Siemens Locomotives Sustainability on Track Our Promise and Commitment: Global Leader in Green Technologies

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Siemens Locomotives Sustainability on Track Our Promise and Commitment: Global Leader in Green Technologies Siemens locomotives Sustainability on track Our promise and commitment: Global leader in green technologies As a global technology We all agree on the urgency of pro- to be cost-effective for our customers company, we feel a shared tecting our planet and conserving the while leaving a light environmental responsibility – a commit- precious resources on which people, footprint – going above and beyond ment to help make the world animals, and plants rely for their live- current regulations. a better place through our lihood. For Siemens, these concerns expertise and solutions. are a call to duty. We see economic That’s why we’ve invested in green growth, social responsibility, and production facilities that rely on environmental protection as equal environ mentally friendly materials considerations in global free trade. and produce locomotives that are up to 98 percent recyclable. In 2012, we How can we use our natural resources were named Supersector Leader in the effectively? How can we make a lasting Dow Jones Sustainability Index and contribution to environmental protec- also won the top spot in Industrial tion? These same questions drive us in Conglomerats for the sixth year in a the development of our locomotives. row. We have delivered on our pledge Rail is the most environmentally friendly to become the global leader in green mode of transport. But that alone is not technologies through our Environmen- enough. Our locomotives are designed tal Portfolio. 2 3 Up to 98 % recyclable Vectron – a model for sustainability Green and mean: The new generation with water-cooling, and transformer of Vectron locomotive is a model in its coolants made with biodegradable class. Development has benefited from ester. numerous interviews with train opera- tors and a wealth of experience with over The Vectron unleashes its full green 1,600 Eurosprinters and Eurorunners potential when it hits the tracks. It in operation. The Vectron sets new meets even the strictest emission standards in passenger and freight guidelines for pollutants, particulate transport. matter, and noise. The disc brakes allow for low-noise braking all the way to a But its outstanding flexibility and effi- standstill. The regenerative braking Green from start to finish: ciency are just the beginning – the system can also produce energy savings With a recyclability of Vectron is truly in a class of its own of up to 25 percent, depending on the 98 percent, a retired Vectron when it comes to sustainability. That route topology. The Vectron continues electric locomotive weighing begins in the production facilities, to show its green spirit even at the end 85 t is reduced to only which are designed for energy effi- of its lifecycle: After many years of suc- 1,700 kg of non-recyclable waste – the equivalent of a ciency, and continues with a consistent cessful operation, almost nothing heads midsized European car. green theme of environmentally to the landfill – thanks to a recyclability friendly raw materials, converters of 98 percent. 85,000 kg gross weight measured in midsized cars. 1,700 kg of residual material 4 Provides energy to over 20,000 New York consumers America’s cutting edge America is a country of wide open For railroad operator Amtrak, this means spaces – and the innovative spirit of a more cost-effective fleet and up to this country is complemented by one 300 million dollars in energy savings of the world’s leading rail networks. over a 20-year lifecycle. This also means a significant reduction in CO₂ emissions The Amtrak ACS64 is based on the for a lighter carbon footprint. Vectron and Eurosprinter – adapted for the American market. It offers the efficiency one expects from a Siemens locomotive coupled with green tech- nology. The ACS64 feeds energy back into the grid while braking. The Amtrak ACS64 can feed energy back into the grid while braking. The 70 locomotives supply over 20,000 New York consumers. 20,000 consumers 5 Saves the atmosphere from 2,580 metric tons of CO₂ Australia’s energy-saver Australia also boasts wide open spaces. That’s not all: By modernizing the Top performance and ironclad reliability 3100/3200 series models – also for are an absolute must when traversing Queensland Rail – we were able to such distances. Queensland Rail repre- bring 60 electric freight locomotives sents the state of the art – as a railroad to the performance specifications of and as a steward of the environment. the current 3800 series and both The new 3800 series electric freight increase their availability and extend locomotives boast traction of 4,000 kW. their useful life another 20 years. This means that three locomotives can pull coal transports weighing Installing regenerative braking systems 13,000 metric tons – compared to in all locomotives lets them feed their the five previously required. This yields braking energy back into the grid. From five down to three: energy savings of 1,050 MWh per year. Using this option makes it possible to The 3800 series freight loco- motives are so powerful With the current energy mix in Australia, save another 2,250 MWh. This saves that only three are needed that corresponds to a reduction in CO₂ the customer money and reduces CO₂ to pull coal transports weigh- emissions of 820 metric tons annually. emissions by another 1,760 metric ing 13,000 metric tons. tons annually. Locomotive Locomotive Locomotive 60 freight cars Locomotive Locomotive 60 freight cars Locomotive Locomotive 60 freight cars Locomotive 60 freight cars 6 Saves the energy of 150,000 households with each run Australia’s China’s energy-saver energy miracle When it comes to energy savings and The latest HXd1 is able to recover environmental conservation, large energy as it brakes, producing savings projects promise the greatest successes – of 33 MWh or 25 percent per train on that’s true in China as well. A typical each round trip. This corresponds to example is the coal transports from the the energy needs of about 150,000 Datong mining district across a 620 km Chinese households – and keeps about long decline to Qinhuangdao, handled 29 metric tons of CO₂ out of the atmo- by HXd1 electric twin locomotives sphere per run. from Siemens. The HXd1 has made possible for the first time in China to pull coal transports China’s energy miracle, weighing in excess of 10,000 metric the HXd1: tons. Since the HXd1 uses double trac- It saves some 25 % and tion, each train can carry 20,000 metric 29 metric tons of CO₂ with tons of coal with fewer locomotives each run. and using much less energy. 1,240 km 33 MWh Energy for 150,000 Chinese households. 7 Siemens AG © Siemens AG 2013 Vectron®, Eurosprinter®, Eurorunner® Infrastructure & Cities Sector and Railcover® are registered trade marks Printed in Germany Rail Systems Division of Siemens AG. HL 13078141 176835 DB 09130.5 Nonnendammallee 101 The information in this document contains Dispo 21715 c4bs 1423 13629 Berlin, Germany general descriptions of the technical options Order No.: available, which do not always have to be A19100-V620-B319-V2-7600 present in individual cases. The required features should therefore be specified in each individual case at the time of closing the contract..

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