ITS Inventory
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ITS Inventory ITS Element Description 800 ITAC / ICALL Data communications network for public safety agencies. Amtrak Customer Information System Includes message display systems and public annunciator systems. Amtrak Emergency Response Vehicles Amtrak emergency response vehicles. Amtrak Fare Management System Central electronic transit fare payment management systems. Systems may connect with other similar systems to achieve regional transit fare payment services for regional transit riders. Amtrak Operations Center Train control center for Amtrak service. Amtrak Police Dispatch Central communications and dispatch center for Amtrak Police and Security. Amtrak Terminal Amtrak passenger terminal. Amtrak Trains Amtrak rail transit vehicles. Amtrak Website Web pages with transit information for Amtrak. This includes railroad schedules, fare information, and transit incidents. Archived Data Users Users of archived data. Bridgeport Port Authority Main authority for Port of Bridgeport. Capitol Region TOC The Capitol Regional Traffic Operations Center (RTOC) will be a regionally operated TOC where CTDOT and municipalities can centralize signal system monitoring and control and share resources. The operations center may be a singular location where municipalities throughout the region can effectively monitor and operate their advanced signals systems while minimizing operational effort by spreading responsibilities across pooled operators. CAPTAIN System The CAPTAIN system supports emergency vehicle to emergency vehicle communications. City of Bridgeport Parking City of Bridgeport's parking management system, included in the architecture as an ITS Management System element within the Regional Parking Management service package. City of Bridgeport Planning and A multi-disciplinary organization responsible for economic development, business Economic Development development, planning and zoning, etc. City of Hartford Fire Alarms and Dispatch function for Hartford Fire Department. Signals Division City of Hartford Public Safety Dispatch Dispatch function for the Hartford Police Department. City of Hartford Public Works Represents the City of Hartford Public Works divisions that perform maintenance and construction. City of Hartford Public Works Traffic Traffic Operations Center (TOC) operated by the City of Hartford to manage its ITS Operations Center roadway devices, including traffic signals, vehicle detectors, dynamic message signs (future), CCTV (future), environmental sensors, and school pager systems. Currently at maintenance shop. In future will be managed out of engineering. City of Norwalk ATMS System The City of Norwalk ATMS is to provide effective traffic management and improve public safety and security with the use of appropriate devices that provide the ability to monitor and control traffic flows, detect incidents and inform drivers and the general public of roadway conditions. City of Norwalk CCTV Closed Circuit Television devices that are operated and maintained by the City of Norwalk. City of Norwalk DMS Represents the City of Norwalk's roadway dynamic message signs (DMS). City of Norwalk Emergency Represents the City of Norwalk emergency preemption units, as part of the City's Preemption Units planned ATMS. City of Norwalk Video Detection Represents the City of Norwalk video detection systems, as part of the City's planned System ATMS. City of Stamford CCTV Closed Circuit Television devices that are operated and maintained by the City of Stamford. City of Stamford EMS Vehicles City of Stamford emergency response vehicles. City of Stamford Fire Dispatch Fire dispatch center for City of Stamford. Connecticut Statewide ITS Architecture ITS Inventory Page 1 of 9 ITS Element Description City of Stamford Fire Vehicles Represents the ITS equipment on City of Stamford Fire Department vehicles. City of Stamford Police Dispatch Police dispatch center for City of Stamford. City of Stamford Police Vehicles Represents the ITS equipment (e.g. mobile data terminals) in City of Stamford police vehicles. City of Stamford Public Parking Parking facilities operated by City of Stamford. Facilities City of Stamford Traffic Operations Traffic engineering department at City of Stamford responsible for the coordination of Center traffic signals and traffic flow throughout the city. City of Stamford Traffic Signals Represents the roadway traffic signal devices that are owned and operated by the City of Stamford. City of Stamford VMS Variable Message Signs (VMS) operated by the City of Stamford. City of Stamford Web Page Contains information regarding the City of Stamford, including roadway information. In the future, tied in to ATMS and the city-wide Advanced Parking Guidance System to provide customers with real time