December 2016 • Vol. 25, No. 11

The African School for Electronic Structure A PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Methods and Applications APS.ORG/APSNEWS Page 5

2017 April Meeting Prize and Award Speakers Institute for Advanced Study Named Joint By Rachel Gaal who has made an outstanding con- EPS-APS Historic Site Together with exhibits, plenary tribution to physics and who has exceptional skills in lecturing to EPS-APSBy Rachel Gaal

talks, and poster sessions at the IAS 2017 APS April Meeting (January diverse audiences. Martin J. Rees In 1930, the Institute for 28 - 31), over 200 invited speakers of the University of Cambridge was Advanced Study (IAS) was estab- will be sharing their latest research the 2017 honoree “for his contri- lished near the grounds of Princeton and career insights. Among the butions into the understanding of University to act as the “department distinguished guests are many of the universe and its high-energy store for the freedom of ideas.” the spring 2017 APS prize and contents.” He is also being recog- The original and often speculative award winners. nized for his skill as a com- thinking that the Institute encour- “Each year, the American municator. Rees will be speaking aged over the years made it one Physical Society recognizes lead- on Sunday, January 29, during the of the world’s elite intellectual ing through a variety session: “Prize Talks: Black Holes centers, supporting over 33 Nobel of prizes and awards,” said APS and Cosmic Explosions.” Laureates and scores of medalists President Homer Neal in a press Another award-winner, Carl M. and winners of prestigious awards. release announcing the awards. Bender of Washington University, This year, APS teamed up with “We are proud to honor a spec- received the 2017 Dannie the European Physical Society trum of recipients, including out- Heineman Prize for Mathematical (EPS) to recognize IAS for its piv- Physics. His publications in standing early-career researchers, otal involvement in the advance- (Left to right) EPS President Christophe Rossel, 2016 APS President Homer exceptional communicators and this field advanced the theory ment of theoretical physics, naming Neal, APS CEO Kate Kirby, and IAS Director Robbert Dijkgraaf educators, and accomplished theo- of Parity-Time (PT) Symmetry in IAS their inaugural joint historic Joint Historic Site for physics theoretical physics in the world, rists and experimentalists working quantum systems, and his work physics site in the U.S. in the United States,” said 2016 hosting physicists in all stages of in every major field of physics.” was cited for “inspiring gen- “We are very pleased to be part- APS president Homer Neal. “The their careers.” The Julius Edgar Lilienfeld erations of mathematical physi- nering with the European Physical Institute for Advanced Study has Among these physicists was Prize honors a single individual SPEAKERS continued on page 4 Society in selecting the first ever been one of the premier centers for SITE continued on page 5

Science in the Trump Administration By Rachel Gaal handed in predicting the future of Research News: Editors’ Choice On Sunday night, November 14, research and development in the A Monthly Recap of Papers Selected by the Editors CBS broadcast an exclusive inter- coming years. “For all the professors, students, The Dynamics of Plunge- view with President-Elect Donald Diving Birds Trump to millions of American and teachers out there right now, I think you would have to mark this Some species of seabirds are homes. The one-on-one segment known for their unique hunting with correspondent Lesley Stahl as an ‘incomplete’ right now,” men- skills — diving headfirst at speeds featured an array of questions on tioned Bart Gordon, former chair- over 20 m/s, they then pack a punch various topics, which Trump had man of the House Committee on when hitting the waters below. no qualms about answering. Science and Technology. He was Sporting long, slender necks, it was “I want to focus on jobs, I want speaking to people involved in aca- a mystery how these birds could to focus on healthcare, and I want demia, private sector groups, gov- avoid injury during this endeavor. to focus on the border and immi- ernment, and biotech research, all As reported in the Proceedings of gration,” Trump said. “We want to participating live in the American the National Academy of Science, have a great immigration bill, and Association for the Advancement (doi: 10.1073/pnas.1608628113), I want to focus on all of these of Science (AAAS) webinar, S&T researchers have now identified other things that we’ve been talk- Policy and R&D Funding: A Post- ing about.” Election Analysis. the dynamics behind a seabird’s But in all of the discussions Gordon and three other pol- plunge-dive. Using simulations Some seabirds hunt for food by plunging into the water at high speed, yet with the president-elect, science icy experts, the AAAS Chief with a cone attached to a rod, they avoid neck injury. and science policy have come up Executive Officer Rush Holt and along with a salvaged seabird dive. According to their analysis, that the two distributions display rarely if at all. Chief Operating Officer Celeste carcass, Change et al. studied the the team determined that these a remarkably simple relation that As the media exploded this Rohlfing, along with David mechanisms of the fast dive and plunge-divers could keep up the holds for all observed galaxies. election with hot topics like Goldston, former chief of staff of identified the axial forces affecting daredevil acts without sustaining Since dark matter is the main com- immigration, health-care reform, the House Committee on Science, the skull and neck during the dive. injury, provided their speeds were ponent of these galaxies—and thus and tax spending, one topic in participated in the one-hour webi- These turned out to be primarily less than 80 m/s. the main determinant of galactic particular was missing from nar and answered questions from hydrodynamic drag on the skull Galaxy Rotation Links Dark rotation — the result implies that the stump speeches — science the audience. during water impact, and hydro- and Visible Matter the distribution of conventional and technology. ScienceInsider “This is a work in progress right static pressure on the neck, caused A newly derived universal law matter in the disk specifies the den- reported “almost no interaction” now and we’re going to have to by an air pocket created after the shows that the rotation of disk gal- sity profile of the surrounding dark between the science community follow it,” continued Gordon. The cone-shaped skull became fully axies is determined entirely by the matter halo. While it was expected and the campaign over the elec- policy group all agreed, and were submerged. This phase, which visible matter they contain, even if that more massive dark matter halos tion season, and researchers and eager to add their thoughts to the researchers called the “air cavity they are mostly filled with dark mat- host more massive galaxy disks, the analysts are now scrambling to fill discussion. phase,” showed that the bird’s neck ter. As reported in Physical Review tight correlation between the radial in the blanks. “[But] science and engineer- would be less affected by hydro- Letters, McGaugh et al. have inves- distribution of dark and visible mat- Scores of sources are attempting ing do not go away just because static pressure as the size of the tigated 153 disk galaxies spanning ter is surprising. Simulation work to predict whom Trump and his there is a change in administra- skull and the length of the neck four orders of magnitude in mass on galaxy formation will need to transition team will appoint to the tion,” asserted Rohlfing. “And with decreased, and the impact speed and three orders in density. Using assess if this result is compatible science-related leadership positions respect to some of the initiatives increased. In theory, the added available observations, the team with the standard cosmological in the federal government. With no started under President Obama, stability from the bird’s neck determined the rotational accelera- model or requires its substantial major statement on his campaign some … are reshaped, … some are muscles should reduce the likeli- tion as a function of radius, as well revision. page that explains his plans for sci- definitely ended, but … I would hood that the neck would buckle as the radial distribution of visible (For more, see the Viewpoint in ence, even the experts are empty- TRUMP continued on page 6 under increased drag during the matter, for each galaxy. They found RESEARCH continued on page 6

Revised 12/19/2016 2 • December 2016

Washington Dispatch This Month in Physics History From the APS Office of Public Affairs

