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GENERAL AssE~lBLY OF CoNNECTICUT, l May Session, A. D. 1841. ~

IN conformity with the provisions of the Constitution of the State of Connecticut, the Assembly met in the Capitol at Hartford, on the 5th day of May, A. D. 1841, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon. The Senate met in the Senate chamber at 10 o'clock, A. M., and were called to order by the Hon. Mr. Eaton. Senate proceeded to ballot for a President pt·o. tem. and the Hon. Mr. Selden was chosen. Nelson Brewster chosen Clerk, and sworn. The following members of the Senate having been·duly elect­ ed, appeared, were qualified, and took their seats, (viz.)

District No. 1, Hon. William Robbins, 2d. " " 2, " J abez King. " " 3, " Joseph S. Peck. " " 4, " Aaron N. Skinner. " " 5, " David W. Plumb. " " 6, " James Blackstone. " " 7, " Erastus Williams. " " 8, " Henry Strong. " " 9, " Samuel C. Selden. " " 10, " Noah Plumb. " " 11; " Thomas B. Fanton. 4 JOURNAL OF 'l'IIE SENATE.

District " 12, " Joshua B. Ferris. " " 13, " Joseph Eaton. " " 14, " Edward Eldredge. " " 15, " Lambert Hitchcock. " " 16, " Joseph II. Bellamy. " " 17, " Augustus Miles. " •• 18, " " " 19, " Joseph II. Hayden. " "20, " 'Villiam A. Foster. " " 21, " Elam Loomis.

Resolution appointing Gilbert Allen messenger, Walter IIarris assistant messenger, and John Belcher door keeper; passed. J>rayer by the Rev. Mr. Scranton. Resolution appointing lion. Mr. Hitchcock a committee to in­ form the House of Representatives that the Senate was organi­ zed, and ready to proceed to business ; passed. Resolution directing the messenger to furnish twenty-four cop­ ies of the Statutes of this State, for the use of the Senate ; passed. Resolution that the messenger procure twenty-four copies of Green's Connecticut Register for 1841, for the use of the Senate ; passed. Resolution passed directing the messenger to furnish the Sen­ ate with all necessary stationery during the session. Resolution that the President of the Senate request the Cler­ gymen of the different denominations in this city to officiate as Chaplains to the Senate ; passed. Senate proceeded to the choice of a committee on contested elections, and the Hon. Messrs. Robbins, Ferris and Strong, were chosen. Resolution came from the House of Representatives raising joint committee to canvass votes for , Lieut. Governor, Secretary, Treasurer and Comptroller; Senate concurred in the passage of resolution, and the Hon. Mr. Eaton appointed on the part of the Senate. Resolution appointing the Hon. Messrs. Ferris and Skinner a JOURNAL OF THE SENATE. 5

committee to wait upon His Honor the Lieut. Governor, and in­ form him of his election ; passed. The joint committee to canvass the votes for Governor, Lieut. Governor. Secretary, Treasurer and Comptroller, reported; re­ port accepted, and resolution pas ed, declaring His Excellency William W. Ellsworth, duly elected Governor, His Honor Charles Hawley, Lieut. Governor, Hiram Rider, Esq., Treasurer, Royal R. Hinman, Esq., Secretary, and Henry Kilbourn, Esq., Comp­ troller. Resolution came from House of Representatives raising joint committee to wait upon His Excellency the Governor, and in­ form him of his election, and that the two Houses were organized, and ready to receive any communication he might make; Senate concurred with House of Representatives in passage of the reso­ lution, and the l-Ion. 1\fr. Strong appointed on the part of the Senate.

Wednesday Afternoon, May 5th.

His Honor, Charles Hawley, Lieut. Governor elect, appear­ ed, was qualified, and took the chair as President of the Senate. A committee from the House of Representatives, inviting the Senate to attend in the Hall of the House, for the purpose of the inauguration of the Governor elect, whereupon the Senate, pre­ ceded by the President and Clerk, proceeded to the Hall of the House of Representatives, and formed a convention. The oath of office was administered to His Excellency the Governor, by the Hon. Thomas S. Williams, Chief Justice of the State. The throne of Grace was addre ·sed by the Rev. Dr. Hawes. The message of His Excellency was delivered by him in person, after which the convention was dissolved, and the Senate returned to their own Hall, and the President reported the proceedings of the convention. 6 JOURNAL OF TJIE SENATE.

Resolution that a committee of one be appointed to superin­ tend the printing for the Senate the present session, passed, and the Hon. Mr. Robbins appointed. Resolution directing the Clerk to procure 100 copies of all bills for public acts reported by joint committee, a committee of Sen­ ate ; passed. Resolution passed directing the Clerk to procure 100 copies of the Roll of the Senate, with their places of residence. Ordered, that the hour of meeting of the Senate, be fixed at 10 o'clock, A.M., and 3 o'clock, P.M., until otherwise ordered. Senate adjourned.

ThU?·sday Morning, May 6tlt.

Prayer by the Rev. Doet. Hawes. Hon. Charles Woodward appeared, was qualified, and took his seat. Resolution that the Committee on printing procure three hun­ dred copies of the Governor's speech for the use of the Senate ; passed. Resolution that the Messenger procure one hundred copies of the Rules of the Senate and Joint Rules of the Senate and House of Representatives for the use of the Senate ; passed. Joint Committee to revise the Joint Rules of the Senate and House of Representatives reported, and the Rules reported were adopted. On motion, the Senate proceeded to ascertain by lot the or­ der of the official seniority of such Senators as have not hereto­ fore been members of the Senate, in pursuance of the " Act in addition to an Act entitled an Act concerning the Corporation of ," five Senators having previously been members of the Senate, viz : Hon. Messrs. Ferris, Selden, Hitchcock, Strong JOURNAL OF THE SENATE. 7 and Eaton ; sixteen ballots were deposited in the box, and drawn out by the Clerk, and the lots fell as follows, viz :

1, Hon. Mr. William Robbins, 2nd. 2, " " Joseph H. Hayden. 3, " " Erastus Williams. 4, " " Augustus Miles. 5, " " JosephS. Peck. G, " " William A. Foster. 7, " " James Blackstone. 8, " " Noah Plumb. 9, " " Thomas B. Fanton. 10, " " David W. Plumb. 11, " " Elam Loomis. 12, " " Charles Woodward. 13, " " Aaron N. Skinner. 14, " " Joseph H. Bellamy. 15, " " Jabcz King. 16, " " Edward Eldredge.

Resolution directing the Clerk of the Senate to inform the cor­ poration of Yale College of the name!' of the six senior Senators and Fellows of said corporation ; p~~.ssed. Report of the President and Trustees of the New Haven Sav­ ings Bank, read and accepted. Senate adjourned.

Thursday Ajtcmoon, May 6tlt.

Senate convened and adjourned. 8 .TOURNAI, OF TUB "ENA1'l-~.

Friday Morning, May 7th.

Prayer by the Rev. M. Sprague. Message from His Excellency, the Governor, with accompa­ nying resolution and documents, laid upon the table. Report of the Quarter Master General, read and laid upon the table. Resolution directing the l\fessenger to take from the Post Of­ fice letters and papers directed to members of the Senate, and deliver according to direction ; passed. Communication from His Excellency, the Governor, accompa­ nying resolution from , on the subject of the North Eastern Boundary, Public Lands, Revenue Laws, and Laws reg­ ulating the Trade of , and the re-eligibility of the President of United States, and to a single term, laid upon the table. Report of the Commissioners on the Norwich and "\Vorcester Rail Road, read and accepted. Resolution came fr01n the House of Representatives raising a Joint Standing Committee on the Judiciary ; Senate concurred, and the Hon. Mr. Strong appointed. Resolution came from House of Representatives raising Joint Standing Committee on School Fund ; Senate concurred, and the Ron. Mr. Selden appointed. Resolution came from House of Representatives raising Joint Standing Committee on Banks ; Senate concurred, and the Ron. Mr. Ferris appointed. Resolution came from House of Representatives raising Joint Standing Committee on Divorces ; Senate concurred, and the Ron. Mr. Skinner appointed. Resolution came from House of Representatives raising Joint Standing Committee on State Prison; Senate concurred, and the Ron. Mr. Eaton appointed. Resolution came from House of Representatives raising Joint JO RNAJ, OF Tlm SENA'l'E. 9

Standing Committee on the sale of Public Lands ; Senate con­ curred, and the lion. Mr. Eldredge appointed. Resolution came from House of Representatives raising Joint Standing Committee on New Towns and l1 rouate Districts; Sen­ ate concurred, and the Ron. 1\Ir. Hitchcock appointed. Resolution came from House of Representatives raising Joint Standing Committee on Incorporations other than Banks ; Sen­ ate concurred, and the Han. 1\lr. Foster appointed. Resolution came from House of Representatives raising Joint Standing Committee on Education ; Senate concurred, and the Hon. Mr. Woodward appointed. Resolution carl1e from House of Representatives raising Joint Standing Committee on Claims ; Senate concurred, and the lion. Mr. Bellamy appointed. Resolution came from House of Representatives raising Joint Standing Committee on Roads and Bridges ; Senate concurred, and the Hon. Mr. N. Plumb appointed. Resolution came fi·om House of Representati\'es raising Joint Standing Committee on Military Returns; Senate concurred, and the lion. Mr.. King appointed .

Friday Afternoon, 1lfay 7tlt.

Petition of the School Society of Ledyard, and the petition of the School Society of Bethlem, and of John Hudson and others, praying for school money, came from the House of Represen­ tatives, referred to the Committee on School Fund 1 Senate con­ curred. Petition of Bridgeport, Newtown, and Fairfield County Tw·n­ pike Company for a discontinuance of said Turnpike, came from House of Representatives, referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges ; Senate concurred. 2 10 .JOURNAL OP 'l'UE SgNATE.

Petition of Albert Sedgwick praying for an alteration of the limits of the town of Torrington, and of inhabitants of Hampton School Society praying to be annexed to Chaplin School Society, came from House of Representatives, referred to Committee on New Towns and Probate Districts; Senate concurred. Petition of sundry inhabitants of against certain labor in State Prison, and of Harvey Griswold to be discharged from Prison, came from the House of Representatives, referred to the Committee on State Prison ; Senate concurred. Petition of J. Whittlesey for relief from tax, and of William S. Camp for compensation for pw-suing and arresting a criminal in the State of New York, and of the town of -waterbury for money from the Treasury in consequence of error in list, came from House of Representatives, referred to the Committee on Claims ; Senate concurred. Petition of the Warden, Burgesses, and Treasurer of the Bo­ rough of Norwalk, praying for an additional fu·e company, came from House of Representatives, referred to Committee on Incor­ porations other than Banks ; Senate concurred. Petition of Amos A. Gridley to sel l the lands of Josiah Smith, came from House of Representatives, referred to Co~mittee on sale of Lands ; Senate concurred. Petition of Persis Bissell praying for a divorce from her hus­ band, came from House of Representatives, referred to Commit­ tee on Divorces; Senate concurred. Petition of the City School Society of Middletown, praying to be authorised by pledge of credit to raise funds to build school house, came from House of Rrepresentatives, referred to Com­ mittee on Education ; Senate concurred. Petition of Theron Towner and others, praying for an altera­ tion of the act to regulate the inspection of provisions, came from the House of Representatives, referred to Committee OH Judicia­ ry; Senate concw-red. . I Memonal of the Merchants Bank for a reduction of capital, referred to Committee on Banks. Petition of Charles P. Huntington and others, for an addition .JOURNAL OF 'l'llE SENA'l' I~ . 11

to fire company, referred to Committee on Incorporations other than Banks. Petition of II. R. Caffee and others, praying for an amendment of the Constitution of th:s State, by striking out the word white, came from House of Representatives, referred to that part of committee on Judiciary, on the part of the House; ordered to be transmitted to the House. Adjoumed.

Saturday ~Iorning, May Stlt.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Burgess. Petition of the Aldermen and Common Council of the city of Bridgeport, vs. the Ousatonic Rail Road Company, for an act to be passed for a double track in said city, came from House of Rep­ resentatives, referred to committee on Incorporations other than Banks ; Senate concurred. Petition of Elizabeth Wakeman, vs. William H. Wakeman, and of Dorcas Thompson, vs. Harry Thompson, of Mary Maynard, vs. Luciu P. Maynard, of Charlotte Johnson, vs. Persia Johnson, each praying for a divorce, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Divorces ; Senate concurred. Petition of Hiram Roberts and others, to alter the bounds of a School Society in Bloomfield, memorial of James S. Treat and others, for the annexation of the town of Voluntown to New Lon­ don County, and a remonstrance against said annexation, came from House of Representatives, each referred to commjttee on New Towns and Probate Districts; Senate concurred. Petition of Thomas J. A very, praying for remuneration of ex­ penses in pursuing prisoners escaped from prison, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Claims ; Sen­ ate concurred. Petition of Leonard Kennedy, Jr., and others, against certain 12 JOURNAL OF TDE SENATE. employments in State Prison, came from House of Representa­ tives, referred to committee on State Prison ; Senate concurred. Petition of Second School Society of Guilford, for school mon­ ey, of Ezra Cleaveland, Jr., for a release of land, and exchange of bond, and the memorial of inhabitants of 13th School District in School Society of Griswold, for school money, came from the House of Representatives, each referred to committee on School Fund; Senate concurred. Petition of the inhabitants of Stratford, praying for an amend­ ment ot school laws, came from House of Representatives, refer­ red to committee on Education; Senate concurred. Petition of Miles Hall, for removal of turnpike gate vs. the Mid­ dletown and Meriden Turnpike Company, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Roads and Bridges ; Senate concurred. Resolution that so much of the Governor's Speech as relates to education, be referred to joint committee on that subject ; passed. Resolution that so much of the Governor's Message as relates to imprisonment for debt, be referred to committee on Judiciary; passed. Resolution that so much of the Governor's Message as relates to the State Prison, be referred to the joint standing committee on State Prison ; passed. Resolution that so much of the Governor's Speech as relates to the School Fund, be referred to the committee on that subject; passed. Resolution that the committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill so altering the at­ taching law, that in all cases when a debtor shall be found to be insolvent, the first attachment levied shall hold for all the credit­ ors, &c. ; passed. Message from the Governor on the subject of the National Fast recommended by the President of the United States read, and a joint resolution referring said communication to a joint select com­ mittee, passed, and the lion. Mr. Loomis appointed, and themes­ ·age and resolution transmitted to the House ofRepresentatives. JOURNAL OF THE SENATE. 13

Bill for a public act, in addition to an act, on schools, read first time, rule dispensed with, read by its title, and referred to com­ mittee on Education. Report of the Directors, Warden, Chaplain and Physician, pre­ sented, Director's Report read, and referred with accompanying document to committee on State Prison, and 150 copies ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate. The Hon. Mr. N. Plumb asked to be excused from serving on the joint standing committee on Roads and Bridges, on the peti­ tion of the Bridgeport Bridge Company, excused, and the Hon. Mr. Fanton appointed for that case only. Bill for public act de awards of Arbitrators, read first time, rule dispensed with, read second time by its title, and referred to com­ mittee on Judiciary. Bill for a public act to revive the charter of the Borough of Clinton, and to change the name to that of Clinton, read first time, rule dispensed with, read by its title, and referred to committee on Judiciary. On motion, ordered that when the Senate adjourn this day, it adjourn to meet next Monday, at 10 o'clock A. M. Quarter Master General's Report taken up, and referred to committee on Military Returns. The joint standing committee on Education, to whom was re­ ferred the bill for a public act in addition to an act de schools, re­ ported, report accepted, rule dispensed with, and rule for printing dispensed with, bill read third time, and passed. Petition of the city of Hartford, to loan its credit to the Hart­ ford and Springfield Rail Road, came from House of Represent­ atives, referred to a joint select committee, Senate concurred, and the Hon. Mr. D. W. Plumb appointed on the part of the Senate. Senate adjourned. 14 JOUrtNAI, OF 'l'JIE SJ:NA'l'E.

:A'Ionday :A'Iorning, :A'Iay lOth.

Prayer Ly the Rev. Mr. Eaton. Petition of Wheeler Morgan, Pardon Jones, Charles II. Saun­ ders, Joshua Smith, John Holmes, Burton \V. Abbot, Francis Swift, Plinny Hollister, and Alanson Billings, praying to be dis­ charged from the State Prison, each referred to committee on State Prison. Bill for a public act abolishing capital punishment in this State, read first time, rule dil"pensed with, read by its title, and referred to committee on Judiciary. Resolution proposing an adjournment of the General Assembly from Thursday of tllis week, to Tuesday of next week, amended, and passed as amended. Bill for a publit: act, in addition to an act, de settlement of es­ tates, testate, intestate, and insolvent, read first time, rule dispen­ sed with, read second time by its title, and referred to committee on Judiciary. Bill for a public act, in alteration of au act, de Courts, read first time, rule dispensed with, read second time by its title, and refer­ red to committee on Judiciary. Petition of Middletown and Berlin Turnpike Company, vs. Town of Berlin, referred to committee on Roads and Bridges. Remonstrance of W"illiam Wakeman, against the petition of his wife, Elizabeth Wakeman, praying for a divorce, referred to com­ nlittee on Divorces. Resolution came from House of Representatives, raising a joint select committee on so much of the Governor's message as relates to the Insane Poor, resolution passed, and the lion. Mr. Wood­ ward appointed on the part of the Senate. Petition of John Town and of John Lester, praying to be re­ leased from State Prison, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on State Prison ; Senate concurred. Petition of C. J. McCurdy, of Arba Adams, and of Zabina Ad­ JOTJRNA 1. OP Til F. Sl:N AT}:. ams, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Sale of Lands ; Senate concurred. Petition of John II. Hutchins and others, to be annexed to Westfield School Society, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on New Towns and Probate Districts; Senate concurred. Petition of Luman Jacobs for aid from the State for the lo s of his hand in military service, came from llouse of Representatives, referred to committee on Claims; Senate concurred. Petition of Green IIollow School District in Plainfield, for school money, came from House of Representatives, referred to com­ mittee on School Fund ; Senate concurred. Petition of Leman Stone and others, vs. Washington Bridge Company, to widen the draw in said Bridge, came from IIouso of Representatives, referred to committee on Roads and Bridges ; Senate concurred. Petition of William Carrington, to be restored to the privile­ ges forfeited by conviction of crime, came from House of Rep­ resentatives, referred to committee on Judiciary; Senate con­ CUJTed. Petition of Susan Ilubbel, vs. Norman llubbel, praying for Divorce, came from House of Representatives, referred to com­ mittee on Divorces ; Senate concurred. Petition of certain members of Second Company, Fourth Re­ giment Light Artillery, asking for a new election of Captain, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Milita­ ry Returns ; Senate concurred. Petition of Joseph White and others, for an amendment of Election Laws, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Judiciary; Senate concurred. Report of the Hartford Savings Society read, and on motion accepted. Report of the Treasurer of Norwich Savings Society, read and accepted. Report of No. I and 2 of the joint standing committee on Mil­ •

lG .JOURNAL OF 'l•JIE SJ~NATI~. itary Returns, read, accepted, and accompanying Resolutions passed. Senate adjourned.

~Monday AfteT'Iwon, il!ay I Oth. Petition of Albert Bun·ett. vs. Betsey M. Burrett, of Rebecca B. J. Bodwell, vs. Benjamin H. Bodwell, and of Catharine Shel­ don, vs. William J. Sheldon, each praying for divorce, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Divorces ; Senate concurred. Petition of and others, for the incorporation of a Young Men's Institute in New Haven, came from House ofRep­ resentatives, referred to committee on Incorporations other than Banks ; Senate concurred. Petition of certain inhabitants of the town of Fairfield, praying to be set to Westport, came from the House of Representatives, referred to committee on New Towns and Probate Districts; Senate concurred. Petition of James Cary and others, vs. Stratfield School Dis­ trict, praying for a separate School District, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on New 'l'owns and Pro­ bate Districts; Senate concurred. Bill for a public act which was continued from the last session Qf the General Assembly, relating to the registration of Marriages, Births and Deaths, read first time, rule dispensed with, read by its title, and referred to committee on Judiciary. Bill for public act de Warden of State Prison, which was con­ tinued from last session of General Assembly, read first time, rule dispensed with, read by its title, and referred to committee on State Prison. Senate adjourned. .JOIJilNAL OF 'fllE SJo:.NATE. 17

Tuesday 11-lorning, May 11tlt.

11 rayer by the Rev. Mr. Law. J:»etition of Mary Holmes vs. Chas. J. Holmes for divorce, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Divor­ ces; Senate concurred. Petition of Elisha Douuleday to be released from State Prison, came from House of Representatives, refencd to committee on State Prison; Senate concurred. l>etition of Hartford Bridge Company vs. Town of East Hart­ ford, and others, referred to committee on Judiciary. A proposed amendment to the bill for a public act in addition to an act de settlements of estates, testate and insolvent, which had been before referred, referred to committee on Judiciary. Bill for public act, de Thompson Bank, read first time and laid upon the table. Bill for public act, de establishment and government of County work houses and houses of correction, read first time. The Joint Committee on Education, to whom was referred the petition of the Middletown School So<'iety, reported, report accepted, petition granted, and resolu1iun passed. Petition of the proprietors of the New Haven burying ground, a ·king for an addition to the ground, and for the protection of the same ; refened to the committee on Incorporations other than Banks. Petition of ·ward Woodbridge, and others, vs. Prospect Hill School District, to be annexed to East School District in Hart­ ford, came from House of Representatives, referred to the com­ mittee on New Towns and Probate Districts; Senate concur­ red. Report of the President and Directors of the Middletown Sav­ ings Bank, read and_accepted. Petition of Amos Hurlburt, and others, vs. Town of Hartford for West Hartford to be incorporated into a highway district, 3 18 JOURNA.L OF TilE SENA'I'E, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Roads and Bridges ; Senate concurred. Resolution raising Joint Committee on so much of the Gover­ nor's speech as relates to the Public Domain, passed, and the Hon. Mr. Miles appointed on the part of the Senate. Resolution that so much of the Governor's speech as relates to the division of this State into Senatorial Districts, be refcned to a Joint Select Committee, passed, and the Hon. Mr. Fanton appointed on the part of the Senate. Resolution that so much of the Governor's speech as relates to a revision of the Tariff, be referred to a Joint Select Commit­ tee, passed, and the Hon. Mr. D. W. Plumb appointed on the part of the Senate. Resolution raising a Joint Select Committee to examine the laws regarding taxation, and report by bill, or otherwise, any al­ teration they may deem necessary, passed, and the Ron. Mr. Hayden appointed on the part of the Senate. Resolution that the committee on taxation be instructed to en­ quire into the expediency of altering and amending the assess­ ment laws of this State, so as to secure a more just and equal assessment list ; passed. Senate adjourned.

