The Composition and Use of the Universal Morphological Feature Schema (UniMorph Schema) John Sylak-Glassman Center for Language and Speech Processing Johns Hopkins University
[email protected] June 2, 2016 c John Sylak-Glassman ** Working Draft, v. 2 ** Contents 1 Introduction 3 2 Overview 4 3 Construction Methodology 5 3.1 Guiding Principles . .5 3.2 Constructing the Schema . .6 4 Annotation Formatting Guidelines 7 5 Dimensions of Meaning and Features 8 5.1 Aktionsart . .8 5.2 Animacy . 10 5.3 Argument Marking . 12 5.4 Aspect . 13 5.5 Case . 15 5.5.1 Core Case . 15 5.5.2 Non-Core, Non-Local Case . 16 5.5.3 Local Case . 18 5.6 Comparison . 20 5.7 Definiteness . 21 5.8 Deixis . 22 5.8.1 Distance . 22 5.8.2 Reference Point . 22 5.8.3 Visibility . 23 5.8.4 Verticality . 23 5.8.5 Summary . 24 1 5.9 Evidentiality . 24 5.10 Finiteness . 26 5.11 Gender and Noun Class . 27 5.12 Information Structure . 28 5.13 Interrogativity . 29 5.14 Language-Specific Features . 29 5.15Mood ............................................ 30 5.16 Number . 34 5.17 Part of Speech . 36 5.18 Person . 40 5.19 Polarity . 42 5.20 Politeness . 42 5.20.1 Speaker-Referent Axis . 43 5.20.2 Speaker-Addressee Axis . 44 5.20.3 Speaker-Bystander Axis . 44 5.20.4 Speaker-Setting Axis . 45 5.20.5 Politeness Features . 45 5.21 Possession . 46 5.22 Switch-Reference . 49 5.23 Tense . 53 5.24 Valency . 55 5.25 Voice .