♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ of One of the most amusing features An alternate delegate for each delegate the anti- to ALL ♦ U THEIR STOCKI« affair was the Way in which THE LEAGUE WILL PLAY the mum fries®. thejJNational Convention, to act in t GROCERS! ♦ Cleveland Democrats, like ex-Speaker case of absence of the delegate, shall bo > Crisp, were forced to defend elected iu the same manner, and at tho < ► Bayard. Those who know the same time as the is elected. 1 > bitterness express- delegate ed by the anti-Cleveland wing, were Ail notices of contests must be filed amused to see the position wbioh the mat- with the seoretary of the National Com- < > Find Committee ter assumed. Amos Cummings’s spedcb A Hand in Said to Believe mittee iD writing, aoconijjanied by print- Ob His Way Home From Sew York Congressmen May was one of the ouriosities of this defense. Biddeford’s Game of Germany In His ed statements of the grounds of contest, ♦ A little book about Bens- ♦ Ho practically excused the performance o' which Bhall bo made public. Preference ♦ Mr. Bayard by saying that it was not half Politics. in the order of hearing and determining City. dorp’s Cocoa, with direc- t Appointments. so g bad as some other things that he had Sincerity. contests will bo given by tho convention < ► tions how to use it in the X done. in accordance with the dates of < > filing preparation of table dain- ♦ such notices and statements with the sec- < ► SENATE retary. Mrs. SLATE. HE TALKS OF THE SELECTION OP < ties, by Lincoln, the ♦ MR. REED WILL BE A POLITICAL WILL BE HEARD FROM IN THE WOULD ONLY ACT WITH POWERS (Signed) Senator Frye Named for the Commerce well-known cooking expert, i THOMAS H. CARTER, Chairman. ST. LOUIS. ♦ SANTA CLAUS. Chairmanship, SPRING. AS LAST RESORT. JOSEPH H. MANLEY, Seoretary. Washington, D.C., Deoembor 14, 1S95. YOURS IF YOU’LL New York, Deoember 14.—A Washing- j ton speoial says: The Republican Steer- APATHY OF THE POWERS. ASK FOR IT. t It Is Doubtful If St. Nick Ever Was So ing committee has practically Another Little Hefiuile to Say on Politics and Candi- completed Enforcement Meeting East Night Thinks the Sultan Ie to En- [ its list of Really Trying Puzzled in the Disposal of His Trinkets oommittees for the reorganiza- dates—St. Louis Has Great Accommo- —Caustic Utterances by the Speakers— force Reform—German Ambassador It Sounds the Doom of Christian Ar- tion of the Senate and will to the Before—Still Talking of the Bayard- report Times I ilntions—It Will Help Missouri. oauous M»ely Expected. Has Mot Participated Huch in Confer- menians. Affair—Old Republican Monday. The slate Barrett Enemies of the December 15.—Hon. Joseph H. S. L. BART for committee chairmanships stands ences—Germany Held Ont in Regard to I Boston, LETT, 28 Broad St„ Administration Had to Defend the [SPECIAL TO THE PRESS.] chairman of the Republican | thus: the Guardshipe Till Compelled by Ur- Manley, Ambassador—More Senate Chairman- December 15.—For some Pitiless Europe I.colts on with Equanimity Executive Committee arrived hero this Agriculture—Proctor. J'Biddefard, gent Request of the Allied Powers to an in- BOSTON, ships. Appropriations—Allison. weeks there has been In circulation a at the Massacres in Asia Minor and Has evening on his way to Maine. In of Arkan- Yield. If a | Contingent Expenses—Jones terview with a Journal he spoke % it lias well-defined rumor that the York County Mo of reporter yellow IMPORTER OF A Washington, December 14.—It is sas. Apparently Thought Interfering prob- Enforcement has been Berlin,^December 15.—The Sultan’s as- of Massachusetts's new Congress- able that the Census—Chandler. League, which —Half a Million Armenians Are Starv- highly committees of the House sent to the issuance of Firmans, permit- said: 2 wrapper it’s Claims—Teller. claiming eo much publio attention of man, \V. E. Barrett. He further will bo announced about December 21 or the entrance of extra ing. Coast Defences—Squire. late, and has been soliciting aid from ting guard ships “I think Mr. Bayard will be recalled or 26, jnst before the House adjourns for Commerce—E rye. into the was obtained un- December 11.