-fpii j. Fiske, recently an- above described and bounded by the forty-livo rninutcn oant thirteen chalna and Fair ruid niijnt-y npt I. >ath, within six monthn from tho date of northerly and southerly lines thereof to he aforesaid order nr they will b« for- any points to which iald linen for solid forty-ono llnka to tho pluco of beginning, liou?c in 1 ter.'i' <)i, Ala "I"".' >r. McCinnis was horn fil Hyde tver barred of their actions therefa filling and for plan, respectively, mny containinng twenty-twtwentytwo acres and aeven- igninnt the unld »ubncriber. jJ hereafter be legally extended, the same to teen hunilrodtha of an Dated Freehold, N. J.. Dec 2fiP*103l be used fur solid nil 1 tiff and for piers re- Exccntinir oasomontB in Port-rm-Peck LYDTA M. SMITH, spectively, agreeably to the terms of such Rondd. OOcennport Iiond and GolGldd StreeS t and Mlddletown, N. J. extensions, together with all and singular other rourifl, streams or water courses Miton Heekman. Enq., the tenements, hereditaments and appur- bounding and abuttlnir on flald nremlie* nunacllor at L*w| tenances, thereunto belonnlnR, and all the and al«n cluhtn uranted to New York and Red Dank. N. J. New Jorsey Telephone Compnny by grant rights of the State In said lands. dated March 21nt, 1915. recorded Aunuat fiInd-ivklualrty rbrou^h 'Details' Seized as the property of Ja,mea R. 8n. 1008, and the right mudo- by }Ienry NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Deer In (r, et als., taken In execution at the ». Udwardn et nl. to tho Townnhlp nf Estate of Bertha Fox Waters, deceased. suit of National Mortgage Corporation, a Entontnwn by deed dntcd M"/ »th. 1012. Notice Is hereby given that the accounts corporation of New York, et sis., and to rcrqrdtd July 80, 191i. »»<^ all tho rlnht, f the siibacrlbcri, executors of the estate be sold by title and IntflfOHt of the pnrtjr nf the first ( gold deccftfierl, will be audited and stated T.EQRfiB H. HOBEItTS. Sheriff. Piirt nro hereby Kranteil 1" a»'. at which time application will bf \nx any |o«« hy re anon »f 'he cnr.ronrh- made Tor the allowance of commissions and Monmouth County Surrogated Office. nient or tnlfllocntlun of fences or other cotnifcl fees. In the matter of the estate of Charles F. atnicturcB. Dated Derember 9, A. D. 193R. Ellert, deceased. Kxroptlnn and renervlni: "lowovcr from DOROTHY WATERS GATIN& Notice to creditor! to present clalma the nhnvo dencrlbcd lutnl 'I'ui [iromlscs, all WHmin Circle. Rumson. N, J &ne.lnit e*t»te. UIOHO Intp, tracta or purri'la of land nnd J. BERENS WATERS. ' Pursuant to the order of Joseph L. ircniinon iltuutc. lylnu m>'l "dnir In tha Wilson Circle, Runihon. N, J. Donahay. Surrogate of the County of Mon- Townnhlp of Entontowii. In tho County of GIRAItn TRUST COMPANY, mouth, made on the fourth day of De- Monnuiuth and Stnto of Nuw Jersey, more Fly J. II. Lawaon, Trust Officer, cember, 1936, 6n the application of Mor- attlciilatly ilcncrilictl 1" I'Oitnln trlenscs osd & Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia. Pa., gan n. Eitart, Charles W. Ellert. (iladyi itirn the ninrtunuo 1KM rln re f fined to, Kxecutors* W. Ellert and Myrl EUert Lawrence, exec- riven by Theodore fully let «n IIH for PaniliminR. Suniton,, n.nkr, .,rin «. »-r»r Patfd Freehold. K. J.. Dec. 4. 103K- * i th In the releases "» "'fly si'Pcar of K M estate of said ileceaied, will be audited rord In the rtillfiwlu* l>ookc an.l v«K*«. ami *t*t«d liy lh« Surrogate of the County MORGAN D. BIMtfLT. hlch said deMerlpllnns therein contained l»»Brr l>n.n,M it rlran, lliornughly ,„ ,|,« h,nrt nf Used Exclusively of Monrnonth and reported for tettlement 71 Maple Avenue. lUd Bank, N. 3. to the Orphan* Court nf nld County, on CHAULE8 W. EILERT, are mnile & imrt heioof by reference «'rry f.il.ri,: fil.rr. It rcmovM tlio .hnrp ilirt parlirlra Thtirsdny. the thirteenth day of-February, lUd Rank. N. J., U. P. D. No. 1. hereto:— in Our Laundry. A P. 10S6, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., at (1LAUYS W. EILEUT, Hook 40, pfi«o 2fl7; I'"oH 40, pnBe 405 j "•"I nil Ihr tl.rMjIi, of r|,,,|, „,„! ,|,,)r|(.n ,!,„ |ifp which time application will be made for 73 Maple Avenue. Red Bank. N. J. Honk 42, i.iiUO 281 ; 1'nok l'i ttie ftllonance of commlnlons and counsel MYUL EILRIlt LAWRENCE, Hopk 44, pn«o '2\U; W«oli *«• l>R«e 207; feemte son; for 104 Grand Avenue, A»bury Park, N. J., Proctors. Hook 40, n«Q I'; 11""^ »k r.n. pmro 2nn: n<>"ii . P««O 170J Leon's Quality rififeBiionnl Ruildlng, Steinberg and tjplelfogsl, a Corporation of Hook r,;i. Vam er>: »«"' '>''• poqs 2SD; Aibury Park, N. J.. Haw Jersey. Plaintiff, vs. Ocean View Monk nn, pnuo H73| ""ok tit, ti>«« «1 You «ill Iliul it rnl| economy to »r,,d,,B,ourrlr,lI,^ Proctor. Corporation and Ocean Royal Corpora- llo.tk nt. i.» u. HI: Honk r"4> I'»«e 2«8 i tion, Defendants. Hook 54, IIRKO nnr>! M"uk r*4. pane 8(171 ii: 2o r,-c,,l»rly for Su,,iio,..,,K. T|,o ,,,,,i,,,,,,|lv lll(llm Sllni(mir NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT In ftUachmtjnt. Notice. , Hook nil, iniun 10(1; Honk 57, pn«« \2t: «r«.l . , k , | , Hnok RR. jinKO 2R: llook R0, pnaft 890; _..i i j r m ir v lH) vp tYl! it)liy u )|iur lwataMe (|( Estate of Joseph K. Huuhei, deceased. Steinberg *nd 8pl*lfojzel, a Corporation slvnn to the Home Hit" Development. Inc.. Notice ts hereby «lv«n that th* accounts of New Jersey, TS, Oce*n View Corpora- • ll'1 line"! ill ipinlily clruiliii". tion and Ocean Royal Corporation. In nf I.OUB llranch, n liwll' ci)rjinr«l«, hj tha Thin lilllf Ivllij; 11. i 11 < <. (t .•*> 1; (• is I n,l .\h,ivr ihi' cnlKinri. diioi- are iu of the subscriber, administrator of the es- Nmlniml I'-reehuM UonkluK Coni|,n- wtu I"- i.nTi in11 • 11; 11 .[>(•< i hHllil.-ul/.eil ulil- Mated by the HurrogaU of the County of a writ of attachment was Issued out of Also enrepllnit nnd roiorrvlnif from 1«M like deft tlllU'lll'H |T1 II lidlllr mill till in;; 'I In- name lUilliiK I'Xlcnilii iiruiiilil Mnnmouth and reported for settlement to the Common Plsas Court of th* County premUeK n trnrt rnlclwell l by th Nntlonntt FhlFreeholdd Hmihlnl K flompnny to (i«ome W. lectlhiK Ihhi II iMfilt.snian Ints )>,'n "«T Hi,, liinlii |;nhli. ,.|i,| | II,,. I,,,.| the Orphan* Court of said County, on of Monmouth, on the SOth day of Octo- W (1 •lluir«'lay. the thirtieth dsy of January, ber. 1815. against the rlahU and nredlts, /.eholil nnd Mary I), /.ehotd hy relenne re- nt wurk. h A. I>- 1988. at whtrh time application moneys and tffscts, goods and onattala, corded In Hook r.2, piilie 1 HTi. nml nl«n ,,- li'outurrU lii'Ki 11, I hi' vviinilwiu li will \tm mad* for the allowance of commls- land* and tenements of Ocean View Cor- r.iitlnfr Rnd repiervlnit from «»flil pramlxea tho.e tracta releaned hy the National Free- tU'tjluu] lllU \vllll]li\V.i mill iluul:., Ill,nir I'ruviili'il iliiwiihliilr.'i lin: II hii-|;o •lon» and cotinssl fete, poration and Oetan Koyal Corporation, DftUd December is, A. D. l&afl. absconding debtors, at th* lull of Uteln- hold nanklnl fJomimnr to <"e Home Flit* (if hiinil-lu'wu «ti-nillf)B OEOnOB H. KOBI1RT8, Bherlrf. walls In which In!'I1. priiluinliKiIrM, One of tha quickest w«y» to find nn local fiirlotM mid rhiilop nf mn- WE CALL AND DELIVER. job li to advertlM In Tha IUslt> «nili«r 10, '•••. Datad D.c.mW 17, 10311. lnter»|ifiBP(l wllh nlnni% I'l ial, In nraunil $10,(1(10. Ur'fl Want pepartment—AdvcrtUsv T. fORrtOTSON, HrD.rmntt & FlneiuM. Bal'ri. trust .WO I.). . RED'BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 9, 1938.