APS WASHINGTON OFFICE ACTIVITIES December 31, 1691: Death of ne of the oldest and most venerated scientific spheres and used a vacuum pump — which he PANEL ON PUBLIC AFFAIRS Oassociations is the Royal Society of London, also invented — to pump out all the air, so that Recommendations on all APS statements up for review in 2016 were established in 1663. Its founding brought together the surrounding air pressure continued to hold the presented to the APS Council of Representatives and Board of Directors various groups of natural philosophers that met hemispheres tightly together. To demonstrate just at their November meetings. Statements 06.1, 06.2, 06.3, 01.1, 01.2, and regularly in London and Oxford, keen on explor- how strong that force was, von Guericke harnessed 91.5 will remain active statements of the Society. Statement 96.2 — Energy: ing the “new science” espoused by Francis Bacon. two teams of eight horses each to each hemisphere the Forgotten Crisis — has been rewritten; the Board has approved a One of those founding members was Robert Boyle, and set them moving in opposite directions. Even proposed replacement statement. It will be sent to the full APS member- often called the first modern chemist. But he is this didn’t separate the hemispheres. ship for comment in the coming weeks. best known for formulating a physical law on the Boyle was intrigued by the reports and set relationship between absolute pressure and the about building his own “pneumatic engine” with The APS Panel on Public Affairs (POPA) National Security Subcommittee volume of a gas. Robert Hooke, then Boyle’s is planning a workshop on the scientific obstacles and challenges to the Boyle was born in Ireland assistant, whose gift for instru- elimination of highly enriched uranium in civilian applications, to be held in 1627, one of 14 children. mentation proved useful in in early 2017. His father was the Earl of Cork getting the rather awkwardly and a wealthy landowner. designed apparatus to work. The POPA Physics & the Public Subcommittee is working to finalize a Young Boyle was raised by wikimedia commons They conducted many differ- report on the obstacles and incentives for recruiting teachers in high-need a local foster family until the ent experiments to determine STEM areas. The report is the product of a 2016 survey of current majors age of eight, and was fluent in the properties of air, spe- and recent STEM graduates in physics, chemistry, computer science, and Irish as well as Latin, Greek, cifically how “rarefied air” , and was issued by APS, the American Chemical Society and French. He went to Eton affected things like combus- (ACS), the Computing Research Association, and the Mathematics Teacher College when his mother died, tion, magnetism, sound, barom- Education Partnership. with an Irish-speaking tutor in eters, and various substances. tow, although Boyle was appar- Those observations became Have a suggestion for a POPA study? Contact Jeanette Russo with your ently not much interested in the basis for his 1660 book, idea at [email protected]. practicing his mother tongue, New Experiments Physico- preferring French and Latin. A Mechanicall, Touching the MEDIA UPDATE trip to Florence, Italy in 1641 Spring of the Air, and its Effects Simon R. Bare, co-chair of the committee that produced the APS, ACS, Robert Boyle while living abroad introduced (Made, for the Most Part, in a and Materials Research Society (MRS) helium report Responding to the the precocious 14-year-old to New Pneumatical Engine). U.S. Research Community’s Liquid Helium Crisis, published an op-ed the work of Galileo, who died Although it received high October 19 in The Hill newspaper, citing ways scientists can help abate while Boyle was there. He praise upon publication, the the helium crisis, as outlined in the report. Read the piece at returned to England with a pas- book was not without its crit- sion for science and math. He ics, most notably a Jesuit priest Chemistry World published a news story October 20 on the helium report also had the means to pursue named Francis Linus. This produced by APS, ACS, and MRS titled “U.S. urged to address helium wikimedia commons that passion when his father was a time when many scien- cost increases.” died and left him substantial tists believed the vacuum did Chemical & News also published a story on the helium report property in both England and not exist, arguing that Boyle’s October 10, titled “Societies recommend ways to address helium shortage.” Ireland. observations must be due to Initially Boyle sought to be a previously unknown force. Read the article at a writer, experimenting with Boyle’s exchanges with Linus Have something important to say? APS Members have a resource in many different forms, such as resulted in a second edition in Press Secretary Tawanda W. Johnson. Contact her with your story at a treatise on morality and the 1662, including an appendix [email protected]. pursuit of virtue. But then he addressing Linus’s critiques built a home laboratory and with a reference to what we ADMINISTRATION OUTREACH began experimenting with now call Boyle’s Law (even Working with the Physics Policy Committee, the Office of Public Affairs microscope observations and though it was first formulated is developing an informational document for the Trump Transition Team. chemical experiments. While in 1661 by Henry Power): The he resided briefly in Ireland, he Engraving of Robert Boyle's “pneu- volume of a gas varies inversely ADVOCACY found it difficult to perform his matic engine” air pump and related with the pressure of the gas. At the 2016 APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting, 408 attendees chemistry experiments there. instruments Following that initial suc- contacted Congress about the priorities of the physics community. The He spent much of his time in Oxford or London, cess, Boyle continued conducting chemistry message addressed the need to pass a longer-term federal spending bill becoming a member of a group of like-minded experiments and publishing the results for the rest and increase support for the federal science agencies. natural philosophers who dubbed themselves the of his life. He expanded upon his vacuum pump “Invisible College.” The group’s core values were work in A Defence of the Doctrine Touching the At the end of October, Greg Mack was a colloquium speaker for the observation and experimentation, not just logical Spring of the Air, Experiments and Considerations University of Tennessee's chapter of the Forum on Science, Ethics, and reasoning. Its motto: nullus in verba, or “Take about the Porosity of Bodies, and Experimenta and Policy, where he addressed an audience of undergraduates, graduate nobody’s word for it.” It would eventually become Observationes Physicae. He also wrote several students, and professors about how APS and its members decide which the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural medical treatises, and did experiments on crystals, policy issues to investigate or act upon; the importance of advocacy and Knowledge. electricity, color, hydrostatics, and the expansion different levels of APS member involvement; and ethical considerations In 1650, scientists across Europe were electri- of freezing water. for these decisions. fied at news of the world’s first artificial vacuum, Among his quirkier contributions: a “wish list” created by a German scientist named Otto von of 24 possible inventions that eerily foreshadowed If you'd like us to visit your home state and provide resources for grass- Guericke. He fit together two large copper hemi- BOYLE continued on page 3 roots advocacy, contact Greg Mack at [email protected].

Series II, Vol. 25, No. 11 APS COUNCIL OF REPRESENTATIVES 2016 International Councilors Staff Representatives December 2016 Marcia Barbosa, Eliezer Rabinovici, Johanna Stachel, Sara Conners, Director of Communications; Mark President © 2016 The American Physical Society Kiyoshi Ueda Doyle, Chief Information Officer; Amy Flatten, Homer A. Neal*, University of Michigan Director of International Affairs; Christine Giaccone, Chair, Nominating Committee Director of Journal Operations; Ted Hodapp, Director President-Elect Paul Chaikin of Project Development and Senior Advisor to the Editor...... David Voss Laura H. Greene*, Florida State University Department of Education and Diversity; Daniel T. Science Writer ...... Rachel Gaal Chair, Panel on Public Affairs Kulp, Editorial Director; Trish Lettieri, Director of Vice President Contributing Correspondent ...... Alaina G. Levine Julia Phillips Membership; Michael Lubell, Director of the Office of Roger W. Falcone*, University of California, Berkeley/ Public Affairs; Irene Lukoff, Director of Development; Design and Production...... Nancy Bennett-Karasik LLBL Editor in Chief Terri Olsen, Director of Meetings; Monica Plisch, Proofreader...... Edward Lee Pierre Meystre* Director of Education and Diversity; Matthew Salter, Past-President Publisher; Michael Stephens, Controller and Assistant Samuel H. Aronson*, Brookhaven National Laboratory Division, Forum and Section Councilors Treasurer; James W. Taylor, Deputy Executive Officer APS News (ISSN: 1058-8132) is published 11X yearly, Subscriptions: APS News is an on-membership publica- (Retired) Miriam Forman (Astrophysics); Timothy Gay* (Atomic, and Chief Operating Officer monthly, except the August/September issue, by the tion delivered by Periodical Mail Postage Paid at Col- Molecular & Optical Physics); Jose Onuchic (Biologi- American Physical Society, One Physics Ellipse, Col- lege Park, MD and at additional mailing offices. Chief Executive Officer cal); Amy Mullin* (Chemical); John Bradley Marston * Members of the APS Board of Directors lege Park, MD 20740-3844, (301) 209-3200. It contains Kate P. Kirby*, Harvard Smithsonian (retired) (Condensed Matter Physics); Giulia Galli (Computa- news of the Society and of its Divisions, Topical Groups, For address changes, please send both the old and new tional); Ann Karagozian (Fluid Dynamics); Gay Stew- Sections, and Forums; advance information on meetings addresses, and, if possible, include a mailing label from Speaker of the Council art* (Forum on Education); Julia Gonski (Forum on of the Society; and reports to the Society by its commit- a recent issue. Changes can be emailed to membership@ Nan Phinney*, Stanford University Graduate Student Affairs); Dan Kleppner* (Forum on tees and task forces, as well as opinions. Postmaster: Send address changes to APS History of Physics); John Rumble, (Forum on Industrial News, Membership Department, American Physical Treasurer and Applied Physics); Young-Kee Kim* (Forum on Letters to the editor are welcomed from the member- Society, One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740- James Hollenhorst*, Agilent Technologies International Physics); Pushpa Bhat (Forum on Physics ship. Letters must be signed and should include an ad- 3844. and Society); Nicholas Bigelow* (Laser Science); dress and daytime telephone number. APS reserves the Corporate Secretary James Chelikowsky (Materials); Wick Haxton* (Nucle- right to select and to edit for length and clarity. All cor- Ken Cole ar); P. Michael Tuts (Particles & Fields); Thomas Roser respondence regarding APS News should be directed to: Coden: ANWSEN ISSN: 1058-8132 (Physics of Beams); Cary Forest (Plasma); Mark Ediger Editor, APS News, One Physics Ellipse, College Park, General Councilors (Polymer Physics); Nan Phinney* (California Section); MD 20740-3844, Email: [email protected]. Marcelo Gleiser, Nadya Mason, Gail McLaughlin*, Carlos Wexler (Prairie Section) Bonnie Flemming December 2016 • 3

