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Butterfly!Survey! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Vermont!Butterfly!Survey! ! 2002!–!2007! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Final!Report!to!the!Natural!Heritage!Information! ! Project!of!the!Vermont!Department!of!Fish!and! Wildlife! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! September!30,!2010! ! Kent!McFarland,!Project!Director! ! Sara!Zahendra,!Staff!Biologist! Vermont!Center!for!Ecostudies! ! Norwich,!Vermont!05055! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Table!of!Contents! Acknowledgements!............................................................................................................................!4! Introduction!and!Methodology!..........................................................................................................!6! Project!Planning!and!Management!...............................................................................................................!6! Recording!Methods!and!Data!Collection!.......................................................................................................!7! Data!Processing!............................................................................................................................................!9! PreKProject!Records!....................................................................................................................................!11! Summary!of!Results!.........................................................................................................................!11! Conservation!of!Vermont!Butterflies!................................................................................................!19! Future!Work!.....................................................................................................................................!22! Species!Accounts!..............................................................................................................................!28! Interpreting!Species!Accounts!....................................................................................................................!28! Parnassians!and!Swallowtails:!Family!Papilionidae!.....................................................................................!30! Subfamily:!Swallowtails!(Papilioninae)!............................................................................................................!30! Whites!and!Sulphurs:!Family!Pieridae!.........................................................................................................!41! Subfamily:!Sulphurs!(Coliadinae)!.....................................................................................................................!41! Subfamily:!Whites!(Pierinae)!...........................................................................................................................!50! Gossamer!Wings:!Family!Lycaenidae!..........................................................................................................!57! Subfamily:!Harvesters!(Miletinae)!...................................................................................................................!57! Subfamily:!Coppers!(Lycaeninae)!....................................................................................................................!60! Subfamily:!Hairstreaks!(Theclinae)!..................................................................................................................!67! Subfamily:!Blues!(Polyommatinae)!.................................................................................................................!94! BrushKfooted!Butterflies:!Family!Nymphalidae!.........................................................................................!105! Subfamily:!Snouts!(Libytheinae)!....................................................................................................................!105! Subfamily:!Monarchs!and!relatives!(Danainae)!.............................................................................................!108! Subfamily:!Longwings!and!Fritillaries!(Heliconiinae)!.....................................................................................!111! Subfamily:!Admirals!and!Relatives!(Limenitidinae)!.......................................................................................!126! Subfamily:!Emperors!(Apaturinae)!................................................................................................................!131! Subfamily:!True!Brushfoots!(Nymphalinae)!..................................................................................................!136! Subfamily:!Satyrs!and!Wood!Nymphs!(Satyrinae)!.........................................................................................!170! Skippers:!Family!Hesperiidae!....................................................................................................................!185! Subfamily:!Spread[winged!Skippers!