    ALSTON UKEItMAN, of Monmouth Wheelmen and ceives treatment In public scwagc- -•-—- —GOUNBBU&i* *¥ LAW; 'torn The Register e'rk-tii ©r; Frank—Tr-Cbadw4ek!« £atmenl wrtrkn. ,- .PHONE Offlmi, 10 Broad 8t.. BED BANK. N. 1. un gtore, wu learning to ride a The number of persons tributary ltKI> IIANK "The House of QUINN, PAB8ON8 A DOEEMD8, Fifty Years Ago tar bicycle. After several severe to sewage-treatment plants .affording 797-VV u,i.. o ,9°i™sEi.ton9°i™sEitona AT LALAWW, ivero falls he eventually mastered primary treatment only !H ifi^proxi- Whltfi.Id Building. R.d Bank mysteries of the new type of bi- mately the same as the number John J. Qulnn, Thtorlora O. Parvoni. lulled From the Newt and Edi- tributary to plants having more • Thoniaa P. Uoremui rele. • James H. Kaufmanr torial Columns and Pretented Hiram Seelcy of Keyport died of nearly complete processes of "treat- BED BANIl BUSINESS INSTITUTE ment. 3oeretaritl tnd Accountancy Counei. for the Entertainment of To- leumonia which began with a cold UAV AND NIGHT SCHOOL day's Readers. mtracted while making Christmas Sewage from a population of about Plumbing and Heating FLORENCE NORTON O'SHEA, cens and decorating the Keyport 40,600,000 persons, representing about IN ALL ITS BRANCHES 12» Bioid Str.et, Phon. 883. The following paragraphs were Iplscopal church. He was 67 yean three-fifths of Ihe total urban popu- ken from the issue of The Red Id. lation, is discharged "without any 32 Parker Ave. Phone R. B. 947-J Fair Haven DR. L. W. CARLBON ;ank Regltter fifty years ago this Martin Chandler was elected fore- treatment. / Have That New Rathroom Installed Now. BUEGEON CHIROPODIST eek and are being reprinted In to- isn of Belief Engine company of By J. Letter Elmer, clean streams represent an economlo This information, which most cer- NO MONEY DOWN-S YEARS TO PAY FOOT AILMENTS lay^ Issue, feeling that they will be ed Bank. Other officers wire Stew- Chairman For New Jersey Inter- value to the community which would tainly comes under the heading of general tnterett to the majority rd Conrow first assistant, D. Kearny state Sanitation Commission. . more than offset the cost of tho public education, Is of vital import- Offle. Hour.i Dally 10 a. m. to « p. ra. Register readers. Evinlnftt Tueiday and Thursday. cond assistant and James E. necessary treatment works. ance. It Is up-to-the-minute 'data, For appointment pbona 2442. Fifty, Years Ago. ieough secretary. Educational Program. "A* definite policy or well-planned which because of Its very nature, cannot be available to the school 110 BROAD 8T.. BED BANK. N. 1, A long distance transmitter to en- Tho desirability of an educational program in this respect appears to A new shooting organization known blo persons to talk at long distances constituto a fertile field of activity classroom because it. is -constantly the Riverside Gun club was or- program In connection with the na- changing and requires export in- rom each other was put In the pub-tlon-wlde fight' on pollution, la for the various federal, state and HIRES HEALTH. THE PLACE TO BUY ;anized at Red Bank. Its members c telephone In 'Dr. Frank T. Chad- local government agencleB .vested terpretation. ere Oscar Heeo'e, George Cooper, stressed by tho special advisory com- THE BEST kick's store. mittee on water pollution in its re-with authority in water pollution amuel W. Morford, Charles L. control, aa well as for the many un- It pays to advertise In The Register. HIRES hBUEGER* lB, L. Davis, Sidney Chauey, Shrewsbury Mutual Fire Iil- port on that subject. No public of- urance company held its , annual ficial any longer can question tho official "agencies and organizations Horses and Dairy Cows ames Cooper, Jr., John Cooper, Ten- interested in the problem from view- irook Davlfi, .W!lllani Conover, Jacob eetin'.' and rc-Qlected the old board need for taking the public Into his ! directors. Tho company made a confidence by means of a campaign points ' other than that of public :aylor and Richard Borden. The health." RAYMOND WHITCOMB lub held Its Urst match on Now vldcnd of thirty per cent during of education. The recommendations •5!" 'ears day at the toll gate on the Mid- he past year. of the committee are three-fold: The status of sewerage and sowago WEST INDIES CRUISES James B. Weaver's lateen-rigged lotown road, jUBt across Cooper's First, an educational program for treatments^ In the United States la In the Cunard White Stnr Liner nidge. Oscar Hesse and J6hn Coop- ;e boat Scud was to have new Bpuru more adequate water pollution con- Interesting.' According to the cen- ir lied for club honors during the at would permit the boat to, carry trol/ sus, tho total population of th8 00 sqqunre feet of Bail. United States in 1030 was 122,775,000 )wmJ\ lay. BRITANNIC N. H. Roberts & company broke Second, for reduction of water pol- and tho urban population aboul At a shooting match at Tlnton lution. Here's tanoy taste! Here's menov.'l round for their now grocory etore 68,055,000. Jan. 31-Fcb. 20, 18 Hays, $210 up goodness! Three generations oft Falls, James Huthaway of Eaton- Third, for prevention of Its ex- n First avenue, Atlantic Highlands.- Reports Indicate that about 68,- Mar 11, IS days $177.50 up skilled brewing, in Krueger'i fin© .own and Frank JohnBon, Jr., of Tin- Mrs. C. W. Chapin, who bought the tension. Mar 27, 8 day* $100 up 000,000 persons, equivalent to over a ^ Beers and Ales. For hearty enjoy- ZLOTKIN'S STABLES on Falta tied In a llftecn-blrd shoot, Id Errlckson place at Nut Swamp, That the tribulations of tho Inter- For ports of call and further partic- FREEHOLD, N. J. tho shoot-off Hathaway defeated half the total population of th> ulars, consult f/*/• ment make sure it's Krueger's. ompleted a handsome summer tato Sanitation commission arising United StatcH, discharge ecwag« ohnson by two birds. [welling on thee ppremises at a cost from lack of»funds with which to Thursday, January 16th Miss Anna J. Woolley and John through public sewerage systems. if $17,0007 . All the mill work In ththo attack the problem of which It is Sewage from approximately, 55,000,- at 1:00 I'. M. nrlght wcro married at St» Luke's IOUSO was furnished by T. Davis & painfully aware, are not local, may Helen Lee Getty hurch at Long Branch by Rev. 000 persons, mostly in rural areas, la KRUEGERS LARGEST SELECTION. 1 on of Red Bank. bo seen from tho substance of the harlcs E. Hill, pastor ' of the Nave- disposed of in other ways. TRAVEL SERVICE PAIIiY. COWS The Mornlrtfl Star Mission band report, which states: liiH: BupliBt uhuich; 18 .Mechanic. St.. Phpn?. '74Q BEER a/u//lUES Always for sale. Fresh COWB and ;ave an exhibition "In the Holmdel By .estimating for the entire, pop? Honorablo Arthur, Wilson of Mon- "It is necosaary to secure ad- ulation on" the basis of the reports ON DRAUGHT. IN BOJTLES . , IN KEGUNED CANS closo springers, fancy Guernseys aptlat church. Those having special ditional funds and personnel for Red Bank, N. J. Jerseys, Brown Swiss anil HolstelnB nouth county represented the local arts were Lizzie E. Case, Annie received, the sewage from approxi- r studies of corrective and preventa- tho kind that givo lota of milk and llnlrict of tho New, Jersey Fruit anKIrk, Ella Conover, Katio Wyc- mately. 28,400,000 persons, represent- •All tickets Bold at tho companies' Jrowers at a conference In Washlng- tlve measures and to bring about a ing about two-fifths of tho combined published rnten. high b.utterfat tcators. These cows :off, Lizzie Conover, • Haltle Taylur, publlo realization of the fact that are the ones that make friends an :on, seeking relief from tho manner 'eborah Sutphln, Huldah Ely and population in urban communities, re- It Pays to Advertise in The Register satisfied customers. in which revenue tax was imposed \nna Case. . n distilled products, The frul IOWA HORSES AND MULICS ealers estimated they were paying Horatio Shuttg, Dean Magee, John New shipment of those real Iowa 33 1-3 per cent more than "the grain Jack and Frank Johnson, all of Tin- horses and mulea, mated teams and istillcrs. •.