Tuesday Afternoon, May 11th.

Petition of Minerva Roath vs. James Roath, praying for a di­ vorce, came from House of Representatives, referred to commit­ tee on Divorces ; Senate concurred. Petition of Ebenezer Smith vs. Middlebury and Woodbury, to annul the charter of the Pine's Bridge Turnpike Company, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Roads and Bridges ; Senate concurred. .JOt'RNA.r, OF 'l'UF. SF.:'I'A.TI;:. 19

Petition of Barney Reily, and others, for incorporation of the lliberillan Society, came from House of Representatives, refer­ red to committee on Incorporations other than Banks ; Senate concurred. Petition of Medad Atwater, and others, vs. Middletown, Dur­ ham and New Haven Turnpike Company-also, the petition of Middletown, Durham and New Haven Turnpike Company to surrender part of their charter, came from House of Represen­ tatives, referred to committee on Roads and Bridges ; Senate concurred. Petition of ·william C. Hall, and of J. P. Isbell, for grant of money, came from House of Representatives, referred to com­ mittee on Claims ; Senate concurred. Petition of Alonzo W. Burge, and others, vs. Turnpike Company to change the location of gate, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Roads and Bridges ; Senate concurred. Comptroller's report received and laid upon the table for the inspection of members of the Senate. Joint Standing Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was re­ ferred the bill for a public act, in addition to an act entitled an act de settlement of estates, testate, intestate, and insolvent, re­ ported in favor of the passage of the bill, laid upon the table. Same Committee, to whom was referred tho bill for a public act, de courts, reported in favor of the passage of the bill, read third time and laid upon the table. Petition of Jeremiah Parish and others for a Savings Bank in Tolland, referred to committee on Banks. Petition of l\fehitable Bullock vs. Thomas Bullock, for a di­ vorce ; referred to committee on Divorces. Resolution authorizing the Treasurer of this State to pay from the Treasury certain monies deposited by the Warden of the State Prison, read, and referred to committee on State Prison. Resolution from the States of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Indiana, relative to tho 20 .TOHRNi\ J, OF 'rilE SENA'I'I~.

Public Domain, referred to the committee on the Public Do­ main. Resolution from Mississippi, and from Massachusetts, on the subject of the Revenue laws and the Tariff, referred to the com­ mittee on that subject. Senate adjourned.

Wednesday Moming, May 12th.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Bushnell. Report No. 3 of the Joint Standing Committee on Military . returns, accepted, and resolution passed. Resolution raising Joint Committee to enquire into the expe­ diency of repairing State House, and reporting an estimate of the expense, amended, ancl passed as amended, and the l-Ion. Mr. Peck appointed. Bill for public act, de Thompson Bank, read second time, aud referred to committee on Banks. Bill for a public act, de work houses and houses of correction, read second time, and laid over. Bill for public act, de crimes and punishments, read secoi1d time, and laid over. Report of Commissioner on School Fund, with accompanying documents, referred to committee on School Fund, and one hun­ dred copies ordered to be printed for the usc of the Senate. Auditor's report received, and laid upon the table for inspec­ tion. Petition of E. Dunning, and others, for a division of the town of Canaan, and the petition of Nathan Seeley, and others, to in­ corporate the society of Bethel into a new town, by dividing Danbury, and the remonstrance of the town of Torrington vs. petition of Albert Sedgwick, came from House of Representa­ .TOUUNAT, OF 'rTil~ S!':NA'I'E. 21 tivcs, referred to committee on New Towns and Probate Dis­ tricts ; Senate concurred. Petition of Gaylord's Bridge Company for a toll bridge, of the proprietors of land adjoining highway between Hartford and Wethersfield, of the Boston Turnpike Company for discontinu­ ance of part of their charter, and the remonstrance of Simeon Arnold and others vs. petition of Amos Hurlbu1t for the incor­ poration of highway district, came from House of Representa­ tives, each referred to committee on Roads and Bridges ; Senate concurred. Petition of Alvin Thompson asking not to be commissioned as an ensign, and the remonstrance of 1;-rcdcrick Watson and others against commissioning James Warner as Captain 1st Company, 13th Regiment, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Military Returns ; Senate concurred. Senate resumed the consideration of the bill for public act, de Courts, laid over for a third reading. Petition of L. L. Huntington for remuneration of money ex­ pended, and of the Selectmen of the town of Orange for a grant of money, and of Doct. Thomas Miner for remuneration formed­ ical services, came from House of Representatives, referred to the committee on Claims ; Senate concurred. • Petition of Reuben Brewer and others, to prevent fishing in a certain part of Keeney's Cove, and of Christopher Lockwood to be restored to forfeited rights, came from House of Representa­ tives, each referred to committee on Judiciary ; Senate con­ curred. Petition of Abel Hoadley vs. Amelia Hoadley, for divorce, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Divorces ; Senate concurred. Petition of Charles A. Goodrich and others for an act of in­ corporation of the Berlin Academy, came from House of Rep­ resentatives, referred to committee on Education ; Senate con­ curred. Petition of the Third School Society of Berlin for school mon­ JOl"RNA l, OP 'l'IJJo: SJ:N \TI·:.

ey, came from House of Repre. entativcs, referred to committee on , chool Fund; Senate concurred. Petition of Norwalk vs. Fairfield, and other , to remove the County site from Fairfield to Norwalk, and when removed to erect a Goal and Court House in said Norwalk, came from House of Repre entative , referred to a joint select committee ; Senate concurred in the referrence, and the Hon. Mr. Eaton appointed on the part of the Senate. Petition of Charles Bostwick and others to remove the Court House from Fairfield to Bridgeport, came from House of Rep­ resentatives, referred to the committee on petition of Norwalk; Senate concurred. Resolution raising Joint Select Committee on Agriculture, passed, and the Hon. Mr. Blackstone appointed on the part of the Senate. Resolution instructing the committeo on the Judiciary to ex­ amine the License Law, and report what alteration, if any, is ne­ cessary ; passed. Resolution instructing the committee on Education to take into consideration a revision of the School Laws, and report; passed. Resolution that so much of the Governor's Me ·sage as relates to Agriculture be referred to the committee on that subject ; passed. Resolution that no Stockholder in any Bank in this State shall be a State Director, came from House of Representatives, refer­ red to committee on Banks ; Senate concurred. Communication from Henry Plympton, Esq., of Boston, on the subject of Standard of 'Veights and Measures, and the resolution from South Carolina on the subject of fugitive slaves, referred to committee on Judiciary. A communication from the Historical Society of New York, referred to committee on Education. Re ·olution from Vermont, Delaware, Kentucky, Indiana, on the subject of amending the Constitution of United States, and .lOl!RXAL Ol' TilE SENATE. the proceedings of the inhabitants of the District of Columbia, re­ ferred to the committee on amendment of Constitution of United States. Bill for public Act de Executions against Turnpike and Toll Bridge Company, read first time, rule dispensed, and read sec­ ond time by its title, and referred to committee on Judiciary. Senate adjourned.

Wednesday Afternoon, May l2tlt.

Petition of the inhabitants of Tolland for some action of the Assembly by which their lives and property may be ecured, and their expenses diminished in their intercourse with the city of Hartford, came from House of Representatives, referred to com­ mittee on Judiciary; Senate concurred. Petition of Chatham Fire Company for an additional number of men ; of Smith Tuttle and others for an Association in Fair Haven; of the New Marine and Fire Insurance Com­ pany for reduction of its capital; of the Tariff Manufacturing Company and others for a confirmation of the choice of Direc~ tors, and of Stephen J. Lord and Elisha Tracy, and others, for the incorporation of a Rail Road from Norwich to Lyme, and a: Resolution de Hartford and Springfield Rail Road, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Incorpora­ tions other than Banks ; Senate concurred. Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill for a public act de awards of arbitrators, reported in favor of the pas­ sage of the bill, report and bill laid upon the table. Petition of Fidelia Montross vs. Benjamin Montross, for a di­ vorce, came from House of Representatives, referred to commit­ tee on Divorces ; Senate concurred. Petition of the Scotland North School District, for school mon­ 24 JOUHNAL OF THE SBNA'l'E. ey, came from House of Representatives, referred to cot111Ilittee on School Fund ; Senate concurred. Petition of Joseph Hill and others, to revive a charter of a road, came from House of Representatives, referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges ; in Senate referred to committee on Judi­ cmry. Petition of George Shepard, administrator of Philip Niger, for arrears of pay in the revolutionary war, came from House of Rep­ resentatives, referred to committee on Claims; Senate concurred. Petition of David Coley and others, for release of David Mills from State Pri on, and of Mawwee for the same object, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on State Prison ; Senate concurred. Report of the Hartford County Court on the County Prison, read and accepted. "Bill for a public act, in addition to an act passed in 1840, in addition to an act for regulation of Civil Actions, read first time, rule dispensed with, read by its title, and referred to committee on Judiciary. Resolution that the lion. 1\Ir. 'Villiams, with such gentlemen as the House of Reprc entatives may appoint, be a committee on that part of the Governor's mcs age relating to the amendment of the Constitution which will prevent the rc-eligibility of any per­ son to the Presidency ; passed. Resolution raising a joint ·elect committee on so much of the Governor's message as relates to the currency, passed, and the Hon. Mr. Loomis appointed. Ordered, that when the Senate adjourns, it adjourn to 8 o'clock to-morrow morning. Resolution passed raising a joint cOJrunittec to enquire into the condition of the records of this State prior to the present century, and report whether any, and what measure · arc necessary for preserving the same, with an estimate of the expense, and the lion. Mr. Robbins appointed on the part of the Senate. Senate adjourned. JOURNAL OF THE SENATE, 25

Thm·sday M~orning, May 13th.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Moore. Petition of Enoch Pease for restoration of rights, received from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Judiciary; Senate concurred. Wait S. Northrop, and others, remonstrance against the peti­ tion of the Bridgeport and Newtown Turnpike Company, &c. received from llouse of Representatives, referred to committee on Roads and Bridges ; Senate concurred. Samuel Huntington Devotion, and others, petition, praying for assistance to repel foxes, received from the House of Represen­ tatives, referred to committee on Agriculture ; Senate concur­ red. Petition of Henry Churchill and others vs. Selden Cook and others, for a division of the town of Chatham, continued from last session, received from House of Representatives, referred to committee on New Towns and Probate Districts; Senate con­ em-red. Ordered, that when the Senate adjourn this morning, it ad­ journ to meet next Tuesday at 10 o'clock in tlie morning. Senate adjourned.

Tuesday Morning, May 18th.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Turney. Petition of Asa Richardson and others, against certain labor in the State Prison, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on State Prison ; Senate concurred. Petition of Ariel Mitchelson and Abel Adams for exchange of 4 26 JOURNAL OF TIIE SENATE.

School Fund bond, came from House of Representatives, refer­ red to committee on School Fund ; Senate concurred. Petition of Addison Harger vs. Julia Ann Harger, for divorce, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Divorces ; Senate concurred. Petition of John P. Trott and others, for relief from the medi­ cal law, came from House of Representatives, referred to Joint Select Committee; Senate concurred, and the Hon. Mr. El­ dredge appointed. Petition of Sidney J. Lewis and others, for the same object as the last named, came from House of Representatives, referred to same committee ; Senate concurred in the referrence. Remonstrance of Harvey Griswold and others, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Militia; Se­ nate concurred. Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred the petition of Theron Towner and others, reported a bill for a public act reg­ ulating the inspection of provisions, and articles of commerce, read first time, rule dispensed with, read second time by its title, rule for printing dispensed with, and laid over. Report of election of Members of Congress, read and ac­ cepted. Resolution authorising resolutions to be entered in Secretary of State's Office until the opening of the Assembly, Thursday the 20th instant ; passed. Bill for a public act de crimes and punishments, read second time and laid over. Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred a bill for a public act in addition to an act de courts, reported in favor of the passage of the bill, report accepted, bill read third time, amend­ ed, and passed as amended. Bill for a public act, in addition to an act, de estates, testate, intestate, and insolvent, reported by committee on Judiciary, read third time and passed, and report accepted. Bill for a public act de awards of arbitrators, read third time and passed, and report accepted. .JOURNAL OF THE SENATE. 27

Committee on Judiciary, who was instructed to enquire into the expediency of altering the Attachment Laws, reported that no action was necessary, and asked to be discharged from further consideration of the subject, report accepted, and committee dis­ chal'ged. Petition of Ahab Smith and others, and of N. Benedict and others for an alteration of the medical law, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on petition of Sidney J. Lewis and others ; Senate concurred. Petition of John Burke for commutation of punishment, came from House of Representatives, referred to a joint select com­ mittee ; Senate concurred, and the Ron. Mr. Bellamy appointed on the part of the Senate. Communication from the Governor, with statement of receipts and expenditures of Yale College, .read and ordered to be trans­ mitted to House of Representatives. Bill for a public act, de work houses and houses of correction, read second time, and laid over. Senate adjourned.

Tuesday Afternoon, May 18tlt.

Petition of Francis Crowley, and of Asa H. Burchard, praying to be discharged from State Prison, came from House of Repre­ sentatives, referred to committee on State Prison; Senate con­ curred. Petition of Derby Fire Engine Company, and of Richard P. Williams, and of Henry L. Champlin and others, referred to committee on Incorporations other than Banks. Senate adjourned. 28 JOUUNAL OF 'l'JIE SE::\'ATE.

Wednesday JI!Ioming, May !9th.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Daggett. Bill for ~public act de crimes and punishments, read third time and referred to committee on Judiciary. Bill for a public act, de county work houses and houses of cor­ rection, read third time and referred to the committee on Judi­ ciary. Bill for a public act, de inspection of provisions and articles of commerce, read third time and passed, report accepted, and pe­ tition granted. Resolution concerning the Norwich and Worcester Rail Road Company, referred to committee on Incorporations other than Banks. Committee on the sale of lands, to whom was referred the pe­ tition of Arba Adams, and the petition of Zebina Adams reported in favor of the petitioners, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Petition of first School Society in ·washington for school mon­ ey, referred to committee on School Fund. Bill for a public act in addition to an act de fraudulent con­ veyances, read first time, rule dispensed with, read by its title, and referred to committee on Judiciary. Letter from Capt. Pillsbury to the Director's of State Prison, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Insane Poor ; Senate re-considered the vote of referrence, to committee on State Prison, and concurred with the House of Representatives in referrence to committee on Insane Poor. Senate adjourned. .JOURN ,\L OF TJlE SENATP..

·wednesday Afternoon, Jlr[ay l !Jth.

Petition of Uriel Tuttle and others, for a Probate District, and the remonstrance of Moses Taylor and others vs. Town of Fair­ field, and others, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on New Towns and Probate Districts ; Senate concurred. Remonstrance of the town of Hartford vs. petition of Amos Hurlburt and others, and of Henry Stanley, and others vs. peti­ tion of the Middletown and Berlin Turnpike Company, came from House of Representatives, each referred to committee on Roads and Bridges ; Senate concurred. Petition of John Boyington and others to discontinue the ferry at Hartford, and the petition of John Hickey to hold real estate, and the petition of sundry inhabitants of Ashford for an altera­ tion of License Law, came from House of Rer-resentatives, re­ ferred to committee on Judiciary; Senate concurred. Petition of John S. Dickinson asking for school money, came from House of Representatives referred to committee on Judi­ ciary, in Senate referred to committee on School Fund. Petition of J. Forbes and others for the incorporation of a Mutual Insurance Company, of Willis Hemingway for same ob­ ject, came from the House of Representatives, referred to the committee on Incorporations other than Danks ; Senate concur­ red. Remonstrance of Lewis Curtiss ami others, against the com­ missioning of Garry Sperry, and the memorial of Sylvester 1-Vil­ cox, respecting the commission of Miles Penn, came from House of Representatives, each referred to committee on Military re­ turns ; Senate concurred. Petition of Zephaniah Young for compensation for collecting taxes, came from House of Representatives, referred to commit­ tee on Claims; Senate concurred. Petition of Nathan.1-Voodhouse and others de insane poor, came 30 JOURNAJ, OF THE SENATE. from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Insane Poor ; Senate concurred. Memorial of sundry inhabitants of Fairfield, for the removal of Court House and Goal, came from House of Representatives, referred to the committee on petition of Norwalk; Senate con­ cm-red. Petition of Elias Cary and others, of Jeduthan Gleason and others, of Alpheus Kingsley and others, of James Newbury and others, and of Robert Hale and others, praying for repeal of Medical Law, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on petition of John P. Trott and others; Senate con­ cm-red. Petition of Benjamin Pinney to exchange School Fund bond, and of Virgil Sterling for School money, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on School Fund ; Senate concurred. ' Memorial of Joel Hawes and others for an alteration of char­ ter of the Female Institute, came from House of Representatives, referred to the committee on Incorporations other than Banks ; Senate concurred. Petition of Nancy Sharpe and Ruby Mansfield, for liberty to invest certain money in real estate, came from House of Repre­ sentatives, referred to the committee on sale of Lands ; Senate concurred. Petition of the Huntington Turnpike Company to extend their road, came from House of Representatives, referred to Commit­ tee on Roads and Bridges ; Senate concurred. Petition of Calvin Lester, and of Meriman Mallory for com­ pensation for arresting prisoners, came from House of Repre­ sentatives, each referred to committee on Claims ; Senate con­ curred. Petition of Clay Hill School District, to change the name of the District, came from House of Representatives, referred to the committee on New Towns and Probate Districts; Senate concurred. Petition of Chesnut Hill Reservoir Company, for an alteration JOURNAL OF 'l'llE SENA'l'E. 31 of charter, came from the House of Representatives, referred to the committee on Incorporations other than Banks ; Senate con­ cm-red. Remonstrance of town of Bridgeport vs. petition of Norwalk, for a removal of Court House and Goal, came from the House of Representatives, referred to committee on petition of Norwalk; Senate concurred. Remonstrance of Henry Goodwin and others, of George Good­ win and others1 of Chauncy Barnard and others, vs. petition of city of Hartford, came from House of Representatives, referred to the committee on petition of city of Hartford ; Senate con­ cm-red. Resolution de Hartford and Springfield Rail Road Company for an extension of time, referred to committee on Roads and Bridges. Reports, No. 4 and 5, of the Joint Standing Committee on Mil­ itary returns, accepted, and resolution passed. Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred a bill for a public Act, de collection of Executions against Turnpike Compa­ nies and Toll Bridge Companies, read first and second times, and laid over. Committee on State Prison, to whom was referred a bill for a public act, concerning the duties of.Warden, reported against the bill ; report accepted, and bill negatived. Same committee, to whom was referred the Resolution de moneys deposited by the Warden of the State Prison for the use of certain counties, reported in favor of Resolution, report accep­ ted, and Resolution passed. Same committee, to whom was referred the petition of David Coley and others, for the release of David Mills from State Pris­ on, reported in favor of petition, report accepted, and Resolution passed. Same committee, to whom was referred the petition of Whee­ ler Morgan, of Charles H. Saunders, and of Joshua Smith, each praying to be released from State Prison, reported adverse to 32 .JOURNAL OF 'rliE SENA'l'E.

the prayer of each, and leave granted to each to withdraw their petition. Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary, to which was referred the petition of "'William Carrington for restoration of forfeited rights, reported in favor of petitioner, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Report of the New London Savings Bank, read and accepted. Bill for a public act, de admission of Electors, read first time, rule dispensed with, read by its title, and referred to committee on Judiciary. Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Thomas J. A very, reported in favor of petition, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Ordered, that the hour of meeting of the Senate be fixed at 11 o'clock, A.M., and 2 o'clock, P. 1\f., until otherwise ordered. Senate adjourned.

Thursday llforning, May 20tlt.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr.---. Remonstrance of Alvin House and others vs. petition of Reu­ ben Brewer and others, and memorials of seventy-three manu­ facturers and others, of VCl'non, in relation to the East Hartford Ferry, and the petition of sundry inhabitants of East Windsor for discontinuance of Ferry, came from the House of Repre­ sentatives, referred to the committee on Judiciary ; Senate con­ curred. Report of the Bridgeport Bridge Company, read and accep­ ted. Senate reconsidered its vote, referring the resolution de Hart­ ford and Springfield Rail Road Company, and on such reconsid­ eration, resolution passed. JOUR:VA.L O"F 'l'JU: SENATE. 33

Committee on New Towns and Probate Districts, to whom was referred the petition of Ward ·woodbridge and others, reported in favor of petitioner, report accepted and resolution passed. Petition of William Ross on the subject of the Wyoming mon­ ument, came from House of Representatives, referred to joint • select committee, Senate concurred, and lion. Mr. Ferris ap­ pointed. Bill for a public Act, de Turnpike aJ,d Toll Bridge com panic~>, read third time and passed. Message from the Governor, with the report of the Board of Commissioners of Common Schools received, and 100 copies or­ dered to be printed for tho use of the Senate. Resolution de Sarah Starlin and Jonathan Henry Hobart, refer­ red to committee on J ucliciary. Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred a resolu­ tion from South Carolina, de fugitive slaves, reported that no action was necessary, report accepted, and committee discharged. Committee on claims, to whom was referred the petition of George Shepherd, administrator of estate of Philip Niger, re­ ported against petition, report accepted, and leave to withdraw, granted. Committee on divorces, to whom was referred the petition of Rebecca B. J. Bodwell, reported that petitioner have leave to withdraw petition, report accepted and leave granted. Committee on Roads and Bridges, to whom was referred the petition of the Bridgeport, New Town and Fairfield County turnpike company, reported vs. petition, report accepted, and leave to withdraw, granted. Bill for a public act, de assessment lists, read first time, rule dis­ pensed with, read by its title, rule for printing dispensed with and referred to committee on Judiciary. Resolution authorizing Mary Francis to enter her petition in Secretary's office, passed. Resolution that the Senate will go into executive session next Tuesday afternoon, passed. Committee on Divorces, to whom was referred the petition of 5 34 .JOUltNAJ, OF TilE SENATE.

Dorcas Thomson vs. Harvey Thomson, reported in favor of peti­ tion, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Bill for public act constituting Ridgefield a Probate District, read first and second time, and referred to committee on new towns and probate-districts. Senate_ adjourned.