CIFS Briefs: Connecting Human Rights and Science for the Physics Community Mining Deep Space Since its creation in 1980, the Omid Kokabee By Alaina G. Levine APS Committee on International CIFS was elated when APS Freedom of Scientists (CIFS) member and physics graduate stu- Stephen D. Covey is a grad further away to prevent a future in January 2013, DSI announced has advocated for and defended dent Omid Kokabee was released school dropout. Inspired by the collision.” Experts consulted for its mission of developing the tech- the rights of scientists around on parole in August after having space race of the 1960s, he majored this article found Covey’s propos- nologies to find, harvest, and sup- the globe. In this column, CIFS served half of his ten-year prison in physics at Wabash College, and als very speculative but possible ply the asteroid resources that will describes some of the issues that sentence. He is recovering from then in 1971 joined the physics in principle. They noted that the transform the space economy. It the Committee is monitoring as kidney cancer that he was diag- department at Ohio State University markets that would sustain this type is one of a handful of companies well as the Society’s other human nosed with while in prison; he had for a doctorate, all with an eye on a of resource development have not operating in the sector dubbed rights activities. a kidney removed in April. space-based career. “Unfortunately, yet been created. (The scientists “New Space,” which focuses on Turkey APS members will recall that we were also canceling the space preferred not to be identified to unlocking the commercial potential CIFS has been monitoring with in 2011 Kokabee was arrested program,” he says. “I remember avoid promoting the activities of a of space-based resources and pri- concern the ongoing situation in and detained in Evin prison in a lot of physics Ph.D.s were start- particular company.) vate spaceflight. Other enterprises Turkey, where thousands of aca- Tehran while trying to return to ing to push brooms because there in New Space include Planetary demics have been removed from the University of Texas at Austin, weren’t any jobs.” A lover of both Resources, another asteroid mining their positions and many univer- where he was a graduate student. physics and computers, he ditched firm, and Blue Origin. sities have been closed following Kokabee has stated that Iranian his doctorate dreams and joined a Covey serves as DSI’s Director the attempted coup in July. CIFS is authorities had asked him many computing firm. “The easiest thing of R&D and focuses on the pro- aware of at least 25 physicists who times to participate in classified was to make my job in computer duction of marketable products have lost their positions. In addi- military research. However, he programming, and relegate my from asteroid materials. Asteroids tion, one Turkish-American physi- refused to engage in this research, physics to a hobby.” are rich in metal and water and if cist, Serkan Golge, was arrested resulting in his imprisonment. In He spent a good part of 25 years they could be mined, they might while visiting family in Turkey in 2014, Kokabee received the APS in computer consulting, database provide a supply of materials for July shortly after the coup attempt. Andrei Sakharov Prize for his design, and operations for vari- space travel, habitation, and com- The U.S. State Department has refusal to “use his physics knowl- ous companies. In 1996, a buddy merce. They could also serve to confirmed that it is aware of his edge to work on projects that he approached him and asked him to reduce the use of natural resources situation and is actively working deemed harmful to humanity, in join his telecommunications com- on Earth. So DSI is inventing tech- on his case. the face of extreme physical and pany, Applied Innovation, Inc., and nologies that can be used to identify Stephen D. Covey In February 2016, APS President psychological pressure.” Covey jumped at the chance “to and extract those resources from Homer Neal wrote to Turkish Imad al-Barghouti come back into the physics world,” He addressed his interests in asteroids, and Covey is inventing President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan CIFS is pleased that Palestinian he says. “I became Director of space and asteroids on his blog, mechanisms to build and sell prod- to express the Society’s concern astrophysicist Imad al-Barghouti — Research and Development (R&D) Ramblings On the Future of ucts out of those resources. about the detention and interroga- a professor at Al-Quds University and got to play with lasers again.” Humanity. But he also wrote up For now, the plucky start-up tion of signatories of the “We will in Jerusalem — was released from He remained with the firm for seven his calculations in a paper which he is concentrating on building its not be a Party to This Crime” peti- detention in Israel in November. He years, until the telecoms bust led to delivered at the 2010 International exploration technology, intellec- tion that called for an end to mili- had been detained in April 2016 at his layoff, and a subsequent call Space Development Conference tual property, winning government tary operations in southeast Turkey. a West Bank security checkpoint. to his wife that they could finally (ISDC). There were other like- grants and commercial contracts, As a result of signing the peti- CIFS had been concerned that he move to Florida and retire. minded, science-educated space and attracting venture capital. It tion, more than 1,000 academics was being held without charge. In But Covey isn’t the retiring sort. buffs in the audience, and they recently announced that it would were subjected to administrative November, Barghouti was found Once in the Sunshine State, he liked what Covey proposed. They be launching Prospector-X in 2017, and criminal proceedings. APS guilty of “incitement” and sentenced became a licensed real estate agent all came together for coffee. They a robotics spacecraft which will defended the right of free expres- to seven months in prison for posting and created websites to market golf wanted to learn more. And it led to be used to test key technologies sion of scientists and researchers, information about politics in social course properties. But while he was something very special. “We gath- required for deep space resource and asked Turkish authorities to media. However, he was released busy helping sell habitats on Earth, ered as a group of individuals to exploration. The mission, sup- end all proceedings against these from detention for time served. ideas about habitats and travel in discuss orbital changes, capturing ported in part by the government individuals. In August, APS signed AAAS Science and Human space continued to interest him. asteroids, and space settlements. of Luxembourg, will operate in a letter to President Erdoğan with Rights Coalition His mind stayed sharply tuned to We were dreamers,” he says. They low Earth orbit and examine the the American Association for the APS will be represented at the opportunities where he could influ- called themselves the Asteroid viability of water-powered propul- Advancement of Science (AAAS) next meeting of the AAAS Science ence how humans interface with Mining Group. “The original seven sion, radiation-tolerant deep space and other scientific associations and Human Rights Coalition that outer space and even move off- included four physicists and one of avionics, and optical navigation. that expressed concern for human will be held January 26 - 27, planet. “I was working behind the the world’s greatest space artists, The company is also looking to rights after the coup attempt. The 2017. The theme of the meet- scenes on space stuff,” he shares. Brian Versteeg. There were also design products that can be used letter stated in part that “[t]he ing is the Human Right to Water. He says that, in fact, he had never engineers and a lawyer.” for customers interested in both future prosperity and security of Presentations will include exam- left the field entirely, reading the This motley cosmo-crew con- earthly endeavors and star-bound any nation depends on its ability to ples of research that have informed literature and staying abreast of tinued their discussions over the enterprises. be a knowledge-based, innovative policies to help prevent viola- research and scientific and techno- next year, working out the details One of Covey’s current projects society and to a considerable extent tions of this right. APS members logical innovations in and around of the technological requirements is partnering with NASA to develop on the work of its scientists, engi- the space industry. of shifting and capturing asteroids. a simulated asteroid material with neers, academics, and researchers.” CIFS BRIEFS continued on page 5 In particular, Covey became cap- By the time the next ISDC rolled which the agency can run space- tivated by an event that will happen around, Covey wanted to use a 3-D craft mission tests. “If you need on Friday the 13th of April, 2029. printer in a space-based factory, tons of asteroid materials for tests, On that date, an asteroid will pass with the raw material extracted it doesn’t work to just buy mete- BOYLE continued from page 2 close (according to NASA) to Earth. from asteroids. “While we were orites. It would cost more than a modern technology. These included tors to specific days in the London Its name is 99942 Apophis, and rely- at the Sheraton, I came up with a billion dollars for a ton. And no “the prolongation of life” and “the home he shared with his sister ing heavily on his physics back- way to do it. There were no similar one would dream of gathering all art of flying,” as well as “making Katherine Jones, Lady Ranelagh — ground, he began calculating how to technologies,” he says. The team of the meteorites and grinding them armour light and extremely hard” who shared his interest in science to change the trajectory of the asteroid filed a patent that day, for what down,” he says, somewhat jokingly. and “potent drugs to alter or exalt such an extent that they edited each or capture it entirely. This involved Covey dubbed the MicroGravity “My job for DSI is to develop the imagination.” Almost all of his other’s manuscripts. But he contin- identifying one of the asteroid’s Foundry. “It is the first 3-D printer right mineral composition and turn proposed inventions exist in some ued working privately on chemical “gravitational keyholes.” If an aster- that creates high-density, high- the simulants into the right textures form today. experiments for the next 20 years, oid passes through a small patch of strength metal components even so they resemble actual asteroids.” While he helped usher in the “as a kind of Hermetic legacy to space (the keyhole) just “behind” a in zero gravity,” he later wrote One of the subjects that Covey age of modern science, Boyle had studious disciples of that art.” He planet in that planet’s motion around in a statement. “Other metal 3-D dreams about is human habitation in a mystical bent, ever since he wit- died of paralysis on December 31, the sun, the planet’s gravitational printers sinter powdered metal, the solar system. “Now I’m working nessed a particularly striking thun- 1691, one week after his sister. force changes the asteroid’s orbit, which requires a gravity field and on space settlement, which is my derstorm while traveling through And he contributed to science from and a future pass through the same leaves a porous structure, or they real passion,” he says. “I’m a big Europe as a young man. He was a beyond the grave, endowing the keyhole may cause an impact on use low-melting-point metals with believer in asteroid mining, but it’s a practicing alchemist, believing it Boyle Lecture series. the planet. less strength.” way of supporting space settlement.” was possible to transmute metals, Recommended Reading: “I proposed targeting a keyhole And a few days later, at the end With an eye on capturing asteroid even helping to repeal a statute pro- Brush, Stephen G. The Kinetic Theory that would pass close to the Moon of the 2012 conference, Covey and resources and bringing them to near- hibiting multiplying gold and sil- of Gases: An Anthology of Classic Pa- in 2030 for a gravitational sling- five other members of the Asteroid Earth orbit, DSI could then develop ver, just in case he should succeed. pers with Historical Commentary. His- shot to capture Apophis into a very Mining Group met with some busi- products from those resources. For By 1669, Boyle’s always frail tory of Modern Physical Vol 1. Imperial College Press, 2003. high Earth orbit,” he says. “I rec- ness executives and engineers, and example, in principle, if the hydro- health declined precipitously, to ognized we can send a spacecraft together the group agreed to start gen and oxygen molecules from the the point where he was unable to Canny, Nicholas, The Upstart Earl: a Study of the Social and Mental World up and make a small adjustment Deep Space Industries (DSI). “It water in the rock could be converted continue his involvement with the of Richard Boyle. Cambridge: Cam- to put it into a very high Earth moved quickly.” By the end of into rocket fuel without breaking Royal Society, and he limited visi- bridge University Press, 1982. orbit for further study, or push it the year it was incorporated, and MINING continued on page 4 4 • December 2016