—The BENSDORP’S every quarter, would Into a Dardanelles, London, expected, will rosign. Ho certainly will be cen- the District of Columbia—McMillan. develop politi- holiday recess. This will be fully as der the influence of his knowledge that indeed the inevitable, has in is done his Education and Labor—Shoup. cal body before the municipal campaign happened sured, end when that day i early as the average; and considering the would be withdrawn this and the Tur- BENSOORP’S! COCOA. Engrossed Bills—Wilson. of next spring is far advanced. Pointed Germany’s support Constantinople week, of usefulness is over. It is over anyway. difficulty of the new ma- if ho refused. kish situation remains in I examining Finance—Morrill. denials unaltered any When a become he AAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAaaaaaaaa have usually greeted all the diplomat indiscreet, ▼▼▼ WVvvvT™ ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ W W 'w WT’f terial wilt be It be Fisheries—Perkins. ^ early enough. may Throughout the diplomatic struggle the essentia! particular. Massacres of Chris- to be a He can- Relations—Sherman. questions along that line, but, if tbe pub- ceases diplomat. certainly that Speaker Heed will surprise everyone Foreign German ambassador at tians the continue in Forest Reservations—Allen. lic is to judge from tbe statements made Constantinople throughout empiro not remain in bis position.” by an'earlier announcement; but that has been under instructions that Ger- number than but on a Imin igration—Lodge. by two^prominent league members in a greater ever, ‘What led you to decide upon St. Louis Is In the 41st Indian hardly probable. Congress, Affairs—Pettigrew. many should keep in the back ground, smaller scale, and the European powers, as for the convention. Wait! temperance mass meeting today, there the place holding Blaine announced Inter state Commeroe—Cullorn. Wait, Wait, Speaker his commit- from all initiative action. The satisfied with the they to New York in the is no doubt tbe will refraining empty victory “It i3 second only tees J udioiary—Hoar. longer any league eleven days after the session began. German ambassador was often absent have in the matter of additional he Library—Hansbreugh. take a hand in Blddeford's next game of gained matter of accommodations,” replied. In the 42d Congress there was an extra from of the aud Military Affairs.—Hawley. politics. conferences ambassadors, guard ships,look on with equanimity “If you go upon the logio that a conven- THE GREATEST session which Maroh imme- Naval Affairs—Cameron began 4th, but was'always in direct communication no of interfering. The Chris- tion benefits a then Missouri was Pacific The meeting referred to was one of the thought state, diately after the adjournment of the 41st, with the Sultan. to official race in Asia Minor is Railroads--Stewart__^ league's series of public Sunday after- According tian Armenian that state. aud lasted until April 20. There was an information the saw no of the half million human Pensions—Galllnger noon sessions held in local churches. The here, Emperor doomed. Few St. Louis came into the fight at the last attempt made on the part of some of the Post Offices and Post Roads—Wolcott. necessity for having a second starving, and Seoond Congregational church was three- guardship beings, already destitute, momont, did it not?” - members of the House to compel Mr. Printing—Hale. at and fourths filled. Rev. T. Arthur Constantinople strongly opposed at the mercy of implacable fanatioisn], “O, no, St. Louis was in the fight all Blaine to his Privileges and Elections—Mitohell of Frey, pas- appoint committees during the of a will survive the winter according to the Louis did not Oregon. tor of that church, presided, and most project forcing passage through the time. Of course St. this extra session, but it did not suoceed. Public and the Dardanelles. under outlook. The boasted concert of Buildings Grounds—Quay. of the other Protestant pastors of Bidde Finally, pressure present use the brass band methods of San Fran? Mr. Blaine stated, during the argument, Public Lands—Dubois. bear Austiia brought..to by and Italy, the instead of being their protec- .ycu. --- Clothing Slaughter ford and Saco ware In attendance. powers, JJCJUUU