Thursday Afternoon, ]}fay 20th. Petition of William H. Imlay and others, for liberty to loan the credit of the city of Hartford, came from House of Representa­ tives, referred to committee on petition of Hartford ; Senate concurred. Memorial of 61 e1ectors of Ellington on the subject of Hart­ ford ferry, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Judiciary; Senate concurred. Bill for a Public Act, de Guardians and Trustees, read first time, rule dispensed with, and read by its title, and referred to commit­ tee on Judiciary. Petition of Franklin P. Allen for a change of name, came from House of Representatives, referred to joint select committee, Senate concurred, and lion. Mr. 1\files appointed on the part of the Senate, and the petition of Lewis Wills 'for the same object, has the same reference. Petition of Harry Lockwood, asking money from the Treasury, and of Allen Pinney 'for his debenture as a member of the House of Representatives in 1839, came from Ilouse of Representatives, referred to committee on Claims ; Senate concurred. Petition of John Moulton, to sell real estate of Priscilla Royce, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on the Sale of Lands; Senate concurred. Committee on Divorces, to whom was referred the petition of JOURNAL OF THE SENATE. 35

Mehitable Bullock vs. Thomas Bullock, reported in favor of the petitioner, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Report No. 6, of the joint standing committee on Military Re­ turns, read and accepted, and resolution passed. Resolution de appointment of keepers of Goals, &c., instruct­ ing committee on Judiciary, to report by bill or otherwise, passed. Committee on School Fund, to whom was referred the petition of the first school society in Washington, of the third school soci­ ety of Berlin, of the school society of Bethlem, of the second school society of Guilford, and the Scotland North school district, reported in favor of the petitioners, report accepted, petitions sev­ erally granted and resolution passed. Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the petition of the Town of Waterbury, also the petition of William S. Camp, re­ ported in favor of petitioners, report accepted, petitions granted, and resolutions passed. Committee of Judiciary, to whom was referred the petition of John Hickey, reported in favor of the petitioner, report accepted, and petition granted, and resolution passed. Senate adjourned.

Friday Moming, May 21st.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. ---. Committee on Incorporations other than Banks, to whom was referred the petition of the Warden, Burgesses and Freemen of the Borough of Norwalk, reported in favor of petitioner, report accepted petition granted, and a bill for public act read first time, rule dispensed with, read second time, rule for printing dispensed with, read third time and passed. 36 JOURNAL OF TJIE SENATE.

Committee on Roads and Bridges, to whom was referred the petition of Ebenezar Smith and other vs. Middlebury and Wood­ bury, reported in favor, report accepted, petition granted and resolution passed. Committee on Incorporations other than Banks, to whom was referred the petition of Alderman and Common Council of city of Bridgeport vs. Housatonic Rail Road Company, reported in favor of petitioners, report accepted, petition granted, and reso­ lution passed. Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred the petition of Christopher Lockwood, reported against petitioner, report ac­ cepted, and leave to withdraw, granted. The joint standing committee on School Fund, to whom was referred the petition of John Hudson and others, and of the school society Ledyard, reported in favor of petitioner, report ac­ cepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Bill for public act, de salaries and fees, read first time, rule dis­ pensed with, read second time by its title, and referred to com­ mittee on Judiciary. Bill for public act, de promotion of education, read first and second time, and referred to committee on Taxation. Committee to whom was referred the resolution, de records of this State previous to the present century, reported; report and resolution laid upon the table. Committee on sale of Lands, to whom was referred the peti­ tion of Charles J. McCurdy, reported in favor of petitioner, re­ port accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Petition of J. A. Ayrault and others, praying for a law regula­ ting the inspection of leather, came from House of Representa­ tives referred to joint select committee, Senate concurred, and Hon. Mr. Peck appointed. Committee on New Towns and Probate Districts, to whom was referred the petition of E. Dunning and others, reported that petitioners have leave to withdraw, report accepted and leave to withdraw, granted. Committee on School Fund, to whom was referred the petition .lOUltNAL Ol•' THE SENATE. 37 of the inhabitants of the 13th School District of Griswold, report­ ed in favor of petition, report accepted, and resolution passed. Committee on Sale of Lands, to whom was referred the peti­ tion of Amos Gridley, reported in favor of petioner, report accept­ ed, and resolution passed. Committe on Roads and Bridges, to whom was referred the petition of the Middletown, Durham and New Haven Turnpike company, reported adverse to the petition, report accepted, and leave to withdraw granted. Committee on Incorporations other than Banks, to whom was referred the resolution de Norwich and Worcester Rail Road Company, reported in favor of the resolution, report accepted, and resolution passed. Senate adjourned.

Friday Afternoon, May 21st.

Petitition of Mary Francis, for money due her deceased husband for services during the revolutionary war, came from House of Representatives referred to committee on Claims ; Senate con­ cun·ed. Petition of the Connecticut and Rhode Island Turnpike com­ pany, for a half toll gate, came from Ilouse of Representatives referred to committee on Roads and Bridges ; Senate con cured. Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Doct. Thomas Miner, reported favorable, report accepted, peti­ tion granted and resolution passed. Same committee to whom was referred the petition of Luman Jacobs, reported atlverse, report accepted, and leave to withdraw granted. Committee on Roads and Bridges, to whom was referred the 38 JOURNAl. OF TilE SENATE.

petition of Miles Hall, reported in favor of petition, report accept­ ee, petition granted, and resolution passed. Committee to whom was referred so much of the Governor's message as relates to Senatorial districts, reported, report accept­ ed. and resolution amended and passed as amended. Report of the President and Secretary of the Hartford and New Haven Rail Road, read and accepted. Report of the Trustees of the Missionary Society of Connec­ ticut, read and accepted. Bill for a public act de civil actions resumed, and rule for print­ ing dispensed with, and bill passed. Petition of Insane Retreat at Hartford, which was continued from last session of General Assembly, came from Ilouse of Representatives, referred to committee on Insane Pool· ; Senate concurred. Senate adjourned. ,

Saturday Morning, Jl!ay 22d.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Sprague. The resolution de Norwich and Worcester Rail Road Com­ pany, came from House of Representatives, amended, Senate re­ considered its vote, passing the resolution, and concurred with the House in the amendment and passage of the resolution. Report No. 7 of the committee on Military returns, read, ac­ cepted, and resolution passed. Bill for a public act, de religious Societies and Congregations, read first time, rule dispensed with, read by its title and referred to committee on the Judiciary. Committee on School Fund, to whom was referred the peti­ tion of John S. Dickinson, reported favorably, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. JOUUNAJ, OF 'J'HE SENA'J'Jo:. 3!J

Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Zephamah Young, reported in favor of petitioner; report accep­ ted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Committee on Divorces, to whom was referred the petition of Mary Maynard, reported in favor of petitioner, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Committee on Taxation, to whom was referred a bill for pub­ lic act, de promotion of education, reported against the bill ; re­ port and bill laid upon the table. Petition of John Borden and others, praying for the incorpora­ tion of a band of music, came from the House of Representatives, referred to committee on Incorporations other than Banks; Sen­ ate concurred. Bill for a public act in addition to an act, de imprisonment for debt, read first time, rule dispensed with, read second time by its title, and referred to commit tee on the Judiciary. Senate resumed the consideration of the bill for a public act, de promotion of education ; bill negatived, and report accepted. Committee on Divorces, to whom was referred the petition of Charlotte Johnson vs. Persis Johnson, reported against petitioner, report accepted, and leave to withdraw granted. Comptroller's abstract of the condition of the several Banks in this State, accepted. Report No. 8 of committee on Military Returns, read, accep­ ted, and rosolution passed. Committee on Divorces, to whom was referred the petition of Abel Hoadley vs. Amelia Hoadley, reported in favor of the petitioner ; report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Resolution authorizing Jonathan N. Harris and others to enter their petition in Secretary's Office, passed. Resolution directing one copy of the Report of the Board of Commissioners of Common Schools, and one copy of the Report of their Secretary to be transmitted to each School Society, and each School District in this State ; passed. Senate adjourned. 40 JOUIINAf, OF 'J'HF. SRNA'l'E.

Saturday .Afternoon l'rlay ~2d.

Resolution ra1smg a Joint Select Committee to enquire and report what amount has been paid from the State Treasury the year past for the support of prisoners in Hartford County Jail, passed, and the lion. 1\Ir. Loomis appointed on the part of the Senate. Bill for a public act, reported by the committee on the Judi­ ciary, de Borough of Killingworth, . amended, rule for printing dispensed with, read third time, and passed as amended. Senate adjourned.

ilfonday llfonzing, lJiay 24th.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Cook. Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred the resolu­ tions of de Sarah Starlin, and the Right Rev. John Henry Ho­ bart, reported in favor of the same, report accepted, and resolu­ tion passed. • · Same committee, to whom was referred the bill for a public act de crimes and punishments, reported an amendment, amend­ ment adopted, bill passed as amended, and report accepted. Same committee to whom was referred a Bill for a public act de Fraudulent Conveyances, reported favorably, bill read third time and passed, and report accepted. • Same committee, to whom was referred a bill for a public act de Guardians and Trustees, reported adversely, report accepted, and bill negatived upon its third reading. Same committee, to whom was referred certain resolutions from Massachusetts on the subject of the North Eastern Bounda­ JOURNAL OF 'I'll£ SENA'l'E. 41 ry reported, aslcing to be discharged from the further considera­ tion of the subject, report accepted and committee discharged. Committee on incorporations other than Lanks, to whom was referred the petition of the New London 1\Iarine and Fire Insur­ ance Company, reported in favor of petition, report accepted, and resolution passed and petition granted. Report of the Commissioners of the Housatonic Rail Road Company, referred to committee on Banks. Committee on Taxation, to whom was referred certain resolu­ tions de asse sment laws, reported a bill for a public act, bill read first time, rule disrensed with, read by its title, and laid upon the table. Committee on Divorces, to whom was referred the petition of Fidelia Montross vs. Benjamin Montross, reported in favor of pe­ titioner, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Resolution authorizing the payment of a sum of money to Gil­ bert Allen and 'Valter Ilarris, for services at New Haven, in 1840, referred to committee on Claims. Resolution authorizing Christopher Gates and others to enter their petitiOn in Secretary's Ofllce ; passed. Resolution authorizing Edward Griswo!U and Norman Buck­ land, to enter their petition in Secretary's Office ; passed. Senate re-considered its vote concurring with the House of Ilepresentatives in referring the petition of Joseph White and others to the committee on Judiciary, and in such re-considera­ tion, voted not to concur with the House in the referrence. Resolution appointing the lion. 1\fr. Woodward a committee on the part of the Senate, to call upon the Secretary of State for the petitions and papers on the petition of the City School Soci­ ety of Middletown ; passed. Senate adjourned.


Monday Ajto~toon, ]}fay 24tlt.

Committee on State Prison, to whom was referred the peti­ tion of Pardon Jones, Francis Swift, and John Holmes, reported against the prayer of each, reports accepted, and leave to with­ draw granted to each. Same committee, to whom was referred the petition of Har­ vey Griswold, reported in favor of petitioner, resolution amended, and passed as amended, and the report accepted, and petition granted. Resolution directing the payment of money from the Treasury to Gilbert Allen for causing bells rung on the day of the General Election, referred to committee on Claims. Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill for a public act de marriages, births, and deaths, reported adversely, report accepted, and bill negatived. Same connnittee, to whom was referred the bill for a pub­ lic act de collection of taxes, reported against the bill referred, and recommended a substitute, bill reported, first time, rule dis­ pensed with, read second time by its title, rule for printing dis­ pensed with, and the bill read third time and passed, and the bill referred, negatived. Same committee, to whom was referred the bill for a public act de settlement of estates, testate, intestate, and insolvent, re­ ported in favor of the bill, read first and second time, and laid upon the tablb. Senate re-considered its vote, appointing the Hon. Mr. Wood­ ward a committee to call upon the Secretary for the Resolution de Middletown School Society, and Resolution withdrawn. The Hon. Mr. Fanton excused from further attendance in the Senate for the remainder of the session, for reasons by him sta­ ted, and the Ron. Mr. Blackstone appointed in place of Mr. Fanton, a committee on the petition of thb Bridgeport Bridge Company. JOURNAL OF 'l'II"E SENA'rE. 43

Committee on Roads and Bridges, to whom was referred the petition of the proprietors of land adjoining the highway between Ilartford and Wethersfield, reported in favor of the petitioners, report accepted, petition granted, and bill in form passed. Senate adjourned.

Tuesday llforning, May 25th.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Bushnell. Senate reconsidered its vote passing the resolution discharging Harvey Griswold from State Prison, and on such reconsideration amended the amendment and passed the resolution as amended, and granted the petition. lion. Mr. Ferris appointed a committee on the part of the Sen­ ate on so much of the Governor's Speech as relates to Senatorial Districts, in place of the Hon. Mr. Fanton, who was excused for the remainder of the session. Petition of Daniel Russel and others for an act of incorpora­ tion, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Incorporations other than Bauks ; Senate concurred. Petition of C. C. Gates for school money, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on School Fund ; Senate concurred. Petition of Edward Griswold to validate the Assessment List of the town of Manchester, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Judiciary; Senate concurred. Bill for a public act de city of Bridgeport, read first and second time, and referred to committee on Incorporations other than Banks. Committee on School Fund, to whom was referred the petition of Ariel Mitchelson and Abel Adams, reported in favor of peti­ tioners, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. 44 ,JOURNAL OF THE >mNATE.

Committee on Roads and Bridges, to whom was referred the petition of the Boston Tumpike Company, reported adversely, report accepted, and petition denied. Resolution granting money to Albert Sedgwick for attendance at the General Election at New Haven, referred to committee on Claims. Bill for a public act de Courts, constituting Canton a Probate District, read first and second times, and referred to committee on New Towns and Probate Districts. Committee on Roads and Bridges, to whom was referred the petition of Daniel Gaylord and others, reported in favor of the petitioner, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Committee on Incorporations other than Bauks, to whom was referred the petition of Richard P. 'Willaims and others, reported in favor of the petitioners, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Same committee, to whom was referred the petition of the proprietors of the New Haven New Burying Ground, reported a resolution, ami a bill for a public act, resolution passed, bill read first time, rule dispensed with, read by its title, rule for printing dispensed with, read third time and passed, and report accepted, and petition granted. Petition of the 3d Company, 1st Resiment of Artillery, pray­ ing to be annexed to the 23d Reg't, granted, with liberty of a bill in form, and bill passed. Committee on School Fund, to whom was referred the petition of Benjamin Pinney, reported adversely, report accepted, and leave to withdraw granted. Annual report of the Plainfield Savings Society, read and ac­ cepted. Senate adjourned. JOl'RNAT, OF 'l'IIE SE.'V \'l'R.

Tuesday Afternoon. Jlfay '25l!t.

Senate went into Executive session. Resolution appointing Joshua B. Ferris Judge of ProLate for District of Stamford ; passed. Resolution appointing Isaac Sherman Judge of l")robate for District of Bridgeport ; passed. Resolution appointing David Plant Judge of Probate for Dis­ trict of Stratford; passed. Resolution appointing Thomas L. Rowland Judge of P10Late for District of \Vestport ; passed. Resolution appointing Bradford Winton Judge of Probate fur District of ·weston; passed. Resolution appointing Benjamin Isaacs Judge of Probate for District of Norwalk; pa sed. Resolution appointing Thcopbclus Nichols J udgc of Probate for District of Newtown ; passed. Resolution appointing Ed,vard Taylor Judge of Probate for District of Danbury ; passed. Resolution appointing Thomas B. Fanton Judge of ProLate fot· District of Redding; passed. Resolution appointing Rufus Blackman Judge of Probate for District of FaiT field ; passed. Resolution appointing Erastus "Williams Judge of Probate for District of Ledyard ; passed. Resolution appointing Asa Fish Judge of Probate for District of Stonington ; passed. Resolution appointing James Gallup Judge of Probate for Dis­ trict of Groton ; passed. Resolution appointing Frederick Morgan Judge of Probate for District of Colchester; pa sed. Resolution appointing 1Villiam Morgan Judge of l")robate for District of Lyme ; passed.

i 4u .TO URNi\ J, OV 'flU~ SENATE.

Resolution appointing John Ilyde Judge of Prob~te for District of Norwich; passed. Resolution appointing Jirah Isham Judge of Probate for Dis­ trict of New London ; pas ed. Resolution appointing Elias Ilewitt Judge of Probate for Dis­ trict of North Stonington; passed. Resolution appointing Oliver Pettis Judge of Probate for Dis­ trict of Lebanon ; passed. Resolutions appointing Philemon Canfield a Director on the part of this State, in the Farmers and Mechanics Bank; of Ezra S. Ilamilton of the Ilartford Bank; of Edmund G. Ilowe and William T. Lee of the Phrenix Ba11k; of Charles Deforest in the Bridgeport Bank ; of Thomas S. Husted in the Fairfield County Bank; of Peter D. Irish in the New London Bank; of Joseph Brooks in the Connecticut Bank; of Judson Swift in the Wind­ ham Bank; of Lafayette S. Fo ter in the Merchants Bank in Nor­ wich ; of Daniel Tyler in the Norwich Bank; of Caleb Brintnal in the New Haven Bank; each referred to committee on Banks. Communication from the Trustees of Bacon Academy, nomma­ ting Trustees, read and approved. Committee on New Towns and Probate Districts, to whom was referred petition of Clay Hill School District, reported in fa­ vor of petition, report accepted and resolution passeu, and peti­ tion granted. Resolution instructing the committee on Judiciary to inquire into the propriety of altering the laws of Assignments; passed. Committee on Military Returns, to whom was referred the pe­ tition of Alvin Thomson, reported adversely, report accepted, and leave granted to withdraw. Committee on New Towns and Probate Districts, to whom was referred the memorial of James S. Treat and others, report­ ed adversely, report accepted, and leave granted to withdraw. Report No. 9 of committee on Military Returns read, accepted and resolution passed. Committee on Military Returns, to whom was referred there­ ,lOURNAL OF '!'liE SENA'l'E. 47 monstrance of Lucius Curtiss, reported that the facts were true, report accepted, resolution passed. Bill for a public act in addition to an act, de Settlement of Es­ tates, Testate, Intestate and Insolvent, read first and second time, and referred to committee on Judiciary. Bill for a public act de Burying Grounds, &c., read first time, rule dispensed with, read by its title, and referred to committee on Judiciary. Bill for a public act de Fraudulent Conveyances, came from House of Representatives amended, Senate re-considered its vote passing the l>ill and concurred with the House in amendment and passage of the bill. The petition of Fidelia Montross vs. Benjamin Montross for a divorce, with the l'cport of committee and resolution, came fi·om House of Representatives, negatived ; Senate on motion insisted on this vote granting petition, passing the resolution and accep­ ting report. Senate adjourned.

Wednesday Morning, May 26tlz.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Moore. Petition of Fidelia Montross vs. Benjamin Montross, came from the House of Representatives asking a committee of conference, Senate joined, and the lion. Mr. Skinner appointed on the part of the Senate. Bill for a public act, de support of paupers, read first time, rule dispensed with, read by its title, and referred to committee on Judiciary. Bill for a public act, de settlement of estates, testate, intes­ tate, and insolvent, read third time and passed, ancl report ac­ cepted. 18 JOURNAT, OF TID' SENA'l'E.

Committee on Military returns, to whom was referred the memorial of Sylvester Wilcox, reported in favor of the petition, report accepted, and resolution passed, and petition granted. Committee on Roads and Bridges, to whom was referred the petition of citizens of Bridgeport vs. Bridgeport Bridge Compa­ ny, reported in favor of petition, report accepted, petition grant­ ed, and resolution passed. Committee on School Fund, to whom was referred the peti­ tion of C. C. Gates and others, reported adv~rsely, report ac­ cepted, and leave granted to withdraw. Bill for a public act, de punisl1ing trespassers, read first and second time, and referred to committe on Agriculture. Remonstrance of Benjamin F. Durl;ee and others vs. the peti­ tion of Connecticut and Rhode Island Turnpike, referred to the committee on Roads and Bridges. Resolution passed directing the Comptroller to exhibit to this Assembly the expenditures arising from the services of the board of Commissioners of Common Schools. Senate adjourneu.

Wednesday Afternoon, May 26th.

Resolution instructing the committee on Banks to enquire what amount of Post Notes the Housatonic Rail Road Company have issued, and by what authority; passed. Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the petition of 'William R. West, reported in favor of petition, report rejected, resolution negatived, and petition denied. Report No. 10 of committee on Military Returns, read, accep­ ted, and resolution passed. Remonstrance of Erastus Hodges and others, vs. a division of the Probate District of Litchfield, came from House of Represen­ JOURNAJ, OF TilE SENATE. 40 tatives, referred to committee on New Towns and Probate Dis­ tricts ; Senate concurred. Bill for a public act, de punishing trespasses, came from the House of Representatives with an insisti11g vote i Senate re-con­ sidered and concurred with the House in referrence to commit­ tee on Judiciary. Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the petition of the Selectmen of the town of Orange, reported in favor of the petitioners, report accepted. Committee on Road · and Bridges, to whom was referred the petition of Alonzo W. Birge and others vs. Boston Turnpike, re­ ported that the petitioners have leave to withdraw, report ac­ cepted, and leave granted. Resolution appointing the Hon. Mr. Skinner, with such gen­ tlemen as the House of Representatives may appoint, a com­ mittee to enquire into the condition of the Geological Survey; passed. Resolution de ancient records of this State, amended, and pas­ sed as amended, and report accepted. Resolution authorizing Joseph Hyde and others to enter their petition in Secretary's Office ; passed. Committee on School Fund, to whom was referred the peti­ tion of Virgil Sterling and others, reported against petition, re­ port accepted, and leave granted to withdraw. Ordered, that the hour of meeting of the Senate, in the morn­ iJ1g, be fixed at 10 o'clock, until further ordered. Senate adjourned.

Thursday Ll'lorning, May 27tlt. l,rayer by the Rev. Mr. Turney. Resolution authorizing Dayton R1ley anJ others to enter their petition in Secretary's office, paJ;sed. 7 50 JOUUNAJ, OF 'l'Jm SF.NA'J'E.

