Year Sem. Subject Code Title of the Paper Hours/ Week 2018 -2019 Onwards III 18MBO31C PAPER VII PLANT SYSTEMATICS, RESOURCES A

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Year Sem. Subject Code Title of the Paper Hours/ Week 2018 -2019 Onwards III 18MBO31C PAPER VII PLANT SYSTEMATICS, RESOURCES A Year Sem. Subject Code Title of the paper Hours/ Week III 18MBO31C PAPER VII PLANT SYSTEMATICS, RESOURCES 7 2018 -2019 AND ETHNOBOTANY onwards Objectives: 1. To acquire the fundamental values of plant systematics 2. To know about the basic concepts and principles of plant systematics 3. To establish a suitable method for correct identification and adequate characterization of plants 4. To aware of the importance of taxonomic relationships in plant systematic studies 5. To understand the utility of different plant species 6. To have a first- hand knowledge on Economic Botany and Ethnobotany Unit – I History of classification; Systems of classification: Bentham and Hooker and Cronquist; Angiosperm Phylogeny Group 2011; International Code for Botanical Nomenclature; Typification, Valid publication, Citation, Retention choice and Rejection of names; Priority. Unit –II Plant molecular systematics; Chemotaxonomy and Numerical taxonomy; Taxonomic evidences from Morphology, Anatomy, Embryology, Palynology and Cytology; Concepts of Taxa and Taxonomic hierarchy; Construction and uses of different types of key for plant identification (indented and bracket keys); Basic concepts of Flora, Revisions, Monographs, Herbaria and Data information system; Botanical Gardens. Unit – III Comparative and detailed study of the following families: Nymphaceae, Capparidaceae Polygalaceae, Portulacaceae, Zygophyllaceae, Rhamnaceae, Sapindaceae, Combretaceae, Passiflorae, Ebenaceae, Ficodeae, Rubiaceae, Oleaceae and Boraginaceae. Unit – IV Comparative and detailed study of the following families: Bignoniaceae, Verbenaceae. Nyctaginaceae, Aristolochiaceae, Santalaceae, Scitamineae, Orchidaceae, Commelinaceae, Palmae, Aroideae and Cyperaceae. Unit – V Plant Resources: Binomials, Families, Morphology of useful parts and uses of the following: Food crops – Cereals - Wheat and Millets (Pennisetum); Pulses - Black gram; Nuts - Cashew nut; Sugar yielding plant – Sugarcane; Oil yielding plant – Sunflower; Spices – Cardamom; Beverage plant – Cocoa; Timber and pulp yielding plants- Red sandal and Eucalyptus; Fiber yielding plant – Corchorus; Fodder plant - Fodder grass (Panicum); Medicinal plant – Catharanthus; Horticultural plants – Jack fruit, Hedge plant (Duranta) , Garden plant (Gerbera); Plant for soil conservation –Lemongrass. Ethnobotany: Definition, History, Modern Ethnobotany and Ethnomedicine; An insight into the ethnobotanical practices of Indian sub-continent; A listing of the medicinal practices of two tribes of Tamil Nadu (Kurumbas and Irulas). TEXT BOOKS: 1. O.P. Sharma. (2007). Plant Taxonomy: Data McGraw-Hill Publishing Company New Delhi. 2. B.K. Verma (2011). Introduction to Taxonomy of Angiosperms: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd New Delhi. 3. V. Singh, Dr. V. Singh & Dr. D.K. Jain. (2010). Taxonomy of Angiosperms: Second Edition. Rastogi Publications Meerut India. 4. Pandey S.N. and Mishra. S.P. (2009). Taonomy of Angiosperms: Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. 5. Pandey, B.P. (2012). Taxonomy of Angiosperms: S.Chand and Company Ltd., New Delhi. 6. B.P. Pandey. (2011). College Botany Vol. I: S. Chand and Co., Ltd. New Delhi. 7. Pandey, B.P. and Anita, (2009). Economic Botany: S. Chand and Co., Ltd. New Delhi. 8. Pandey, B.P. (2010). Ethnobotany: S. Chand and Co., Ltd. New Delhi. REFERENCES: 1. Singh (2004). Plant Systematics: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., Pvt., Ltd. New Delhi. 2. A.K. Mondal (2009). Advanced plant Taxonomy: New Central Agency Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 3. Bharathi Bhattacharyya (2009). Systematic Botany: Narosa Publishing House. India. 4. N.S. Subrahmanyam, (2007). Modern Plant Taxonomy: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd New Delhi 5. Lawerence, G.H.M. (1961), Taxonomy of Vascular Plants: MacMillan and Co., New Delhi. 6. Pullaiah, T. (2007). Plant Taxonomy: Regency Publications, New Delhi. 7. Singh, G (1999). Plant Systematics – Theory and Practice: Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt Ltd., New Delhi. 35pp. 8. Kochar, S.L. (2000). Economic Botany of the Tropics: Macmillan India Pvt. Ltd. 9. Sharma, (1996). Economic Botany: Tata McGraw Hill Co., Ltd. 10. The useful Plant s of India – CSIR Publications (1986) and Information Directorate, New Delhi. 