Letters Education & Diversity Update Members may submit letters to [email protected]. APS reserves the right to select letters and edit for length and clarity. 2017 APS March Meeting Childcare Grant: Application Dead- line — January 10 What Robert Brown actually saw The APS Committee on the Status of Women in Physics (CSWP) offers The recent article on Robert tions with great avidity, which is and physics of Brown’s discovery, small grants up to $400 for meeting attendees who are bringing small Brown’s discovery of Brownian why the motion is named after him. detailed at children to a meeting or who incur extra expenses in leaving their children motion (APS News, “This Month A major reason is that the round Research/Brownian/index.html at home (i.e., extra daycare or babysitting services). Apply now at in Physics History,” August/ particles he saw appeared to be This site also contains three September 2016) states “Within all the same size. This made him brief videos of pollen bursting and those grains of pollen he noticed think for a while that, as atoms are the resulting Brownian motion, 2017 Joint Graduate Education and Bridge Program even smaller particles jiggling in the fundamental building blocks instructions how to build a micro- Conference: Registration Deadline — January 20 The 2017 Joint Graduate Education and Bridge Program Conference will seemingly random motions, as if of inorganic matter, he had found scope like Brown's from a readily they were alive.” the fundamental building blocks of be held on February 10 - 12 in College Park, Maryland. This conference available “ball lens,” and photo- That is incorrect. In a quest organic matter — until he eventu- will feature a graduate student poster session, networking opportunities, graphs and analysis of observa- to understand plant reproduc- ally found that all kinds of inor- plenary talks on physics graduate education, and panels and discussions tions made with this microscope, a tion, Brown had put some trian- ganic matter too, if ground small on diversity. Register now at gular shaped pollen of the plant enough (including a fragment of modern optical microscope and an Clarkia Pulchella into water. He the sphinx!), would move similarly. electron microscope. 2017 PhysTEC Conference: Registration is Now Open saw through his high-powered Actually, the round particles are A portion of the particularly The 2017 Physics Teacher Education Coalition Conference will take place one-lens microscope that the pol- not all the same size, but are smaller physics-oriented material on this February 17 - 18 in Atlanta, GA. The annual conference of the Physics len burst at the corners. It ejected than the wavelength of light, and website was published as “What Teacher Education Coalition (PhysTEC) is the nation's largest meeting two kinds of particles, round ones Brown was observing their Airy Brown saw and you can too,” by dedicated to the education of future physics teachers, and features work- and oblong ones, which then pro- diffraction disc. This point, as well P. Pearle, B. Collett, K. Bart, D. shops on best practices and panel discussions by national leaders, as ceeded to undergo what we now as identification of the round par- Bilderback, D. Newman and S. well as excellent networking opportunities for physics teacher educators. call Brownian motion in the water. ticles (spherosomes, fat containers) Samuels, Am. J. Phys. 78, 1278 Register now at The fluid in the pollen is too vis- and oblong particles (amyloplasts, (2010). Meet the November Woman of the Month cous to allow Brownian motion to starch containers) were made for Chiara M. F. Mingarelli is an Italo-Canadian gravitational-wave astro- be observed within the pollen. the first time as part of an inves- Phil Pearle physicist, currently based at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy Brown pursued these observa- tigation into the history, botany Clinton, NY, (previously she was at Caltech), where she holds a Marie Curie Fellow- ship. Mingarelli received her Ph.D from the University of Birmingham (UK) in 2014. Her core research uses pulsar timing Palestine Advanced Physics School arrays to detect low-frequency gravitational I was delighted to hear about ing access to students from Gaza. the exception, especially given the waves and electromagnetic counterparts such the new Palestinian Advanced While it may be unfortunate that tough neighborhood in which it is as fast radio bursts. Mingarelli's thesis was Physics School in West Bank, as the Palestinian territories are not situated. published in the Springer Thesis Series (2015), described in the APS News article simply connected, I don’t think that Wishing the best of luck to the and she is the recipient of numerous grants by Rachel Gaal. The Palestinians anyone would reasonably advocate new school, with hope that their from the Royal Astronomical Society and the deserve a higher education as much for an open border policy at this travel complications are soon UK for both research and as anyone else. It was a shame that time. Nobody expects the United resolved. outreach. She has written an invited guest the article had to be political in States — or any other country for article for Scientific American, and contributes Chiara M. F. Mingarelli nature, discussing how the so called that matter — to have open borders, Dov Rhodes to Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls website. “Israeli occupation” is prevent- so I can’t see why Israel should be Falls Church, NY Nominate the next Woman Physicist of the Month at women/ ******** The article by Rachel Gaal ing the human right to higher edu- via Hamas’ founding charter and CSWP Grants Funding to Women in Physics Groups entitled “First Palestine Advanced cation is disturbingly misplaced. the organization of its society to the Congratulations to Women in Physics (WiP) groups at City College New Physics School” in the October Within its region, Israel is the only destruction of Israel. Nonetheless, York, Colby College, Drexel University, Georgia Tech, Rutgers, University issue of APS News, tells of two suc- nation with successful affirmative Israel does grant travel permits of Colorado Boulder, University of Northern Iowa, University of Oregon, cessful gatherings of Palestinian action policies that have brought for travel into Israel. It is hard to University of Wisconsin — Madison, Western Washington University, and students to hear about recent devel- diversity and broad access to higher know why these were not granted the Virginia Military Institute! Each of these groups recently received opments in physics. Requests by education. Judgments regarding in this case. But it might well have funding from the APS Committee on the Status of Women in Physics to three students from Gaza to cross travel to conferences in the Middle been because citizens of Gaza are improve recruitment and retention of women in physics through the through Israel to attend one of the East cannot be made in isolation taught, starting in kindergarten, that establishment of new WiP groups, expansion or strengthening of existing conferences were denied by Israel. but must be balanced by the com- killing Jews is the way to glorious groups, and improvement in sustainability within new and existing groups. This prompted David Marsh, one of plexities of the security situation martyrdom. It is regrettable that Applications are due in October of each year. More information about the organizers of one of the confer- in the region. the right of a nation to defend its these grants can be found at ences, to write: Unfortunately, the students citizens becomes for some an abuse 1,600 Students Expected in January 2017 for Conferences for “Access to higher education is a could not simply apply for a visa of human rights when that nation Undergraduate Women in Physics human right, and it is deeply regret- to travel through Israel to the con- is Israel. This year, we received over 1,800 applications to APS Conferences for table that this right is not respected ference since Gaza does not have Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP), which will take place simul- by the ongoing Israeli occupation.” diplomatic relations with Israel. Azriel Genack taneously on January 13 - 15 at ten sites across the United States and The censure of Israel for violat- This is because Gaza is committed Flushing, NY Canada. We look forward to providing over 1,600 undergraduate women with the opportunity to experience a professional conference, information MINING continued from page 3 about graduate school and professions in physics, and access to other the bank, this could allow regular ores and the concentrates we take selves as a commodity dealer. We women in physics of all ages with whom they can share experiences, travel to Mars and beyond. “Our from the asteroids to the marketplace are the grocery store of the [next] advice, and ideas. For more information about getting involved with a expectation is that we will bring the of Earth,” he says. “We view our- gold rush.” local CUWiP, please contact the local site organizers or [email protected]