Relations with Canada—Carter. that in the preceding session he had the German ambassador was instructed is their death warrant. but been done. Revision of Laws—Burrows. The first address was delivered by Rev. tion, Nothing naming the date little else has made up the committees in eleven days. to advise the Sultan, that Germany must the runture of this beautiful harmony of ON RECORD. Rules— Aldrich. J. Frank Rhoades af the Biddeford Con- I shall go there in January and complete auu wau luau umo naa uuu axiuii, uauaiug Territories—Davis. with the allied in case the nations can save them. gregational church, and contained some go powers strong Nothing ap- arrangements. him to make mistakes in selection which The finance committee, if increased in parently can cause any change in this of the most caustic that measures should be required. New York, Massachusetts, Maine, New size, as intended, is expected to stand: utterances have serene attitude of Christendom except POSITIVELY FOR TEN DAYS ONLY. he regretted. But when the seoond ses- At the same time the Sultan received and Connecticut will liavo come from the a of the national con- Hampshire iJUUli '.JIIIlllllUU UUUSlIIISIIj UWUUO VII lips of loaders. He awakening sion of the 43d met on 111) league great at the Southern hotel, Congress the first the assurance of that when the or delegations Do not a dollar’s worth of until see Platt and Wol- Germany science in elsewhere, which ■ ■ buy clothing you Nevada, Allison, Aldrich, bjsgan with the remark that while Bldde- England Of course you are not talking about Monday of December, Mr. Blaine had bis Voorhees, boat should be will compel some government to risk the our stock, and we will show you the Finest Stock of cott, Republicans; Harrison, fords’ church were to their guard difficulty removed, polities, Mr. Manley?” committees and Jones of White and people going grave dangers which independent action ready appointed them Vest, Arkansas, ample time would be accorded the Porte ‘•Well, no.” Tailor-»**vra, with threats of the exposure of this story States: THE GERMAN V EW. 00.3 3 10 0.4:9 could be to a that the Turkish question will not as- soon after he took offloe last January. He prooured petition, soliciting $2.98. Pending the announcement of the com- Mr. In accordance with usage and the sume on acute phase "again before spring. Men’s Fine the letters. The facts Anally were hisj candidacy Frey expressed the English Kersey, ignored that the number of struotions of the Conven- This is by no means certain. During lhe Heal History of the of Amer- This’ suit is well made, all to Beaver and Melton mittees the House is doing no real work, to his enemies, and hope specified signa- Republican Keeping Overcoats, peddled political tures would be secured and a full oiti- the winter reports of atrocities and hor- match, and really is worth made in the unanimous consent who tion of and direction of the Na- ican Insurance Out of the latest style, all although by several through the guttersnipe journalists, 1893, by rors in Armenia will Companies *13.50. We will allow you to zeus’ ticket launohed in the held in the transpire, vaguely colors,Blue,Black and Brown, matters have been of. are numerous in Paris, a perverted tional Committee, a National Convention but the situation at Constan- this suit home six disposed Mr. Bar- splrng campaign. “We may not bo suc- and slowly, Country. keep days, worth as high as will version of the story obtained such wide still does not suit $26.50, rett got his resolution to Ambas- cessful this he “but we of delegated representatives of the Repub- tinople itself is critical that grave and if it you go as low as relating circulation that it was strongly year," added, private, will next and the events are possible at any time. There in every respe't, or sador Bayard before the House as a mat- asserted in the week that the Presi- try again year, next, lian party will be held'at the oity of St. December 15.