•••• on Falls, stopped In Joseph Coley's singles, 2800 to 3200 It), teams, dapple Kiloon for refreshments after Beeing greys, roans, aprfels, blacks and bays Joseph T. VnnMator of Keypor play nt Red Bank. Mr. Coley gave nro hero now. Buy your horses now fell from a wagon and sustained sev- Mr. Shutts and Mr. Mack a bottle and save money. Greatest and bes eral fractured ribs. f wino each a3 a New Yoara prets- selection ever assembled. Come and Androw R. Coleman, a local jew- nt. Before leaving the saloon Frank look over our horses and cowa. Ex- eler, was on his way to Micanopy, ohnBon dexterously exchanged the UNITED SERVICE GROCERS changes miidc. Also sell pigs. Any- Florida, to continue In the jewelry bottle of wine in Mr. Hhutts' pocket thlnf? sold on commission. Prlval business. t* a bottle of water and placed the Sales Dally. Misa Idell T.' -White,, daughter o latter In tho straw wrapper without JACOB ZLOTKIN & SON Captain John P. White of Red Ban! being detected. Tho bottle of wine Freehold, N. ,1. returned from a four months' visi n Mr, Mack's pocket was changed Phones: Res. 330—Stables 050. with friends in Massacusetts. for a bottle of catsup. Tho boys A Big Event at U.S. John T. Lovctt of Little Silver wa; bad agreed to open their bottled of elected corresponding secretary Now Years wine at the Tinton Falls tho New Jersey State Horticultural Mineral Springs hotel and a large AND JUST LOOK AT WHAT YOUR society. crowd gathered who had learned of NEW YORK Eddlo Knapp, son of William H the joke. After having a hearty Knapp, received a severe cot abov laugh, Frank Johnson produced the NICKELS and DIMES WltL BUY or NEWARK tho eye while playing shinny on th original bottles of wine and a.good Ice, time was had by all. IN THIS SENSATIONAL 5c and ROUND Jacob Oberhaulacr, leader of Grace TRIP William H. Foster of Atlant church choir," was tendered a, sur- $1-00 Highlands contemplated moving 1 prise party by sixty friends. During 10c SALE! GET INTO THE HABIT Texas. He was an ex-soldier, and e: the evening he was presented with pected to take up government Ian a statue in appreciation of hifi efforte SALE! SUNDAY, JANUARY U of SAVING BY "BUYING at U.S.G." In that state. In the church work. Leaves BED BANK....0:02 A.M. Miss Ada Hyer, formerly a ccm Miss Myra Bennett of Keyport and positor In Tho Register, office an Joseph P. Smith of Fair Haven were, PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS.-FRI.-SaU JAN. O-10-itf WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15 at that time a bookkeeper for Moi Leaves RED BANK....0:00 A. M. married at Fair Haven by Rev. J. ford, Brown & company of Lonj Leupple. Branch, received a very handsom Anthony Reckless nnd John S. Ap- Returning tickets good on any Christmas gift from the clerks New Jersey Central train, except plegate, water commissioners, sought The Blue Comet, on date of sale. ployed In the store. It .was a go! sealed proposals from local plumherB Consult ticket agents for leaving enameled silver plaque upon whi for tapping licenses of the Red Bank FINE GRANULATED times from stations not shown was an engraving of tho chnmpio Water works. ' • i FLAGSTAFF SLICED or HALVES above and additional Information. yacht Puritan. The silver wedding of James C THERE WILL BE A SPECIAL AFTER and Mary D. Allaire of Farmlngdal ; Royal Arcanum Ball. THEATRE TRAIN ON WEDNESDAY, was celebrated at the homes' of Joh 1 January 15, lenvinti Now York, Liber- The Roynl Arcanum lodges of New SUGAR ty St.. ll:K0 I". M., Newark, Hroad St.. H. Megill and Lev! G. Irwln of S Jersey will hold nn entertainment lll(E P. M., for •latlona.Perth Amboy Bright. to Point ricnunnt Inclusive. Thin spe- and ball in honor of Grand Regent cial train jvovldco on opportunity to Miss Mary G. Hatfleld, well know Georgo W. Mercer ot Rosello Park PEACHES attend tho theater. resident of Red Bank, died of ge at the Ellis' club at Elizabeth on Fri- eral debility Incident to old age. I day evening, January 10. All mem- one time sho kept a private school bers, their families and friends arc Ib. Red Bank. She made her homo Invited. . A lnrgn delegation Is ex- ersey..#vCentral Whito street with her sisters. pected to attend from the Red Bank Charles M. Harris, a popular mem lodge. (bulk) STANDARD QUALITY Igst. No. 3 can

    Inventory Clearance! S QUALITY Drastic Reductions for Immediate Disposal! • :—. _—_ 9 TOMATOES PEA BEANS 2 Pc. Tapestry Living Room Suite; Was 98.00 Now 49.00 3 Pc. Tapestry Living Room Suite; Was 169.00 Now 97.00 JELLY FLAGSTAFF CRAPE OR 3 Pc. Frieze Living Room Suite; Was 198.00 Now 119.00 FRUIT FUVORS 8oz. ia •—— ___ :—e 7 Pc. Bedroom Suite, White Enamel and Mahogany; FAIRY SOAP Good Value at 149.00 Now 89.00 3 Pc. Walnut Bedroom Suite; Was 129.00 Now 74.00 3 Pc. Solid Maple Bedroom Suite; Was 79.00 Now 49 00 • : : e 10 Pc. Solid Mahogany Dining Room Suite; Value 249.00 Now 185.00 7 Pc. Dinette Suite, Solid Maple; Value 119.00 Now 79.00 NATIONAL BISCUIT CO.'S HARDWOOD 7 Pc. Dinette Suite, Mahogany; Value 129.00 Now 98.00 SHREDDED WHEAT SNAPPY • _« ODD PIECES THROUGHOUT THE STORE! DELICIOUS WITH PEACHES pkg. |2i DOC FOOD CLOTHESPINS 9.75 Boudoir Chairs, One of a Kind :...... Now 6.75 Oreo Sandwich . . p<<9 9 7.50 Scoop Seat Chairs, Rust or Green :':.• Now 3.98 O C-. fm.A CHOCOLATE or . A ,-SO-GUd VANILLA COOKIES ,a V 7.98 Bridge Lamps, Wonderful Value Now 4.95 can 23 5' A Large Selection of Table Lamps— Values up to 3.00 Now 1.49 Some more good 10c Buys! End Tables, Walnut Finish ; Now 1.00 i, in 1 Shoe Paste . . . » CHOCOLATE DESSERT IN OUR RUG DEPARTMENT r LEMON Good Cheer Mixed Tea ° 9x12 Axminster Rugs; Values up to 49.00 ...Special at 19 75 ONLY A FEW LKFT NOW. Flagstaff Pure Honey . 27x54 Inch Carpet Sample; Values to 6.00 Now 1.98 Green Circle Catsup . io«.bot.10^ 18x36 Inch Samples, Good Value at 1.49 Now 185 PAXALL Flagstaff Olives STUFFED . RED DEVIL Come in Now, Shop Around and You Will Find Other Flagstaff Tomato Juice WAXED Values Too Numerous to Mention at the CLEANSER Green Circle Corn WHITE PAPER Green Circle Ammonia lg».can« STERLING Furniture Shop Flagstaff Black Pepper 40 foot roll In Attractive Whitw or Blue Salt «nd P*pp*r Shik*r 5 21 WHITE ST., OPEN EVENINGS PHONE R. B. 291 Page Twelve RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 9,1086. Engagement Announced. master or the Bed Bank high school HONORED ON BXBXHDAV, MONEY LOANED orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. John Connor of 7" The local school orchestra will Mr*. Joseph Hesse Bntartalna Guest* on Jewelry,' Silver, Musical Instruments), Cameras, Washington street, Rumson, an- Binoculars, etc. play their first concert before the For Oeorg« Olmstead. nounce the engagement of their High School Notes students of the school tomorrow In Ucemcd and Domini by Slate of N J. daughter . Kathleen to Henry M. Hn Joseph W. Haaae of W«at Wli TAX CASH 1'Oii 01.1) GOLD AND SILVER the auditorium. A, Leroy Baker will Front street entertained a number of * Parking Welsh, eon of Thomas Welsh of Mid- direct. The orchestra will probably guests Friday nlftbt at her borne In (Metown, No date has been ?et for Students of the - senior French play "The Raymond Overture," "Or- Broadway Loan Co. tho wedding, celebration of the birthday ot Qeotae Monmouth Service Station 208 Broadway, (Opp. Jacol. litclnbach't) I-ong Branch class of Mias Leonora Hodgdon aro peua En Der Underwald," "Elves Olmstead. The celebration was In preparing a play to bo enacted to en- Donlo" and "Soldiers March." the form of a cocktail and dinner MONMOUTH and PEARL STREETS tertain members of the French club party. TO PURCHASERS OF OUB HIGH GRADE nt their meeting to be held some Meohanlo Street News. Those attending were Ulasea Doris time next week. Tho students gath- and Dorothy Armstrong, Helen er in groups of four or more and The 2-A class has just finished the AMOCO PRODUCTS WINTER study of Madonna pictures. The Crate, Zaldee Lee, Louise Qhezzl and select among themselves the plot, Alfred J. Beattle, Herbert Holsworth, PARKING ,FREE.! .'