Bill for public act de organizing the General Assembly, read first time, rule dispensed with, read by its title, and referred to the committee on Judiciary. Communication from the Bank Commissioners and the Cash­ iers of the City Bank, and Mechanics Bank in New Haven, read and referred to committee on Banks. Report of the committee on Claims, on the petition of William R. West, came from House of Representatives, asking a commit­ tee of conference on the disagreeing vote of the two Houses ; Senate joined, and the Hon. Mr. Strong appointed. Memorial of Joseph Hyde and others, for the annexation of Green Farms to the town of "\Vestport, came from House of Rep­ resentatives, referred to committee on New Towns and Probate Districts ; Senate concurred. Committee on Military Returns, to whom was referred there­ monstrance of Frederick Watson, reported adversely, report ac­ cepted, and leave granted to withdraw. Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill for a public act de Estates, Testate, Intestate and Insolvent, reported in favor of the bill, report accepted, rule for printing dispensed with, read third time, and passed. Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred a resolution de Assignment Law, reported, asking to be discharged, report ac­ cepted, and committee discharged. Committee on Taxation, to whom was referred certain resolves relating to Assessors and Taxes, reported a bill for a public act, report accepted, bill amended, and passed as amended. Committee on repairs of State House, reported in favor making repairs, report accepted, and resolution passed. Committee on Education, to whom was referred the petition of Charles A. Goodrich and others, reported favorably, report and resolution laid upon table. Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred a bill for a public act de support of Paupers, reported adversely, report ac­ cepted, and bill negatived. Same committee, to whom was referred a bill for a public act JOURNAL OF TJH: SE~A'rE. 51

de Burying Grounds and Places of Sepultures, reported favora­ uly, report accepted, and rule for printing dispensed with, read third time, and passeo. Report of the Bank Commissioners received and referred to committee on Banks. Petition of Dayton Ryley and others to se11 lands, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Sale of Lands ; Senate concurred. Committee on Incorporations other than Banks, to whom was referred petition of Smith Tuttle and others, reported in favor of petition, report accepted petition granted, and resolution pas­ sed. Same committee to whom was referred the petition of Wyllis Hemmingway, reported in favor, report accepted, petition grant­ ed and resolution passed. Same committee to whom was referred the petition of Charles P. Huntington and others, reported in favor of petition, report ac­ cepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Resolution instructing committee on Judiciary to inquire into the expediency of taxing pedlars, by license or otherwise ; passed. Resolution requesting Bank committee to report whether the existing laws arc sufficient for compelling payment from those Banks which rt:Jfuse to pay the Bank Commissioners, &c. ; passed. Report ofthe joint standing committee on School Fund, to whom was referred the report of the Commissioners, read and accept­ ed, and committee discharged. Senate adjourned.

Tltursday Ajtemoon, JY[ay 27tlt.

ResolutiOn authorizing Treasurer of tlus State to borrow a sum 52 .JOllllNAT, OV •rng SB ATB. not exceeding six thousand dollars, of the Commissioners of the School Fund, to meet the public expenses of this State for the current year ; passed. Committee on Banks, to whom was referred bill for a public act de Thompson Bank, reported in favor of bill, report accepted, rule for printing dispensed with, bill read third time, and passed. Committee on sale of Lands, to whom was referred the peti­ tion of John J. Moulton, reported in favor of petition, report ac­ cepted, petition granted, resolution passed. Committee on Military Returns, to whom was referred petition of certain members of 2d Company, 4th Regiment Artillery, re­ ported adversely, report accepted, and leave granted to with­ draw. Senate went into Executive session. A nomination by the Governor of Jeremiah Brown, Henry Barnard, and Lemuel White, Commissioners of the Union Bridge Company; approved. Resolution appointing the following named persons Judges of Probate for the year en uing; passed. (viz.)

Eliphalet A. Bulkley, for the District of East Haddam. Philip Sage, for the Di trict of Chatham. Smith Clarke, for the District of Haddam. Selden M. Pratt, for the District of Saybrook. Samuel Cooper, for the District of Middletown. George Carter, for the District of Clinton. Seth Terry, for the District of Hartford. Luther Loomis, for the District of Suffield. Stephen Walkley, for the District of Southington. William Selby, for the District of Hartland. John 0 . Pettibone, for the District of Simsbury. Eli B. Haskell, for the District of East Windsor. Tracy Peck, for the District of Bristol. Aholiab Johnson, for the District of Enfield. Egbert Cowles, for the District of Farmington. Joseph Wright, for the District of Berlin. .JOUHNJI.J, 01' TJH: SJ.:lVJI.'I'P.,

Elisha Hotchkiss, for the District of Durlington. Senate adjourned.

Friday JJioming, May 28th.

Prayer by the Rev. 1\fr. Daggett. Committee on Sale of Lands, to whom was referred the peti­ tion of Dayton Riley and others, reported favorably, report ac­ cepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Senate ordered 150 copies of the Bank Commissioners Report to be procured for the usc of the Senate. Petition of William C. Hall and others, came from House of Representatives, asking a committee of conference on disagree­ ing votes ; Senate joined, and the lion. 1\fr. Seklen appointed on the part of the Senate. Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred the communi­ cation from Henry Plympton de Standard Weights and Meas­ ures, reported, asking to be discharged, report accepted, and committee discharged. Same committee, to whom was referred the petition of Ed­ ward Griswold and others, reported in favor of petition, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Committee on Incorporations other than Banks, to whom was referred the petition of Barney Reily and others, reported in fa­ vor of petition, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Committee of conference on petition of Fidelia Montross, re­ ported recommending that petitioner have leave to withdraw ; Senate re-considered its vote, granting petition, passing resolu­ tion and accepting report, and on such re-consideration concur­ red with House of Representatives in denying petition, &c. 5-1 JOURN\T, Of' THE ~F.N . \'J'E.

Committee on Divorces, to whom was referred the petition of Susan Ilubbel vs. Norman Ilubbel, reported in favor of petilion, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Same committee, to whom was referred the petition of Al­ bert Burritt, vs. Betsey l\1. Burritt, reported adversely, report ac­ cepted, and leave to withdraw granted. The joint select committee to whom was referred the petition of Charles Bostwick and others, and of Inhabitants of Norwalk, for removal of Court Hou ·e, reported aclver ely, report accept­ ed, and leave granted to each to withdraw. enate adjourned.

Friday Aflcmoon, May 28ilt.

Bill for a public act de East Haddam Bank, read first time, rule clispensed with, read second time by its title, and referred to committee on Banks. Report of the committee on Sale of Lands, on the petition of Dayton Riley and others, came from House of Representatives, re-committed ; Senate concurred. Reports of committee on Incorporations other than Banks, and the petition of Barney Reily, came from House of Representa­ tives, recommitted ; Senate concurred. Committee on Roads and Bridges, to whom was referred the petition of Norwalk Turnpike Company, reported in favor of the petition, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Committee on Divorces, to whom was referred the petition of Minerva Roath vs. James Roath, reported against the petition, report accepted, and leave granted to withdraw. Report of the Commissioners of the School Fund, Treasurer, JOURNAl, 01> 'l'Im SENA'l'E.

Comptroller, and Secretary, concerning petition of Halsey Phil­ ips, read, accepted, resolution passed, and petition continued to next session of the General Assembly. Resolution de State tax, passed. Bill for a public act de County Gaols and County Work Hous­ es, amended, and passed as amended. Petition of the Officers and Recruits of the Mohain Rifle Company for rifles, granted with liberty of bill, and resolution passed. Comrllittee of conference on the petition of William C. Hall, reported, and on motion, Senate adhered to its vote denying the petition, &c. Memorial of John Hays and others, for a charter for a Com­ pany of Light Infantry, came from House of Representatives, with leave granted to the petitioners to withdraw; Senate cun­ cmTed. Committee on the sale of Lands, to whom was recommitted the report of the Committee, and petition de Dayton Riley and others, reported, report accepted, bill passed, and petition granted. Committee on incorporations other than banl•s, to whom was recommitted the report, petition, and resolution, de BaTney Rei­ ly, reported, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Bill for a public act, de Courts, read first time, rule dispen­ sed with, read by its title, and referred to the committee on J u­ diciary. Bill for a public act, in addition to an act, de Crimes and Pun­ ishments, read first and second times, and referred to committee on Judiciary. Report No. 11 of committee on Military Returns, read, and accepted. Senate went into Executive session. Resolution appointing Theodore Hinsdale, Samuel C. Selden, and Eleazer Pomeroy Commissioners on the Hartford_ and Spring­ Held Rail Road, passed. .JOIJitN.<\1, 01•' 'J'lJE l'

Resolutions passed, appointing the following named persons Judges of Probate for the year ensuing, viz: Hon. Joseph Eaton for the District of Plainfield. Harvey Campbell for the District of Volw1town. Solomon l)ayne for the District of Canterbury. Thomas Backus for the District. of Killingly. Calvin Ilebbard for the District of Wing ham. Daniel Knowlton for the District of Ashford. Jonathan Nichols for the District of Thompson. Theopliilus B. Chandler for the District of 'Voodstock. Job Williams for the District of Pomfi·et. Bela P. Spalding for the District of Brooklyn. Royal Copeland for the District of Hampton. Resolution appointing Eli Wilcox Director of the Middlesex County Bank, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Banks; Senate concurred. Resolution appointing Richard Rand a Director in the Middle­ town Bank, came from House of Representatives, referred to committee on Banks ; Senate concurred. Remonstrance of Bridgeport and Newtown Turnpike Com­ pany, of the Company to rebuild Zoar Bridge, of Monroe, and Zoar Bridge Turnpike Company, against the petition of Hunt­ ington Turnpike Company, came from the House of Represen­ tatives, referred to committee on Roads and Bridges ; Senate concurred. Senate adjourned.

Saturday Moming, li'Iay 20th.

Prayer by the Uev. Doct. Hawes. Comptroller's Report de expenses of Board of Commissioners JOllltNAL OP 'l'llE SJ~Ni\TE. 57 of Common Schools, read. and concurred with House of Repre­ sentatives in rcfcrrence to committee on Education, with instruc­ tions. Committee on Divorces, to whom was referred the petition of Mary Holmes vs. Charles J. Holmes, reported in favor of the petitioner, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Committee on New Towns and Probate Districts, to whom was referred the bill for a public act, de Courts, constitutiug Canton a Probate District, reported in favor of the bill, report accepted, printing dispensed with, read thin.l time and passed. Resolution on petition of John J. Moulton, came from House of Representatives amended, Senate reconsidered, and concurred in amendment and passage of resolution. Resolution on petition of Dayton Riley, came from House of Representatives amendeu, Senate re-considered and concurred in amendment and passage of resolution. Committee of conference on the disagreeing vote of the two Houses on petition of William R. "\Vest, reported, aml upon such report the Senate adhered to its vote denying petition, and re­ jecting report an<.l passage of resolution. Committee on New Towns and l:»robate Districts, to whom was referred the petition of Uricl Tuttle and others, reported adversely, report accepted, and leave granted to petitioners to withdraw. Same committee, to whom was referred the petition of Sel­ den Cook and others, reported in favor of the petitioners, report rejected, and petition granted, with liberty of a bill in form. Committee on Incorporations other than Ban] s, to whom was ICferred the petition of Stephen J. Lord, Elisha Tracy, and oth­ ers, reported in favor of petition, report accepted, petition grant­ ed, and resolution passed. Same Committee, to whom was referred the petition of John Borden anJ others, reported in favor of the pctitiouer, report re­ jected, pctitiou denied, and rcsulutiun rejected. Committee on Divorces, to whom was referred the petition of 8 58 .JOURNAL OF '!'HE SENATE.

Elizabeth Wakeman vs. William Wakeman, reported adversely, report accepted, and leave granted to withdraw. Joint Select Committee, to whom was referred so much of the Governor's Speech as relates to the Public Domain, and sundry resolutions from sister States, reported, report accepted, and res­ olution passed. Committee on Divorces, to whom was referred petition of Per­ sis Bissel for a divorce, reported in favor of petition, report ac­ cepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the petition of J. Whittlesey, reported in favor, report accepted, petition grant­ ed, and resolution passed. Senate adjourned.

Saturday Afternoon, :fttlay 2fJllt.

Senate went into Executive session. Resolution appointing Justices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex ; passed. Resolutions appointing the following named persons Judges of Probate for the year ensuing. (viz.)

Ralph G. Camp, for the District of Litchfield. Jesse lves, for the District of Barkhamsted. Gideon Hall, Jr., for the District of Winchester. Roger II. Mills, for the District of New Ilartford. Holbrook Curtiss, for the District of Watertown. Nathaniel P. Perry, for the District of Kent. Calvin Butler, for the District of Plymouth. Daniel B. Brinsmade, for the District of Washington. N athaniclll. Smith, for the District of W ootlbury. ('harl c::; F. Sedgwick. for the District of Sharon. JO RNAL 01." THE ~E ATE. 5!)

Abijah Catlin, for the District of Harwinton. Nathaniel Perry, for the District of New Milford. Michael F. Mills, for the District of Norfolk.

Resolution appointing Leman Church and , Com­ missioners on the Housatonic Rail Road for the year ensuing, re­ ferred to committee on Banks. Resolutions appointing Justices of Peace for the County of J....itchfield, amended, and passed as amended. Joint Select Committee, to whom was referred the petition of Lewis Welles, reported in favor of petition, report accepted, pe­ tition granted, and resolution passed. Same Committee, to whom was referred the petition of Frank­ lin P. Allen, &c. reported in favor of petitioner, report rejected, petition denied, and resolution rejected. On motion, it was ordered by the Senate that the petition of Selden Cook and others, for the division of the town of Chat­ ham, be delivered by the President to the Hon. Mr. Selden for the purpose of enabling the party to make a bill in form, and on leave granted, the same was returned to the President. Senate adjourned.

Monday Morning, May 31st.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Burgess. Committee on State Prison, to whom was referred the peti­ tion of John Town and Benjamin Lester, reported adversely, re­ port accepted, and leave granted to withdraw.. Committee on Banks, to whom was referred the bill for a public act de East Haddam Bank, reported in favor of biU, re­ port accepted, rule for printing dispensed with, read third time, and passed. tiO ,lOI!HN/\T, OF 'l'TTE RF.N/\'1'1~.

Bill for a public act, de salaries and fees, providing for com­ pensation of Sherilfs, read first time, rule dispensed with, read by its title, and referred to committee on Claims. Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred a bill for a public act, de salaries and fees, reported against the bill, bill read third time ami negatived, and report accepted. Committee on Roads and Bridges, to whom was referred the petition of the Middletown and Berlin Turnpike Company, re­ ported in favor of the petitioners, report accepted, petition grant­ ed, and resolution passed. Committee on the Sale of Lands, to whom was referred the petition of Peter 0. Gaylord and Penelope Gaylord, which waR continued from the last session of the General Assembly, report­ ed, report accepted, petition denied, resolution reported, amend ed, and passed as amended. Senate adjourned.

j}[onclay Ajtc!lwon, lllay 31 st.

Report No. 12 of the Jomt Stanuing Committee on Military Returns, rcatl, accepted, and resolution passed. Remonstrance of Alvin Ilowe, aud others, against the com­ missioning of Atwater Hale, came from House of Representa­ tives, referred to Committee on Military Returns ; Senate con­ cuned. Resolution changing the name of the Second School Society of Lyme, to that of the First School Society of the town of East Lyme ; passed. Resolution changing the name of the Third School Society of Lyme, to that of the Second School Society of Lyme ; passed. Petition of the First Flank Company, 21st Regiment, leave granted to withdraw. .JOURNAL OF '1'111': !'rF.NA'I'E. (il

Petition of the Third Company, Second Regiment, of Horse Artillery, for a field piece, granted, with liberty of a bill, and bill passed. Bill for a public act, in addition to an act, de sales of Spiritous Liquors, reported by the committee on the Judiciary, read first time, rule dispensed with, read by its title, ancl laid. over. Resolution {or the division of the town of Chatham, re~ul and laid upon the table. Senate adjourned.

Tuesday Moming, June lst.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Sprague. Senate resumed the consideration of the resolution for the di­ vision of the town of Chatham, resolution passed, and petition granted. Report, resolution, &c. on the petition of Asa 0. Gaylord and wife, came from House of Representatives recommitted, with instructions, Senate adhered to its vote. Committee on Banks, to whom was referred the memorial of the Merchant's Bank in Norwich, reported a bill for a public act, bill read first and second time, rule dispensed with, read third time and passed. Committe on State Prison, to whom was referred the petition of Elisha Doubleday, reported adversely, report accepted, and leave granted to withdraw. Same Committee, to whom was referred the petition of Elihu Mawwee, reported in favor of the petitioner, report accepted, and resolution passed. Committee, to whom was referred the petition of Samuel Huntington Devotion and others, reported against the petition, (i~ .IOUitN A J, Of' 'I'll B SF.N ATB.

report accepted, and the committee discharged, and petition t.lenied. Committee on Roads and Bridges, to whom was referred the petition of Amos Hurlburt and others, reported against the peti­ tion, report accepted, and petition denied. Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the bill for a public act, in addition to the act, de salaries and fees; reported against the bill, report accepted, b11lread third time and nega­ tived. Bill for a public act in addition to an act, de sales of Spiritous Liquors, read third time, and laid upon the table. The Joint Select Committee, to whom \Yas referred the peti­ tion of the city of Hartford, of ·william II. Imlay anc.l others, and the remonstrances of George Goodwin and others, Henry Good­ win and others, and of Chauncey Barnard and others, reported, amendments proposed, and laid upon the table. Resolution authorising one hundred copies of the report of the committee on Insane Poor ; passed. Senate went into Executive session. Resolutions passed, appointing the following named persons Judges of Probate for the year ensuing, viz :

Nathaniel R. Clark for the District of New Haven. Abijah Carrington for the District of Milford. James S. Brooks for the District of Meriden. Elisha M. Pomeroy for the District of Wallingford. Jesse Carrington for the District of 1\fadison. Silas Hitchcock for tho District of Cheshire. Joel Tuttle for the District of Guilford. Norton J. Buel for the District of Waterbury.

Resolution appointing Justices of the Peace for the County of Litchfield, came from the House of Representatives, refusing to concur in the vote of amendment ; Senate reconsidered and con­ curred. Executive session closed. JOtrllNAL OF 'fJIJ.: SNNA'l'E. {i3

The Joint Select Committee, to whom was referred so much of the Governor's Speech as relates to the death of !)resident William H. Harrison, made the following report, which was ac­ cepted, and resolution passed: The Joint Committee of the Senate and House of Representa­ tives, to which was referred that part of the speech of His Ex­ cellency, the Governor, which relates to the death of the late President of the United States, report, That they have had the subject referred to them under consideration, and recommend for the adoption of the General Assembly, the following preamble and resolutions: In view of the melancholy dispensation of Divine Providence in the removal by death of the late President of the United States, and in view of the constitutional elevation of his successor, the General Assembly of the State of Connecticut, desirous of expressing its sense of the national bereavement, of evincing its sympathy with the afflicted relatives of the deceased, and its con­ fidence in the present Executive. 1. Resolved, That by the death of President Harrison we arc called to mourn the loss of him whose life had been one of entire devotion to his country, who at home and abroad, on the field of battle, in the Hall of Legislation, and in the office of Chief Magis­ trate, exhibited an illustrious example of patriotism and republi­ can virtue. 2. Resolved, That the election of John Tyler to the Vice Presi­ dency of the United States, was a clear expression of the confi­ dence of the people in the soundness of his moral and political principles, and his fidelity to the Con titution; and that in his adopting as his own the Cabinet of President Harrison, and in his just, dignified, and republican address to the people of the United States, we find a sufficient guaranty that the Govern­ ment will be wisely administered, and its true principles be carri­ ed out. 3. Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the bereaved widow and relatives of our departed President, and commend (il ,JOllllNAI, OF 'J'IIE SENATE.

them to the abiding gratitude and affection of the American people. 1. Resolved, That these resolutions be entered on the Journal of both Houses, and that the Executive of this State be requested to transmit copies of the same, signed by the President of the Senate, and the Rpeaker of the House of Representatives, to John Tyler, the President of the United States, and to the widow of the deceased. Senate adjourned.

Tuesday ilflemoon, June b'l.

The committee on flanks, to whom was referred the report of the Commissioners of the Housatonic Rail Road Company, and the resolution of instruction, reported, report acceptetl, and the report of Commi!>sioners accepted. Senate resumed the consideration of petition of City of Hart­ ford, &c., a minority report was made and read, and laid upon the table. Committee on Roa

Wednesday A-Iorning, June 2d.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Bushnell. Committee on New Towns and }Jrobate Distri ts, to whom was referred the petition of Moses Taylor and others, reported m favor of the petitioner, report, resolution, and petition contin­ ued to next session of the General Assembly. Bill for a public act, de As ·essments of Taxes, came from House of Representatives indefinitely postponed, Senate recon­ sidered the vote passing the bill, and concurred in the indefinite poi:itponemont. 9 6G JOURNAL OF THE SENATE.

Bill for a public act, de confirming deeds and other conveyan­ ces of real estate, read first and second time, and referred to the committee on Judiciary. Petition of Franklin P. Allen, and the report of the committee, came from the House of Representatives, granted, and report accepted ; Senate adhered to its vote, denying the report and petition. Committee on State Prison, to whom was referred the peti­ tion of Jllinny Hollister, Francis Crowly, Burton W. Abbott, Alanson Billings, and Asa Burchard, reported adversely to each, report accepted, and leave granted to each to withdraw. Resolution authorizing the Committee on Education to report a printed bill for an act concerning schools ; passed. Committee on State Prison, to whom was referred the petitiOn of Asa Richardson and others, of Leonard Kennedy and others, reported, report and resolution read, one hundred copies order­ ed to be printed for the use of the Senate, and laid upon the table. Committee on the subject of the Geological survey, reported in favor of an appropriation of an unexpended balance to Doct. Percival, report accepted, and resolution passed. Resolution authorising the committee on Education to report a bill for a public act concerning schools ; passed. Senate resumed the consideration of the petition of citizens of Hartford, and the report and remonstrance, and while the subject was under consideration. Senate adjourned.

Wednesday Afternoon, June 2d.

