“I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual ANTHONY MARY CLARET worship.” Rm 12, 1 The Society of Saint Pius X Out of respect for Our Lord Jesus Christ and for the edification of our neighbor, we beg all Sunday, May 19, 2019 to appear in Church decent in deportment and modest in dress. However, no one has the right to question others, especially visitors. It belongs to the parish Liturgy: 4th Sunday after Easter priest alone to instruct the laity when they repeatedly dress or deport below expectation. Saint Peter Celestine, Pope and For gentlemen and lads: Neither shorts, T-shirts nor sneakers meet the norms of modesty. For ladies and girls: Neither shorts, slacks, sleeveless, short nor low-cut dresses meet the Saint Pudentiana, Virgin norms of modesty. Furthermore, according to apostolic custom or Church law, gentlemen are bareheaded in Gregorian Latin liturgy church; and ladies are requested to cover their heads. Until 1969, the various Catholic liturgies were Thank you for your charity. all of apostolic origin. The Gregorian Latin liturgy, celebrated in this church, follows the “the bread that I will give, is my flesh.”jn 6, 52 tradition of Saint Peter, the first Pope, and has never undergone any essential change till the To receive Holy Communion: present time. Every gesture, every word has - You must be a baptized Catholic, having made a good confession since the last committed been weighed and measured with the assistance mortal sin - if any - in order to hopefully be in the state of Grace. of the Holy Ghost for the greatest glory of God - You must believe in the doctrine of Transubstantiation. “For anyone who eats and drinks without and the salvation of souls. discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself” (1 Cor. 11:29). - You must observe one hour of Eucharistic fast (except water and medicine. However, we advise to Welcome Visitors! abstain from food and alcohol for three hours and one hour for other liquid before Holy Communion). St. Anthony Mary Claret - One must not be a public sinner (public adulterer, concubine, public homosexual), or We thank you for coming. Whether you are just visiting us for a brief time, looking for a excommunicated, or interdicted. Hospitality - The most important requirement is to have a great desire to receive the Body, the Blood, spiritual home, are returning to the practice of the Soul and the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. “Let the charity of the brotherhood abide Catholic faith or are interested in finding out You can humbly approach the Communion rail at any time after the Communion of the priest. in you and hospitality do not forget; for more about the ; we are Then, open your mouth wide and extend smoothly and horizontally your tongue. by this some, being not aware of it, have happy to have you here, as you are. There is no special order, so that nobody should feel compelled to follow a general movement. entertained angels.” (Heb. 13, 1-2) Please take time to read this bulletin, to meet Do not judge your neighbor who abstains from receiving Holy Communion, as there is no “Wherefore receive one another, as with the priest after Mass and to socialize. obligation to receive it daily. However, “Live in a manner to be able to receive communion every day!” Christ also hath received you unto the Enter the Holy Temple of the Good Lord to (St. Augustine) honor of God.” (Rom. 15, 7) worship Him. Pax vobis! Peace be with you! In this Church, the to absolve sins is directly granted to the priests by the Holy Father.

686 Scenic Gulf Drive, Miramar Beach, FL 32550 “The LORD is in his Holy Temple; let all the 850-865-0136 earth keep silence before Him.” (Hab. 2, 20) Websites: sspxflorida.com | sspx.org - E-mail: [email protected] Fr. Marc Vernoy, Prior - 407-872-1007 INSTRUCTION As the disciples, in their grief at Christ's going to His passion and death, after the accomplishment of which He was to return to His Father, never once asked Him: "Whither goest MASS SCHEDULE Thou?" many Christians, because of their attachment to this world and its pleasures, never ask themselves: Whither am I going, whither leads my way? By my sinful life I am perhaps going Mass is typically every Sunday at 6PM, however is subject to change. towards hell, or will my little fervor for the right, my lukewarm prayers take me to heaven? Ark Please ensure you are on the email list to receive updates yourself in all earnestness, dear Christian, whither leads the way you are going? Is it the right path? if not, retrace your steps, and follow Jesus who by suffering and death entered heaven. Sunday, May 26 @ 6:00 PM Why could the Paraclete not come before the Ascension of Christ?

Monday, May 27 @ 8:00 AM Because the work of Redemption had first to be completed, Christ had to die, reconcile man to God, Tuesday, May 28 @ 8:00 AM and enter into His glory, before the Spirit of truth and filial adoption could abide in man in the Sunday, June 2 @ 6:00 PM fulness of grace. From this we may learn that we must purify our hearts, and be reconciled to God, if we wish to receive the gifts of the Holy Ghost. Monday, June 3 @ 8:00 AM How will the Holy Ghost convince the world of sin, of justice and of judgment? Rosary 30 minutes prior on Sunday Confession available one hour prior on Sunday He will convince the world, that is, the Jews and Gentiles, of sin, by showing them through the preaching, the sanctity and the miracles of the apostles, as well as by gradual inward enlightenment, the grievous sins which they have committed by their infidelity and their vices; of justice, by unveiling their error, and showing them that Christ whom they unjustly rejected, is the fountain of justice; of judgment, by showing them their condemnation in their prince and head, the devil, whom The second collection this week is for they served. This prince is now driven from idols and from the bodies of men, and his kingdom is the St. Anthony Mary Claret Building Fund. destroyed in the name of Jesus by the apostles. 100% of these monies will stay with the chapel and be used for the maintenance of and improvements to our chapel. Why did not Christ tell His apostles all He had to tell them? Thank you. Because they could not yet comprehend, and keep it in their memory; because they were still too weak, and too much attached to Jewish customs, and also because they were depressed; He. therefore promised them the Holy Ghost, who would fit them for it by His enlightenment, and would teach them all truth. How does the Holy Ghost teach all truth? Monstrance By guiding the Church, that is, its infallible administration, by His light to the knowledge of the The chapel has obtained a monstrance for our liturgical use. If you truth necessary for the salvation of souls, preserving it from error; and by advancing those members would like to contribute to this wonderful purchase, please note “Monstrance” on your check or envelope. of the Church who seek His light and place no obstacle in its way, in the necessary knowledge of truth. Thank you. What is meant by: He shall not speak of himself, but what things soevey he shall hear, he shall speak? That the Holy Ghost will teach us only that which He has heard from all eternity from the Father and Son; His teaching will, therefore, perfectly agree with Christ's teachings, for the Holy Ghost SANCTUARY LAMP DEDICATION proceeds from the Father and Son and is equal God to them, and that which He teaches is also their doctrine, which is expressed in the words: He shall receive of mine. Please contact Kevin Kelly (850-865-5771; [email protected]) ASPIRATION Ah, my Lord and my God! direct my feet in the way of Thy commandments and if you are interested in lighting the Sanctuary Lamp for a special intention. preserve my heart pure from sin, that Thy Holy Spirit may find nothing in me deserving of Donations are $15.00 and dedication slots are available. reproach, that He .may teach me all truth, and lead me to Thee, the eternal Truth, in heaven. Amen.