..,. the characters and the peoplo to be his brought their Christmas dolls Dr. Leonard W, Carlbon, Edwin R. starred are selected from the mem- to school and they are going: to sing Conover and Capt. William Mack. DRIVING BLUES bers o'. the French club. The play songs to them during music class. has not been chosen aa yet. BANISH School Personals. The Btudent music guild has be- gun its drive for volunteer perform- Ruth Delatueh, junior, entertained ers. H. Carl Kalt, head of the guild, Gene Dennis of Elizabeth over the expresed a wish that any. one poa- holidays. iessinfr any sort of talent would Adele Heppner spent her vacation come nut to have tin audition. The with Robert Deale, Jr., of Babylon, January Apparel n nt the vaudeville will be made Long Island. up of these volunteers. Singers, Robert Voorhees left Thursday to dancers, actors and imitators are re- return to his studies at Georgia quested to offer their talent. The Tech. vaudeville will go,on tour of other Mr, and Mrs. Reps Farrls were schools when its two weeks of, sched- delayed In Tennessee all last week uled rehearsals are completed. The because of snow storms which made musical show will bo featured by an roads fcnpassable. Mr. Farrls, who Is C\ ea r an c e & orchestra under the direction of Mi- bookkeeping teacher, spent the holi- i Vhacl Cardner, nil-state violinist. days with his wife, visiting his par- Tho musical scores are being ar- ents. ranged by Mr. Kait. Some of the Mr. and Mm. Lionel Johnson, schools which will bo visited aro •brother and sister-in-law of Mrs. Long Branch, Asbury Park, Leo- Hanna Ring, spent the holidays at nardo, Rumson, Manasquan, Morris- Red Bank. Mr. Johnson Is super- town, Neptune and Matawan. Adele visor of muslo in the Johnson City, Welntraub is business manager and Tennessee, high school. John Barberio, stage manager. The Miss Edna Hallock spent the holi- revue is being sponsored by the days at her home' at ML Vernon, Deep Reductions! Sa/efu^Tesfcd Used Ca r student council. New York. -_ Glrla! . basketball Ewnea. ..will, bfi Miss Leonora Hodgdon spent part held this week. The first game was of her vacation visiting at Boston. from your OLDfMOBI LE Dealer hold yesterday and other game Is Miss Catherine Gates of Vermont planned for tomorrow. Among the spent the holidays visiting her sister, girl3 who took testa yesterday for Miss Madeline Gates, teacher, at Dresses, Coats, Suits and Sportswear... Nowyou can drive thiswinterin comfort and Safety.. .Your officiating were Rose Grand, Adele Red Bank. J Oldsmobile dealer offers you the greatest used car buys in Heppner, Esther Levine, Smcra Phil Lemlg recently attended the years ... all because of the popularity and demand for new Makris, Helen McKee, Betty Borden, amateur hockey games at the For Women, Misses, Juniors. Priced 'way Oldsmobiles ... as a result many late-model fine cars are Strange Hartmare. Mrs. Howard Brooklyn Ice Palace. on hand . . . Drop in and get our,lowest prices, longest Smith, gym instructor, Is planning Jack Clark recently attended the Under Regularly For Quick Clearance! to have play days soon with various Montreal-New York hockey game at allowances, easiest terms... And remember your Oldsmobile schols in' the county. Madison Square Garden. dealer offers used cars that are Safety-Tested!! Michael. Cardner, Elmer Sutphln Miss Edith Lord, Spanish teacher, and Peter Galatro have possibilities spent the holidays with her sister In Look at these Bargains? of playing with the New Jersey alt- Maine. state symphony orchestra • at the Miss Katharine Barney visited her 1931 CADIIXAC V-12 TOWN 1U3S OLDSMOHrLK "8"— Metropolitan Opera House at New mother at New Bedford, Massachu- DRESSES SEDAN—Believe it or not Two-door TourinR Coupe, 5 York some time in March. The or,- setts, during the holidays. this car has been driven less pass. Built-in- trunk, turret chestra has been asked by.the com- Charles Juckett spent the holidays thnn 8,000 miles. Stored In top n' everything. 8,317 mittee in charge of the national con- vacationing on Lake Champlaln. miles. Just nicely broken in. vention of the superintendents of Formerly \ . „ „ ; Now bonded warehouso for two Cannot be told from SQ Miss Mary Margaret Rice visited years while owner was abroad. O high schools in the country. Tho friends and relatives at Plalnfleld Absolutely 100% In every re- new orchestra has not accepted as yet during tho holidays. l»3-r TKKKAl'LANE SPORT because of lack of funds. If funds ' 7.98 & 10.98 Silk Dresses, Misses' & Women's Sizes 5.98 spect. Looks like it came OOUrJO .— Mechanically per- Miss Margaret Thompson visited out of a glass case. SCOC fect. Finished in gunmetal. can be obtained they will present at her home In Boston during the Exceptional buy at ._ "00 Very low mileage —„.$4QC their concert. holidays. 10.98 & 14.95 Wool Jersey & Crepe Dresses, Misses'...... 7.98 The sociology classes of George George Wolcott, graduate of Red W. Strausa are now studying politi- Bank high school, entertained two 14.95 Velvet Tunic Dress; Size 16. Brown and Green 10.98 cal disorganization. This deals with students from Columbia Medical the political bosses, the areas of po- Center during the holidays, litical disorganization and the social Preston Morford and Jack School- 14.95 Metal Shot Dress, Size 14, in Brown 10.98 forces which deal with political dis- ey recently vlBited friends at New organization. Several members of York. 14.95 Gold Trimmed Green Dress, Size 18 10.98 the classes were given certain state Marion Cook and Edwin Beak re- officials' biographies and characteris- cently attended the show "Remem- 16.95 Black Crepe, Rattail Trimmed. Size 40 10.98 tics to check on. ber the Day," which Is playing at f The 12-A history class, under the New York. direction of Stephen A. Skakandy, Miss Elizabeth Rogers, history and 19.95 Red Drizzle Crepe Dress, Size 14 10.98 DRIVE THIS WINTER IN Safety a*a> Cout0t ,is taking up projects for the second English teacher, spent the holidays semester's work. The projects are with her parents near Lake Erie. of various types, such as the farmer, 19.95 Two Piece Rust Crepe Dress, Size 40 10.98 LOOK Uftder SAFETY-TESTED in Hte Classified Section, pr otdditional BARGAIN BUYS ! the laborer, etc. Miss Sarah Levin- sky has been substituting for Mr. 22.50 Pure Dye Crepe Dress, Rust. Size 16 10.98 Skakandy during his absence. Jack Hammcll, a senior, is form 14.95 Dolman Sleeve Green Crepe Dress, Size 12 10.98 HOWLAND B. JONES MOTOR CO. ing a jazz band. He will probably 36 MAPLE AVENUE, feature trumpets and violins. The first violinist will most "likely be 14.95 Chiffon Trimmed Crepe Dress, Size 24*4, Rust 10.98 RED BANK, NEW JERSEY Peter Galatro, assistant concert 14.95 Wine Crepe, Gold Trimmed Dress, Size I8V2 40.98 19.95 Tunic Dress, Patent Leather Trim, Size 18 .10.98

    14.95 Alpaca Dress with Lace Yoke. Size 20V2 10*98

    19.95 Pure Dye Black Silk Crepe Dress. Size 18! r...10.98 ^ 14.95 Blue Velvet Dress, Size I6V2 , 10.98 16.95 to 25.00 Street & Afternoon Dresses. Broken Sizes 14.95

    EVENING AND DINNER GOWNS of Men's, Women's and Children's 22.50 Metal Cloth Evening Dress, Size 18 10.98 SHOES Wake up to a 29.50 Crystelle Velvet Evening Gown, Size 20 10.98 Treat yourself to the shoe wardrobe you've always hoped to have, now that this sale makes it possible for you to have two pairs of shoes for little more than one pair of shoes ordinarily cost! Every pair money saving 29.50 Crystelle Velvet Evening Gown, Size 18 19.9S from regular stock. opportunity— Everyone feels ilSS Children's BOYS' MEN'S like taking a rest COATS AND SUITS STRAPS after the holidays ... and that ap- 69.75 Black Suit, Persian Lamb Trimming. Size 14 39.75 OXFORDS SHOES plies to both per- Oxfords 69,75 Rust Sport Coat, Gray Krimmer Trim. Size 16 49.75 OPERAS Values sons and purses. to $8.50 There's only one 75.00 Green Dress Coat, Natural Cross Fox Trim. Size 14 59.75 way to wake up both into going 75.00 Black Dress Coat, Red Fox Trim. Size 20 59.75 places and that is 69.75 Black Dress Coat, Bl'k Persian Lamb Trim. Size 18 49.75 price . . . low prices that are too 65.00 Black Dress Coat, Fox Trip. Size 18 49.75 attractive to Bay $ "No" to. Now$ Here they are at Kridel's ... so if SPORTSWEAR you have a need for an article, 18.00 Boucle, Angora and Rabbits' Hair Three-Piece there is no need Womee*s Vitality Women's Style in waiting or go- Knit Suits, Sizes 18, 20, 36 and 44 only 10.98 ing without it. Health Shoes SHOES 16.95 to 19.95 Two-Piece Wool Suits and Dresses in Boucle SUITS - OVERCOATS and Novelty Fabrics, Sizes 12 and 18 only 10.98 Sow $ A.97 as low as 3.98 & 4.98 Skirts, Checks, Plaids, Solid Colors 2.98 14.50 3.98 Twin Sweater Sets in Navy, Plum. Sizes 34, 36, 40 2.98 I''ormi'rl.v $(1.00 mid JJII.7S ' In $15.00 Second Floor knf ad nhmvlirrn for WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF RUBBERS other big mluotlnna. J.KRIDEL STEINBACH-KRESGE CO. Bl BROAD STREET,is Bros"THE SUNDIAL .SHO E ShoSTORE" e Store -Red Bank- Asbury Park VISITOR, BE A BOO8TEB Newt Every Week Boost your merchant*, bowl to All the Family, of Red Bank and orctuiizatloiM, boeit four Pel I Local Eventi and. boost your neighbor and you OMB- munlty will oooat you. Miss Milly RED BANK REGISTER Uiatd Wwklr. Entered M 8Mond-Clu« Uavut at tin Port» Subscription Pfl.cn i One If car 12.00. —dLUME LVIII, NO. 29. offlo* at Bad Bank. N. /, und« tb< Act o( March J. 1870. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1936. 3Lx MonLbft Sl.OO. 3inale Copy 4c. PAGES 13 TO The Register Wins Runti8onians Here TBIBUTE OF FLOWERS. Three Councilmen Discuss Buying FIREMEN'S ELECTION. Chamber Directors Bed Bank RegUter Newsboy Hon- nlon HOBC Company lU'lil Its An- Dedicate High Taxpayers' Fight For Week's Visit ored By Schencctady Newsboys. In At Shrewsbury New Fire Truck nual Election Last Night. Hold Busy Session School At Rumson Henri J. Burke, a Red Bank newB- The annual election o£ Union hone Hereafter Delinquent Taxes Will Bight-Piece Rumion Band, Unit oy and one of the talented Hill Billy Harold McCormick Appointed Special Committee Appointed at ompany ' was held last niKlu. The cf OB Exerc ise HeId be Received by the Collector 4 of Major Bowea' Hour, >oys now touring the East In ama- New President of Shrewsbury Meeting of Fair Haven Fire Ulcers elected arc: ^StreeTs^'U?'* MMj ji - * Monday in Audi- in Initallmcnti—Tax Snle* to Leave Tomorrow for Phila- eur performances, was honored by Council and New Police Com- Company to Take Up Matter i'resltl€ia Hvnry Hcmu'U. Sch'enectady newsboys last week Vice president—Walter HiimilUni. H. Borden Lauded for Numer. Continue. delphia. ' missioner. of New Pumper. Secretary—Altart SnilTen. as Secretary. when he appeared in Proctor'a the- l-'inanciiil decrctaiy iinil trt'a^urc?!-- ous Gifts to the New School. The campaign led by Tho Register The Rumsoniano, an eight-piece ater there. Tho Schenectady boys Throe new councilmen were eworn The Fair Haven flic company took ckgoii Murphy. At ii bu.-iy KosBlon ot the board of Dedicatory exercises of Rumson'n nnd backed by variousprBflrrkf.iyt|p,n|j band, who about twenty weeks ago >reeented a lurfie basket of flowers n Tuesday night at tho reorganlza- the first steps toward the purchase Captuiji—Daniel HcipkinH. .Jr. dlrrrt'nrs Tucsilay mnminK, Mrs. Unc. w $200,000 high school bulldinff won a prize on Major Bowes' ama- Klrat liculuiiaiit— William Swnnncll, Jr. and Individuals to bring about easier o the Red Bank Ind. According tp ion meeting of the Shrewsbury may- of a new pumper by the appointment Second lieutenant— Kali* browcr. MC'llih of ]-in>:nl street was ap- ere hr-ld Monday night before a conditions for taxpayers hos been teur hour, and who Blnce that tlmo ill aceoiinta Henri Ja the aarno sjnll- >r and council when Mayor George of.a special committee at the regu- Engineer—Iltinry HiKitiin. pointed .seeret.-irl y nf lll,0 Uml -Bunk j H'ltherintf that tilled tho auditorium partiallywon. Mayor .Charles B. have been entertaining with popular ,ng likeable fellow while on tlio'road Illver started tho Becond year of his lar meeting of tho company Mon- Asfliatnnt ciiKinecr - WnyiifiHl -Appietrate. nf -Fire iiolicc—Leuii Dennis. Leslie Wuoil- Chamber of Cimunerce. to succeed' the new school to Its capacity. English announced Monday Slight music in several of the largo clttei ;hat he was at Red Bank and hla first term as mayor. Councilman day night. This committee will meet rnrd, Jotseph Wenzcll. Harry HolTman. Mrs. Mlldrerl Ccingdon, who resigned I Many were unable to get Into th» that Mra. Julia M. Keough, tho col- of the country, are enjoying a week's comp'anion performers say that he Harold McCormick was named pres- with the mayor and council and dis- lormnn Hallam. several1 nnihths ago. Mrs. Congdon,' auditorium and heard the exorcises lector, would hereafter receive delin- vacation at their homos in this vicin- makes an Instant hit wherever he ident of the new council, succeeding cusa the matter thoroughly and will The annual banquet of the com- :ii the renupst of the board, has ro-iin one oJ *-hl! classrooms through tho quent taxes In 'triRtalbnantfl to suit ity. goea. The flowers were given to him 'ormer Councilman Frederick Robin- then report its findings back to the pany will be held at the fire house Jimincii i tho orj.MnUation lyitil' Public address system, which is ona the convenience of the taxpayers. Tomorrow morning they will leave iy«newsboys of the Union-Star news- son, who resigned. tire company. The company will February 5. The committee in charge tlu; pii!H(n time, rind will continue jot 'he features of the new building. The Register has urged lor more lc here for the Earle theater at Phila- paper. Henri, before he became an Councilmen Raymond Guenther, then take up the matter and make its composed of Daniel Hopkins, Jr., U>v ;i few iwta more to n.isi.=t her' T' attractivenoss of tho auditor- than two yeara past that this be delphia, where they will fill a week's actor, was one of tho beat newsboys Eric S. Rodin and Col. David P. Wood recommendations to the council.- On lienomin,' ""acqualntpcl 1lum "was" commented upon by.many done. Fackson -Murphy, John Applegate, engagement. From Philadelphia the if The Register. were sworn In by Borough Clerk the committee are Oscar Becker, Philip Crelln and Henry Higglns. jwilh Ilu> business and professional n the audience whlio waiting for tho Mayir English made It plain that grtup will leave for Baltimore, Ortrude C. VanVliet to take tho Robert Amendt, John Wagner, I pcopl,-, as woil ns the many duties exorcises to begin. The walla and current taxca would continue to be Maryland, ,and Washington, D. C, places of Frederick Robinson, Fred James LaBau, George Curchin and '••it the. sfc'retnry. Mrs. McCandlish woodwork are painted cream color /paid In the rogular way and would where they will fill a week's engager George W. Bray Burst, whose term expired, and G. Charles P. Cross, I has been n resident of lied Bank fur and over thp doors arid windows are not be accepted In Installments ex- ment at each city. Harold Nevlua, who was defeated in Rev, Henry P. Bowen was appoint- Barnyard Night cept aa provided by law every three | sririio tinio nml cnmi-s to tho Chani- hunpr blue velvet draperies. A blue Since leaving New York following the primary election. All were pres- ed chaplain of the company by Ar- f Comnifm' highly recommend-! volvet. curtain, with the letterB months. Ho stated that Mrs. Keough the weeks spent In winning tho con- Lions' Speaker rt had told him that she would bo able :nt except Councllman Archibald thur R, Sickles, preoident. Badge At Holmdel Alleys ctcil with thanks, and turned' he front of the atage. that ho oaw no reason why It would officials, such aB tho mayors of the ._ Rnulgnatlona ..from Uiu buanl oi tenant's badge to Harvey M. Little ing the alleys certainly looked like a over In (he parking committee, who Mr. Borden in his address of wel- cities and even the governor of WIs- ular mooting: yf the-Iiiuns CIUB"TUM nut bis advantageous tut iiilmmipttli- day night gave a detailed resume of health were read from John Sagur- and second lieutenant's badge to barnyard. Vegetable and fruit crops will include this tract, in its plans for come said the new school waa the 11 eB tp do the same. conem. Several times they have been ton, Jr., who atated that he could not John McCue, all by Mr. Sickles. and even live stock were grouped (!ivelo|imcnt. of parkinK areas east of ulminatlon of what the board ot on parade and have been tendered his stewardship of that office. Mr. Mr. WycUoff said that ho was in Bray is a former president of the find time lor the duties and horn The appointment by the mayor around tho polished surfaces over 1 ho hiisinr.ss Kofi ion. Reports on education has been trying to accom- favor o{ continuing the practice of testimonials. ', Raymond Guenther, president, be- and council of George Curchin aa which the bowling balls were rolled. other phases of the parking situa- plish for thn past eight years. Ho The group, whloh is Unit 4, when ocal service club and a former dis- holding tax sales annually. He uald trict governor of the etate associ- cause of his election to the council. recording offlcer of the (Ire company Kven a crow was present, a crow tion, including larger signs, were said theve waa no'better thing for that if such sales were not held some playing weekly at tho various show Both men were complimented by in compliance wth a new law was with clipped wings that was to be al.Ho