How Is It Working Here? Whit Is the Beadleaton Act? They May Establish a Class They May Provide Individual Send to a Class in Another Dis- Capped Children to Classes
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Weatlier Di*lrU»uti<m 1 tun. temperature U. Cloudy Today ta4ay, tonight and tomorrow. High today la the Hi. Low to- 25,775 night In the Ms. High tomorrow, Red Bank Area J 75. Showers tomorrow night. Sat- Copyright—The Red Bank Register, Inc., 1965. urday, fair, cool. DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS VOL. 88 NO 67 Iiiuid dilly. Monday throulh Friday. Second Clin roataca ' ' "' Pild *t Ked Bint ud u AddlioMi MiAlliji otlluV THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1965 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE The Beadleston Act: How Is It Working Here? Whit Is the Beadleaton Act? They may establish a class They may provide Individual send to a class in another dis- capped children to classes. tally retarded youngsters. Tile Beadleston Act make* for physically handicapped or Instruction, at home or in trict. How is the Beadleston Act It mandatory for public school mentally retarded children, or school, for physically handi- The state reimburses school (First of Two Articles) working in the home county of districts to provide one form they.may send them as tuition capped children who cannot at- districts SO per cent of the cost By DORIS KULMAN Assemblyman Alfred N. Beadle- of special education service for pupils to a dais In another tend school. , of supplementary Instruction up The continuing controversy ston, the Rumson Republican any child who is classified as school district. School districts which main- to five hours per week, and 50 over the lack of a special class who introduced it and whose physically handicapped or as They may provide supple- tain special classes receive] $2,- per cent of the cost of Individ- for deaf children in Monmouth name it bears? "educable" or "tralnable" mentary instruction for physi- 000 annually from the state for ual Instruction provided it is County has focused attention on The North Jersey Shore Asso- mentally retarded. cally handicapped children who each class. for not less than five hours a local enforcement of the Bea- ciation for Deaf and Hard of The Act provides several have the ability to attend reg- Sending districts receive SO week. dleston Act which mandates pub' Hearing Children and the Mon- ways in which school districts ular classes but need supple- per cent of the tuition cost The state pays 75 per cent of lie education of New Jersey's mouth-Ocean County Section of may do this. mentary Instruction. above $200 for children they the cost of transporting handi- physically handicapped and men- (See BEADLESTON, Page 3) Urge Long Branch GovernmentReformPOPE PAUL AT DESK — Pope Paul VI sits behind his' LONG BRANCH — Naming it- the former mayor's activities Long Branch and Citizens Com- desk in the private library of the Apostolic Palace at, self the "Better Government while in office, specifically re- mittee for Change. Vatican City and poses for Associated Press photog- League, zoning of the beachfront and the a group of citizens A printed flier which had cir- rapher Gianni Foggia in preparation for next. MondayV seeking to change the form of Shrewsbury Riverfront Redevel- culated through the city during government in this city last opment Project, in which Mr. the past few days was angrily one-day trip to New York and the United Nations. } night heard 12 alternatives to the Maher was also instrumental (See LONG BRANCH, Page 3) (AP Wirophotol present Council-Manger govern- while a member of the Housing ment form listed and explained. Authority, Mr. Schibell angrily Amid derisive remarks about rose to his feet and objected the present form by the unit's that all is not what it seems. chairman, former mayor Daniel Schibell Objects J. Maher, former magistrate "Let's not misrepresent any- Thomas J. Baldino, Jr. told City Preparing thing," he said. He argued that some 45 persons assembled in a promised marina at the river- the Garfield Grant Hotel, Broad- front had never materialized and way, that, open to this city are objected to the singling out of an six variations of the Council- ndividual for praise, in a project SHADE TREE FORUM — Donald Lacey, Rutgers Extension Service home grounds im- Manager form, five variations of that is supposed to represent a the Mayor-Council form or a re- group effort. provement specialist, left, displays slida photo of ill-maintained straer tree at annual turn to commission form, aban- Mr. Tallmadge said he was on-For Pope's Visit doned five years ago. Fall Forum of tha Monmouth County Shade Tree Commission last night at Hall of ly trying to present the facts of Records, Freehold. Others left to right, Charles M. Pike, county planning director; Although they refused