
Anthony Church

15 Church Street

White River Jct. Vermont 05001

Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time – October 18, 2020

Father Charles R. Danielson, Pastor Deacon John P. Guarino

Bishop of Burlington: Most Rev. Christopher J. Coyne

Parish Office Mass Schedule

Hours Weekend: Saturday 4:00 PM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Sunday 8:30 AM 11:00 AM – 4:30 PM Closed on Wednesday Weekday: Monday & Friday 9:00 AM

Secretary: Ms. Joanne Collins Telephone: 802-295-2225, ext. 3 Holy Days: Consult the parish bulletin

Office e-mail: [email protected] Website: https://stanthony.vermontcatholic.org

Rectory Chapel

Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Religious Education

Coordinator: Mrs. Julie Hamilton, 295-3989, [email protected]


Reconciliation: By appointment only. Please call Father Danielson to schedule.

Baptism: Parents must contact the rectory to get the necessary forms at least one month in advance.

Marriage: Couples must contact the parish at least six months in advance.

Mass Intentions

Bishop Christopher J. Coyne reminds us that the obligation to attend Sunday Mass remains lifted until further notice. We join Bishop Coyne in asking those with a cough or fever of any sort and anyone feeling sick to not come to the church for a visit or to attend liturgy. Those who are at a higher risk from COVID-19 or those caring for the sick are asked to stay home.

Saturday, October 17 4:00 P.M. The People of Saint Anthony Parish Sunday, October 18 8:30 A.M. Phyllis Ashey by her daughter Jean Sheldrick

th Monday, October 19 9:00 A.M. Mary Ann Blickarz 6 anniversary by Blickarz family

Friday, October 23 9:00 A.M. Gene Dyke by Tim & Nancy Dyke

th Saturday, October 24 4:00 P.M. Alfred Guarino, Sr. 19 anniversary by family Sunday, October 25 8:30 A.M. The People of Saint Anthony Parish

Sanctuary Lamps

will burn for:

Roger & Rosanna

Catherine McKenney Gillies th Frank Klymn 13 anniversary John Patterson

Please also remember others who are in need of our prayers. Sacrificial Giving Report Names will be published in our bulletin To meet our expenses we need: $ 3,700.00 for one month. If you would like to renew your prayer request after one Offertory collection October 10-11: $ 3,858.00

month, please contact the parish office. Thank You for Your Support of Saint Anthony Church!

Bless You: Saint Anthony Parish wants to thank those parishioners who have been ‘catching up’ on their offertory envelopes. Our parish is truly blessed to have so many generous, caring folks who continue to support us with their donations. We also understand that many of you have, and continue to experience financial hardship. We know that you are praying for us and with us, and we are praying for you. Only through prayer and trust in the Lord will we get through this together.

Confessions: Due to the confined space of the confessional at St. Anthony Church, the Sacrament of Reconciliation continues to be offered by appointment only. Please call Fr. Rick if you wish to make an appointment.

Let us pray for one another and for all those impacted in any way by the Covid-19 pandemic. Message from Fr. Rick:

Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.”

Our Lord’s words might well raise the question what belongs to Caesar and what belongs to God?

Well, in one sense of course it all belongs to God, that said it also must be said that there are those things in any human society that are directly under the concern and authority of the State and there are things likewise that are specifically in the special competence of the Church.

The Church recognizes the principle of prudential judgement.

There are issues about which people of good will can and do legitimately disagree. These issues (the proper role of government in the arena of health care for example) are in a representative Democracy like the U.S., “hashed out” if you will through vigorous debate. People offering various perspectives on the issues of the day. Then there are other issues concerning, for example recognizing the right to life of the unborn, the elderly, the handicapped and the dying, these issues because they represent a clear, direct threat to the most fundamental right of all: The right to life requires a robust defense of this most precious right. And equally robust rejection of any threat to that right.

This election year as in any other Catholics have a serious obligation before God to know their faith and to cast their votes in such a way as to uphold that faith.

Fr. Rick

Parish Office: Any phone or e-mail messages left at the parish office this weekend through Monday, October 19th will be answered on Tuesday. For emergencies, please call Fr. Rick in Windsor at (802) 674-2157. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Please Do Your Part: We are doing our best to keep conditions in the church safe for all who attend. Please sit only where pew seats are marked. If someone else is in that row and a six-foot distance cannot be maintained, please look for another seat. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation.

Second Collection: Today is World Mission Sunday. We celebrate this day by remembering the revitalizing mission at the heart of our Christian faith - to bring the Gospel to all! The national second collection today for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith ensures the work and service of the Mission Church as it supports priests, religious and lay leaders who offer the Lord’s mercy and concrete help to the most vulnerable communities in the Pope’s missions. Your offerings may be dropped into the basket as you leave the church today or mailed to the parish office. Please make checks payable to St. Anthony Church.