Commtliee on Miltiary returns, to whom was referred the .JOHI!NU, OJ> TJII~ SB:Vi\'1'1>. fi7

remonstrance of Alvin Howe, reported, report accepted; and res­ olution passed. The Senate again resumed the consideration of the petition of the city of Ilartford, and tho remonstrance, and report, and resolution, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Resolution de Farmington Canal came from House of Repre­ sentatives, referred to committee on Incorporations other than Banks ; Senate concurred. Resolution passed directing the joint standing committee on In­ corporations other than Banks, to enquire whether any report from theNew York, Providence and Boston Rail Road Company has been made to the Secretary of State, or the Legislature, &c., and whether further legislation is necessary in reference to this or other Rail Roads in this State. Bill for a public act, in addition to an act, de Slavery, read first and second time, and referred to committee on Judiciary. Resolution upon the petition of Samuel Meigs and othersvs. Ou­ satonic Turnpike Company, came from House of Representatives amended ; Senate re-considered, and concurred in amendment and passage of resolution. Committee on Incorporations other than Banks, to whom was referred the petition of Daniel Russel and others, reported in fa­ vor of petition, report rejected, petition denied, and resolution negatived. Same committee, to whom was referred the petition of J. Forbes and others, reported in favor of petitioner, report ac­ cepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Resolution upon the petition of Henry Churchill and others, came from House of Representatives amended; Senate re-con­ sidered and concurred in amendment and passage of the resolu­ tion. Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Allen Pinney, reported against petition, report accepted, and leave to withdraw granted. liS

Bill for a public act de lm>pection of Leather aml Hides, read first and second time, and laid over. Committee on Claims, to whom was referred a resolution de Albert Sedgwick, reported in favor of Resolution, report accept­ ed, and resolution passed. Petition of Elizabeth Wakcman, report and resolution came from House of Representatives granted ; Senate re-considered, and concurred with House of Repre.entatives in granting peti­ tion, accepting report, and passing resolution. Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the resolution granting money to Gilbert Allen and Walter HarA, reported in favor, report accepted, resolution amended, and passed as amended. Bill for a public act de Commissioners on turnpike Roads, read first and second time, and referred to committee on Judiciary. Resolution raising a joint committee to wait upon the Govern­ or, and request the return of the petition of Stephen J. Lord and Elisha Tracy and others, with report and resolution passed, and lion. Mr. Foster appointed. Senate resumed the consideration of the bill for a public act de Sale of Spiritous Liquors, bill amended, and passed as amended. Senate adjourned.

Thursday Moruiug, June 3d.

Prayer by the Rev. Duct. Hawes. Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred the pet1t1on of Enoch Pease, reported in favor of petition, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Committee on New Towns and Probate Districts, to whom was referred the petition of Hiram Roberts and others, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. .IOllliNAJ, (H<' 1'1ll~ Sf.:N ,\Tl::. (\!}

Committee on Incorporations other than Banks, to whom was referred the petition of Chesnut Hilllleservoir Company, report­ ed in favor of the petition, report accepted, petition granted, ami resolution passed. Same committee, to whom was referred the petition of the Chatham Fire Company, reported in favor of the petition, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Merriman Mallory and Company, reported in favor of the peti­ tion, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Same committee, to whom was referred the petition of Harry Lockwood, reported in favor of the petition, report rejected, res­ olution negatived, and petition denied. Committee on Military Returns, to whom was referred there­ monstrance of Harvey '\Vakefield, reported, report accepted, and leave granted to withdraw. Report No. 13 of the committee on Military Returns, read, accepted, and resolution passed. Bill for a public act de Inspection of Leather and Hides, read third time, and recommitted to the committee. Senate resumed the consideration of the report of the commit­ tee on the State Prison, and the resolution, report accepted, ami resolution passed. Committee on Banks, to whom was referred the petition of Jeremiah }">arish and others, reported in favot· of the petition, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Senate went into Executive session. Resolution appointing Justices of the Peace for New London County, read and laid upon the table. Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill for a publict act, de trespasses, &c. reported against the bill, report ac­ cepted, bill read third time and negatived. Same committee, to whom was referred a bill for a public act. de confirming Deeds, and other conveyances, reported an amend­ ment, amendment adopted, report accepted, bill read third time, and passed as amended. Senate adjourned. 70 .IOIJilNi\1, flF TilE SBNA'l'f.:.

Thursday Afternoon, .Tune 3d.

Committee on Incorporations other than Banks, to whom was referred the petition of the Tariff Manufacturing Company, reported in favor of the petition, report accepted, petition grant­ eel, and resolution passed. Committee on Roads and Bridges, to whom was referred the petition of the Iltmtington Turnpike Company, and the remon­ strance thereto, and the petition of the Connecticut and Rhode I land Tumpikc Company, reported that they each be continued to the next session of the General Assembly, report accepted, and the same continued. Senate adjourned.

Fridn!J llforniug, .Tunr 1111.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Moore. Resolution changing the name of the town of Conway, to that of Portland ; passed. Committee on Military Returns, to whom was referred the re­ port of the Quarter Master General, reported, report accepted, and resolution passed, and the report of the Quarter Master Gen­ eral accepted. Resolution de Hartford and Springfield Rail Road, read and laid upon the table. Committee on State Prison, to whom was referred the report of the Directors, Warden, Chaplain and l)hysician, reported, re­ port accepted, and report of Directors accepted. The Joint Select Committee to whom was referred so much .JOURNAJ, OF 'l'fll': ENATE. 71 of the Governor's Speech as relates to the currency, reported, report accepted, and ~·esolution passed. Bill for a public act, in addition to an act, de Courts, read first time, rule dispensed with, read by its title, and referred to committee on Judiciary. Bill for a public act de Courts, constituting Salem a J">robate District, read first and second time, and referred to committee on New Towns and Probate Districts. Bill for a public act de Supreme Court of Errors, read first time, rule dispensed with, read second time, rule flll'ther dispen­ sed with, read third time, and passed. Senate resumed the consideration of the resolution de Hartford and Springfield Rail Road, resolution passed. Resolution directing the Warden of the State Prison to pay Joseph Jlratt, Oliver H. King and Samuel C. Selden, for services in examining County Gaols, referred to committee on State Prison. Committee on Incorporations other than Banks, to whom was referred the petition of Henry White and others, reported, re­ port and resolution read and laid upon the table. The joint select committee to whom was referred the subject of the expenses of the Hartford Cow1ty Gaol, &c., reported, re­ port accepted, and a bill for a public act reported by the commit­ tee, read first and second time, rule for printing dispensed with, read third time, and passed. Senate went into Executive session. Resolution appointing Joseph Pratt, Oliver H. King and Sam­ uel C. Selden, Directors of the Connecticut State Prison for the year ensuing; passed. Senate adjourned. JOURNAl, O~· TilE S.l!:NATl~.

Friday Aftemoon, hne 4th.

Senate resumed tile cousideration of the report and petition of Hemy White and others, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Senate went into Executive session. The committee on Banks, to whom was referred sundry reso­ lutious reported, report accepted, aucl resolutions passed, ap­ pointing Chal'les Doli'orest a Director in Bridgeport Bank, Eli \Vilcox in the Midulesex CoUitty Bank, Thomas S. Husted in the F'airfield County Bank, Ezra S. Hamilton in tho Hartford Bauk, Richard Rand in the Middletown Bank, l~hilemou Canfield in the Farmers and Mechanics Bank, Caleb Brintnal in the New Haven Bank, Edward G. Howe and William T. Lee in the Phcenix Bank, Daniel Tyler in the Norwich Bank, Lafayette S. Foster in the Merchants Bank, Justin Swift in the Windham Bank, Joseph Brooks in the Connecticut Bank, Peter D. Irish in the New Lon­ don Bank. Same committee, to whom was referred the resolution ap­ pointing Commissioners on Housatonic Hail Uoad, reported in favor of the resolution, report accepted, and resolution appoint­ ing Hcury Dutton and Leman Church Commissioners, passed. Senate adjourned.

Saturday Jlllorniug, June 5th.

Prayer by the Uev. Mr. Hodgson. Resolution granting money to Ezra Hall for his services as a member of the House of Representatives, referred to committee on Claims. JOURNAL OF 'l'JlE SENATE. 73

Resolution granting expenses to Ezra Hall for defending his seat in the House of Representatives, referred to committee on Claims. Resolution came frpm House of Representatives, granting ri­ fles to the Hartford Rifle Company passed, and in the Senate re­ ferred to committee on Military Returns. Committee on New Towns and Probate Districts, to whom was referred the petition of II. Hutchins and others, reported in favor of petition, report accepted, and resolution passed. Bill for a public act to amend the Charter of the City of New Haven, read first and second times, and concurred with the House of Representatives in referrence to commitee on the Judi­ Ciary. Committee on sale of Lands, to whom was referred the peti­ tion of Ruby Mansfield and Nancy Sharpe, reported in favor of the petition, report accepted, petition granted, and resolution passed. Resolution raising a Joint Committee to request the Governor to return the resolution de Hartford and Springfield Rail Road, passed, and the Hon. Mr. Robbins appointed. Bill for a public act, de Supreme Court of Errors, reported by the committee on Judiciary, read third time and passed, and report acceped. Petition of Leman Stone and others vs. Washington Bridge Company, and the report of the committee, and resolution, continued to next session of the General Assembly. Bill for a public act, de inspection of Leather and Hides, read fir t and second time, and referred to the committee on the Ju­ diciary. Report of the committee on so much of the Governor's speech a relates to Insane Poor, read and laid upon the table, and made the order of the day for next Monday at ll o'clock, A. M. The report of the committee on the petition of the Selectmen of the town of Orange, came from the House of Representa­ tives rejected, and petition denied, Senate re-considered its vote granting petition, accepting report, and passing resolution, and 10 74 JOURNAJ, OF THE SENATE.

concurred with the House of Representatives in denying the same. Senate adjourned to Monday Morning.

Monday Morning, June 7th.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Daggett. Reports No. 14 and 15 of the Committee on Military Returns, read, and accepted, and resolutions passed. Report of the Judge of the County Court, read, and accep­ ted. Petition of J. N. Harris and others for the incorporation of a band of Music, and of Joshua Tracy for like purpose, came from the House of Representatives with leave granted to withdraw ; Senate concurred. The report and resolution on the subject of the Public Do­ main, came from House of Representatives amended, laid upon the table. Petition of Daniel Russell and others, with report of commit­ tee and resolution, came from House of Representatives, accepted, and resolution passed and petition granted; Senate re-considered and concurred with House of Representatives in passieg resolu­ tion, granting petition, and accepting report. Petition of Daniel Tarbox and others, for repeal of Military Laws, came from House of Representatives with leave granted to petitioner to withdraw; Senate concurred. Committee on New Towns and Probate Districts, to whom was referred the petition of Albert Sedgwick, reported that pe­ titioner have leave to withdraw, report accepted, and leave grant­ ed to withdraw. Same committee, to whom was referred the bill for a public act de Courts, constituting Salem a Probate District, reported in JOURNAL OF TliE SENATE. 75

favor of the bill, report accepted, bill read third time, and pas­ sed. lion. 1\fr. Selden excused from voting on the resolution of the Hartford and Springfield Rail Road. Resolution directing the Secretary of State to return the reso­ lution de Hartford and Springfield Rail Road to the General As­ sembly, came from House of Representatives, passed; in Senate negatived. Report of the committee on Education, on the petition of Charles A. Goodrich and others, with resolution, re-committed to committee on Education. The Joint Select Committee, to whom was referred the peti­ tion of John P. Trott and others, for a repeal of the 8th Section of the Medical Law reported a bill for a public act, bill read first and second time, amended, rule for printing dispensed with, bill read third time and passed as amended, and report accepted so far as comports with the bill as passed, and the petition granted as for bill. Senate resumed the consideration of the report and resolution de Insane Poor, which was made the order of the day, report re­ jected, and resolution negatived. Resolution making an appropriation for the Insane Poor, read and laid upon the table. Senate reconsidered its vote negativing the resolution requir­ ing the Secretary of State to return the resolution de Hartford and Springfield Rail Road, and on such re-consideration concur­ red with House of Representatives in passing the resolution. Committe on State Prison, to whom was referred the resolu­ tion granting pay to Messrs. Selden, Pratt and, for examin­ ing County Gaols, reported in favor of resolution, report accept­ ed, and resolution passed. Bill for a public act de Mortgages to the School Fund, read first time, rule dispensed with, read by its title, and referred to committee on Judiciary. Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred a bill for a public act de Inspection of Hides, Leather and Skins, reported in 76 JOURNAl, OF Tnf: SENA'tE. favor of the bill, report accepted, bill read third time and pas­ sed. Same Committee, to whom was referred the bill for a public act de Commissioners on Turnpike Roads, reported in favor of the bill, report rejected, and bill read third time and negatived. Same committee, to whom was referred the bill for a public act amending the Charter of the City of New Haven, reported in favor of bill, report accepted, rule for printing dispensed with, read third time, and passed. Bill for a public act, in addition to an act, de Jurymen, read first and second time, rule dispensed with, read third time, and passed. Bill for a public act, in addition to an act, de Courts, making the town of Portland a part of the Probate District of Chatham, read first time, rule dispensed with, read second and third time, and passed. The joint committee to whom was referred the petition of John Burke, reported in favor of petition, report and resolution read and laid upon the table, and made the order of the day for this afternoon, at the opening of the session. Senate went into Executive session. Resolution appointing Justices of the Peace for the County of New London, amended, and passed as amended. Resolution appointing Amos Pillsbury a Justice of the Peace for Hartford County ; passed. Resolution authorizing the First School Society of Middletown to hold School Society meetings in the Town Hall, in the city of Middletown ; passed. Senate adjourned. .lOUilNAJ, OF 'filE SENATE. 77

Monday Ajtemoon, June 7llt.

Report and resolution de Public Domain, came from the House of Representatives amended ; Senate re-considered and concur­ red. The committee on Incorporations other than Banks, to whom was re-committed the petition of Joel Hawes and others, &c., reported in favor of petition, report rejected, resolution negatived, and petitioner have leave to withdraw. Resolution de State Prison Labor, came from House of Repre­ sentatives amended ; Senate re-considered and concurred with House in amendment and passage of the resolutions, and con­ tinuance of petition of Asa Richardson and others, to the next session of General Assembly. Senate reswned the consideration of the report of the commit­ tee on the petition of John Burke, report rejected, petition denied, and resolution negatived. Committee on Incorporations other than Banks, to whom was referred the resolution extending the time for the Hartford and Springfield Rail Road to commence their road, reported in favor of resolution, report accepted, and resolution passed. Same committee, to whom was referred the resolution de a Branch Canal from Farmington, extending the time for building the same, reported in favor,. report accepted, and resolution passed. Committee on New Towns and Probate Districts, to whom was referred the bill for a public act, constituting Ridgefield a Probate District, reported against the same, report accepted, and bill read third time and negatived. Same Committee, to whom was referred the petition of Na­ than Seeley and others, reported adversely, report accepted, and leave granted to withdraw. Committee on New Towns and Probate Districts, to whom was referred the petition of the inhabitants of Hampton School 78 .'JOUllNAl, OF 'l'ITE 8ENA'l'.N.

Society, reported in favor of the petition, report accepted, reso­ lution passed, and petition granted. Same Committee, to whom was referred the petition of James Carey and others, reported favorably, report accepted, resolution amended and passed, and petition granted. Senate went into Executive session. Resolution appointing Justices of the Peace for the County of New Haven amended, and passed as amended. Resolution appointing Justices of the Peace for the County of Windham amended, and passed as amended. Resolution appointing Justices of the Peace for the County of Fairfield amended, and passed as amended. Bill for a public act de Schools, reported by the Committee on Education, read first and second time, and laid over. Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the peti­ tion of the Hartford Bridge Company for the suppression of the Ferry, reported in favor of the petition, report accepted, petition granted, resolutions amended, and passed as amended by tho House of Representatives. Senate adjourned.

Tuesday Moming, June Stlt.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Eaton. Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred the resolution de Pedlars, reported a bill for a public act, bill read first time, rule dispensed with, read by its title and laid over. Report of the committee on the petition of John P. Trott and others, and bill for a public act, came from House of Repre­ sentatives rejected, petition denied, bill negatived, Senate recon­ sidered and concurred with the House of Representatives. Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the petition of


Lynde L. Huntington, reported in favor of the petition, report rejected, resolution negatived, and petition denied. Same committee, to whom was referred the petition of J. P. Isbell, reported in favor of the petitioner, report rejected, resolu­ tion negatived, and petition denied. Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred a bill for a public act in addition to, and in alteration of an act, de Courts, reported in favor of bill, with amendments-amendments adopt­ ed, and bill laid upon the table. Same committee, to whom was referred the bill for a public act, for organizing the General Assembly, reported against the bill, referred and reported a substitute, which was read first and second time, and rule for printing dispensed with, and laid upon the table. Senate resumed the consideration of the bill for a public act de Schools, read third time, amended, and laid upon the table. The bill for a public act de Senatorial Districts, reported by the committee on so much of the Governor's Speech as relates to that subject, re-committed to the committee. Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred a resolu­ tion instructing them to enquire whether any laws were necessa­ ry to regulate pedlars, reported a bill for a public act, bill read first and second time, and laid over. Senate adjom·ned.

Tuesday Afternoon, June th.

Senate resumed the consideration of the bill for a public act de Schools, bill further amended, and passed as amended, andre­ ferred to committee on Education. Senate resumed the consideration of the bill for a public act in HO JOURN \I, 01'' 'l'JlB SE:VA'J'E. addition to, and in alteration of an act de Courts, bill further amended, and bill passed as amended, and report accepted. Uesolution for payment of Bank Commissioners for examining Mechanic's Bank; passed. Bill for a public act de Courts, providing for the adjournment of Superior Court, and County Court, in certain cases, read first time, rule dispensed with, read second time, rule further di pen­ sed with, read third time and passed. Committee on Incorporations other than Banks, to whom was referred a resolution de New York, Providence and Boston Rail Road Company reported, report accepted. Resolution granting compensation to Wolcott P. Stone, for es­ tablishing his claim to a seat in the House of Representatives, re­ ferred to the committee on Claims. Resolution appointing the lion. Messrs. Eldredge and Black­ stone to make and report the Debenture Bill of the Senate ; passed. Re olution appointing the lion. Messrs. Selden and 1Voodward a committee to make out and report the Contingent Expenses of the Senate ; passed. Report of committee on Claims, and resolution on petition of Lynd L. Huntington, came from House of Representatives ac­ cepted, resolution passed, and resolution granted ; Senate re-con­ sidered and concurred. Senate resumed the consideration of the bill for a public act, de Pedlars, bill amended and laid over. Resolution de Hartford and Springfield Rail Road, which was returned to the General Assembly by the Secretary of State, was on motion again passed. Resolution authorizing the Board of Commissioners of Com­ mon Schools to cause to be printed twenty-five hundred copies of the revised Act concerning Common Schools, &c. ; passed. Senate went into Executive session. Resolution appointing Justices of the Peace for New London County, came from House of Representatives amended ; Senate JOURNAL OF 'rUE SENATE. 81

re-considered, and concurred in amendment and passage of the bill. Resolution appointing Justices of the Peace for the County of Fairfield, came from the House of Representatives amended ; Senate re-considered, and concurred in amendment and passage of the resolution. Resolution passed appointing David Miles a Justice of the Peace for the County of New Haven. Resolution passed appointing Nathan Minard Judge of Probate for the District of Salem. Resolution passed appointing Enoch Foot, Selah Strong, and Nathan Merwin committee under the act incorporating the Washington Bridge Cornpany. The Committee on Education, to whom was referred a reso­ lution instructing them to ascertain the expenses of the Board of Commissioners of Common Schools, and the Secretary of said Board, reported, report accepted, and a letter from the Secre­ tary to said committee read, and five hundred copies of the same ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate. Senate adjourned to 8 o'clock this evening.

Tuesday Evening, June 8tlt.

Resolution establishing the mileage from the town of West­ brook ; passed. Bill for a public act, de County Goals and County W ork-hous­ es, came from the House of Representatives amended; Senate re-considered, and concurred in the amendment and passage of the biU. Senate resumed the consideration of the bill for a public act, de Pedlars, rule dispensed with, read third time and passed, and the report of the committee accepted. II 82 JOURNAL OF Tim SENATE.

Committee on Claims, to whom was referred a resolution granting money to Ezra Hall, reported in favor of the same, re­ port accepted, and resolution passed. Bill for a public act, de Courts, ccmstituting Ridgefield a Pro­ bate district, came from the House of Representatives, passed ; Senate re-considered, and concurred in the passage of the bill and accepting report. Report of the Committee on Claims, on the petition of Harry Lockwood, came from House of Representatives, accepted, and petition granted, and resolution passed ; Senate re-considered and concurred. Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred so much of the Governor's Speech as relates to Imprisonment for Debt, re­ ported a bill for a public act, read first and second time, and laid over. Bill for a public act de Bands of Music, read first and second time, and laid over. Senate went into Executive session. Resolution appointing John T. Norton and Learned Hebard Commissioners of the Retreat ; passed. Resolution appointing Commissioners on the Hartford and New Haven Rail Road; passed. Senate adjourned to 8 o'clock to·morrow morning.

Wednesday Morning, Jane fltlt.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Turney. Memorial of Col. Thomas Seymour, and accompanying docu­ ments, continued to next session of the General Assembly. Resolution appointing a committtee to revise the Militia Laws, and report to the next session of the General Assembly. JOURNAL OF TilE SENA'fE, 83

Bill for a public act de oro-anizin()'b 0 of Bands of Music read third time and negatived. Bill for a public act, de organizing the General Assembly, read third time and passed, and bill referred negatived, and report accepted. Committee on Banks, to whom was referred the report of the Bank Commissioners reported, report accepted, and report of Commissioners accepted. Committee to whom was referred so much of the Governor's Speech as relates to Senatorial Districts, reported a bill for a pub­ lic act, read first and second time, and laid on table. Resolution came from House of Representatives directing the printing of School Laws, negatived. Senate went into Executive session. Resolution appointing Commissioners on Norwich and Worces­ ter Rail Road ; passed. Resolution appointing Justices of the Peace for the County of Hartford, amended, and passed as amended. Resolution directing the Comptroller to draw an order on Treasurer payable to Timothy E. Williams, for the benefit of the South Hollow School District ; passed. Bill for a public act de Commissioners on Turnpike Roads, read first and second time, and indefinitely postponed. Bill for a public act de Senatorial Districts, amended, and pass­ ed as amended, and report accepted, &c. Bill for a public act in addition to an act de Crimes and Punish­ ments, read first' and second time, and referred to committee on Judiciary. Senate re-considered its vote negativing the bill for a public act de Bands of Music, and on such re-consideration passed the bill. Committee on Claims, to whom was referred a resolution de William P. Strong, for his expenses in establishing his seat in the House of Representatives, reported, report and resolution re­ committed, with instructions not to allow but one travel fcc for witnesses, and no counsel fees. 84 JOURNAl. OP 'l'IIE ~F.NA'l'E .

