Papilio Glaucus, P. Marcellus, P. Philenor, Pieris Rapae, Colias Philo Dice, Antho­ Caris Genutia, Anaea Andria, Euptychia Gemma

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Papilio Glaucus, P. Marcellus, P. Philenor, Pieris Rapae, Colias Philo Dice, Antho­ Caris Genutia, Anaea Andria, Euptychia Gemma 102 REMINGTON: 1952 Central Season Vol.7, nos.3·4 Papilio glaucus, P. marcellus, P. philenor, Pieris rapae, Colias philo dice, Antho­ caris genutia, Anaea andria, Euptychia gemma. One exception to the general scarcity was the large number of Erynnis brizo and E. juvenalis which were seen clustered around damp spots in a dry branch on April 9. MERRITT counted 67 Erynnis and 2 Papilio glaucus around one such spOt and 45 Erynnis around another. Only one specimen of Incisalia henrici was seen this spring. MERRITT was pleased to find Incisalia niphon still present in a small tract of pine although the area was swept by a ground fire in 1951. Vanessa cardui appeared sparingly from June 12 on, the first since 1947. In the late summer the season appeared normal. Eurema lisa, Nathalis iole, Lycaena thoe, and Hylephila phyleus were common. Junonia coenia was more abundant around Louisville than he has ever seen it. A rarity taken in Louisville this fall was Atlides halesus, the first seen since 1948. The latest seasonal record made by Merritt was a specimen of Colias eury­ theme flying south very fast on December 7. EDWARD WELLING sent a record of finding Lagoa crispata on June 27 at Covington. Contributors: F. R. ARNHOLD; E. G. BAILEY; RALPH BEEBE; S. M. COX; H. V. DALY; 1. W . GRIEWISCH; J. B. HAYES; R. W. HODGES; VONTA P. HYNES; R. LEUSCHNER; J. R. MERRITT; J. H. NEWMAN; M. C. NIEL­ SEN; 1. S. PHILLIPS; P. S. REMINGTON; WM. SIEKER; EDWARD VOSS; W. H . WAGNER, JR.; E. C. WELLING; H. E. WOODCOCK; G. R. WREN; F. N. YOUNG; S. E. ZIEMER. 5570 Etzel Avenue, St. Louis 12, Mo., U.S.A. 6. SOUTHEAST - FLORIDA TO LOUISIANA, NORTH TO ARKANSAS AND MARYLAND by RALPH 1. CHERMOCK In the southeastern region, the winter of 1951 to 1952 was comparatively mild, followed by a warm, somewhat early spring. As a result, the spring flights of butterflies were above normal. However, the summer was charac­ terized by a prolonged drought, coupled with above-normal temperatures. In many areas, this weather persisted into the autumn months. As a result, butterflies were comparatively rare during this period. In some areas, the autumn flights were nearly normal. VIRGINIA S. S. NICOLAY collected in the vicinity of Washington, D. c., on April 14, and found the following species on wing: Incisalia henrici; I. niphon; Strymon melinus,' Lyccenopsis pJeudargiolus; Anthocaris genutia; Papilio glaucus; Erynnis juvenalis and E. bl'izo. This was followed by a period of drought and unusual heat for this time of year, which depleted their numbers. However, Mitoura gryneus, Papilio polyxenes, and P. glaucus apparently were unaffected by the unusual climate. A long rainy period closed the spring flights. During the first week of June, Poanes zabulon, Polites peck ius, P. verna, and P. manataaqua were the only abundant species; Speyeria cybele 1953 The Lepidopterists' News 101 at Byesville, RICHARD KLEIN at Chagron Falls, Solon & Streetsboro, JOSEPH LINDIC in Cleveland, JOSEPH PRESKAR at Euclid. 59 species of butterflies "-nd 244 species of moths were observed and reported on fully. Space is not available for more than a summary of his report. He found the season rather dry, July especially excessively hot and humid. August was rainy and cool, but September and October were dry again. N ovem ber was cool and warm intermittently. WELLING captured for the first time Euptoieta claudia, F eniseca tarqttiniuJ, Libytheana bachmanii, ErynniJ icelus, Hesperia leonardus. Scarcer than usual were Polygonia comma, Papilio glaucus, Thory­ beJ bathylltts, T. pylades, Erynnis horatius, Polites themistocles, Poanes hobo­ mok. Commoner than usual were Speyeria cybele, S. aphrodite, S. aphrodite alcestis, Precis lavinia coenia, VaneSJa cardui, Strymon melinus, S. titus, Eu­ rema lisa, Papilio troilus, Pholisora catullus, Hylephila phyleus, Polites mana­ taaquel, A try tone dion. Entirely absent were Euphydryas phaeton, Melitaea nycteis, Melitaea harrisii, Lethe eurydice, Euptychia mitchellii, Strymon lipar­ ops, Papilio marcellus, Achalarus lyciades, Atalopedes campestris, Atrytone bimacula, A. COnJpiClJ,a, Erynnis juvenalis. In his 1951 report WELLING noted the discovery of two uncommon Hesperiids, Atrytone dion and A. cOnJPicua in a small patch of grass, 75 feet by 15 feet in Euclid. This year A. c01lSpicua was missing, but A. dion was found elsewhere in Ellclid, mainly on Asclepias. WELLING finds, as most of us do, that the trend to suburban building development is annihilating many of his favorite collecting spots. WELLING collects moths much more diligently than most of those re­ porting. This year he caught for the first time Celerio lineata, Sanninoidea