WHERE T0_G0 TO-NIGHT WEATHER FORECAST Capitol—“The Making of0’M**ley rolembln—The Yankee Consul. _ . „ Dominion—"NWÿt Mfe In N.w Tort- Coliseum—"Lend Me YourWIfe.^ For 36 hours ending 5 pm, Tuesday: Victoria and vicinity — Southerly winds, cloudy and coo) with showers


EXPECT POSTPONEMENT IN BARER EXECUTION ELECTION STATEMENT BY PREMIER KING EXPECTED SEPT, 5 mam SPEAKS FOR BRITAIN CONDEMNED MAN’S COUNSEL EIGHTEEN HURT PREMIER DECLARES DECISION IN DEBT EXCHANGES IN RIOT IN INDIA ti FOLLOWING SAANICH SMASH WITH FRENCH LEADER GOES NORTH ASSURED OF STAY Calcutta. Aug. 24.—Eighteen persons were Injured In serious rioting between Hindus and Mos­ Mi— Evelyn M. Phillips Unconscious Since Auto ON FEDERAL ELECTION WILL lems at Tagorgh. near here, to­ Struck Telephone Pole; Miss Jennie McGaw Has OF EXECUTION IN GILLIS CASE day. The Moslems charged the Hindus were carrying an Idol In a procession and played music aa Broken Leg and Collarbone. BE MADE AT PROPER TIE Filing of Intention to App May Have Automatically the procession passed a mosque. Postponed Execution 6 for September 4, it is Be- With a fractured skull sustained early yesterday morning in Government Will Not be Bushed by Discussion Started lieved in Legal Circles a motor accident on the West Saanich Road, Miss Evelyn Maude W. H. MILLMAN DIED Phillips, twenty-three, is waging a battle for life at the Royal by Meighen and His Aides; Will Take Into Con­ IN ONTARIO TOWN Jubilee Hospital. Miss Jennie McGaw, eighteen, another victim sideration AR Facts Bearing on Welfare of Canada; A belief that Owen Benjamin Baker and Harry F. Myers, of the craah. received a broken leg and fractured collarbone. Four alia* Sewaafi, by entering notice of appeal to the B. C. Court Best Interests of Country at Large Not to be Sacri­ Stratford. Ont., Aug. 24.—Suddenly other pasaengera who were in the ear were uninjured save for of Appeal and backing this up. with a certificate of appeal may stricken while chatting with a friend bruises and shock. Misa Phillips has been unconscious since the ficed by Snap Decision. have stayed their execution automatically, which was set for at Mitchell, Ontario. W. H. Mlllman aged seventy, of W. H. Mlllman & accident. September 4, is gaining credence in legal circles here. Bone, wholesale grocers. Toronto, The car, which was driven by Robert Hull of 757 North Park Though opinion- is divided on the point a represenative group died within an hour Sunday evening. Street, stuck a telephone pole after leaving the pavement on of barrister» here Ire of the belief that the filing of the notice Mr. Mlllman was prominent in the Ottawa, Aug. 24 (Canadian Press)—“Whether or not the Gov­ grocery’ business and was known the West Road at the sharp bend 100 yards south of the inter­ ernment will eall another session of the present Parliament is of appeal and the other formalities completed is sufficient indica­ from coast to coast In the trade. section with Keating Cross Road tion of intention of bringing the matter to appeal and thereby - ■ ------| SUNDAY PICNIC for the Government to decide. We do not propose to be stem carries with it. Some say, a stay of execution until the appeal be Intent upon a Sunday picnic at peded into any dissolution of Parliament just to plesse the heard. Shawnigan Lake, the party of three Leader of the Opposition and his press. Further credence to this viewpoint BITENSION OF CHINESE BOYCOTT youths and three girls, including be­ Is giving In unofficial circles in sides the driver and the injured girls. This is Premier King’s declaration. word from R. C. Lowe. Baker's Miss Dorothy M. Phillips. John AtitiB counsel, to business associates in 4Me and William Thkpen. left Victoria J[n.a statement to the Canadian Press he dealt with the public Torn WILLOWS city before he left for Albeml to AFFECTS TRADE OF UNITED STATES shortly after R o’clock proposing to discussion which has been taking place with regard to the posai take another case In the meantime cstch the 9 o'clock Mill Bay Ferry. Mr. Lowe conveyed the suggestion On approaching the sharp curve HT. HON. WINSTON CHURCHILL that Baker's application for stay of the right wheels of the car went off bility of a general election this year. Liverpool, Aug. 24—The Shanghai correspondent of The Liver the paving, and skidded Entirely BETS SHOW DROP execution, though unsuccessful In the “The responsibility of carrying on the country a affairs was court in which it was made, was as­ [tool Poet jajJ-Ahr boycott declared by the Chinese Government out of control the voWTe"traveled sured In some manner not explained twenty-five yard* before crashing given us by the people,'’ he proceeded. “We have exercised it against British end Japanese shipper* ha* been extended to in­ sideways Into the telephone pole. This is understood here to mean notwithaUMUgg^«dl.JUl<‘ difficult circumstances with which We BRITISH AND FRENCH - OF 20 PER CENT that Hr. Lowe le of the belief that clude United States goods. The Cinton Government he* of­ The accident happened at Ml have beenbeei^^raffontedT «mrronted. inIn a manner | the appeal ft definitely under way o'clock, and within ten minute* ficially notified United State* firm* end steamship line* hav­ Motorcycle Constable Rankin of tht which we believe ha* won us a stead­ Victoria’s Entire Wagers This and the stay of execution will follow ily increasing measure of public con­ by virtue of that fact. ing office* in Shanghai that all United State* merchandise in­ Saanich Police arrived from Royal fidence. Under the circumstances Year to be Far Below 1924 trude* for Canton must be landed at Shanghai and reshipped in Oak together with Dr. K. C. White- DECLARATION ON DISCUSSING DEBT Efforts to reach Mr. Lowe at Al- house of Stelly's Cross Road. the responsibility of advising a dis­ bernl to-day failed and no one else is solution would appear to be quite as Figure Russian or Chinese vessel*. ' Arrival of the C. and C. ambulance In touch with the case In hla office followed closely upon completion of great aa that of continuing to carry Caillaux and Churchill Now in here. The reason given for the boycott it that quantities of British on. despite the difficulties of Gov­ Final figures issued by Gov hnd Japanese good* have been smuggled into Canton under United first aid. and the two girls were ELECTION MAY BE Negotiation on Paris Pay­ Confirmation, sought from the At rushed to the Royal Jubilee Hospital, ernment which we necessarily ex­ eminent taxation officials to­ torney-General’s Department to-day States labels. Under the new system the merchandise will be ex­ where Dr. F. M. Bryant took charge. perience When we have reason to ments to Britain was lacking, when It was stated that believe there are national consider­ day show that wAgen at the Mias Phillips has not yet recovered •Inca the motion for stay of execu­ amined when landed in Shanghai for reahipment. consciousness, and is reported to be ations so imperative as lo necessi­ Willows last week dropped over tion was made In Supreme Court tate an appeal to the electorate, 1 MADE ON SEPT. 5 London. Aug. 24—M. Caillaux. falling hourly. Robert Hull, owner French Finance Minister, and Right twenty per rent below the level Chamber, at Vancouver no further and 4lriver of the car. Is an employee will not hesitate to acquaint the „# i__* _____ »„ .* eiwmt action has come to the attention of Governor -General with our views and Ottawa. Aug. 24 (Canadian Press) Hon. Winston Churchill. British of last year’s beta at the .first* HELEN WILLS of the Pacific Club, and Is twenty- Chancellor of the Exchequer, ‘0- lay the Department here. On the other Cl nCDI V MAN M/SS five years of ag«*. to press for a dissolution of Parlia­ Premier King's statement on dissolu­ Willows race meet. With only bend Mr. Lowe's departure for the ment. When that time comes I shall began discussions of terms of settle­ eLUeixLI mitn wins at tennis Misa Evelyn Phillips has been ex­ tion of Parliament has left the po­ ment of France’s debt to Great Bri­ one meet at* the Willows this up-Island community Is taken to tremely popular with the staff and be equally prepared to state the rea­ mean that he Is satisfied the execu sons to the public." litical prophets here guessing. The tain. amounting to £621.000.090. year and one planned at Col- patrons of the soda fountain at prevailing Impression here still la M. Caillaux. before the meeting, lion will be halted without further Forest Hills. Aug. 24.—Miss Helen Thomas* Drug store, where she has wood, aa compared with laat application on hla part. Wills won the United States na­ SUPPORT OF PEOPLE that there will beta dissolution of told newspapermen be was hopeful been head attendant. She Is a daugh­ of an agreement. year's lengthy racing season. It le Sowaah’e counsel. R. D. Harvey, It tional women’s tennis title for the ter ot J. B. Phillips of 2263 Fern- The statement dealt In some de­ Parliament, with -a general election evident that Victoria's contribution la understood. Is resting hla case on DROPS DEAD third successive year when she con­ To-day's conversations were wood Road. either late In October or early in the status of that of Baker, in re­ quered Miss Kathleen Mr Kane of tail with the political situation. November, but Premier King’s de­ started with the two Ministers ex­ to the pari-mutuel machines will be Miss Jennie McOkw Is a daughter While not making any apeclflc far below that of lt!4. spect to a postponement of the ex­ England to-day In a thrilling three- claration that ho “does not /propose pecting to review the ground which set match 3-6, 6-0 and 6-2. of Charles McGaw of 2611 Dotfglns declaration whether it Is the Inten­ to be stampeded Intp any dissolu­ broke up the exchanges when It This year's beta at the Willows to­ ecution pending an appeal. It la un­ Street, and Is a waitress In Terry's tion of the Government to call talled $337,363 only as against $429.- derstood. tion of Parliament” has toft consid­ seemed Impossible to reach an agree­ IN HISJjARDEN CANADIAN-U.E. CONFERENCE Drug Store. ■ nother session of this Parliament be­ erable uncertainty ae to his plan*. ment as to the amount of France's 723 last year. This Is a drop of $9f.- Baker and Sow ash were convicted fore advising dissolution, the Premier One Interpretation placed on the annual payments. 360 or slightly over twenty per cent. by a Victoria aaslsw Jury of the mur­ Washington. Aug. 24.—After a brief observed that the Government had statement is that Premier King, from The wagers for the recent meet der of the late Capt. W. J. Glllla on It Was understood at the time there were as follows: Little Girl Finds Body of and apparently satisfactory confer­ first met Parliament with a ma­ the seclusion of hie Hummer home at was wide divergence between the board hla gas boat the Beryl O. of ence with United States represent­ jority of one before the Speaker was Klngemere, a few miles north of First day. $46,469; second day. Sidney Island on September 16 last. James 0. Wilkes Lying in British desires and the French offer. $11,103; third day. $40.226; fourth atives on the matter of regulations tpnolnted. To-day after four eeaalona Ottawa, is planning a reorganisation The British were reported to have They were sentenced to be hanged to enîorce the anti-smuggling treaty and forty-one by-election#, the Gov. day. $66.167; fifth day. $47.0«4; sixth on September 4. or lees than ten Rain SEVEN MEN WERE of his Cabinet, and that if hla plans apked the payment of about £21.- day. $46.871; seventh day. $$4,67$. between Canada and the United eminent had a majority of on# with­ succeed there will be A dissolution 0(to.000 annually, while the French days from to-day The Federal Cab­ States, the Canadian representatives out counting the Speaker. of Parliament. Another Interpreta­ Total. $337.361. inet decision on the case la looked While in his garden Jhis morn­ said they were only able Lo offer lee* Last year’s wagers were ae foMewe: left for home yesterday. "This, sturdy.’* b* Added, “does not tion is that, despite rumor* current than half that amount. for momentarily. ing. James G. Wilke», aged look like any lack of confidence on last week, there has been no formal First day. $62,011 ; second day. Meanwhile Baker and So wash rest the part of, the electorate each as decision yet either for dissolution or SUCCESS ANTICIPATED $60.609: third day. $6M$6; fourth In the condemned cells at Oakalla seventy-four, retired, living at would necessitate a general election against it and that further cabinet In official circles Jt Is believed here day. $72.650; fifth day. $63.120; sixth anxiously awaiting word of the legal 1010 Fairfield Read, dropped before another session." consideration will be necessary. the visit here of M. Caillaux and his day. $61.099; seventh day. $70,129. Put to Death Yesterday For To* $429.721. battle on their behalf. A few doors dead from heart failure and was He remarked that Mr. Meighen had STATEMENT SEPT. S. personal discussion over the table away, and In another department of TRIM Sharing in Murder of Major- not hesitated when Sir Robert Borden So far there has been no summon­ with Mr. Churchill will bring these the same Jail. Charles Morris la held found lying in the rain on hi* resigned In July me. to form a 0>n- ing of the Cabinet. A number of figures closer together and quite for trail In the same affair, which wslk-wSy in the back yard by General Stack pervatlve administration and hold of- Ministers who were present at last probably lead to a definite and work­ would take place here at the Fall a little girl. The child, an inmate flee for a year and a half without week's meetings have returned home able agreement COMMUNISTS VOTED Assises if a true bill la returned IN FRANCE LED TO any authorisation on the part of the and It is unlikely they will gather No time has been set for the dur­ against him by the grand Jury. of the house next to the one here again until next week at the ation of the con vernation and spec­ FOR PEACE, BUT HAD all people In the world.” said «trlieet. Even then It Ja improb­ ulation, a« 'to the length, varies from where Mr. Wilkes resided, was Jeath Senlence lmposed on rremler K tng *tt W bseomoa Mr. able there wilt W a trmwlte an­ three flays to'a weêk 'ôr M6rè. * TIGHT WITH POUCE Vrrrnr-stricken at the eight of the Three Quebec Men body lying with the rein hfatlng DEATHS OF SEVERAL) 0 One Was Commuted to Meighen now to attempt to dictate nouncement. In all likelihood Pre­ «Concluded <»n pose Î1 the time of dissolution.” mier King will await the first pub­ Marseilles. France. Aug. 24. — down upon it and fled crying to her Life Imprisonment lic meeting he Is to address. The Communist Congress, after Were Drowned mother. Mrs C. Pa eh ley. Mr Estimates of Deathlist Near TO REVIEW WORK Arrangements are now under way Two US. Aviators listening yesterday to "grievances Wilkes' housekeeper. Immediately for a meeting In Premier King's of the Mediterranean fleet” aa Quebec. Aug. 24.—Three men lost perceiving what had occurred sum­ Sens Vary From Three to Mr. King stated it had been hie own constituency of North Tonr. moned the police. Carie, Aug. 24.—The men convicted custom mh year •• eoen after Burned to Death presented by three uniformed their Urea and a fourth man who Ten; Thirty-four Ontario, on September K It la quite The little girl saw the holly lying Injured of the murder of Major-General Sir prorogation ae possible to moke likely Premier King will aelse that bluejackets, and speeches, passed escaped drowning le suffering from a a review of the work of the ses­ White gulphur Springs. W.VA., a resolution protesting against nervous shock In consequence of a i the garden walk at about 16.10 Lee Stpek, Sirdar of the Egyptian opportunity to present hie views. o'clock. The police had been notified sion in an address to hie ten­ Aug. 24.—Capt Francis Hale and war In general, and the war In boating accident yesterday about Fourteenth Rail Accident in army and Governor-General of the et It «tente. making this addreee Morocco In particular, and then fourteen miles from here. Those who about 11.36 o’clock and the patrol, Sudan, were hanged yesterday, the the first of a series of political Pte. 1* C. Norris of Bolling Field, went out and fought a battle with perished were Albert Mathieu, with the Investigating officer,' Imme­ France in Month; Thirty- addresses in different parts of Washington, were burned to death at the police, who objected to the twenty-two; Romeo , Tremblay, diately rushed to the scene. Mr. four Previously Killed executions being spaced at 46-minute the province or Dominion. Ho White Sulphur Springs last night format km of a red flag parade. twenty-two. and Emanuel Laberge, Wilkes’ clothes were soiled and moist intervale. TRUE from hla fall at death. Dr. J. N. stated He still intended to follow when the aeroplane In which they The police won and routed the twenty-three. The fourth member The death sentence imposed upon this practice and was now in Rede, with ten casualties among of the party. Joseph Cloutier, aged Taylor was summoned and responded Paris, Aug. 24.—The extent of the Abdel Fattsh E nay ate, one of the communication with friends in were returning to Washington felt the police and the capture of twenty, managed to reach shore. He to the call, pronouncing death was issueItles resulting from the colli­ conspirators, was commuted to life North York, Ontario, aa to a taking tire as it crashed to the numerous prisoners, was the only member of the party due to heart failure. sion of the Paris-Evien and Paris- imprisonment in view a# hie aervleea suitable date and place for a IN UNITED STATES Who couHl swim * v ground. Constable Blahop examined the Cette express trains near Bens* to the prosecution 'n turnine state's mooting. personal belonging» of the dead man evidence. fCoecludsd on ptfs 5» shortly before midnight was still un­ after hie arrival at the Wilkes’ A great crowd gathered outside the L Lewis and Citizens to home. It la kaown that the nearest determined this morning, estimates prison walls and watched silently aa SIX MEN KILLED of the number killed varying from Discuss Efforts to Avert BARRING OF MIGRANTS OF relative of the late Mr. Wilkes Is hie the successive raising of a black flag Men Fought With eon..James A. Wilkes. Ttt Winnipeg three to ten. At the Lyons station Indicated the progress of the execu­ Strike IN ILLINOIS WHEN Ateaue. Winnipeg, who la an em­ In Paris the number of injured was tion. , e ployee of the Canadian Pacific Rail­ estimated at thirty-four. (Concluded on page 9) One Razor Between * HOWITZER BLEW UP LESS THAN FOURTEEN YEARS way. This eon was notified of hie It was the fourteenth railway ac­ cident within a month In France, the Them One Killed 04» rmrrxffr’srs WWW Lewie. International president of the Six men were killed and GANAftfAN-THREE'YEARTêST into the city business district this four lives and Injuring nearly New York, Aug. 24.—Locked In a United Mine Workers, to-day accept­ morning before he died. It WOUNDED MAN twenty to thirty soldier* of after his return from town that he bathroom, two men. room mates, ed an Initiation to a conference be­ Ottawa. Aug. 24.--For three years pertntendent of the Bernardo Boys' the Eighth Illinois Infantry suddenly suffered the' Mut attack. fought a duel with a single raxor tween anfhmette mine worker.» and Juvenile Immigrante will be idttitt- Home in Toronto; that the society ARCTIC PARTY IS Books ne. Aie 14.—Two armed early to-day in a rooming house in cltliena of the hard coal i eglona of (Colored) were injured this ted to Canada only when fourteen would cease Its work In Canada and GLACIER TRIP held up P. H. Armstrong, his criticism of the department. car operator, laat night West Ninety-ninth Street. One of the United States at Halation, Pa­ afternoon when a howitxer years of age or over, U ie announced VOYAGING SOUTH The future policy regarding Juven­ Nelson. B.C.,B.C„ Aug. St.-Forty taking him about a mile and A tjkeni, William Walters, was killed st noon" to-morrow. The Invitation exploded. The wounded are by the Department of Immigration. ile Immigration will be determined three members of the Kokenee Into _lhe country, th and the other probably fatally was extended by John Uhl, chair­ being brought to Rockford All societies will be permitted to by the forthcoming three-year experi­ Mountaineering Club returned- to Washington, Au». 14.—The Mac- put him out of th slashed about the throat. man of g- cltlsen»1 committee of bring any number of children they ment which. It Is expected, will Nelson yesterday after e five-day Mi lien Arctic Kxpedltlon has btien secured about 166. Wilkesharre. Mr. Lewie Instated the hospital*. Many of them are IU retreat southward from Utah. Jasper firewall. Aft»--out The dead man was almost de­ wish. largely remove any ground for com­ Jaunt over the Kokanee Glacier. A capitated. meeting he conducted ae an open in a serioua condition. The announcement follows the plaint that children of tender years snow fall of six Inches Friday was Greenland, and yesterday arrived at arrouely wounded about Edwin Caateltomes, la the injured forum, with the press and public statement of John W. Hobday, au- are being exploited. one of the Incidents of the trip. l*too Sandy, Greenland. whan he retried two privileged to attend. I ----- PPPP VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 18V>

“oïï'rf'uw'*5* queatton*sndjK- aed because he believes the Govern­ ------■• ment has made etepe la contempla- ties and would therefore have It ap­ velopments In this raapect are being pear that bo had forced the altqi- ppiimwiiL hornbro elastic hosiery eagerly watched. ■ms** Ik to-day's commente hr the Lon­ tioa. Mr. Melghen forgets the only I», cxtr* tirons eed will give lutins talufactioa. don newspapers considerable stress alteraatlve la the way of govern­ The Fall Costume If laid oa Orest Britain's having can­ mental policy he has to offer Is the Is Seamless and Very Comfortable to nmncuK celled more then fifty per cent, ofthe programme of lltl, on which he was TIKE UP WATER -U1.J l.h«- .eaulnlnn Mllv (gOVfh to Wear ______raladebt- Ug w* ,u« 1> newest last, end pattern. try In the name of bte party. In prices are. fore the vessel started on her these circumstances what can there water away from Esquimalt will excursion, according to teeth The alalametu In part follow»: "Mr Melghen lb snylnj we^should ha In anything Mr. Melghen has to go before Hon. T. D. Pattullo, ROYAL SHOE STORE submitted at the hearing-being offer the country which would Justify THE haveI a general election this year, Minister of Lands, when he re­ Smart Frock» of Cloth W HI Vite, htiwet ducted under the direction of the the bringing on of a general elec­ federal steamship inspection service was vkry careful sot to Introduce Into turns to the city, probably to­ Parliament any motion to that ef­ tion at this time, to aay ndthtog of The glim severity of line broken by the swinging here to-day. fect or any format expression of want a possible change of government» morrow, it was stated at the Edward Caaaidy testified that be of confidence In the administration volume now and it la pleasing to note taro the veeeel called lent Tuesday majority assured Parliament Buildings to-day. The flarc—the rich texture of the twill or repp that there Is a decided Improvement ho had been called to do repair work Ho was particularly quiet when the results of the provincial elections tn "Under our constitution, the term matter waa laid before Attorney- brought out by touches of embroidery. Manx- on the holler, but that he could not Saskatchewan were announced and of a Single Parliament la flxejl at five General Manson but as the Lands new styles to choose from. do the work because plenklng would be recalled that, under the new » years unlaw In the opinion of the Department handles all water mat­ have had to be removed before he distribution. Saskatchewan would ministry of the day or of the Gov­ ters It will be referred to Mr. Pat- could reach the piece to be repaired. send the third largest repress»tetiou ernor General them to til extoteace tulle. Horn Tailored Soit» for Foil ‘"-Sietomato'cannetles are now re­ He testified he warned Grant of the to the House, to be followed also by substantial reason» for a dissolution Esquimau's action In appealing to seriousness of the break and told larger representations than at before the expiration of the full term. the Provincial Government brings CANTALOUPE MARKET ceiving quite heavy supplies of toma- before the provincial administration Strictly tailored, in navy and black only. Alwave him they might "get to Newport am towa -n>a light showers recently present from Alberta sad Manitoba. Having regaed to the provisions tf might blow up." and Grant had re The changes of government In Noya the constitution. the present It# second water problem Already appropriate. The Oliver-Oeoyooe district, which caused nome cracking to ripe tome the Government la watching devel­ toea, but Dotting eertoua reaulUd- piled, T know It." Scotia and New Brunswick are aloa# Ministry, so long aa It Is supported the Government developed and mar­ He also said Grant had told htn responsible for Mr. Malghen'a change by the House of Comme pa has the opments In Vancouver’s waterworks keted recently, will produce 1W0 A *"*■ must make hi» oppor­ "In cane anything happens le lay I of attitude and outlook, not any legal right to continue Inin officeorace untilunm j affaire with great anilely aa It dé­ New Fall Coat» With Fart crates of cantaloupe, this eeaaofc « change In the policies under which Je»wry 1BSÎ.lai. . . . W»We feel no elree —that__ «—all —districts ------adjoining the tunity m oft a» Oh4.it- —Bacon. was a near break." to believe support such tv I city be assured of adequate water wee announced to-day by the Hon. Posterity allows to every man his •Walter Parent nubetantlated the or the manner In which Federal af­ w believe support such sa I city be assured of adequate water Bands and insets of fur give a new note of rich­ K. D. Barrow. Minister of Agriculture. true value and hi» proper honora evidence given by Cas tidy. fairs are being administered. The bare ■to along been able> |eto com*------1 I* ------for HU -- time.“— •The melon movement tr5™ Oliver mand in Parliament wouio not con- I Local pointe in the Esquimalt —Tacitus. FALSE STATEMENT URGED Leader of the Opposition fall» to re­ nd In Parliament would not ness to the Fall coats. Rioh pile fabrics oUsilky and Oeoyooe Is showing considerable flect that those provincial election» tinuA to bo accorded at another •»»-1 Council's protest, of course, win be twilled weaves in the shades smart for Fall are Providence, Si. Aug. 74—Welders were fought out on purely local Is­ gtpe considered by experts of the A tier - who went to the dock of the «earner sues and have no significance feder •‘Conserretire administrations have nSy-Oenerafe Department. The Ee featured. Mackinac to make repairs to her ally beyond the fact that our past not hesitated to continue In office ’.e qulmall authorities assert that Vic boilers on the morale* of AugurtU. political history ha* shown that ana even beyond the full period time torts In expropriating the Esquimau lust before she left on her fatal trip, where the public comes to believe for which they were elected. The waterworks, has no right to divert New Far Coat» were usable to make Ike repairs, sc Conservative administration of isll any of Its wstrr away from Bsqul- cording to affidavits made public to­ ty party Is about to bave a let ta lSSa b«d office to the last hour malt district under the original Gas Ranges and day by ifuu—» Attorney -Oeaetal O. of power In tbs Federal arena, It - Many beautiful styles are shown at August Inclined to balance matters politically of the last day of the full legal term, charter of the waterworks com pans 1. Kelt sen. not wit hatending that during that : " Bale Prices. Walter A Parent, an employee _ by giving Its support for the time being In not a lew of the provinces, period there were aot fewer than five the Wholly Boiler Work» of thin cUy, premiers—Mr John A. Macdonald. Water Heaters deposed In his affidavit that Chief to the other party. That was the Hr John Thompson. Mir John Abbot. Kagineer Jobs Grant of the Mackinac cage la the days when the Conserva - Provided Pre« sad Installed Free lives, under Blr John A. Macdonald, H4r Msckensie Bowell and Sir Charles IB.C. TO BENEFIT Smart Millinery at Moderate Price» hag said to him when It was found Tupper Those were the days when repairs eeuld not he made. "New. were lit power In Ottawa, and most If vour home is served by our ge* main*, there is » FREE of the provinces became Liberal; also knighthood wee in flower don’t forget you hâve completed your “The Conservative Government rt gu range and water beater just waiting to aay when you eerk. and If anything should happen after Sir Wilfred Laurier had come to power, when not a few of the pro­ Sir Robert Borden, sleeltd In 1011, ENORMOUS L, later. It was something new." held office until 1017.^ y«gr bey on J are ready to take delivery of it. An exploelo» In the Mackinac vincial governments became Con­ servative. It will be recalled that It the term provide, by the institu­ Under our free loan you can have a gaa range and water August II lit Nsrsgensett Bay caused tion The extension ef thnt year fifty deaths was while the Conservatives, under heater inetaled in your home without it coating you one Sir Robert Bordon and Mr. Melghen. beyond the parliamentary term was BY TRIBE TREATY brought about by an amendment of 1901 cent provided you guarantee to uac a reasonable minimum BRITISH AND FRENCH ___ were age In In office at Ottawa that the progressives first gained power constitution during a time of war Province Probably Will Get amount of gaa each month. Get the ful particulars at any DISCUSSING DEBT In two provinces. Limited of our showrooms. THIRD PARTIES More Pulp Mills to Supply tCenllnued from esse l> GAS DBPAXTMXHT ■■ Another netieeehle feature of Australia But In aay case the talks win not politisai tendencies in Canada is SECURITY NOTE IS finally settle the question, for M that third part iso have same lots | Will be ChlefBenefactor From Calllaux will mike a report to being «Invent invariably when the care of the business that Is expected Government before any decision Is Conservatives were in office et Australian Pact, Says to develop In Australia xe a result COAL STRIKE IN B. C. ELECTRIC taken Ottawa and have aa invariably SENT TO GERMANY Financial^ Post of the treaty. Langley Street AGREEMENT WITH U.B. disappeared under Liberal ad- “Lumber 1» net directly affected WALESJS ENDED Douglas Street The question of an agreement be minietratiene. Wilneee the rise by the proposed «greemeat. although tweea France and the Vailed States and déclina of the Patron» et In­ France's Reply to Berlin Gov­ British Columbia will benefit B.C. lumbermen had hoped that It dustry movement peter to and ernment Will be Made enormously as a result of the would be included. They are expect­ London. Aug. 14—Tbe strike of tunc ending MM. and thn rien nf ant. however, that with the agree­ IS.aaa anthracite miner, which has the Pmaruaniun mavamaof be­ Public Next Friday L'âBSdi*® Government ’| new ment once adopted effecting ether been to effect for the lam month to Warren Junior Loud Speaker. tween MI7 and MCE •»> its trade agreement w^th Auatrslis. products the principle will be es­ Wales has been willed and work In Standard Socket» *2* graduel dentine ever «nee. nternatkmal Conference is This is the judgment of The tablished and the question of In­ being resumed to-night. The dispute *1 do sot believe the record of cluding lumber on the schedule will arose ever the alleged victimisation Melghen • brief administration In or financial Post, leading Canadian ef one man at an Ammanford col­ Vernier dial ...... i------Expected to be Request of be merely a matter for futur» ne­ Smart Suits to Order yet sufficiently forgotten to cause financial paper, which recently gotiation indirectly, however, the liery The attisaient terms were WwUre OaaUa Radio Supply the public to wish to eee Its many the Germans I published a special edition to lumber bu Bln eee will be benefited unanimously accepted to-day by the errors repealed, for a while at least. because of the Increased business mlairs' delegatee to conterons» at Berlin. Aug. If —French Ambuss- | business developments in this for the logging camps operating In Swansea- MX Feet St. Op». Terry'» Fanned MEIGHEN’S PROGRAMME «or de Margelle handed to the Oer- At Hope’s Sale maa Oo-.Tnm.ai dm rronek answer l Province. putowood district». -In asking fey an election near that -Tnder th. trade exr.rm.nt with -The treaty I, expected to result Parliament le no longer '■------— on the prepoari weat.rn Europwn Auetralta. Brllleh Columbia will In the ealargemeet of existing pleats meurity pact at I o'clock this after- benefit tremeadouely—perhape to a aed the addition of paper manufac­ PAPER BOXES greater extent relatively than aay turing unite te pulp plant» already to other province of Canada because of operation The Wahlen pulp and pa­ FWLOING Al^§xe"l# Mtojltdlefr iverni times delayed, la practiceUy American salmon cannera have en­ ness and the tariff difficulties In­ the same a. elaborated at the meet­ joyed a virtual monopoly of Aus­ volved In breaking Into the Aus­ ing between Foreign MlnlMer Brland tralian buslneaa. although Intensive tralian market were regarded a» largely responsible for the compe*r» COLWOOD PARK give you a good fit. and Austen rhambrrlaln. British salesman./tip has enable British Co­ recent financial difficulties" Foreign Secretary. lumbia to secure a small share of AUGUST S6-----SSPTXMBXX 8 Men’s $1 ANNOUNCEMENTS French officiel circles my there the trade It Is now eapected that are no grounds for reports published what happened in New Zealand when BheewaeütR TT-,. meresi wHk cuH. the preferential tariff waa adopted Tic, haircutting 10c.tic. ehahlagle lests ""He, In Germany ef Important changes made at the eleventh hour. I will also take place la th* sister Betting curling ««c, B.C. Hairdressing Par­ Dominion, and that British Columbia Stewart lera fia Hayward Building. Phone Publication of the act. on Friday lias. ••• la regarded here aa giving Germany wilt carry away practically the whole by ample time either to uk that the of Au«ralt»'e salmon market, add­ ing at least 17.000,00» to the Indus Pkoae 3689 Or. Chaa A. Hardtop, Dentist. Ml matter be referred to the League of 1434 Government Union Beak Hodr» I to 1.1». Bvaa- Nation» Council In Geneva next try'» revenue. I NOVA SCOTIA Electricity CHARLIE HOPE Visitors ! Visitors l tng by appointment. Phone 71 IL "• month or. as la expected, to ash for a PULP BUSINESS HELPED spacial International conference on Tke pulp and paper trade should . - , • «,------J f To Sea In# Guests Lose $300 and Tint Time on Continent Teemtol Teumtol If yau want good butter ask y— the matter. ba similarly Influenced. Up to the tracer for Holly brook Creamery, It I» understood the French Gov- present. Great Britain and the Baltic Diamond Ring In Blaze at Teu cannot afford to min. duality guaranteed. ernment la prepared te agree to countries have been getting the bulk Daily Admission, $1.10 ♦ + either of thou requests of the business In soit» ot the long Imperoyal LEE DYE’S WIH fsntlsmsu fcr poy» vn* law | water haul, râper frmn Brit*H> ClubhouH, daily, $1.66 $106.100 STOCK American roadster can collide with been going In free of duty. From Halifax( Aug. 14 ■The Imperoyal Weekly Ticket*, $4 60 Copas & Son bicycle outsld# Spencer's pho— ~~ Clank Shoot» Fine the Baltic there frai been a duty of Hotel at Imperoyal. acreee the bar call st Arthur Coles. Bread SL SALE ^ ♦ 4- ♦ Il | ton. The Baltic waa able to bor from Halifax, was destroyed------by- Olubboui* Tickets (Indy ■hip at a good profit on this basis fire this morning, with an estimated WANT TOUX GROCERY AND PROVISION ORDERS of Bouveulra, Art Oeeda Dr. T. H. Jehne, Dentist, 607 S lay Golf__ ___ and Captaires sad gent), week, $10.80 ward Bldg Hours I to because ships had been going from loss ef lie.ie». One of the guetta — NIC* FRESH GOODS AND LOW FRIGE* — Ivory Wares Maadarlu JBvspteg n^îh iurcpmn porta to Australia to last IMS In cash and another a dia­ Coats and BmbroMerlea appoint •nl. Phone IU? or Colwood Caddydiy Cap ».HR. i • i ballast for wheel before. The prefer­ mond ring which he valued at »»M. Boxes (5 tanto), weekly, fresh Alberta Creamery Butter, Nice Orange Pekoe Tea, FÛ. NOW ON BALE AT ence to Canada I» expected to more The hotel was owned by Allay 71» VIEW STREET ■old lad. th off,,, this advantage, and at Richly, owner ef the International Mr». Aflingham end Mise Reimer, F. Clunk, a seventeen-year-----.11 —r*l,.K I ______tki. ennnl ru oft Lawndale Brand, per per lb...... MOV lots of Hudson's B*y HslrdroIrosslnsr.------shat a 71 at the Colwood Golfig uuoClub I time place this country on champion L-hlng schooner Blucnoea r..rL^tS6 annual footing with Brest Britain. lb Or 3 lbe have opened their own parlors,rs, fully on Saturday »»« woa the now on the Grand Banka. equipped, st Rdbm 11-10, 1.WijMHI------caddy championship. Chi~Chink,v who Is“ more mills This morning's fire followed a On Bale at Bteele'a Morris,- Two Selected Smoked Premium Ham, for .... $1.65 Building. Fort Btrpt^Phome lltl.tin. *•*••• now regarded as one___of of th» finest ia.ee» fire yesterday which threat. Pirtiit Tuilri Hot*. .6 i. ixxsseeclUe of, Jack*' and Aaeoçtotton Office, dipping.Learn MMcendy mekihf and chocolate ag», sise or claw., played----- brilliant j cakes for...... 25ch“ ipplng. Taught by a professional, golf. Hie were wee no fluke and had Snider’s Tomgto Catsup, Classic Cleanser, 3 tins Foror -particulars - phone 0T7IY. ••• he experienced any kind of luck on per can ...... ; • • 10c^ ^ rorfor ; ...... "Whet lovely ételéé Mr. Jones." the first, second, ninth and elgh- 25c Tes, 1 have saved them to exhibit at taenth greens ha would have cut J*>pe Tomatoes, 20-lb. IJQç Nice Pink Salmon, per "| the Country Fair at St Columba four strokes fros® his score. Cor. Beet and Guadnj. Church. Oak Bay. on Thursday night. auak.aa toe ahead at the reel of the caddies. Clunk waa presented Nice Red Plum», large _ l ".'."----- VALBTCBIA SERVICE Vlateria. B.C. Corns around to-morrow and I'll show you what my wife is exhibit­ with the handwme challenge cup do- STANDARD Jello, all flavors, 3 pkti. rated by T # Mcf^.rwa, captain of basket ...... AlUV ing- fancy Preserving for ...... 25c the Colwood Golf Cluk Meat for sand- The mne were as follow». Peaches, a crate ... $1.75. Libby’s Potted SHINGLES F. Clank...... »» *£ California Grape Fruit, wiches, 2 tins B. O^Stof ...... »“ for...... FURNITURE 4 for ...... -25c 15c Martins • ...... IN B. C. Granulated QQ Canadian Sardines, 4 gESgfr&TlUF ^ Hamloa.. Sugar, 20 lba. for .. Ur JL aOO tins for Leigh'. M1U. Ltd. Glennie COMPANY «« H» I Anti-combine Baking Powder, Good Table Vinegar, Æ THE COAL 14 111 5-lb. can d»"| Af? large bottle...... 18c...... II 11* «P A.e1V Malkin's or Sherriff Marmalade ...ils «« 111 at ...... , QUESTION T ...... tto « !i! Last 12-ex. can - «.“*...... 68c Uy te your Winter «up- ..IN at ...... • • 25c HURRY HURRY i ply now Rnd settle th* .. fresh Broken Biscuits, New Season's Assorted OA_ question ot quslity by *am, 4-lb. tin...... OUL ...... «wrdcwwff ■wme .highaat lb. ___ 15c E ...... U» h „ TémaTo immmçiR? * grade Vancouver In­ ...... t« « of Our Oml Bsrg*ln Offerings Brand, per land Coal. k ...... 141 1» PRESERVING L. Howard ...... Ill II In many case* we are accepting lose*» rather than bottle ...... 45c j. Whaaiof ...... HI II move geeda te oar new atom — - R Brotheraon PLEASE PHONE 94 or 96 C. Vickery ...... PEACHES . O. Oak ...... This Sale Lowers the Price of T. Mayfield ... O. Bret he raton > > Furnishing» R. McLeod NOW B. Mclatyra ... A deposit will hold any ertiele. XTiXYflUXtt XXDUOXD Copas& Son X. Fwlten AntiiwlIiLmWie* Ooabine AOrooanpaaam W‘« (mat •4 or 96 Oar. Fart and Broad Bts. iM. Campbell VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, MONRAY, AUGUST 24, 1925^

