WHERE T0_G0 TO-NIGHT WEATHER FORECAST Capitol—“The Making of0’M**ley rolembln—The Yankee Consul. _ . „ Dominion—"NWÿt Mfe In N.w Tort- Coliseum—"Lend Me YourWIfe.^ For 36 hours ending 5 pm, Tuesday: Victoria and vicinity — Southerly winds, cloudy and coo) with showers t>RICE FIVE CENTS VICTORIA, B.C., MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1925 —16 PAGES VOL. 67 NO. 46 EXPECT POSTPONEMENT IN BARER EXECUTION ELECTION STATEMENT BY PREMIER KING EXPECTED SEPT, 5 mam SPEAKS FOR BRITAIN CONDEMNED MAN’S COUNSEL EIGHTEEN HURT PREMIER DECLARES DECISION IN DEBT EXCHANGES IN RIOT IN INDIA ti FOLLOWING SAANICH SMASH WITH FRENCH LEADER GOES NORTH ASSURED OF STAY Calcutta. Aug. 24.—Eighteen persons were Injured In serious rioting between Hindus and Mos­ Mi— Evelyn M. Phillips Unconscious Since Auto ON FEDERAL ELECTION WILL lems at Tagorgh. near here, to­ Struck Telephone Pole; Miss Jennie McGaw Has OF EXECUTION IN GILLIS CASE day. The Moslems charged the Hindus were carrying an Idol In a procession and played music aa Broken Leg and Collarbone. BE MADE AT PROPER TIE Filing of Intention to App May Have Automatically the procession passed a mosque. Postponed Execution 6 for September 4, it is Be- With a fractured skull sustained early yesterday morning in Government Will Not be Bushed by Discussion Started lieved in Legal Circles a motor accident on the West Saanich Road, Miss Evelyn Maude W. H. MILLMAN DIED Phillips, twenty-three, is waging a battle for life at the Royal by Meighen and His Aides; Will Take Into Con­ IN ONTARIO TOWN Jubilee Hospital. Miss Jennie McGaw, eighteen, another victim sideration AR Facts Bearing on Welfare of Canada; A belief that Owen Benjamin Baker and Harry F. Myers, of the craah. received a broken leg and fractured collarbone. Four alia* Sewaafi, by entering notice of appeal to the B. C. Court Best Interests of Country at Large Not to be Sacri­ Stratford. Ont., Aug. 24.—Suddenly other pasaengera who were in the ear were uninjured save for of Appeal and backing this up. with a certificate of appeal may stricken while chatting with a friend bruises and shock. Misa Phillips has been unconscious since the ficed by Snap Decision. have stayed their execution automatically, which was set for at Mitchell, Ontario. W. H. Mlllman aged seventy, of W. H. Mlllman & accident. September 4, is gaining credence in legal circles here. Bone, wholesale grocers. Toronto, The car, which was driven by Robert Hull of 757 North Park Though opinion- is divided on the point a represenative group died within an hour Sunday evening. Street, stuck a telephone pole after leaving the pavement on of barrister» here Ire of the belief that the filing of the notice Mr. Mlllman was prominent in the Ottawa, Aug. 24 (Canadian Press)—“Whether or not the Gov­ grocery’ business and was known the West Road at the sharp bend 100 yards south of the inter­ ernment will eall another session of the present Parliament is of appeal and the other formalities completed is sufficient indica­ from coast to coast In the trade. section with Keating Cross Road tion of intention of bringing the matter to appeal and thereby - ■ ------------------------------ | SUNDAY PICNIC for the Government to decide. We do not propose to be stem carries with it. Some say, a stay of execution until the appeal be Intent upon a Sunday picnic at peded into any dissolution of Parliament just to plesse the heard. Shawnigan Lake, the party of three Leader of the Opposition and his press. Further credence to this viewpoint BITENSION OF CHINESE BOYCOTT youths and three girls, including be­ Is giving In unofficial circles in sides the driver and the injured girls. This is Premier King’s declaration. word from R. C. Lowe. Baker's Miss Dorothy M. Phillips. John AtitiB counsel, to business associates in 4Me and William Thkpen. left Victoria J[n.a statement to the Canadian Press he dealt with the public Torn WILLOWS city before he left for Albeml to AFFECTS TRADE OF UNITED STATES shortly after R o’clock proposing to cstch the 9 o'clock Mill Bay Ferry. discussion which has been taking place with regard to the posai take another case In the meantime Mr. Lowe conveyed the suggestion On approaching the sharp curve HT. HON. WINSTON CHURCHILL that Baker's application for stay of the right wheels of the car went off bility of a general election this year. Liverpool, Aug. 24—The Shanghai correspondent of The Liver the paving, and skidded Entirely BETS SHOW DROP execution, though unsuccessful In the “The responsibility of carrying on the country a affairs was court in which it was made, was as­ [tool Poet jajJ-Ahr boycott declared by the Chinese Government out of control the voWTe"traveled sured In some manner not