information. Commercial Vehicles Privately owned commercial vehicles. Included in the architecture to cover HAZMAT incident reporting. Connecticut Incident and Mutual Aid Statewide public safety communications network. Network CSP Emergency Services Unit The CSP Emergency Services Unit includes specialty units such as the SWAT team, the bomb squad and the dive team. CSP Emergency Vehicles Highway Patrol vehicles that provide public safety services on state owned roads and highways. CSP Headquarters EOC CSP Headquarters Emergency Operations Center CSP License Plate Readers CT DESPP automatic license plate readers, mounted on police cars or on objects like road signs and bridges, which use small, high-speed cameras to photograph thousands of plates per minute. CSP Message Center This element provides/initiates Amber Alert in Connecticut from the Connecticut State Police CSP Mobile Command Centers Connecticut State Police Mobile Command Centers CSP Office of Administrative Services Connecticut State Police function in the region that collects crash information for forwarding to statewide system. CSP Troop Dispatch Dispatches State Police Vehicles using two-way radio communication. Responsible for regional evacuation. CT CVO Administration Commercial Vehicles administration systems for the State of Connecticut. Includes the Connecticut Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks (CVISN) program. Systems include credentialing and tax administration, CV data collection, CV safety administration, and CV information exchange. CT CVO Credentialing System The Connecticut Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO) Credentialing System interface provides a single point of access for motor carriers and service bureaus wishing to conduct web-based credentialing applications in Connecticut. Activities available include On-line International Registration Plan (IRP) transactions, On-line International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) transactions, On-line OS/OW transactions, and Viewing of carrier and vehicle information on-line CT Department of Environmental Provides permitting for HAZMAT and environmental monitoring. Protection CT National Guard State-Federal militia. CT State EOC Connecticut State Emergency Operations Center. Located in the armory in Hartford. CTDOT Anti-Icing Equipment Anti-icing field equipment which monitors the roadway for freezing conditions and may provide automated treatment of roadway. CTDOT Asset Management Systems This planned regional asset management system that will keep track of traffic signals, their components and the condition of each component. CTDOT CCTV Closed Circuit Television devices that are operated and maintained by CTDOT. Connecticut Statewide ITS Architecture ITS Inventory Page 2 of 9 ITS Element Description CTDOT CHAMP Vehicle The CHAMP (Connecticut Highway Assistance Motorist Patrol) program is a roadway service patrol operated by Connecticut Department of Transportation in the Greater Hartford Area and along the I-95 Corridor from the New York State Line in Greenwich through Branford. CTDOT Commercial Vehicle Check Roadway systems used to monitor and check commercial vehicles. Includes roadside electronic screening, weigh-in-motion sensors, and roadside safety inspection. CTDOT CT Crash Records Database Connecticut statewide crash records database. Users CTDOT CT Statewide Crash Records Statewide crash records. Currently maintained on a CTDOT mainframe. Database CTDOT District Permit Office Municipal Convention and Visitors Bureau has information on upcoming events in the region. CTDOT DMS / HAR Dynamic Message Signs operated and maintained by CTDOT. Includes: portable DMS, permanent DMS, and speed warning signs. CTDOT E-Alert System Subscription service for traveler information and news. Information includes roadway conditions and construction notices. Via e-mail. CTDOT Equipment Repair Facility This facility provides repair and maintenance services for CTDOT maintenance vehicles and equipment (e.g. portable DMS). CTDOT ESS Sensors Environmental sensors deployed in heavily congested areas to measure baseline emissions and future emissions reductions. CTDOT HOV Control System ITS field equipment to manage High Occupancy Vehicle lanes. CTDOT Infrastructure Monitoring Security monitoring, vehicle intrusion detection, emergency notification/alarm Equipment equipment, and other infrastructure surveillance equipment. CTDOT Maintenance and CTDOT maintenance sections for dispatching maintenance vehicles and equipment for Construction Districts maintaining road and ITS equipment owned by CTDOT. CTDOT Maintenance Vehicles The maintenance vehicles that are dispatch by CTDOT Maintenance. CTDOT Office of Communications CTDOT office responsible for public relations and communications. CTDOT Office of Rail Operations