—The ministerial early and so on till will be long and futile be- Berlin, if you do not think it The the desired end is in the state of on Tues- pourparlers $6.92 ter of privilege. This did not dent was about to resign. publica- Louis, Missouri, Sultan and the ambassadors all made in the to the worth brine it back and give any- achieved.” tween the references Koichstag 813.50, tion of the truth by President Faure’s 16th of at 12 Men’s Tailor-Made Dress one opportunity to object. The rules day, the day June, 1896, winter. The crisis anticipated for the out of American insurance com- we will return you your $3.98 Over- pro- friends turned the tide, and If barring lined vide that matters of quickly for the of nomi- spring, whichjhas been widely discussed, Cheviot Suits for Men, coats, handsomely and legislation shall first the demonstrations in Paris o’clock, noon, purpose from transacting any further busi- Elegant trimmed in all shades popular ,THE BUCKET-SHOPS^ probably will be one of those universal- panies worth be referred to committees or oount for candidates for President and Vioe- Single and Double Breasted, before they are during the last day two nating which never come ness in Prussia,lacked the strict accuracy $32.00, will.bejslaughtered at ly prophesied events to worth MUST GO AT the President in the Police In New York a Presldent of the United to be $16.50, debated in the House and unless there is anything, npw Start Raid Against States, sup- pass. If it does arise, the crisis wil an honest statement ought to; give. idol in $3.98 $9.80. unanimous consent the^ rule cannot be people’s Them. ported at the next national election, and oome without warniug, and the form of Freiherr Marschall von The Bourgeois Cabinet is apparently The assertion, iu Men’s Ulsters infringed upon. But with of Its fall for the transaction of euch other and fur- minister of Men’s Fancy Cassiuiere Suits, in'Chinohilla,Beav- questions near the end of its brief career. New December 14.—The Bieberstein, foreign affairs, worth ers and Irish worth If it falls York, Jersey business as be before Cutaways and Sacks, Frieze, privilege it is otherwise, and the preced- may be expected at any day. ther may brought ALMOST A CENTURY. that the were suppressed sole- from to stook a bucket run companies $31.60, we sell quick at $12.00 $30.00, will go to secure the extradition of Arton its fate City exchange, shop, electors in tho sev- ents of the House proposition to it. The Republicans he did not choose to comply quiok at from rnakeja seaiod The revelations in connection with Valentine & Co.’s ly because $4.96 will be quiokly. territoires and voters impeaoh an cffioer of the government eral states and Death of John Bryant of Machias, Aged 9( the home and already made in this case are almost offices was raided this and with regulations affecting | $2.98 cts. to 89.72 morning four without veerard to nash nolitioal nffilia- Men’s Elegant Fancy Cheviot and up privilege. Mr. Barrett studied »ut the sufficient to end the career of Years. insurance alike,totally politloal men arrested. At the same foreign companies in Double and Sin- have been members of time, by Cassimeres Men’s Storm Reefers in Chinohil- situation very oarefully in advance, and some men who tiona, who believe in Republican princi- the fact that the rules enforced breasted, worth $22.50, will and knotted Cabinets sinoe the Panama scandal In arrangement with Chief Conlin, the New ignored gle la, Beavers, Flan- when ho the was able to and indorsing the Republican polioy, here were got floor, prevent winter nnnnnrn was aIopi ples to the press.] American go quick at nel lined, worth as as of 180:1. It has been nrettv Yftrlr hrannh nf +Vi« [special against campanils high his measure are invited to unite nnder this will as from being switched onto tnat each ministry had full cordially Decomber 15.