(Eudaminae)!.........................................................................................!185! Subfamily:!Spread[winged!Skippers!(Pyrginae)!.............................................................................................!192! Subfamily:!Skipperlings!(Heteropterinae)!.....................................................................................................!208! Subfamily:!Grass!Skippers!(Hesperiinae)!.......................................................................................................!211! Wild!Silk!Moths:!Family!Saturniidae!.........................................................................................................!260! Subfamily:!Giant!Silkmoths!(Saturniinae)!......................................................................................................!260! Literature!Cited!..............................................................................................................................!269! Appendices!....................................................................................................................................!271! AppendiX!1.!VBS!priority!blocks!(#)!for!USGS!1:24,000!quadrangles!(USGS!Quad!Name)!...........................!272! AppendiX!2.!Annotated!Checklist!of!Vermont!Butterflies.!.........................................................................!273! AppendiX!3.!Definitions!of!Conservation!Information!Ranks!and!Legal!Status.!..........................................!274! AppendiX!4.!The!Lepidopterists’!Society!Collecting!Guidelines!..................................................................!275! 2! AppendiX!5.!VBS!Manual!and!Standard!Field!Forms!..................................................................................!278! AppendiX!6.!Policy!on!the!Release,!Use!and!Publication!of!VBS!Data!by!Outside!Users!.............................!295! AppendiX!7.!Monthly!Climate!Summaries!(2002K2007)!.............................................................................!297! ! 3! Acknowledgements! ! Cooperating!Organizations!and!Agencies! Vermont!Center!for!Ecostudies!(VCE)! Vermont!Institute!of!Natural!Science!(VINS)! Natural!Heritage!Information!Project!of!the!Vermont!Department!of!Fish!and!Wildlife! Vermont!Entomological!Society!(VES)! Green!Mountain!National!Forest!(GMNF)! The!Nature!Conservancy!of!Vermont! Vermont!Department!of!Forest,!Parks,!and!Recreation! ! Major!Sponsors!and!Supporters! Financial!support!was!provided!by!the!Vermont!Department!of!Fish!and!Wildlife![!Wildlife!Conservation!and!Restoration! Program,!the!Vermont!Department!of!Fish!and!Wildlife![!State!Wildlife!Grants,!the!William!P.!Wharton!Trust,!the!Windham! Foundation,!and!individual!donors.!Generous!software!donations!by!Conservation!Program!at!Environmental!Systems! Research!Institute!(ESRI)!enable!us!to!conduct!detailed!geospatial!analysis!and!maps!for!visualizations.! ! Founding!Steering!Committee! Jon!Atwood,!Antioch(New(England(Graduate(School! Chip!Darmstadt,!North(Branch(Nature(Center! Mark!Ferguson,!Natural(Heritage(Information(Project(=(Vermont(Department(of(Fish(and(Wildlife! Scott!and!Rachael!Griggs,!Vermont(Entomological(Society! Clayton!Grove,!Green(Mountain(National(Forest! James!Hedbor,!Vermont(Entomological(Society! Kent!McFarland,!Vermont(Center(for(Ecostudies! Donald!Miller,!Professor(Emeritus(of(Zoology/Ecology,(Department(of(Sciences,(Lyndon(State(College! Rose!Paul,!The(Nature(Conservancy(of(Vermont! Bryan!Pfeiffer,!Vermont(Bird(Tours! Michael!Sabourin,!Vermont(Entomological(Society! Susan!Sawyer,!North(Branch(Nature(Center! Jerry!Schneider,!Inventor,(The(Butterfly(Game! Amy!L.!Seidl,!Biologist! ! Project!Staff! Kent!McFarland,!Director! Bryan!Pfeiffer,(Coordinator(and(Field(Biologist((2002=2007)( Sara!Zahendra,(Technician((2008(–(present)! Jessica!Miller,!Field(Biologist((2006=2007)! Brendan!Collins,!Field(Biologist((2005=2007)! Ainsely!Close,!Field(Biologist((2003)! Ryan!Gamble,!Field(Biologist((2003)! Sylvia!Harris,!Field(Biologist((2004=2005)! Julie!Hart,!Field(Biologist((2007)! ! Technical!Assistance! Alex!Grkovich,!Erynnis!(Duskywing)!determinations! Jane!O’Donnell,!Study!design,!Connecticut(Butterfly(Atlas(Project! Harry!Pavulaan,!Celastrina!and!Tiger!Swallowtail!complex!determinations! James!Scott,!Phyciodes!determinations! Mark!Wimer,!online!database,!USGS(PatuXent(Wildlife(Research(Center! ! 4! ! Contributors! This!project!could!not!have!been!accomplished!without!the!dedicated!contributions!of!many!thousands!of!hours!in!the!field! by!more!than!140!volunteer!butterfly!enthusiasts,!all!of!whom!are!listed!below.!The!22!individuals!highlighted!by!bold! lettering!each!collected!over!500!records!for!the!survey.!We!simply!could!not!have!achieved!our!project!goals!without!the!
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