exitiosa, Arctonotus arcuata, Schizura unicornis, Apantesis anna form "per­ sephone", Eubaphe aurantiaca (previously form "rubicund aria" only), Hap­ loa confusa, Tortricidia testae ea. Moths commoner than usual in the Lake Erie region were Antheraea poLyphemuJ, Leuconycta leucostigma, Anaphora popoanella, Anisota rubicunda, Nerice bidentata, Hyphantria cunea, Eubaphe aurantiaca form "rubicundaria," Euchaetias oregonensis, Phragmatobia fuli­ ginosa (usually non-existent), Cochlidion biguttata, Y ponomeuta multipunc­ teUa (perhaps thousands to the acre in the forests) . Scarcer than usual were Ampelophaga pholus, Amphion neHUJ, Paonias myops, Hemaris thysbe, Phlege­ thontius sextus, P. quinquemaculatus, T olype velleda, [sia isabella, Pyrausta pertexlalis, Pyralis farinalis. WELLING had extremely good success in sugaring for Nocruidae. The list of Catocala he took includes C. ilia f. "osculata" and "uxor", C. parta, C. relicta, C. ultronia, C. unijuga, C. grynea, C. vidua, C. cara, C. concumbens, C. innubens, C. cerogama, C. nebulosct, C. amatrix, C. obscura, C. neogama, C. piatrix, C. Jubnata. KENTUCKY JAMES R. MERRITT sends the only complete report of collecting in this state. After a mild winter the spring butterflies appeared on schedule, but in fewer numbers than he has found previously. By March 12 Nymphali.r antiopa and Polygonia comma appeared out of hibernation. By March 29 emerging butterflies appeared: Erynnis brizo, E. juvenalis, Lycaenopsis argiolus, 1953 The Lepidopterists' News 97 and other Noctuidae. At Isle Royale in [ate July species observed included Speyeria cyhele and form "krautwurmi", S. atlantis, Limenitis arthemis, Colias interior, Vanessa cardui, Precis lavinia coenia, Nymphalis antiopa, and H es­ peria laurentina. Near Nawbinway in early August he took a fine series of Lycaena dorcas in a bog and also Nymphalis j-album, Pieris napi, and one Polygonia satyrus. At Luzerne on June 22 NIELSEN and JOHN NEWMAN found good collecting which included Boloria selene, Phyciodes tharos, P. batesi, Papilio glaucus, MeZitaea harrisii, C olias interior, Pleheius saepiolus, lncisalia polios, Lycaenopsis argiolus, Erynnis martialis, E. icelus, Hesperia sassacus, H. metea, Polites peckius, P. mystic, Poanes hohomok and form "pocahontas", A try ton­ opsis hianna, AmblyscirteJ vialis. In the evening a lighted sheet overlooking the creek attracted Odontosia elegans, Datana sp., Habrosyne .fcripta, Halisidota caryae, Smerinthus cerisyi, Paonias excaecata. Darapsa pholus came to bait. On May 18 near Baldwin NIELSEN found Hesperia metea, Incisalia polios, 1. augustinus, l. niphon, Oeneis chryxttS, Erynnis brizo, E. juvenalis, all taken in open pine plains. In Montcalm County on May 7 five Glaucopsyche lygdamus were taken at the edge of a swamp. On May 22 here he observed a female Erynnis lucilius ovipositing on wild Columbine, tagged the plant containing one egg and returned later to take the larva, which produced a perfect imago. Also in this area he saw Erynnis juvenalis and E. icelus; Ly­ caena hypophlaeas was abundant. Additional species included Polygonia comma, Melitaea nycteis, Lethe portlandia, L. eurydice, Speyeria aphrodite, Strymon titus, S. acadica, Atrytone logan, Wallengrenia otho, and T horyhes pylades. A week later he took a fine series of Strymon edwardsii, S. acadica, and S. titus. On one large clump of Ceanothus americanus he counted over 30 Strymon edwardsii, S. titus, and one Lycaena helloides. In the same area were Atrytone conspicua, Polites verna, P. themistocles, P. manataaqua, Pholisora catullus, Nymphalis milherti. Unusual captures on Sept. 4 were Strymon melinus and A try tone logan, very late for both. Collecting here in June at night with lights, NIELSEN took single gravid females of Prionoxystus robiniae and Cossus centerensis, as well as Actias luna, Anisota rubicunda, Ceratomia amyntor, and the nuisance MaLacosoma americana. In Ingham County on July 5 NIELSEN rook a fine series of Poanes viator in a swamp, as well as Atry/one logan, A. dion, Euphydryas phaeton, Speyeria cybele, S. aphrodite, Strymon titus, S. acadica, S. liparops, Atrytone ruricola. In Washtenaw County on July 6 NIELSEN and NEWMAN collected the rare Ettptychia mitchellii. All were taken in shade and only 7 were collected, in order not to exterminate this small colony, which is very local. Poanes massasoit was also taken in this swamp. In Lenawee County, near the Ohio line, NIELSEN collected one Papilio marcellus, also Asterocampa clyton, Strymon liparops, Limenitis arc hippus, Lihytheana bachmanii. In August Euptoieta claudia was common, with two Papilio marcellus, Precis lavinia coenia, and Papilio polyxenes. He saw one Speyeria idalia female. Sugaring on August 30 produced Catocala cara, C. amatrix, C. hinda and many other Noctuids. 98 REMINGTON: 1952 Central Season Vol.7, n05 .3-4 R. W. HODGES also sent a fine report of his collecting
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