Geobotanical Survey of Cabo Verde Islands (West Africa)
International Journal of Geobotanical Research, Vol. nº 7. 2017. pp. 1-103 Geobotanical survey of Cabo Verde Islands (West Africa) (1) (2) (2) (3) Salvador RIVAS-MARTÍNEZ , Mario LOUSÃ , Jose Carlos COSTA & Maria Cristina DUARTE (1) Phytosociological Research Center, 28400 Collado-Villalba, Madrid, Spain.. (2) Instituto Superior de Agronomía. Universiadde Técnica de Lisloa. Centro de Botánica Aplicada à Agricultura. Tapada da Ajuda.1349-017 Lisboa. Portugal. (3) Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (cE3c), Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal Abstract: The results of the study of the bioclimate, biogeography, flora and vegetation of Cabo Verde Islands, after seven years of field works in all inhabited isles are presented in this paper. Tropical hyperdesertic to pluviseasonal, upper infra- to low supratropical and upper ultrahyperarid to upper dry, and occasionaly lower subhumid (short period years), are the bioclimates in these archipelago. Biogeographically they are situated in the Paleotropical Kingdom, Afrotropical Sub- kingdom, Tropical Saharan Region, and Cabo Verde Province. Eight new species are described: Acacia caboverdeana, Asphodelus mariolousae, Frankenia pseudoericifolia, Hyparrhenia caboverdeana, Lotus chevalieri, Polycarpaea caboverdeana, Suaeda caboverdeana and Tetraena vicentina, and also fifteen new combinations are proposed. In taxo- nomic phytosociology, five new classis: Cocculo penduli-Sarcostemmetea daltonii, Heteropogonetea contorti, Tetrae- netea simplicis,
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