Storm Sewer Job Almost Completed Anderson Bros
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'•?$• BED BANK • Ml the Newe of An Ideal Fbtes to llv* RED BANK Locntod on the Beautiful and Surrounding Town* Shrewsbury Hirer, ono hour Told Fearlessly and Without Btw from New York and provide BANK REGISTER Ing every -citjr convenience. (••nid WMtlr. Er.Ur.d u S*eirad-Cla4» U«tt«r at th» Poil- Subscription Ptlcat On« v »2.00. VOLUME LVIII, NO. 29. offl» at B«d Bank, N. J, ondir Ih. Act of March 8. 1878. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1936. ear 3ll Month, n.oo. ainglo Copj «0. PAGES 1 TO 12;' Storm Sewer Job Anderson Bros. COMING ANNUAL BALL. That Basketball School Alumni To NO MORE LIQUOR PLACES. Broadcast About Eleventh Yearly Affair ot Bed Bank Mayor and Council Fix Limit At One Annual Meeting Of Almost Completed Buy Two Houses Firemen WasJilrffton's Birthday. Game At Leonardo Give 3-Act Comedy More Than the Present Number. Building Industry The eleventh annual ball of the Red Councilman Joseph C. Irwin stated Insurance Co. W. P. A. Workers Will Fini.h Red Bank Firm the New Owner Bank flro department will bo held at Preparations Progressing for Catholic Alumni Association to at the New Years reorganization Lumber Company Invites AH In- East Red Bank Project in of Two Double Dwellings on the Elks home on the night of Wash- Burlesque Contest Between Present "Too Much Family" meeting of the mayor and council of terested Persons to Enjoy Ra- About a Week—Ahead of Mechanic Street' Near Its ington'u birthday, Saturday, Feb- School Board Members and ,at School Auditorium Tomor- Red Bank that he would introduce dio Program and Buffet Lunch ^^h Event rf TO, Kin«I Schedule on Front Street Job. Plant. ruary 22. Teachers. row Night—Dancing Follows. a resolution limiting tho number of at Their Place Monday. —AH Officers and Director! of The ball committee this year con- bars and other places selling alcoholic Last Year Re-elected. The work of laying fltorm scwera In Anderson Bros, of Red Bank have sists of Walter Hamilton,- George Tho date for the "circus" basket- Tho Alumni association oS the Red beverages to not more than is the The Monmouth Lumber company bought as an Investment two double ball game to be played at tho Leon- East Red Bunk In a brook bed, from Moody, Jerry McConvey, ' Kenneth Bank Catholi school will prep - case now. and he made good this of Ttotl Batik invites all contractors, The 97th annual meeting and din- a point near Harrison avenue to houses on tho north side of Mechanic Woodward, Reginald VanBrunt, Fred ardo high school court has been promise "Monday night at the first architects and oilier persons inter- ner of the Shrewsbury Mutual Firs street, a short distance west of their changed to Saturday night; January sent a three-act comedy tomorrow Carl Schwenkev's pond la ne'aring Wilman and Daniel HopklnB, Jr. It night at the local school auditorium regular meeting of the year. The ested in tho building industry to as- Insurance company wan held Mon- completion. It IB being done by warchorao and garage. The houses 31. It had originally been planned 1 Is being held under the direction of entitled, "Too Much Family." The resolution was carried unanimously. semble al ita ofllc'e at 97'Central ave-! trfS'iL"v <-l.ih n't MonmoutTT I . h Count-y Coun•- were owned by the Slgmund Eisner to play the game Friday evening, 1 Works Progress Administration em- tho executive council of the Red proceeds of tho «how win go to the Councilman Thomas II. Gopsil] was riue Monday morning to listen to the l?^:^ ^^ ployees. An average of twenty per- estate. Each lot la 47x47 feet. Tho Bank flre department, the officers ol January 24. Preparations for the houses have seven rooms on each contest have progressed to a point athletic association of the achool. The sons is employed each day and It is which are Harry G.. Degenrlng pres- curtain will bo raised promptly at expected that the ]op*wlll bo finished side and they are provided with elec- Ident, Joseph Fox vice president, which seems to assure its financial tricity, gas and running water. BUCcesS.'. The proceeds ar^o to be used 8:30 o'clock and dancing will follow in about a week unless bad weather Kenneth Woodward secretary and the performance. conditions occur. Pipe thirty Inches With this acquisition Andereon Raymond Browcr treasurer. to buy equipment for the high school Bros, now havo a plot 174x144 feet band. The board of education lacked MIKS Bessio Thome and Charles In diameter are being laid for a dis- Tabor are directing the production, tance of 212 feet, tho sewers will adjoining '£h_«jr.