to make the past. NEW YORK (AP) — Pope quarter of a million people, 94 The Pope will not see much David C. Shaw, commission superintendent, and Mrs. Laura Prout, Asbury Park, presi- positive endorsements, broad The name, Better Government Paul's circuitous trip from Ken- per cent of them Negro, into of this type of life, or its con- hints by both Mr. Baldino and League, proposed by Sa m ue Inedy Airport will take him just y/2 square miles. sequences. ' ••'•!;•' dent of the county group. Mr. Maher showed that t h e y. Tl vas the almost unani- through the heart of Harlem, a One social agency estimated (Most of Harlem's red and brown thought little of any Council-Man- pocket of poverty in the splen- that if all New York City were ager form. The commission from among ,iv€ brick buildings crowd close upon Open Spaces Protect Water Supply dor of Manhattan. as tightly packed, the entire U. S. narrow, treeless streets with no form, roundly condemned by were Citizenpresenteds Civi. c ThAssociatione others, Harlem is one of. the most population, of almost 200 million many students of government as breezeways between them to re- Citizens for Better Government, densely: populated slums in this could be squeezed into three of lieve the monotony or the sum- archaic, received but passing Citizens for the Advancement of country. • It crowds nearly a the' city's five boroughs. notice except for a mo-, mer heat. • , ; Cites Value of Greenery ment's round-about praise from - But the Pope's route will take Mr. Maher, who said the Boards him only along three broad ave- nues, one six lanes wida with a FREEHOLD — Monmouth, Maintenance of shorelines-of development of commercial and of Freeholders whlch^Jjovern New Jersey counties strongly r? planted divider in-the center. County must zealously protect its inland waterways against ero- industrial site plans. Once the police have done their open spaces in its years of com-sion, Mr. Pike said, Is also a semble Boards of .Commission- SltlOll About 40 members of the coun- ers. He prefaced this remark by worjc,the narcotics addicts, crap ing great growth to safeguard test for planning and conserva- games and drunkj lying in door- water supplies and assure ade- tion agencies. Proper planting ty's 34 municipal shade tree com- stating that he doesn't necessar- missions attended the autumn ily advocate the commission ways should be gone from the quate surface drainage, Charles and tree maintenance will assist. 50-odd Harlem blocks, the motor- M. Pike, county planning direc- While green space is most often meeting at the Hall of Records, form. Although noting that the report cade will pass! But the Pope may tor, said last night. considered for Its aesthetic val- Other speakers were Donald Fades In Freehold be able to see some of the more Speaking at the annual Fall ue, said Mr. Pike, Its practical Lacey, home grounds improve- on the 12 available forms of than 400, churches — mostly store- Forum of the county Shade Tree value is not to be Ignored. ment specialist at Rutgers Uni- government by the committee FREEHOLD — Mayor Frank Steinberg as Democratic nominee But appearing at Mr. Davis' of- front variety — that are crowded Commission, Mr. Pike said hous- He said he expects that the versity College of Agriculture and which he heads makes no sug- E. Gibson is apparently assured Mr. Steinberg's name was pro-fice yesterday he' presented a into Harlem. • . ing developments which replace County Planning Board will soon Environmental Science Extension gestions, Mr. Baldino later in the today of his third term as the posed at a Democratic Executive petition only with the signatures farms interfere with the natural recommend that Shade Tree Service, and Edgar Rex, secre- meeting, while others were be- borough's chief executive. Committee meeting Tuesday night of the r«ven committe members The official route will take the rate of rainwater infiltration in Commission approval be sought tary of the state Federation of moaning the additional expenses Democrats failed to name an but won endorsement of only sev who had voted affirmatively. He pontiff north on Third Ave. — a the soil. in local subdivision mapping and Shade Tree Commissioners. entailed with run-off elections opponent to face the incumbent en of the 14 members. conceded arguments of his op- broad street with five lanes. sajd any Council-Manager plan Republican as the deadline for Chairman Abe Reynolds an- ponents that since he was not an Spanish Harlem, populated pri- entails run-off elections. He filing passed yesterday and Stan- nounced at the meeting that lie elected committee member he marily., by- low-income Puerto called them distasteful. ley A. Davis, elections clerk for was breaking the tie and would had no right to vote himself. Ricans, begins, about ,100th St., Raps State on Meeting Mr. Maher alleged that since County Clerk J.