Same committee, to whom was referred the resolution de Ezra llall, granting remuneration for his expenses in defending his seat in the llouse of Representatives, reported, report reject­ ed, and resolution indefinitely postponed. Senate resumed the consideration of the resolution de In ane Poor, appropriating $8000 for the erection of buildings, &c., reso­ lution negatived, and petition oflnsanc Retreat denied. Resolution directing the Secretary of State to publish the Jour­ nal of the Senate, with appointments, &c. ; passed. Senate resumed the consideration of the bill for a public act in addition to an act passed in 1838, de Abolishing Imprisonment for Debt, rule dispen ed with, read third time, and indefinitely post­ poned. Resolution requesting the return of the Hartford County Jus­ tice Bill ; passed. Bill proposing that certain Staff Officers be permitted to do duty on horseback on days of Military Re"iew, read third time, and indefinitely postponed. Resolution granting compensation to Gilbert Allen for distribu­ ting Public Acts and Resolutions in 18<11, referred to committee on Claims. Committee on Education, to whom was referred the annual re­ port of the Board of Commissioners of Common Schools, re­ ported, asking to be discharged from further consideration of the subject, report accepted, and the report of Commissioners accep­ ted. Same committee, to whom was referred the petition of Inhab­ itants of Stratford, reported adversely, report accepted, and leave granted to withdraw. Senate went into Executive session. Resolution appointing _Hon. Joseph Eaton, Ansel Sterling and Samuel J. Hitchcock, Judges of the County Courts in this State for the year ensuing; passed. Resolution appointing the following named persons Judges of Probate for the year ensuing, (viz.) John Fitch for the District of Mansfield. Abner llendee for the District of Hebron. Elisha Stearns for the District of Tollaud. Oliver II. King for the District of Ellington. Walter R. Kibbe for the District of Somers. Rodolphus "Voodworth for the District of Stafford. Thomas G. Holcomb for the District of Granby.

Resolution appointing Justices of the Peace for the County of Tolland, amended, and pa ·sed as amended. Senate re-considered vote passing the resolution appoi11ting Justices of the Peace for the County of llartford, an l the bill was further amended, and passed as amended. Resolution directing the Comptroller of Public Accounts to draw an order on the Treasurer for six dollars and sixty cents, in favor of Simon House, for his travel and attendance two days on the General Assembly the present session ; passed. The committee to whom was referred so much of the Govern­ or's Speech as relates to the Tariff, and al o sundry resolutions from other States, reported, report accepted, and resolution passed. Committee to whom was referred sundry resolutions from oth­ er States, proposing an amendment of the Constitution of the United States, limiting the term of the President to one term, re­ ported, report accepted, and resolutions passed. Senate adjourned.

Wednesday Afternoon, June !Jllt.

Bill for a public act de confirming doings of Assessors and Boards of Relief, read first time, rule dispensed with, read sec­ 80 JOUTtNJ\I, OF TJlJ~ SJ<:NATJ~.

ond time, rule further dispensed with, read third time, and pas­ sed. Resolution appointing Judges of County Court, came from House of Representatives, amended; Senate re-considered and concurred. Report of committee on petition of John Burke, with petition and resolution, came from House of Representatives granted, resolution passed, and report accepted; Senate refused to re­ consider and concur with the vote of the House of Representa­ tives. Resolution that the name of the First School Society in Chat­ ham be changed to that of Portland. Report of Committee on l\Iilitary Returns, granting Rifles to the Hartford Rifle Company, reported, rejected, and resolution negatived. Report No. 17 of the committee on Military Heturns, accepted, and resolution passed. Resolution instructing the State Commissioners on the Insane Retreat to collect n1formation, and report to the next session of the General Assembly ; passed. Bill for a public act in addition to an act, de Military Force, read first aud second time, and referred to the committee to re­ vise the Militia Laws, and report to the next session of the Gen­ eral Assembly. Committee on Banks, to whom was referred a resolution pro­ viding that no stockholder shall be a State Director, reported, report accepted, and committee discharged, and resolution nega­ tived. Same committee, to whom was referred a resolution de pay­ ing Bank Commissioners for services, report accepted, and reso­ lution passed. Bill for a public act, providing for the payment of Bank Com­ missioners from the Treasury, read first and second time, and indefinitely postponed. Resolution providing for running the line between the town of Saybrook and Westbrook; passed. .JOUUNAL OF 'l'IIE Sl~NA'l'E.

Committee on the debenture bill reported, and bill recommit­ ted. Committee of Conferrence on the bill for a public act, de abol­ ishing Imprisonment for debt, reported, bill laid upon the table, and the motion to adhere. Resolution granting compensation to the several Clergymen who have officiated as Chaplains to the Senate; passed. Resolution granting compensation to Gilbert Allen for his ser­ vices as Messenger to the Senate ; passed. Resolution granting compensation to \Valter Harris for hisser­ vices as Assistant Messenger ; passed. Resolution granting compensation to Anson Loomis for his ser­ vices as Messenger to the Governor ; passed. Resolution granting compensation to John Belcher for his ser­ vices as Door-keeper to the Senate ; passed. Resolution appointing Bank Commissioners; negatived. Resolution appointing Hiram Baldwin a Justice of the Peace for the County of Litchfield ; passed. Resolution appointing Ephraim Mills a Judge of Pr0bate for the District of Canton ; passed. Resolution appointing County Commissioners for Tolland County ; passed. Resolution appointing County Commissioners for Windham County ; passed. Resolution appointing County Commissioners for Fairfield County ; passed. Resolution appointing County Commissioners for the County of Middlesex ; passed. Resolution appointing County Commissioners for the County of Litchfield ; passed. ' Resolution appointing County Commissioners for the County of New Haven; passed. Resolution appointing County Commissioners for the County of New London; passed. Bill appointing Justices of the Peace for the County of Tol­ 88 JOURNAl~ OF TilE SJ~NA'l'E. land, came from the House of Representatives amended ; Senate refused to reconsider. Bill for a public act, de Pedlars, came from House of Repre­ sentatives, amended ; Senate re-considered, and concurred in the amendment and passage of the bill. Resolution granting compensation to Ezra Hall for defending his seat in the House of Representatives, came from House of Representatives passed, and report accepted; Senate re-consid­ ered and concurred with the House. Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred a bill for a public act, de Electors, reported against the bill, report accepted, bill read third time and negatived. Senate adjourned to half past seven this evening.

Wednesday Evening, June 9tlt.

Resolution de Building Lines on Highway between Hartford and W ethersficld, came from House of Representatives amended ; Senate re-considered, and concurred in amendment and passage of the resolution. Senate resumed the consideration of the motion to adhere to its vote indefinitely postponing the bill for a public act in addition to the act de Abolishing Imprisonment for Debt, and adhered. Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred a bill for a public act de Crimes and Punishments, reported in favor of bill, accepted, bill amended, and passed as amended. Bill for a public act de Supporting Prisoners in County Gaols, came from House of Representatives, indefinitely postponed ; Senate re-considered, and concurred. Hon. Mr. Ferris appointed committee on the J·udiciary by rea­ son of the absence of Hon. Mr. Strong. Senate went into Executive session. JOURNAJ, OF 'l'1fE SE A'l'E. ' !)

Resolution appointing Harvey Smith a Judge of Probate for tho District of Ridgefield ; passed. Resolution appointing William Mather, Jr., and Ezra Chap­ pell, Bank Commissioners ; passed. Resolution presenting the thanks of the Senate to his Hon. Charles Hawley, for the able, impartial and dignified manner in which he has presided over its deliberations the present session ; passed unanimously. Senate re-considered its vote appointing Oliver II. King a Judge of Probate for the District of Ellington, on such re-consid­ eration passed the resolution. Resolution de Maps, Books, Charts, or Public Documents; passed. Bill for a public act, reported by committee on Judiciary, de Crimes and Punishments, providing for the regulation of Nine Pin Alleys, &c., read third time, concurred in amendment of House of Representatives, bill passed, and report accepted. Senate went into Executive session. Resolution appointing George Merrick, Dudley Humphrey and Martin Kellogg, County Commissioners for the County of Hart­ ford ; passed. Resolution appointing Obadiah L. Sheldon Justice of the Peace for Hartford County, ind finitely postponed. Senate adjourned to 8 o'clock to-morrow morning.

Thursday Jrloruing, June 10tlt.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Sprague. Report No. 18 of the Committee on Military Returns, read, accepted, and resolution passed. Senate on motion receded from its vote refusing to coneur with 12 90 JOL'RNAJ, OF TilE Sl~NA'l'E. the House of Representatives in granting the petition of John Burke, accepting the report, and passing the resolution, and on motion the Senate concurred with the House of Representatives in granting the prayer of the petitioner, accepting the report of the committee, and passing the resolution. Committee to whom was referred the petition of John Ross and others, reported in favor of petitioner, report, petition and resolution continued to next session of General Assembly. Senate reconsidered its vote negativing resolution granting Rifles to Hartford Rifle Company, and concurred with House of Representatives in accepting report of committee, and passing resolution. Senate adhered to its vote passing resolution de Insane Poor, which came from House of Representatives amended. Report No. 19 of committee on Military Returns, read, accept­ ed, and resolution passed. Bill for a public act in addition to, and in alteration of an act de Senatorial Districts, read first, second and third time, and passed. Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred a bill for a public act de Slavery, reported in favor of the bill, report reject­ ed, and bill read third time, and indefinitely postponed. Communication from the Governor nominating Commissioners for Common Schools, nomination approved. Committee on Claims, to whom was re-committed the resolu­ tion de Ezra Hall, reported, report accepted, and resolution passed. Bill for a public act de Confirming Doings of Assessors, &c., came from House of Representatives amended, Senate re-con­ ·sidered, and concurred, and passed the bill. Committee on Claims, to whom was referred a resolution granting money to Gilbert Allen for distributing Public Acts, &c. reported, report accepted, resolution amended, and passed as amended. Resolution granting compensation to Engrossing Committee ; passed. JOURNAL OF '£1m :mNATE. !Jl

Resolution came from the House of Representatives raising a Joint Committee to wait upon the Governor and inform him that the General Assembly were ready to meet in convention for ad­ journment without day, and the lion. Mr. Peck appointed on the part of the Senate. Message from the House of Representatives inviting the Sen­ ate into their Hall for the purpose of adjourning without day. The Senate therefore attended in the Hall of the House of Rep­ resentatives. His Excellency, the Governor, then 'addressed the General Assembly in person, administered the oath by law provi­ ded to the Judges of the County Court, County Commissioners, Judges of Probate, and Justices of the Peace, and after prayer by the Rev. Doct. Hawes, the Assembly was adjourned without day, by R. R. Hinman, Esq., Secretary of State. Attest, NELSON BREWSTER, Clerk. .J . '


\ ..

.. 111E31URRS OF •rJm SENA.1'B PT!ESENT. 93

At a Session of the Geneml Assembly of the State of Connecticut, convened at Ha1·tjord, May, A. D., 1841.

PRESENT IN SENATE, His Honor, CrrARLEs HAWLEY, President of the Senate; and the following Senators, viz :

District No. 1, Hon. William Robbins, 2d. " " 2, " Jabez King. " " 3, " JosephS. Peck. " " 4, •' Aaron N. Skinner. " " 5, " David W. Plumb. " '· G, " James Blackstone. " " 7, " Erastus Williams. " " 8, " Henry Strong. " " 9, " Samuel C. Selden. " " 10, " Noah Plumb. " " 11, " Thomas B. Fanton. " " 12, " Joshua B. Ferris. " " 13, " Joseph Eaton. " " 14, " Edward Eldredge. " " 15, " Lambert Hitchcock. " " 1G, " Joseph H. Bellamy. " " 17, " Augustus Miles. " " 18, " Charles Woodward. " " I!}, " Joseph H. Hayden. " " 20, " William A. Foster. " " 21 , " Elam Loomis. !)4 CO~ll\IISSIONERS ON '!'URNPI]{E ROADS.

The following named persons were appointed Commissioners on the several Turnp·ike Roads, to which their names are attach­ ed, viz:

No. I. Boston, Benjamin Lyman, Henry R. Waters. No. 2. Bridgeport, James B. Fairman, Abijah Merritt. No. 3. Chatham and Marlborough, Ezra Foot, Moseley Tal­ cott. No. 4. Cheshire, Eli B. Austin, Romeo Lowry. No. 5. Colchester and Chatham, John C. Bulkley, Charles H. Pelton. No. G. Center, Willis Gilbert, John'Fowler. No. 7. Chester and North Killingworth, Samuel C. Silliman, Horace Redfield. No. 8. Colchester and Norwich, Benjamin W. Tompkins, Al­ bert Isham. No. !J. Columbia, George Gillett, Samuel West. No. 10. Connecticut, Joshua B. Ferris, Edwin Lockwood. No. 11. Cornwall and Washington. No. 12. Canaan and Litchfield, Ezekiel S. Hoskins, Moses Ly­ man, Jr. No. 13. Connecticut and Rhode Island, Thomas C. Hayward, Frederick Averell Jr. No. 14. Danbury and Ridgefield, George Andrews, Charles Starr. No. 15. Durham and East Guilford, Abel Rossiter, Joseph Tay­ lor. No. 16. East Haddam and Colchester, Samuel S. Warner, Ed­ ward P. Brownwell. No. 17. East Middle, Elijah Warner, Leman W. Cutler. No. 18. Essex, Jared C. Redfield, Horace Redfield. No. 19. Farmington River, Abiram Chamberlain, Sanford Brown. No. 20. Faii·field, Readu1g and Weston. No. 21. Fair Haven, David Everts, Wyllis Hemmingway. No. 22. Goshen and Sharon, Eber Cotter, Milo Bartholomew. COl\DIISSIONERS ON TURNl'IKE UOADS. 95

No. 23. Granby, Henry L. Holcomb, Jairus Case. No. 24. Greenwoods, W an·en Cone, Hosea Hinsdale. No. 25. Groton and Stonington, Elias Hewitt, Nathan F. Denni­ son. No. 2G. Guilford and Durham, Abel Rossiter, Miles Merwin, Jr. No. 27. Hartford and New London, Solomon Cole, Erastus Wil­ liams. No. 28. Hartford and New Haven, Charles W. Curtiss, Jolm B. Eldredge. No. 29. Hartford, Tolland, Windham, and New London Coun­ ty, Stanley White, Jesse Wright. No. 30. Hartford and Tolland, Ashbel Olmsted, Solomon L. Griggs. No. 31. Hebron and Middle Haddam, George Gillet, Ebenezer Smith. No. 32. Humphreysville and Salem Bridge, 'William II. Tomlin­ son, Lyman Smith, 3d. No. 33. Housatonic, Sheldon Smith, Jr., Asa Hawkins. No. 34. Huntington, Ira Sherman, Noah Plumb. No. 35. Killingworth, Ebenezer Cone, Orrin Freeman. No. 3G. Litchfield and Cornwall, Peter Bierce, John A. Stew­ art. No. 37. Litchfield and Harwinton, Jonathan Buel, William Da- VIS. No. 38. Litchfield and New Milford, Abel Hine, Edward Hunt. No. 39. Middlesex, Ozias Holmes, William Robbins, 2d. No. 40. Middletown and Berlin, Charles Wood ward, Stephen Taylor. No. 41. Middletown and Durham, Henry Lyman, David II. Carr. No. 42. Middletown and Meriden, Hiram Clarke, Willis Wood­ ruff. No. 43. Mohegan, John A. Rockwell, Thomas S. Pcrlci.ns. No. 4·1. Monroe and Zoar Bridge, George Bradley, Stephen Mid­ dlebrook. No. 45. Moosup. 9(; COl\lllrTSSIONERS ON TUllNPil

No. 46. New Milford and Roxbury, Edward Hine, Royal I. Canfield. No. 47. Norwich and Salem, John M. Peabody, Josiah Ray­ mond. No. 48. New Haven and Derby, Benjamin Beecher, Lyman Os­ born. No. 49. New Haven and Milford, Henry Peck, David Miles. No. 50. New London and Lyme, Matthew Bacon, Daniel Wa­ ters. No. 51. New London and Windham County, Roger Coit, Gur­ don Pendleton. No. 52. New Milford and Sherman, Albert N. Gaylord, Wil­ liam T. Hopson. No. 53. New Preston, Orrin Bennett, Daniel D. Hallock. No. 54. Northfield, Alanson Coley, Charles Gorham. No. 55. Norwalk and Danbury, David Osborne, Erastus Stur­ ges. No. 56. Norwalk and Newtown, Algurnon E. Beard, John D. Lounsbury. No. 57. Norwich and Woodstock, Daniel Lyman, Jonathan W. Brooks. No. 58. Oxford, David Candee, Elias Scott. No. 59. Providence, John Day, Samuel Reynolds. No. 60. Rimmon Falls, David R. Baldwin. No. 61. Salem and Hamburg, Levi H. Goddard, Richard W. Lee. No. 62. Sharon and Cornwall, Jedediah Calhoun, Benjamin Sears. No. 63. Sympauge, Charles Starr, Thomas B. Butler. No. G4. Shetucket, George Loring, Benjamin Huntington. No. 65. Stafford. No. 66. Still River, Elisha Smith, Hosea Hinsdale. No. 67. Southington and Waterbury, Sherman Bronson, Elisha A. Cowles. No. 68. Sandy Brook, Theron Rockwell, Richard A. Doolittle. No. 69. Straits, Samuel H. Nettleton, Bevel P. Smith. ·. CQ)DfiSSIO:VERS ON TURNPIKE ROADS•• 07

No. 70, Sugar Hollow, Starr Nichols, Thomas B. Butler. No. 71, Talcott Mountain, llezekiah Huntington, Jr., Tertius Wadsworth. No. 72, Thompson, Jolm G. Green, George Warner. No. 73, Tolland Co. No. 74, Torrington, Martin Webster, Decius Humphrey. No. 75, Tolland and Mansfield, Ebenezer Clarke, Chelsea Chap­ man. No. 7G, Washington, Reuben II. Ilotchkiss, Joseph Titus. No. 77, ·windham and Coventry, Nathaniel Root, Isaac Knight. No. 78, Windham and Mansfield, Chester Hunt, John Johnson. No. 79, West Middle. No. 80, Windham and Brooklyn, Auams White, Nathan Allen. No. 81, ·waterbury River, Moses Hall, Abijah Munn. No. 82, Wolcottville, Russel C. Abernethy, James C. Cleave- land. No. 83, Weston, Joseph Bennet, Walker Sherwood. No. 84, ·wells Hollow, Sylvanus Sterling, Lyman Smith, Jr. No. 85, "\Varren, A ahel Wedge, Hezekiah C. Gregory. No. G, Branch, Isaac Bennet, JohnS. Wilson. No. 87, Monroe and Newton, Charles Clark, George Bradley. No. 88, Fairfield County, Lemuel Beers, Charles Smith. No. 89, lladlyme, Joseph Warner, George Gates. • No. 90, Chester and North Killingworth Turnpike Co., Sedley Snow, Heman S. Franklin. No. 01, Black Rock, Abraham D. Baldwin, John S. Wilson. No. 02, Sherman and Redding, Lucius Nortlu·op, Samuel D. Peck. No. 93, Hop River, Amos Perkins, Calvin Daggett. No. 91, North Killingworth and North Madi on, Rufus Turner, Sherman Munger. No. 95, ~1illi.ngton, John T. Bulkley, William Spencer. No. !.Hi, Litchfield and Plymouth, Ozias Lewis, Elijah Warner. No. 07, River Turnpike Company.



No. l, Niantic, Edward R. Warren, Roswell Smith. No. 2, Hartford. No. 3, Mystic, Roswell Fish, Amos Cliff. No. 4, Tomlinson's, William K. Townsend, William Moseley. No. 5, Bridgeport, George Walter, Isaac J. Booth. No. 6, Washington, Selah Strong, Enoch Foot. No. 7, Derby Bridge and Ferry Company, George Blakeman, George Shelton. No. 8, Zoar, Cyrus H. Beardsley, Russel Wooster. No. 9, Bennett's, Russel Wooster, Philo Curtiss. No. 10, Hawley's, Alonzo Beers, Benedict Dunning. No. 11, New Milford, Lyman Smith, Grandison Warner. No. 12, Bull's Falls, Peter Bierce, A. C. Rouse. No. 13, Pratts, Peter Bierce, A. C. Rouse. No. 14, Norwich and Preston, Henry Palmer, William P. Nash, Ebenezer Learned, Jr. No. 15, Fuller's, Peter Bierce, A. C. Rouse. · No. 16, Enfield, Norman Allen, Luther Loomis. No. 17, Boardman's, Nathan Gaylord, Robert Ferris. No. 18, Gaylord's, Henry Merwin, Isaac Stone.


No. 1, New London, John Hudson, Isaac Harris.

No. 21 Gales', Robert Comstock, Norman D. Brown. No. 3, Chapman's, George Clark, Ansel Hungerford. No. 4, Warner's, James Gates, Samuel Colt. No. 5, Higganum, Wm. Cook, Hurlburt Swan. COMMISSIONERS OF COUN'rY COURTS.

No. 6, East Haddam, Robert W. Chapman, Elias Pratt. No. 7, Middle Haddam Landing, John Stewart, Titus Whit- more. No. 8, Essex, Jared C. Redfield, Samuel C. Ely. No. 9, Rocky Hill, James Killam, Davis Smith. No. 10, Pratt's, Be1ming Mann, Chauncey Barnard. No. 11, Kings, Samuel Norris, Norman Allen, No. 12, East Windsor, Jasper Morgan, Roderick King. Mo. 13, Warehouse Point, William Barnes, Horace Birge. No. 14, Enfield and Suffield, Luther Loomis, Henry Kingsbury. No. 15. Saybrook, Amos Sheffield, Enoch Noyes. No. 16, Haddam Island, Noah Brooks, Robert W. Chapman. No. 17, Hartford and East Hartford.

Farmington Canal Commissioners.-Joel Hinman, Tracy Peck, Adna Whiting, Abial Barnes. New York, Providence and Boston Rail Road Company.-Gur­ don Trumbull, A sa Fish, Charles Mallory.

Hartford Bridge Commissioners.-James B. Hosmer, Frede­ rick W. Grant, Solomon Olmsted. Attest,

NELSON BREWSTER, Cleric of the Senate.


Hon. Joseph Eaton, Samuel J . Hitchcock, Ansel Sterling. 100 COUNTY COJ\lMISSTONF.liS, &C.


Hartford County.-George Mernck, Dudley Humphreys, and Martin Kellogg.

New London County.-Zcbulon Brockway, Gurdon Chapman, and William Randall, Jr.

Windham County.-Solomon Payne, John Payne, and Jona­ than Nichols, Esq.

New Haven County.-Selah Strong, DcGrass Maltby, and James D. Wooster.

Litclifteld County.-Joseph H. Bellamy, Lester Loomis, and Frederick Kellogg.