__building... Three The money raised by this event is funds to make such a purchase BO houses and a large barn arc on this used for tho general benefit of tho the game was planned in lieu of pro- the scenes of which are laid in the drain a largo area which has fre- apartment of the Nebblepredder fam- quently been flooded and which hafl 'and. Tho barn was at one time used entire department, whose' needs at viding an appropriation. by the late Lemuel Ketcham for his times aro varied and numerous; The The contest will be between a team ily. This comical family consists of been FL source of mosquito breeding. Mr. and Mrs. Nebblepredder, both All the mntorlal, including a mnnhole ilvery business and later it was executive council, through the ball made up of the male members of the owned by Edward Rellly and Martin committee, la sending out tickets, board of education and the school senior and junior, young Herbie and nnd cover, is supplied by the federal his unmarried tsistor, Josie. government. The water to bo dis- Grlflln. Tho barn Is back of the two asking thnt remittances for same be bus drivers and a team consisting of can be granted withou sent to Mr. Hamilton, whose address The p)6t coolers around Nebble- by all branches of tbe industry will i tmv[1 amts N. Wolcott of Enton. charged by tho storm BCWCIS into Mr. double houses which have just been the male teachers. Some of the play- jiutions wilt hp of- ' Ti-r-.TMner—- is 25 Drummond avenue, Red Bank. predder, Jr.,' u proyreaaive store !al!k Jcorpo C. Honrlns of tied Hohwonker's pond eventually passes purchased. Anderson'Bros, have no era have never taken ppart in a bus- fered by national lenders. The lum-;' - Immediate Intention of using tho p!ot The committee, in addition to aek- clerk, who takes the responeibilitleb into the Shrewsbury river. kotbalkbl! ! j00$ findd moat ot thh e others ber company has issued the follow- i Directors present nt tho "dinner for business purposes, but they will lng folks to purchase tickets, urges of his family too seriously. In an West of Harrison avenue and ex- have not played in years. However, Red Bank Seniors ing statement about the broadcast: ! were James E. Giiggs of New Mon- tending to Marlon street is another have ample space to do BO )f thia those who do so io graco the affair intensive practice is' going on. The effort to create; peace and content- becomes desirable. with their presence. school board members and the busment in his home, Elmer tends to "Tiie American public is ready to mouth. George c. Richdale or Pha- lino or storm sewer pipe,.. Thin .wns entire building industry la™ Joseph W. Thompson of Lln- Thei moving vfuT and^storajje busi- men spent three hours Monday night produce some yoiy hilarious situ- To Give Comedy _- .,..„.. .._.._,..„ ..._ ;; mpson of Lln- uncovered nnd tho W. P. A. workers n Wlli have shoveled earth over it. ness of Anderson Bros, la one of in "going through the paces." Some utiony. with a Breat: .respfinsibillty, ...Today "oft, Walter n. Walling of Chapel more new homes are needed thani11'"' George W. Bray of Hert Bank Tim W, P. A. project of . laying largest and best known In the East. of them were pretty stiff and sore The talented cast includes many "Fly Away Home" to be Pre- anci From a humble beginning twenty Government. To Fill Tuesday morning, but they expect amateur play em who, in the past few ever before. The greatest revival in: William Hendrlcltsbn of Long storm sewora on" West "Front street sented Friday, January 17, at a century confronts us. Our respon- j branch. Agents present were Her- years ago It has steadily grown and years, have become well, known to a Is progressing ahend of schedule. that by January 31st they will be .Junior High School Auditorium sibility lies in meeting this revival chel Birdsall and James A. Curley The amount of work done Is about prospered. The firm has had Its Post Office Jobs limbered up sufficiently to experience local audie Gladys VanNess, nt Ked —Dancing to Follow. on the soundest basis. That can only \ Bank; Myron L. Campbell of one week ahead of the time alloted. headquarters on Mechanic atrcet the "no morning after the night beforfore who was the yingi-nj etar for the be accomplished by constructiv•- e• plan- - 1 Little Silver; Fred C. Huss ot Cooks- An iwernge of 35 men la employed pnst eleven years. It has a large one past four years in th e Catholic high . The cast and committees of the w ; Ler Civil Service Examinations for effect." The teachers have not d ning, united action—by organization j i° " oy Bellia of Flemlngton; garage on Newman Springs road and so much practicing, but they intend school, plays the part of Elmer's B G dally on this job.