DECEMBER 8, 1941 10 Che CTacoma Times MONDAY,


M CHRISTMAS 0 .HIS KILOCYCLES ! By ADELAIDE u Kvi KIRO KOMmO KIR Kmo KTHi 1490 “eivne R 570 710 950 1000 1360 CAROL " from latest o The Tocome Times' rodio programs ore prepared stotions 'J’ for lost. ovoiloble schedules This conno! ossume responsibiiity newspoper THE STORY' When Andrew Dear- v minute [ attack his sec. 8 progrom M._ B = .| born dies of heart T retary Carol and “Santa Claus” Biil B B u Mu- i it 0 - | KTBl—News; 635 When Girl *| Reece fatthful ompl:’)\_u :;onder‘ Marries. 215 .Pnr:u , sic. 945 Sons of Pio- A MONDAY Faces Life neers. | e gl Bte “Becpie willcone Hse o Mr Wide AwnkeROMO—Hawthorne | tinue knowing that unscrupulous r 7:00 AM. manager, has i uiz; 2:15, Design For - RJR—News, 9:45, Christ-=| Mr Herrick sssistant cable playboy v | KMO-—News: 7:15, Mu- - neing Beliringers other ideas They D 215, Show- »| son Dearborn, yvachting with sical i News. Pop- - n’i‘g—souywoon Andy R Preferred. sleek Linds Julian, to return at | " - n' i| ularity ey 10.00 | once, | P. M. i - - - N gl Cotiad i . 30 P, M. W iighbor I ; 9:48, Let's , KMO-—Ted Weem's Oreh CHAPTER 111 ¢ 7:48, Briaes Masterworks of“‘ KOMO s KVI ' | The employes of the store stood A | Top o—‘ =nluo: Seren- 1 announce- lJl—Clutg'al: IRVl—Sagebrush | y Cruise {in little knots after the 7:18 | sde I—Me ‘ g 0 10:18, Dearborn’s death. Y -%", Sun- .lment of Mr. H H.& Mu- -’l‘!‘ll—l?u' 3:85, gu- gl rkplug a&nd 3 1"'-g. | sle; 2:45, Famillar Fav- 'They talked in hushed whispers - gu; | orite, ) K?lnl Garrison - Mont- 0 |' 18 7}2rm 3 “lor just stood staring. Some of the mery Fight | !xouo-am Service; ; u 7:30 A. M. 10:15, News % older ones cried, quietly, tears | | 3:48, Mary Marlin, fl§O——l¢vl. 7:45, Trade ,| Roundup. their tired faces. Like s EMO-—News: )EJR A ?“‘Houseinthe streaking N Sale, qunm. Coneert l 10:80 P. M. little Miss Fanny had been ' E =~ 7:48, Joe Hall, EV] | 'K O News; 10:45, since she wore N:vl:ANAC, M . with Dearborn's iler's /KIRO—The O'Nelils; ; l?u- Morgan ‘ l!f?- mnc. 7:88. and cash. She had 3:45 Scatiergood Baines ) —Bwing Parade ran News, 7:35, Wake Up , Ipi.'tlill Live hosiery buyer for twenty | _and | : 3:00 P, M, pius snd"Imm ROk Mel There those who com- m:‘“. gdd years. were l(ouo;—lhv;:lle7:45. Sam Hayes. KMO-—Haven of Rest. ! Sunshine up: Hlounl-‘ KJK —-q‘nuu JKVl—News;, §:O6, Timely that fingers gnarled with Tunes; y} lwcler‘hl(\mc. 10:45,b'plained Breakfast Club | RJR detracted from the 7:45, Event, rsen. 'lrheumatism ; ! ev. Jens m KIRO—Bob Gared, News. | —Melodic = 10:45, , sheer But Mr. | 745, Music; I:‘%. Il:loduo, ,KIRO |beauty of nylons. oung's ithout oWords. Weather, d Family,;m—h‘p? Lone . Dearborn said there would always 11:00 P. M. A. M. be a place for her and he had kept 8:00 ‘outm. the Book- s Bob Croshy's Or. his word. KMO-—Breakfast Club ends; l:'l‘ulcullon in e | Finai New World. g ? n'Cloc% | KVI Top of Morning.| The Christmas extras for the 'KIRO—GirI Interne; 3:15, - oReKOMO—Evening et | B:15, News Rever part looked embarrassed. One Band- .. Hedda Hopper's Holly- K J engRev. Petersen; .;vmmt KTBl—Breakfast R 8 | stand, 8:15, Trade 'N’' wood. _11:16, Tropical |of them, Mary Todd of cosmetics, | Bob BradieyHooda.and Sale. , 3:30 P. M. ® | cald, “T thought Mr. Herrick ran L KOMO Transit Tunes; | [ in Yeo. 8:15_ Victor Lindlahr. 