SPEAKERS continued from page 1 cists.” Bender will speak during on the topics of “The Future of Edward A. Bouchet Theoretical Nuclear Physics — Joseph Award - James Timbie - Technical the “Dannie Heineman Prize and Higgs physics,” “Extended Higgs Award — Enrico J. Ramirez-Ruiz, Carlson, “Development of quantum Dimensions of Arms Control and Henry Primakoff Award Session” Sectors,” “Beyond the Standard “Heavy element synthesis in the monte carlo techniques” Non-Proliferation Agreements on Saturday, January 28. Model,” and the implications of Universe” W.K.H. John Wheatley Award — Neil The four coauthors of “The an “M-Theory world.” Joseph Burton Forum Award in Experimental Particle G. Turok, “How Physics Can Help Higgs Hunter’s Guide” were Below is a list of invited spring - Rush Holt - “Science Policy in the Physics — , “The Long Africa Transform, from a Problem the recipients of the 2017 J. J. 2017 prize and award winners who 21st Century” Journey to the : ATLAS,” to an Opportunity” Sakurai Prize for Theoretical will be presenting their work at the Excellence in Physics and , “The Long Robert R. Wilson Prize for . Sally Dawson of April Meeting. Visit the meeting Education Award — Howard Journey to the Higgs boson: CMS” Achievement in the Physics of Brookhaven National Laboratory, webiste for information on their Matis, “Contemporary Physics Francis M. Pipkin Award Particle Accelerators — James John F. Gunion of the University of scheduled sessions. Education Project (CPEP) — an — Jens Dilling, “Nuclear physics Bjorken, “A Quantum Field California, Davis, Howard E. Haber Hans A. Bethe Prize — Stuart organization dedicated to present- mysteries revealed by precision ion of the University of California, L. Shapiro, “Cosmic Collisions ing the latest physics discoveries trap measurements” Theory Approach to Intrabeam Santa Cruz, and Gordon L. Kane Online — Compact Binary in an understandable and color- Henry Primakoff Award Scattering,” Sekazi Mtingwa, “High of the University of Michigan, Mergers, Gravitational Waves and ful style” for Early-Career Particle Energy Approximations to IBS & were honored for their “instru- Gamma-Ray Bursts” Einstein Prize — Robert Physics — Tracy R. Slatyer, Current Applications,”and Anton mental contributions to the theory Tom W. Bonner Prize in M. Wald, “Black Holes, “Constraint on the properties of Piwinski, “Intrabeam Scattering of the Higgs boson.” Each recipi- Nuclear Physics — Charles F. Thermodynamics, and dark matter using astrophysical and and Touschek Effect” ent will give a lecture in the same Perdrisat, “The Elastic Form Quantum Theory” cosmological datasets” 2017 April Meeting website: session on Monday, January 30, Factors of the Nucleon” Herman Feshbach Prize in Leo Szilard Lectureship December 2016 • 5

International News Theoretical Physics is Much More than Equations: Origins of the African School for Electronic Structure Methods and Applications By Richard M. Martin

This story begins in 1987 when I fill its opportunity to build up moved to the University of Illinois science in sub-Saharan Africa. at Urbana-Champaign, where one Chetty had become president of my first students was Nithaya of the South African Institute of Paul Koutayi Chetty. He had grown up as “col- Physics and the first deputy direc- ored” in South Africa under apart- tor of the new National Institute for heid, where success required the Theoretical Physics, among other drive and strength that would also roles. Scientists at the International be needed years later. He excelled Centre for Theoretical Physics in school and was awarded a (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy, notably Fulbright fellowship that brought Sandro Scandolo, were committed him to the University of Illinois. to work in developing countries. After postdocs in Denmark and at In addition, they had developed Brookhaven, he returned to South computational codes for density Africa in 1995 (after the end of functional calculations along with apartheid) with the ambition to tutorials and workshop materi- improve science education in South als. Density functional theory had Africa and indeed in all of Africa. become one of the most widely- Meanwhile I became involved in applied methods in physics with a program to provide clean water in increasing impact in chemistry, Malawi, Africa, one of the poorest materials science, and other fields. countries in the world. Our paths ASESMA emerged from the con- Group Photo for ASESMA 2016 in Accra, Ghana, showing officials of the University of Ghana, participants, mentors came together again in 1997, when viction that first-rate science could and the lecturers who could be present the first day (The author is near the front in the red shirt.) I had the opportunity to travel to be done with limited resources by laborations and build up scientific and Scandolo. Through the years developing new expertise and also South Africa for a physics confer- African researchers if they had the infrastructure. the workshops have been sup- helping the new students. In each ence in the area of research that opportunity to learn and work side- The foundation for a series ported by the ICTP and other agen- case there have been participants Chetty and I share. I went on to by-side with others in the global of workshops until 2020 was the cies, including the South African from at least 10 different countries, Malawi to help start the program endeavor of science! endorsement by the International National Institute for Theoretical with 13 sub-Saharan countries for water wells. From this point on The initial ASESMA workshop Union for Pure and Applied Physics Physics and the APS Division of represented at the 2016 school in Chetty and I were drawn to work was held in 2008 at the African (IUPAP). This a story of how Computational Physics. Ghana. (See photo.) There are now together because of our shared Institute for Mathematical Sciences diverse physicists together make Up to now ASESMA workshops several groups actively working on belief in the value of education and in Cape Town, organized by Chetty, a difference. The joint support by have been held in Cape Town in electronic structure problems in the need to provide opportunities Scandolo, and myself, along with IUPAP commissions on physics 2010, Eldoret, in 2012, various parts of Africa, and mini- for people in the developing coun- Daniel Joubert, a professor at the development, computational phys- Johannesburg in 2015, and Accra, ASESMA meetings have been held tries of Africa — whether access to University of the Witwatersrand ics, physics education, and structure Ghana in 2016. (Unfortunately in Khartoum and Brazzaville. clean water or access to the world in Johannesburg. Students and and dynamics of condensed matter the 2014 school in Abuja, Nigeria Each ASESMA workshop has of research in physics. scientists from many countries came about only because of people was cancelled due to the vio- involved outstanding scientists The African School on attended. After the workshop con- like Peter Borcherds (University lence in Nigeria and rescheduled from developed countries who gave Electronic Structure Methods and cluded, it became clear that many of Birmingham in England), Jim in Johannesburg.) Each school their time and in many cases pro- Applications (ASESMA) grew of the participants needed further Gubernatis (Los Alamos National enrolls about 40 participants; vided their own support. One aspect out of a confluence of events in help and interaction. This led to Laboratory) and Kennedy Reed approximately half are attending of ASESMA that is particularly the years leading up to 2008. the vision of a series of workshops (Lawrence Livermore National their first workshop, and half are notable is the role of “mentors,” South Africa was working to ful- held every two years to foster col- Laboratory), along with Chetty returning participants, who are ASESMA continued on page 6