F. Chancellor and J. Readings. The meeting adjourned to meet again on Saturday. September 6. At • o clock In the new acboolbouee. Central Road. New Fall Coats Dr. Moetyn Hoops of Downey Road has returned home after a visit to Portland and Vancouver. Every dsÿ bring* in further shipments of beeutiful new VANCOUVER ISLAND NEWS Mr. M. Mum ford of Downey Road Fell Costs. New febrics, new ehedes, *nd s host of new le spending a few dgy In Victoria. styles to select from, in plein, tailored end fur-trimmjKl few daya with Major and Mrs. .. All st mont re*»osble prices. Fro» fXe.OO np. Pender onPendrr Island. , H. Looeemore hae returned to Dun­ Chic Scarves and Ties can. GULF ISLAND The vary latest fashion» and fada In acarvea »nd l1** Mias R. Oldberg has gone to Vic­ been unpacked. Very pretty cashmere acarvea. In all tht?e" Special te The Times toria on a visit.______Special to The Times Shawnigan. Aug. 14.—Thanks are rîbre,,8TlkFànd*,Tricôl*ttt»*8carvea tn many pretty NEWS Sidney, Aug. 24.—The Sidney Ama­ expressed by the Shawnigan Lake QALIANO ISLAND ÎÏÜÎ^repèl‘dènchîrM-,nTleî. London's latest fad for ladles’ sports teur Athletic Association will hold its Athletic Association to the following Oallano Island. Aug. “ —Af°5le monthly meeting in Matthew's Hall who donated prises for Saturday'» re­ wear These have fringed ends, and come In plain and fancy de­ MAVNE ISLAND Higgs has left for a visit to Victoria. on Monday, August 14 at • o'clock. gatta, particulars of which will be signs. They look very smart indeed, and are quite new. Th Special to The Times Mr.'and Mr». Finlay Murcheeon The idea of having a football team found on the sports page. price» are only, *1.50 and ...... •••••'...... “ * Mayne Island. Aug. 14—Mra went to Gossip to visit Mr. and Mrs. The Shawnigan Lake Lumber Legenn has returned to her home in for the Winter wUl be brought up. R. Gardner. ______Company tendered valuable assist­ Victoria after a visit to lira West. The institution of the Superior ance with material and tug boat. New Knitted T unie Sweaters Mies Tracey 1» staying with Mr. Commander Eustace Maude, R-N. school of North Saanich and Its Tha following firms generously You will have no difficulty In making a aultable choice, as we (retired), ha» returned home after Sals. ______great success during the last y hided with primes and merchandise have a very comprehensive .lock. The sweeter. are very smarL being at »ea for 107 day» In hie ketch has necessitated continuing the John Valo A Sons, Ormonds Ltd.. Bi Mies Ethel Hill la to be the new Hot, Tesel A Wilson. Anderson A Mc­ in knitted wool or silk tunic style», and In various fancy colored the Half Moon.______school for the next few years so the mlltures. Price, *10.60 to ...... *l*.SO teacher. ______residents and ratepayers have met Donald Company, Swifts Ltd.. Mac- Mies Vera Robeon has gone to Kay, Smith A Blair. K. G. Prit* A Mrs. Miller of Oregon who has to discuss the organisation of a club Co., Malcolm, Pearson Company. A. Vancouver for a few daya been staying here, has left for Vic­ working with the school board and Clearing Children's Dresses and F rocks teachers would look after the sports McDonald A Co., Kelly, Douglas A Mrs. Hammer and eon have gone toria. ______ground improvements and extras Co., Wilson Bros., Darner Lumaden A Co., Turner-Beeton A Co., P. Burns Children’s Linen Dresse», trimmed with white collar and cuff» to Victoria for e few week.. Mr. Miller Hlgge. Miss Ruth Higgs. such as dressmaking, swimming car­ pentry and gymnasium classes U A Co.. F. R. Stewart A Co., W. A. end drawn thread. In «hade» of rose, peach, lemon, blue and Miss Lock and O. Oeorgeson went to Jameson Coffee Company, Hudson's mauve: site 8 to 14 yeare. Regular to 17.85. Clearing at Hatf-prica Miss D. Blankenbach of Victoria le Vancouver for the exhibition. has been decided to call the club the staying with Mrs. footer. Bay Company, David Spencer, IAd.. Odd line, of Children’. Cotton Frock., age. « to 14 years, an good North Saanich Social Club and to Scott A Peden. Smith. Davidson A The friends of O. Head will be have card part lee. concerts snd jVv styles and colors. Regular to 81.16. Clearing at ...... — — Mr. and Mra Boden-Smlth, who dances to raise funds. An executive Wright, Gault Bros.. Lake of Woods sorry to hear he had an accident Milling Co., Imperial Tobacco Com­ SAINT’S BODY ARRIVES IN U.*—The reliquary containing have been staying with the Rev. end while getting under a fence, a chisel committee was chosen aa follows: Mrs. R. Porter, have left on their President, Captain C. Wilson, secre­ pany. National Drug Co.. Shawnigan the bonce of Saint Christina the Virgin sent by the Pope a» a fell and cut his head open, severing Lake Lumber Company. Pairall e Early Fall Underwear way to England. a small aftery. Dr. West had to put tary-treasurer. Mrs. C. Thomas; Committee, Mr. Beewick and Mr. W Ltd., Weller Bros, Kent M.usic Co., permanent ehrine tn SL John’s Cathedral, Cleveland, Ohio. Stand­ Chilly morning» end evening», (yea, and sometime» cool all day), SATURNA ISLAND in some stitches. Clark. Already fifty members have W. H. Wllkerson. Wenger Company, Silver Spring Brewing Co., Phoenix ing beside the boa containing the holy remains of the saint, te ■uggest a change to Fall underwear, not too heavy, but Siring been enrolled. It was arranged to warmth combined with llghtne»». We recommend Money’s «ne Saturna Island, Aug. it—Misa M. W. M. Gray la staying in Victoria Brewing Company. Palrbank-Morse hold a kitchen shower early in Sep­ Bishop Joseph Schrembe of Cleveland, who brought the body with ribbed ail pure wool combinations, knee length, “V neck, no Payne of All Bay. Sidney, la staying for a few days._____ * tember. the committee chosen to Co., J. D. Fraser Co* anad a num­ ber of well-wishers with cash do­ aleevee. and abort sleeves; guaranteed unshrinkable. P»r with Mra. Shelton. Mr. Hawthorn spent a few days in make the arrangement* are: Mes­ him from Rome. dames Toomer. W. Clark. C. Jeffery. nations. A. Stratton has been spending a Victoria. Morley’e silk and Wool Combination», In vartou» mty\t* AC **.*• and ...... EIGHT MISSIONARIES Jaeger Wool Underwear of all kind*. - Shetland Wool Underwear This white fleecy, soft underwear, perfectly responds to the de­ ARE HELDJY BANDITS mand for something warm, but of extreme tightness. Combinations. *S.SO to ...... British Workers Were Seized Vests. *S.*6 to ...... **-T6 Bloomers. *Z.SS to ...... By Outlaws in China Aug. 6 Corset Covers, *2.66 lo ...... Gowns. *6.7S to ...... Shanghai. Aug. 14—Inqurlcs »» to the whereabouts and the welfare of the eight British missionaries kid­ napped by Chine*» bandits Auguwt • Strong Soaps have thu* far been fruitless. The Angus Campbell & Co. Ltd. eight, including Bishop Mowll, for­ merly of Toronto, and five women, were taken while at a holiday resort, 1010 Government Street but detail* of their capture are still lacking. They are being held by bandits in the province of tixechuan. where communication facilities at present are very unreliable It la *ald here the captured mis­ sionaries were among those warned by the British consulate to leave No soap that is f safe for toilet1 use Szechuan during the recent troubles. Advices from Munyang to the Lon­ August Furniture Sale don office of the Church Missionary Has brought ua many satisfied buyers Come and see the bargnlne Society last week said all the mem­ bers of the captured party were re­ ported to be safe and receiving M.«r~« $^75 ^„rt‘n r"t $10.50 “removegerms any better than Pain good treatment from the captors- If guarding a good complexion is your aim, use a soap made to protect it CANADIANPENALTIES Barristers at Meeting in Win­ HIS Is to protect beauty seekers from some false impression*. Good complexions are too nipeg Will Suggest Use of VIOLENT DEATHS IN Tprecious for experiments. . Strap in frisons COMOX There’s an ides, we are told, that some soaps combat germs; and others not That for aseptic Fort t. 24.—One of the mo ^ mendattons to EASTERN CANADA be broi idian Bar As- reasons certain soaps must be used. __ _ „ social l< eting In Win­ The Furnace nlpeg ns to Judge Soaps to "destroy” germs should be used only on advice of a physician. All ""“T® Coates til be a eng­ Ottawa. Aug. 74. -There were sev­ ines there be eral violent death. In Eeetem Can­ gérais to a certain degree. No soap suitable for toilet use will “remove” germs any better than establti nation bureau Mon of the ada over the week-end. Mackiy & Gillespie dren, clothed Ernest Holt, fourteen wss electro^ Palmolive* ( ■ with fi orltv to carry cuted In Toronto when he attempted Limited In your own interest, carry that in mind. For beauty’s sake, take care. 1 Would yon gamble schools and church ïo remove his kite, which had, bj- HOI Dongls* St Phone 149 It w intended that iSm. entangled in hydro-electric with the good complexion it has taken you probably years to attain? ch as proba- Mon, i permlts and In old days, women were told, "use no soap on your faces.** For soaps were too harsh. . Then tickets law be put In w£r*fa'mlly ‘injured‘aL'john KUs- force i r the Domln- ion. an ir thieves and PR,rl;,Med11'Thhe‘V came" In «niJt Palmolive came ... a soap made of cosmetic mis ... a soap made to protect the skin. young the lAw be ___ __ Imposition of îTthUa leaning pole while traveling Prince of Wales Women tried it, and found amazingly improved complexions and charm. Palmolive became short "t '«fit and cor­ on the Niagara Falla •c«n'cral!way. poral | «trap. Edward Clay, thirty-live, died from Hunts Big Game quickly the leading toilet soap of the world. In France, home of cosmetics, Palmolive is one Filial ’ION iniiirie* suffered when over by a "The id the lash a* freight* train‘aa he .» walking the are out of of the two largest selling soaps. French women have found it their ideal of a soap. fash lor Isworth. ”Un- lies at Burlington. Ont. In Argentina fortuni mpreselon has william Weaver wee klllpd In That is because Palmolive is » unique creation, baaed on 60 years of soap study., It is made poral punish- Llmehouee, Ont., when a train the ment f ndarles of the Buenos Ayres, Aug. 14. — The cruel a i best qualified wagon he. was driving. Prince of Wales left at mldnlghtfor ' eoloiy for the i^t,n _ to kno tiat a modified Cecil Command w»« Puatele. a night’s Journey from ment with A Stafford seriously Injured-»—» tnair Palmolive is not intended for laundry use Of even for fine fabrics^ For to be good for those icing, produces automobile was struck by a train Buenos Ayres, tor three days of tout r>f humiliation and big game hunting. ivstcal injury. near Smith's Falls. Ont. things, its cosmetic qualities would need be much reduced. And millions of good complexions be and d Joseph Demarcos of Syracuee be­ President d’Alvear did not accom­ >ic when he la pany the royal visitor. The party thus ring came entangled In weed» and area endangered. As a “germ remover” no other soap suitable for toilet use is more effective. Judg >ne of a group drowned while swimming near Pem- was bid farewell at the railway sta­ ' Efti Igee and bar- tion by a large number of govern­ But Palmolive results don’t come from those other soaps.' They don’t come from strong soaps. to-day on the brThe Sidy of a man believed to he ment officials and an immense crowd, CPU. -la on the way which enthusiastically cheered the They don’t c™™* from medicated soaps. Don’t expect them, jl And don’t take chances. To to Wti •e J. E. Jones, Prince. ^ police ronto; Frank Arnold .Bradford of .MVhMn^p Buenos Ayres, Aug. 24.—The fa­ protect your beauty, nee a soap made to^ protect it.^ ______ton, K.C.. Ot­ mous Hippodrome Argentine in Pal­ is. Guelph; 8. T>esth occurred several days ago. Brook, 4 J. H Kerr, 'Richard Hynck was d^,w"îdh'" ermo, a suburb of this city, Waa th# Palmolive, we frankly grant, is not the' only, fine "complexion eoapTI We know of two other*. Peter!) olned here by scene Sunday afternoon of a race traveled, west- Halifax Harbor when he fell off hla meeting organised In honor of the But they, cost you 25 cents, while Palmolive costa but lQ^cents^po.moreJhan ordinary soap*. ward I rP-R-JË»»: . ■hip. . Prince - ot WaMil. . , ...... wlîn, ^Friday of this A vast crowd faced about aa the Enormous production brings you this modest cos$.T -w - Prince and President d’Alvear en­ Russell Scott tered the royal box and sent up a Wash launder, cleanse with any soap you wiah.VBuTwben beauty ia at stakeT take car*.', roar of cheers. Report is Denied Some amusement was caused whew Use Palmolive, a soap you know ie aa/o to use. It is nature’s formula to “Keep That School­ Return From Visit _ number of young women ap­ pealed to the Prince to present Chester, HI, Aug. H—Dr. Frank A. girl Complexion.” • To Old Country Stubblefield, eupertntendentof the them with a bunch of violate, sad Illinois State Hospital for the Crim­ he smilingly acceded to their plead­ Ottawa, Aug. 24.—Heartily sick inal Insane here, to-day characterised ings. He tossed the violets singly and tired of traveling and despond­ among the girls and they replied by a report that Russell Scott, convicted throwing flower» to the Prince, who ent over the failure of their attempt murderer, had been found sane aa all to gain an audience with King eventnnlly retired with hie hat full No "Two-Purpose” Soap George in London, the four Indiana Thé superintendent then declined who sometime ago went to England to intimate when he expected a de- to petition - the King upon certain cînlon in the case, saying It might not WS Bring FahnoBva Complexion Re*ufc#j grievance* they nursed, arrived in Anti-Jewish Event Ottawa last night on their way to be for some time. ____ their homes north of Kkmloopa. B.c. "I have reached no decision re­ Seen in Viema The Indiana, Chief Johnnie ChtUl- garding Scott, and have had no com- chleta. Basil David and William muntcattoji whatever with the state Pterrtsh, with Mr*. Julian William» attorney’s office In Chicago regarding Vienna. Aug. 14—'An graâraMùa acting aa Interpreter, left their homes Ms case." he said. ef anti-Semitic demonetratore, ot So- several weeks ago to gain tha called "People's convention.” wae King's Intercession to restore to them Chicago. Aug 14—An unnamed held yesterday afternoon In acoovo- certain land rights which they claim member of the staff of State Attorney ance with the programma hut «*- have been taken from them con­ Crowe wee quoted by The Chicago turhancee wbtoh wara . feared not eventuate. The Hskeakreuslera to ke pod fc* *«««*§ ot diSerent u» trary to the terme of an agreement Herald-Examiner to-day aa eaytag NoteemnMff with the British Government. Their Russell T. Scott, convicted murderer, ,umbered about IMN and shouts of venture failed entirely as they failed would be returned from the Cheater Son. “Out with *■“ *------*“* tifically made wp*® 09 ______amm mad wrapper, IW"gr --- *—‘— Hospital for tee wnratr vtaur fwf weeks to face tha supreme penalty lis...... Palmolive ia never aold unwrappad. pn the Cook County gallows once DIED IN MANITOBA against tha holding of mThe newspaper raid the attache of Congre* here. After the^_ (MADE IN CANADA! Portage la Prairie, Man., Aug. 14 - the state attorney’s office had in­ lag, no fewer than IS.SM Rev. J. II. Ruttan* eighty-five, scholar vested that an Informal decision that gStfctpated la and pioneer minister, died here y ester- Scott was not Insane had bran made started at the VoUc Âe was born In England, came to by Dr. Frank Ju St^blefUld^per- tha University e€ Canada as a young man and received tendent of the hospital, and------needed down the hla education at Victoria College. To­ latter wna only awaiting the cor­ ronto. After being ordained he came roboration of hie decision by two ooa- West and was stationed at Norway stratum Against House. He had translated a number of eultant experts before sending Scott