PINS Christmas Gift Tree: Saint Anthony parishioners have supported the annual PINS Christmas gift program sponsored by the Department for Children and Families for many years. Linda James, who is a Policy & Operations Manager in the Family Services Division of DCF and also a longtime member of our parish, has coordinated this effort for the entire time our parish has been involved. Our parishioners have enjoyed participating in this annual event and have been very generous. Due to concerns raised by the current pandemic, we will not have the traditional tree with tags this year.

We would still like to support this program that provides local children in foster care with a nice gift for Christmas. If you would like to make a donation that will provide a gift, volunteers from DCF will shop for and deliver the gifts in time for Christmas.

Donation checks are to be made payable to Linda James. Please note on the memo line of the check PINS gift and send it to her at 46 Woodlawn Drive, White River Jct. VT 05001. Donations need to be received no later than Saturday, November 7, 2020 in order to provide enough time to purchase, wrap and deliver the gifts. If you have any questions, you may reach Linda at [email protected].

Weekly Bulletin: Our bulletin is on our website https://stanthony.vermontcatholic.org. For those who do not have web access, or who prefer a printed version, you may pick up a bulletin outside the parish office in a plastic container on the small porch near the office door. Other materials including Living Faith and the Vermont Catholic magazine are yours to take home. Bring one to a friend or neighbor if you’d like. The box is being sanitized and is replenished as needed.

Second Collection Next Weekend: The Priest Benefit Fund works to support our priests throughout their ministry, but especially seeks to provide senior and disabled priests with sufficient financial means to lead a prayerful and dignified life. This fund was established as a means to care for the ill and aged priests with healthcare needs, and support a pension program and health coverage. Offerings may be mailed to the parish office or dropped in the basket as you leave the church next week. Please make checks payable to St. Anthony Church.

Christ Our Hope: Building a Vibrant Church Campaign: To see Bishop Coyne’s video on the campaign please visit https://christourhopevt.org. Campaign Prayer Almighty and eternal God, we place our hope in You to guide the in Vermont to renew our parishes, and engage our youth; to form lay leaders and serve the most vulnerable among us. In the power of the Holy Spirit, help us build a vibrant Church in this time and place and for generations to come. Seeking the intercession of our first bishop, Louis de Goësbriand, we pray this through Christ Our Lord, Amen. Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us.

La Salette Shrine: Mass is being offered at La Salette Shrine, 410 Rte. 4A, Enfield, NH Saturdays at 6:00 p.m. and Sundays at 11:00 a.m. Daily Mass Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. Confession is by appointment - Call (603) 632-7087. The Gift shop is open Wednesday - Saturday, 12:00 - 6:00 p.m. and Sunday 12:00 - 4:00 p.m. Closed Monday & Tuesday.

Catholic Mass on TV: The obligation to attend Sunday Mass remains suspended, especially for those in a high-risk category. We encourage you to view the celebration of Sunday Mass at 10:00 a.m., livestreamed on our website, or watch the following:

Sunday mornings at 6:00 a.m. on WCAX-TV, channel 3; Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. on WNNE-TV, channel 13 (or consult your local listings.)

Televised Masses may be found on The CatholicTV Network, cable channel 166 (or consult your local listings) Sunday at 10 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 7 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. Daily Mass is Monday through Friday at 9:30 a.m., with rebroadcasts at 7 and 11:30 p.m.

Televised Masses may also be found on EWTN, channel 38 (or consult local listings) Sunday 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon. Daily Mass is Monday through Saturday at 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Prayer for Making a Spiritual Communion: My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most holy Eucharist. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month: WISE, Bank Street, Lebanon says You are not alone. For almost 50 years, they have supported survivors in times of stress and crisis. Their highly skilled advocates are able to respond and adapt to any circumstances that arise. Even during these unusual and uncertain times, they remain in full support of survivors and committed to you.

Although the Program Center is temporarily closed, their 24-hour support remains firmly in place. They are still available to you and your loved ones. They are adapting and adjusting, and are here for you as always. On those inevitable days or moments when you are not feeling particularly strong, know that they are here for you every hour, every day. Call the crisis line or chat online. You do not have to be in crisis to reach out for information or help. Visit https://wiseuv.org/.

Haven: The Haven’s Food Shelf is open to anyone in our community. Shop via curbside pick-up for a week’s worth of groceries, once a month, for anyone. Visit uppervalleyhaven.org/foodshelffaq/ for more information. Curbside pick-up is available Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. and Sunday from 12-3 p.m. Supplemental items including produce, bread, desserts and prepared food are also available. Takeout prepared meals are available Monday-Friday between 9 and 10 a.m.

Saint Anthony Parish has long supported the Haven by collecting food in the basket at the entrance of the church at Mass time. We remain temporarily unable to continue collecting food or supplies for the Haven at the church. Instead please bring your donations directly to the Haven.

The Top Five Food Shelf Needs this week include canned fruit, macaroni & cheese, tuna, condiments and beans (black, pinto, kidney & garbanzo). Other Needs include personal care items like shaving supplies, liquid soap, shampoo and deodorant. Thank you!

We pray that you and your family stay safe and healthy. We are glad to safely welcome you back to Saint Anthony Church!