CIFS BRIEFS continued from page 3 attending the APS April Meeting quently passed legislation to in Washington, D.C., January 28 - reorganize the Russian Academy 31, 2017, are encouraged to attend of Sciences (RAS). Many critics SITE continued from page 1 of the legislation had claimed that the Coalition meeting, which will Albert Einstein, who joined as one the U.S. When a site is chosen, a that stemmed from the Institute was it would inhibit the independence also be held in Washington, D.C., of the Institute’s first professors just ceremony is arranged at which a John von Neumann’s Electronic of the RAS as well as counteract at AAAS headquarters. three years after its establishment. plaque is presented by members of Computer Project. With no labora- its attempts to uphold the high The AAAS Science and Human Einstein remained at the Institute the APS presidential line. tory facilities at Neumann’s arrival standards of Russian science. In Rights Coalition is a network of until his death in 1955, leaving a “The APS historic sites ini- in 1945, his idea was forced to response to his views concerning scientific associations and societies 20-year legacy in the history of the tiative started 12 years ago, and slowly take shape in the basement the controversial legislation, world- that facilitates communication and Institute’s growth and reputation. since then it has recognized about of the Institute's Fuld Hall. renowned experimental physicist cooperation on the topic of human “One thing Einstein did here 40 sites around the U.S.,” Kirby “[John von Neumann, Oswald Mikhail Danilov was forced to rights both within the scientific was his work on the EPR (Einstein- continued. “Its focus is on bringing Veblen, and Frank Aydelotte] were community as well as between the resign his position as Deputy proposing to do what we take for Director for Particle Physics at Podolsky-Rosen Paradox), so I feel significant events in physics to the human rights and scientific com- in some sense we are appropriately public's attention, which I think is granted today — they wanted to munities. Coalition members rec- the Institute for Theoretical and build a global model of all the (ITEP) in awarding the entangled lives of a great tradition.” ognize that there is a connection European and American physics,” Author and historian George weather in the world,” explained Moscow. He was subsequently Dyson. “This grand vision, that the between science and human rights joked the Director of the Institute, Dyson gave a public lecture at the fired from ITEP in 2015. Despite weather in the world could be mod- and that scientists have an impor- Robbert Dijkgraaf, at the ceremony. ceremony. His father, Freeman these circumstances, CIFS is eled inside these digital vacuum tant role to play in the realization “As many of you know, a year Dyson (who attended the cere- pleased to report that Danilov was tubes faster than the weather itself of human rights. ago we had a celebration of the first mony), joined the Institute as pro- recently elected Academician of … [to eventually] run the model APS-EPS joint site in Switzerland fessor of physics in 1953. George Mikhail Danilov the RAS. We congratulate him and and then make predictions.” In 2013, CIFS watched with thank him for his commitment to at the Einstein House,” added APS was born the same year, and even- In recognition of the joint honor, concern when the Russian gov- science, especially under difficult CEO Kate Kirby. “Now to a certain tually became the Director’s Visitor the president of EPS Christophe ernment proposed and subse- circumstances. extent, this [ceremony] completes at IAS between 2002 and 2003, Rossel presented both Neal and the journey of Einstein here to the where he spent his time exploring Dijkgraff with individual cop- U.S., and we are delighted to be the Institute’s archives. ies of Albert Einstein: Those recognizing the Institute.” His presentation, titled “The Happy Bernese Years, by Ann M. Created in 2004, the APS Institute for Advanced Study: The Hentschel, Gerd Grasshoff, and APS News online Historic Sites Initiative was started First 100 Years,” encapsulated his Karl Wolfgang Graff. by the APS Executive Board to story of how and why the Institute The plaque is located at the raise public awareness of phys- came into being. As a witness to his- entrance of Bloomberg Hall, and ics. In pursuit of this mission, the torical firsts in science research and was officially commemorated on Society established a Historic Sites significant events at the Institute, he November 9, 2016. To watch the selection committee to evaluate attracted a large crowd. recorded lecture, visit the IAS web- potential historic physics sites in One of the major innovations page at 6 • December 2016