-f VICTORIA W TOffia. MONDÂT, ÀUQP8T git 19# élML-- 'iwvniu i ' ; a=asxmmm*mmxs*3^ Cup—1. J, Hepworth, A J. ______Add Cotiteon, 9-1, in* dpi ftn 43192^75 Semt-flnal—pvoetor i Blrtmla Bally Ctmte pulp and saw tnuber from the for­ m heat Wililna and O'Hallilloran, 6-*. 6-0. ests was translated into wealth tq "i e •idMee—•< Y TO-DAY vey and Grilyaapn. MONDAY, AWOU»T aj, 1« the extent of fiSM.WO.OOO. Hy­ KIRK'S Open 6? yards splmmlog—1. * dro electric power, eenwted for in­ MONp*V, AUGUST 24 Cedtip: I. J. Simpson. Published Every Afternoon OFFICER IS LAUDED IS yards swimming, boy» under 11 dustrial and utility purposes, was by GASPARD ft* COLIONY -t-t. H. Robson; 1, W. Cusner. worth $100,000,960. Manufac- Mrs. IM WWLSJMSgCp m ,m. Wurrm In OtrW open se yards ewtmmlng-rt. . , total nf $3.500.000.000. Government Wellington OH. «et Corner Brood eed Pert »*»• J. Simpson. This, of course, includes both pri­ hoy» under U-r-l. rJWLMamw» Business Office (Advertising). Jrt5î;Tw 10M mary and secondary industries and " **open—1, J. Mar- truss beat a vey. 1-1. 9-J. Circulation ..... considerable duplication, tug to franc., 2f2 Bred It :my final—Grapt begt Wilting. Editorial Office “U such as $22Ü.000,000 for pulp lent eng eveeventual! boys under 11—1, and paper, which « already in­ *Ystes gnd U Deetistry e (te* - ‘ SUBSCRIPTION RATES cluded in wealth obtained from the Bill Dickinson Wins xregay pole—Thao. Etford. forest, and $238.000.000 from Vatota dairy products!, which if embraced Land Events Native Sons’ Cap at For Leis Money *y («duelTO Of Race for hoys and stria under »—1. city)—CenaiAnode, Greet by agricutoitn! psoductios». None — ^ T tire "'maaas&e W}\m feklte!tRto- Britain and United YM.C.A^dUr Gala ...... It eer annum the less, the fact remains that the holomew. And whether It la total value of production ef all *Q«**T HfHRICK S was t. ttLudtovltcb; 1. M. Bgpty Race for boys under >1 19 varia A mont tucceggfpl jwimmin* gala crpwn. bridge or plate hinds for the year it estimated at The Triumph el Expert Tee Riefls. ), Bruce |U.te;UnCtorctit waa staged by the T.If.CA. Junior work you require, the tore by G rasera throughout Canada REAL PROTECTION something over $5,500,000.000. rides, or the Wort ■■mm Hwlmmlng Club on Saturday at tnelr x*= iPjarde—l. O. turtle Point «martarg- Over thirty- The significance of this figure is » “tola", Ol*hWr five swimmers took part and keen quality he woolen indus- better understood when compared ire Indîted to bis Âfgtïs I ran# LtW^-ikoritcb . competition featuiAd all the events. , Ins In the fort «ten, led Jmrda—1. Mlga L. given by tie officers of wlirrep bag bean Bill Dicklngon /carried off the Na­ try of the United Stalci n this country’s comparatively file# k. Gardner. Tprotected by a custom» tarif of population. At least it should tive Sous Gup with a toUl of ten ftlg Henry W- Thornton. ; tee ynrda-t. o Pointa. Ha secured two Urate. twenty to forty-five cents a pound to the unbiassed mind that oi the Canadian National eyp trade and nega men Ernest Peden was second with eight Major Graham. A. Belt am, R W- Cusner; «. Misa and an ad valorem duty of forty to and on points, being successful In winning for Canada’s short period of activf noon h L. Cron one first and a second. Bill Pickard 5--- ** cats of ma jgygndllro*« end fifty per cent, at well. It a there­ development it is a most creditable Ormonde, tfie’ lord lieutenant R" bjajhur War Vat: lent; I. and Bill Robertson tied for third fore one of the most highly pro­ showing and an aqyury for what i-ater. after other adv. th* ’Wrètofu'ÏNBnT bn behalf aaana' Aaaottot Place with six pointa each. «."tempted’to Steal th, crow n Jewel, ekovltc ffileh; tected industries in the country. Yet will follow under policies which will attempted to tne oàncers or tne region which -, $ !• from the Tower of London. had Just handed over to T. A. Kings- If yard#, tree style—I. pickieeon ; the manufacturer? are in trouble and provide the great majority of the THEODORE PARKER », Peden; 6,‘ Pickard. land, llr. Warren was presented with j&Vffîüï toffi ftf yards, free style—1. .Dicklngon; are cutting the wages of their em­ workers with a fair opportunity -to Noted American clergyman, lec­ a gold cigarette cage, and also w*lh * ShawmganOariroen 1. Pickard ; t, Robertson. turer and author, waa born on silver service for lira. Warren. Misse# H and K. Parklnaon », Mias ployees. The Manitoba Free Prêta get at and produce in merchantable Long plunge—1, Robertson. forty Bates and Misa Northam 4. August IS. me He became a A. A. Tledale. aeatetant fo the gen— —i; l,—ff. Luckovltsk; remarks that the well-known worm, feet; 1. Cameron; I. Pickard form what is at the present time po­ Unitarian clergyman, and later the oral . Western region, Retan Seder Cap Diving—1. Peden; 1, Rose; 3. MEN'S DOUBLES head of an Independent rationalis­ sided and expressed regret on tbehalf One mil# open for Lewtl 1Han Cun Kensington and Hall I. Dowd# and the consumer, has refused to pay the tential wealth- Substantial as the fig­ it th* Pickard. tic society. He was a leading ad­ ot htinaelt and the entire f -I. W. Luckovltch; *. 0- 6» Uodgr-fifteen |v#ntf Hole I. increased prices for woolen goods in ure is. hewmr. it simply reflects vocate of the abolition of slavery. departure of Mr. Warren. -— had Broad• Jump- —l, mm ciiCutnat^; ». Kensington and Pay 4, Dowd» and Among hie work» are "Discourses endeared hlins.lt not only to every But Juniors Fail Chris usher carried off the honors the retail markets which, of course, a beginning, giving a vision of the In the under-fifteen class with thir­ Prentice » on Matters Pertaining to Re­ ofRc.r and man In the West, but alaq an^L’u sarr A. 8- vs. donee and Hell >. Prentice end the tqrif protection called for. immensely greater rate at which ligion" and "Great Americana." to thousandsthouaanda of patrons of methe fell , , _ . ,, won by teen points; Bd Roskelly waa second with ten, and D. Munro third with Hole ». Our contenswtaty points out that wealth will be produced m this Do­ way system withWith thi.this regret wa Lapstreak Races at Up- LumberAlliUlWWS \.vw.|»s»#Company ...... I Lament._ Kensington and Jones 6, Prentice rren a Island Resort Proved Close gi.'Uovtrani^ti.W' toSJgft, « 'Kensington gad Hell 1. Pawdg and prices of the goods afected by it. +-*-•«- ability and catted him to a °* Ion lettee rtrde.yards, free agtyte—l. Boette»»: Hole « there is no law that compels anyone lfcggB IÜ1 greater endeavor. The Central regie- and Exciting on Saturday «, Usher; f. Toung. Kensington and Jena» 9. Prentice WILL TRY AGAIN would gnd him a man whom aver y5U!Trir,r<*^L u*b*r: L arid Hole 9. to buy them- The consumer has one would tike and truat and on» Kensington end Jane» 9. Prentice the last say. after all. and promptly R. MEIGHEN, LEADER would rapldtV inspira the tame Close Match»» at 60 yards, breast stroke—1. Welker ; and Hole I. of co-op«rmtion and service which luge Crowd Watched Various Jonee and Hall «. Prentice and says it as soon as he discovers that of the federal Conservative had prevailed during hla regime In 2, Munro; *. Roskelly. Cloy Court Tourney; Junior Events Hole 4. he is being soaked, either through M the We»l. Events on Land and Water; Party, is going to run in Portagejbsç la J. R. rsmeron of Vancouver, as­ In the Junior division, under thir­ MIXED DOUBLES exorbitant prices made possible by a Prairie in the next Dominion elec­ sistant general manager, and W. E One Final Decided teen years of age, Jim Temple and Mile Steven» and Hall 9. Mlaa Fine Dance at Night Dick Healy tied with five po|»tf each high tarif wall, or through the in­ tion. Portage la Prairie p Mr DuperoW. epfclsl agent. PaMenrer Bates at Hall 7. sorted In Northern Alberta and Sas­ traffic department, also spoke highly to their credit Misa K Parklnaon pad Kensington ferior goods which often follow the katchewan. 60 yards.' free style—1. Temple; 2. Meighen’s home town, but it does ..f Mr. Warren's shinty and popular Several Apod raatchea were seen In 1. Mlaa Bland and Dowd» ». RfRortf Williams. stifling of competition not like his fiscal policy, and in the Victoria—Barometer. *9 l*i ttroper%- ttv with »n classes In W estern C.n Special tg The Timas the annual clay eotjrt to»mP!; Miss H. Parklnaon end Jpnaa «, ndft. Both officer. Joined Mr. Tisdale Diving—1, Healy; t. Msuell; 3. Mlaa Northam and Prentice I. How » your protectionist going last election it told him so rather ure. maximum yesterday. Mi minimum. ffbawnlgan lathe, dug. »«.—The at the Inngston street T*n°i* Is: wind. 11 mn*El.TViather. cloudy. In expressing a hearty w-lrome and p Saturday. Some of the at Ptfikorfi______Mise H. Parkinson and Hall 1. to deal with the stubborn consumer emphatically by defeating him. The Vancouver—pafonfétor. *0 10: temper­ promts» of IM per rent co-operat oo twenty-tirat anpual regatta held Inala war# decided soft In tire lad Misa Bates and Prentice ». ature. maximum yèatsrday, tnlnl- by everyone ta w. A Klngsland. the J Mlaa K Parkinson and H*» who goes on a buyers strike when Progressive, who won, had a clear itamn. 82; Wind, 4 mlloi E ; weather. uOder the auspice#'of toe 8 |+A A. at new general manager, who In tn. Shawnlgsn on Saturday proved » Burnside Victors Misa Northam and Hole »• prices of the "protected" goods rise majority over both Mr. Meighen Cl^amlpope—Barometer. *0 84. temper- Short time he had t>»n la tti. Weal Ml», K. Parklnaon and Janes 6, too high for his pocket? Something had already dmnon.tr.twt hla worth. geaat auccaaa dcfBlte the rather un­ Mia. Bland and Dowd» I and a third candidate running as |n In replying. Mr. Warren aald h. favorable weather. Showers and a Canadian champions. d»(eatlng Mlaa Misa Stevena and H»U t. Ml* Scon and Mlaa Mtiter Srtth eaaa In Tennis Contest must be done. Why not pass a law independent. And Mr. regretted exceedingly that the tl™* little too much wind at times made Bate, and Dowd, ». fcetevan Point—Barometer. *0 01; tem­ Th. retulta were aa follow.: compelling him to buy. on penalty waa Prime Munster at that time. had come to leave the it eel. where it a little unpleasant fpr the spec­ Ladies' I St. Pul'» I wta. " perature. maximum yesterday, <*: mini­ tator#. The J.B.4.A. ogrpmen were Mlaa H ’La Singlea—«emi -final» With St. Paul’s of a heavy fine which would go to mum, 64; wind. 14 miles 81: rain. .20; lie had grown up with the m,n Leemlng beat Mrs. Seon. Burned» |Z sets______With their leader defeated in hit weather, rein. elated with him In railway woto The ssmsa., VhttStobbrâî |-J. 1-9. 1-1 the producers of those goods) Tatoqeh—Barometer, MIS: tempera­ rail to the Central region, however Misa Nlllei-liner beat Mre- Mogg. l-l. 8t. Paul'a gng Burnside Tepnlg own home town, the Conservative, ture. maximum yesterday.’ 61: minimum. had been on# of duty and one that Duncan and the eurroundlng districts l-fl-l Cluba met forn the third time this there would be efectiye protection. Sid to*be obeyed Thl. we. no, an Ladies' Doublée—.Semi .... -rmala season In a vvery . enjoyable tourna­ in 1921 were confronted with the 51; wind. 14 miles J.R: tain. 20; Weath- were well represented. The scene Bishop Parues May Misa Learning and Mlaa Tallow nt the re The buyer would be bound hand problem of finding a seat-for him. rPortland. Ore —Barometer. *0.14; lem- occasion for farewells^ rathsr for around t^e 8.L.4.4. Hall and watfr- mentmen onu,i thelaare courtewwe am or» >■— former Ofi and foot and tied to a tree- It •avine "au revoir. Cor while he frQflt was gay With bun^Ff beat Mr»- Mojg and Mr». Knox, It waa HO MSI tosh- since conser­ erature. maximum yesterday. « mini- wouhf not be with ,h« oR'cerg ta toe Succeed Dean Ryle would seem to he the logical com­ mm, i mitas Srain, I»; vative seats were confined to three Western reylon he waa MMR. holding of Reid «porte prior tp fotlewe with the member» of the plement of p thoroughly illogical Seattle—Barometer. *0*4; tempera­ her Of the greaiea, '"W ™ the regatta proved an attractive fea­ home teeun meettoeed flr«; London. Aug. 24.—1 ef the nine provinces and no Tory ture. maximum yesterday. 04; minimum. operator» and workers In the world ture, thus providing a continuous i-a. *-». LADIES' DOUBLES of Birmingham la con«6_ . economic system. Bearing in mind 64; wind. 4 miles N E. ; weather, cloudy. Pinal—Misa Leemlng and Mlaa succeed the late Right RfV- was anxious to let go of a prize so «an Francteco— Barometer. MAO; tem­ Whatever eucceaa the W eetern re programme from 1 p.m. to 6 o’clock. Misse. H. a#d K. Parkinson I, Misa what high tarif advocates do rlnn haxl attained during rreent Vfreahmcnta were provided for vis­ Tatlow beat Mlaa Seon and Misa Ryle as Dean of Westminster hardly woe. Eventually Grenville. perature, maximum yesterday. TO; mini­ filtter. 9-1. 0eubli, The Bishop was rtven htS for. w« wonder they do not d*R ... um. •»; wind, calm: weather, clear veers he atat«4. had not been due to itors In ibe 8 L.A.4 H#U. agd every­ «”2<*"V '*î*«tSôron »»d Mise Out-, was arranged for and Mr. Edmonton — Temperature, maximum hla effort», but rather tothesp.ndM thing dons to ensure a good lime for Stevens i. Mias Northern and Mlaa appolntmenf in Juif. g# bm the adoption of a law forcing con­ yesterday, 44; minimum. *2; raid. ®l Mlaate».»- LeemlngE^wuWing and Proctor beat Meighen was returned. Thus was the i, n» «vrrv officer and man in me all. previously been x canon of West­ Temperature Mln ... Mlaa Jackson agdand Hocking. 6-6,6*6. 6-2. Bates 6. minster Abbey.______sumers to buy their goods regard­ Tory leader rescued from oblivion. The outstanding ev«n Mia® 1J. f^kinaon and Mlaa less of price. lctorla ...... fl H mile open race for th 3dS-ts2h^iT,-,rt Stevens 6. Mina . ■ and Miss Bland If he should be beaten at Portage Cup, the senior andanv. Junior rout- Mim h leemlng and Cunningham H* that knows JSSXSL v.:v.’.v.’.v.""v;. B “ oared lapetreak race for the W. H. Mlegee H. end K. Parkinson «. Mlaa knows too when 1 la Prairie again, however, no life Prince Rupert ...... 04 could pravent the C.nadten National boat Mlaa Lawson and Grant. 2-6, ->rafiUM#w. from hatog toe beat tranaportatlon Wllkersontlkerson and Walbank ChallChallenge Northam and Mt»a Blind |. POULTRY P4YS PROMTS presenter would he thrown to him hjf £î5ÜSton ...... m ClllIPS. and the one-mlte m»n'a etafte Bem^-Ooal—MIh Tatlow nod Me- his pgtty. The dissatisfaction Natron R :j eyatem tbit __■culul! for the Alex. Peden Cup. All this Callum beat Misa H. Learning and OULTRYMEN |N ippelleits ...... fs were keenly contested. In addition hie leadership in Conservative il UIgir Henry Thornton expressed hts Cunningham, 6-4, 6-4. TS there were fopty other events, many Man's Doubles community and in fMF particularly in Montreal. Is so keen Winnipeg ...... St rratifleatloo at the evidence* “boWJ partsP of Vancouver Island have ...... ti­ of the“ PUtertty of Mr. Warren of grblch were of an grousing c>gr- Wililna and OHalltiran beat Heck that nothing bd the victory of hu “Ottawafella 8 lng aodField. 4-2, 6-1. definite interest in the forthcoming party at the polls coukl h“P hlm tïfiK* K °£ H&sLr? The dance, which took place In the Gordon and McCallum beat Barnes elevator activity at the Outer ■L-4-A. Hall In tho evening, waa a md Quayle, »-*. 1-1. nt the saddle, anfl as that ù a phy­ E*tTbC.Ch”i Sejitlnsl-Gordon end McCallum Wharves. When grain begins to rr/tton oV'h.r .wLanJ, aterito, sical impossibility his deys at leader flow through this port they will qualities. Mr Warren wee betM the music ffoed Add the holiday spirit of the Conservative Party erg num­ Mac Williams Wins waa evident. During an Interval In loolç forward tq the advantage bered. XXX?fiLsV s the dancing the eu pa. medal» and Meats, Proviiions, Delicatroen which cheaper feed, the by-product + + executive that there was need ror other trophies W»re presented to the QUALITY—CLEANLINESS—LOW RR'ÇES Amateur Tide Of him there a no that he eaa the best Winner, by C W. Lonsdale She knew of tlie trade, will assure for their m^n for the position which he had CORDIAL FEELING W'W AN0 CA""V duatry. Bui it is interesting to note "AS SAPP AS HOUSES ' taken over. This did not maan^hat from The Comox Argus that Isl­ West at 37th Hole tiSTSSS One of the most pleasing feature# SO VERY LONG of the regatta waa the cordial feeling and pouhrymen are already doing wèrï needed by th. .ralA EftftE—BftOE—BOOS mo there were mew «cof­ existing bflwyeo the newly-formed good business, many of them in­ Nor Shawnlgan Club and th» J H A A 'i fer» at the aeroplane and the air­ Six Down at One Time Cal elsewhere , .htnltwl the Western B.C. Freeh Extras, per doien ...... creasing equipment and flocks of return visit to Victoria by to# Tlocal ship. We were told that a heavier ,r the splendid Co- Club I» already being arranged «r- birds. Nearly a dozen engaged in then-air machine w«s little better gary Golfer Came Back and they had show n dur retary Hobbt# or the Bay» wee busyI the industry m that district alone p's |t yrnrs and toRJJ mEiTsiii*fostering thems *"vwgood »»*•»•"•“ ex­ than a dream. Not does anybody Defeated Saskatoon Star p„.„. they would continue to »how pressed on behalf of (be visitors, SPENCER'» pfiREKfOAF1-6 RUTTER are mentioned by our Island con­ knew tuer » w.i-ens succca- suggest that this type of common ,h4.,AUrVlngst.^ ’*r* • "»■ their entire satisfaction of thé wel- Fresh Creamery Butter, per lb...... temporary as sufficiently satisfied ome accorded them. *°iT ™ Weal would s»n "onia V) Nq. 1 Albert», per lb.. 4*f. ft lbs- for...... carrier has yet become a serious W-aÏÏbk“r»l' HI Mr «'»'• Shgwnlfah lost Qpp cup tQ the with present prospects to encourage Ualgary, Aug tv—i'-arson Mac- Baye, but retained the coveted senior Silveriest t’ure laird, per lb...... rival to the various forms of ground Wllllama of 81 Andrew'. Club. Çal- regard ae Wl"1- ,e„ulno ability immediate expansion. This bears Iânàre3rîrt” V'd business man would lapetreak cup. service. But the remarkable gary. became amateur golf champion The regatta çompilttefi wish tp out the suggestion that has many ot Wretern Canada by defeating about commercial aviation ip thank the m°Y Kind friends wbp Smoked Picnic Hama, per lb...... ‘ times been made that there is good Alex Weir of Baeketoon, on the ritws « “ h«* "”n ,i^- donated prize* In roods and c*fh. In Old and New Worlds is the rarity thirty-seventh green In a thrilling Sweet pickle picnic Hem»- tret to ...... money in the poultry business—in this connection tlie committee wish Smoked Cottage Roll, per lb...... of serious accident. Emphasis has final at the Calgary Golf and Coun to announce th^t yT H. Wllkerfop of the domestic and in the export mar­ Club Saturday afternoon. Sweet Pickle Cottage Boll, per lb...... been recently lent to this fact by the Iwpüty’tifnte&VTf Ruflwaye. and at Victoria has donated a handsome cup Kwift's Premium Hopeless Peamealed Back Bacon, per 1U. ket. Nor does one hear many qf .'he contest, while a nerve-racking for competition by local residents growing alarm in Europe pver the one for comPeHtoca and (he 190 or 'Hdfrector expressed their ptearor# Mild Cure Streaky Bgcoq. 1 to I lbs. per lb...... the poultrymen on the Island tak­ more enthualaata that forpied the wtinAllhg a demonatratlon of Mr. cnir- tke time ws* top short to increasing number of mishaps on the In wiinesaing - -iih the men ge a puJtabU* evept tnlf year, Sliced Ayrshire Ham. pgr to ...... ing up Dr. Tolmie’s refrain and gallery, provided a fitting climax to Warren's popularity with rro*n il cup WM held oVer till next Sliced Standard Bacon, per lb...... railway One would have sup­ fhc Western t>nada Golf Aaaoclatlpn bleating for protection. They are -...... , Mr"ffell reterred to the strenu- year, when a suitable event will be Sliced lip,rooked ftacqn, per to ...... " posed that perfection had been tournament, the gveateet event ot ttg announced. A half-mile swimming Sliced Swift • Premium 1 toneless Ham. per Ih...... too busy trying to meet the demand kind evèr Staged In the th reached in this form of locomotion event ha« been au|ge|tejl- The fol- for their produce. , provinces. lowing Were the i of toe varl- DELICATESSEN Yet France has recently established MacWilllama' victory waa the re- + + + ou» evepta: Spencer's Potato Sated. Pgr lb...... j...... a commission to inquire into the rea­ gult of the moat marveloua come­ ffeqior tour-pared il#p»lre»k for the «va., Jellied ("orngd Beef, per lb...... back ever Chronicled In tournament Wfikereon Cup, won by-, the.— ...... R.UA.A...... las autcnyinr 7 son for so many disasters on the aaaffS ütegsÆ Jellied VgaL per to ...... :•■■■• 90S WEALTH play , to toute pafta, 4» at pat I4«ta *—n. nilawa "' f6r that tmrpew, crew,—Stroke. T.-Lampman. ill Jack during the competition he waa six Tatra, (Z) Eric Glbfon. bow, Gua that Iztef, per to •...... great iron way. Three hla abtilty had been quickly Jellied iretofia' Topguca. per lb...... F THOSE PESSIMISTS IN holes down. Displaying the fighting ^ Juîilor fdur-o»red lapstreak for the Aeroplanes battling with the ele­ spirit that characterised hla brilliant HE*T»-7Tueso4Y specials Canada would oqly take the form when he defeated Ben CooL a ments will have to give way to un­ gfesa " J.B-A A- crew ZOO tba. Lean Bo nette. Stew "Bgff. ft Ibe- for------...... Itime and trouble to learn some­ eluhmgte. to enter the Bunte. Mi'c- w»>,». rrj n, il) J. J now ne ahroye tn thing about their own country, its certain and superior force. Deli­ williams fought garnet) naeir rof.'j.v,rtovy the a wain. A. Robson.__ •00 lbs. Oxford Sausage, per lb. great wealth and enormous possibil­ cate mechanical devices will f»*l nf exorlaàWa which had com. to when least expected and without ending of which brought a sigh of o; e,P„ tour of the West of Balling race. Sliver Spring Brewing Shanks Beef, half or whole, per lb. ities. they would surely alter their relief aa well as rejoicing to the larg­ w'arren'a abllttl'» and splendid quall- Cup—1. Donald Hafypyî ^11- Blade Bone Roasts, per lb...... warning. Ships will collide at t est_ crowdi iiiaaathat cmever trekked over hill , .. a director of the system, he son. Freeh Cpoked Tp)pg, per (h...... tune and put themselves in a more arid" date16 to aec■ à golf competition In cheerful frame of mind. We agree and wreck themselves on icebergs JJfJ .Jked^ numbers of queatlona Mptpr outboard. Lewis Hail Cwp— Uhi Freeh large Reef Hearts, each...... and other things not bargained for. CVt'*WA« a sensational coqipetltloit, l.revwhcre he had visited, not on(y i, t Hcpyocto! i J «ardrer- Pork Steak», per lb...... that scrutiny df statistics doe» not aa to the men connected with th# »)*- Committee» were H E. Hawk­ It is of especial interest to pbaetye. featured by We|r'a phenomenal put "m'"tout Jte?> » <» «>. «rvft, the ing. chairman : K M. WaUreulf. »tc- always furnish the most pleasant tin# during the tiret *"~'* National jUttway» were glcltre retary; 8- f H»«M. »«1»tolt Vff- ...... however, that the service which Bound Stti*.ik- pgr ih...... •»“*- form of recreation. At the same anI ■ hUcWIttlania ^ neouls. Throu6hout the answe tory time the welfare of this Dominion many sceptics tried to laugh into de­ during the next nineteen h^n the aaihe. expressive c , got. Shoulder Steiteqli. P»r lb- spair is holding it» own AS * (Rodent gave hlm the decision dee vest appreciation, and the«S t: OUNTER DELIVERED surely demands more intelligent Weir waa two up at the end of the plained fhf growing Importance Ot study than out doleful ones are dis­ form of reliable and safe transpor­ ninth and four up when the tint the NtttlpDSl system, not only In thfl Pnterf fkteri uatif 2 p.m. for afternoon delivery tation. Anq # n reasonable to as­ halt waa complete# Mai Williams W.at hut also throughout the fri,- steak- PW 3b...... • : -U posed to give it- HW sume that in twenty years from tiret assumed toe lead an toe twen­ Steak, per lb...... nilnlop could understand, knopr Cut Shanks Beef, per IS». resources have been and are ty-third green aqd It waa all square Th* lyaop. Rex new the ht|rier-th*n-»ir machine an the (wenty-eevanth and thirty- Là mont. 8. EE Iamb Steak», pgr lb. .. transformed into actual wealth is will be almost es common as the alh. In fact, during the event , ______H. Twist. pgr lb. told m the monthly bulletins issued Say were on even terme five time». Henry bt a»td. had worked night and eommltt BEST ISLAND hy the Bureau of Statistics. four-wheel flivver of to-fiey. MacWilllama waa leading on the Àav wltii only one thought, the goal lnôd7Y b. Freaer. «. C. 'Ander K&toSMt fct ma ™. of ihT C»p»ai“" Katlonal Railway, is it generally' realized, for es- + + + first green, twenty-tfilrd. twenty- B. LoVell. W HtmFt ¥ alxth, thirty-third, thirty-fourth had and'yA nfp« «bejlre UanadlanI annum» peopte*— - Wylde.wyiav. Th* 4*.Kies. GROCETERIA SPECIALE ^îîhiPUp'oT that!14 MT Katiofr» core -rta***; pw' tHtg.' îTV'.n-rr'rrr Government will nqt expire tint! vm mwwywv putting during toe morning play, hla _ ‘ d V|Y i. constantly subjected to r . WGibsonsw**« -,3. T.»- LampmanLam pm an stroke. Create* nl WbagL per pkg...... to a little more then i early in 1927, five years front the greatest effort on the greena being . riitChÜi„l i.Is tnAfffmost unfair. He The OkawnlwanShawnlgan Juniorinnlnr rrfwcrew weewas - Crlaco. per tin ____end g half dollars) >-Of return of the last writ of the elec­ a tpr,y-ti'e-foot putt on tire lour- V J big Job and. If he were A. Harvey bow, L. Pellsnd 2. R. Magic Baking Powder, per tin leenth On the second hole hla putt ' ” In every way. he Fraser 1. F. Yates stroke. amount field crop» alone Accounted tion nf 1921. If the Governmep Tt)e retutte qf other aquatic event» waa from fifteen fret away. On the VICTORIATtv 1 Vlttft FIlilsCtcLliI PTl •ftN* «jS&W «ÜÜ for almost one billion, with dairy did not dissolve Parliament unti twelfth MacWllJjama »»nk af tfteen- products representing $238,000,- next Summer H mil would be seven foot putt, a birdie four and Weir re­ '» jfwfi lets. ML- A:> «! 1'TNin Oxo Cube*, pef Up or eight months from the end ef it* peated to the amasement of the 9mm m 000. even egg. totglmg A produc- crowd. Again pn the sixteenth hi# atari iturday night's meet- "Overboard motor» for Lewte Hall to* VAlug of bp le?» thA« fifty #4- IF»- putt waa twppty feeL Prevh , VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 24,1928 DAVID SPENCER LIMITED « e.m. f. « p-ln..

mm. *1 Featurin Display of WotnetTs "New FalPCoats Jersey Silk JWomen's Smart uw.« OVERBLOUSES PULLOVERS $2.S0 $5j9S Blouses made of fancy weave Pullovers of heavy-quality silk Jersey in overblouse style, they have elbow pure wool in all-over pattern sleeves, V necks, finished designs, made with long with band at bottom and sleeves, V necks and finished trimmed with vella vella with band at bottom; sizes collar and ruffs in self shade 34 to 40. Special .. $5.95 and tie of plain material: sizes 34 to 46. Special $2.50 CORSELETTES Girls9 Middies and $ÎJ>0 and $1.98 Skirts For Corselettes of fancy pink cotton, side hook style with School Wear four hose supporters; boned White Jean Middies, with navy across front. Special, at detachable collars, short sleeves each ...... • • ■ $1.50 and id regulation style; sizes for Satin Striped Corselettes in 8 to 14"ÿesrs. Special at . .$1.35 side hook style, lightly boned across diaphragm; Navy Serge Skirts, pleated from elastic insets in skirt. Ex­ white cotton bodice, good quality ceptionally good values serge, in sizes for 6 to 15 years. at ...... $1.98 Special value at —Coreete. First Floor Navy Flannel Middies with white' collars and cuffs, made with band at hip ahd long sleeves ; sizes for Women’s Knit 8 to 14 years. Special, each, at ...... $3.95 Underwear —Children-» Fleet Floor Oeod Values Tuesday Women's Summer-weight Vests with low neck ira tops, Womens Union Wen Frey F or. Their Freteetien end n le . strike In which union pickets elng hymne end And the prayerr It asks divine protection for the shoulder straps; sizes 36 to 40. Hew Season’s Goods Just in pray for the welfare and guidance ef strike-breaker»—the men who are dubbed "scab*" In Special 3 for...... $1.00 Flannelette Gowns of excellent mine owner.; In which dally song service moot strikes. Lisle Bloomers with elastic at quality, well finished, made with eatrances have taken the place "Lord, we ' would not have any harm come to thoao waist and knees, they have large men," - eeys the feeder Xord. held the rock. of the high or V necks, long sleeves end that usually are hurle-1 et men gusset and are oFexcellent Un*Teu might call It. the O mountainside up from them. trimmed with self frills or colored -But Lord, let them see the Ilsht, that they will not wearing quality ; sizes 36 to 44 in stitching and neat embroideries. SAVE IT WORKS WELL continue to deprive union men and their wlvee and white only. Special, a pair, $1.38 —Knit Underwear, Flret-Floor Priced st $1.35, $1.05, $1.98 Further, officiale of the United Mine Workers say this families of that which they have worked for and which strange strike 1. working out— -v»o well that these "Uhrle- la rightfully theirs." and ...... ,./$$J5 tten"'*taettes will be eontlaued all Bummer, It need be The- leader also aeke that Clod «often the hearts of the There are Ave mine» here employing non-union men. mine owners. Then he close* with a plea for the sol­ French Valenciennes In the Seasons Newest Modes Flannelette Gdwns in extra large The union men. numbering between ■** *^' diers, praying that "Thou wilt guide and protect these sizes, V or high necks, long work rather than accept a wage cut to the 1,lJ1,v‘l. soldier boys and not let them come to any harm." Lace With Autumn, the mode eaten a new phase. A more stately rormal mood sleeves and tucked or embroidered Trouble waa feared aa feeling ran high. The cute Then the service, end. The strike-breaker, pan, out is here, evidenced in the rich fabrics, stunning fun and graceful lines of militia was ordered out. On Sale/for, s Yard fronts. Priced at $1.65, $1.75 Bet the Oolden Rule strike has left the soldiers with quietly. The pickets stand still. the New Coats for Fall, 1985. and ...... $1.08 little to do except polish theta, rifles and practice the ; NO INSULTING emss Instead of Insulting cries and cat calls that are ritual of guard mount. ______Our selection include* smartly flared styles, fur trimmed or rich wrappy Slip-on Flannelette Gowns in a Here is a daily scene at each mine entrance. usually heard at such times, one hears models with deep shawl coffin and cuffs ; fashioned from lovely fabrics and strike-breaker variety of style*, trimmed with SINQ NATIONAL ANTHEM trimmed with such fun as beever, skunk, mink, wolf, ‘tinted opossum, lace, fancy stitching snd em­ At four o'clock In the'afternoon the men quit work. Tm praying fpr you, John Smith, mandel lamb, sealine, Thibetine, Siam and mufflon, at prices rsnging from On the road outside la a crowd of union men. with their broidery. ’ Priced st $1.10 wives and children. Between them and the mine la a glty.f » to ...... -glaum First Floor $1.25, $1.50 and ...... $1.98 row of eoldlera with rifles. The workers look out ap- —Whlteweer, First Floor Pr*The crowd of union pickets carries many American flags No placarda no clubs no bricks-—lust flags. They group does together—and then they sing the "Star August Sale Mens Work Shirts Spangled Dannor.** - The young Infantry lieutenant snaps into a salute. TAPESTRY Beit WearlngQnaUtie. at Low The privates* present arms. The union men stand erect, hate oft gEaftig etfalfTrt aWed—at the mine. \. Furniture Khaki Flannel Shirts with ’ two 4[I 'frf Then thé Anthem ends. Immediately the pichets break Into a hymn. It la fallowed by another, tgen an- pockets and turndown collar st- BTiy J/* a a _ . 1.1 * «laat-aa si a n a fliFWEril. Bargains other. Then, s rv x io rt. e in. Inched. A splendid shirt for work, -, f camp or metering. All sizes, *P*®i*) Reinartz’s Theories Tuesday at* ...... >$3.35 SPECIAL Khaki Twill Shirts, made from good strong materihl in a soft Undergo Examination 6 Only, Morris Chairs, enam­ fini*; shown with collar attached and one pocket. AH sizes. elled in white or gray- with Good vilue ...... t...... $1.50 cushions upholstered in good lîârtfoht Conn* Aug. 14. — Tho Blue (’Halobray Shirts, made with two detachable soft col Roinxr11 theories of short - move radio westing metsrjals. ..fiiturts Ian*to,match and one pocket. A well tailored shirt ol •olid, hi rvmarkehle wqmrter-material. - AU siam, anlami^vxlwj^, eluded dqtejdetermination of the value ot the torty-meter. twenty-meter aad An extra special value in Tapestry, Bug*, several, gçod de 1 Only, Old English Oak Li­ Grand Sheik Issues Ruling Which Casts B five-rimer wave lengths under verb signs to choose from. Regular to «0.00, on sale for fl-*.™ brary Table with drawer âflrt Drama in Near East; Itmoite Actress May —Carpets. Bemad Ftooi shelf below. Regular 630,90, All Pare Wool Blankets Member of Christian Faith. f9r ...... $19.50 --, «sto Bargain. Tuesday ----- T-ttfrri' the United. Sûtes.tales. Canada aad aev- Solid Oak Bookcases, -thrde KtNtlkh AH Pure Wool Blankets ia real dependable quality, masculine role of Berfeent "WUSnm. furelin countrlee are « eels ting section, top snd hiae, fumed wlpte> ifithvyith blue or red borders at except itineffy low prices. Caire. Aug. ÎC—Although women In A number of British Sealers and Jelly C ini*. Regular 682/50 .lor Egypt, Syrie and Turkey are-tending ilq 'Blanket*— more and more to emerge from the its lo the teat. cloistered life of the her cm end to m-e® I inches. Regular 610.50 a pair for threw Into the .discard the yashmaks cannot read or writ», Of All Kinds Regular 61175 a pair for her roles In the different-piafna.from 64x84 il which veil their faces, the fight toy 'band svpertmenl 68x86 inrl women's freedom In theke countries teacher, who reads then ever 000» TALUS* TUESDAY Regular 613.50 a pair for her several times a nay for fees to leddthe' end on varying am- still Is 1er from being won. Tho latest that the final de- Ecoaomy Capa, per dvsea. 38# Seifk Blankets— bomb to explode In the feminist camp ouata of power, i Perfect Seal Jam Jars,- - piato. has been flung by no lew a nereoh If tho fatwa of qadwil Et** of twansfloae tnei Pare wax. per lb...... ,*•# 64884 inches. On sale for talam to to be abmdW. rttoacoom- E^nomÿ^ tûûf-eènUaî J*m 68^86 inches. Oh sale for than the rector of Al Asher, the fa­ Reports and leg* from all of the Squat or Tall Jelly (Haases.. per mous Moslem university, who by vlr«. pltohed actress must nob disappear pinto, per u<#w ii ...... “ dosen ...... W# toe of hie ofttre of Grand Sheik of from the «toge. But M unira, «I-Han­ fnded August r aye being Qosrte, #wr Uoicn . - Jelly Gians'Covers wUp or.wvww lihn wields an authority almost dled. like many Western stoters of Wide Mood Manon Jam Jar*, equal to that of the Pope In Catholic her profeeslo*. I* eelf-wHtod. Bbo to checkedi up by thothe technicalt.------staff of j on. per dosen .. .-.IQ# the league In this city an per dosen 6*-3® reluctant to retire at the height qf —Hardware, Lower Mala' hTpbr The Grand Bhelk has issued a bar fame ah» to faced1 with a choice tune It (« expected that t Quarto pe.-. doeeti ...... •».#» fgtwa, or ruling, the effect of which between heeTidth and her prbferelon elusions may be made I WINDOW SHADES Is to prohibit Moslem women from the value of short waves iftim .nepeeflM the «tag*, olthor as ec- There to eply «wtofane by which tressos or ethgets"-Tuts enmmnoe» Pure Down ment naturally has caused much renounce 1$ Vheariburntng In the Egy ptian thé­ pl*cln$ an Pure Down-filled Comforters, covered in dowi iw: SW| vanattle artist, «he plays also the «pgggçsjBBy

i ^4ys=; 2ii.:' 4w.t '• »-•«..*.V -,-ik’*»'. >■» ■» c-.n.» .... " • jwijs .


