Biographical Sketches of the Graduates of Yale College..., 1885

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Biographical Sketches of the Graduates of Yale College..., 1885 BIOGRAPHICAL S KETCHES GRADUATES O F YALE COLLEGE WITH Annalsf o the College History OCTOBER, 1 701—MAY, 1745 BY FRANKLINOW B DITCH DEXTER, M.A. NEW Y ORK HENRY H OLT AND COMPANY 1885 COPYRIGHT, 1 885, BY HENRY H OLT & CO. TUTTLE, M orehouse & TAylor, PRINTERs, NEw Haven, conn. • * ' ' ' , * N - TO T HEODORE DWIGHT WOOLSEY, D.D., LL.D. TENTH P RESIDENT OF YALE COLLEGE THIS V OLUME AS A TRIBUTE OF AFFECTIONATE RESPECT IS GRATEFULLY D EDICATED 3.37% “LETs U Now PRAISE FAMOUS MEN, AND OUR FATHERS THAT BEGAT Us. “THE L ORD HATH WROUGHT GREAT GLORY BY THEM THROUGH HIS GREAT POWER FROM THE BEGINNING. “ALL T HESE WERE HONORED IN THEIR GENERATIONS, AND WERE THE GLORY OF THEIR TIMES. “THEREE B OF THEM, THAT HAVE LEFT A NAME BEHIND THEM, THAT THEIR PRAISES MIGHT BE REPORTED. AND SOME THERE BE, whICH HAVE No MEMO RIAL ; who ARE PERISHED, AS THOUGH THEY HAD NEVER BEEN.” Ecclesiasticus, x liv, 1, 2, 7, 8, 9. Moribus a ntiquis res stat Romana virisque. Ennius. Jucundi a cti labores. Cicero,e d finibus. N z (h P R E F ACE to - & : ^’ BioGRAPHICAL Sketches of the Graduates of Yale College, down W to the year 1767, were prepared, with more or less fullness, by the Hon. R alph Dunning Smyth (Y.C. 1827), of Guilford, Connecti cut, who died in 1874.” The manuscript of these sketches was given to the College by his widow, and has served as the original basis for those now printed; but so much labor has been expended upon the subject-matter by the present compiler, that no part of the work as published can fairly, either as to form or as to sub stance, be represented as Mr. Smyth's, though his researches were almost indispensable to the undertaking. nNext i value to Mr. Smyth's collections, are the notes made by the late Edward Claudius Herrick, Librarian of the College from *43 to 1858; these also are the property of the College, and have been of material assistance, as those would expect who remember that acute and careful scholar. Besides t hese, the lists of “Authorities” appended to the Bio g"phical Sketches are intended to designate the principal sources of information, though many other sources, especially in manu *ript, have been consulted. In his pursuit of facts, the editor has "obliged to draw on the kindness of many friends and corre *dents, and desires here to acknowledge the invaluable aid thus received. "arrangement o f the volume will be easily understood. The Annals of each College year, ending with Commencement Day, * given in order, and annexed to this survey of each year are Biographical Sketches of those graduating at its close; these *ches of each Class are arranged in alphabetical sequence, £eded by the Class-list as it has always stood (in Latin) in the Triennial Catalogue of Graduates, in which the names were en "d (until the Class of 1767) in the order of family rank. * - r i A small portion of these, comprising the classes from 1702 to 1709, was "author in the college courant for 1868. 357746 Vi P reface At t he end of the volume is an Appendix containing a few sta tistics, for the most important of which the compiler is indebted to his colleague and friend, Professor H. A. Newton. Some addi tions and corrections precede the Index. In e numerating the publications of the graduates, some attempt (very incomplete, of course) has been made to indicate the Libra ries in which copies of the several imprints may be found; in this connection the following abbreviations have been employed:— A.. A S., Library of the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass. .A. C A., Library of the American Congregational Association, Boston. B. A th., Boston Athenaeum Library. B. Publ., Boston Public Library. C. H. S., Library of the Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford. Harv., Harvard College Library. M. H. S., Library of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston. .A. Y H. S., Library of the New York Historical Society, New York City. Prince, P rince Library, Boston (now kept in the Public Library). .,U. S Library of Congress, Washington. U.. T S., Library of the Union Theological Seminary, New York City. Y.., C Yale College Library. Materials a re already in part collected for the continuation of these Sketches and Annals, if the present volume should meet with favor. YALE C OLLEGE LIBRARY, June, 1885. CoN T ENTs Preface vii Contents Annals, I 7OI-O2 - Sketches, C lass of 1702 I2 Annals, 1 702–03 • Sketches, C