3:45, Mu- store.” A dogen were quick to Clinic. [KMO—Studio: ' 11:30 P M. ]the KJR—Gospe! | | sical Matinee 1 ‘ |KMO--Ted Orch | deny it. o KlßO—Treat-Time, 8:15, Concert, , Weems '[KVI—-Swing them all, both old and News ,‘ \KTBI—News;, 3:35, Mu- KVI-—Final. Among |IKTBI-—Melody Crulse. “What will 8:30 A. M. sic, i new, the question was, N | | . 11:45, News, !KOHO ~— Homekeeper's Moonlight; Andy do?" Uppermost in | KMO News; 8:45, The } Calendar; 3:45, Three , KOMO—Blue i|young 11:45, Hollywood News, D - __Twig Is Bent. , | Suns_Trio ;| their minds, unspoken, each won- KVI Song Shop; 8:45,) /| 'KJR_PnnI Whiteman's KRJR-—~Btudio | Orch.; 11:55, News {dered, “Can I keep my job? What ' Morning Hymnal KIROGolden Treasury KTBII Rainbow Trio: 3:45, JohnnyKIROEasy Listening; this do to me?” | of Song. News for Alaska, 8:45 Chapel Songs Newsreel, i 11:45, ; | Forrest's 11:55, News. “lwill'l Even Nicky Moore, the newshoy E KOMO Lindlahr; 8:45, | David Harum | 4:00 P. B on the corner, was worried. Presents. | KJR——Prescott | | 12:00 MIDNIGHT his freckled face of Al| KMO—Fulton Lewis Jr.;l “Jiminy-gee,” IKIRO—Hymm |EMO—Bign Oft Churches; 8:45, Stories . 4:15, Here's Morgan, . iwrinkled with concern. “He was a KVli—Santa in Toyland: :lgv Matinee; America Loves. : —Mtd':‘xrsm Ashamedly he brushed 4:15, Console Inter- 13:30 A, M., Sign Off. '|good guy.” 9:00 A. M. mMeazo. ‘Klßl Cruise; | ‘|back a tear. “He al'ays helped me. Hughes; IKTBil—Petite Musicale 12:80 A.ll?lodyM., Sign Off. KMO—John B. [ROMO—SBign ‘Oll the new fella ill be like 9:15, Dental Program. | IKOMQO Lee Steeland, l'Spose | Songs: 4:15, The Aris- . KJR-—Bign Off. Miss ?" EVi— Time-Tunes-Top- Hour; . |that, Carol -ICB. tacrats. 4‘ |KIRO Concert *“Don't Carol consoled —eGoodwill: 1:00 A. M, Sign Off, 'l worry,” KTBl—News: 9:05, Mu-' |KJR ' Maurice and Orch. 4:05, | him. “Mr. Andy's all right. He'll sie; 9:15, Mid-morning Mrs. Bur- Musicale. ||KlßO—Becond TUESDAY be here any day now.” KOMO Dream ton; 4:15, Young Dr. mrl:' But he wasnt there. After two 9:15, The Bride Julla Malone. 7:00 A. M, -~ News: 9:15, Ann| KMO-—News; 7:15, Morn- - the cable office reported they KJR 4:30 P. M, |days Sterling Wonders. | ing Devotions failed to contact the Dearborn KIRO Kate Smith| Arden: and Sales; . |had Sis-| |KMO-—~Jane 4:45. Speaks; 90:15, Big | Orphan Annie. - . vx—z‘ndeinging Cowhand, .| yacht. i 7-I{._Morning Melodies ter. | KVI American 5 So the store closed for an after- Commtator;uPon' ng‘l‘i Popular Pot- 9:30 A, M. I e n 4:45,|KOMO Mr. Herrick's re- lee Sweetland, Bari- | pourri; 7:15, Top of}r‘nmn in spite of Temple:! KMO Unity the Morning. to lose the business and Terry's Note- tone 9:45 Mary Musicale; ¢:45, /KJR—Clark’ i Dennis; 7:15, !K']‘m ‘'the funeral of Andrew Dearborn bhook. | Sundown Serenade. ews. i,lut:t.lnce KVI— Time-Tunes-Top- ||KOMO Concert and News; 7:05 Mu- held without the of Carolyn Davis. |k presence ics: 9:4b, Dance: 4:45, Bingman i sle; 7:10, Farm Mar- :‘wu Musicale, 9:45,) son. : KTBII and the News, kets; 7:15, Farm y | his News. [‘KJR —Concert Orchestra. | Forum. The following day Carol received KOMO Strings Thah]‘|KlßO—Housewives, Inc.; | 7:30 A. M. from he was ing: 9:45 Skitch Hen-| Today. wire Andy saying 4:45, The World Trade 'n erson, Piano | KEMO-—News; 7:45 would at once. | N' Sale and arrive KJR Christmas . ',bnek 5:00 P. M, . 