CettaleU 1ird Saad, par pkt. • •»•« Oronge Fekee T*» Extra flne Quality, per lb. Freeh togwlng Vaal, 1 tog for «F FETE GALANTE HELD «heulder Lamb Çh»»*, par lb- **6 % famou» hreakfart tool. ", fraah Etef Livar.11W «" TOMMIE ■ -» T —rrr tb. grgat fly degtroyef. per TROOPSJEPWTURE Irenes, Island Bead. Mise Morrle-Beade of EUT fit...... Tor^ Vencop- MtowL |^.n^ct^'S pesfflx I Fresh pipe Temateea guest of Mre. W. Johnston. C N lee Freeh Italian Prunea efreef. leftI u>-d»yto-day en^qute home. About 11 Iba. to the About 1» Iba. to the box of Bermudi 70c d Mrs Mart Coggrove of b»», par bo» 8155Lcl"”...... p Wednesday , UR------Initial 6 turned yesterday to Ibelr home on lege Grouty « WMnlend + + + H. 0. KIRKHAM & CO. LTD. guest of Mise Marguerite Waldy. Wl||y Blanklovoort of Beet- saL™,, The Lady Douglae Chapter ------1 In Victoria j sell heather on Wefpwdgy In com- Mr. Allan Watte-Joneg has re­ 61^?ï„6L ““ SSS turned to Victoria after spending g , I» now the moratlon of the dgggrture of lb» tep gays' holiday at Quallcum. ■a Combe fn The ftrnt garden party frtyep by «ht WH=»ab=g= !.. —— l’lrat Contingent frotp Victoria, who eulualL Kumitiga Club *«• held Baturdey .in u«T Mrs. a. C. Hunt of left on Auguet It, Itli far the front .rternoon. * - by *-kindA- lapalf^flpormieelon 9$of MHe in Station have bggn vleltore Roberte, principal ^Jetton ColNr*. Opening of Women's The hpadqua, dquartgrg of the Merchant#1 M-SFWW^,, MTWSTW I i gtorg, ■la for the past few days. vtnciaf Old gardens of Oon- I------— ------1 be In the | Casualty Company, a«accompenlcd------hx In (hf beautiful jeetion of the yltti _ r to the + «tank Higgins left Ilf# Socialistic Congress Mr >»4 “r* . Is Seeding » tew days Ip sales- nlngt ___ Wf, cbllfv acr .. Seattle w>et otof airsM Louisa yarilaitient. r»rr-;seventy -. few deys. gS*lBwf. Wifgb'i kvk* gve. It |e pSeeumed she went up- 1 ,taire io her room to gef Some money Marseilles. Aug. 21.—The Women's Mise cooie who art [cClure which she had thvre’and 'wa. over- MARRIED SATURDAY Socialist Congress, a prelude to the cation in Vancouver as tb* glieet of I Copyright, II». ”f HP h 1 fSPSr tlf. come by smoke. ThS charred Intsnpgtlonal Socialist Congress, has ashes qndeg opened here. Sixteen countries are Dunce» on Saturday.^ Mr mhlnfl were found In tne g morning o her bedroom. IN. Jobp'f cbureb «as the acpne of hwmtoted by 100 delegates. Wedpead.J / a very pretty wedding Saturday Resolutions have been adopted B«k!*le Ypendlig'a*ahorf holiday 10 ur, Bruce THeetbco|e and her (■y howard R Ogri.) evening. «ben tb» Her p. A_ p. dsingtiding g greater share In Inter- pBP giatlie ^ ^ „ daïgble- Mr» Thomas Bandell. who nation»! Socialist work for women, rlnal CD B.„ ClarlOf M 0«v of the Alba- oeenl yl.ljo,^, V^torij. urging (Socialists to strengthen inter­ . Qrgy of the attend! "Ob. deer" algbwt Ultle national aetjon against war and pro­ err pow^he^^ the bunny rabbit ehH4 Die Wu Weak, a wreeth « Is spending a jtnd 1 Mr CllftMd r. Foxafl, eon of Mr. posing a serious Investigation Into the war irtel,0d. two- William poxoll of Bay Btreat, and means for combatting the constant (” TO Curtis ,w!B^yE7 5 tbâTate kra Toxall. rise In the cost of living. ‘ornla. fold i i, ------For the happy occagion the church Cparies O. eW7ora.jw-r-f- 0‘.Vy%Vl ant Tkii »4 Liver Tfixtract—It s the bride looked ygry a mart In a m* v V 'X'tâF' at Crescent Beach. api fuh of vitamines. livvaatrack of pvpowder”»*. «e»vblue rcrepe dp taint the paft w?^ THAffgy Thank goodness Chat now. when a, trimmed with silver and wowore a bat _ . Gray returns Portland. Mine Wlgley explained that the V IWDelMelfiTegr Ireee woman le week end haggard and to match.|taMAggwf A shower------bouq tx>u |t to his bogie In jwm doii’t welsh what éhe ougnt to, she Ophelia roses completed the unaa. .. Mc- safflgSt,.; gg thfck and warm in Bummer couvgf ^ngota. kpowe where to go 1Jor help •• nil attire. Raltp. ’ ere guegte at the *' drugglete are no# eélllnr MéCoy » Mias Kathleen Wellborn, sister of In New 4 Miss B|leen Grubb, 1 amoeua where they bavg been for gome days tskssSF.asv** Mv giîîrt If Fpvndiig • holiday in Van­ thefr Cod liver Extract Tabffets, sugar the bride, mads a charming atten- and Win leave on Wdrwedey Mr snstela ‘wiihi mtdh7*w. god th - J- coated, and at e«#y to tsltd na cfhdy. couver gg the gheet offer glgfer, pome In Portland."-orti " hopped bp from beneath the t« And R'e s mighty good thing for fcutswtafSgsjSi Wellln Mrs Merter , + + t Green, |o Whom fb* Itbfnkii Jfi pklnny, rundown' men and wonign t» a shower bouquet of mauve eaters Ira J. W. Troup tntrrtainrd ten iMm ‘""Whit’gre ye" looking forT a eked know that they can get the rdnl Cod The groom wee supported by Mr H. Quigley of Van- etk at a delightful luncheon party John Me*wan of Chloggo During Liver vitamines In condensed form, - -ew week» In Friday In honor of Mrs Rohm that they ran easily csrrT'wf|h them $?.em*;„e,.,.,,b.r .«Vo'S they w»rg moch at the n|he In Vic­ auccege Dnly «0 cent» for *0 tablets, and If of nasturtium Russian crepe, assisted BRITJAH TEACHERS gtrstt. who h Spending th* 8^ toria ae th# guest of the former e rom*hc8 . lh, 3bKr' » wo,“dflr answered In receiving the many guaata. To the - Wh.W^.1 and‘nd Mr* the/don't put five pound» ot tlegh on bride tbe broom gave a gold wrist Street. children, nodI any thin person In M day»—why, P QF THE ROCKIES «!CL.?d «I Wljffly htmfelf irponVhla money hart and no qnlbblfng about watch, tb the bridesmaid a pearl r»«c4WT + + ■♦■ - , it. eitper. Ian* end to the beat ma» S P*lr Mine port# Lgmbert of the_ nursing announced of >ld cuff links. aft at m JoneShTHoepIraT..jrwig Tv- __« bride's gift to the groom was two weeks' F. Dlment, Street, dainty irned from «pending a |wc nephew of a leather euR-Oaae Among the mgoy mvgçgtlon rBr || pun — can. ^ *** j6™"|gfrV handsome gifts wan a mantel clock, lereon. suitably engraved, given by the I Mre. Mutch have [cturyM r&siiW take le eternal members of the Victoria Amateur l from a two week. ho«- tlgfO Boplempÿ i + Swimming Club, of which the I ||is coast aa far as Ittf' me natural beauty of the setting I ad groom have been active fi»"" b4%ikOTrg TflUtT'S î§ Mise Rita Ormleton. Madame Halet. her brother did the aome fhlhir Then Later. Mr. and Mrs Fowl! + + ^motor______fortrip a trip. up the______Tslaimd. Angelee. who have bem «pending the Mise Edith Mustard and the author. '«rSkV Creacenf. on their return Will reside on V non few days M*da*ne Sanderson, oomorteed W couver Street. The bride's travb Washington. re|iihrnod to Victoria very delightful cut of gifted tnfer- apparel wma a maroon colored ------yogtgrjay and win spend gome time pretera Ml— Marguerite Sanderson (.(intfr*»» c|oth with hat to match of . played the minuet which they 4*Fc.ed mam------Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Rlratfoa «< welcome. lf5W«r T ’,Byway^oiC&ntrg»t endlu an In­ Everything Vancouver, after a few day» visit TO 10.1 Victoria, left on Sunday nlghf fog terlude Ifetween the two play. came BABIES SAVED which this V'— _ —.T- an ultra-modem tramp In all tne u„. of varicu.jru,,. llO.t tbelr home on the^malnlapd. » "ssH’r.^s FROM SUFFOCATION Koo ;u»st df her "aide and aunt, r Company «t ‘Bennington ------d attention of the x Hanby. Mrs. p. L Han- Mre H- F Hewjti- V””1 Chicago. Aug- 14.—Seventeen sngaged the tptgrest' gy R^4. kM rcturprdm*d fo feor home as a nuie, » I ,»jors.visitors, priva,-private cits— transporting tgem . Robert K. Hanby of Wen­ hie costume would have been more i babies all under one month of age. HIGHLY HONORED — Mrs. to the various point-. atchee wgre visitors In Victoria gt Justified by the remarkable clean»— were saved from suffocation early Peter Copper Hewitt, formerly In the afternoon fhs party + + + ararv^ï ufe the week-gnd- + + + Mr J- Gordon Campbell of, Victoria and .wertee— of ble whletled —lec- EDISON yesterday when mirage carried them Mies Lucy Work, has been made Sir. J- UVIVVM v,aw.gpF„ ' unouncen thf 'eW'''"»”1 hl* tlone. of which he gave three |n from a smoke-tilled nursery nt the a Chevalier of tbg Legion of Dr. and Mre. W. H Werner of faultlr— form. Mlee Dorothy Morton I Dtemefi Dies Presbyterian Hospital. The smoke youngest daugnter. acted U ht» accompanist. ponograph was from a fire Id a hospital lab Honor by the French Goy«n»m«0t Mr Frederic William ^Robln^Of Hi recognition of her valuable œ. ïfci.wœ -i& "Ballet Wjrprtbe." entirely leJg^" oratory, resulting fromm SOaq < tni * V 4- heated culture leiubatar.c------IT. whichwhlc_ „„ services as secretary of the ever the famous Banlt-wmdermere :rJohn'n X)nit#dTChurch mtme, save for the eefenade — — put out with a mininlnlmum of damage. Phare de France. Highway _____ Mr. god Mre J M lay of Van with couver have arrived for the golf Slightly Used Coi Mrs. South of Ban Francisco, who Records; former S0.W tournament thlg week, eng are etey la apendlng the Bummer month» in Œ- leg «I the Kmprçee Hotel. eon). wishing to marry hta young ana beautiful ward (Mra George Johg. Aient# came Mr Whitewash •41 Yet. After spending a month at Burn­ gfop). who w|l| have none of hjm H ' %sftUrBear. KPT'8 « aby 5he M the f“dft of,Mr? ^a? Avenue, rgfufried on Saturday frofn Pianos — Phfnogrpph! — Gordon. Douglas Road, Mias A Mac- Vancouver frpgre for » I»» COIh; me Valia In an attitude of n- rfa.h8t.T»hiLN3p«i^M uSrpTOSFBW All hands are flowed in enowy white. Misa Alice M. Stewart, who bf» CUltltRT Pi.U H i aï IN u LO I' ■Fa* sunumivtm W ,„wU very rose trees, from their ===*» little pedestals a ballet S=B= .. Mr». Allan John «1^ chlidrfn. rrA'idW^ ,yd Of the Northgn» Apany. Mr. R Bruce Portland !CaS« |p. bTRowo Holland p( Bakery Spotlessness also, went to sleep. And i Mr. John McKwan of Chicago Vancouvervancouvvr, after «pending a W ing tantad too fr—ely"ofl the' drag, of > the eight of thee* «mnupb_ m been w|ne tt .tarried by ' taking Iclcîëe from'my M cave!" «aid Curtain» gt Inanimateinanimate figuresname» taking,--■■■» life —- v -- *•** + + + returning whan hl« «upof |e peened Mr. Whitewash, when he eaw »e Uanysyreeweyilhwbif *Wri|nt seems to h#l«r removed Mr. and Mre. R- M«cl*->«M of ■mhI dangling White' thtnge. But when be Mr. and Mre. R. Ma' ’ cleverly reeadufee him. Oakland.Oakland, California,Ca.Jfornta, ,-^^jJOefdwho felt of them b» knew they wore only from the brown croit and inowy enunb of the ugual IX Loaf, CALL! FOB AUTHOR Pinning Cu i the floor. Mr* Lee Af- Reheated Krill? for

V- VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 24.1925 SCIENCE FINDS BOTTOM 1676 FOLK STRANGE AS m New York, Aug/24—The Sargasso Sea, tabled oeean meadows off the Azores, et»H flaimta ita flealtaf iwwdaaa ehallange to man. Its mysteries remain unrevealed to even so perfectly equipped an expedition as manned the super-scientific ship Arcturus, now Quality Baggage back in port with ita cargo of deep-sea wonders. But next What’s New Summer, when the storms have quieted, another effort will be made to find and explore this oeean El Dorado—it it exists. Around the Store? At Special Low Pricës Meanwhile, piece by piece, the jig-saw pussle of a world of f war New Fall merchandise Is incredible creatures at the ocean’s floor is being arranged in the errtTlng every day and no A Wardrobe Trunk! . That’s what you have v>v laboratories of the New York Zoological Society. Here the scien­ matter how /«ten you may needed for q long time. You can buy it now at tists have unloaded from jars and tanka and boxes that cluttered come Into the «tore you are a big saving in price. During the present week the Arcturus,'creatures that baffle the wildest imaginings. sure to find something lhat> new—something luat a little we are offering all baggage, including both “And it merely shows ua how very, very little we know,” re- different from whet you have wardrobe and steamer trunks, suit cases, club mar ka William Beebe, eminent scientist who headed the ex­ seen before. Among the most recent arrivals ar#— bags, hat cases, etc., at special low prices. See pedition. our big displays on the Lower Main Floor. "Perhaps we. can hope to get some sort of an incomplete pic­ English Tailored Coals 1 ture of these amaaing creatures, who apparently left the sun and Trunk Speeisl Hat Caaea for Women Mode throughout of three-ply Round style, covered with light behind to pioneer thousands of feet below and who vneeer material, covered with black UTameled duck, bound demonstrate the astounding manner in which living things can They are quite English In ap­ pearance—that is. smartly dark green fibre and bound all round, have aide clasps and with vulcanised fibre, studded come to adapt themselves to strange circumstances. We can at tailored most of them double- lock, shirred pocket Inside. all over, extra boita, dowels least gain some idea of changes in habits, characteristics and breasted and cut in the Sale Price...... #5.66 raglan style. Materials ere and special flFck, fitted with appearance—and there are many, many things we cannot ac­ ¥ w> two trays. Shown in three Club Saga all wool tweeds, relnproofed Walrus grained cowhide club count for yet. r coatings, cheviot and home­ “To present our problem more clearly, let 8s suppose that spuns, moderately priced *'fl-ln. Special Price, #18.65 beg», well eewn. with (our from #29.50 to #46.' cloth, very smooth and soft Three-quarter else, fitted with Price ...... the On b. Woods, tenor; Colon tone. Experts assert that If the “llnton and powder puff. Concealed Price ...... *7-*° ' Allen eomnaanr. > • a».—Phylile Oriswflrlewold. organist. KFKX (200.3) Hastings. Nebr. process does ail that ltn supporters • SO p m—McCVorye“Tory's popular period In a silk tassel hanging from 1 only, else » try U. regular tll-M- 0-11 p.m.—T.W.C.A. programme. claim, then the cost of motor fuel Sala Price ...... gXB.TB Lillian Madsen, directellreeter. oil and lubricants will be reduced the bottom of the case Is a 0.40 p.m.—Ray Mosey'eMon Carter Lake qne-half. lip stick case or perfume I only, else 1S.S by 11. regular «I SO. There is no way of testing the an­ Sale Price ...... «*•«•• trio, In the "conversion" method only dropper. Price only, #3.#5 a?VT tenna circuit other than by building 1 only, else 11 by M. regular 12».50. Sale Phil "Chats About New It carefully, with porcelain or glane low temperatures are used and no —Main Floor (410-4) Minneepelle-6t. Paul, Insulators at each end of the ahtenna pressura is needed. August Savings in Quality Price X— •. - .« *A . —Third Fleer TROUBLE In the co-called cracking process large percentages of free carbon are Pickling Vinegar separated from the moleculte, which Hudson's Bay Seat of Quality Plckllnp are broken and permeate the gaa< " Vinegar, white or brown as desired. 10% Balance in Nine Monthly Fifty Wire Grass Rugs at and residuum. Thin In what causes 1-gallon keg, wine measure . $1.*5 1-gallon keg, wine measure .. .$2.0» the deposit of carbon on cylinder cRo**en i^kutSkwSSuo >5S Payments and valves, resulting 4a an 79c Each trouble. WALT VINEGAR, In bulk. Imperial 3-Piece Chestorfleld Bette Closely woren Wire Owe Rugs In at­ The Un ton motor fuel, composed nSSire Aromatic Malt Vinegar, Consisting of large roll arm cheater, arm chair tractive stenciled designs, choice of blue, entirely of methylenes, is not only brown or green, te only tO clear at this Ctonvwall devoid of carbon, but It dissolves portai gallon ...... 01.69 back wing chair, ell well made with looee remarkably low price. Tuesday, each the lafter f small percentages of Heine's Pure White Pickling Vina Imperial gallon ...... I____ Marshall cushions covered in good quality at ...... -...... W are mixed with free-run sagoline Please Note—A further charge of Me manufactured by cracking. It has will be made for containers for attractive ,tapestry. Sale Price, —Third Floor similar effect on gasoline to tetra St B. or Heine's Vinegar which i - *acks on ethyl, without carrying the lead, the be refunded on return. langnroue element. 3-Piece Living-room Suite Those now Investigating the effect of tetraethyl lead on the human sys­ Fresh Fruits and « In Queen Anne design, walnut finish, set con­ Worth-while Savings in tem are comparing it with the new Vegetables sists of two ehaira end settee with cane back recess- product. Cifear Bureau of Standards experts, who Green Temnteee. 4 lbs. for...... and upholstered seats in high grade velour. Draperies Small Pickling Gherkins, per lb... are inquiring into the Linton process Cucumbers, I for ...... Sale Price, complete...... «135.00 Curtain Berime sad Its products, have been Informed Mahogany Console Tables ^ Single border Curtain Berime of nice that any sort of lubricant, from the —Lower Main Floor even weave, win make Inexpensive lightest to ths heaviest. Is actually With rounded front and one drawer turned curtains at a lew cost, choice of cream. Hudson’s Bay Fresh • and fluted legs. Regular SAÛ-50, Sale - wttite ar aenL JUJe price, xifd,., .., *##. ‘HP (It. gallons com.» out It five (Alloua Meats Price...... A...... r...... «85.00 Frill Berded Curtains tn. A plant for the maktnc of Quality With Reasonable Pries# Walnut Hall Mirrors lLw. Dalnnty frill marquisette curtains In the product» by the conversion pro Freeh Plate Beef, per lb...... neat designs, complete with tie becks te UbVorite cam le now running In Milwaukee. Brisket Peint, per lb...... Neatly designed I rame, la*e British plate match. Bale Price, pee. pair.... |LH A shipment of the oil la on the way •tew Beef, per lb ...... 1 mirror; regular 326.95. Sal A Price «19.75 to Washington for the Shipping Neck# Of Beef,, * lbs. for...... 1 Novelty Qurtaine Board now. Pet Reset, per lb...... -...... Section BopkoaMp ' , Fine quality Marquisette Curtains, Lamb •tew, per tb. - wrnmrnwrt -trimmed with lass edging and insertion.. One Mg aevlng. It the new process Veal Btew, 2 lbs. for ...... 1 . Comprising base, three sections end base in works well, will be In Insurance, in Veal •hanks, S Ibe. for...... 1 well made and finished. Value |IM. esmueh as Area resulting from the Hudson's Bay Beef Bausages, per lb solid golden oak finish ; regular $39.50. Sale Sale Price, per yard...... o65n!5k^r£Ale4H6e®te high temperature and high pressure Minced Beef, per lb..!...... Price ...... «29.75 —Third Floor iHFtoiAt tobacco cornu* or method now In use do damage to the extent of 110,006,HO n year and the explosions cAuee more this ess hundred death, annualIr. sim

wa^v’iy 1.1» JL- ^ B. G. POLI DEPORTATION IS NOW MOOTED aitmm mmràçsrk «mwAr JlBASTHEAD ucht shattered iiirooi Authorities Si AS IMP UKU LATRINE iff Exhibition Al IpR IS STRUCK BT USBTHIHC Cast. Also person Was Mar- CANARIAN ■TSAM- At B. C. University màllflshtltllll ™d ifoigâr” Canadian Scottish Brings Bteamera leave W™_ Tm:Es%"SS 1,000 Tens Measurement ?W§* mm Shivered 9ffVft Ufa WW*** For Victoria BS®*4 53naip»o» Bank Bpbkery *it “is •**«rtw th* fine weather most of the way, ^^isïïïs^tttissSïF5 light win picked up by on Fridp, While her Mn tome fog op th* Inst leg Of hay SSiîüSBw j8SS » — dockf were ttreWR With Ws rtj,d globe iTl thousand &pt. Alec Foreog. master of the time past, it is stated. ------fh nr C !«.___i,k the 4U member» pf l be «Off fait Canadian Scottish. ha4 a double h, 7 of tbs a)t that occur, tvm . «4 Bet. ,4 Bar. it b^ipjfêtrlcsl .term ¥bl teat in the tail run ou» f Au*>ait Ssw Æ»3r£ W 4W-ÏÏ cec. te M»e«fe*t &sÿtiA.W4fK Ali RC, TOURIST lUu.l, ...... |^l f iur.nl» geft. » attle hi»* boon ko° IMW L rs -ïLinttsa sé-m RECORDS BEATEN mu-T 8F «'? Hfl, , VaSpwver oh ^atur4kjr MN& cpnotftcer. r«port,bO»,''”''h l?f ' ..... —jâm. Capt. For son was married at O.— ■«mad old man of the Canadian Pacific BnUwnr,'ntta»n«d hi. eeyent,event : snnu*. cow on July 1. ten days bsfore he to go ïtahta birthday Sunday. The “ColonaT la one of tbs i - en the outward run fieor;* asSt’SJ « With Part of , Chief engineer of the C*“- Yet **♦ ... -____I. tk. rvimin nn and his i W..W Scott),h, acted aa beet man. gü^ffigiSmake their *|UW gjore W offi­ Figures An ,WoOUo!«a,Tonn Zr^SS^SSSU. m the uAdH wiw and nractlcafly the entire jhlp'e com- cial action caiTbe tafc#P- pg£«3^32plrl|ii I p*k Bey fid For psny were on h#nd to cSTebr^S thf msmrn* No Cessation in Demi sas1*^ iTuST hT ru*?*» S? 3 wedding of one of the moqt popular », ::!Kk A iSSgt » pr.hy.,xi«”^»-iclalwTt£ alr- Traveling Aeoommo ation mh*ter« of the fine Cnpt. end Mr,. eîiht years, he la stIU as full of vim *• »v« lnd “”»• Ï wa,eh6,‘ Porfop win make thetr home at Ven^ te mmiak(tai*«f.lw4w record# eouver. the terminal of the U.K. run be,EX».."" m on everything that'* happening. fgner of the line from thin eoeat. loto con.iCer«W, tUrtns eouvlty In - ' Foraon wears three rU-’----- S%ss ““Er-EFr couver UpVf ’,ï~”.V^on National Seaipen'a Unfon, who ma*t for gallant aerylcerice during the Ku>o1 mou «wtaTV» the tant two or ti|rt* nroalhs_ DOCKERS’ STRIKE for Canada Saturday, predicts th* bead 'way. Be served dn the Glen AsaiptffiSmsz ,ittefinahlp, ietdp officials—----- along »( line stemnahip* out of Olaagow, two- ia .trike will flaale out. He decl *• Hotel proprietors IS UNSUPPORTED mate vessels carrying troops and 8?----- 5“. heavy there are plynty of men ready lo f supplies to the continent U EES Sssr r.SeT .hi on, but they ire being InllmK Eoccasions trgjgras such as Ft p*** _ «uta hive oV^uM lVTbt Semen's strike la an unofficial London, Aug. 14.—All wan quiet at I Capt Forson, say his brotnei ----- Sr5!22*bS.rSS* br thTUdit. I cars, has many a fine deed to his cre­ Bf'aaüPtr argS the London docks Sunday. The un­ movement and la alleged to be fb- nod have net on toft of U several time, aa dit, and to highly esteemed by those ffir Its position to th« land, wb*“ official ,tripe of the shipping men menied by Tom W*t»b. »h0 W“, who served under him In the days g, CARDCNA, Sa. CATALA capture would have been Inevitable, haa not oply made no progrès*, but closely Identified with the Bhlppfng wwr when plenty of herd work nod llttl* apparently l« (tailing out. Several strike In Australia. About IM*® V* | thanks war» the port)op qf th* in»y- «fu chantmen engaged In that dangerous '.IJK' veeeele which were teropqreflly de­ are involved, the atrlk.rv.repudlatlM hotel so. layed secured crew, and sailed out the agreement between the two e*a_ business. . . .en required to men's union, and the eetployera fdr Capt. Forson has been sixtean lurobla cltl— isengers by boat t months tn command of the Canadian take car, of the of port. fe XYcontlnuou. yS'Z'tSZmZ: ito and through tJavflork Wilson, president of tna a reduction In wngan. Scottish. Before that he w*a on the and train Alp packs Canadian Srlttiher. Ha t* Rtoufl of Va — fe,u2htai5W^‘- I hi, command, and Indeed It la one „„ the VSWh- of the best equipped of the lloe. 1m the movements of SU provinces to the Enat On this run out the Cnpadtan Scot ctîft. or bandits fleeing from X —mbta, all well patlafled TIMES SHIPPING CHART â large ship tlah cleared from Swansea and cam, British scene of the crime. sojourn by the gunny typhoon at Kowloon. he ègnai 1 CANADIAN Though official dlscusflpn 09 .. . r August if. 11a. AA « IFH.j subject le evaded £l Iffi-Htt- occan vee*||J| to a»AIVF ..."tOTch*^ ! uip From Duk faithful mrvicc understood the euthoriU#*j*JJJ| so CSMATION Master. *•»- Agent anniv to the Federal Oovernmen- season la Steamer . Orient . . . Aug. M -The Imperial and Dominion Gov­ •w us# of aircraft lodged^ for exhlbi- ,„1,,,5Meo^ntaY cessation ernment» are vary much alive to the S C. Cf AST «BRVI61 *Sml*cf1AuatraIta .orient... Aug. U In th* demand for ttaveUng . .O. K. .. AUf » WXE& SS .Orient....W- * boqiuA^i ...... meritorious service aa«w yours.jv“e- '"SSSZTiTta... «. the'! fSZng'e run between -r- - - M nrn . . Orient., ••■ept-jl U, Orient...Cep*.* VESSEL MOVEMENTS dug* aha Win call here again to pick MOTOR FERRY Idem .... SHHiEiS S 35 up * targe shipment or lumber ter îSïTa5r»rL“ averi. Xpa, occan yegccLg to sail Volendam at Haiif** Doth BoUar tlK point.; while from Vancouver. readiness at the B.C. Air Station at Tor. Departorg abe will taka concentrate*, lumber | SERVICE sangcr• hgndle4 over thU run dwarfs Monter. Tom *SWt. Jeticho Bmch «.dmnt ^SJgT^g; gt tamer ..Orient.... Aug. d*yoqtctar« at Montreal from fdrer- and general The Canadian Scottish th^^leurwTior aU past years. Traffic • • NH Rltheta ...... cleared at I gjn. yeft*rd*y fay Vnn- to th! Northern pointa trigona Mani ...... Orient.... Aug. The flytpg would be ----- ;uoka Mare . ; ~n:rn:.. htç. ••••. ..Orient... Xu» hfftttnVtaYfS BI liarhurn »f Montra., u- M~ 1 couver. mg . the K*slc aple^dors ,lB r .Quinn • •.tMH ddnti^W Line _ SIDNEY and wU* r: %t$k. v«rv moderate propornuu» in rMi* el»SSS|MiÉcoast are obtaining t .qrNut...e«- iLrrd^d“w.0,Jnta^ij»X#ïî»Sî:I^-onu at kionu»1 from iu.ndom| Notice to manner» ...... «141 *Tjt- ...... tion to the aarvlca thus rendered, It lh «>. S“ta££ ïïlftrSS ivw Yokohama Mara . fp Ft fNWlf** S2k, tbf hSTanTdellghtfut Ulp are hereby notll)*|l_ tbatj BEU4H6MAM ■ NeaoUaUona have reached tke Athfor -nveotlon. r tn Motor Prtncam **'**>'"Jg Stage where police heads ara çonfer- TNANSRAÇIFIC MAILS üivîTtïdît pêrtodî J llgthh Vaneoovw MIMjRK1 £7 with the air station pfflctata aa coming to th* '"“Y tor ofMctata tWSJ? for tbs snrnial overhaul and rt th the feasibility of the ptan The da- already being enquired for, omciaia plre of the ponce for a fMt chaser August. 1W tvî?JnJ?ar plane has bien evinced for Chins end Jssan M.ru-Mall, cteje Aug. M. f >f lower low water * . with th4 The Skipper'» Vnpmr Aytaon atgtean Ekr.saw.Bas.w- p «■: do years ago In th* Flrrt Narrows. ______SuBWlts*3=; Blghty-one year* ego. Capt. Jpn« hauling of the runaway thugs before jute & Œtiaÿm *?■ baa by hts own labor and* jgsazjm.&Jz gardait al Brockton Point g Shey could effect their escape, *• •• of the Victoria Tug Company, C0A8TWISE M0VEMERT8 HU. tiY FBIÏ tarai modal and during th* .—- — pullet) out a ahead oMatta" »*- official request to the Federal regularly «applied DoWere ter P* Fer V,n»,irvir otfe purpoaaa from It. during 4 nlîTat ihe Turpet W*V* H'* CPU «learner leave, dan» ,t 1 an After the presentation. Capt Jon,, DP-I8UN0 POINTS CPU. atpcmfr leave, dally at ff.jl vu a guest of hdnor af * wbw* round good eplylta te». how.ver ». h» ry conferen have shown that Ct8M.M7MOVEMENTS nay to read name after nam» that wpa lB m vh W cap alreadyaupllcated In other «aft ïKrs; p,DMn* remlni,cencei of fatly day* « van- si there la no queatlop, couver. The p B. steamer tram* gpUy at I F pended bV n m S5 vara Duc 1 seres dally, except Sunday, E îrfur af "be"onta" CMjt. » t h. -Kat W# Fm ARR0P Astoria for r P R etfaSsr ifmrH d»«y ff srjuew m Auguaf II__„ arrived Vancou- Nell,'r^l^i'y hpinw/ th* ££o£ OUv.r ^ ^iFs^F6 *rr*,N **°*pt ■un^t*** arrtved Moo — J«k fdrry on 22ÿ*MtaTÎ ...... teen miles from sitir; thrse of tbs »* LIQUOR UDEN nf Kootenay fwk*. fifteen „ ^Miller left Auckland for N.lMn,telaon. BatBâtard•^.‘Ær^f^hSta the new name sought. Worké. Winner arrived Antwerp Vancouver « n m . ever, Monday. ring tb* ceremony. Othara „c em!KlLSU2: "ia wm LAUNCH BURNED ln Coaeter arrived Queen first, tenth and twentieth of each m