made. the borough than the new school, houses provides the muBib for acts ation. Ho concluded his sixth year peoplo would never pay taxes, with as local motor vehicle agent on Oc- Mayor Silver for their excellent work recommended. The first aid squad iven as a booby prize to the bowl- Miss Florence Forgot son, chair- 'ommenting upon tho action of this the result that thoso who did pay which aro staged by other enter- on the board. , _ reported 52 calls In 1935, an average er with the lowest score. man of tho license revision commit- Fair Haven board of education In would bo required to put up extra tainero, When appearing for one tober 20 last. Mr. Bray's income «lx years ago On a motion made by the new po- of one ,a week. The calls were class- As for tho attendance it was the tee, reported progress, nnd that a sending Its pupils to Rumson high money for those who did not. Mr. day only at theaters their program lice commissioner, Harold McCor- ified as follows: transportation, 36 greatest known at tho place. Ahnut piopn;:ed ordinance -would be ready school Mr. Borden expressed the Wyckoff read nn Interesting table of consists of popular music. was 52,600 per year. It la now $2,800 yearly. Of this amount, he pays tn mick, Edward Hounihan was reap- emergencies;, 10; fltca, 5; and false eighty persons were present. Every to submit^ at the next"'meeting. hope that in the near futuro the two figures showing that tho total value Holiday banqueta were given for polnted special police ofilcer. Council- alarm, 1. ^ municipalities would be combined in- of Red Bank property, according to salaries and other expenses the sum seat was occupied and a number of Mi Tk tho Rumaonlans by Major Bowes on man Guenther, former president ot Other committees appointed b; persons had to stand. It was the Morris .Tacks, manager of the to one borough. Turning to the pu- the assessor's books, Is $12,421,425. of $2,080, which leaves him a net of Carlton theater, received the official Thanksgiving, Christmas and New $820 a year for hla own salary. tho board of health, read Mrs. Agnes Mr. Sickles were as follows: niffht of the poor bowlers of Holm- pils who occupied the combined Property to the value of $1,761,425 Is Years. Thanksgiving the unit dined Barker's report as welfare nurse.for thanks of the hoard of directors for Because of the small number of Welfare board—Hurry B. Kurlln chati del and vicinity. No one was elig- stage and gymnasium Mr, Borden exempt from being taxed because of at Milwaukee, Christmas at Roches- the borough. It was stated that this his KrncroUK plan for "Chamber of said they should feel a deep debb of being owned by churches, the bor- applications for' licenses received in man, Percy D. Honnett secretnry an ible tg compete except those who ter, Minnesota; and New Years at closing year was tho first time the U-eiiHurer, Russell Mlntun, George Cur- Commerce Booster IWjht," whereby gratitude for what has been done for ough, the school board, the federal November, Mr. Bray feels that the had not averaged a better score than r n Chicago. They travel in trains or board of health employed a welfare rhin, Wiliiioii A. Miller, Clarence Little, a rash prize of ?- i will be offered them. government, etc. Deducting this department should begin issuing new Mrs. Eliittheth Little. Mm. Violn Sickles, 140. chartered buses. nurse. Mix. AKIIC* Alliiire, MIKS Gladys Taylor. Holmdel, for the past year and one- each Tuesday night .at the theater: Neilson Edwards, the-new mayor amount from tho total leaves an as- The unit consists of Julius Yellen licenses on December 1 and pernV tickets for which wil be distributed sessed valuation of $10,860,000. autoists to put them on their cars The term of police offlcer, accord- ChviMmsiw lice—Chnrlefl Croan chairman half or so, has virtually been "bowl- of Run-on, said he considered ft a Bill Boyco and Gerald Cannella, sax- ing to Police Commissioner Harold OHL-IU Ilerker, RohertMmendt, John Wag- by Chamber of Commerce members. great honor to be able to serve hla It was brought out that during the Immediately. During 1935, Mr. Bray ner. William Anclcinnn. ing crazy." Ever since Taylor W. aphones; BUI .Finnegan, piano and McCormick expired on December 31, Enteituinment and refreBhmcnti)—Lero Hance opened his alleys the game community. One of the great prob- past flye years the bonded Indebted- trumpet; George Hallahan and Jack reported, the Red Bank agency is- ness of the town has been decreased sued 10,000 diiver'B licenses, 7,100 1935, and the position was now open. Klnn chairman, Thomas Emmonfl, Joh: hag been the most popular sport in lems of today is education, Mr. Ed- Whelan, trumpets; Richard Ward It was moved that the matter be left Fenny, JCHHC Uennett. William Applcgat the village and surrounding country- Yacht Club "warda said. "With Europe In a about $145,000. However, the bonded and George Lang, passenger auto plates, 1,000 truck Nduuiil Little, William' GeiKer, Earne, Indebtedness of the board of educa- string bass, In the hands of the police commis- EKeliiml, John MrUuc, Joseph Boylt side. Close watch waa kept not only chaotic state the education of th« are all paid on the licenses, 100 farmers' licenses, 25 for tion has Increased approximately drums. They motorcycles, 20 for dealers, five fi sioner with power to act. Otto Her- Thomas Welch, William Anderson. Wi by Mr. Hance but by many other res- Meeting At Hotel youth of our land is very important," Musicians' union scale. All are grad- den has held down the police officer's Inn! Enunons, Harry llerold, Charles Wes he added. "But with proper training $145,000 this year becauso of building taxis, 1,500 transfers and 900 licenses eon. idents that no high score performer ] new schoolhouses. uates of high schools. position for the past nine years. Po- Sirk—Percy D. Bennett chairman, JesH and adequate education, I am aur«s for initial drivers. The total receipts got into the Friday night contest, j Newly. Organized Grour to Pre- Mr. Wyckoff's figures arc approxi- The group has promised to keep in for the year were $143,000, of which lice Coaimlseioner McCormick stated J. Mcllruy. John Branin, Arthur Crozie None did. ' ~ " - J no such chaotic conditions will ever touch with The Register and will re- that there was one applicant for the John Warner. Herbert Hawkins. Harri sent Commodore's Flac; and mate. In detail his statement fol- $23,000 waa taken in on the last two 1 The rules of the match were tliat exist in this country." Mr. Edwards late their positions and experiences position besides Mr. Herden, but Veroneau, Georfiu Curcliin, Charlcn WeB Enjoy Dance Saturday Night, lows: days of December. On the last day Bon. Willinm AnderKttn. • each contestant was to bring to the. said the community owes a great debt 1 February First. -j* A™o«Heri vabintloii im illpH- a3 their performances aro completed. of the month 600 passenger auto li would not release his name. Bills Mcmbci'Hlilp mid nt«tu»—Clurenco IJU alleys something worth rit least $1. of gratitude to Mr. Borden and ths amounting to $548.86 were ordered chairman, George Curchin accretary, Ma1 rnt0 f 10,600,000. censes, 240 truck licenses and 900 Cash wae not acceptable, and as The ballroom of the Molly Pitcher board of education. Tax Kxompt Prorerly: paid when funds were available. thew G. Baden. drivers' licenses were Issued. InvchLiKatioii—Geoipo Sickles, Jeai Holmdel is a farming community the hotel will he transformed into At one minute to nine o'clock Mr. (•hillThci * 447.36(1.00 The first reading of the 1936 bud- File housed nml equipment 73,800.00 The Standard Sold During 1935, Mr. Bray stated, 11 Bennett, JeBHe Mcllray. entrance fees were paid almost en- carthbound quarter deck for the Borden, standing in the center of th« Uniouch property .' 202,265.00 mse« were Jsfiued to Monmouth get was read by John P. Mulvihill Mhletirn—Oscar Becker John tirely in agricultural products. The next, rrirular mooting: of the Fair stage, pressed a button which start- Hanpltnla nnl •Jhnrltlei -. 