11. Verma, (1998). Ethnobotany: Rastogi Publications Meerut India. CODE: 18MB031C- U1 DR.M.CHITRA History of classification The early history of development of botanical science is nothing but a history of development of plant taxonomy. Theophrastus (372-287 BC), the Greek philosopher-scientist, placed this knowledge of plants on a scientific footing. In his “Enquiry into Plants” he dealt with the plants at large and attempted to arrange the plants in several groups. He is, therefore, called the “Father of Botany”. Pliny compiled a monu¬mental work entitled “Historia Naturalis” where he incorporated all information about plants gathered up to that time and added much to the same collected by himself from his travels far and wide. Disocorides was a contemporary of Pliny and like him travelled a lot and gathered information about medicinal plants. He compiled his famous book “Materia Medica” where he described about six hundred species of plants mentioning their local name and giving their medicinal properties. For a long period after this there was no contribution in the study of plants worth mentioning till Albert Magnus in the 13th century wrote his “De Vegetabilis” where the difference in the stem structure of Di-cotyledons and Monocotyledons was shown and the two groups were given the terms Tunicate and Corticate. Foremost among them was Otto Brunfels who published his book “Herbarium vivae Eiconis” in three volumes (1530-1536) which was profusely illus¬trated with good figures. Jerome Bock (1498-1554), another German herbalist, pub¬lished his “Nue Kreuterbuch” which contained accurate descriptions of about 600 species of flowering plants. In this book the author tried to trace the natural relation¬ship of plants while classifying them into 3 major groups, viz., herbs, shrubs, and trees and also noted the original distribution of each species. Andrea Caesalpino (1519-1603) also classified the plants on the character of their habit, viz., trees, shrubs, and herbs but also took into account the characters of ovary, fruit, and seed. He became famous for his book “De plants” in 16 volumes, the first of which contained his principles of classification. Leonard Fuchs (1501-1566), Valerius Cordus (1515-1544), Mattias de L’Obel (15381616), John Gerard (1545- 1612), and Charles L’Ecluse (1526-1909) were others who also advanced the cause of botanical science by their observations and contributions. Then the Bauhin brothers came to the field. The elder brother Jean (Johna) Bauhin (1541- 1631) wrote a book entitled “Historia plantarum universalis” which was pub¬lished after his death. Gaspard (Casper) Bauhin, the younger brother (1560-1624), published 3 botanical treatises the third one of which, viz., “Pinax theatri Botanic” . Gaspard Bauhin had formulated the idea of a genus and in many cases gave binary nomenclature to his plants. John Ray, an English naturalist (1628-1705), was the first to recognise 2 major taxa of flowering plants, viz., Dicotyledons and Monocoty¬ledons. He also tried to group the plants into several families which he called “classes”. He divided the plant kingdom first into 2 groups, viz., Herbae and Arbores. The Herbae were then divided into Imperfectae and Perfectae, the first of which included the Cryptogams and the second group, i.e., the Arbores included most of the flowering plants. The Perfectae were subdivided into Dicotyledonae and Monocotyledonae and under Dicotyledonae he placed 25 of his classes and 4 under Monocotyledonae. His system of classification came out in his book “Historia plantarum”. Joseph Pitton de Tournefort divided the plant kingdom first into 2 groups as trees and herbs and used the character of inflorescence and flower for subdividing the latter group. Then came Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778), a Swedish naturalist (also called Carl von Linne), who gave a new impetus to the study of plants. He was professor of medicine and botany in the Upsala University. The discovery of numerous plants from all over the world.. He proposed a system of classification which was published in his “Systema Naturae” (1735). In this system he used the character of stamens, i.e., the number and nature of stamens, to distinguish the 20 classes in which he divided the plant kingdom. He also used the number and nature of carpels to distinguish the orders, i.e., subdivisions of his classes. He published many botanical works of monographic and floristic nature and also books embodying his ideas of nomenclature of plants. The “Species plantarum” the first edition of which came out in 1753 contained an enumeration of all plants known to him till that date, accompanied by brief description of each species with distribution and previous reference. In this work he consistently used binary nomenclature for every species with a generic name followed by a specific epithet. The modern taxonomists have agreed to consider the year 1753 as the starting point of nomenclature of Phanerogams, Pteridophyta, and Sphagnum. In his “Philosophia Botanica” he laid down some principles which later formed the basis of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. Owing to the efforts of Linnaeus the study of Botanical science entered the modern age and Linnaeus is rightly called the “Father of Modern Botany”. As in Europe, the study of plants was started by the herbalists in other countries boasting of an ancient
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