TRUMP continued from page 1 RESEARCH continued on page 1

expect [some] to survive in one mented Goldston during the AAAS Physics “Connecting the Bright and way or another into the future.” webinar. “In terms of budget, the Dark Sides of Galaxies” by Arthur Initiatives related to climate greatest determining factor in the Kosowsky at change, including the Clean size of research spending is what Diamond May Be Graphene’s Appl. Phys. Lett. Energy Investment Initiative and happens to [the] budget for domes- Best Friend the National Climate Assessment, tic spending as a whole.” Researchers have grown high- face stronger political headwinds; The settled budget for Fiscal quality graphene sheets on the sur- Trump’s plan to cancel billions in Year 2017 tops out at just over $4 face of a diamond crystal, offering payments to U.N. climate change trillion, with over half allocated a robust new method for engineer- programs and instead use the for mandatory spending, and about ing graphene devices. Graphene is money to fix America’s water and $1.2 trillion left over for discretion- a one-atom-thick layer of carbon High-quality graphene has been grown on diamond substrates. environmental infrastructure is ary costs. Trump’s “Penny Plan” with amazing properties, such as likely based on his statement in sci- to shrink all non-defense discre- high electron mobility, that make flux of cosmic rays breached Earth’s 3D Holography From All that “There is still tionary spending by one percent it potentially useful for touch- magnetosphere on June 21, 2015, Angles much that needs to be investigated per year, as opposed to letting the screens, solar cells, and many following a violent solar flare, as Star Wars fans rejoice! Tabletop in the field of ‘climate change.’” whole budget grow roughly with other electronic applications. reported in Physical Review Letters holograms like those of the Jedi In social media venues, Trump has inflation, could likewise force fed- However, one challenge has been by Mohanty et al. ( knights in faraway galaxies are stated his belief that human-caused eral R&D spending to shrink in finding a suitable support material. PhysRevLett.117.171101). The starting to approach reality now climate change is a “hoax,” how- relation to defense budgets. Over Simply placing graphene on top magnetosphere acts as a protective that researchers have created a ever in a recent New York Times half of the discretionary budget of an insulator, like silicon diox- shield, deflecting bursts of plasma 360-degree holographic viewing interview he said that there is goes to military funding, and the ide, can degrade its properties, ejected from the Sun that cause experience. Lim et al. published electromagnetic disruptions on “some connectivity” between cli- rest must pay for all other domes- whereas growing it directly on a their results in Optics Express Earth. On this date, the geomag- mate change and human activity. tic projects. The resulting effect on substrate, such as silicon carbide, (DOI: 10.1364/OE.24.024999) netic storm was powerful enough Funding for climate research funding for federal science agen- can introduce defects. As reported describing an optical system con- may end up shrinking or being cies has become a hot topic among to knock out radio transmission in Applied Physics Letters (dx. sisting of four high-speed digital left for private funders to pick young researchers concerned about in North and South America and, Gu micromirror displays that formed up, given that the Competitive their future grant proposals. et al. doped a single crystal of dia- researchers observed a two-hour cosmic-ray shower. Numerical a holographic image. This image Enterprise Institute’s Myron Ebell “Grants from scientific funding mond with boron atoms. They were simulations performed by the is sent through a rotating mirror will head Trump’s Environmental agencies, such as NSF, tend to be guided by their own first-principles GRAPES-3 collaboration, which system that sweeps it horizontally Protection Agency (EPA) transition three to five years in duration, so calculations, which showed that includes researchers from India and so that viewers can see it from any team. The future of EPA is uncer- any effect, especially a decrease, carefully controlled boron doping Japan, suggest that the burst of cos- position while walking around the tain, and there is related concern will be spread out over several can deform the crystal lattice such mic rays was able to enter because device. The resulting hologram about Ebell’s intentions if he serves years,” assured Rohlfing during that the diamond surface forms a the geomagnetic storm temporarily in the administration. A C-Span the AAAS webinar. hexagonal structure — ideal for was just over an inch in size, so weakened Earth’s polar magnetic interview back in August 2015 fea- Holt added, “I think it depends graphene growth. Using chemi- the team used additional optics to field. This vulnerability can occur tured Ebell asking for more funding how soon the administration cal vapor deposition, the team magnify it, almost tripling its size. when magnetized plasma from the for coal companies to “combat the appoints a science advisor and what produced single-layer, as well Since this magnification system Sun deforms Earth’s magnetic field, nonsense put out by the environ- kind of portfolio they are given.” as multilayer, graphene on their was composed of two confocal par- stretching its shape at the poles and mental movement.” He has urged Trump to “appoint a abolic mirrors, the optical rays exit- doped diamond. Spectral analysis diminishing its ability to deflect For other areas of science, and respected scientist or engineer” as ing such mirrors would be distorted revealed no sign of defects in the charged particles. The analysis per- especially the physical sciences, the director of the Office of Science at the angle of the observer. To get graphene, and electronic measure- formed by the GRAPES-3 research- it is hard to estimate where things and Technology Policy (OSTP) for ments confirmed that the sheets ers suggest that this is exactly what around this, the team inserted an are headed. The Trump campaign immediate input on decision-mak- featured high electron mobility. happened following the solar flare, aspheric lens between the mir- did not respond to APS’ five ques- ing in his early administration. The Cosmic Rays Punch Through allowing the cosmic-ray breach rors, which compensated for the tions on topics of interest to the AAAS recently teamed up with the Earth’s Magnetic Barrier that their telescope detected. (For distortion. The next challenges to physics community in September leaders of 29 U.S. scientific and New observations from the more, see the Synopsis “A Crack undertake are reducing the system 2016. And the APS Physics Policy higher education organizations, GRAPES-3 cosmic-ray telescope in Earth’s Protective Shield” in to a practical size and adapting it Committee is now preparing a including APS, to formally ask the in India show that an unusually high Physics at to full-color operation. “transition document” with a list President-elect to “quickly appoint of science policy recommendations a nationally respected leader with for the new administration. appropriate engineering, scientific, Pieces of the NASA puzzle management and policy skills to ASESMA continued from page 5 are slowly fitting together, with serve as Assistant to the President Trump’s recent announcement for Science and Technology”, and advanced students and postdocs overflowing appreciation by the like “best all around” and “most that Christopher Shank will head requested a meeting to suggest can- who work with the participants, participants!) improved,” one of the best is “most the transition in space activity. didates to fill the role. providing a much richer and more Bringing together people from joyful,” which represents a vital Known as an “insider” to space Besides a statement reported valuable experience than just lis- many African countries has effects aspect of ASESMA! agencies, Shank worked for NASA by that Trump tening to lecturers. At first all the I did not anticipate. For example, Further information on between 2005 and 2009, where he wants to commit to “invest[ing] in mentors were from Europe and the the organizers of the 2016 school ASESMA can be found at the was responsible for the agencies’ science, engineering, health care, United States, but increasingly they arranged an excursion to the oldest website which is budget and strategic communica- and other areas,” there is little evi- are experienced Africans. More “slave castle,” Elmina Castle near maintained by Sinead Griffin, one tions. This choice comes to a relief dence to gauge Trump’s plans for senior leadership is also increas- Cape Coast, Ghana, where slaves of the outstanding mentors. There for many worried about Trump’s pushing forward with science R&D ing, most notably George Amolo, were held until they were loaded are also articles in Physics Today, plans to shift NASA research away that is federally funded. who organized ASESMA in Kenya onto ships for the Americas, at least Nature Physics, the newsletter of from earth science research to space The American Institute of in 2012 and who is now the head of those who survived the wretched the APS Forum on International exploration. Bob Walker, a senior Physics (AIP) science policy bul- its Executive Committee. slave dungeons. It was the first time Physics, and other publications. Trump campaign advisor, told letin, FYI, is also involved in post- ASESMA has been a reward- that most of the African participants Links to the articles are given at The Guardian that “Earth-centric election analysis. Mike Henry (the ing experience for everyone from other countries had visited the ASESMA website. science is better placed at other director of science policy for AIP) involved. I have been the primary such places, and it was a moving Richard M. Martin is retired agencies where it is their prime and his team of policy analysts organizer of the program, and it experience to be with them. On a from the Department of Physics at mission.” are looking back on the roles of is heartwarming to get the mes- happier note, the spirit of the par- the University of Illinois at Urbana- Among other clues are Trump’s past OSTP directors to best assess sages from lecturers and mentors ticipants has shown through at each Champaign and is an adjunct pro- statements in Aerospace America’s what the science advisor’s role will saying “Thank you for getting me school. In addition to traditional fessor in the Department of Applied “10 Questions for the Candidates”, look like: involved!” (not to speak of the awards at the end of the school, Physics at Stanford University. where he asserted his priority is “to “Beginning with Franklin restore a strong economic base” to Roosevelt, who was advised by the country. “Then, we can have a Vannevar Bush, every president Some notable advocates of R&D, only at the cabinet level … but at improving people’s lives,” he stated discussion about spending… [And] has had a science advisor,” Henry like Senator Barbara Mikulski some of the less visible levels,” at the beginning of the webinar. we can take a look at the time- told APS News. “Since 1976, the (D-MD) and Representative Mike Goldston added. “[Trump has] 4000 For now, many questions will line for sending more people into advisor has also served as direc- Honda (D-CA), will not be return- appointments he can make … those remain unanswered until Trump space,” he told Aerospace America. tor of the White House Office of ing after the lame-duck session people really make a difference.” and his team publicly announce Spending as a whole for R&D Science and Technology Policy. concludes. Mikulski announced her Holt pushed the webinar audi- their appointments. covers much more than space Whether Trump continues this long retirement at the beginning of the ence to participate and get involved. exploration — scores of govern- presidential tradition and elevates fiscal year 2016, while Honda lost “The current transition is an excel- Additional Resources ment funding agencies supply the role of science in the nation’s his re-election bid, and now their lent opportunity for young scien- The AAAS webinar is archived money for the biological, geo- governance remains to be seen. … positions on the committees that tists and engineers to engage now online: logical, and technology-driven A big question is whether this will appropriate science funding are up with the public and many differ- AIP’s Federal Science Budget research, to name a few. change when Trump is in office and for grabs. ent audiences, to explain the work Tracker: “I think there [are] a couple would benefit from the counsel of “It really is important how an you do, and why it’s important for APS Office of Public Affairs: of things to keep in mind,” com- scientists.” administration is populated, not expanding human knowledge and December 2016 • 7 ANNOUNCEMENTS

Reviews of Modern Physics Strangeness in nuclear physics A. Gal, E. V. Hungerford, and D. J. Millener

Everyday matter is made of the lightest up and down quarks. The strange quark is the third lightest of all quarks. Strangeness, a property of particles associated with the number of strange quarks, preceded the theory and discovery of the quark by about two decades. Recent experimental and theoretical developments in the field of strangeness in nuclei are reviewed. Topics include the production of strange particles, properties of hypernuclei, and strange dense matter.