lass of 1703 13 18 Annals. I 7 03-04 . • Sketches, C lass of 17 I9 28 Annals, 1 704-05 . • Sketches, C lass of 1705 28 45 Annals, 1 705–06 - Sketches, C lass of 1706 45 59 Annals, 1 706-07 . • Sketches, C lass of 1707 65 73 Annals, 1 707–08 - • Sketches, C lass of 1708 74 79 Annals, 1 708–09 . • Sketches, C lass of 1709 97 Annals, 1 709-Io . - Sketches, C lass of 17Io 97 IOI Annals, 1 7IO-II - - Sketches, Class of 17II I OI Io6 Annals, I 7II-12 • - Io6 Sketches, C lass of 1712 109 Annals, 1 712-13 . • Sketches, C lass of 1713 IIO II.5 Annals, 1 713-14 . - Sketches, C lass of 1714 117 I4 I Annals, 1 714-15 . * Sketches, C lass of 1715 I44 148 Annals, 1 715-16 . - Sketches, C lass of 1716 15I I59 Annals, 1 716-17 . - Sketches, C lass of 1717 I63 I73 Annals, 1 717-18 . • Sketches, C lass of 1718 18o 198 Annals, 1 718-19 . - Sketches, C lass of 1719 203 2I4 Annals, 1 719-2O . • Sketches, C lass of 1720 2I4 237 Annals, 1 720-21 - Sketches, C lass of 1721 238 259 Annals, 1 721-22 . - Sketches, C lass of 1722 261 viii Contents Annals, 1 722–23 . - 27o Sketches, C lass of 1723 274 Annals, 1 723–24 . - 289 Sketches, C lass of 1724 292 Annals, 1 724–25 - 312 Sketches, C lass of 1725 313 Annals, 1 725–26 . - 32I Sketches, C lass of 1726 323 Annals, 1 726-27 - 346 Sketches, C lass of 1727 352 Annals, 1 727–28 . - 365 Sketches, C lass of 1728 366 Annals, 1 728–29 • 378 Sketches, C lass of 1729 379 Annals, 1 729-30 - 4OI Sketches, C lass of 1730 4O2 Annals, 1 730–31 • - 42I Sketches, C lass of 1731 422 Annals, 1 731-32 . - 437 Sketches, C lass of 1732 438 Annals, 1 732–33 . • 470 Sketches, C lass of 1733 474 Annals, 1 733-34 . - 502 Sketches, C lass of 1734 503 Annals, 1 734-35 . - 52I Sketches, C lass of 1735 522 Annals, 1 735-36 550 Sketches, C lass of 1736 55I Annals, 1 736–37 . - 570 Sketches, C lass of 1737 57I Annals, 1 737–38 • 597 Sketches, C lass of 1738 598 Annals, 1 738–39 . 62o - Sketches, C lass of 1739 62I Annals, 1 739-40 . - 632 Sketches, C lass of 1740 638 Annals, 1 740–41 - • 66i Sketches, C lass of 1741 664 Annals, 1 741-42 • - 698 Sketches, C lass of 1742 699 Annals, 1 742-43 . - 723 Sketches, C lass of 1743 725 Annals, 1 743–44 . - 754 Sketches, C lass of 1744 756 Annals, 1 744–45 771 Appendix - - 773 Additions a nd Corrections 777 Index 778 BIOGRAPHICAL S KETCHES AND ANNALSF O YALE COLLEGE Annals, 1701–02 sIT i not proposed to repeat here, in its full detail, all that can be gathered respecting the early history of Yale College; but merely to furnish a brief narrative, in the form of Annals, sufficient for the illustration of the Biogra phies of the Graduates. The d esire to have a College, nearer and less expensive than Harvard, had long existed in the minds of the educa ted ministers of the old New Haven Colony, founded by John Davenport and Theophilus Eaton in 1638. Indeed the foresight of Davenport himself had induced the town of New Haven as early as 1648 to take some (ineffective) steps for starting a College.; and the most earnest promoter of the scheme as carried out, was the Rev. James Pierpont (Harv. 1681), pastor of the First Church in New Haven from 1685 till his death in 1714, and the natural inheritor of the plans and hopes of his great predecessor. The f irst practical movement of Mr. Pierpont and his ministerial friends appears to have been in consequence of a vote passed in May, 1701, by the General Assembly of the Colony of Connecticut, meeting as usual in Hartford, to the effect that their October sessions should thenceforth be held in New Haven. The College project depended so peculiarly on New Haven and vicinity for its support, that this vote was hailed as a direct encouragement, and meas. 2 Y ale College ures w ere at once started for presenting a petition for a charter at the first session thus held. The summer months were occupied with consultations with leading laymen of Massachusetts and Connecticut; thus, on August 7, Secretary Addington and Judge Sewall, prominent among the more strict and orthodox laymen of Boston, were invited by five of the ministers in Southern Connecticut (Israel Chauncy, of Stratford, Thomas Buck ingham, of Saybrook, Abraham Pierson, of Killingworth, James Pierpont, of New Haven, and Gurdon Saltonstall, of New London) to give their advice, and especially to draft a charter in accordance with specified instructions. A little later, like applications for advice were made to Gershom Bulkley and John Eliot, two of the best known Connecticut laymen of the day,–one of a past generation, and one in active service.
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