5 & Helen Hietl, gesl;.News ! ’ KVI--News: 7:45, Variety y ‘? to Mr, KIROq:&a Romance ofll|KMO ; 5:18, i ¥§\'lew‘ She took the message Helen Trent; 9:45, Our Shafter Parker Cireus.| |{KTBI Music; 7:35,',"Hernck Gal Sunday. | KVi—Cowboy Tralls ] |News, 7:45, Wake Up and A Kißl News, Tunes | Live. | “Too late for the funeral” he 10:00 A. M. ' Topics; b:ls, Harmony |KOMO - Cowboy Joe; “But he'd better hurry Hall. 7:46 Sam Hayes, News.‘lgrowled. s News, 10:15,) will KM O KOMO Jane Arden: }KJR Transit Tunes; They won't read the Studio i| 5:15, Gordon Jenkins, | Breakfast Club. ;lanywny. B 10:05, Inter- 7:45, _{until he comes.” KVl—News; | Orch. j |KIRO—Bob Garred Re- i lude; 10:15, Choral |KlJß—Adventure 7:45, Music; ;| Carol was silent. Hour. | { 5:18, Flying Patrol.St.orm;‘ ‘ ?ort.m&.166, Weather. “I know who holds KTBl—Ladies Page of | suppose you E KIRO Vox Pop witb| 8:00 A. M. the Alr. 1 the willhe persisted, Gifford; Parks and Wally. KMO-—-Breakfast Club. 2" KOMO—Gordon .| She thought quickly, decided 10:15_Bess Johnson. 5:30 P. M. KVI—Top of the Morn- & KJRVance and Lila: 8:16, News. _{there was no harm in admitting 10:15, Jack Owens & ||KMO Capt. Midnight; KTBIImi; Breakfast Band- knew a wili existed, The con- Eaves Droppeér. i 5:45, Jack stand, 8:15, Trade N’,-:-be KIROLife Can_Be| \KVI-—!ports grnutron!.xtra, 5:45, . Sale, _tents were what Mr. Dearborn S Beautiful, 10:15, U. 8. O. Beachcombers. /KOMOTransit Tunes; Wom-‘ "uked her to keep secret, an in White, Twilight Tempos, | 8:15, Ship of Joy. L ETBII Rodeo; 5:45, , KJR—Everyman's Chapel “No,"” she replied “I don't know 10:30-A. M. Tralli} ‘ Cragy Cowboy. |(KlßO—Rlidin’ the it. A Back News g Who holds Mr. Benson helped KMO Front Far- OMO -~ Christmas 1" Home; 8:15, I'llP“eFind My g:lll him draw it then died a few T 10:45, Ringers: 5:45, b ' 8:30 A. M., up, wl\:ay Thomlinson, News, EMO News, 8:45, ,|/weeks later. 1 ®hould think his Americas KJR News of World, Is Bent $ TBI Carson; would know.” EVt—hlu?oPaul ! vandercook; b6:45, ‘|‘ 3‘wi|Song Shop; 8:45, _|office KVI 'l 10:45, News. | _Straight_Shooters, “You're sure there is one?” KOMO--Bachelor's Chil- Don Winslow,; KTBIMnrnln‘unymnsl.inbow Trio; “Yes. Bill and the doctor wite dren; 10:45, Dr. Kate. | "K!RO5:45 Bob Garred, Re- ‘| at Sar- | 8:45, Chapel Songs. porting. i EOMO Capt. Dobbsie; . |nessed it."” a.m—-?rnu“t‘B 5:66. News Harum. Happi- | ElmerDavis, 845, “All go to the son?” his small KIRO-—Right to | ngldStreamline Jour- 10:45, Cues From 6:00 P. M. BEJR bored into hers. When she A ness; i nal; 8:456. Wyde Awakee eves Skewes. - he con- 'Kuo1 Ciabrie] Heatter:' 1 to answer promptly, 11:00 A, M. |KIRO ?:\u,—~ Hymns of Alljmilec‘l L - | “He can’'t know much about f G‘WDdem.H Hr . ; | Churches; 8:45, Stories ¢ tinued, KMO--Christmas Tree Vil—Dinner usie ’ ‘ET&;l—News: 6:05 l\zn- America Loves, |stores. He certainly hasn't spent KVi—The War Today; & | sic; 6:15, Suppertime 9:00 A 11:06, Concert Hour. | | M, time around here.” E Swing ‘ .iany KTBI Tin - Pan Alley, |KMOJohn B. Hughes; JEOMO-—-Dr 1. Q | *| Carol rose to Andy's defense. You Like.