Press Release "Corriere di Bologna " on news-stands as from Tuesday, January 30th

As from Tuesday, January 30 th , readers in the and province of Bologna will find Cor- riere di Bologna on their news-stands, a veritable second sold as part of Cor- riere della Sera . This is the natural development of a publishing decision taken by RCS Quotidiani ten ye- ars ago designed to create stronger ties between the Via Solferino daily and local areas. Bologna represents a strategic step in this process because of its role as a large city, acting not only as a host to major local and national events, but often as a laboratory for wider trends. The new daily will be directed by Armando Nanni, a renowned journalist who has worked for many years in Emilia's provincial capital at Resto del Carlino and in the offices of . Armando Nanni has worked closely on this new project with Paolo Ermini, head of publishing co-ordination between new local and Corriere della Sera . In full colour and on sale everyday except Monday, Corriere di Bologna will have at least sixteen pages: a real newspaper within a newspaper, devoted to all aspects of city life, from news stories to politics, from economics to culture, from entertainment to leisure. Everyday the newspaper will feature comments, analyses, reviews, background and novelties, providing a lively, critical, and enjoyable outlook on Bolognese life. The news- paper will have a proven team of young journalists, along with many leading writers and columnists. Corriere di Bologna will be published by a company owned 50.1% by RCS Quotidiani. The remainder of the share capital is held in equal shares by a group of seven local businessmen (Stefano Borghi (Site), Gino Cocchi (Carpigiani), Giorgio Domenichini (Inver), Gaetano Maccaferri (Maccaferri-Seci), Maurizio Marchesini (Marchesini Group), Paolo Ottani (Nch), Alberto Vacchi (Ima)) under the name of 'Editoriale Corriere di Bolo- gna'. Stefano Borghi will serve as Chairman and Federico Costa as Chief Executive Of- ficer. Over the past ten years RCS Quotidiani has successfully used the formula of selling local newspapers in conjunction with the national daily: has been present in since 1997 and in Puglia since 2000, while Corriere del Veneto came out in Veneto in 2002 and Corriere del and Corriere dell' in 2003. All the local editions are published by RCS Quotidiani under joint ventures with lo- cal businessmen.

Milan, 18 January 2007

RCS Quotidiani Press Office Francesca Marzotto tel. 02 25844111, 335 5997198, [email protected]

- Benedetta Boldrin (in Bologna) tel. 347 8883441 - Toni Fontana (in Milan) tel. 02 62824810