1883-1884 Obituary Record of Graduates of Yale University
OBITUARY RECORD OF GRADUATES OF YALE COLLEGE Deceased during the Academical Year ending in June, 18S4r. INCLUDING THE RECORD OP A FEW WHO DIED PEETIOUSLY, HITHERTO UNREPORTED. [PRESENTED AT THE MEETING OF THE ALUMNI, JUNE 24th, 1884.] [No 4 of the Third Printed Series, and No. 43 of the whole Record.] Tattle, Morehonse & Taylor, Printeri, New Haven, Conn OBITUARY RECORD OP GRADUATES OF YALE COLLEGE Deceased during the Academical year ending %n JUNE, 1884. Including the record of a few who died previously, hitherto unreported. [PRESENTED AT THE MEETING OF THE ALUMNI, JUNE 24TH, 1884.] [No 4 of the Third Printed Series, and No 43 of the whole Record ] ACADEMICAL DEPARTMENT. 1814. GEORGE HOOKER, second son and last surviving child of Judge John Hooker (Y. C 1782) and Sarah (Dwight) Hooker, was born in Springfield, Mass., March 17, 1793. Four of his brothers were also graduated here. He studied medicine in the Medical Institution of Yale College, received the degree of M D. in 1817, and for one year practiced in connection with Dr. Eli Ives in this city. For about six years he practiced his profession in his native town, and then removed to Syracuse, N. Y., where he was similarly engaged for twelve years. After a brief interval of residence in Chicopee, Mass., he settled in Longmeadow, Mass., where he continued until his death. After a very vigorous and intelligent old age, he died in Long^ meadow, March 14, 1884, and was buried on his 91st birthday. He married, Jan. 20, 1819, Rachel, daughter of Joseph H and Abigail (Kingsley) Breck, of Northampton, Mass., who died Jan.
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