| | 89:18, Dental Program, 11:18, !nn%: 'KJR Seandinavian Re- Y | - £t of the KVI--Time-Tune-Topics }"\\'hy should he? When he wanted IIOMOWorld; 1..1f11:18, Mystery 6:156, News. KTBI News, 9:05, Mu- ‘g;rwr;O—Radlo Theater. | ~{to come into the store in earnest, Man. : sic; 9:16, Morning Mu- J¢ Later,” KJ R Vincent M. sicale. !hin father wouidn't him. l.opez'l 6:30 P. KOMO--J. C Scott Farm o spread her hands in futility, grgh. Bright Horizon, KMO-—News. Talk; 9:15, The Bride:'ahe had other interests.” 11:15, Aunt Jenny, KVl—-Pt iewis-McChord || Julia, o |“he o KJRNews; A. M. I Fleld News: 6:456. On 90:15, Ann1| “It may be a break—" he check~ 11:30 | Sweet Side | Sterling Wonders the said “I'll bet P KMO-—U. 8. Navy Acad- |KTBl—Dance Time; 6:45, JEKIRO Kate Smithn:ed himself, gruffly, emy Band 1 | News. | Speaks; 9:15, Big Sis- - he turns out to be a weak sister.” KVl—Concert Hour. ‘ That Brewster | ter. Notes; Anger flushed Carol's cheeks. No KTBI Novelty ,xguooy | 9:30 A. M. 11:45, News, 1 but Mr. Herrick would dare |KJR—For' America We, KMOChapel Chimes; . jone KOMO- Valiant Lady:| Sing 9:45, Mary Terry's Note- -|voice that accusation. Yet it was, 11:45, Arnold Grimm's KlßO—Radio Theater. ' { the all the Daughter. i KVI—-3001(. _|more or less, way em= w KJRNews; 11:45, In|| 00 .M ics; 9:456,Tmu-'!‘un--’l‘?-Va- felt. resented of Aggie Horn Morning They young Care Gram _rieties. A KIROFletcher Wiley;|KMO Raymond | -lployel resented his dark good Spotlight.|KTBI Musicale; 9:45, |Andy, 11:45, Kate Bwing; 7:15, | News. '|looks,| his indifference to the store. S NOON Bands. g 12:00 &p)luu | KVl—News: 7:15. Watch KOMO Christian Sei- of all, they resented Linda Q's. ence Program; 0:45, "|Most KMO—Toast Bread; Your P. N to Skitch Henderson., Pi- {Julian and the long parade of News. |KETBl—Dinner Concert. ‘ ‘ :15, .\_ano l#—?w-; 12:15, MarchKOMO—Contented Hour. like her who combined to | |KJR—Monday Merry-Go- 9:45, Helen,|others Time. .IKJR'—Oan:News. his attention from business. Round. Hiett, |take ’ Welles. KIRO Romance of T {R.l—luncnltnuagr.orm; l KlßO—Orson them, Linda was the embodi- O—A”nlgorllm Helen Trent; 9:45, Our:fTo 12:156, Ma z Gal Sunday ment of his idleness. u of Di- | 7:30 P, M. | m—Orfxum Amanda 10:00 A. M, But to Carol she was only the | vorce; 12:15, IEMO-—Lone Ranger. | . . of Honeymoon Hill. | IKVl—Anita Bover: T7:45. |KEMO-—News; 10:15, Maryficloak of gaiety in which Andy Man 1 Mar- } Notebook News, Knox in Ten’"l 10:05. | his disappointment. He S [mo—'rm12:15, !‘nuodl‘-ahxon.€ . J |EVl—News; Inter.~wrapped wa: lude; Choral anning. ;‘%L—k@“:| 7:35, Mu-| | 10:15, l'bud grown up in the store, run- sic 748, > [Eventide| ning errands, the clerks 12:30 P. M. | |KTBI-= ’ ¢ I watching ‘ | Echoes. | | Ladiesies of KMOAfternocon Devo- KOMO Cavalcade of| 'the Airr 1018, Garaen 1| sell, studying the cash register as 13:45, Book- Lady tions: | America. .