BetABMSBSB IW NBW8 IN BMeFI M TERME COMPANY HEAP huthis hboed ■ IHUllHiJlilHmMIHII I Bill HllWr BECAME ROBBER LADIES' SPECIALS .TN EXEMPTION EE MMUBHKSHM EXTRA VALOTM Michine of Thru B.G. All Sisw 1» Thu Lot Fisheries Petrol Men Had «IMORROW Drifted EerMiay iteyre 111 etitoSF Ban» end Trust ''ompany.Sicut-' Men Picked up by Steamship || $3.00 Vh# lam » w.l.. sad taction For City Ins with MM**. P»llce announced Yukon and Taken to Swai $iur £tT^^ hr 9mm t0 &U Is pteridwl of a |o«sl ion lay menu fact urliis concern bearing HAYWARD'S SHOE STORE hie name SI told th. drt®y« /gneeuver, Aug If—Forced down to ih# wets## of MUhank Bound on | MS Yates Stmt ,x.sux?r-i". he bad turned robber bocaue# of Saturday morning when they were | financial dlffleulUsa. I H on #s|w» MM, Lf ‘ vppi HOST BPOFLS T1UDS SSvsS-’S •us wtjwéwikHWW n„iHull *" of services gives te wldowe snd Yuboa pf Ibe Al»"lia etaamahln Ç°"t' esc» of certain bualapae tgl* «fana- ALL WHITE WORKERS deeendeiito at WorU Wgr v|e- pany picked up three avlatore drift-1 ritos- Ing, exhausted, to their machine In .... v$tr - -*”» re » y. «tiiripgf $ Mlllbank Sound, «ko mile» nprthweel I * of here, Saturday. The machine was OBITUARY where service ■M,wwic‘r»ie la toe British Columbia haherlea pet­ •'SvwjtMif IB Me*' UlO Dgeftoi Stfggi at I o’clock. \ M two aep- I elevator and In all operating aeyvr rel aad had bean watching for clause provides TheIB dea^h b ■lace yesterday of at the family pk 1 agnteneocea. to run poachers. Mr. William dU., at hie residence ,-aae from the Cm A message received here te-dgy ■ramas» had hla last from the Yukon s#l< th. flying bo»t| 1 Market Street,t. The deceased. lirai# Jay. He Railway» be cancel!* OKM CROP ______fifty-elsht. --M Sn rid waa The funerel of the Into. «4 , any reason, the to* ®rel had been loped Into Hwnnaon He», leave t| granted by the city shall forfliW born In Cprnwril. England. and h*d len Short will , g much heavier sentence, cn Mlllbank Sound, and the filer» re­ bean a resident of Victoria for the Chapel to-morrow ercr-nj — n 1 —the deelructlon of vived with hot cenee aod food. . left fifteen y*»ta. H« I» fâfrtfj# JJJ proceeding to 8t. MWTI 0 bad my leaaon, sir,!’ he fire Wl» ejao mlgate Cent Ulaaaeock. master of the Yu- sentence was given. L BUT 13 ht» widow, two rona. tgo daughter» where service will be held rtlB-- - ______/» exemption fromi taxato»# ­ kon, re#orled the wiachlne had evl- and three grandchildren I» Victoria, o’clock. The Rev. A- 9- **L- N“B" tion unie»» recone«ruct|on le inline dently been adrift many hour». and one daughter In England. The will officiate and Interment Will h» In the. eueaglng eenteat staged st The Yukon left here Saturday for| one daughter the Willows Fair by Jamsseo dlately undertaken. OUR NATURAL mftrinatiS3 ijSUare ’repoalngffim» St. arrangethe ?± made— ------»to Ro»»— a Bay— Cemetery- Motor» Limited, B. Marshall 1411 FI Alaska. _____ 7i—..— ------chequg Mlllbank Sound U roughly JWRf| menu will be announced later. company, for ffii ‘Uni Me Your Wifi STATE wee a member of the Unlt#4 leeslM the eaget Revised eetipinteg of the Okn- way between the north end of van­ Woodmen of the World, Butte City, I or a Htudeh Bgggn fruit crop were iwued to­ couver island sod PrUcs Rupert. ee by using the Brans!*»» Montanaan. Lodge.aa~a-. Also------a member— of Opent To-night at I shown upside #« by Agri IS <>•• •! Hssllh. Ksa» It Vletoiiria,...... 1»H, Loyal Order of Moose. MM. slettl top. Tie wM day the pepnrtment of Deceaaea was oorn ™ T 7 ______the exact weight which Popular Coliseum culture. In to-dey'a report the Scotland, nnd leaves bealaee her hus­ 1,165 pounds. percentage figures have been band one aon. Oeorge William Suth­ Msastrer Allwto* fick* Asother STUDENT IN CHICO VIOLET RAY erland of Win ------*----- Will NW the reined in cemperieee with the ter. Ml»» Barb».» ------and vegetable Succegg fog Oapible preliminary eetimntee of July 18, nfesrsz.eL5oïiyrw«te jflrus.».Marigold Hall, predeceased by his wife S y*Sf In Victoria. The remains ere repo, especially in the apple trop. GENERATOR The remains will arrive In X icioHa Ing at the B.C. FumfsI Pgriore and lent of Garden ommr BENTEN TO DEATH on Wednesday and will be conveyed from where the funeral will tahe |tute. Intended itnal aucceaa 11 This ia aceounfed for prin­ entries at the ■SWwUto phenyui' to the B. C. Funeral Parlor», she place at !.»• to-motto" afternoon. of "Katlnk*1 ihfltolllre..Jleeum plgyar» cipally by the improved eondi His Companion Injured Py irvlce will be held on WedBesd» Rev. Dr Clay gl|l officiate and In­ 'he Mr will bs -, Land Me TriH ■ i ___jy the Hon. T. none In the Vernon and Kefewna O’clock. The Rev. R 8- l] 5rly anticfpated by Mob ai Result of Remarks terment wilt tab» ptoes »t Royal Oak Joventry, ifp.p. The Garden m district»." the report eaye- Irriga­ Itll Deuglaa St, Car. View elate and Interment wl.. —- Hurlai Park. Is popular emuee- tion water has held out better the# fe In the family plot at Boss Bay Jity orchestra will render selections the etiraacretHart la the wUe. About Girls in evenli -Ter the leader est yw these districts, and tl|6 eatery. ifodgklm and Oeorge Olaea bave tree» are ehowlng decided ImProy, and Oeorge Brydun to ment from rile ul-effecle of laal Win­ Italian and Seven Other Men There paeaed away this morning at ------ears» Jay ,nd. Wlnaoms Mn« ter. A» n reeult frylto are Hiring and the Jubilee Hospital Mr», laabrila apd in Custody; Confessions Bowie, widow of the lets James brought la the , vsloping well. rt this mornlflg ,fav- thsr# U also » decided improve- Made by Four Bowie, elghty-one year» of age, late teal driver, for J irlng the msnt St »U points down Ih# valley gleet,i.el Buality end Servleg Store of Boland Avenue, Baanlch. She was ,vi inn,. ------ve Your with the execution of f*entlctop. bore to Aberdeenshire. Scotland, an! n danger- He , Chicago. Aug. 14—A University of had been a realdent of Victoria #er ground» tor f•ueb a el•barge, Wife," and arranging It for Produc­ where lb# watA aupply ug»ve ®u«x Chicago medical aludent waa haatcn| signs wore I that If there waa to any pro- tion at the Coltaeum. Manager V. lather early for «oral orchard» , the laat eighteen years There» te death aad a eompanloa "lugged by song were . „ ulloa at all It ahpuldahnulg bwn been I Allwood baahas aeleeteoselected oneone.»" of M-- Core rot and drouth epot have re­ ga nse,era Ruade y following a leaded I aye rearing at B.C. Funeral Ch aver* updet that aecrion, of *the - #«t Which I brightest comadlaa aver written- It duced the crop at Batman Arm par- Insult to three alalere which was re- I Hand/’ | «eel with light». H. A. Maclean ap-1 takes the audlenee from the crest of tlcularly cutting In to the McIntosh aanted by the eacort of the gl'to The oearors .. jssert peered for The luseg. one wmve of InughW *” nnothe# with and wealthy Spplee. whletl hppjto» •ludcnt .tain waa John Henry Klaa- 1 a.__IIJ__I — — nldltu uml then winds tn be the leading varletlea In the»» »ln, twenty-live, ”f Mankate, Kanaaa, SStipKtos Vietoriats- districts. Le Disabled Soldiers Repair Your Grui body wa# told to rest al a junior In the school of medlela., . rhr I ... i nmi iNiraimN-ni ni — .------, To day'! crop e»thn»tee and eo"v and hla companion waa Jam»»* i vmstery. , Jot the capable nerlaon with the returne tnr laat Mitcham, a son of A T. Mltobk™* DRY KILN iy a" adapted1 bf¥r.hr - ear for the whole Okanagan district wealthy oil operator at Fort Worth, and Wicker Chain The , »u- .u this connection »• ISIS Texas. We Do Excellent Work ta Thto Une and at Rcaronable Cori. Rave» , mentioned that ail laat wash Pr.lt 1,H Crop Eattmale. EIBHT ARRESTED aive U# a ping and We WtU Come to Tow# Home aad «ft Y«1 noon •men "Katlnka'’ was drawing such an gatlwnte on four Jek KINDLING Storm» of applause, tit# utodeet 'tobP" flçfc iSîtt. BightIt m«nm SSSftu'HUfaSKi, 1’ SBtended th. servie., which wa. cop- urged te Igko a lady eg tps exeura- aser had dlegulaed the fact that he pw. 1,"*e Ilnl. twenty-one. ducted bp tb# Rfrihron, during which top, which wl! !«»# *1» oclw* by - of the attack, are te all dreaaed board enda from the authoe of the piece H "S* Crabepples ... If’*’? '!• no usions having Net* OP* two hymns were susg. ''Farever With the eteemec Olympic, from tbs berth am fleet venture •« » nl»yWright, Plume and prunes 163.66^ THE RED * CROSS WORKSHOP the planer. In uniform length» the tiord ” end "We Are by Chrlet at the rear of the poet office. JJJ,gad |t waa with some iro/-t> that he Big decreases gre also in laineu iruin four of them. aid of first quality fir. Ideal for ------a to The ramalnn Bern InM I Sunday's prime record was a lac Phsns tW Redeemed The remains were laid aaalt-c the opening performance.e 4r. the crops I» the Kootenay gnd Boun­ marked by the jk»th of two 4MfW 8S4-S Johnson BtreeMJu»* Mew Oovemmeet) Starting firee or a» a etrwl$W| m rem m Royal Oak Burial Park, Louie Wernee, errseted oa a charge Allwood eraerlenced the glow iTa shooting affray in "I4UNiW to rest In ►eaCl dary district, this yssr: j WB ALSO RBCAMB CHA1»8 with the following frtsnda as P*U- of vagrancyrency last geekweek and remanded,rem# in .a sowatase___ i_ «N•“— ‘■■ ^4uI uu.iindlnv nl# Rummer FueL was dlamleeen With * warning from cornea to an author of a aucoese! Fruit !•** m.18*6 and the perhaps mortal wounding at ! learera: W- Kelsey. E. Hall. F. An- lamlaeen with a warning Dl« from the Oral night, and Crop Estimate court. tblathla morning.morning- alter hie or------Coliseum goer» wltl.hope that t|je Boxes Boxes * Kia'aaln’. skull wna fractured, ap , erson. J. Hall. J. Phillips and J. been ftftp ,h»‘ he would >(NMrce. Nd — -— verantlle manager will ,urB hto tol- 44.006 pa really by a paving atone, and hi , -acting foolish." an he put It, ■us rush of tripper» returning free ! pork to SUMMrt bln toother He enta again soon In the same dlrectlo*- died wlteout regaining conaclouaneaa SEVEN MEN WERE 4ays »t northern pointa .»____ -A a— »' «woman— nmaa'a’s onafcoat, earwith 11 h Crabepple» « • • • : • i> after bring picked up by . police W.L MORGAN Plume snd prunax Mil «.» Pburtly eficr «|4 attack. EXECUTED IN CAIRO Wrigleywrtgley Spends^p< Over 52tight flttniw Mmwer*Itlooed bogt# •••«and bln FERGUSON, NAVY The Ixmden Merchant, of the Fwf- hair, grown to gento tom*, waiidene REMARKSBXCHAN6ED up with » heir net, nf the kind ordtn- MAN, STATES VIEWS M|»» In,. Parlée, etxteen-year-old (OfiMsuxl from sags i> »#ae Une, le due at Vqncouvee •• V000,000 a Year nrily worn hr perrons of the oppoette August «1, where her echedule eg lie FUEL CO. daughter of an Italtoa banker. The condemned H» Vatea «tree* FM*»# fi sex^ Montreal. Aug 14—"Thto to cer­ •landing on the front porch of her ,. faml.. (or h riay e« three d»l» Advertising Gam tainly not the time to cohaldgr re­ lame With her younger sister». led to »*y farew — ‘"a1:. duction of nevlee or naval anna 'b.r...and lmnr».(iandih.r ageet Baturdav night. a.oTc&gJr at "ri esté | R" Ipboued free# the United Kli chewing gum — mente." waa the answer given by Wrigley the Vice-Admiral Sir Jazne, A. Feegv- RTSvSOl «• hroek away aInente ___ *°”virh»tWdôr,you think those glrle WStfSS! .WJW ______Umtonriy glrSir Jamee ha. he»" any from Windsor, Ont., A Mg 1|—Caughl In nrer’ Archie aaked. appearing to be ^,p,.te MO* m ‘JftS prumheller, Aug 14 —Me violent» of Nine men were eenvlcte* of com- The Arabia Mnru of the O-SS- I any kind occurred thla morning ■ - ’ In for mere then 1 Ye»r. the propeller of her huehand » ga»o. angry "They’re decent and there» 1 eaeaeelnnllun ef MhJor Line to expected to make pert to­ allowed the development» nolThen going - I,a.to be wmid" party the ’ ’ etud.nl, I SS ^ 094 to ILto — , evo4M itriaine•trlklng cue,coal inminera..™, watched 0 ants»Country tn hla abeepce line launch when ehe dived Into L*ke La, Stvch. which morrow, though no edvlcee have been a» he at- number of men recommence work at a received yet from her master aa to ,ltb"th| rreate.t Interoet. he »»ye. at. Clatr. Mr»- Thelma Halman. treated attentloa. I couple of the mine» on the w« It WM A‘lle to tolk of cutting down wbst time ahe will so aloagelde Ike Hall’s Drug Store itfh thirty-four, waa alrooet cut In two dock. The Alabama Maru of the wn. Ha enya xeu touat •de. V toe mrwgem.Mtoxmene ------» I» the light pf £‘r. ,e»4 Owglee etrori ri»rito W buyers wlfl forget IMI evening- Mr. Haimsn. who wee Mitcham. Who I" being b,!d * in the civil eervlce and the chauffeur Ilea pouted to dock here on Septem­ efEtil 'when h2e,"M aeked yeora# hiIg S» ISve cent 0» -a «- 80,00» hual- to the wife of Oeorge Hqlton*. vle*" witness, arid that after they had left nf‘l tth he, carc,r inp, wmupwhich th#•••■ cconeplrntoe#—r—- ber f. keep telling shout It. I views' oii panada's — president and general manager of the vicinity of the home—- theyr i "were#re drivendrlv,„ tot0 the death eeene. The wept To a restsursnt. think!(king the naro^ received e eentene# •« The Re. Heathfleld. of the Woed- murred, saying it was not his d^„,,, Fisher Body Corporation. Detroit, R lllt at lb» Dominion’» "nary, or matter W** hill OP com-iwlining --out I 8^ . imprleontoent fleld Steamship Company. Ixmden, waa drawn toward the beat »» soon port this morning andjglll take lack of a n»vy. foupd Cgrllpl an4 pompauton# gw»lt The murder let to * crtele In a. ahe entered the water. H«f ing them. The students were both on lumber here from local mtito She ”1 can anyr III».%!». .however, that goer band and two piker friends « the I* the men are remarkably »«n, ^ told slugged. They fought hgck, but were "One of your ahlpa the Patriot, baa launch failed te »•» her plight, an* her overpowered. Mitcham escaped from Egyptian mlnleW_l%r_*L.^oïi cries for h»|S »<" drowped by the occupied — ,11»• a-to-morrow —— — • for*«e KwvntEgypt Withwith ARe Whltney’«Gip*lie th» been with the equedron nnd the of the attackers and summoned police, andrla cuateme had «cor» Aid man are eecellent. The: np|- “LOST” eolom IngBWW te tore# the afternnep. Jehn Pender, n termer, r.t *et of lumber Vancouver, Aug. «4—H-B- Them-lgd bY *»* Wtoto It Is announced the Damascus an4 publio. ' aîrtîï M'* *" Beirut hospitals ara «IM wltb MVd.r.ai-ay'JSL CTawifM Ad». mesne : wounded. pacific BSSââg.■SflOTMen» nw gARMg» DIE0 IN FIELD Guerilla warfare continues. ^lSw| MENACES TOWN FROST tN ALBERT* «ÏTTTt : j AWÇ-to ^^^^IrSagyMhwîtiÉ Edmonton. Ang- 14—Light troet# ROOD FIR WOOD ware reported from many pointa la 7 i / C OtîMOPttNI *>1 Northern Albfrt* to-day. with only enner. IN Ne­ and I» ' two place recording any damage wt too. A cool b|MON, HNNMWI to. UMIWBB Ul<- igKIftiM <■ public ,babuac."^;rcr- mlti?i l*t# gralue end garden stuff. mm** VTfrTOTHA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 24,1925

All Star Cast For ip aaaA ft waft made with «n Funnier Than "Going up or ------featuring Laura La Plante, DOROTHY GISH FEATURED SHOWING THIS WEEK AT DOMINION Butterflyp Opening Clifford. Herman Kerry and Kenneth ------• ■» • —■ Harlan. The supporting cast At Coliseum To-Aay eludes Margaret Livingston. Cesar' jDouglas MacLean IN NEW YORK PRODUCTION Oravlna. Freeman Wlod and T. Rqi Clarence L. Brown Is the screen version of Skillfully Constructed Beriee of Kathleen [orris's novel of the same AT DOMINION THIS WEEK Dramatic «. widely read “The Y ankee Consul and eraswee pronouncedi»wuwwmv«« ws -,reviewers------' . , of the strongest wortf from the ■L.ugh. -__l. ..dand Thrill,Thrills in Exalting Remnnoe life of Dsrans Paramount picture. .. w4n~vaiir arnMttiy U well •• >"our TO-NIGHT Ltfe-71n New »orfc." at the Doml laughter—but It le doubly Important Its big productions of thé Cur- Theatre this week, has played r it to herself to sit down and with women. ^ and critics have accorded more -straight” rolee—the eei It fine praise. The action carries dramatic kind—than comedy . SAYS WOMEN LIKE PATHOS In fact, ever since the death featured players through a ither Hilary had the four featured players tnrou* daring her career on the screen ,5 for It Is that simple background to a brIIMant < Him tans usually think of her composed mostly of of her younger sister Bull scene where the little Slater. comedienne. feminine patrons.-a And most femln- younger brida indulges In her newly “Isn't It funny!” shs serial Ins patrons If >'tbey'll honest with For Butterfly's sake Hilary had iSjSied penchant for a J«.« »f«- when reminded of the fact, themselves, will111 admit that they tolled In a its rial position, had since I started to earn my ewe U haven't an uoueeu well developed worn out-of-date clothing, had given which was whea I was a very i sense of humor: Women like to girl, people have thought of me laugh, of course; Now Butterfly was married to the feel rad, too. - ____ man. and yet continued to demand Rod la Rocqtie. Emeet Torrence Hilarythings desired. Don’t Suffer and George Hackathorne are fea­ Hilary decided to hold communion With Itehle4eKe»hw tured with Mise Olsh — with her soul. -Night Life In New -Butterfly. to-day to HT Universal-Jewel UseCuticura remain iw ■*. ”»— J??* * production now being shewn at UTILIZE TIMES WANT ADS screen original by Edgar Selwrn. Coliseum Tbeal from a skillfully written for the screen by Paul Bcho- constructed of events through field. Helen Lee Worthing. Arthur Housmen and RUey Hatch are also Included in the cast.______GISHilSH IN THE . ROD LA I AND. DOROTHY ?E Of NEW YORK7 PARAMOUNT URE *NIGMT LIF Hawaiian Quartette ail the time. To Play at Capitol Experts Reproduce TO-NIGHT AT THE THEATRES Old Park in Film In line with the new poHcy of the Mj r/W Capitol Theatre to present musical Capltel—"The Making ef CMsI- ALL THIS MUSIC LOVERS’ added attractions to the usual pro­ leys** Now at_Playhouse gramme, the management Is pleased Columbia—“The Yankee Cenaul.** to enncunce thet they have beqa Dominion—•'‘Night Life In New NIGHT HEAR THIS able to ascurs Herbert's Hawaiian York.- , . Spent by Technical WEEK Coliseum—"Lehd Ma Your Wife' Playhouse—“The gehsmlen Olrl.' Staff of “Children of CONCERT ORCHESTRA the Duit At Usual Price* A. Freecott. Director Quartette for this week's musical at­ Weeks were spent In New York STARTING TO-DAY traction. These talented young ar City by members of the Arthur «. tints will present a number of pleas­ Jacobs's technical staff securing ing southern melodies which are ai photographs and complete data, on SOLOIST A Piano Store a rule eo favorably received by pa­ Ore mercy Park before thefllmlng tron» who are fond of these haunt­ of the First National picture of I We have re-engaged Mr. Green. ing melodies. These artiete have, -Children of Oust," was Parted. Where You Need appeared with treat success In moat Much of the action of this Picture, the superb Comet Soloist, from of the leading cities of the Pacific j which was directed by Frank Bor­ MILTON 4 to I P-m. Northwest, where they have received eas.. and In now showing at tOM favorable commente from newepet>er PUyhouee Theatre, takes p I ace 1 critics, and they will no doubt prove | around this section of the city. The I DAILY, ALL THIS WEEK Not Be the Judge a. very Disusing added attraction Ii two acres of park with Its tall build-| (Excepting Sunday) | Inga and six city streets were erected When you look at any of our In perfect detnll In Ins Angeles by I This young man la well worth -Kaabe," -Willis- or "Chick- ^"Children*of Dus!" Is the cinema ering” Instruments you see Tenor of Dumbells bearing and la n master of the version of ''Tsrwllllger." the story I Comet * tag. THAT price Appears at Playhouse which created so much Interest when ame to aU. and Isn't published In the Metropolitan Mag­ asine. ft relates the efforts of two] ,e way pianos and boys, one poor, the other wealthy, players should be sold? to win the lore of a childhood play­ mate. An early Incident Influences Crystal Garden their Whole lives. As handled by TERMS as you desire Frank Hersage, director of Humor­ esque.'' the picture provides the nt. perhape, that the ever offered to ite icludea Ernie I*etch, MUBBAY STUDIO OP Willis Pianos Peggy l>ewla. Harold SOCIAL DANCING LIM1THD aid Hlncka, Wllfre# Ulenal iwL wwai Èla^lnAll Leacfcm M9«t i ad Sp Nothing is Funnier Than MacLean in ‘Th§ Yankee Consul

Newest Comedy Triumph Ottered at Columbia To-day Critics who hare seen Douglas MacLean In his latest comedy sue- This production will be, wlthou1 CSSS.___ mm..--nis_ VaubnnYsuk*s PnnatilConsul."M fierideclare art Firit national doubt, one of the finest musical at that there Is nothing funnier on the PicturM, Inc., COLISEUM tractions this popular producer hm screen. This newest triumph is yet offered. , scheduled for Its Initial local pressa- I tatton at the Columbia Theatre to-day Those who ere poets can make Since MacLean became a full- SHOW THAT’S IÀXS NO OTHER soup of ssudags skewers. bertHUly*. V •HansU__- Andersen.A nd.ra.f. fledged star ha has appeared In a eeriea of genuinely funny filma Hla I N»fS« success with "The Hottentot" Is j The Coliseum Company Presents the Bure rire vividly recalled and the countryside l le still echoing the laughter of I Musical Faroe -Going Up." which gave more laugh­ ing sat Infect Ion to the square inch MAIL ORDER BLANK than half a do sen of the other comedy productions which reached the screen at that time. Now comes "The Yankee Consul." I which wee suggested by the old TheWayfarer musical comedy of that title that was j a sensational aucceaa on Broadway I AMERICA'S PASSION with Raymond Hllcbaock as the principal comedies. The screen ver­ PAGEANT sion has been brought strictly up Dr. James Crowther. Author to the minute In polât of certain em-l helllehmente deemed necessary to Montgomery Lynch, Director give the theme timely melodramatic kicks While comedy I» the predom­ inating underline, the picture con­ tains mnnv thrills, with ths star and Patsy Ruth Miller ss the heroine AU New York HI With Laughing appearing In a series of exciting The Shew That Mads scenes The cut Is large, adequate VANCOUVER . a____a _ «______a —# the hast IrtUlVIt

ALSO ON THE SCREEN September 1 to 7 Sight For Music Auspices Vancouver Laura La Plante Gyro Club Lovers at Capitol

In the Screen Oom To-night at the Capital Theatre Music Lovers* —■ —— , w presented under the direction of Mr. A. Preecott. A first class pro­ gramme has been arranged and the selection contain» numbers both new and old. all of which will be pleasing

dered during the lows: Overt use. ' Huppe; “Firefly.' Frtmb Dance.” Oelman; Fox Tret. know how to flirt t You can learn (HEM I—Do you End of the Roa Trot. “Just a Bi something. Spencer; WaltSw BOYBI—Come and see how they do it. araSScare n* Negro Jews” g__Perfermanaee Only—* Screenland*s Newest Star MUSICAL ATTRACTION DE LÜXE Tuesday—Country Store None en Sundey 'Neap Rich Harvest Introducing Positively Ne Free Lie! as the Regular Cop who oould lid Special Prises New Turk, Aug. 14. -Two negroes wildcatswildoate buthot ooulan't beat little c P AND MAIL THIS COUPON born In PSh Milton Sin»'» finert «howl—something to irt ytwr THE HAWAIIAN STRING fortable living becauae they have In Monday—Flower Night herl ted the minstrel talents of their Wood a-1 make yon The Wayfarer Office, _ QUARTETTE During the Summer months these IN TICKLE’S ORCHESTRA Enclosed find t two men travel through the hills of Sullivan and Ulster counties, where —FEATURETTES— (Number) there are great Bummer colon ee of Jews. They sing Pld favorite. In the SUHSHIHE COMEDY “Melodies of the South Seas” Prie.ee—35e, 25c and 15c Night native tongue of the Stage: 8.30 pjn. and the newest Jais^Uttles for the Tuneful Melodies Presented With Special Stage and Screen : 7 p.m. and 9.80 pjn. 5<^ SSTuEugh the country- HELP YOURSELF Lighting Effects ildeie open ta. Mendel and David, (CÜeck as required). a. they call themeelvee. Collections FOX NEWS HODGE P0DÇE from the audtenw will average I» a day or more and In the Bummer NextWeek—“The Spring Maid (Addreeal they make about 14,000. In the Win­ ter they make the rnupd* of the last Side restaurant» ^ if VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY. mPSt 24,1925 hM imp* h** suggested that an­ other km» «M M M **" shouldn't to. K, mm forbede Ml American visitors wbd. If domine FORMER FOUIES GIRL ONCE alone, would not hesitate to ordwr 11- fit NEVER OUEO There have been * ouor Is drink, shrink from do!n« T° •Inge—vital thinks—I place,nee, she espialexplain*. A STENOGRAPHER IS STAR "Mr fatbir h*,l t)ve children, end cash he had to work hard to do ft cent rsceptlon ttvoa br ths i sent the through high" school dim it German >n4»»trl»4jW.'J IN “MAKING OF O’MALLEY ive me a business course so that Î1ÏÏM1I an aiiiciivsmlean seminary Party - peaaeo ON BROADWAY FOR HARD by miefwood Bddy. çf tn* »- good position as stenographer. Germane who attended potlGi Courage--aimhltioft i - Wffllagness to Ink’ a Çeoe." dearest WiBw That la the formula which Bloomfield, A-ftiititFIJi away from the ue. ft "gave a social turn » beea h. :h no Manor was served. it success to Dorothy twentytwenty years of age. She has lived restraints of tbs ■ohlbltion laws of who h for years -within a commuters leap of iTthe besr there Is In life lenaveuti would Indulge In New York. Her youth was «Rent In to movies and theatres ------urea of Berlin» "The*Making ~ft~ b'Malley" at the the producer, selected progressive towns—yet— rThelr hopes have In kalll of many George M. Cohan to Appear ie" egBWra. Capltoftheatre this week. SMrmg msweemr a movie I been d|as»Foin|e4, and «ancewfg Only a few years ago Ml” Mac- Never-been to * theatre! • are at a loss to account Then First Never attended‘a den feel DJtke their season of them figure that the William Fox. based on A. kattl was s stenographer In Lon­ honor of *n upon the shoul- Mason’s romantic noveL At don. Her future held eut no prom­ Slla Gerald Beau- And Mrs. Theodore Hannsoo. In mariesua have In the course of time connection' with whom these seem- Lway from liquor bens and Edmwd Loff hi ise of roeea She was Just one of moat's thi magaatna story. “The instead principal rolsf- atley." was chosen as su^comhtuf to 4»s alhineniant» It. vtOle on® Making of (FI piew York, Aug. |4.—Jhs hunt Is «Fs, hie tint el ng picture. When a === P3S&'«|r, was needed to aap- because of any handicap, hut out of ended! leon again turned to psreoital Choice. The play hounds have chased the But she had aomethlpr so many She 'has no fanatic opposition td elusive Art through tha woods and of her companions In fétl tàcked— In tjfi* picture she la lUty society glr) who fen. Triumphantly the hunters ambition. This was backed up by haVe returned U Broadway W|l* courage and allltUkueta to work. , useless existence of l teaching la a public their quarry. And now the country­ |?T jîmlSneve at017 In side redounds with the glaring of press agents. position In the chorus ef a London FVom the di kitchens there musical shew.. To her euiWrtae ahe wllrouSh «hMhM theîr hàRptewa cornea the vptto___ . JF , _ found ft. i era |a She was only sixteen years #14 See along the tarn* path. when aha made her first stage ap­ sad hold or whetted appetite# ahd much Indlgea- pearance. Few ef her companion, apt. hell eves ira. fianndoa. tlon. “ 1 of thorn days dreamed thf " Ahd motherhood la Tor those who loag have cried for 111 tic slid of "a Eld would rise to the Coal Deadlock in ireecrlptloas heights she had repèheA g Art With A capital A the' new theatre She Is the mother1er of A flowfins health)healthy sdeaeh Û w#P supplied With soothing hltlon came early to the frt VS. is Unkroken baby and so when ycu mention-thee few of “her' chorus girl tre, movie Of dance aha smiles quite planned ta come to America. and ears: «thy heart them talking ahd think rva missed much. all this week at usual prices to jbia thee. those "modern She wad not quite seventeen when Europe calling open the (teat of brli of diaaradom -Galewor*y. she landed M New York, a' rather )aae. tbeal frightened tittle girt with e Wealth St Henri Bernstein. Benevente. beautiful blonde heir. She had te doing.1 Rolland. Wed. and the rest. work, so went straight to Mo Sfeg- te n sermon quality In ths csss of feld and asked ter a Job la the charnu Mrs Han mod. ef hls fcdMea Slegfeld placed her Ud xmn For hare there |a no boredom, and the ranks in wordi the miner notee of life take on the A Midnight Peep Behind the No gtrt in that chorus worked color of In tercet end adventure POOR ROBBER. KrUn'ragOH harder • the»- Dorothy MeckaJB. tn Modestly and timidly taking the Keating of Chlca waa only rnmnn fact she worked w> hard that a attitude that ah# less no reason tor NIcaM Terreaov and Scenes on Broadway motion picture, producer la the am seventeen: "ahe'd lo earing anything about herself, hf1*- couldn't end dlenee one night pteke' ------of ne members to esafer Hsnnson reveals three points regard­ stenographer and HE * * *i»t Us a girl with a future, leaders of the opposing forces. ing her bSfcfcgrouhdt' Any- wort. Be ah* i a revolver her and the result was Dorothy outward appearances the "1 was brought up by good Chris­ and tried to hoWt lilt a taxi driver. tian parente who taught me what She was #o nervous, though, that *tbmgfma Hardy*» -nt expires was right and wrong A* early a* I the driver took the gun swap Jude, the Hers, again, her wUllnga—» to work can remember. from her an

The American hobo, heretofore ON THE >urtrayed only li ly Hooligan ON THE 8Q8SBN more epic GISH STAOS BIG DOUBLE BILL tarage» the biographyraphy of Jim YmfP.------0 Andereos was co-author REGINALD HIRCK» ■ hie name seems to A Frank Borsage Production is' gotten at In «* partnership other. Ybfr writing

in Home," while two much heralded Eugene O'Neil plays are coming. "The Fountain," and "The Great Oor Children Brown.'’ LA ROOQUE All of them will be given at the Greenwich Village Jheatr»_ with BMNÉrr' bohemian Jones à» their Announces Roetand-e "Lent NlglttWf Don Jnân With Johnnie Walker. Pauline Garon and Sidney Howard.- who -Wrote (he Lloyd Hughes FaHtear prlse play of last year GIRL mwi___ tr_m tVNwd Threw Wgnlfii * Ernest Torrotipe ▲ DKAMA Or HEANTfl AND TEN0*8, BY They Knew Whs* They Wanted, WIlllamaceiLala iKpdl no i.ananlHUint" 2«»?y lAwia DIRECTOR OF "HUMORESQUE Bmhtai Cleveland- Reginald Blocks Angrop joylng Wi< least «ha |______r ■ n’a ’TM Dividend Night Tuesday and It Aow seems that lU, 7 to 11 FREE CASH acre will pUy the lead. and 35# ______J. IBat named far that PLAYHOUSE PRIZES role, has suddenly been cast In "The School Mistress." a Savage produc-

pis" is being rushed by piQIngham for- CyVIl* "U Maude.Mai There le endless excitement ever return to Broadway of George with hiâ' play "American Which CohAh himself ia as lead with Joan Mar­ ia ingenue. - re productions have ne ixl made their api nrance under the Fall ached ule. BT Fever." A1 Wood’s #e|fy Ml that threat- ..... run. June Days." lubert musical Show, will m -a very ordinary bo*k line ' with itr ~ policy ~ of 'Jervice to the and story *] Ellinbeth Hines and the laaMe. U public, the FAMOUS PLAVE ,, ______%» been con - CANADIAN CORPORATjON. LI M IT sarvatlvsly received at the Vander­ bilt with Katherine Alexander. Jane operated Grey and Norman Trevor. Jt has conalderablé charm but does not look the.... advent______<_ the FIFTH vfEAADN OF like success. Mies Alexander le a "CAPITOL ENTERTAINMENT^ now phe- ind on irah in 57 of itr lead/nd motion

picture theatiej] from Montreal to %ncouver. \ comedy BO- Accimp «moi CNTCRMINMENT ATINtS ■D«ATR*5 Ckak. 0-ee_Seeed SCRIP BOOKS 4 an.1 fati *r*w heralding Include: the « C banning Ljmbbbl Pert Artkw ÇBu thir plan cMotion Picture pafronr of-If I Were King": a ri< Pollock play. “The Enem fe Canada udll.be jaued ihmrandrfL------^^ qfdql^reach/Zn" C.rM Celrarr in which Orvl month, ct the jama timeme p/acinQ CAPITOL— -- - appear: the Arthur Hopkins' prodoc CaeHal. Breed: g»,at. Pert Hem tfco. "First Flight.- wdtt------ENTERTAINMENT^„ ,^T, urhkb____ bar become a, house ths youth of Atnjrsw Ja^ other Kaùfikan comedy. 1 he Butter TbinJb. D»rU«k«. hold word in Canada, ....within reach.... qf. those cf StrelferJ OekweeA t moderate means qt greatly reduced cost St.eeI. Calgary phmlmn. ajnewnaM; «o , Crtffl.X Old- Gpotached coupons flow the CAJPI Water"! ...... —joins Larrlmore end ENTERTAINMENT tA3RIP DOOKi/' / t^tiev play fbr I-miail Foster. aduantaôe of negotiability by anyone for 1 y ergs." • -______• - 1 ■ A A Mim>v4art ri fcrt Brtfd n’Ül s/on at any Man end Hit Wif« Perldele. T. yiert Put to Death il Clair. T< sagpBOffl» AUg. 11—With flve lei Teem— 2d nirnT an] SAVte vou Pa-dr. T«aaaSe •dUUFMI* with anguleh and bitin >y tears. ADDED $