3R.000.00 and approved by the council. Tho Robert Amendt. ed the master clock, which controls fiovernraont 65,100,00 To Sidney Wain county residents who Were visiting high score was to take the "first Haven Yacht club, scheduled—fair- Krliooln 88G.0flO.O0 m Connecticut, Massachusetts, New next hearing will be held Tuesday, pick" the second high scorer the "sec- wefUhnr or foul—for Saturday night, ,all the clocks in the classrooms and February 4, when objections to the nlso the large clock 'In.tho tower. As • 1,761,425.00 York, California, Ohio, Pennsylvania, ond pick" and so on clown the line. February 1. Tho members of the The New Owner Will Take Pos- Missouri, Alabama, Florida, Wlacon. budget may be heard. The new bud- First Men's Forum The outcome was virtually an ex- cltih will jrather at tho hotel at eight he presed the button Mr. Borden Al«'d to Collector tlO.B8O.000.OO get totals $12,970, as against $11,800 said: "In one minute you will hear Exempt 1,761,425.00 session January 25 and the gin, Maryland and Rhode Island change of gifts. Not only at Holm- La tor in the evening they will be Paper Will Thereafter .Become During the year nearly 10,000 bills o for 1935. Tho amount to be raised To Be Held Sunda' del but in surrounding communities joined by thn ladies of the auxiliary the chimes in the tower. It is my a Friday Publication. sale, aggregating $4,612.75, were is- by taxation is $7,800, almost $1,000 this novel contest aroused much in- and Invited guests "to enjoy dancing earnest wish that whenever tho more than 1935. All departments | , c . t -Will hp Tir chimes ring out, those who hear will The Red Bank Standard has been sued. Mr. Bray paid high tribute to have a slight increase in thol«3 TTT»S^tJMteDra . terest, hence the large attendance. in Iho ballroom and attend a bit of Bnnk ....;.$'Mrlzc and question will be offered by . Overueer of the poor—Mlaa Ella King .Inhii II. «i;Hnliin. ••>;:•. Ii" .1 "f ciL-nrs. temple of living youth, dedicated to S. Parkcs for tho splendid condition tho opportunity of asking question; Jiwrp h riiii liliii. :37. riwsl i-r. These plans were made at the reg- that Tho Standard will be conducted Dr. Theodore A. Dorcmus. (five yeara.) the special service of making boy» n the borough's finances. Board of health—John Sugurton, Jr., nnd of Prof. Priest. Ladies have beer I'nrlli I, Kil ihafcr. 2 17, .- artun nf i-iy- ular meeting of the new club held on a non-partisan basis and that it Joseph Sorgo of Essex county and Fred Bum (three yeara,) irfl t.-*. and girls better men and women. Mr. extended a cordial Invitation to at- • Schniirk, 24 7, ilurk. Inst Saturday night. At this session will bo the chief aim of himself and Idward Coyne were guests at Tucs- Street superintendent—John Parker. tend these meetings and there will | Anhrr Smith praised the wonderful musical Constable*—Elmer C. Wainrlght and DIUIIP 1 H. K;:>-. 2HI. chi.-lc Ml, the. regatta committee reported that hla associates to Improve it. He Bays day'e meeting. Fnink Rorrou, 2.12, ronstcc. program Riven by the pupils and said Religious Groups To James Rioriian (three yeara.) be no admission charge. j H. was contarting other clubs on the 1 that a new linotype machine will bo President of the council—Harold Mc- Leon Reussille, Jr., of the law firm j K rue fit l-'orcc. 2^0. duck. •such training was in lino with the bought and that tho paper will bo Jucoh Sto.ni. '2'iQ, rooster. North Jersey coast to arrange a Meet This Evening FOB GEOBOE 11. ROBERTS. Cortnlclt. of Applegate, Stevens, Foster & Reus- j .series of Iceboat, ration. The. house teaching of culture and higher ideals printed In tho homo plant instead of Formaii Sutphin, "17, chicken ami crow. in the schools. \ at Keyport as at present. Only local The committees are: aille, president of the Red Bank | Another unusual contest, i» bcinK committee, fiuthori/.ed tn find and The monthly meeting of the laiw Well Under Way for Testi- Flnan.ce—Miller, chairman. Cucnther, Lions club, a director of the Second purchase a flagpole to be erfcted in Charles A. Wolbneh, supervising employees will be engaged. monial Next Month. Uwlili. planned to be held on the same al- Red Bank Young Peopie'e Coun- National Bunk and Trust company, f I principal, announced that part of the Beverly W. Brown was for thirty KtreetB—Wood, chairman, Lange. Millar. leys in about two weeks between six- front nf the clubhouse at the foot cil of Religious Education will bo Plans fpr tho testimonial dinner l-'tre—Rodin, chairman, McCormick anil and i\ graduate of Princeton, will DP Nor wan <1IP avenue, Fair Haven, exercises had been intentionally left yeara associated with Tho Standard. for Sheriff Georgo H. Roborts aro teen selected men. whose ;iv(_>r;iu« out of the program. He then intro- hold tonight in tho Baptist church Ho ia the local correspondent for Wood. introduce Prof. Priest, and Glenn P. .scores are about equal. Euoh con- somehow numageri to achieve" a. on Maplo avenue. Tho young peoplo nearlng completion under tho direc- Vulice—McCormick, chairman, Rodin Wishard, secretary of tho Commun- double surepu^—it located nnd pur- duced John Yeomans, a member of are co-operating with tho adult coun- Tho Newark Evening News and for tion of a committee of which John md Wooil. testant will be required to wo;ir f.Tii- the board of education, who paid Bevcra! New York and Philadelphia Wnter—Gucnther, chairman, Miller and ity YounR Men's Christian associ- inlne Raibgarb, includinInnludinigr hals. , TinThe; chased two spars, one fifty feet long cil In the observance of the week of papers. Both Mr. VanBrunt and Mr. W. Ransley is chairman. At a meet- ation, will preside. prizoti will be entirely articles winch nnil thn other eight .feet shorter. The tribute to Mr. Borden'g generosity prayer. The session will begin at ing of the committee chairmen last Lights—Lange, chairman, (iuenthcr and Dr. Priest bun specialized in tho are of use to ladies. jtifty-foot stick will bo put up aome- and civic spirit. Mr. Yeomans enum- Smith have had long experience In week it waa announced that the din- iK-Corniick. ' eight o'clock. study of German literature of the A party is to follow the bowling I time before spring. erated the various gifts Mr. Bordet Ml Frances Hodden, an ofilcer tho newspaper business. ner would be held at the Smoke Shop Relief—Itodin. chairman. Wood and Mr. Wain says ho has great confi- iis Klia King. eighteenth and nineteenth centuries Kamea. Among the foutmvsi will be The membership committee nn- has made.to the new school. These New Jersey Council of Re- Tavern Thursday night, February include the tower clock and chimes, dence in tho future of Red Bank and 20, at half-pnst seven o'clock. and did hi.s post-graduate stuOy in banjo and mandolin music by Wal- nounccd tin; acceptance of four new Education, will bo tho epoak- Germany. He visitw Europe nearly ter H. Conover and Nicholas Harvey the radio and public nudresa system, attendanco Blblo will bo that this was tho chief motive which Tickets will bo placed on sale next RUMSON TLOTS SOLD. names for the dub's already well- caused him to buy The Standard. Ho every summer and thus is convers- and singing and clog dancing l»y filled rester—Thomas Irving Brown, tho furniture for the school board Mcd to the young people's socl- Tuesday and will be alloted on the ant Intimately with conditions there. room, grand piano for staga and tn- Aftcr tho meeting a so- was represented In the transaction first come, first serve, basis. Persons rVllllani It. Hlntclmnnn Closes Two car Homphil] and Roy Manccll. Re- publisher of Tho Red Bank Register: by Harry Klotsky and Mr. BroWti He Is In Rreat demand for lectures freshments will be served. J. H. L. Gibbonri, executive manager .struments for tho band. "Last fall," bo held nnd rcfreah- desiring to purchase tickets may do Deals During I'nst Week. Mr. YfornariH Haiti, "someone1 nntd it" aerved by tho young WJIB represented by Ezra Karkua. so either through members of the before luucrteon clubtj, service clubs, of the Edgewater Ford plant; Her- «•* Charles R.. Bcattlc has purchased and women's organizations, and he r. T. A.,. MEETING. bert P. SehnefiVr, tralHc marniffcr of WIIP not right, for the band member* icket committee or by telephoning to parade hi the t^oltl weather with Mr. Ransley. Persons desiring to re- i> tract of land comprising about live deals witli the situation in Germany the Flood & Conk!in company, and Local Airport Pilot acres from L. Suffcrn Taller of Rum- from sis unprejudiced point of ..view tlieir liends uncoverrd. Tho next day PUKE TBIPJC«5^»U8KEQON. serve tables for themselves and their Little Silver Group Witnesses Conk- Axford H. Harrow. The loss of a Accept* Job in Peru guests may do so through Mr. Rans- son. Tho property ID located on _;i could be founil nml with the bjick- ing Demount rat ion. member — Robert M, Doughty — by Mr. Roiden bought hnta for the en- "Honeysuckle Hill,'! which Is the sec- Kround of a thorough knowledge of | tire band."' Daniel pintow'B Good Salesmanship loy or through Robert P. Banfleld, Pupils of the fifth and sixth srado* dcatli WAX recorded In a resolution. J. Adillaon Congdon, former pilot chairman of tho nenting committee. ond highest hill In the borough of and appreciation for (Ir-rman liter-j Hiini'c )wi*nly meinhni'.