2017 - 2018 APS Congressional Science Fellowship

THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY is currently accepting applications for the Congressional Science Fellowship Program. Fellows serve one year on the staff of a senator, representative or congressional committee. They are afforded an opportunity to learn the legislative process and explore science policy issues from the lawmakers’ perspective. In turn, Fellows have the opportunity to lend scientific and technical expertise to public policy issues. QUALIFICATIONS include a Ph.D. or equivalent in physics or a closely related field, a strong interest in science and technology policy and, ideally, some experience in applying scientific knowledge toward the solution of societal problems. Fellows are required to be members of the APS. TERM OF APPOINTMENT is one year, beginning in September of 2017 with participation in a two week orientation sponsored by AAAS. Fellows have considerable choice in congressional assignments. A STIPEND is offered in addition to allowances for relocation, in-service travel, and health insurance premiums. APPLICATION should consist of a letter of intent of no more than two pages, a two-page resume with one additional page for publications, and three letters of reference. For detailed information on materials required for applying and additional program information visit

All application materials must be submitted online by 5:00 PM EST on January 13, 2017.


Currently accepting new faculty mentors & undergraduate mentees! Learn more about the benefits and join online. 8 • December 2016

Celebrating a Century of Optics Innovation – Parallels of OSA and APS By Robert L. Byer

hysics and optics have always been intertwined. APS Pwas founded in 1899 and The Optical Society (OSA) OSA in 1916 for similar purposes — to share research and offer opportunities for collaboration, thereby expanding the field of knowledge and raising the visibility of science. It was amid the backdrop of World War I that OSA’s founder and optical physicist Perley G. Nutting, who had recently joined Eastman Kodak from the U.S. Bureau of Standards, was inspired to improve collaboration among industry, government, and academia to address changing market conditions. The United States lacked its own optical glass and optical manufacturing infrastructure, and scientific collaboration was a challenge. Nutting, along with 30 charter members including Adolph Lomb, who served as OSA’s treasurer until his death in 1932, created a professional society to focus on advancing applied optics organized around the themes of photography, vision, optical materials and optical instruments. Since that time, you could argue that optics has changed everything. Barcodes make shopping a breeze. MRIs detect injury and disease. Cameras capture life on Facebook and Instagram, as well as speeding cars. Telescopes found how big our universe really is and discovered that Pluto is a dwarf planet. Lasers confirmed the presence of gravitational waves, remove wrinkles from our skin, and restore our vision. Sensors adjust the headlights on a car, change the lighting in a room, and provide security. LIDAR systems guide autono- mous vehicles. And these are but a few recent examples. For the last century, The Optical Society and its more than 19,275 global members have been at the forefront of these innova- OSA CEO Liz Rogan, OSA President Alan Willner and U.S. Congresswoman Louise Slaughter pose with Nobel Laureates and students from East High School in Rochester after the Light the Future centennial program featuring futurist Michio Kaku on tions — and often in partnership with APS colleagues, who October 20, 2016. number more than 50,000 around the world. global scientific enterprise, and their volunteer leadership ing that the voice of scientists are represented in the crafting Highlights in the Science of Light and Physics reflects the diversity of their membership. of science policy. Optics and physics share many historical firsts and com- Although US-based societies, they actively foster a global While an anniversary is time to reflect on the achievements mon theoretical foundations. Among the many in color, spec- reach in physics and optics through conference program- of the past, it is also an opportunity to address the future and troscopy, and optical fabrication, a few seminal discoveries ming, journals, and awards. To engage the next generation potential challenges. For example, there remains a need to are worth highlighting. Many more are listed on a timeline of leaders, OSA and APS invest in students and early career take special steps to support the scientific enterprise in less celebrating the 100th anniversary of The Optical Society. professionals providing travel grants, awards, mentorship, developed countries in the world. The continuing evolution Einstein earned the 1921 in Physics for his and other professional development opportunities. The first of the publishing enterprise and the push for open access to work on the photoelectric effect, which described light, for the OSA student chapter was founded in 1982 in Rochester, scientific research also has the potential to impact all non- first time, in terms of photons rather than waves. Einstein’s NY. Today, there are more than 350 student chapters around profit scientific societies. These and the continuing efforts prediction of the existence of gravitational waves in 1916 the world. to explain the fundamental benefits of scientific research to was confirmed by LIGO using a quantum noise-limited ring Both societies have also committed to advancing gen- our economy, security, and quality of life are central to the laser (NPRO, invented by R. L. Byer) 100 years later in der diversity in the sciences and helping women in STEM mission of both societies. 2016. Max Planck won the 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics for through programming and advocacy. APS and OSA are his discovery that energy flowed in discrete packets that he As a past president of OSA and APS, as well as a mem- professionally managed by chief executive officers (CEOs) ber of OSA’s Centennial Advisory Panel, I’m proud to have described as quanta — signaling the shift between classical who have a long and successful history with their respective and quantum physics. Planck’s constant, h, determines the served the optics and physics communities. The strength of societies. Liz Rogan of OSA and Kate Kirby, the first CEO membership is the individuals sharing knowledge and helping amount of energy carried by a photon, which is a quantum of APS, are exemplary role models for those interested in deliver science to local constituencies — be that a geographic of light. STEM fields of study. region or topical research area. The resources provided by In 1933, OSA established a colorimetry committee to The two societies also share a commitment to advocacy. science societies help us all deliver cutting edge research update an out-of-print report on color. This led to 20 years In the United States, their public policy programs educate and develop new applications. For more than a century, both of persistent work resulting in the landmark publication of policy makers about the importance of federal investment APS and OSA have been advancing the physical sciences. The Science of Color in 1953, which realized eight printings, in research and development and how innovation supports OSA has been the leading global society for the optics and the last in 1999 — the year of APS’ centennial. competitiveness. Both Rogan and Kirby have championed photonics community and serves to promote the generation, A few other OSA firsts: The neon sign was invented by coalitions to advance the understanding of the role of science our founder in 1904. Edwin Land, who invented the Polaroid — be it physics, optics or — with Congress and application, and archiving of knowledge in optics and pho- camera, demonstrated the technology in 1947 at an OSA federal agencies as well as the general public. The Optical tonics and to disseminate this knowledge worldwide. I’m meeting. Xerography, the commercial name given to elec- Society is a founding sponsor of the National Photonics confident that the next century holds many more paradigm trophotography developed by Chester Carlson, was demon- Initiative (NPI), a collaborative alliance among industry, shifting discoveries, and that our science societies will be strated at OSA’s annual meeting in 1948. academia, and government to raise awareness of photonics there to help navigate the path. Shared History of APS and OSA and the impact of photonics on our everyday lives; increase Robert L. Byer is Co-Director of the Stanford Photonics The Optical Society’s strength in its first half-century cooperation and coordination among U.S. industry, govern- Research Center and the William was applied optics. The post WWII “Big Science” funding ment, and academia to advance photonics-driven fields; and R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of the supported the invention of the laser in 1960, and optics came drive U.S. funding and investment in areas of photonics School of Humanities and Sciences, into to its own for basic scientific research and discovery. critical to maintaining U.S. economic competitiveness and Department of Applied Physics. He The laser also impacted the scientific ecosystem, and APS national security. APS is a sponsor of NPI. served as the president of OSA in established its Division of Laser Science (DLS) to address APS led the establishment of Science Counts, a non-profit 1994 and APS in 2012. Byer has this transformational change. The laser spawned new journals 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to enhancing the public's published more than 500 papers such as Applied Optics and meetings like CLEO, as well. awareness of, and support for, federally-funded scientific and holds 50 patents in the fields Around the same time, science as a global enterprise was research. OSA is a supporting partner. Both societies also of lasers and nonlinear optics. He expanding. By 1965, OSA’s membership grew to 4,429 mem- participate in the American Innovation Task Force and the is a fellow of OSA, APS, IEEE, bers, including 328 individuals from 38 countries outside of annual Science, Engineering, Technology Congressional AAAS, the IEEE Photonics Society, and is a member of the North America — a tenfold increase from pre-WWII levels. Visits Day, as well as sponsor Congressional Fellows who National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy Both OSA and APS recognize their unique positions in the serve as science advisors to members of Congress — ensur- of Science.

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