Fairfield County.-Abraham D. llaldwin, Wait S. Northrop, and Harvey Smith.

Tolland County.-'Valter R. Kibbe, Oliver IT. King, and Zalmon Storrs.

Middlesex County.-Gidcon Higgins, Benjamin Dowel, and John Stewart.


Hm·tford District-Seth Terry; Berlin, Joseph Wright; Bris­ tol, Tracy Peck; Burlington, Elisha Hotchkiss ; Enfield, Aholiab .JlJDGES OJ' P1Wll"1'1~. 101

Johnson; East 'Windsor, Eli B. Haskell; Farmington, Egbert Cowles ; Canton, Ephraim Mills ; Hartland, Hon. William Sel­ by; Simsbury, Jolm 0. Pettibone; Suffield, Hon. Luther Loo­ mis; Southington, Stephen W alklcy ; Granby, Thomas E. Hol­ comb.

New Haven District-Nathaniel R. Clark; Waterbury, Nor­ ton J. Buell; Guilford, lion. Joel Tuttle; Cheshire, Silas Hitch­ cock; Madison, Jesse Crampton; 'Vnllingford, Elisha 1\f. Pome­ roy; Meriden, James S. Brooks; Milford, lion. Abijah Car­ rington.

New LJndon District-Jirah Isham; Norwich, Jolm Hyde; Lebanon, Oliver Pettis; North Stonington, Elias Hewett; Sto­ nington, lion. Asa Fish; Groton, James Gallup, Jr.; Colchester, Frederick Morgan; Lyme, W m. Marvin; Ledyard, Hon. Erastus Williams; Salem, Nathan Minard.

Windham District-Calvin Hcbbanl ; Brooklyn, lion. Bela P. Spalding; Ashford, Daniel Knowlton ; Pomfret, lion. Job Williams; Woodstock, Theophilus B. Chandler; Thompson, Jon­ athan Nichols; Hampton, Royal Copeland; Killingly, Thomas Backus ; Canterbury, Solomon Payne ; Voluntown, Harvey Campbell; Plainfield, Hon. Joseph Eaton.

Fai1jwld District-Rufus Blakeman; Danbury, Edward Tay­ lor; Bridgeport, Isaac Sherman; Ridgefield, Harvey Smith ; Redding, Hon. Thomas B. Fanton; Newtown, Thcophilus Nich­ ols; Norwalk, Benjamin Isaacs; Weston, Bradford Winton; Westport, Thomas F. Rowland; Stratford, Hon. David Plant; Stamford, Hon. Joshua Ferris.

Litchfield District-Ralph G. Camp; Barkhamsted, Jesse lves; Winchester, Gideon Hall, Jr.; New Hartford, Roger II. Mills; Watertown, Hon. Holbrook Curtiss; Kent, Hon. Nathan­ iel Perry ; Sharon, Charles F. Sedgwick; Harwinton, Abijah 102 COlUnliSSIONF.RS.

Catlin; New Milford, Nathaniel Perry; Norfolk, Michael F. Mills; Plymouth, Hon. Calvin Butler; Washington, Daniel B. Brinsmade; Woodbury, Nathaniel B. Smith.

Middletown District-Samuel Cooper; Haddam, Smith Clark; Saybrook, Selden M. Pratt ; Clinton, George Carter ; East Had­ dam, Hon. Eliphalet A. Bulkley ; Chatham, Philip Sage.

Tolland District-lion. Elisha Stearns ; Ellington, Oliver II. King; Hebron, Hon. Abner Hendee; Mansfield, lion. John Fitch; Somers, 'Walter R. Kibbe; Staftord, Rodolphus Wood­ worth.

Commissione1·s on the Connecticut State P1·ison.-Joseph Pratt, Oliver H. King, and Samuel C. Selden, Esqrs.

Commissioners on the Hartford and Springfield Rail Road.­ Theodore Hinsdale, Samuel C. Selden, and Eleazer Pomeroy, Esqrs.

Commissioners on tlte Hartford and New Haven Rail Road.­ William H. Ellis, John Stewart, and Selah Strong, Esqrs.

Housatonic Rail Road Commissioners.-Leman Church, and Henry Dutton, Esqrs.

Norwich and Worcester Rail Road Commissioners.-Joel W. White, Darius Mathewson, and Adam Larrabee, Esqrs.

Commissioners of tlze Union Company.-Jeremiah Brown, Henry Barnard, and Lemuel White, Esqrs. BANK DIREC'l'ORS. 103.

Commissioners on tlte Rctt·eatfor the lnsane.-John T. Norton~ and Learned Ilebbard, Esqs.


William Mather, Jun. and Ezra Chappell, Esqs.


Director of the Farmers and Mechanics Bank-Philemon Can- field. Director of the Hartford Bank-Ezra S. Hamilton. Director of the Norwich Bank-Daniel Tyler. Director of the Windham Bank-Justin Swift. Directors of the Phamix Bank-Edmund G. Howe and Wil­ liam T. Lee. Director of the New London Bank-Peter D. Irish. Director of the Bridgeport Bank-Charles DeForest. Director of the Merchants Bank, in Norwich-Lafayette S. Foster. Director of the Fairfield County Bank-Thomas S. Husted. Director of the Middletown Bank-Richard Rand. Director of the Middlesex County Bank-Eli Wilcox. Director of the Connecticut Bank-Joseph Brooks. Director of the New Haven Bank-Caleb Brintnal. 104 .TU!STLCES OF 'l'IIE PEACE.



Hm·tfm·d-Joseph Pratt, Jeremiah Brown, Seth Terry, Na­ than Johnson, Cyprian Nichols, , Jeremy Hoadley, Jonathan Law, John 1\f. Niles, Charles Shepard, Thomas C. Per­ kins, Francis Parsons, James M. Goodwin, Albert Day, Samuel H. Huntington, Solomon Porter, Simeon Arnold, Gideon Welles, Benning Mann, Royal R. Hinman, David F. Robinson, Nathaniel Goodwin, Charles Chapman, Charles L. Porter, Job Allyn, Eras­ tus Smith, William Hayden, Walter Mitchell, Stephen Spencer, Nathan Preston, William R. Cone, Thomas H. Seymour, Oliver E. Williams, Solomon S. Flagg, Samuel Talcott, James H. Hol­ comb, Francis Fellows, Jabez W. Giddings, William Bigelow, Olcott Allen, James G. Bolles, Silas B. Hamilton, William M. Du­ rand, Richard G. Drake, Eliphalet Averill, Alexander H. Pome­ roy, Gurdon Robins, Daniel Crowell, Simeon L. Loomis, Sanmel H. Parsons, Edward Goodman, Augustus Flagg, Charles H. Tut­ hill, Henry Francis, Barzillai Hudson, Jesse Savage, Leonard Ke1medy, Jr., Ezra White, Jr., Jolm Barnard, 2d, James C. Walkley. Avon-Francis Woodford, Darius Sperry, Marcus Day, Sam­ uel Bishop, Amasa Woodford, Truman Woodford, Zera Wood­ ford, Luther Woodford. Berlin-William Bowers, Roswell Moore, Jr., Horatio Grid­ ley, Emmet A. Parker, Henry Nash, Cyprian Goodrich, Elisha M. Hall, Eliphalet Howard, Samuel Hart, 2d, Edmond North, James B. Carpenter, Justus Bulkley; Horace Butler, Norman Woodruff, Wm. H. Smith, Samuel Kelsey, George M. Sanders, John Ellis, Benjamin Allen, Joseph Booth, Jr., Loten Porter, Ja­ cob S. Brandagee. JuSTICT>S OF Tim PE,\VE. 105

Bloomfield-Hiram Roberts, David W. Grant, Hiram Thrall. Bristol-Tracy Peck, George Mitchell, Charles G. lves, Thom­ as Mitchell, Elisha Monross, Rensellaer Upson, Zelotes C. Grant. Btwlington-Elisha Hotchkiss, Enoch Cornwall, Marcus H. Upson, Joseph S. Peck, Billy Gaylord, Ira Mason. Canton-Ephraim Mil1s, Wm. II. Hallock, Loin Humphrey, Lance! Foot, Sherman Osborn, Isaac Mills, Auiel Bxown, Ed­ DlW1d Case, Simeon Woodruff, Samuel Barber, John W. Hager, Jairus Case, Israel \V. Graham, llenry A. Shepard, Luther Higley. East .Fim·ifm·d-Samuel L. Pitkin, Elihu Smith, Daniel Easton, Ashbel Olmsted, Samuel Kennedy, Joseph Spencer, James Hills, Orrin Forbes, William Pratt, Jesse Judson, Truman B. House, Abner Hale, Austin Hall, Owen P. Olmstead. East ·windsor-Eli B. Haskell, Timothy Ellsworth, William Barnes, Alexander Wells, Herman Hall, JosephS. Bartlett, Hor­ ace White, Horace Newbury, Israel Stiles, William H. Thomp­ son, Ralph R. Rollo, John Morton, William Parsons, Mathew RceJ. Enft.eld-Jabez T. Taylor, Charles Clark, Jabez Collins, Ed­ ward Ilo kins, George W. Martin, Aholiab Johnson, Jonathan Pease, Norman Allen, Elam l)ease. Fm·mington-Lcmucl Whitman, Egbert Cowles, Roderick Stanley, Henry Lewis, W m. A. lvcs, Simeon Hart, Giles Still­ man, John Hooker, Cornelius U. Williams, Wm. Crampton. GlastenbU1·y-Pardon Brown, George Merrick, Henry Dayton, A ·abel Ilollistcr, Solomon Cole, 'Valtcr Hale, William II. Turn­ er, Thaddeus \Yelle ·, Frara Hale, Jr., William J. Cornell, Goo. Plummer, Jared Strickland, Aristobulus Brainard, Oswin Welles, Leonard E. Ilale. Gmnby-Daniel Hayes, Charles T. Hillyer, Abner Case, An­ son Bates, Oliver Alderman, Cullen Ilayes, Joshua R. Jewett, Justus D. Wilcox, Stephen W. Cornwall, Justus R. Stephens, Anson Cooley, Abraham Holcomb, Mom·ton Cornish, Samuel Benjamin, Jr., Edmund Holcomb, Willard Griffin, Samuel W cod, Truman Allen. 11 lOG JUSTICES OF '!'!IE PEA<.:E.

Hartland-Nathaniel Bosworth, Ezra Doolittle, William Sel­ by, Henry Griswold, Nathaniel Gaylord, Austin Ensign, Samuel Blakesley, Erastus Beman, Anson B. Tiffany, Lester Cowdry, Thomas Beman, Eleazer Ensign. Marlborough-George Foote, Enos l-1. Buell, William Finley, David Phelps, 2d., Russel Bigelow. Manchester-Ralph R. Phelps, Elisha Andrus, Sidney Pitkin, Minor White, James Wetherell, Lewis Bunce, Salmon Lyman, Henry Phelps, Simeon A. Spencer, Lorin Carpenter, John J. Slater, Leonard Bidwell, George W. Griswold. Simsbury-, John 0. Pettibone, Zelotes Phelps, Lewis Dickinson, Averitt Wilcox, Allen Pinney, Mamre Case, Benoni B. Bacon, Julius Chapman, Richard Bacon, Jefrrey 0. Phelps, Henry Ely, Ashbel Moses. Southington-Romeo Lowrey, Theodore Byington, Stephen Walkley, Julius S. Barnes, Root Gridley, Jesse Olney, Isaac Shep­ ard, Asahel Newel, Selah Lewis, Collingwood Hart. Sujfteld-David Hale, Julius Harmon, Samuel Norris, Julius C. Sheldon, Calvin Freeman, Harvey Bissell, David Hastings, Daniel W. Norton, Albert Kent, Israel Harmon, Artemas King, Edward P. Stephens, Parks Loomis, Curtis Warner. Wethersfield-Samuel Galpin, Ash bel Robertson, W m. Robbins, 2d, Henry Bulkley, John Francis, Robert Robu:ins, Selden Miner, Elizur Goodrich, Albro Griswold, Alfred Francis, W m. Deming, Homer Camp, Robert Francis, Jr., Nehemiah Stephens, Amos Pillsbury. Windsor-Henry Sill, James Loomis, Giles Ellsworth, Wm. Howard, Walter Thrall, Harlow Moore, Samuel 0. Hollister, llcnr~ Halsey, Charles H. Dexter. JUS'riCES OF 'rllF. PEACE. 107


New Haven-Henry White, Joseph N. Clark, Elias Gilbert, Dennis Kimberly, Roger S. Baldwin, Robinson S. Hinman, John Beach, David W. Buckingham, Benjamin Beecher, Charles A. Ingersoll, Isaac H. Townsend, Luther Gilbert, Henry C. Flagg, William B. Bristol, Henry T. Huggins, Leavenworth, Charles Robinson, William II. Ellis, Mathew II. Read, Henry Peck, Obadiah Pease, George B. Rich, David Kimberly, Eleazer K. Foster, Ezekiel Gilbert, Nathaniel Booth, William Buckling­ ton, Nathaniel R. Clark, Charles J. Allen, John S. Rice, Enos A. Prescott, Abraham A. Thompson, Charles T. Shelton, John Dur­ rie, Robert II. Osborne, Levi II. Young, John Hunt, Newton Wheeler, Jonathan Stoddard, Samuel Kent. Bethany-Archibald A. Perkins, Hezekiah Thomas, George F. Peck, Jason W. Bradley, Oliver Buckingham, Daniel Tolles, Wm. A. Clark. Branford-Samuel Frisbie, Chandler Barker, Samuel Cooke, 2d, Wm. Tyler, Elijah Linsley, Abraham Rogers, Jr., Wm. Plant, Lucius Elliott. C!teshire-Burrage Beach, Silas Hitchcock, Benajah lves, Ed­ ward A. Cornwall, Elihu Yale, Nathan Booth, Samuel A. Morse, Elias Gaylord, 2d, Samuel Williams, Lewis Perkins, George Bris­ tol, Ambrose R. Barnes. Derby-Leman Chatfield, Lyman Osborn, Lyman Smith, 3d, Hiram Upson, Isaac J. Gilbert, Joseph P. Canfield, Almon Smith, Anson Davis, Augustus Tomlinson, John I. Howe, Shelden Smith, Jr., Ransom Tomlinson. East Haven-Lester Keep, Rue] Andrews, Hoadley Bray, Jo­ siah J. Ward, Jeremiah B. Davidson, DeGrasse Maltby, Willis Hemingway. Guilforcl-Wm. Spencer, Joel Tuttle, Ralph D. Smith, Joel Canfield, Benjamin Rossiter, Wm. M. Dudley, John Burgis,Ammi Fowler, Reuben Stone. 108 .TPSTICES OF TflE l'EACE.

Hamden-Jared Bassett, Ambrose Tuttle, Loyal F. Todd, Elihu Dickerman, Elam Griffin, Jared Foot, Lewis Heaton, Her­ vey Bradley. hladison-1Valter P. Munger, Galen Dowd, Jonathan F. Todd, Jesse Crampton, James II. Benton, Daniel llill, Nathan ·w.Hop­ son, Enos A. Rogers, 1Vm. Blatchley. ll:fe,·idcn-Benajah Andrews, James S. Brooks, Amos Curtiss, Nathaniel C. Sanford, Nathan F. Goodrich, Albert Foster, Levi Yale, 2d, Stephen Atkins, Levi Foster, A sahel Merriam, Orsamus Crocker. Middlebury-Nathaniel Richardson, Leonard Bronson, Wm. Bronson, Ebenezer Smith, Samuel Clark. Milford-Abijah Carrington, Selah Strong, William Strong, Anon Clark, Barnabas Woodcock, Charles Clark, Isaac Tibbals, Samuel Beach, Nathaniel Smith, John Burns, Jr., David Miles. North Branford-Eiizur Harrison, Julius Maltby, Nathaniel S. Smith, Jasper Munroe, Lambert Harrison, Benj. Page, Jr., Har­ mon H. 'Villiams, Anson Baldwin. North Havcn-DaniclJ>ierpont, Eleazer Warner, Jesse Brock­ ett, Byard llarnes, David T. Bishop. Orange-Nathan Merwin, Lyman Law, Aaron Clark, Jr., Ne­ hemiah Kimberly. Oxford-Noah Stone, Samuel Meigs, Elias Scott, Reuben B. Curtiss, Harvey ,V. Upson, Sheldon Church, John Davis, Jr., Alfred Harger, Lucian Baldwin, Simeon Hinman, Russell Woos­ ter. Prospect-Lauren Preston, Ransom R. Russell, Andrew Smith, Horace Porter. Southbury-Edward Hinman, Anthony Burritt, John Pierce, Titus Pierce, Henry Downs, David Platt, Charles Hicock, Geo. Smith, Erastus Pierce, Mitchel 1\f. Canfield, Joseph M. Wheeler, Erastus Osborne. Wallingford- Malachi Cook, Elisha 1\I. Pomeroy, Lyman Par­ ker, Street Jones, Randall Cook, Abiel Childii, 1Vm. Williams. Watc1·bury-Bennett Bronson, Andrew Dryan, Joel Iliuman, Moses Hall, Timothy Porter, Anson Downs, Enoe \V. Frost, Nor­ .JUSTICES OF THE l'J~ACE. }()!) ton J. Buel, Elihu Hitchcock, Giles Hotchkiss, Wm. II. I-Iine, Henry Hine, Jesse Wooster, Isaac S. Johnson. Wolcott-Archibald Minor, Mark Tuttle, William Bartholo­ mew, Carlos R. Byington, George G. Alcott, Isaac Hough. Woodbr·idge-llevel P. Smith, James J. Baldwin, John Lines, Wm. M. Osborne.


New London-Jirah Isham, "William F. Brainard, Thomas S. Perkins, Sabin K. Smith, Daniel ll. Hempstead, Henry Douglas , Abel T. Sizer, Daniel Whitmore, Henry Harris, John Congdon, Mark Edgar, Samuel Moxley, Jr., Charles Treadway, Silas R. Mason, John Grace, Peter D. Irish, Leonard Dart, Andrew C. Lippitt, William C. Crump, John P. C. Mather, Nathan Bel­ cher. Norwich-Joseph Williams, James Stedman, John Hyde, Hen­ ry Strong, Roswell Morgan, Isaac Story, George Hill, John A. Rockwell, La Fayette S. Foster, George Perkins, Lewis Hyde, Joseph 0. Hopkins, John De Witt, Ephraim R. Otis, George B. Ripley, Oliver Woodworth, Charles J. Lanman, Gurdon Chap­ man, Simeon Thomas, Isaac Bromley, Ebenezer Learned, Jr., William L. Cooley, Erastus Wentworth, William B. 'Wilcox, Roger Huntington. Bozrah-Gardner Avery, Elijah Huntington, William Kelly, John W. Haughton, Brewster Lee, Havillah Mowry, Christo­ pher Leffingwell. Colcheste1·-John Isham, Avery Morgan, Samuel Kellogg, Jo­ seph Staples, Gco. Way, Frederick Morgan, Marvin W. Hutch­ ins, John C. Bulkley, Henry Worthington, Alfred I. Loomis, David Sperry, Newhall Taintor, Aaron E. Emmons, Russell Wyles, Appleton R. Park. 110 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE.

East Lyme-Peter Comstock, Joel Loomis, Edward R. War­ ren, John L. Smith, Elisha Beckwith, Richard Huntley, Daniel Watrous, Job Tubbs, Richard W. Lee, Joseph H. Latimer, Ja­ red Turner, James Fitch, Avery Smith, William L. Payne. · Franklin-Alvin Abel, Jason W. Kingsley, Comfort D. Fille­ more, Henry Hazen, George S. Hartshorn, Buel Ladd. Groton-Nathan Daboll, Noyes Barber, Joseph Durfey, Ste­ phen Haley, Sanford Stark, Moses J. Culver, Caleb l\1. Williams, Benjamin Burrows, Elisha Morgan, James Gallup, Ozias Bud­ dington, Nathan F. Dennison, Zebadiah Gates, Albert Edge­ comb, Albert L. A very, Robert A. A very, William P. Randall, Nathan G. Fisk, Elisha Starr, Benjamin F. Stoddard, Silas Be­ bee. Griswold-Elisha Patridge, Samuel C. Morgan, Nathan Stan­ ton, John W. Fanning, Daniel Huntington, Frederick Brewster, Archibald Fry, Daniel M. Lester, James· Averill, Benjamin F. Billings, Charles Kimball, Charles E. Leonard, Lucius Tyler . .Lt;me-Joshua R. Warren, Richard E. Selden, Jun., Charles J. McCurdy, William Marvin, Zebulon Brockway, Oliver Ray­ mond, Stephen J. Lord, Nathan Tiffany, Lodowick Bill, Charles L. Peck, Richard Ely, John C. M. Brockway, SamuelS. Warn­ er, Oliver I. Lay, George H. Chadwick, David M. Jewett, Sam­ uel J. Beckwith, Richard L. Lord, William Colt, Mathew Gris­ wold, Jr., Samuel D. Sill. Lebanon-Asahel Dewey, Thomas Babcock, Elisha Water­ man, Peleg Thomas, Henry H. Abel, Caleb Hayward, Thomas J. Kingsley, Learned Hebard, Eliphalet Huntington, Eliphalet Abel. Ledyard-John Brewster, James Geer, George Ayer, William Browning, Henry W. Avery, William M. Williams, Samuel W. Wood, Ebenezer Stoddard, William Morgan, Russell Gallup, Erastus Williams, Franklin Brewster, Ralph Hurlbut, 2d, George W. Avery, JohnS. Lester, Isaac Bailey, John I. Newton, James Rose, John W. Miner, Amos Geer, Lodowick Gallup, Denison B. Williams. JUSTWBS OF THE PEACE. 111

Lisbon-Nathan Brooks, Ebenezer Allen, Luther Fuller, Hi­ ram Tarbox, Hemy R. Robbins, Elisha P. Potter, Levi C. Corn­ ing, Thomas A. Clark. Montville-Nicholas Bishop, Thomas Strickland, Nathaniel B. Bradford, Joseph L. Chapman, Calvin Bolles, Mulford C. Ray­ mond, William Raymond, John G. Fitch, Nathaniel Parish, Chas. Allen, Albert G. Darrow, Henry C. Beardslee, William B. Dol­ bear, George G. Latimer, Johu B. Rogers. North Stonington-William Randall, Jr., Latham Hull, Israel P. Park, Elias Hewitt, Peleg Clark, Oliver Hewitt, Ephraim Wheeler, John D. Gallup, Ezra Hewitt, Ansel Coats, Thomas Browning, Asher Prentice, Enoch B. Pendleton, Nathaniel M. Crary, Cyrus W. Brown, Jr., Samuel B. Wheeler, Russell B. Coats, Henry Crandall, Gurdon S. Crandall, Allen Wheeler, Charles H. Babcock. Preston-Isaac Gallup, Jeremiah S. Halsey, Joshua Barstow, Walter Holden, Mundator T. Richards, Stephen Tyler, John A. Williams, Edwin Palmer, Isaac H. Cook, David Baldwin, William P. Witter. Salem-David Patten, Ebenezer A. Packer, Abel Rathbone, Nathan Minard, James Lamb, David Beckwith, Levi H. God­ dard, Israel Beckwith, Moses Palmer, Seth W. Loomis, John C. Daniels, Amos J. Fuller, Orrimel Whittlesey. Stonington-George Hubbard, Elias Brown, Benjamin Pome­ roy, Gurdon Trumbull, Samuel F. Denison, Elisha Faxon, Jr., John Davis, Stephen Babcock, Henry H. Harding, George W. Noyes, Abel Hinkley, Charles Bennett, Pitts D. Frink, Daniel Bentley, George Sheffield, Benjamin F. Palmer, William C. Morse, Charles Sabin, Jeremiah Holmes, Charles Mallory, John W. Hull, Noyes Palmer, , Joseph Noyes, Jr., John P. Williams. Waterford-Jonathan Comstock, ·william Gorton, Philip Mor­ gan, Thomas Chester, David Rogers, 2d, Comstock Dart, Enoch D. Ames, Isaac Watrous, Henry Gardner, Benjamin Jerome, Thomas Manwarring, Samuel Fox, Jr., Nathaniel Chapman, Gur­ 11 '2 JUSTH.: i::S OP THB l'J;AVJ·:.

don T. Chappell, William Champion, Thomas L. Fox, Joseph Avery, John C. Birch.

