1 1 100 NAW 5/9 nr. 2 June 2008 The golden age of mathematics. Stevin, Huygens and the Dutch republic Dijksterhuis Fokko Jan Dijksterhuis Science, Technology, Health and Policy Studies (STeHPS) Universiteit Twente, Faculteit MB Postbus 217 7500AE Enschede The Netherlands
[email protected] History The golden age of mathematics Stevin, Huygens and the Dutch republic Mathematics played its role in the rise of the Dutch Republic. Simon Stevin and Christiaan its formation. Half a century later, the wealth, Huygens were key figures in this. Though from very different backgrounds, both gave shape to the power and the splendour of the republic Dutch culture. Fokko Jan Dijksterhuis, who recently received an NWO-vidi grant for his research had been established (and had even begun to on the history of mathematics, discusses their influence on mathematics and its historical wane) with Huygens as its main mathematical significance. representative. The hands-on mathematics of Stevin differed greatly from Huygens’ aris- The 17th century was the golden age of the Recent developments in cultural history have tocratic geometry and yet, as will be argued Dutch republic. A small state lacking sub- opened new perspectives on the mathemat- here, they had essential features in common. stantial natural resources, from the 1580s on- ical pursuits of the Dutch republic.[1] Under- In this article, the work of Stevin and Huygens wards it quickly became a wealthy trade cen- standing the brilliant ideas of Stevin and Huy- will be sketched as part of, and giving shape tre that played a leading part in international gens in their historical context promises a new to, the golden age.