ON «AU MOW AT Ô0KÈDY . Dew—Ue. Vie—tie fH-r. n-.U K,

kegeet, Oltovt Cashel. Vfe^esd who waa Waiting the couple In i SUPER HOOP

urb og Budapest* " '?■- The tiro embraced In a final

MW while the preening Judge --. Cri/(îe’e. K C.A.rt... A 8k>t «I MâtriiBWt < “Tou have five minutes.' •*•«■*!•

pu brth* man and hla wife were | ■fWMiwrw® ’ VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 24,1925


Pirates Have Almost Senior Golfers Tee Off SPECIAL MATCH FOR Longest Shot At e a a - a » a a e GOLFERS ON FRIDAY WHkwi Rice Meet STARTED SENIORS Eliminated New York eempetitie* Young Jockey Piloted Baby One Hundred and Sixty te Cel weed DoH Over Line Saturday to Visiters ere i*vMi Giants Now Five Games in Rear of Pittsburg With Ray Fine Price of $69.65 Little Chance of Catching Them; Johnny Rawlings Veterans Will Play In The osmpstftlsn will JJj* Drives in Winning Rim; Washington Retains Greatest Coast Tourney He Also SaHy Golden to One-game Lead on Philadelphia; Stanley Player* wMI errai For Place; Harris Hits Homer With Two Men on First Pair Will Get Away in Qualifying Round at 8.30 fee will be H'per Crowd Attended o’clock in Morning and Laat Oouple Will Not be Pri.ee will he awarded te the New York, Aug. 24—The Pirate» have all but shoved the winner* sf first end eeoend Jockey Swift brought home tore Giant» off the plank until McGraw and hi* crew have only a Away Until 3.05 in Afternoon; Field ia repre­ PlRrtie * epa—çd by the fine long ehole at the final day of the meagre toe hold now to prevent Pittsburg capturing the National Columbia Country Club’» meet at the sentative of Biggest Men in all Walks of Reynl end Ancient DeH Club end Willows on Saturday afternoon. In League title. Reyel Cenedien OeN Aeeeeietlen the fifth jraco he piloted Baby Doll. The beat New York eould do yesterday waa to divide a double- Life on Both Sides of Boundary Line will «•—» «he play- L. Nelson’» brown filly, erroes the line Ih the lead to reward her back­ header with the Pirates winning the opener 7-4 and taking a set­ right ef Mel»" I" eeee of er» with |«t 46 for a nose bet, which back in the night cap 3-2. Rawlings, a Giant castoff, drove in Exactly one hundred and sixty names went Into ths draw for tbs Utird dispute end their deelele* waa the longest price paid at the the winning run in the second game. annual championship of the Ben tore Northwest OoK Association which to to be fifiel.' Willow, moot. In the second race Ito The Pirates continue with their five-game lead on the top open at the Victoria Oolf Cluh to-nwmiw. When the tlwe tor the etoatna rode Sally Golden to second place, of entries arrive* on Saturday the record-break! ns total of 1«« canton wax paying 114 16 for a place pasteboard. Sally Golden wae only beaten by a rung and have the present sermi Already in the bag with three announced hr Cagt. J. V. Pertuk eecr.1er» et the eeeeftottoo . . „ The new autrtae whtoh heeetud Min alghrs «*1 Ü?**» FneCiPeU ■nee. and had aha won would have victories. The final game ‘ returned a renard price. SENATOR H. ampf*»hlp of to the front winning hendVy. tfeun Inning of the game with the Indians Australia with It- Among the Inter­ There win be championship# in the three different claeeea The titles scoring match by 111 to 78. ested spectators was noted Hon. Simon TACKLE OFF HERE In the -A” elaae. which Includes me» over slxty-flve year», the "B" ela The batsmen were helpleee in front tired after setting the pace Bittern but the Yankeee lost their third In the OlrenL wee declere* the took third place honor*. a row to Cleveland T-S. Shocker, of F. Tounle, under whose authority which Include» men ever sixty year» of age, and the "C" class which Include» largest ever held to Mamie. The of the bowling end only one respec­ the Approximate Odds system was - - - r table score waa made. Bred In of Firs Jack Felrmdn. always a public New York, and Carr of Cleveland great time yesterday "S'off 1 Mac- men over fin y-five year» of age. Will he competed for between the eight etedlum eeuld eeeemmedate only choice with local follower», feme both were knocked out of the box. Installed In this Province. Hon. Dr: lowest scorer* In each clam after the nrst sixteen have been taken out e email «reelion of the people Ce hitting freely for fifty-seven. Tolmie gave the Totalisatdr his autay Peint when he hooked a who clamored for admittance. Only Ove other batsmen reached through In the third' event to srtn wholehearted approval. forty-throe-pound spring salmon for the main championship. AU go If era who tab to qualify for any of them double tlgurea easily. After being outrun In the NATIONAL LtAOUl Hon. T. Q. Cdfentry, manager of on a No. 6 Olenden - Stewart champtonehlpe will be formed late ether flight». Each aide used three bowlers with early part, and going wide on all the Colwood Park. In speaking of the sboon. He played the big fellow turn», he forged to the front tn the A LONO DAY Sutton toppling six wickets for Pirates drew an svsn^feftegkaw to new system of betting, said to The for a long time before he had it Geoaro Anxious To forty-five runs. Napper took four drive home. Jo* O. broke In front double bill with the New York tired enough to land. This Is be­ Phil Taylor of Victoria and Bob Johnstone of Beattie will sot ae stortere for seventeen. hugging the rail, but waa no match Giants yesterday, winning the sec­ ”1 feel confident that the Totallsa- lieved to be a record for ouch d the draw show» that the first pair, A. S. Kerry of Seattle and 1 E. The scores were: for the winner whan challenged at ond, S to 2. after losing ths opener, tor will meet with the approval of light teeklo in them waters. Wilson of Victoria, will get away at l ie o’clock la the aoorntag. The Engage Conqueror the finish Ivy Gray juet managed te 7 to 4. Pittsburg continues to lead the "racing public. Under the new The fishing yesterday was very seniors will leave In paire at Intervale of five minutes and the final oouple Five Ce grab the show money. in the by a five good, end many geod catches system of betting but one price, will not depart from the Drst tm unto 1.6* O'clock in the afternoon. Sutton, b Napper...... • ANOTHER FAVORITE WINS game margin. Bredin. c Smith b Napper...... 67 straight, will be paid on a four-horse The first round of the champtonehlpe wtU * played on Wednesday, i Driving hard In the home stretch R. H. E. race, such as the last race at the In a Return Bout Eric Qualnton, b Wenman...... 18 Pittsburg ...... «... 4 7 1 semi-finals on Thursday and the final, on FVtdey. Jockey Molter brought Pat Mabrey Willows on Saturday. In races where Comley. o Allen b Napper...... 1 across the line In the fourth event New York ...... 7 11 0 more than four horses and fewer Final Results Given Eden Qualnton, b Wenman...... 0 Adams, Sheehan, Oldham and CAPTAINS SELECTED , Payne, e Watson b Tracy...... 1 after having a great fight with Moot- than eight, are entered, two prices— Los Angeles Excited Over dale. Breaking on the roll Molter Smith; Greenfield, Scott and Snyder. straight and place—will be paid, Announcement waa made laat night that H. S. Ortggs of TUcomn 1 Butterworth. b Tracy...... 11 R. H. E. Out For Rifle Meet took an early lead, but on the stretch holders of tickets on the winning been choeen captain of the American team for the annual International Success of La Bara in Sutton, b Tracy...... • Pittsburg ...... 1 • 2 Filter, ran out...... I he pulled up, and wue forced to uw horses receiving seventy per cent of - Connaught Rifle Ranges, Ont., Atig. tch for the LtooL -Governor Cup. J K Wilson of Victoria will captain hie whip to beat Moutdato to th# N*w York ...... é...... X 11 * the total bets after the seven i Saturday’s Thrilling Bout Slocomb. jr.. not out...... 1 Morrison, Oldham and Gooch; 24.—Statistical officials of the Do­ the Canadian team. Atwell, c Knight b Napper...... 8 line. Montdaie hugged the rail cent association and five per cent minion Rifle Association completed almost catching the winner napping. Nehf and Hartley, Fltsslmmone. Government tax are deducted. The The drew for the qualifying round to-morrow to ao follow». Extras ...... • •FLIT A DOUBLE-HEADER their compilation of returns from the Tableau D’Honneur finished stoutly other thirty per cent will go to those meet concluded Saturday and the fol­ ..r. 111 In . Brooklyn. Aug. 24.—Brooklyn di­ holding tickets on horses that finish Starting Los Angeles, Aug. 24.—Talk of a Total ...... lowing results were announced: Time Name Class H e’» Name Class 1 return match between Fidel La (Concluded on page 1») vided a double-header with Chicago second. Where eight or more horses .. C • 1 vs. J. ft Wilson C TH* Rest The Dundonald Cup for the beet 8.80— A. 8. Kerry i...... Barba and Frankie Oenaro. seethed 2 yesterday, winning the opener. • to 0. •re entered, the spilt will be three showing In the Dundonald competi­ 8.16— C. H. Jones ...... C 11 va J. W. OfUvy ...... C Wenman, lbw b Sutton. end dropping the second, * to ways, namely, sixty per cent to the 8.40— 0. J. West...... Ç 12 va J. E. Mcllreevy ...... C end boiled In fight circles here to­ Legffatt, b Sutton...... 8 tion was won by the Butherland .. C 12 vs. R. IhsmiVf ...... C day as an aftermath of the brilliant 22 “Dassy" Vance was close to a no- winner, twenty-five per cent piece Highlanders, Hamilton, with 111 8 46—H B. Bigg ...... Alien, ran out...... - Parksville Players hlt game in the first game, the Cube and fifteen per cent show. • 60—W. C Butler ----- 14 va W. ATWard ...... Ç ten-round title *flB*lr at Ascot Park Smith, c Atwell b Sutton... 6 getting only two hits of the scratch­ pointe. 8.18— F. T. McCoHottgh 8 14 va Judge Isampmaa • ■ C Saturday night- Phtf Bernstein, Napper, c Bredin b Sutton . 1 THREE CHANCES The same team won the British 9 00—J. A. Bverley .. C 14 va E. fl. Saunders ...... Ç manager of Oenaro. expressed Mm Win Upper Island iest kind. Vance fanned nine bat­ I. 06—J. R. ■livrât ...... C 14 va D. W. Campbell ...... Ç Neel, c and b Atweii... “To Illustrate: If you fancy a horse challenge shield for the beet show­ •elf as willing and anxlou* to stay Pit®, b Atwell...... 12 ter®. The Robins outbatted the to show, buy a ticket on that horse ing In active service competitions. 9.10— W. Langley ...... C 18 va George Moore ...... Ç Cube In the second encounter, and 9.11— A. L. Dunn ...... C i« va General Money ...... Ç here until a return engagement 1* Bryden, b . Atwell...... 8 Net Championships Alexander had a rocky road to vic­ and it It shown you receive show The First Battalion, Calgary High­ 0.30—Henry Carstene .. .. C 16 va J. M. Lay ...... C arranged. He said he waa astonished Knight, b Sutton ...... 2 money; if It places you receive place landers, waa second with 276 points. .. C 16 va J. W. F. Johnson ...... C tory. 9.26—C. J. Northrop ... at the result, as he thought the Watson, not out...... 4 money, and if it wine, you are trebly H. Bedard. Ottawa, won the grand 9.10—J. A. Coleman ... C 18 va J. B. OIEen ...... Ç champion was winning all the way. 14 (Speoiel to The Times) R. H. .. C 18 vs. W. McNe« ...... C Tracy, b Button...... 0 2 pleased by cutting in on the big aggregate in the 'trapshooting event 9.3»..Isa Brousse ...... He had no complaint to make, how­ Extras . .7...... 6 Parksville. Aug. if/To Parkevllle Chicago ...... money. On the other hand. If you with 181 birds out of a possible 200. 9 40—BL J. Cannon...... c 11 ^ S Brooklyn ...... « 12 0.46—J. T. Heffernan .. .. C il va Dr. R. C. Bayle...... Ç ever. ______goes the honor of winning the upper Hartnett; believe your horse will win, you .. C 18 ve. H. 8. Wallses...... Ç Vancouver Island Tennis Club cham­ Mllatead, Blake 8.60— R. R. Wheeler ... Los Angeles, Aug 14—Fidel ia Vance and Deberry. won’t drop your bet It It loses by a 9.66—John F. Lyon ... .. C 20 ve. C. *. Blrnle .. Bowling Analysis pionship. the honor being won on nose, or merely shows. You have, by 10.00—J. B Kerr ...... C 20 ve. R. D. MerrlU . Barba. Los Angeles high MhodbW Saturday tn competition with the AD 10.06—C. D. Brunn ...... C 20 ve. O. T. Myers .. knocked from the head of Franlde Five Ce— O. W. R. Chicago ...... » H the new system of betting, three . 8.4 4 17 bernl and Cumberland clube. chances on your selection instead of 10.10—P. T. Fischer ...... C 22 va F. O. Fowkee Oenaro here on Saturday night the Napper...... Brooklyn ...... 7 IS COAST LEAGUE BALL 10 16— Dr. H. 8. Nichole c. ---- crown which the New Jersey ted Tracy ...... 8 2 44 Owing to some misunderstanding Alexander and Gonsales; A. Brown. one. 10.20— W. D. Comer...... va F drtiltà e.’t...... C Wenman ...... ,...... 8 2 26 the Cumberland club sent no lady Hubbell, Oeechger and Hargreaves. T was showing the new machine 10.26— J. Ç. Wen ... U ■iietifii ...... C claimed ae world'* fly-weight cham­ 16 representative much to ths regent of ______8. Herald ...... C pion. La Barba won by waiting for Allen ...... S 0 Taylor. to a heavy better to-day and explain­ First game— R. H. B. 10.20— H. J. Fetter...... O. w. R. the other clube. However, two 10.36—Thom*» Skinner . 26 va Fred W. Jones ...... C Oenaro to come In and by left-hand­ Th® Rest- AMERICAN LEAGUE ing the new system of betting. He Seattle ...... 7 2 20 vs. D. K. Skinner ...... C Button ...... 12.8 8 46 Parkevllle ladles filled the gap In the told me be had bet $700 on the nose Sacramento...... 1 4 8 10.40— A A. Llndeay .... ing him for nine rounda then carry­ Detroit. Aug. 24—Alex. Ferguson, 10.46—F. R. Van Tuyl ... t va L. A. Lewis ...... g ing the scrap to the Eastern In the Attwell ...... IS S 16 persona of Mleeee Park end Peary. of a certain horse at the Willows last Ramsay and E. Balwtn; Vinci p.nû 10.60— 8. Warburton .... 11 va J. A. Sayward ...... B Parkevllle won three of the events, Boston and New York cast off. held week and his horse came in second. Kechcler. 10.66—H. 8. Griggs ...... 12 v». C. 8. Battle ...... T...... B tenth. In the opening eeaelon the Loa the men’s singles, the men’s doubt#» Detroit to four hits and Washington Naturally under the old system he Second game— R. H. E. 11.80— T. 8. LtPtry ...... 12 ve. A. A. Menieon ...... B Angeles fighter spent much of hto won yesterday*» game. I to 4. A 12 va Percy Criifli ...... B time backing away as Oenaro played and the mixed double». Alberal ladles lost his entire $700, but under the Seattle ...... 10 18 6 II. 06—Joelah CbUlne .... Footballers Will did well, winning the todies' single» by Stanley Harris la ths Premier method he would probably Sacramento...... 2 7 € 11.18— A. w. T id marsh . for an advantage. The Californian seventh, scoring two ahead of him, 11.16— W. W. Baker .... ii ^ | kept hie left busy and earned the and ladle»’ double». Each winner was break even, or at the worst, lose $200. Hastln and Daly; Hughes and M. 11.20— F. T. Poet 11 va W. D. Mackay ...... B presented with e .liver cup. gave Washington the margin. “The public. If they wish, may in Shea. 11 ve. R. H. Bwlnerton ...... B edge In thle round. Gather To-morrow 11.26— J. D. Hart Oenaro came back again In the a few minutes after the bell rings First game— R- H. B. 11.88—B. F. Ivy...... » H Ineley Washington ...... * compute their own winnings. If their ortland...... 13 16 1 11.26—J. H. Bloedel ...... B v*. W. H. Hot seventh, using his rushing style and To Discuss Plans Mrs. Bourque Loses Detroit ...... * 4 „* 12 18 I 11.40—J. L Carman ...... B F. Nation forcing the taller and slimmer, boy horse leads under the wire. They Salt Lake ...... 8 ^ Dr. A. J. to the ropes. It waa Oenaro a round. Ferguson, Mar berry and SeveroM; can deduct twelve per cent from tfie Yarrleon. Stokes and Hannah; 11 46—E. Shorroek ...... B Holloway. Collins and Baealer. 11.60—W K V. Hau The eighth was even and eaw some President Walker hae called a I To Miss Burridge total amount bet, which Is shown Pier c y Hulvey and Cook. Y Br.:::::::::: 5 w. d_ «■■■■■ ...... real stem-bang pugging In the mtddle ATHLETICS WIN ON HOMERS above the ten Indicators, then divide Second game— R. H. E. Howerth ...... B w. -B. ZurnwaR ...... meeting al « e’eleek en Tuesday « ft, 1 A. Welsh ;...... B McC. Cresry ...... of the ring. Oenaro drew first blcwd evening in Ream HC" aa the leeal Chicago, Aug. 14.—Home rune by that amount by the total amount bet fort land...... Stuart Robertson .... In Long Net Game Malt Lake...... 3 8 1 12.10—J. L. In the ninth when he opens* .cut Y.M.C.A., at whieh delegatee ef Blmmone and Miller, the latter artth on the winning horse, which they are Swtgert over La Barba’e left eye. U Bart* a man on. enabled Philadelphia to playing, and multiply that amount Seven Inning*. 12.16—C. W Taaflfe all leeal feethall clube are asked Rachac Meeker and TObln; O’Neil, 12.20—F. J. MartiMartin .. again slipped to the canvae In thle te attend. The meeting ie fee the Winnipeg. Aug. 14,—Perfect play­ shut ont Chicago, 1 to 0. yesterday, by two, five, ten or whatever they 12.26-C. L Hibbard eeaelon and lost the round by a good ing condition» favored the playing making their second straight from have bet. Stroud and Peter*. 1U6-T. J.- Appleton B purpose ef arranging the eehed- J. oltouy ...... B margin to’ the Itttle easterner. ele fee neat roe eon's eeeeer, and of the hard courts tennis champion­ the locals. The White Box were with­ 1 have endeavored, at heavy ex­ First game— R- H. EL Both boys came up for the tenth ship matches here Saturday. W. S. out the services of Manager Eddie pense, to give the people what I be­ Ban Francisco ...... 1 * 0 îî: ~ getting ell neeeeeary details ar­ Waugh, after a terri Ac struggle de­ 12.46—B. B apparently determined «n arttto the ranged to that end. Collins, who strained a ligament in lieve they want in the way of a bet- Oakland ...... * 6 0 ‘ESisl .retinrent- Oenaro started hie rush. tested W. JB. Harrtaen In Vie man’s Crocket L Friffiu and Jelle Agnew; lîl" Me" let on Saturday. * ^ R tins system, and I feel assured that lMageln and then raeed ÙK evident­ singles. The score waa T-S. I-l, l-«. they will support me In this new Brady. Delaney and Baker. w l‘00—F. H. Graves Second game— JL H. EL ly rhanging to cautious tactics. La l-f. 1-1. Philadelphia ...... * « \ venture, the first of Its kind In Eur­ iîfci fe ssr: BarS, however, carried the battle to Local C.PJ1. Tennis Ml.» H. Burridge beat Mrs. E. A. ^Griy and Cochrane, Lyons and ope or America. I firmly believe San Francisco ....a...... » J 2 him and ropeatçdtypoundedtha Jer Bourque, who came hare tram Ed­ that the Premier system wMI sup­ rfcw! monton to defend the title ihe had ry and Agnew; Boehîër, Pruett àèÿ City' boy^s heed and body. Be ha lk. plant all others throughout the rac­ 1.16-^r. 8. Baker ...... A As tbs gong sounded Harry Ertk. Team Loses Ont in won laat year at Regina. Throe long YANKEES DROP ANOTHER and Read. McDonald. the referee, retrod ta* Barba » hand rote were required to decide a win­ ing world, and I am proud to be the R. H. E. 1.80—B. C. Atwater ...... A Cleveland. Aug. 24.—For ths third manager of the first tract on this First game— ____* 1.36—A. Br.hnflsld A without a eaconfa hertthtton atto rt* ner and the tennis was (trot class, Vernon ...... 211 1.40—C. D. Stimson...... A Match in Vancouver the scoring being 7-1. 7-6, 1-4. successive day Cleveland def^Ud continent to use this method, and 1.46—J. D. Lowmaa ...... A crowd. henvHy backing ^the heme New Tork by run. yesterday's still prouder that Victoria has led the Lq* Angeles ...... 17 1 Both ladles played splendidly one Bar foot and Whitney, Jacobs and 1.60—W. MacMeeter ...... A I town ted, .wpnaed Into thy ring. score being 1 to « Both Bhocker and way for others to follow.” 1.66—H. C. CabsU “.. r.v...... A Vancouver, Aug 14.—Member» of throughout, phowlog daggling speed Shnberg. the Canadian Perlite Tennis Club of and grant endurance. At the rom- Karr, who started the game, were 1S9 HORE8E8 TO RUN R. H. B. 2.08—T. W. Alexander ...... C 5: ^ knocked out of the box. Bpeece. who Second game— 2.86—P. Beshnw ...... A KHty McKane Meets Victoria spent the week-end In Van­ mencement of the last eat, Mrs. Vernon ...... 9 11 S couver a* gueete of the local C.P.R. Bourque played with e daah that replaced Karr, did not allow a man One hundred and elaty-nlne hones 9 16 2 vs. R. Bowmen *ye listed to start at Colwood during k‘J,fl*n^55id‘ eleventh, darkness). vs. W.vL Morkill ...... rochet w le tdere at an Invitation tour- could not be overcome: rind quickly reach Aral. R H & Mf-d * Met ■ A Helen Wills in Big ran Into n toad of 4-L Things looked the week, beginning Wednesday, and LM Chas. B. Barley ...... A va Colonel A. W. Joses .... Maw York ...... ••••••• 4 * Ï well-balanced field# will be men Crandall. Root and Ennl*. San- iësï£,f.:=;î ÏL FT The event, consisted of women’» dark for Misa Burridge but with fine kicking the turf, according to an an- berg: Ludolph, Bckere, fillette and arid men'» singles and donblee determination eh* went out for every Cleveland...... -,...... :•—* 11 .7 re. J, O Or.heme ...... Tennis Match T o-day Bhocker. Pennock and Bengough. nouncement to-day. Whitney. «- - * and mixed doubles. Twenty-thru* •hot and waa rewarded by winning Î 4L-0. D. Bouton...... A Karr, speece and L. Sewell. The management Ha* again ar­ matches were played, seventeen of Ave straight game» for the eel and 1.6»—O. V. Holt ...... 1 B rt LI New York. Aue. Hn-The en- which ware won by the local player# .tch. ______, . , ’■ROWNS BACK IN FORM ranged for sale to the public of club­ Bill Johnston Wins Lia—K. C. Senkler ...... I S iS»::::::::: final tournament far the women • house ticket e for lady and gentleman I M—Anges Campbell ...... » The first, played at Victoria last et Louie, Aug. 24.—The St. Louis national tennis ehempienehip June, resulted In a draw. SINGLE O. N6T THROUGH at I10.ee fhr the meet end single tournament committee I bed reached the fine« round to­ Browne quietly ratura* to winning ticket* for me grandstands at «.SO Challenge Bowl For Ospt. Perte eeks a» aealara te «ahu The Capital City players arrived H belief SSnVeJterdsy with a victory over notice ef the following reexUatlons: qoést Victoria membersi and others who day with Miro Male» Will, ef Saturday and were entertained at ajt Cleveland. Al for the meet. Locker Room AccommoSatton.—On have their ears here to MMPi Berkeley. Cat- Olympic eham- that Single O- year-old Boston Red Box. 6 to 1. The bright ■ members who have no ears plVn twice neti.nal titlehelder. informal dance In the evening. •not of the gams was Bennett’s triple Third Time in a Row account rtTho pS particularly desired eon of Anderson UMto Oyp.li STtb. fourth; scoring «.1er and Mc------to t~*~~ .fending her crown against Mise through, wae______DdtWriaSet- Halls Ci * Ui ____ W eAAsd htotlhro -«roe- ■ Htt -v : i * - change into their golfing cloth** at the pace to CaTrifig atHhg. de- aTpi^ wwwyw j ■ i SiXbo that It wtTnSVie neetotofy