J,J'l'CllJ'II:LD VOUN'l'Y.

Litchfield-Seth P. Beers, Origen S. Seymour, George C. Woodruff, Elisha S. Abernethy, Hugh P. 'Vclch, Ozias Lewis, Jonathan Bucl, Truman Kilbourn, Chester C. Goslee, Samuel II. Dudley, Samuel P. Bolles, Julius Griswold, Edward Cowles, Ralph G. Camp, Ilenry Skilton, Charles L. Webb, Cyrus Catlin, John Garnsey, Ozias B. Ba sett, Francis Bacon, Hiram Bald­ wm. Barldwmsted-Lester Loomis, Jesse Ives, George Merrill , IIi­ ram Goodwin, Ilira Case, Flavel B. Graham, Edwaru Camp. Belltlem-Joseph II. Bellamy, David Bird, Allam C. Kasson, Abram Beecher, Joseph Ambler. Canaan-,Vm. l\1. BUJTall, Leman Church, John Elmore, Jr., Simeon Higley, Sereno B. Gillett, Charles Hollabird, Charles Jluut, Horace Huntington. Colebrook-Samuel Whitford, Arthur Howell, Abiram Cham­ berlain, Theron Rockwell, Harvey Whiting, Josiah M. Sage. Cornwall-George Wheaton, Peter Bierce, Benjamin Sedg­ wick, J>IJilo KeUogO", James 'Vadsworth, Anson Bogen;, Freder- ' ick Kellogg, Chalker Pratt, Ja ·on Beardsley. Gosltrn-Truman Starr, Augustus l\Iiles, Nelson Brew ter, Collins Baldwin, Eber Bailey, Joseph I. Gaylord. Harwinton-Andrew Abernethy, Benajah Hayden, Jacob 0. Catlin, Abijah Catlin, Sheldon Osborne, Henry Ilolt, Augustus S. Johnson, Lewis Smith. Kent-Nathaniel P. Perry, Rufus Fuller, Jr., Frederick I. Fenn, John C. Berry, John Gilbert, Richard B. Stevenson, John R. Fuller, William Goodsell, Lyman Roberts, Miles Camp. JUSTICES 01' 'I'll 1': l'Ei\CE. ll3

New Hartford-Roger Mills, Isaac Kellogg, Tertius Wads­ worth, Heman Chapin, Roger H. l\Iills, James D. Thorpe, Ed­ ward 'Vatson, James F. Henderson, Benjamin Beckwith, Samuel S. Bates. New Milford-, Ezra Noble, Nathaniel Perry, David C. Sanford, Albert N. Gaylord, Samuel D. Orton, John Wooster, Dunning Babbitt, Albert N. Baldwin, Eldad C. Jackson, Henry Merwin, Wm. Roberts, Sherman Peck, Lewis B. Sher­ wood, Lyman Smith. Norfolk-Michael F. Mills, Joseph Riggs, Bushnell Knapp, Benjamin Welch, Jr., V\-Tarren Cone, E. Grove Lawrence. Plymouth-Calvin Butler, Eli Potter, Hiram Pierce, John C. Lewis, Philo Lewis, William Woodruff, Henry Terry, Lucius Bradley, Elisha Johnson, Jr. · Roxbury-Herman B. Eastman, William Pierce, William P. Miner, John Leavenworth, Curtis Blakeslee. Salisbury-Samuel Church, John G. Mitchell, William C. Ster­ ling, Roger Averill, John II. Hubbard, Nathaniel Benedict, Lot Norton, Jr., Elisha Lee, Moore Chittenden, Timothy Chittenden, Horace Landon, Samuel C. Scovill. Sharon-Samuel E. Everitt, Ansel Sterling, Israel Camp, Charles F. Sedgwick, Richard Smith, Zacheus W. Bissell, Ran­ som Smith, Jolm W. McKoy, Samuel Roberts, Jr., Silas A. Gray, William Everitt, Daniel Parsons, Ralph Deming. Torrington-·william Battell, Erastus Hodges, Russell C. Abernethy, Noah Drake, Jr., Griswold "Voodward, Demas Coe, Roderick Bissell, George D. Wadhams, Anson Colt, Jr., Phineas North. Warren-Geo. Starr, Geo. P. Talmadge, Asahel Wedge, Manly Peters, Elijah Hayes. Washington-Daniel B. Brinsmade, Herman Baldwin, Daniel T . Mitchell, Wm. Moody, David C. Whittlesey, Noble Day, Joel Morehouse, Frederick Chittenden. Watertown-Holbrook Curtis, James Skelton, Cyrus B. Man­ ville, Men·it Hemmingway, Benjamin M. Peck, Leman W. Cut­ ler, Charles S. Woodward, Henry E. Dayley, Alanson Warren. 15 114 JUSTICES OF ']'liE l'EACE.

Winclwste1·-Luman Wakefield, Truman S. Wetmore, Theo­ dore Hinsdale, Wm. S. Hollabird, Alvah Nash, Samuel W. Coe, Silas H. McAlpine, Gideon Hall, Jr., John Boyd, George Dudley, Nathaniel B. Gaylord. Woodbm-y-Charles B. Phelps, Gideon B. Bott ford, Thomas Bull, Elijah Sherman, Jr., Jes e Miner, Reuben II. Hotchkiss, Samuel Sherman, William R. Atwood, Loren Forbes.


Ji'ai1jield-Jeremiah Sturges, Rufus Blakeman, ·william Nich­ ols, Thomas B. Osborn, John S. Wilson, David Coley, Jessup Banks, Thomas llobinson, Lyman Banks, Jr., Samuel A. Nichols, Jessup Alvord, Joseph Bartram, David S. Sherwood, Ebenezer Beers, Timothy Burr, 1\loses A. Sherwood, Jeremiah T. Denni­ son. Danbw·y-Reuben Booth, John S. Blackman, Edward Taylor, Thomas T. Whittlesey, Ezra D. Stevens, Orrin Knapp, George Andrews, Elias S. Sanford, Oliver Stone, Ezra Mallory, Richard Osborne, Eli Hamilton, Charles Rider, James Beeby, Nelson L. White, Benjamin M. Ambler, Silas H. Hickok, Frederick Seely, Oliver Shepard, Timothy B. Hickok, Charles S. Smith. Bridgepm·t-lsaac Sherman, Henry Dutton, Philip A. Cannon, Mathew Curtiss, James Fitch, Philo Hurd, Daniel 0. Wheeler, Josiah Hubbell, Joseph B. French, Ira Sherman, Wm. II. Noble, James C. Loomis, Daniel Hatch, Jr., B~njamin S. Smith, Dwight Morris, George Waters, Titus C. Mather. Brookfield-Ebenezer Blackman, Wait S. Northrop, Charles Hawley, Elijah Sturdevant, Zalmon Goodsell, Hubbell Wildman, John F. Bennett, Amos L. Williams, Bryant Smith. Dm-ien-Abram Clock, Holly Bell, Joseph Mather, Jr., Charles II. Waterbury, Jonathan Bates, Edward Scofield. JUSTICRS OF TilE l'BACE. 115

Greenwich-Alvan Mead, Selah Savage, Jonathan A. Close, Beal B. Lockwood, Joseph Brush, Erastus Rundle, Drake Mead, Henry Rich. Huntington-Lemuel Beardslee, Lewis Downs, Daniel Ben­ nett, Hanson S. Edwards, Garry Perry, Edwin Shelton, Truman Blackman, Charles Tomlinson, Thomas Burlock, Jonathan Buck­ ley, Charles C. Tomlinson. Monroe-Cyrus II. Beardslee, Charles Curtiss, Agur Lewis, James ,V, Hawley, George. P. Curtiss, Asa Hayes, Ezra Beards­ lee, Charles B. Clark, Henry Lewis, Levi Edwards, Henry S. Wheeler. New Canaan-Watts Comstock, Joseph Silliman, Thomas S. Husted, Peter Smith, Samuel Raymond. New Fai7field-Amzi Rogers, Stephen Hopkins, Alva S. Pierce, Isaac Knapp, Reuben Hodge, David Barnum, Horace Hodge. Newtown-Jacob Beers, David II. Belden, David V. B. Bald­ win, George Bradley, Walter Clarke, Theophilus Nichols, John Dick, Lauson N. Beers, Isaac M. Sturges, Thomas Blackman, Frederick D. Mills, Charles B. Booth, Alexander Hall, Charles C. Warner. Norwall•-Benjamin Isaacs, , Timothy T. Mer­ win, Noah Wilcox, Stephen Smith, William J. Street, John A. Weed, Thomas B. Butler, Asa E. Smith, Samuel St. John, James Quintard, Henry Selleck, George Hoyt, Joseph P. Hanford, Mat­ thew Wilcox, Joseph W. Hubbell. Redding-Aaron Sanford, Jr., Jonathan R. Sanford, Thomas B. Fanton, Cortes Merchant, Walker Bates, David S. Duncomb, Thaddeus M. Abbott, George Hull, Matthew Gregory. Ridgefield-Harvey Smith, Thaddeus Keeler, 2nd, Nathan Smith, Hezekiah Scott, Elias Burchard, Hugh S. Banks, Major Boughton, William Lee, George Keeler, Henry Smith, 2nd, Wil­ liam Sherwood, Eli Rockwell. Stamford-Charles Hawley, Theodore Davenport, Smith R. Sibley, Joshua B. Ferris, Sands Adams, Abishai Scofield, William H. H

John R. Leeds, Philo ·weed, Joseph D. ·warren, William ,V. Holly, Nathaniel D. Haight. Stratjield-David Brooks, Elijah Booth, Josiah Gorham, Job Peck, John Goulding, Oliver Beardsley, David P. Judson, Stiles Judson, Lewis Wells, Edwards Johnson, Isaac J. Booth, Elijah Curtiss, Charles Gilbert. Sherman-David Northrop, Frederick Edwards, James N. Page, Horace Hungerford, Levi Leach, Morris Barnes, Samu­ el Giddings, Edward Briggs, Jedediah Graves, Jolm 0. Nor­ throp. Trumbull-Elijah Middlebrook, David Beach, Ali Brinsmade, Francis Beach, Birdseye B. Plumb, Samuel Lyon, E. Beach Middlebrook, David Hawley, Stephen S. Mallett, Samuel Beardsley, Hezekiah S. Nichols, I>Jumb N. l<'aircbild, Luzon W. Clark. Wilton-Erastus Sturges, Isaac M. Sturges, Samuel Scott, James F. Chapman, Chas. Marvin, George A. Davenport, Sam­ uel Davenport, Samuel F. Lambert, George H. Randall. Weston-Oliver C. Sanford, 'Valker Sherwood, Eli Adams, Zenas Johnson, John Edwards, Bradford Winton, Edward Hill, Walker Lyon, Hanford Nichols, Lloyd Seeley, Matthew Buck­ ley, Eliphalet Coley. Westport-Eiiphalet Swift, Thomas F. Rowland, Alva Gray, John Gray, John Gray, 2d. C. W. Taylor, Hezekiah Allen.


Brool.Zyn-Adams White, Jonathan A. Welch, Daniel P. Ty­ ler, John Day, Uriel Fuller, Nathaniel Martin, Samuel Cady, Na­ than Witter, Jr. Asliford-Daniel Knowlton, Amasa Lyon, Michael Richmond, Ebenezer Chaffee, Leonard Dean, Benjamin C. Simmons, Jared .JifS'l'lCES OF TIIF. J'r.ACF.. 111

D. Richmond, Henry Work, John B. Adams, Theophilus Chand­ ler, Earl C. Preston, Reuben Marcy, Uriah B. Carpenter, Chas. Snell. Canterbury-Andrew T. Judson, Solomon Paine, Chester Ly­ on, Walter 'Villiams, Samuel L. Hough, Isaac Backus, Charles Adam , John Kendall, Joseph Famham, Abijah Deering, John Witter, Roswell Ensworth, Harvey Dyer. Chaplin-Origen Bennett, Luther Ripley, ·william Martin, Thomas Martin, James Utly, Darius Knight, John Clark, Abel Ross, Luther Ashley, Frederick Storrs, Porter B. Peck, Thomas Hough. Hamplon-Ebenezer Griffin, Philip Pearl, Royal Copeland, Jonathan Clark, Mason Cleveland, Joseph Prentiss, Josiah C. Jackson, Elias Burnham, Dyer Hughes, Jr., Jesse Burnham, Walter Ashley, Asa Burnham. Killingly-Arba Covel, Thomas Backus, ·william Alexander, Nathan ·wood, Nonnan Kelley, Nichols A. Durfee, Ju tin Ham­ mond, Jabez Amesbury, Mowry Sayles, Elisha Danielson, James II. Hutchins, William Law, Holden Torrey, Joseph W. Tor­ rey. Plainfield-John Dunlap, Jonathan Goff, Erastus Lester, Fran­ cis B. Johnson, Amos Witter, Joseph S. Gladding, Cornell Mon­ roe, Henry Sabin, Lemuel Woodward, Allen Harris, Silas Bai­ ley, Daniel Packer, Joseph Ilutchins, Vincent Hincldey, Joseph Spalding. Pomj1·et-George Sharpe, Job Williams, Charles Chandler, Robert D. Sharpe, George H. Perrin, Elisha Lord, George B. Mathewson, Edward Eldredge, Withrop 0. Green, Charles I. Grosvenor, Charles Osgood, Joseph Scarborough. Thompson-George Larned, Simon Davis, Jonathan Nichols, Talcott Crosby, John J. Green, George Larned, Jr., Edward Al­ drich, Harvey Lamson, Nehemiah T. Adams, NelsonS. Eddy, Joseph B. Gay, William Fisher. Sterling-Azel Cole, Benjamin Dow, Obed Perkins, John Gal­ lup, Daniel Ladd, Ira Freeman, John P. Kasson, John Young, William B. Young. ] J 8 .lUSTICES OF 'I'HE T'P..\I ' F.,

Voluntown-Daniel Keigwin, Gershom Palmer, Harvey Camp­ bell, John E. Lindley, Benjamin Gallup, Jr., Henry Wylie, Wil­ liam S. Gordon. lVindlwm-John Baldwin, Calvin Hebard, Thomas Gray, Stowell Lincoln, David L. Fuller, John Palmer, Zepheniah Palm­ er, Roswell Moulton, Daniel Tracy, Elisha 'Villiams, Royal Jen­ nings, Lloyd E. Baldwin. lVoodstock-Ebenezer Stoddard, John Paine, Wheeler Phil­ lips, Theophilus B. Chandler, John F. 'Villiams, John Fowler, Charles Smith, Ezra Child, Daniel Lyman, Rhodes Arnold, Ru­ fus S. Mathewson, Danforth Childs, James Lamson, Hezekiah Bishop, Eleazar Corbin, Rodney Martin, Elias M. Skinner.


1Widdletou;n-Samuel Cooper, Jonathan Barnes, Samuel D. Hubbard, Stillman K. Wightman, Charles C. Tyler, Charles Woodward, Samuel W. Griswold, Noah A. Phelps, Daniel J. , Griswold, Thomas G. Mather, Charles Buckland. Richard Rand, Stephen Taylor, Ezra L. II. Chamberlain, Eli Wilcox, Nathaniel Bacon, Elisha Treat, Enoch Tryon, Elijah Paddock, Richard At­ kins, Eben Wilcox, Edward Savage, David Edwards, Luther Bowers, Levi Coe, Daniel Bacon, Charles Hubbard, Samuel Crowell, Jun., Ebenezer Bacon, Justus Stocking. Olwtham-Samuel Hall, Selden Cook, Guy Cooper, Erastus Strong, Edward A. Penfield, David Cornwall, John R. Ames, Alfred Hall, Amasa Carrier, Huntington Selden, Elijah Clark, Nathaniel C. Smith, John Markham, Jr., Ezra Foote, Justin M. Smith, David T. Childs, Francis G. Edgarton, Julius Gates, Geo. Barstow, David Crittenden. Chester-Ely 'Varner, Samuel Colt, Joshua L. Ilommcdieu, Socrates Denison, Samuel P. Russell, Samuel Silliman. JUS'riCES OF 'l'llF. PEACE. 11!)

Clintrn-Austin Alcott, George Carter, Ely A. Elliott, John Stanton, Edward Wright, Aaron G. Hurd. Durltam-Jobn White, Asher Robinson, Worthington G. Chauncey, Zebulon Hale, Wedworth Wadsworth, Jun., Alfred Camp, Charles Hickcox. East Haddam-Ozias Holmes, Eliphalct A. Bulkley, John C. Palmer, Ilelon Cone, Jedediah R. Gardner, Gideon Higgins, Mo­ ses B. Wright, Francis Griffin, Ebenezer Fox, William H. Cone, Alfred Gates, William E. Nichols, Augustus Olmsted, Richard Pratt, Isaac Chester, Abram P. Jones. I:laddam-Samucl Arnold, Charles Arnold, Diodato Brainerd, Wi11iam Cook, Smith Clark, Linus Parmelee, Benjamin H. Cat­ lin, Stephen Johnson, Friend Dickinson, Jared II. Shailer, Elias Selden, Dudley Clark, John H. Burr, GeorgeS. Brainerd, Aaron Brainerd, Hurlbut Swan. Killi11gworth-David P. Kelsey, Rufus Turner, David Evarts, Philander Stephens, William Hull, 'Vatson Davis, Reuben K. Hinkley. Saybmok-Georgc Pratt, Asa II. King, Giles Blague, John L. Whittle ·ey, William Bull, Ezra S. Williams, Richard P. Wil­ liams, Giles 0. Clark, Frederick ,V. Shepard, Stephen Chalker, Samucll\f. Tulley, , William C. Bull, Selden M. Pratt, George Read, Sidney Bushnell, Frederick A. Clark, Josi­ ah Jones. 1Vcstbrooli-Jcdcdiah Post, Jesse Platts, Joseph Spencer, Reu­ ben Stannard, Alfred Chittenden.


Tolland-Elisha Stearns, , Jeremiah Parish, Geo. M. Hyde, Loren P. Waldo, Warren Fitch, Seth D. Griggs, 1~0 JUSTlCt:S 01" TllU l'EACN.

Stephen Ladd, Ebenezer West, Ezra Chapman, Alvin Kibbe, Zalmon A. Storrs. Bolton-Saul Alvord, Jabez L. White, Jr., Sessions Lawson, Daniel W. Badger, Ahab Smith, Noah Strong, Sanford Steele. Columbia-Samuel Little, Asahcl Clark, Daniel Holbrook, Alpheus Kingsley, Jr., Samuel West, Sanford Yeomans, Amherst Scoville, Norman Little. Covent1·y-Edward G. Huntington, Calvin Manning, James White, Alonzo W. Birge, Joseph Dow, Eleazer Hunt, John W. Boynton, Timothy Dimmick, Willard Hutchinson, Calvin Dag­ gett, Otis Sweet, Henry R. Waters. Charles P. Hollister, Thos. K. Jones, Zelotes Long, Elijah Babcock. Ellington-Asa Willey, Jolin H. Brockway, Oliver W. Steele, Ephraim Dimmick, Benjamin Pinney, Horace McKnight. IiebTon-Peyton R. Gilbert, Ralph Gilbert, Humphrey T. l''uller, Epaphroditus Porter, Israel E. Ilutci1inson, Gardner Bar­ ber, Cyrus Bingham, Austin Tuttle, Anson Chappell, Chas. Post, Gurley Phelps, Abner Hendee, Joseph White, Ilazael Gott, Jr., George A. Gillett. Mansfield-Zalmon Storrs, Seth Dunham, John Fitch, Thom­ as Clark, Edmund Freeman, Dan Barrows, Needham Slate, Wil­ liam A. Fisk, Royal Storrs, William Atwood, Ebcr Dunham, Fearing Swift, Daniel F. Hibbard. Somers-Walter R. Kibbe, Oliver Chapin, John Phillips, Jon­ athan Clark, Amariah Kibbe, Oliver Collins, Emery Pease, Eb­ enezer Clark, Elam Chaffee. Stqffonl-Rodolphus Woodworth, Zina Winter, Cyril John­ son, Alfred Thrasher, William A. Foster, Philip Orcutt, Calvin Knight, John Orcutt, 2d, Eli Howe, Hatmibal A. Convcr e, Sam­ uel Strickland, Robert Blodgett, Lorain Dimmick, Elijah Firman. Union-Samuel Crawford, Augustus Moore, William P. Ses­ sions, Shubael Hammond. Vemon-l''rancis McLean, Oliver II. King, SamuelS. Talcott, J>hineas Talcott, Thaddeus C. Bruce, Allyn Kellogg. Willington-Daniel Glazier, John J. Moulton, Origen Dim­ mick, Robert Sharp, Hiram Rider, Rufus Ritlcr.