Sunday, Oct 18, 2020 the assistance of the Spirit and to act in ways that bear witness to TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Christian duty. It is a Christian’s duty to use the gifts of time and Share the suffering, ease the burden talent to build up Jesus’ kingdom of love. When you review the People in love behave differently. They “never stand still,” Pope past week, can you find evidence that you are doing your Francis declares. “They’re drawn out of themselves; they’re Christian duty by responding to Jesus' call to love unconditionally? attracted and attract others in turn.” Believers are lovers in this TODAY'S READINGS: Ephesians 3:2-12; Luke 12:39-48 (475). “You way, feeling the irresistible urge to share the blessings of faith. also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.” That is why, the pope concludes, we must all be missionaries. On this World Mission Sunday, we embrace the call to be lovers of our suffering world. The Rosary’s Sorrowful Mysteries hold the Thursday, Oct 22, 2020 keys: Bring global suffering to prayer, be willing to suffer for the MEMORIAL OF JOHN PAUL II, POPE truth, bear wrongs patiently, share the burdens of others, and Small acts can have great impact know what’s worth sacrificing for. Saint John Paul II’s quarter-century as pope greatly influenced TODAY'S READINGS: Isaiah 45:1, 4-6; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b; both church and state. Many times his personal witness is what Matthew 22:15-21 (145). “For our gospel did not come to you in moved people’s hearts. Christians and those of other faiths alike word alone, but also in power and the Spirit and with much conviction.” were moved by his willingness to meet with his would-be assassin, Mehmet Ali Ağca. While most people’s lives are not lived on the world stage, each of us can bear witness through acts Monday, Oct 19, 2020 of love, forgiveness, and reverence. What gesture of yours today MEMORIAL OF JOHN DE BRÉBEUF AND ISAAC JOGUES, PRIESTS, AND can bear witness to God? COMPANIONS, MARTYRS TODAY'S READINGS: Ephesians 3:14-21; Luke 12:49-53 (476). “I Heal the breach have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already Jean de Brébeuf was a French Jesuit missionary who worked blazing!” with the Huron in what is today Canada and was martyred in an Iroquois raid. Brébeuf was a skilled linguist and not only learned the Huron language but also the spiritual beliefs already held by Friday, Oct 23, 2020 MEMORIAL OF JOHN OF CAPISTRANO, PRIEST the Huron. His fellow Jesuits wrote about how easily Brébeuf adapted himself to the Huron way of life. While he was not Fly back when the time is right always respectful of Huron culture, we can emulate his effort to The cliff swallows of San Juan Capistrano, California depart the create bridges of mutual understanding, as our own country is mission town on or around this date, the Memorial of Saint John, today torn by differences. the town’s namesake. They return every spring after their 6,000- mile winter migration to . Pray that, like the swallows of TODAY'S READINGS: Ephesians 2:1-10; Luke 12:13-21 (473). “You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you; and the things Capistrano, everyone will be able to safely come back to the you have prepared, to whom will they belong?” place they call home, after war, famine, natural disaster, or separation due to pandemic. TODAY'S READINGS: Ephesians 4:1-6; Luke 12:54-59 (477). “Lord, Tuesday, Oct 20, 2020 this is the people that longs to see your face.” MEMORIAL OF PAUL OF THE CROSS, PRIEST How deep is your love? Paul of the Cross, Italian mystic and founder of the Passionist Saturday, Oct 24, 2020 religious order in 1725, was taught by his mother to look to the MEMORIAL OF ANTHONY MARY CLARET, BISHOP crucified Jesus as a way to make sense out of suffering. Most of Let your light shine! his siblings died; his father’s business barely scraped by. But no As a young man, Anthony Claret was torn between his talent in matter what hardships the family endured, his mother said, they the textile business and the emerging call he felt to religious life. were nothing compared to God’s deep love. What a seed she Seeing his talent, his father offered to share leadership of the planted in her son! “The holy sufferings of Jesus is a sea of family business with him. Anthony was famously short of stature, sorrows, but it is also a sea of love,” wrote Paul. “Ask the Lord to and he pointed out that workers likely would resist taking orders teach you to fish in this sea.” from him. His father suggested they could hide Anthony behind a TODAY'S READINGS: Ephesians 2:12-22; Luke 12:35-38 (474). “Be desk to come up with ideas and put a larger man in charge of the like servants who await their master’s return from a wedding, ready workers. That sealed the deal for Anthony—he wasn’t interested to open.” in hiding. Thereafter he was a tireless and talented preacher, , author, and publisher in the service of God. Don’t hide your own gifts—they are God-given and the world needs them! Wednesday, Oct 21, 2020 TODAY'S READINGS: Ephesians 4:7-16; Luke 13:1-9 (478). “It may People, get ready bear fruit in the future.” “Be Prepared” is a motto for the Boy and Girl Scouts that is explained in this way: “You are always in a state of readiness in mind and body to do your duty.” That motto could very well be a motto for Christian life. Jesus expects his followers to be alert to

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