Retail Market »ld HP tQ «Â7V4T tl»pr« NEW YORK STOCKS kigh«tl#-4*y when OetoNr 4#U' being afeir emount ot commieaion ng order* in the pit Wall Street NEW YOU STOCK UOH AMOS, AUGUST Hi 1M6 irteti, ,?»** 8««l -Jh'-vHS’XvH'" ■!*.?? with very little for tale. The _ the Wly orders ilttWM M \n «wnrrttnVtrVir** rtf T*rh «‘'T gplatw* f lit» futureg, however, wee very me City Victor!» t——rerr 6% Bonds. Due J*n. 21, 1944. Prigs 89.40. YUid 5.M% TO-DAY lb-8 10-S A 111* Chelmtr# ■ jBlelWwdsf «nr M II * te. 8' lor ...... ••••••* . R. P. CLARK A CO. LTD. ) -a— a see». pf«l . ...» ^Lettm-a. ‘head ...... U* Mdaotfi »*w« w «W* V Monten* Power Ceetrsl i MontiomerjP Wsrd - natoes, ...... IÇ •cjltêlXn%ïïbmç- v* *^clsl m...... it fill the tren4 fif wbfifit w4 #8 were eaiipr i. mer1 t Private^ wr it sv,*^ Aug."if (By R. P. Clark j Eteiiili n h SPSS * * *— it ta# To-da £ >bput lays Mining New York. Au*. 1A tBy R- *• Am. I AOJJJJ- *>«•*«...... Am...... Vet { It Vt-I was cqm- Clerk A Co, Ltd.)—Stock market Am.----- V»t*r .. E&pi 1:1; .iMg-d prices made no particular pro*r**e Am ToP, - Odd Tel md price» torn u either direction to-4*y eeWe «rout Am. t esV;.v;.;:«.':»6»tf « was qplckly w.'-tpt ' . . . » I it s 'ji^i'jba fo. the opening gain but he'■ eld steady the strett*tit in a few epieechei In 1* Ow toFLs*4* ...... Ss:5 * arouhfl Saturday's final ”,uhti} Alien! rM À. , DIM SAVE fact the general situation displayed ,|lttrlc%n ^ . U.S. visible waa pul A l< bloq­ ‘if: ‘{1:1 , bushels symptoms of havlg* reached a point ue Id win Loco for •bowed Ipcreasr of it I more end Ohio \n »»« when gpqther decline of 1 cent pc- where It wan more difficult to bring m support Ihlebem Steel n. »• curred. the market recela Deposit Through Ue about price Improvement. There was KBrooklyn . final Cellfornl» PAc| e • |.1lnr Coat p»r IS. only a fair outside demand for stocks ('•IKornli Fate ... . peig ...t. :u Arrow ...... I early but It was rather evident that Caa. Perifle e, and obtgin * bond which obligates the Certs df P»e< o ...... Fete ...... IS. buyers were easily satisfied and of­ CeptreV Lesther rod wee re and g«f. Ksto p ifliasanmi Co...... ih ...... •••:•! aovnunoqtT to P.y you s% # #♦*«. ferings seemed to become mope antes,*1" •il l i!-i 6 tMI ...... Thin bond bn» iaeregaad in value and paid intereat equal abundant on all little price bulges idle ...... jtt Shell Wnleuts. ^ rî IH cbi. W. sud at p X bq|h c#»h and futures, to 13 per cent per annum during the lent four year». I» The market Is exhibiting Indies Sjy XS! H,,aT -vt lb...... ;••• til: i'i xrt:r line Caputs, por lb. .... - j-, ^4 rerpool was firmer with tturo- there eay reason tp epgeulgte if you can continue to ob­ Uons of being In a somewhat over Coco Colo lAe iiM «ttf! Vfgn wtgtber Rill unsettled. bought and the action el prices In Col. Peel end irop 8Ho!loyal Dulu- Hnvaee ArtBV Seaboard advices atated export tain guch résultat—sud we think tbgt you will be able many departments suggests that dis Colombia Oee ...... sale» Saturday were around 106.000 Moors Bo«bucg tribu live sales that have been con Coni. Cnn...... $14 No i Albert». buahela. Including American "Springs. to do 60. Cent. MOI of ...... «bell Union . vTmVk" ... Manltohaa and Durum», but there waa ducted recently are beginning to tell Pij-i Simms Fete :::::: 8 5 Coeden <$n -1*...... Sinclair Vdee Cowichan Créareemery,..... lb. 'K very little new buelneae this morning Efforts were made at differ#»1 i i ill Slops Sheffield Salt Spring IslandIsland, lb...... !a and exporters and miller» were doing CuW 40 J*M»#r Pure Lsr». lb...... British Columbia load Corporation Ltd. limes to-day to promote some en­ Crucible ICOfT Southern Par nothing. World's shipments teat Devteo»,htScl. Cb*m fe* ièfsi A’» 1 til l lit Southern Ballwihv, H. X BOORMAN. Managing-director thusiasm In the rail group hut very _ , i lash Standard OH S*C. (rMk, .sirs» week were t.Ml.OOO bushel», of which Del Lit Standard Oil B.C. fresh, firsts . . Mtl.eeo from North America. There in* B VANCOUVER VICTORIA NANAIMO ll|tlg outside offering was attracted. Dodeii: - eta ti* i i i i ! Ü B.C. fresh, pullets DodS, » Standard Oil were eight cars of new whegt In th« 4-t>.kd|r ...... ill lij I * By many conservative people In Dmpont III Inspection» this morning and pith Klee.i ’••.r.r.vfo U V, 11‘Wt.W ; OfetlC fine weather, receipts should IncrfaM the street the opinion Is expressed Beta ...... — ». - Ktromburg Cart Ii Lee.- 88. M Studeboker it. : Qntxrlo Mlid. per lb. ■ • ...... dally from now op, lbs mm» will rêendn Nstleael Fire.. that a natural reaction Is overdue Krlo First pfd ...... JJ I Tennessee Copper . ! Online Mstured. per IW. .... probably take the flr*l run of new Orest West Pern» I.oe« and a correction of the present tech Famous Plsxfrs ...... If7-I itch Cheese, per lb...... firmer y Tire A Rubber ntcal position Is lltply to assert It Qensrsi Asphalt ...... * Taxes Ooulf Sulphur wheat. The weather forecast for the LaKbvUw ...... dsasrsl cigar ...... Taxes Pacific B.B. West la more favorable, mostly fair McterU ...... Seif before another upturn of Qvs. Klsvine ...... HI ,w. In portions, ben .... ;2 |»d w^rpter with some showers In nequtDce gets uindei Osn. Not ere ...... Jt-4 ïajr.£a^..0:. Tiftlnt...... Iveirsd :iiv For Insurance Goodrich Rubker ...... 11-4 Goodyear pfd ...... 1*4*1 Tobacco Prod...... vw..mJi«n~ Stiitone. Ik Ül»!...... New Yor*. Aug. U tBy B.C. Bond Tobacco Prod A. ... Coarse Qraine—These markets con­ »8 PuSFtll ALL CLASSE», SEE' Granby ...... !»•* iBarttJttF»"r..*nnmu s tinued dun and neglected. With prices Corporation's direct Wall Street mil! lit 141-1 wire)—“Wall Street Journal stock m S4i: ï,va ck:tk,v <*&-■.• -• following tit» trend of wheat. Oat» p cisrk * Co. Umited)- market edition tbia eevnlng. say a : ?,«'»\\\ V STIJTIU.^iron Pipe ■ - to 1 cent lower, Aarley U to R. G. Chriaty AG a, U4» down and rye 1 cents fo If Stocks encountered heavy proflt-tak- Illinois Central ...... SIT u s. iQd 4»co Time» Buttataf Victoria. » C ing in the late afternoOft following Inspiration ...... ff-4 . . . IT 1 i’M cents lower. Trine email in all grain». U Wjr.: m mi . Flax—Sharply lower value» were n ut i Uffin further sharp advances lb nuny aec- Ini. Bus Machine...... 114 V ». stael___ pfd 114-1 114-1 Bios tern. * I be ...... tlons of the Hat at the «tart of the lnt comb. Eng ...... 41-4 Cod Fillets, per lb. ... record»*} |o-d»y Th» moftfl bet** lnt t’oppfyr !••-! 1M-1 bw week. After the reaction*. record Mgr Marine ...... $-f 3#il» » IH HOlltMIt ...... under jelling pressure from (page, is; Es.F ij "lum 1Î-3 •elee. lb. .’.V. .*. . Èighe were attained by verioue re­ '»»' Ik who were taxing profile presentative Issues of both railroad Kan ('lly bouith «J • ill A Ceke and industrial categories. Including Kennlcott CopPtr ...... M-4 Sr» cod.std. * tsibe .irr.No. Winnipeg. Aug 2( l By B t' Bond LAKE VIEW t’hesa and Ohio. FrlfCO. St. trouts, EkmJM fv îeF»»^"I»«e lk ...... !••• Corpora Clone Direct PU W(rg>— Be- The time tp buy Stock» Is when the market ta taw Southwestern. Wabash, General El- Louisiana OilOH ...... 1|-*V4-* 14-1 J»-l vtr. old >|7 »»-«I! JJ? yV,°nàg *t>cLr ...... (îrsln : C,encrai rains 1» Canada Tt.re.elu— pu/ LAREVI'IVIEWW NOW~nw gctrlc. Allied Chemical. |!!!>> ffi. Premier Woolfertb n»d set moo |S»r lb. caused higher opening In wheâï but Nothing happened in news to ac­ Wottb Pifmp advance was not maintained. She ».»,r count for rather abrupt selling weakness In corn tdgethqr with the Kmltr Mftaon A Dieepeeker moerment which developed gltfr. the ■mena per h>. _ ■ ■ Increase in American visible caused ill Phon» ffOO Jfemhereof Vtamelg fitook B»o>n»g» HI Pemneftoa gtag session had progressed for 3 or e likely experience errstic rwrtngi be­ ^rs- ...... •} m#rkbt tn wwk Ks4ually lower hours. When profit-taking came In­ lieve purchase esn be mg4* °» gaining constant support- on •*- to the market, therefore bids were Setbacks. tretne l>reek there was scattered ex­ pot available In sufficient quantities port buying and market had fairly PÆGiSfîffir to take care of the realising sales, Corn: showed independent weak­ fnsfi Heme nrro tone at close. Inquiry for new Work— Stiversmitk and offerings from professionals sell­ ness ffom the outset. Liquidation in Trimmed lelna per W ...... -i; crop wheat continu#* dull but there Lucky Jim ing for the top of adavnee. Continued September carried it down to ivtga. p»r ib...... •:•••::• *18 is Inclination on part of many in p.-emUr rS,r J. o. GREENWOOD accumulation in anticipation of the - SHOWS INCREASE ffhbnldnr roasts, per Ib...... •••• 'Si trad# to support wheat on dips such dollar mark. The late months were Perk Sr unseen, per lb...... *> FINANCIAL ARB NT retirement of the preferred stock and No 1 Beef— n as wf have b*d to-d#y K*pecl trad­ - M Inerte;■ la the 64 pommoo divi­ relatively sifgd?- IhcrtMod receipts vtntttfifl apples, although no£ ing market pending further develop­ SWIFT RRIN96 HOME FFAL 8ITATI "*Kni;Nfi66m.tai^WK' *"* MN"S dend carried Allied Chèïnical into of corn easier, premiums increase in ments. mature, have been failing badly in Pot roasts, par lb...... *11 70* Yalta ttraat new record territory at »»tt. up 3% the visible and general fgvorshle Bump roasts, per lb...... » -■* AT from close Saturday. the orchard* in the Vfctorl# god Isl­ LONGEST SHOT weather conditions were the inflii- r^tw nose. WILLOWS RACE MEET lnt. Nickel ^a* another Issue which ences back of (be bre^k. The de­ and dlftrict. according to to-day's Oct***'- 1 4T Ù 14414 was bought on dividend prospects, mand for cash corn hgl l*t up con­ report iffued by Departmfnt pf tit1 mu* reaching new high ground at 88%. _ I^fits. fun per Ib. •"fi 144 w i!5S siderably of late Weather condi­ Agriculture experts under the Bon. “Km- i.oaiiourd fr»ia wn ft) Call money renewed at 4 pfr cent, tions will he a big factor in the trend ib...... y a total Of $ltt.m,006 haying bffn for next week. B. D. Barrow. Drought is probably ORf bis urspr ' supplied at that iaure. demmottetrat- ____ ...... " Oats: Sagged with other grains- the eg usa of thla condition, the re­ Coming from behind In the Sowd hveitoieiit Suggestions tltig (hat the demand loan situation A little increase in hedging presaure Plsor. all stasdard kraada »ts ..... |!| l My August “t'onï, HQœ* ,n,W,Ule# 5U= stretch Baby Doll upset the di port «ays. wa$ continuing remarkably cooftfort- found buying power feeble. The in­ gleat. SSSCTT. We _■ ■ ■;...... ! M» A good percaptaft 01 Dr. Jules ?w the fifth rac* C»rrled out ofi the * farther sensational advances in crease of *r.ffO.OOS bushels in the do­ in* 241 214 % m !^i^*.ha::s“or,h^‘^ mestic visible Worked against the quyot and Bartlett pears have bt?en 1141$ mi» hi5 last iap, high-priced Stocks b«P* the bears market Cemmsrclgl demand for ii!H S. MABEE worried In the late morning. Shorts harvested, the report seif#- Am; rcr‘Upngei! of data I» fairly active, but the supply This season’s tree fruit crop In -VIff— Inin tuethe aaxvvumotor group were particularly I» quite am pig. Uptft the run of o#tg Whole Corn ...... •4H î M iee> i*4»4 14# » m#** npcrehensliapprehensive, dug to » spectacular ibis district, however, will show a Cracked Com ... i Chrysler, which soared ten from the Coup try eboffs rood co uprise In C signa of falling off prices good increase over the returns for Neg. Mary Emery; eeratched, Shady pointa to. US.1! This run up was due fast year, according to tq-dsy'b esti­ SSI *1.:::::!::::::: ttg p»sk Ww improved r*ce. Dr. K. broke well. will b. choppy. [1 to a aquee:squeese lb an oyff-egtpndtd mates of the department. Brer ...... ff-S he.i—l Nor, 1»»> : 1 Nor and ran bla race Seventhnth rfict,rfice, clfitfinin*.rl»imln Purse.uree 1660 of motors and other active Rye: Rtnctgd in sympathy with Alfalfa Her ...... »iy No. *. i’ll. NO. market leading cereal, but showing relative These estimates with the yields Jroc». 1»|\ .tugeutaK. * ÿiï°™£Xtia'Zi fpr fouru|r-ye»r-olde apd olfief, against which recent drives for last year are: ï il ricT 8Ï. m?«dWup on th, and one-sixteenth: 1, Black 6n the theory of this kind, and steadiness There Is little pressure mile i of cash rye oa the market, and this Fruit 1**« 1128 ssWri tool i ÎÎA IIT McCloy & Ce. ShMtx icwtiw,(Swift). »«'»v>If »6. Tr«->14.46; z;|. tl— that profits over the nest few months Estimate outide JV h.r Held at the lower timh continually uftsets the lack ot ex­ Crop Wholesale Market rejected -'•^/IJg.'trsCIMS : ir»Ct . AUCTIONEER» nice E. (Glbaon). 8810. Time 186 1-8. woulj hi considerably curtailed by Boxes Boxes & V,l W^0«rklU. $K%—Tsx #144 R'itr print. owe»» Great Britain - Which was way over "ha* general ii 68-day bUle on And Oe#d Stael Rang# appeared dangerous when he tell at panied by report» that control had opinion looked tor Trgie ralhfr JIJT let JuoR end December !•! •» *Its IS cable» 486 11-16; Ftnitnre, Perriw B c Urxe. If. —• • ‘ • • • • ...... the lower turn. 'WpMU hi;te* M.ekle 14SI 1st tier #nd Noxfiaber 14».» 144 11 bank» 4SI*. At nil Fell Street light, and market easily Influenced. Slberts'^HH-«c trifle* lb ^ ...... Mf ...... France — Demand f.7t; cahiea First race, claiming. nur»e 1400. for Bentlment among the locals and Its? 1st Just end December Hi ll IH M 4pff 0*jt Bay Avgnue) three-Vear-o4ds and older, about fit# Rug», Sporting E#gr»v- et the best level» aroond lilt, we scattered commission house» still Wsr Dm. 8*—fa* 4.11 U. ; cabled 8-78- Duly iostrucled by H. Milne. Eaq due not only to the uotlook for dlvl i!lt {:r%r*l.'“.»rer»Slr llMi SSrS ...... Italy—Demand I lfÎ bullish, but we believe that marvel Belgium—Demand f dend payment» In the near future, tin he sold on all bard «Rot». 10J #i loi »5 Ont» lilt 1st March • Germany- Demand » *# KcOLQY * 00. but alao to proepect company may Corn declined sharply oh rtport» ot Holland-Demgnd 40 M. ings after Herring, receive food elxed order» from l- ord favorable weather oVer the rirn belt s.r,,"’ Nqrway—D»m»nd 1» JJ Will sell, without reserve, Qgk Sec for rolled metal for use in radiator for new crop. Home scattered report» 14244 construction. Should Ford decide tq •f» ft Sweden- p»m»n4 « }; tiogsI Boogcsfe find Boofis, Msssage of dry weather and higher tempera liji "Vi in? f Denmark - Demgnd **•*•; _ Table, Mahogany Belle», wicker Oregon Faust. A*. B*1' Blackwell. Uadi, Etc, use monel metal It would inean or­ titre» from Nortbw«»t Trade p*- ...... t»f »f HwitxertanU- Demgnd 1J 47. Chairs and Rockera. Oce»alon»l Randolph. Maxle Barber ; scratched. ders for around 1.260.666 pounds a uemtly light and mpftly of locgl iH! Table». Columbia Cabinet drafiap- Orëogn Faust. AI. BIU Btackwelt year. A» Ini: NlcVlf could wake character. Cannot get bullllh o 1,«< 1616 April »»6 OctoMr SI 76 a^'Jfv pbone and Xfcord*. OU Paintings. Second race, purs» 1*66. for three SlfWARl WILLIAMS 4 16 M 2k; 1. Bittern (Zarelll). 17 20 se|l by Public *H=tlfin *• IH* cwt- mean, should rtrd decide to u»e this til-:w m-tw .. Time 1.24 4 1 Alep ran: George H4-2 161-4 ltiiti-b t»3-( iisflIiâS: !|1 Austria—Demand *01414 I»rge Willow Chair. Electric Iron dence. 1046 Belmont Avenue. On Wftal on the proposed septa. profit oj •ET. — 'jS'i Argentina- 40 37 Oak Dr»»»*r» and Bfaw!». Muehlebach. Frank I L. ( *"’buJ”S' around tW.*# a '«r.locresseof Brasil—Demand 12.32. Chair». Steel Bed. Spring and .— Millie Erne. Delano»,; nçrstched. 1114 cents a share on th# l.*?*.**S Toklo Dtmand 401*. M»ltre»»ee. r»mp Stretcher. Pillow». Hlndoostan. Bueter Brpwn, Btepovcr. WedienUy, August 26 shares of Nick le common outstand­ ii= 1! Cupboard. Kitchen Tante and Chairs Vic Munoi. ing Of course, should q(h*r autp- 11-7 "Arcadian" Steel Range, Waablni Third race, puree 8*00. for tbree- mobile companies decide to follow <1-2 Money Mgrket ‘Sr,::::.: year olds and older, #boqt five fur- H Machine, Crockery. Paps. Tool», ft in tb* bsaamrnt and kitchen, #nd • Fords example later, this could be*< Quarts Jam» and Jellies. Boiler. ionffa: 1. Jack Kalr(n»p (Broadfoot). 1.30 wilt a*n th# vemitlnder of come quite an important develop- >«Vf To-day Montreal Stocks Bathroem Cabinet apd Mirror. Stair 14.20, 82.16» 82.20; 2. Joe G. (E. Ne»l), fumishlnf*. including : Carpet. Good Wrifiger. Tub». Blow 82 10. 82.20; I. Ivy CfF»> (H Ro^'®^ Southern Railway sold »t Iftf. a re­ skis- ■ - « « «*tf f4 *111 (By n p Clerk * Ce Utnltfdl ^ Babyby (irand Rififio Ifi, Tesch. aardgn Tools. Etc. 82.80. TWe ,67 M- >leo [an- by Bluthner, one Qf the. flneet, cord price, discounting an Increa## I*( New York. 4qg. H-—TfH mpun On view Wednesday forenoon. Wood, Little Pointer-, «n-atvhen, . J7 basis. firm; high 414. loV clpeliur bid 4; Instrumenteu mente on the mark...market, and tn the 88 dividend to a |7 Houae rented. Tulameen Kid. splendid condition; and the----- — opinion." says Block. M*- offered at (V tail lofio lft: call HeMBwtWtof Fourth race, clatfitlfig- Purse 1406. the Furnlfihtngs fia afivfrtlsed In loney. "thrrr••thert* haslias nw«been quite em-h-ttvkcpuifl; loans against acceptancee 3U. A|»»«IW*f Crogu McCLOY A CO. for four-year-old* and older, one mile ulation In Southern PsciflC. Juft a* Auetienaara Phene 1«!1 and seventy card». >• £•*,M«br'V SalHOtay'» paper- |S !i — ■loan» ' ——‘red coital- On view to-morrow morning from there was la N X. CeeWl under. U6- It 'days month* iMolter). fl.66. U jfc ft* .2 16 o'clock ' * Both stocks should do better. South­ ♦ *4 Chicago. V* K—The I'hicego Tri­ dale (H. Rowe), fflj IT*». 1 Tab­ 23% Take the car to Belmqnt Avenue. ern Pacific can jiff ord tp pay more I Prime compmmmere)»1 paper 1 ? bune tp-day aaie: V. 2646 leau LHofineur (C. Orcensvood). For further particulars apply to than S per cent., god probably fin ft sstsiSi Sentiment among wheat trader» H.li. Time 1.40. A(S° ren' po distant date. A.pppd par l| very ■Sr New York.:qtk. AuiruAu*: « clfy(By R.C.B—. Bopd Mower. Bancho Pansy. Dare; Th* ASP*if»tp cheap, and may move to HO. south- Cities •rrv,1-*-- Corporations'mllone' plrectDirect wire.-TlmeW|r»>—*ta}' WAS generally mlgetl. but there was » celt* Auction Thvrettoy acratehcd. Dad Quick, Norford'e Last #ra Pacific has one of the largest 9!!V. i.T.nK money market qutet with rate» steady more friendly feeling toward» the At 1 JO p.m. Fifth race, pl|r»fi ffPO. for all age» book surpluses of #f*y railroad. and unchanged from prevailing quo­ that have never won tiro race, about •v HS V" IS.HhpV.t.jtoca buying »Mfi oil dtps September was Uaual Weekly Bale of 5 J tation» of laet week. Money for regarded as fiCttfig very tight and at* * «H fieywfird>lde- Bbfinp US Net|. Por. U(S : ninety days 4% bid. 4% offered. Oils— Longer maturity 1% per rent, bid tlfiely tq go to a greater premium P CHICAGO GRAIN CsftV v...... * "SSPLhbi f;s: i Glehrorla 4St offered, lending St both ends of over the Decyroher. Core rep»Jv»d Miscellaneous I»I. the range, depending upon clrcum- good gupport pn fill dip» m, atanee». Commercial paper I» The ''hold back your wheat'' move ElHr-HSB * Chicago. Aug. 24 (By R. P. Clark slightly more activp gnd rejge firmer. dolph. Sir Frederick. Lodlyie. Mining Si ment which hga »pr«fig 'fit» eg|et»pç» * Ce, fAd-l—Wbe»t: Buying power Prime name» per cent., with som« Furniture glxtb race ------gav» out as the session progressed, exception»! names sod names of during tb* ta»t f*W W*»k8 haa aa- In our Auction Halle, corner Raqdor* (or lbr*e-y(W sod scattered BwwldwUea by tired nearby maturity «till moyle» et 4 euroed mi'rb l»rgrr proportion» lhan A verni* SB# Bien sherd Street. flKnewtSlfWU. holder» caused by sharp selbaok the per cent, tin* well-known name» GeSnne pi l.lfe.eoe bushels m the the average trader Is aware of. ac- pjcÇlMâÇO, 444 per refit. Bulk of buelfieee mov­ cording to tboae tn a position to know Visible eupply for the week was ing at 41^ per c«p| copntry b»pk»r« Ifi many efetjon, of Us siacif larger than had been anticipe ted. and Phone hfgl Also raj. Old tW mgeetnent os isprtww whaat «arise e<,ti» nownljcy h*>'«,taken up the American northwest picked up ap­ (■r movement god bfv« tie*P dill , preciably. Probably the fact that the trad» lacked any fresh Incentive to tie circular», plvfng Ih* alfitlgtlcal poalr J take hold on thé constructive side led cens Cerp tlon of the domeetlc supply and d#- 0» VI tS tb» undoing of the market, ah# "of f»r^W|Mwa»on tber» he» beep BONDS ..sMLSsa-a*. 1946. Prie milling demand for winter wheat SÎIKÎ IS 44 continued brisk with local premium» Kurekt Rrin. hut the foreign ditnknd win r,t!!l‘n, little »r no hedging pressure Ifi rye from Northwest which usually mak m Royal slack. rreivi It. .PPCfi^c. ,bp^tilhtaitlme^Th laiverpool cloved firm and slatlsll- m cal development* Indicated (hat con- Nlpififflnf HART 6 and f —Taptlon on other side is at levât Ohio Copper tall ! EBirjps «I* ' The wheat market le suf- JW------Û22tiBÜ lack aggressive buÿir , and for time being price» VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, MQNDAY, AUGUST 24, 1925 CLASSIFIED AND YOUR AD WILL SELL'-PHONE 1090 BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued) ,C7r«2? C. Plata MUTT AND JEFF Jeff Seeks Some of Doug Fairbanks Laurels on the Screen Ree. I* •HOE REPAIRING ARTHUR H1BB9, ploeeer A petrer. Work Celgeury Bldg Street. JUST AS SdON AS He THAT'S ALL IN TWt SCSM6, J


IYPE WRITERS—New and necoadhauB< repair» rentelo; for ell me- United Typewriter Ce. Limited, ÏH Pert Street. Victoria. Phone mi. il




►PSBAOB- Dry blocks. «2.It; kind- ling. ll.lt. 4lt2 between I e.m. and I tiai-H.M if*Aho. [OUND. lengths. St; reduced prices for Isrg. Thee# Phone «StST. im-M-14 nil W H C r »**•) flrtA, >L PROFESSIONAL CARDS

barristers automobii.es unfurnished houses TIMES SUBURBAN SHOPPING COMINO EVENTS LOST AND FOUND automobiles (Continued) (Continued) - BASKET FOOT A MANZRR lUtorta Batlg Simta |^OtTND-!-A week ago. child's sailor cool. OKPKNDiBLM UNUSED £lOR RENT —Cettoge. 772 Tope* Avenue. Barristers. Solicitors. Notarise. Fairfield Hoad. Found. Saturday, on Phone 21«S. Members of MANITOBA. ALBERTA end NNUAL excursion of the Greet War ! oak Bay Avenue, roll of netting. Phone lMI-tf BRITISH COLUMBIA BARS. Advertising Phone Ho. 1090 A Veterans' Association to Seattle. So. j 2T2 or 4d7tL. *2«»-l-«l the city, many extras ...... Isi.iti HILLSIDE - QUADRA Bank of Novi Scotia Bldg.. Victoria. B Princess Charlotte. Labor Day. Monday. IA EWELL Touring. l«f« Special, IIVE-ROOM bungalow, fireplaces, gar loot October, disc wheels, glees «—SPLENDID BUTS- lATBSFOB CLASSIFIED ADVEETINlSti September 7. Leave Victoria ! T 08T—String of forty-eeven large sise Corner King’s Hoed returning from Seattle 4 M pn -La gold beads Leave eey lafermnMen at closures, owner turned It In ee 7 [EVROLET Superior Tearing. tent 12». without garage «IS MEAT MARKET CHIROPRACTORS Adults. It.2t; children 6 to West holme Hotel Rvword. It14---4I •nr. Save the dep recta tie» wrttte Phone 1»S. mt-tr ea this car end still get one as gw S550-T„InH 'splendid condition. rty, dancing. —------P TOU DO NOT USB wnnt you are look­ Beat. Articles for Sala Loot or Feend. Tickets eo sale R. Office. Government T OST—2 tires, os Went Saanich Rood. W Only ...... I la beautiful iTLO* Meet Market, »7tt Quadra. Do- PT H. LIVSET, D.C., SpC.. Chiropractie >LAV0HLIN Roadster reflates*, FORD Sedan. ing for advertised here, why net adver­ -Li Finder please phone 72I4Y1. „ll*wFrIS; lets of extroa livery to oil Porto of city Phone 2MS. A-A. Specialist. Ilt-g Pemberton Build lit* per ward per insertion. Centrent ml Thanks 227«-2-42 eme.-t ultra modem coloring. In excellent se your wonts7 Someone amongst the »»d ..till mechanical condition ...... g «St louseodo ef readers will most likely hove analysts free. AJUSTER LET -LAK T OST—Little pointer pup. Please phone H EVROLET. 4-M Tonring, recently re­ CM EVROLET 4tt T« tot who* you ore looking for sod be g ted nlng and looking fine. > sell at o reasonable price. tf-34 to 12 every Wedo. 1-4 4464R. 2Z4Î-2-47 painted, good ton and rubber, escellent C. LONG. D.C.Ph.C. Friday end EaturAsy. Pine OAK BAY «12-S Pemberton on this see et ’—CHEVEOLET Superior Teurlnf. LET USE appointments T OST—English setter puppy bitch. « In. high location. Phone 207 or for evening et Roe. CARTER 1 equal to n new cor. SO St Patrick St. ATIVE SONS OP CANADA—Regular J-4 months old. 2 black rare 22(4+1-44 • HE MILTON CO. Oak Bar ~Phoae~ 1711X1. 2t«t-St-«f face Please phone 6487L. 1S7I-I-4I Super Six and >a N«*#f Cere meeting night, flre^end third There- Gordon end Courtney Sts. MONTH—Cleon Street MASTERS MOTOR CO. LIMITED First showing of Autui in millinery. Open into groupe of throe or ra Next meeting Aug. It. at their halL T OST—17-jewel Hamilton watch, initials has enamel until oloe o’clock. some line. __1144______Mason Street,JÊÊ ____above■ Cook. Saturday evoali CHIROPODISTS OW OPEN for the eeeeon -Olympia li J. A outside. Jack Alias inside • 11 Tates St. Cor. of Quadra Phone 271 lean figures eo one ward. Dollar marks Finder please return to Box 2242. Time» Phone 42IZL.______22R1-I-4* Oyster House. 141» Breed Street, op­ Reesrd. SI lltl-t-4* té te Brockman-Ker. Only oyster house -ROOM bungalow to rent. adults only. Af R AND MRS BARKER. Til Fort St town. Oyetere fresh dally, reduced OLYMPIC GARAGE Apply 1227 Sunnyatd- Ave 1177-2-41 BUSINESS DIBBOTOBY Surglc.lSurgical foottool agtaleluu.imcuiimi Phonehl 1444. Advertisers who no desire may here re* T>UR8E lost, brown leather, eeeteielet 5 ree. Olympia. 7Sc plot ; Eastern, itc X HI la Return to Box lttt. Time» H 2t74-14-4l wn. Buy leur siiun here, wholesale nf Wharf and Breught. 1 refait fïïl-fT-lT FURNISHED HOUSES ART floe end forwarded to their private address. WILL 4he party who found parcel de­ ’enroelf Cere. 11.M Per Bear ll poeltvl In their motor at DENTISTS A charge ef Its In mode for this eerwlee. HELP WANTED—MALE Joseph r Hospital. Sunday night Pies»» PHONE S*«« OMPLETELY furnished six-room bun- Phone II1SR 5244-i-«* C> go low. piano, garage, for September toi l LEADED LIGHTS, fer churches. f)K A. A. HUllBEn, d.ntl.t. Birth Notice. Il-H eta IfiMrtl. only. Phene »»»4B7 ______2224-4-4» nd private dwellloge. lttl ION MOTORS LIMITED RED TAG near Cook. Pheoe 7S11. ►MMERC1AL sod Stenography Courons FOR SALE—MISCELLANtOUS GUARANTEED USED CARS URNISHED bungalow, modern. Gorge pandora Ave. Pemberton Bldg. kin daring Jnly and August. district. « rooms. 2 bedrooms. Phone Beatty. F Death and Panerai model DO DO I IlflR after eli______3X44-4-44 R- X F. SHUTS, dentist. Office, N» Manager Sprott-Sho’ A LL ALIVE—Young salmon, whole flak IB Tewing. •tudebaker il Six Tearing. In per­ fect cenVl ties' newly painted, IKTELL furnished houseboat, with Ma- BOOKS D 2t2*S2 Pemberton Bldg.Bid* Phenes»i TI»T. tt >V i#c lb.: white spring ealssee 'kj INGINEERS cert l fleet ea with be 11 eon tires, special v v jostle range; kitchen, parlor end two Asker’s Fish Market- *T*l*u bedrooms. At foot of Erie Street Rent F™ 2*1-2 Stohart- O. Win ter burn. 22ft Central MK OHN T. DEAVILLE. Prop. Block. A HEAVY supply of live fleh; loweot 112. riion»14S7Y SM-4-41 Exchange, library. SI* Gevernmeat Phone «2#A Office. Kit rtitata,** \ *“'«»T"»*-^A»»tar him. te t p m. tf-«t IV’ANTBD. stave bolt and cord wood cut A possible price» Asker's Fisk Market. lttl Nash 7 - passenger Touting, phene 17*7. splendid ehab*. newly i> tere’ e> «14 Yatee Street M 1Z! . ' Iîr1** Ch.». Cr.r-D.rt. FURNISHED SUITES Phone 71IX. ltlt Terrace Ave. Viriv.1?' b*4 "tanv others MATERNITY HOME Births, Marriages, Deaths A BEAUTIFUL Encyclopaedia set ef It PACIFIC AUTO WRECKING CO. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS A volumes < Winston e> for •*« coeh. i vu- iABk ,er Mr. Junkie") 1121 Studebnker Six Sedan, a # X1MFLETELY coot 141.14. Apply 14 winek Bldg. CM» 1 V,ew »«rnet Phene list Donee Court, fates T3 EACH CROFT NURSING HOME. II’ANTED, a salt tan to cell on the re- wonderful bargain ...... W ?.. Cook. Mm. B. John**. CMI . It tail grocery, fruit and NTTHINO Mm. B. Johnson. C.M.B.. phene Apply phone lTVS. mi tf-tt trade. Liberal comm lesion. DABY carries*» (English). Mke new. eeet UFBD CAE SALE APARTMENTS Furnished SUTHERLAND—At 81. Joseph* Hospital. 2**2 Times Office. 2242-1 ThtrkeU. pRIVATE Aug. 21. Jane Simpson, wife of Mr. |*s, snap ltd; feldieg eulky. H-M 4 touring. Mîtes te rent by the week ee maternity John Sutherland of the H BC , Fort Then* 441IRZ euntry Club. !S|| JAMESON MOTORS LIMITED PbMO 124*0. tf-tt graduate • « tearing, lift rates moderate. Phone «274^. 1124-24- McMurrny. Alberts. Mm. Sutherland HtLF WANTED—FEMALE 1.1NTKR PRISE four-hole range, water1- CARPET CLEANING with her daughter Barrie came to 4 touring. l»l« 740 Broughton St. APARTMENTS—Two end Victoria five weeks ago and wao a * 4 freat. white enamel aed nickel finish good aa new Phone 4|1. 1441-1-44 Phone ÏÎ44 patient at 8L Joseph's Hospital. She iBSKS new forming fer special tm-tf BLAND Window end Carpet NURSING HOME leaves to mourn her loos, besides her touring Ksamlnetloo no» BALE—St Joseph's nurses uei- •rland « touring ...... Co.. IIT PerL Phone ms. husband, one daughter end one son. ■prott-Show School illton-Beach method. George W , In Winnipeg; also a mother, F forms; fit *4 or 14. Reasonable '•fiend tl louring ...... Hughes. P^SQUIMALT Nursing end Coevoleeeeel end other relatives in Caithness. Scot­ t'b... 1»«1K »)«»-••’ ‘erland « touring. 1*21 FURNISHED ROOMS erland 4 touring, lttl . land. WANTED, an organiser for Junior Re• touring, mi . . Carpeteria Co.. *21 Fort One acre nice grounds, pi |ios. side saddle, lie. Mexican and- ‘iï. °r,n4 Chevrolet, lift ....’ iBLHl HOTEL ROOMS— Housekeeping ■fluff rug». The remains nr* resting at the B.C. hove nursing and teaching experience Ap- F Phone 1444. 41ft and StttL Funeral Chapel. The funeral will take (testions must b* In by August SI. Apph die, »1B. Musgrave. Soohe. * *247-1-44 dlllee rearing tit Yatee Street. Street. «ml taA mrsl «Mot FORD place on Tuesday. S.lt pm., to Royal Oak Sy letter to Dr. C. F Wacn. P O •••• aeeell Knight eeden ...... WO furnished rooms, bo*room and pan­ Victoria. B.f 1*47-4 |?OR SALE—Black selL •« per lead. DELIVERY OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Bien radio not Fhon# ISS4. tf erland || touring ... try. clean and quiet, very close In: Burial Park. X »a FORD Tprivate entrance. No children, ltlt Fort DYEING AND CLEANING erland IS touring ...... TOURING ... SHORT—At hie home. 1761 Hampshire rrXOUR USED RANGE bargains et arises f.«s Street. l»72-2-«7 B. TRAYLOR, general practice. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE jpmebile modeler ...... 1 FORD Road, on August 21. 1*3». James F H r Hardware Ut Fert Street l« TOURING DYE WORKS—Gee. McCann, pro- Special attention to finger surgery el Allan Short, aged «1 years: born In Phone 74. and throat. «•« Pern P you weut o carpenter ftOOD vegetables ef ail ktuda. whaleeal# ___ >»mitep 1 «-«« HUDSON Warrington.’ England. Price HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Phono MU Local Union. TIltL "JT price. All orders delivered. Fheee feed Cere Bought and Sold one brother- 44171- tttt-tt-41 Sarah Short In Victoria BUYS THE STAR GARAGE ENGRAVERS law and one brother. Fred Short In «*’ guaranteed Cor. View sod Vancouver FURNISHED front housekeeping PHYSICIANS SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE yiVR.NEY-OXFORD range, knob water- USED PORD CARS Phone 4774 rlth gee. 12 week adults onlv. vT front, good condition. Ilt.lt. Jjck’s The funeral will leave the B.C. Funeral !»24 TOURING eneral ENGRAVER. Stencil Cut(t»- F)R- DAVID ANGUS—Women • disorder» rlfe with baby will Htoie Worse, corner Johnson and Bien- •MORD Sedan, detachable seat covers. Geo. Crow ihoer' Chapel Tuesday afternoon at 1.44. proceed­ .ESERTED many exirna G and Sea- —- epecloU/; 21 yearn' experience. Suit# any kind of work. 3*61 Albina Street. • IS ^TOURING. " two new Sllvertewn cord» on rear. WANTED—TO RENT Green Block, ltlt 4M Pan tags* Bldg.. Third sad University. ing to St. Mary’s Church, where servie* 3244-2 IF YOU DO NOT SEE what you are l»»k- Pathfinder cord» on front end epere, good wilf be held at 3 o'clock, Interment will X mg far advertised here, why net adver­ 152 8EDAN. mechanical condition.—* 1424. terms If de- be made at Itoee Bay Cemetery. MISCELLANEOUS tise year wants* Hem sens amongst the almost Ilk* new . . . ’ANTED, to buy or leas* commercial or IHOTO BNORAV4NO—Half-tone thousands ef readers will meet likely have >22 COUPE, A. W. CARTER 1 pey*trait photo gallery. Box 2Z4S Tim*» Kagrevlog Depart- )»« -l.l row .r. 1— IIU f-r •»* ta «!•« hod the best *f rare Hudson Super Six and Essex Motor Core 234*.2-44 Phone lttt. AWN MOWERS collected sod sharp te sell et ■ reaaoneble price »f-«4 >2* ROADSTER. Cor. Gordon and Courtney Sts. Phone l«« re filed. Carver A Sea. 4*1 FUNERAL| DIRECTORS f OOOEItr. croies re- and sportsmen's In perfect rendition WANTED—To rent, unfurnished Pert. XJ clothing, tents, peck seeks, blanket» UTO Bargains—WUlys-Knight. like i v in Oak Bay on south eld* Os FLOOR SURFACING etc. F. Jeune A Bree Limited. 17# Jehn- car» are oil In first-clot mechanical Ave,. not lees then eight rooma I Drive them vourself and have «74* Owner leaving city. 1S«7 Glad any test you wish made * * *- perfect shape. MS*. new floors made TENDERS FOR DREDGING ÀHDS rUNBBAL CO »r. |4tt. Overland .LD floor» \f ALLE A RLE AND 8TBBL RANGES. perfect, by Floor Surfacing Machine M It per week. Fheee «•••. 1414 Term» gladly arranged ►lendId condition. •1*4 or beet offer. : ..-Aeplnwall A Harmon.tl.rmnn tf tu» parts for Chevrolet.------Ford- anda Oak- FOR SALE- LOTS Fhene 146IL- Sbkled tenders, addressed to the un­ Funeral Director Established lttt. DoueU* Street. »• tiZI Capital Osragk. 1*» Fblt: dersigned and endorsed 'Tender for NATIONAL MOTOR CO LIMITED Dredging Victoria Harbor. B.C.." will bo ISIS Quadra Street 'Advertlelsg Is to \flLLER eelf-gmerstlng bicycle lamp. IO IrOT BARGAIN—Thompson Ave.. is te machinery. M. m first-class condition, for sole DDRI furniture movers received until 12 o’clock neon (daylight Ford Dealers We hove name* end ad- 1 Oak Bay. choice building lot. fine saving), Tuesday, August IS. 1188. cheap. Phone 2Ï65X. ‘ •••* I— .I VKWI. U( V, w; coot owner ll.Tto. sell for I14S cash. WHY SHOULD •II Yatee Street P. McConnell. Pembertoto Bldg. Tenders will not be considered unless YOU LET US T> ELI ABLE melllrg lists ef Vlcterio and Newton Advertising Ai 1171-1-44 BOUT TO MOVBÎ If ee. made on the forms supplied by the De­ WHITE YOUR ADS? lb Vancouver Island hemes, busfnem me», Suite *4. Wlweh Bldg Phase ltlt. Lamb portment and according to the condi­ sets owner» etc.: else complete lists ef crating, packing, shipping or star- tions set forth therein. erofeeelenel men. retailers, wholesalers LIOR SALE—D44 Mcl^ughlln. HOUSES FOR SALE phono 1447. Bight MAIL. g. 0. PUKEKAL 00. LTD. FOR BALE Combined specification and form of Maklni njœ.srÆ. condition.nnunivn. newly r-.--painted.— • ...... tender can be obtained on application .will take smaller cor and some < «stv (Hayward**)- lot. lttl to the undersigned, also at the office of ltaiT*taiu*r«‘ WtaJISîfe. rtai>- Phone S127R. 1474-1-41 HOUSES ON INSTALMENT PLAN GOAT DAIRY the District Engineer. Pont Office Build­ l«x*1*. I*s«. 12x4. Hat ODER N- home* fer aaie. veey ing. Victoria. B.C. Calls Attended te nt kriirular tm >R SALE—Ford teurlni 1421 model. D. II. Pnl*. con t meter. Tenders must Include the towing of delivered Moderate ClIDERIAN crab apple» for sole. 4c per CAPITAL GARAGE OATS the plant to and from the work. 8 aZILl. Phone YtllL*. Mt-tt accelerator. quality TttSR. Embalming 222 Langford Street. The dredges and other plant which the are Intended, to be used on the work r.ir— in», il». 11». »<»■ OBUUnUK'l SooOHT ,D CLO™*N° ACREAGE shall have been duly registered In Can­ of tl Beet Prices Paid—We Cell INSURANCE ada at the time of the filing of the ten- printer SHAW A CO. CREAGB SPECIAL—Sts Ruby Phons 4*1 12» Fort Street REAL BARGAINS Broughton Street. Victoria. B-C. Road, g odd soil, all under cultivation. McOALL BEOS. make ^ the tender. DODGE Roadster. (Formerly ef Calgary. Alta. I «1st. tt.M; Life. Ante end A< Each tender must be accompanied by EDUCATIONAL later­ xm»Beet ».acreage ■ —p- —bargain In Gordon Head. ti«i-s«-tt an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, it top. aatianVl School. al baiirgaln prlcoa *sr ofYrf. the yen ee» fled e buy te View •Meet p. McConnell. Pemberton Bldg, 1271 payable to the order of the Minister of we would like t# ate M IKKIMOMAIUS CHANCE—Quarter- PuJMto Work*, for 6 gw cent, .of the ef coed acting eur /-rL.AMBS (orems «•» tatalti end 1117 FORD Touring, rear HSIH. 12*4. PATENT ATTORNEYS contract but no cheque to transmission. •ere blocks, excelleot soil. Lake ;y **4 evwhiag. »*s4H Capital Oar- Pork: prlceo list to lttt: terme. II rteen hundred dollars. Bonds month mmrat now. oo.wi O K. A car age. lttl Peri tree*. 2tt4-t«-KS monthly peyments of It. ae latoreet: of the Dominion of Canada and bonds of TeL ••- U la see. Apply 7 IS Fort Street, tttt-tf M.LC.B. the Canadian National Railway Cbm- ■AXON Redan! —------BOY DEN. will be accepted an security, ee who advertise potent attorney. View Q MOUTH AX I) tabtaL MU Ota-«- C*- and repainted, tires Al. I Frank and a cheque if required to make fSsssjss? srafvrar economical closed ear ee# »«• View Street up an odd amount. ltlt CHEVROLET, everhei The Thomson Phene 1»IK NOTICE Mlllek. . a mu —f •» S. E. O'BRIEN, NEWTON PLUMBING AND HEATING Secretary. ADVERTISING ISIS FORD Hoe deter, shock absorbera. TIMBER TO OUR Funeral Home AGENCY MUSIC Department of Public Works. TAIT A McEAB Ottawa. July tl. IMS. ■a fRg. tULLY. piano teoeher. Voconcle# •tt Tstw B. HASENFRATZ—Plumbing, keet- Centra ctere M for 2 pupils only. Reserve new. TIMBER COMPANY LIMITED— itlon to the MuUlgr.ph nndJiUn.ogr.ph Clrcular^Leb •ruâmra^raKëtwen.ted consulting Phono «74. re» 4S11X. tere end Postcards Addreestniseeing. M ^•r^rrb.,,,•*■ **“ 0r,'"î.»"!7îi BBS MACDONALD SMITH WINS The Victoria Dally Time, Hates Quoted tor Dominion THREE SPECIALS OCKINO. Jl SBuys-srs-sx;part ef the P-evlee» Vtt Bell Its subscribers 1171. SI* Toronto Street. Youngstown, O., Aug. —Macdon­ Suits t«. Winch Phene POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK 1132—Dodge. overhauled painted te give ald «Smith. New York, on Saturday AI delivery servie» monumental works 1SS4—Hnpmohlle Tonring. wrested the Western open golf cham­ wanted-miscellaneous l-’IOR SALE—One pointer (female), well MOTONCYCLES and cycles pionship from Hill Mehlhom of Chi­ Ju trained, end one pointer (male). • 1424—Hupmeblle Special. J 1m A A** all the extras. cago, by shooting 2tl for seventy-two ITS* ARTS' HOlttitlWYAL WORK» jeessasss. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE holes, but the ousted champion won LIMITED. OfOee and yard. JJ yb.n. mil. 2272-4- Work» CONSOLIDATED MC (VICTORIA) HIM- Vletory time after publlcgtioa. PANTED—Te en». I T IV» peultrr 1 Hin.ld. Pe.ltry. LIMI* C LAND * INVESTMENT AGENCY, Youngstown Country Club course, Phono ttlt. •12 Government. l«»7 Un, «lr..t Pboe. IIMt.. W; ••« Yatee Street record of sixty-six in the last round relltal. IMl-ll-H phono ini to tin with four others for second •OATS MONEY TO LOAN COMINO EVENTS SASH AND DOORS place with 117. Smith, who won the Utle In 1811 nt Idle wild Club, Cbi- PYLWDI grinding. , PERSONAL ma. In the cago, scored below par on «very iouaumn detsdaL» Company TVOGO*”*—friend' V meter OHS A Money to let round of the «,677-yard course. He Kingston Street. V BOOTH Wishes his piano pup lis lo dodge Tearing. !•!». Jest leva Seat la Park Street. ended the brilliant grind, with a 'i. Prim I tl. Irnftr that tbe »»t t.rm begin. S.ot mclaùohli*" ReadstW. tori» CIRCULATION Sixty-nine. After Ullylng seventy, OoVerameni Street. [TEVRNS Yacht and Boot Works 7 |. Add ree. R H O. l P».M Colqult. ML gunoystds Ave., Victoria West. ROOM AND BOARD seventy-one and seventy-one for the NASH. SCAVENGING first three. Hie total has been ‘êf'tkoâbév» PATCHES, clocks and jewelry cleaned equalled only once. Jock Hutchison ^WHIST bhivR. Monday. • moderate el TNUNEDIN > getting that figure In winning two Government Street. . M W bid [RIPS MOTORS mJ Padre seas ^ICTORIA •cavengino » other good prise» Admission .I UTILIZE TIMES WANT ADS A. Dewar. Phone «471-0 •• years ago At Memphis. VICTOEU DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 19M SCHOOL DAYS - By DWIO