|| they rang up change. He loved it \ worm, | Wash. EOMO—Dyer & Bennett: KVI Farm Re- !ag—-ommO-—Blondie. 10:15, Bess Johnson. ‘| with the fervor of a teen-age boy Ilrgxalte " KJR Vance Lila; ta, 12:48, and :1 for his life occupation A\ | 8:00 P. M. 10:15, Jack Owens and ' K‘?—'?‘mmauoml ‘ Evesdropper | She was working in the store on Talk EOMO—Guiding _Light; [EMO—Sportsmen's KIRO - jdfe Can Be Siants ® Saturdays then. A freshman in 12:45, Vic and Sade. 8:15, | Beautiful; 10:15, Wom- RVl—BSwingBYOruIt; 8:15, The (high school. wz a B KJR—John's Other Wife: an in White. Andy sopho- Bill War Today. 12:48. Just Piain 10:30 A. M, and wore the halo of the Sam; KTBl—Laurence Tibbets: {more KIRO Singing PFar. | 8:18, Dial a Word KMOrront Page son. o 12:45, Woman of Cour- She admired him from KEOMO Pleasure Time ' rell; 10:48 I'll PFind ijbnu‘- a respectful distance. She didn't age. with Pred Waring: | My Way 1:00 P, M. 8:15. Lum and Abner. . [KV]—Salute to Americas. .| know herself when that admira- o | Carter; RMO—Mutual Goes Call- Marshall. ,xmx—-o?.om tion began to be something more. | ~?g—-?crun! O Amos n Andy:| 10:48, usie; 10:58,;| ing. It was when came ¥ of Com- 8:15. Lanny Ross. ] News | he back from KVi—Chamber Chil- school she felt the first ; !,xouo—ncuwr'.dren; 10:45, Dr. Kate.-military I RN | o o/ shock of it. She was Mr. s ".lnm;’ or Nothi'g sweet > Wanpi: ll‘m— .'m:; BRRight to secretary then. ‘&d |,;go—muo—Robt. Roland, Bari- ' 10:45. Mary &;!Durborn'o by 15, Stelia 845, Modern |Seated las |i tone X | g:-:ylor. at her typewriter one day Solly; 1:18, '\ Chotr q looked ub ! ! 11:00 A. M. up to see Andy beside | ¢l?ot‘.‘1218, ‘lbe ; 8 I‘s the Nm: _|her. Andy, & man Broad-shoul- .imo—Chmt‘:'m.EVi— '!_;noday. Marge. | . ar ‘|dered, tail, with the clean line of Tenor u.v}'%onem Hour. PM. 11:18, 1:30 KJR—I Love a Mystery IKTBl—Airatorials: his father's jaw and the same well You l-: ' Family: #o's Revue; Like : Ro—m : ‘ong - of the (Continued on Page Eleven) R W i 858 tam Winter,~ EOMO u‘m .i ; 3 %r || News Analyst. 11:15. Mystery¥ - —_ i ::?d:n E -~U_B. Band. TEST ANSWERS : 1:35,. Mu- 9:00 P. M. l | arlgh:Horisons: ;| Below are the to test ¢; 1:45, Tunes Around 9:15, EIRo " answers D E M we: Aunt Jenny. - ! 11:15, } | ’, questions printed on the editorial Jones, A. M. | ‘rm%m‘?n9:18,: 11:30 oung Widder page. 45, Ll‘;lm : and Varl- .| EMO—Themes 1. American | KTBl—Eventide Echoes: moose, Club Matinee: K 9:15 Seng of the Is- 2. Token pieces. ; :88, News . R } Schoo! la Notes. 8 Bank of KOMO—Telephone Heurr 48,_..nonltrq England the Air - of or k.-11-:; g ant Lady; Y KJR—True Paise KO 4. Cobbler. y 11:45, Arnoid Grimm's" 2:00 P. M. EIRO Vox Fop with 5. True. Parks and Waliy. Daughter | Deprecia- | b KMOMusic K J R News: 11:45. Inni 6 Historian. tion: 2:15, Mutual| P. M. Horn 9:30 Care of Aggie E. St Paul E Friend KIRO Fleicher Wiley:.| KMO-—Fuiton Lewis, EVI Mystic Melodies . v 11:45. Kate Hopkins 8. An extinct 945, News | reptile 2:15. The Juke Box 12:00 NOON R KTBl—lsie of Paradise: . EVl—Kato Mendelssohn : | 9. Four stars . EMO—Toast Bread, Mike Man's Mix- ' Pilano; 9:45, Night Edi. to 20, | 2:15, News. Ll “Neighbors." e uon. 12:15,