explained twenty-five yard* before crashing given us by the people,'’ he proceeded. “We have exercised it against British end Japanese shipper* ha* been extended to in­ sideways Into the telephone pole. This is understood here to mean notwithaUMUgg^«dl.JUl<‘ difficult circumstances with which We BRITISH AND FRENCH - OF 20 PER CENT that Hr. Lowe le of the belief that clude United States goods. The Cinton Government he* of­ The accident happened at Ml have beenbeei^^raffontedT «mrronted. inIn a manner | the appeal ft definitely under way o'clock, and within ten minute* ficially notified United State* firm* end steamship line* hav­ Motorcycle Constable Rankin of tht which we believe ha* won us a stead­ Victoria’s Entire Wagers This and the stay of execution will follow ily increasing measure of public con­ by virtue of that fact. ing office* in Shanghai that all United State* merchandise in­ Saanich Police arrived from Royal fidence. Under the circumstances Year to be Far Below 1924 trude* for Canton must be landed at Shanghai and reshipped in Oak together with Dr. K. C. White- DECLARATION ON DISCUSSING DEBT Efforts to reach Mr. Lowe at Al- house of Stelly's Cross Road. the responsibility of advising a dis­ bernl to-day failed and no one else is solution would appear to be quite as Figure Russian or Chinese vessel*. ' Arrival of the C. and C. ambulance In touch with the case In hla office followed closely upon completion of great aa that of continuing to carry Caillaux and Churchill Now in here. The reason given for the boycott it that quantities of British on. despite the difficulties of Gov­ Final figures issued by Gov hnd Japanese good* have been smuggled into Canton under United first aid. and the two girls were ELECTION MAY BE Negotiation on Paris Pay­ Confirmation, sought from the At rushed to the Royal Jubilee Hospital, ernment which we necessarily ex­ eminent taxation officials to­ torney-General’s Department to-day States labels. Under the new system the merchandise will be ex­ where Dr. F. M. Bryant took charge. perience When we have reason to ments to Britain was lacking, when It was stated that believe there are national consider­ day show that wAgen at the Mias Phillips has not yet recovered •Inca the motion for stay of execu­ amined when landed in Shanghai for reahipment. consciousness, and is reported to be ations so imperative as lo necessi­ Willows last week dropped over tion was made In Supreme Court tate an appeal to the electorate, 1 MADE ON SEPT. 5 London. Aug. 24—M. Caillaux. falling hourly. Robert Hull, owner French Finance Minister, and Right twenty per rent below the level Chamber, at Vancouver no further and 4lriver of the car. Is an employee will not hesitate to acquaint the „# i__* _____ »„ .* eiwmt action has come to the attention of Governor -General with our views and Ottawa. Aug. 24 (Canadian Press) Hon. Winston Churchill. British of last year’s beta at the .first* HELEN WILLS of the Pacific Club, and Is twenty- Chancellor of the Exchequer, ‘0- lay the Department here. On the other Cl nCDI V MAN M/SS five years of ag«*. to press for a dissolution of Parlia­ Premier King's statement on dissolu­ Willows race meet. With only bend Mr. Lowe's departure for the ment. When that time comes I shall began discussions of terms of settle­ eLUeixLI mitn wins at tennis Misa Evelyn Phillips has been ex­ tion of Parliament has left the po­ ment of France’s debt to Great Bri­ one meet at* the Willows this up-Island community Is taken to tremely popular with the staff and be equally prepared to state the rea­ mean that he Is satisfied the execu sons to the public." litical prophets here guessing. The tain. amounting to £621.000.090. year and one planned at Col- patrons of the soda fountain at prevailing Impression here still la M. Caillaux. before the meeting, lion will be halted without further Forest Hills. Aug. 24.—Miss Helen Thomas* Drug store, where she has wood, aa compared with laat application on hla part. Wills won the United States na­ SUPPORT OF PEOPLE that there will beta dissolution of told newspapermen be was hopeful been head attendant. She Is a daugh­ of an agreement. year's lengthy racing season. It le Sowaah’e counsel. R. D. Harvey, It tional women’s tennis title for the ter ot J. B. Phillips of 2263 Fern- The statement dealt In some de­ Parliament, with -a general election evident that Victoria's contribution la understood. Is resting hla case on DROPS DEAD third successive year when she con­ To-day's conversations were wood Road. either late In October or early in the status of that of Baker, in re­ quered Miss Kathleen Mr Kane of tail with the political situation.
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