^ of tint Hub Mr. Yeoman;) .mild tlnit the school Wins This Vriie lor Him. Rumson. utiire and culture. | of the Little Silver public school bn;»rd hud run .short of money and at tho Rod Barjk airport, will sail to- Kave an entertainment at a meeting probably will get together on Jnnu-j Blcrllng Furniture Shop of morrow on tho Santa Rita for Peru, "A Tain of Two Cities." Mr. Tailor has also aolrl a tract of The promoters and sponsors of ary 22 at (he N^w York motmboat \ needed ahout 11,000 to completely Tho of the PiireiU-Tciielm- association I'tiiilp tbe cafeteria. ITe until It would Wnl'to ftroct, Red Bank, exceeded |ta where ho haB • accepted a position Fritz Lleber of Atlnntlc Highlands, and adjoining tho properly pur- these Forums believe there is a leal Monday nfternoon in tho school. show for a joint look-see at tin; •hascd by Mr. Beattle. and compris- need In this community for a phice. \w a nice thing If a group of refcl- quota pf mles In the nation-wide con- with the Facett nlrllnea, which oper- perhnpR tho foremost Shakespearian Their teacher, Minn Agnu.s llacluMt, piiwet' ho:i1 jj find nailing craft. ing eight acres, to P. Immo Gulden to discus controversial problems; an dentn wouKl cauiUite Mr. Horden nnd ?" t conducted by tho Norgo EctrlR- tc from Talara to Arequlpa, Peru. actor in thn United States today, was lUvoetor. The children havo or- 'V\w nourishing junior branch of i of New York city. Tho property ac- opportunity to hear ami n:ik ques- raiso tho ntYMH.'iry funds. Mr. YPO- erotor company ^A thereby, won a Mr. Congdon has bocn omploycd at innctd tlie role of Gnsprird tn a Kiiiiizevl a book dub and thn enter- t he club Iield a meet ing Mon.l'iy | 1 l mariM concluded hi. ) remarka with free tlcl« lo Bend Itn rcpreuontatlve, the Hod Hank airport for tho pant screen version of Charleu Dlckcns'B quired by Mr. Gulden adjoins the. tions from experts on pixrtieulnr HUh- nij;ht iu I lie (empoiary quartern on tainment pertained to books. Tin; the statement that Mr. Borucn li n»nlrl -l'lnlnw, to MuskoKoii, Mich- six and ona-half years. His contract, noval. "A Tnlo of Two Cities." This lands of Mrs. Henry C. Pierce on t^o jeet.i, and an opportunity for tho av- evolution nf the book was described the projM-rty nf thn Knir Hiiveu llBl lBC0 Mr Pllltow wlU "tlm linest man on any hoard In any igan At t P - which runB for a period of throe photoplay has boon recommended by north. ernfie citizen to dinctis-1 current i;:- y:irlit worki nud the nieinb'M'H of tli^ nnd a play WJII given entitled "A school on iUnVa green earth." Thl.i vleitt tho Now factory and bo tho yeni-n, will bo with tho same. Amorl- tho motion picture committee of tho It lq expected that both new own- siies frimUly with hb in'inhtinrM, to Diiy in thn Hook Clinic." auxilhiy will gather Friday nii^ht. nt department of secondary education develop an open-nilndeil attltuilu to- WHS K!'IMM*M with loud npplioiMfl. criflut of tlio company. Ho will ln- nn-owncd company for which Irv- in will build new residences nn their Afterward the home, economics de- thn linme nT Mrn. Philip B. Wula- ft mmicls ot nU of the National Education associ- ward and re. nt the iuiine of Dorothy MnelnfoHh. directing, and weleetlnna by tho store. __ «... «. AlliiiK. II. HUBHFII ninckninn, Jr., cooked Wii.H glvfiii away to holdrrn Metionl chonui, Thn rTwroinefl olorted Ladle*' Hebrew Hiiclety lo Hold So- good bond that pays 0%, you can In- Mil to Moot. vest a llttlo moro than $100.00 and bo ThonniH lrvinj; lirown, Heiheit. K, of Hlclty numlH-rs. A broil.-d dinner the ;iuxill:iry':t pre.sldrnt. t'lnhln TiiMMliiy, January 21. ltlliiallntlo C.i ; guaranteed over 10% on your money Kdwiircbi, WaytM- t.'hajlcn H. l!lnKll' h. wn-i vvi.'n i>y MIH. Donald K, Law.-i, a '!'»<* rommHicr »rv:ufKliiK the cation ftnnjr mill tho "Htnr HpniiRled ll!Vl «wllng of tho Now 1 Imked dinner by Mrs. Harold HlcklM rilil' ''"inpri^M !•'. W. V>:i\\oy, .hmic.' The c|U»i' y Tho Liidlra' Hebrew Boclnty will for nil time to come |f this Invest- Tho Itcd Hunk nnd Anbury Park Arthur (iibli.'l'rof. Kdwtn C. Glllmul, nntmer." Tho invocntlon WHM Klv«n Jersey i'ln'Iller' Itainbow Dlvlnlon ment la made In an Olson Homo In- fiml nu ii|.p!<- pic by Mrs. Harry Dun- HmokM and WiMi.un A. Harry. hold ii Puli'h mipper card party lodges of Ellis will incut In llio Btntu Hubert M. IOirrow, Dr. pcnriio II. by Kov. l-!i\rlo O. I*ler, ftator of Bt. Vateram. wl" ll y HUlation job. Ono of our engineers bar. Tucsdny nteM, January 21, at eight will bo very (find to prove this to your rltuallBtlo conlent nn WnilnoMilny Hunt, W. 'Hnyuiond JohniHin, Aljrn:u ANOTIIKIC IlUt NHJ1IT, chtiroh of Humnon. noon, Jiiiiuury 12, at throo o'clock In M. Kikli'l, Jnm«a H. Mnttenlep, o'eloek In I hi' Commnlty hall at thn satisfaction. It will tnlio but a fow ovcnlnK, Jnntnmry IB, nt thn I,onn I.txl^r Itiiuco I'urty. tho Rcil """'' "'"""y "u Chontnut nynnKORiie on Hivernlde avenue. All momonts' tlmo, l'hono tho Olson Branch ffilkii' home. It is expected (Jeiirco II. NovluiT. Theodore 1). I'm1- Vounit IVlun Wanted. A mfl D !r Muldlr'nwn I'oimril, No. IM of Mncrtift Inn l'lunnliig a rirusunt A well known Montnnuth county ntrtiot. " "'" " < » »« urged cord KIImen' will he plnveil nnd ItoollnR Company, Hod Bunk 3138 that a lnrun deletion of incnilx r.i Minn, I/CSIIM- K. KotiH, ISIlwood 11. —Advcrtlscmcnl. Auu'tu-.iu Mfi-haulf i will luiM n Affair fur 'IhU Saiiinlii.y. real oiUato iviid innuraitcB ntnea httM to be |i l > or both lodniMf will nltoiul. 1'owiiii, i'rof, Hurry C. Hlobor, Prof. If you wnnt a real j^ood time, with 1 tll n' J prlro will he uwnred nt ouch tnhlc. bunci) jmrty loiuorrow night in then an onenInK for u yottnu mun nf At- ter the I "'1^H' auxiliary Thnrn will hi: u door prim IIIHO. Mm. (JeorRO W. Hti iiui!:i, J, Daniel Tuller. \vt>ntii*rful i>it'hv;(tiu Helrellovin, ^i> to trartlvo poraoiiiillty. Must hnve nt wl Mpoetal Offi-r iniim.i a' Klli-rt iiall, Middlotowu of tho " "«i'V" n hot nup- Bnmtiel (Ireeiililiitt W-ln charge. llollanil Wlnil.iw Hluidra V.)f. lilcnu P. VVIiihard nnd Albeit VV. 1 thn Linemft Inn Nat unlay night, leant a hl|;b nchool dlploran. Only until Hatunhiy, January ]8th, ladles' vUhuir. A ini" will be uwiii'duil to whrid you will mi'i't. ri Jolly crowd one who la ntjlbltiolis, a^K'li'SilVO and P". ».^_ BprlnK coatH, whlto coats and dreaaofi Now ahlnment. Thin In u lmy. They Wiirclen. moanura 2B',4 Inclie.i. Up to tip by live M»« liU:h bumo m-nivr find thcrn will and ynnr iweni?)^ will Un ono of rent wlia woulit ha really lntero«t«d ntrii Mnvo 80% Knjov a l'liMiHiint Kveiilnir. nl«() men's ton coats, drry ccleanel d for he a limn 1'ii/r. Itrfrcnhmenl;; will 1 moW c onl feet long. Get them whllo wo hnvo onloymi'iit. No roym chui'KQ m»I»ny. prompt BOW dlotawn. DHIICIHK "ml enteilulnmenl Jt«. Bank 442 or Atlontln Highlands liavo n upenlal offe p l £tt« \\\ it hnnw - bo VTlVcM. y.v\ln't1 nnd dumc In your hmut'H but uiiiTiwiful uppllcnnt will hnvt tret 1 1 Cl on npflclal orde. nlzeH thin month. Al- ' i™ minni'i'' " >f» nlBo. Orossin- BVcry Hnlimlnv evenlni; In mir licnii 77. AAllen'l s CleanHcrn Bnd Dyor» 2 ( cucilinl full rn IIHO (Jltmftr Hiindnyn, cnnient. At nilihilnli*.' Hie IIOH(H. I>uid HmUn Ouvf'i'lo, will jtrcv*! hh eonunboUoti i Ad Corllto nnd nilly Tinnlci.-Ailvcr I! ."" ,n.v'm"'. Atlantic Highlands- Advn thienienl, ( AtlvortlnemonU •««<«. Nntionnl be, 10c. nnd $1 Htuio. Hminl Btroiit, Uud Unnk.—Atlvcrtlso jt(Hij'Jiet11 with r.auc.o n la Marie, with 'in >wit JiandW(Hlrif(t tlaeincnU ihvilv cumumACiiU,—AdvoiUflcaicnU Uox 22D. lUd " ' Fourteen RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 9, 1986, V Edmund H. Wilber Local Tenor Gives Leonardo Couple's EATONTOWN BOARD MEETS. D. A. R. Has First LINCBOFT APPOINTMENTS. Atlantic Theater Arctic Hi Holiday Recital Communication StAtei That AM Superintendent Stanley SUIwtai g» Dies At Fair Haven Golden Wedding l!U5