AT*» THIBTÏ rua o* un ■Mil * «gu RUWASK MeCLORS aTKKBT. MW "““itsa ttnu. PLANKgb sad '«all. waders Oak .UNI* got»»le» in»tick a«tnu ajnp".Vin «an tu

i!y c«l- ""WfbSi '*& '00“, 4 Mrt» aXirH.&sSira •et. tôt 'Smt cCLVn» »TBSST- Here le e bungs- r~.-jis.xxi lew eltueie )eet In coereo barn, cblrken dietence ef the city, yet In IH&JSÏ IT eutbelldlm unlimited supply of »Srit ur beet re.ld.MIJ» ee tr,‘ca.rnV«.T5S.r.v*t , electric 11 laaatfl. ns irurvzr/ C kwi«t. Kt.: I Ilk cletbll »r.a"ïï RLE LASS Sit AT. !»!•• iïW.. Immediate Thu la »e aaaertuallr le secure a really aish-flam aregerir ai^ mcrifim price at Acasa. a»» Saatam af.ff| R_«* r. b. Oa tara, i it Inlni •tmrxBTox * gnuMvx ltp. mi i UTILIZE TIMES WAMT ADS eldereble lot] ivemant le expected. Collections tleo Improving Gunboat Smith, B.C. Business Fair, Kdmonton—Wholeaele end retell trade eteedy. Collections fairly One# White Hope, aJ^W * Credit Reports Show ,0Britleh Columbia —Wholesaler» re- SERIAL STORY Winnipeg. Aug. 14—The weekly t dry goode and hardware good. Now d “Bouncer1 trade report of the Canadldn Credit C(a and ahoee and groceries fair. Men s Trust Association, reads; Collecilone all lines fair. Halifax—-WKolssa lore report a New York. Aug. 14.—Many men •light Improvement and reUll busi­ whose names once were famous and ness quiet but steady. B.C. Mines Output whose pockets bulged are burled In Montreal—LitUs change In trade. obscurity In thle great city.* More To Show 25 Per Cent prlseflghters proporuonately fallk|nto “THE LOVE CYCLE” this class than the representatives Advance This Year of any other vocation. Inclined to he quiet Gunboat Smith, once the leading BY MILDRED BARBOUR part business Is fairly good In the i4.—British Co­ white hope" In Jack Johnson's hey retail trade in the city. The gi day. of recent years, has been a door business Is affected pomewhe attendant and bouncer at prizefights people being away on holidays. here. ' Winnipeg—Wholesalers report fa­ "Ooca." he said steadily. "I had to E.aVS,.. Helen 1-4 *2 M Willis Jsckson. ones a great light­ vorable volume of buslneee with Im­ weight and the only man who ever aacriAee my pride and my very man­ proved demand In hardware, boots hood. because 1 was In n pnalUoa knocked out Johnny Dundee, la al­ and shoes, dry goods, clothing and most blind. 1 am told. He is selling where It was the leaet I could de. practically all staple lines. Retail Now I am free. I am a man again. for happiness. and twine In the wholesale lethlng business fairly satisfactory Col­ garment centre and making a living I demand flu right te do a man a and confident again lections normal part. You shan’t rob m# of that. g we and strong despite hie handicaps. Hie misfor­ Regina—General Improvement Is tunes dated from a domestic debacle. Richer you etay with me on my ewe noted In wholesale trade. Retail end eptritaal wrack toe And two men who are competitors tr t"Sr?"eh# queatloned geflnantir re. not Helen e! trade fair at city points and good in of Jackson ■■ twine salesmen are the country Dave Rosenberg and Augle Ratner. Ha shrugged and left her to reach tug out lota tbe winter dnrk- Calgary—Business generally con­ i, o saw idle by tbe leva which ameller, he said. ez-prlseflghters. her own cone!eel ne M “ her And for hi-. •«, tinues healthy and a further con- wne only «latency a no­ THE CRIME ie arUh tbe vital needs of ***•- net fair!" she cried euddealy. —By GEORGE McMANUS Mrs. Marlowe wee watching Jane .be? clenched hand egeleet BRINGING UP FATHER anxiously. Ôam. led»# "Hal " she tureed It aaemed to her that she was rtïddeSî* "ifauk« a great growing thinner end paler dally. She years—but th. cycle tocem- A#* HOto/fM were an air of weartaeee far which Oece the Weeteae robbed «he by egoeux-1 her work at the suffrage headquar­ vee. New. I m gels, to take At«: l*M f>ATt LEFT PAY TICKET AF«A»0#TO HO ters could not entirely account. And IF I KIM JUST XaNCAK. Mont UNrrtt-, there was a shadow la her eye». Tha OH N’t -WArf AT HOMC AM » forfeited every right te bare you PAHT MACiClE'Xy ROOM old Jane, who shrugged and iE I'LL ÛE AT THAT OCFfT even in thq darkest hours of their wHE»e dark peat, was gone THE CYCLE CHÛWDBX PA*TY PMtTYlb M-tN' With Kill» Hnyaee dead. Mr». Mar­ LEtoXï THAM lowe had hoped that Foctane would H*uo- Whet Maeaftetd teld «t»‘*" J*“ MlHOTE-t>- smile upon them both again. **• never lnqalred. but the following ef- hesitated far a long while before she terneen. Helen rnng her up fsrtba said to Jana fleet time since tbe eld days before •qfhat Is H, Jane, that’s troubling the W—ton Marlowe feud had die- you Do you still lova Hal Ms—- aolved a friendship of many y—ra * To her distress, Jane put her head standing. suddenly down in her lap. "I want to aee you." Helen —Id. “Still—and always." want y eu to com# to "Does he know?** afternoon. My father -Yes—he loves me too. We agreed You understand of course, what a set to aee each other." serious situation we have to dlacu—. Mrs. Marlowe sighed. •If you wish to aee —a" J*n*rV •More trouble for ui piled coolly, “yes kaew whose to Helen suspect r* me. ft baa been many years since I la me and re me to your house by Invitation, 1 "she was rather moult warned me. won t ceme new at your command. • in* as laA' faecPw >Hl»l1«t "ReeMyf™ Helen'a laugh was plain­ Mis. Marlowe1, solas trmn ly moitié. "Do you think-----— hied with anger "Those Wsstone How they hnv. humllUt^uaT afford to be BO Independent • Never mind, damns. *v*[7tî ,* ••If you wish to see me," Is ever now. We ll so away, hack to pealed, "you know wher New York, perhaps " __ _ "Run away again. her mother Shortly after luucheon, Helen ar- walled. "Oh, Jane, la there no pence rived. She was or hnpplnee. for usT* inch the A tow days Inter. Maaegald called expects life to m< itself to her will. ea Jane at her office. _ He wne **“j5u3rht then." ah# agreed dated by m. She faced him aa j / \k)»tX KCULVY h*t > ' xw m w«a*Ei\*r,ooosa wo vvv axr< courageously » eh# had done that CENT X XXAVt XY* TXXE TWHW. / CiWEA yxv woes, Whan he came, he said. wUheut ire before, when she a-is OOO SS- VJOECTXA or TV.E WW* tCR TO\> T'A'c, VJORVB - X VxWKTtoKWO \ X>WX»TWEVtX Œ TEN* TO WUIWI A taw “"Jana^m through! fm at the „„„ __him of robbing her /[ \\t& TVA** V-1^.000» VIWVOTE XT oovs CR* TWE. VxNWAET- Wb ÏJÛWY mother and herself of her fathers XXX CM WT XXOWE , WT XV* K VMtTtet vws T»W - end of roy enduranee. I have asked ]/ DXÏX VO». T\v«t'6 TEAX K "6CA1V MOUT YXXXS - «* TXVE WCt ****** Helen to give up the luxury that her fortune. X WEN "Whet'i this nonsense "• YX*X*fWW // 6KM vvv VX.W TOM WVX.es .X MT WX%TM«t*V mo-ey buys and let me support my "My daughter tells VAVJMTO WX d.t'h>V\»T TO ŸÛUHD OUT VNXkKT X MA XN>XM<* TVETTf WWO , >eu maxx weow Taa own family with what I make hr mended sternly, v cyorV - X DON'T -WANT akaer effort and without Weston • me that you to tiVT W3MVS TO XWEET Y»\xv**s TO «roe vMt-axrr xw xot VD*« N6 V0V*6 K* TCdJ . V# tnflesr.ee -he thought II over for n love. That # a TOO TO WSS TX*\% While. To-dny aha retimed/' whea a wemaa XX* TOMR C*0V»tH CPVORTVhWX • Hal. you can’t mean— to admit loving • xuONtitRTOV He made a despairing samara VOX, VIEW "*!her I see tillage her war, ar— Jane went to the window, sad. pushing aside the curtains, stared out Into the darkn—u. She knew, as well aa If an Oracle had speken. that they had reached a criai». »he and Mar.tflcld. Hitherto, Lore had point­ ed one way. Duty another. But now Helen had taken a hand In their game of life uncoaarloua aa aha wax


make restitution for that wrong. Bcsldr*1 It would bo a gallant rben hor chgMQo for rs« tore; for you con't hold a man whom driven from you and who A TOME MANS1L AM® @8$@T®LI Ay W.J.eeieieHT. on's husband from her—she hod ftv- oe up her own security, her eortolo @IM€[ ■mops of livelihood, and gee# away Helen flared. And later, when she loved him sod knew that ho loved her, she had still To be continued. remained true to the tradition of Health for the kiddies


The greatest enemy ef-teeth hat cloudy teeth, yellowish. Klim la the great enemy of teeth discolored teeth can be made T beauty. And a chief cause, ac­ (Cor. Pembroke Street) whiter la now an aeeepted fact. Foremost, dentists of the world cording to world's dental au­ thorities, of meet tooth trouble* are widely u thing this new it clings to teeth, goto Into crev­ method. You can have cleaner, ice end stay* Germs by the prettier teeth If you artII start millions breed In It They, with to-day. tartar, are the common oauee of This la accomplished by com­ l^ocklanàs ^vaômi] pyorrhea. It holds feed to con­ bating a viscous film that cover» tact with teeth, inviting the acid teeth. A stubborn, hard to re­ that causes decay. NEW TERM move film that old type denti­ frices do not fight successfully. You can't have prettier, whiter teeth; you can't have healthier Begins Run your tongue across your teeth unites you combat that high sohooi teeth and you can feel this film. film. Uader It are the clear, attractive Ask your druggist or mall .the M,"* teeth you envy to others. Com­ “4 coupon for PepeodenL Don’t ex­ bat It, and your teeth become many shades whiter—more glis­ pect the same results from old time dentifrice». Begin beautify­ tening. This offer» you « teo- day teat free. Mall the coupon. ing your teeth to-day.

Dmranfinea't lie hand., a mob of nearly 600 men took-Miller MADE IN CANADA FIRST PICTURE EVER TAKEN OF AN ACT Mo- and hanged h Im to a' tree In a nearby field. Miller, accused of haying attacked a Mitchell, negro, from the Jail at Excel» lor Springe, This 'photo, taken during the actual lynching, le eald to be - - ...... loners-that If he had time FREE SSirtJK- ËfliâsIiËÜ the first of such • In the United States. . a— the PEFSODENT COMPANY, lee. to. 1*1 «Merge “ preparing to lock up for the night. Seed to Terente, Can. British Columbia coast the derelop- Four big revolvers were produced ment of the poultry Industry, which la end the grocer wee ordered to hend dependant for tts feed upon coarse over the day's receipt* J?” MANITOBA STORMS graine from the prairies, and are grocer shouted an alarm and the | Andrew...... os,, ... take te e Itnllr. **Wc— | FREIGHT RATE denying the Alberts farmer» the de­ four ehowed their heel». They ee- >nnT t velopment of n large end profitable ceped in e motorcer. Vi AW market doe» at hand for consump­ Saturday night two men entered a CHOSE GRAIN LOSS tion of their off grade grains. etare In St. Vital and at the pointe TAX ON BREAD of guns ordered the storekeeper to of a terrific rain and thunder storm GEORGE PATTERSON He also states the rates are a direct produce what cash he had on hand. Heavy Winds and Rain Visited that swept along the Wlnnipeg- CH00LS tax on the breed of the people of The storekeeper. Instead, leaped over Kmerson Una last night. DIED IN WINNIPEG British Columbia of more than. II.- the counter but failed to catch the Southern Portion of Prairie oee.ooo a year over and above what would-be bandits, who fled with sur­ The wind was reported to have laid li a fair price for the transporta­ prising speed. Province much of the standing grain on the Winnipeg. Aug. 14—George Pat- tion ef grain, end flour from Alberta ground. Half a mile of telephone tereor. K.C.. aeventy-nlpe, for many to the conet. The damage done \o At One Point Sheaves of line between Dominion and Arnaud years Deputy Attorney-General of COMMERCIAL, gTgNOORAFNV, PREPARATORY, British Columbia In prevention of The Firemen's Band will render the was blown down, end Em«r»on ana Manitoba, and for the P**V frwyceij McGeer Says Equalization development of her industries, de­ fallowing programme of music in Wheat Were Seen Floating surrounding town» were without light COLHOIATE AND WIRELEM COURSE* Stadecona Park on Wednesday, com- referee and master in the t'ourt or Must Include pomestic pendent upon feed grata. is beyond in Field for several hour». King’s Bench for Manitoba, died yes­ Sprett-Shn, calculations, he states: ___ p.m. : A Trieste, Raine flooded many field# In the nsear. selection ; terday In a hospital here after a Rates on Grain Otterbourne district, train passen­ brief Illness.______Skater's Walts; »ems of Stephen Winnipeg. Aug. 14—Severe wind ger» reporting «heaves of wheel were ______Niblugon. march; and rain atorma swept portion» of Can. Write to be seen floating In n stooked field. Cowichan Lake Direct Servie#— Pirates of Penman ce, selection ; Ocean this province over the week-end. re­ A feature of the storm was the 4Atb H» BEATTY, Direct Tax on Bread of People sulting in further delay to the har­ Take Canadian National Railways Hawing Director ALBERTA COAL STRIKE Waves, waits; Kho-Xlun, selection; spectacle of a cloud composed of On the Quarter Deck, march; Ood vesting. motor from Point Ellice depot, of British Columbia is thousands of brown butterfllsa flymg 9 a.ro. dally, except Sunday ••• Have the King. Conductor, A. E. Reports from Emerson. In the in agitated fashion through the rain. F X 1ER A N Y MON DAY Opposed IS BROUGHT TO END Rumsby. southern section of the province, toll Vancouver, Aug. 24—Domes- Men in Edmonton District tdk tic ss well aa export grsm and Since June 30 Return to flour are included in the Order- in-Council and statute directing the Board of Railway Commis­ 14.—The strike of JJrr/5 I err/5 Terr/s I err/. sioners to equalize the freight rates on those commodities for VSIfliW IV ------* --- If a Hat Cost $5 Wwhen UC 11 IUOthe siaseswsmminers held~ a _------meeting-- et, axistooxaot or boos, essvros all Western Canada, according Beverly and by a majority of eight And the Trimmings Cost $5 More TEAS voted to resume work on the terme LIOHT LUNCHES, l to a brief put before the board offered by the operators SuU 1er Four Hundred.ndred. Con tli te 11 pa * f - 9m jhy G. G. McGeer, K.C., eouneel The strike has been in progress for the British Columbia Govern­ since June 10 end the miners ere new returning to work et e reduction in That Hat Would Be Cheap at $4 ment. eges amounting to thirteen per tended by the Oovemor-Qeneral and Am a result he says the re­ mt. for contract rates and five and Wouldn't It? CALGARY HONORED Lady Byng. Hundreds of beau­ markable differential between n per cent, for company and day tiful floral tributes from organisa­ the domestic end expert relee by Five mines In i the Edmonton Held ITS SOLDIER DEAD tions and individuals were placed I which Alberta wheat can be laid and approximately «60 men. when the upon the graves and monuments to I down In Yokohama more cheaply mines ere working at full capacity, the military dead. At the close of than on the British Columbia coaat Calgary, 14.—Cl the first service, held In the park, are affected. honor to Its soldier Sunday I has been wiped out of existence. If a Lot Cost $500 the sun came out and shone upon If Mr. McGeer’» submission Is up- afternoon when two impressive mem- the long solemn parade which •rial services were held in Central marehed to the cemetery, where I held the dairy and poultry men of And the Trimmings (Local implement») Cost $SOO More Jpark and the Union Cemetery. freshly decorated graves were In­ the Fraser Valley will obtain their feed grains at Crow's Nest Peas i BAILLYBLANCHARD spected. ______Agreement rates. DECLARED ILLEGAL HOSPITAL PATIENT A considerable portion of Mr. Me- That Lot Would Be Cheap at $400 Qeer’s brief is devoted to the domes­ DIED IN MONTREAL SPECIAL DROWNED HIMSELF tic rates. He sets out that the rate Wouldn't It? on grain for domestic consumption In Was United States Minister British Columbia Is much higher to Hayti; Home Was in Moose Jew, A eg. 14.—Tony Bodltla. Yes—Nobody Can Deny That! restaurant weÂer. walked ont of thta discrimination la Illegal. New Orleans MEN’S PANTS the Moose Jaw General Hospital yen But In any event he contend there la no rule that could possibly Justify Montreal, Aug. 14.—Arthur BaBly- terday. when atti Blanchnrd, United States Minister to ALL RIGHT!— ______Inter recovered the difference between the export and domestic rates on -rain and flour Hayti since 1114, wna found dead In All vacant lot. 1» the City of Victoria Auction Bale will ba .old FEU of Local In.provam.nt «Urge.- GREY FLANNEL the Mooes Jaw River, which to the British Columbia coaat. a hie bedroom In the Mount Royal That ti tossy, til bnprovmnenta now in, «oh a. pared street», sidewalk* etc., ar. aUpatd for, is hospital grounds, apresd" of approximately 1D0 per Hotel here early to-day. confined to the In- Mr. Ballly-Blanchard arrived In bay a lot, no^matter bow much you pay, no matter how much the improvement, cost to put there, you Five Pockets, Belt Loops title had cent, or more than a flour miller’s Montreal August 1», but hie preeenee week after being profit per barrel. Dicaeu UK n street, where he hem had been unknown to the United and Cuff*. Regular Price Grain moving for export and do­ States consulate. He registered ee get the benefit of those improvements free of coat to you. had fallen after being overcome by mestic consumption, bin application from Rochester, N.Y. although hla a neevous disorder. peinte out. moves under exactly the home was In New Ovte#ne, Le- $5.00,14* Reditu left the hoe|»tol un­ same circumstances and eondttlona. clothed end made a dash for the Death apparently was due to nat­ Incurring the same operating ex­ ural causae, m river Nurses and attendants rushed penses and producing the same ratio# after him. but after the first plunge to the surface. of profit. $2.98 FROFIT TERMED UNFAIR Instinct Guides All Local Improvement Charges -By order of the board the rates for export In effect to-day were Subway Riders Are Paid in Full Size* 30 to 38. fixed aa Just and reasonable rates." says the application. “It I» therefore submitted that the domestic rates to New York. Aug. llVOne of the most frightening experience# to the At the Unreserved. Tk General Warehouse Vancouver Include an unjust, un- 627 Yates Street, Victoria, B.C. escort or guide. The trains whies Wholesale District along at such spend end the din le so greet that the nerves ere affected. Below OevefiHpont—Rhone 2176 the flour milling industry And. ..there______I» present______e tk.the fanaifear nfof helngbeing strangeo-rrud section«*5_* of*S2~..i"* the city. Next Thursday Unie one of the marvel» to the newcomer la the eeeuraece and non - Ton will probably be able to buy let. in Victoria * best reaidenti.l district, .t or about the bare coat chaUnee with which the New Yorker elti down and read» hla paper with­ of improvements, because these lots must be gold, and will be .old for whatever they will bring, and o out looking out of the window to ace at what ntatlon the train la «topping. The New Yorker eeems to knew In- buy on this baei» would be making money for you Ton like the doctor-hut you don't etinctivaly when he has arrived at * toTZ bet__»ka tbe rhUrl object nf of Hie his Pro-Pro- hla station, folds hla paper and gets Dont you think it would pay you to inspect these lot. to-day «id be prepared to buy half « dozen or go The secret dt thta Is that the 30 next Thursday, especially amec the term, of payment are .0 eaayî You have three year, m wh.ch He'd be the first to advise you a levai plan# £* to get overheated*__ win, ta# with the way does not run to iy It’, .«ring, account for you in addition to being the «feat and best investment you could A CATItE HAD?? beneath the earth’» eurfa*». It rune and down hill end around curve» to know and the habitual rider possibly make. If b* we’re interested in jour temperature. of tfco for helping cattlemen wheels end the swing Of the We win call for• your bundle and They are reliable to him as whose stock suffers ishr fin Inhod, ready landmarks are to surface ear This Sale, authorised by the City, is a situation that comes but ouce in a lifetime. to, wear or parti ag'./eii w!»h end train ‘•SOWKiar*’ SemeSy ««wiSruiVM-».’. j—" ■MllJJ-SlWllil.U'!.l|.V.A. ------^ ■-...,» »*”»**'.... ■ Seme people are joint to wake a lot of money om* « it ...... ROBBERY ATTEMPTS You can be one of them if you attend this sale anibW- Phone 1 18 MADE IN WINNIPEG Winnipeg. Aug. --- ■Winnipeg- - te For *Map. and Further Information €all Phone or Write experiencing na outbreak of "near Banditry. Apparently Inspired by Uf retint successful 617.040 bandit raid On the Erick Bowman Remedy Co pavroll of the Winnipeg Electric Rammy Company, young men, oper­ ... The Charles S. Austin Company of Canada Ltd. ating in two» and fours, have been «MTwtgtnat ' staging attempted bridup. They lack nothing In the way of equip­ ment but courage. , ornas aio factoxt, us tats* Friday night four youthful ban­ dits entered » grocery store on Port­ age Avenue ne the proprietor wee