— John Bryant, drawn in IS'Jl by the Prussian minis- $5.72 $9.50, go low as oloarly proved raided, four men arrested were held Machias, up a side track by the devices known to the ofArton’s whereabouts and re- oall in the formation of a national tioket. residents of this town, of the interior to wipo out knowledge for examination. The office one of the oldest ter purposely Men’s Evening Suits,in all styles, $2.49 fused to arrest him even after actual Jersey City four dele- older members. Each state will be entitled to died today, aged uiuety-six years. The American insurance companies. well worth $25.00 at and communication with him, Ribot and was opened nine months age. At tiie time those were Children’s Boys’ Overcoats at and for eaoh life a far regulations the are gates large, Representa- deceased was during his aptive anti-American $7.48 and Ulsters, in all shades and Bourgeois, present Premier, Deputy Sheriff Carraher levied on two concocted their strong tive in at two an * compromised in this respect. Congress large delegates, mer and lumberman. He was early was avowed tlio officials style, sworth as high as $14.60, particularly of the places of H. Valentine & 17 bias, frankly iy Men’ Fine * of world-wide reputa- Co., each ter- abolitionist and had voted fh< English Diagonal Clay will go from A French Senator, and eacbCongressional district, and active of the home office. in Cutaways and Have the Paris of the and 19 Broadway and 30 West 28th strete, ticket at electoin since of the home Worsted, tion, told correspondent ritory and the Distriot of Columbia to Republican every Geheimrath Kniboklobsit Bound Cut Sacks, made in 98 that he sent to the Ribot about ten minutes before the tho was formed. to tho of cts. up to 83.78 Sun today polioe raid, The at party office openly udmittud manager of which cost to months fuli two delegates. delegates largo thejbest stlye, Ministry seven ago particu- under two one in the American insurance company, that Boys’ Lcng Pants Suits, in Fine and attachments, for $3,000 chosen Stats Conven- manutacture, $23.00, we will YOU lars of Arton’s London hiding place shall be by popular CLEVELAND IN MARBLE- the homo office was searched for a way Caseimere and Wors- favor of C. Simon Cohen and the other at Cheviots, of life. He received a reply to on not less than 30 be- insurance business slaughter worth manner tions, calied days to block;out American ted, from $6.00 to $20.00, the Government did not for $600 in favor of A. Britton. $9.80 the effect that Joseph the of the National Conven- Grateful Georgians Mill Perpetuate Hif from Prussia. He himself could not rest must go quick at from the execu- fore meeting desire to stir up the mud by The suits are H. Valentine & until he succeeded in doing so. Men’s Heavy Weight Blue Beaver Tried againBt tion. Visit to Atlanta. tion of the outstanding warrant against The local says it is convinced and Flannel Suits of all the $2.74 to 7.18 Co., of Henry Valentine, W. Anzeiger composed The district not ani- the fugitives. H. Alonzo and John Congressional delegates that President Cleveland was standard mills, worth $23.50, _ Fender, Maynard Children's Suits in 20 different shall be chosen at conventions called New Decoinber 14.— President mated ill-feeling Ger- must at Croker, but the attachments are against by York, by positive [toward go styles, worth as high as the weather. ihero is much in his re- $8.00, Henry Valentine only, as a resident of the Congressional Committee of each Cleveland is to be perpetuated in marble. many, although will as low as is un- $7.80 go claim is for de- cent messago to Congress that Boston. Cohen’s money such in the same manner as the A statue or it has not Fair. distriot, bust—which, yel but he was obliged to do some- Men’s Fine Tailor-Made Suits in 87 cts. posited with the firm between Septem- decided—is to be made of the Presi pleasant, nomination of a Representative in Con- been to increase his following in the Dove-Tail Cutaways, Sacks, Boston, December 15.—Looal foreoast ber, 1894 and December, 1895, and Brit- thing Men’s Strong is made in said district; dent by Sculptor J. Massey Rhind of No, view of the coming Presidential election, Double and Single Breasted, Working Pants, change in tem- ton’s olaim is for money deposited be- gress provided, worth as as will for Monday: Fair; slight street. His work wil so ho it to attack worth at high $2.50, go tween August and December, 1895. The that in any Congressional distriot where 308 East Twentieth thought good politics $3100,will go as low as winds. perature ; variable sheriff in at 8£ an to Germany. $11.48 the captured $1,260 money there is no Republican Congressional placed in art museum, ho estat great West 28th and attaobed the safe at C4a. It will he the 69 cts. Weather street, fished at Atlanta, gifi Men’s Fine Custo -Made Local Report. was said Committee the Republican State Com- Suits, Nos. 17 and 19 Broadway, whioh of a number of wealthy Georgians, whi made from the finest Clay Men’s Fine Dress Trousers in Portland, December 15—The looal to oontain $2,000. mittee shall appoint from the residents of wish to testify their appreciation of tin Worsted and Wido-Wale, in Fancy and Cas- as to the Atlanta Worsted.Clays SKIN CURE? weather bureau office records suoh distriot a committee for the purpose President’s visit to the Ksposi Cutaways and Sacks, Double simeres.made in the best style, Battled With the Storm. a Distriot Convention to elect tion. and Si from weather are the following: of oalling gle breasted, elegantly worth $3.50 to $9 00,must Its cures of The Georgians a committei torturing, disfiguring, humili- 29.936; thermome- 15.— appointed lined and trimmed These at from are 8 a. in.—Barometer. Mass., December district delegates. o go ating humors the most wonderful ever humidity, 84; Gloucester, headed by Hoke Smith, the Secretary suits cost to make as as ter. IS. 6; dew point, 14; Sohooner E. Garland arrived from high recorded. weather, dear. Joseph The territorial delegates shall be chosen the Interior, to carry out their intentions we will sell them as wind calm; Veiooity, 0; She the storra $45.00; $1.17 to 3.49 Georges today. reports as nomination of Mr. Rhind is to go to Washingotn on tin Sold the world. British 30.012: thermome- in the same manner the low as throughout depot: Nktt- 8 d.' m.—Barometer. the past week to been of great severity. 26th to consult with Mr. Cieve Thousands of London. Potthr 70, The del- inst., Boys’ Pants, some Bery, x, King Edward-st., Bruq ter, 33.0; dew point, 25; humidity, She was struck a sea which hei a delegate in Congress is made. $14.60 Sole S. by swept land and the committee as to tho form c worth as high as we will & Chem. Cokp., Props., Boston, U. A. j\ W veiooity, » wenther, $1.75, i deoks and oarried away her boat and egates from the District of Columbia his work. Mr. Rhind will remain ii Men’s Overcoats in Double and sell at davits and articles. Shi maxi- many Ashing shall be chosen at a convention to be Washington for two weeks, during whit! Breasted Beavers and SPECIAL NOTICES. Mean daily thermometer,26 .0; sprung aleak and it was with Single 14 Ct8. minimum ther- greai the committee of three time the President will grant him tli ! mum thermometer, 38.0: called by provided Frieze, worth from $8.50 to difficulty she was kept aAoat until reaoh preliminary sittings. Mr. Cleveland wil I STEAM maximum veiooity of National Committee at its $21.00, will go from more mometer, 15.0; ing this port. for by the come for tho a- Not than three pairs to one person. total precipitation, 0. to this city final sittings, wind, 14, NW; meeting in Washington olty on December the work is to lie finished in Mr. Klnnd' About two Men’s Custom-Made Satin- Tossed by the Waves. hundred CARPET BEATING MAN. such convention shall be con studio. ONE HONEST 10, 1896,and t. Lined cost to make will Machines of Most approved patterns. Boston, December 15.—Officers of thi elected in distriot It is to be of white Georgia marble, Kersey Overcoats, $45.00, goat inform four readers atituted of members n rditor* Please British steamer Croft arrived here whioh sculptors have of late shown grta Patented. Carpets cleansed at all sea- 1 will mail tudaj held at suoh time and tha* if written to confidentially, an to be to its color am i the by from Hamburg and report extrordi primaries partiality, owing pure the at in a" sealed letter, plan pursued such l e t-h ) sons of year, restored to health nary voyage. She was Avo day i and presided over by judges sparkling brilliancy. It will which I was permanently stormy plaoe Plain of overdue and 1 of the the owne l' Strictly One Price and all Coods Marked in and manly vigor, after years suffering and met violent gales higl of election as said committee of three property Capital Club, Forest Weakness, night losses and seas. last ibe sea of Che museum, which wi! | inattention oa the of the Salesmen CnOTCD^O City from Nervous Wednesday night prospective Figures. Any part parts. awav house, the doors may apppoint. be the only one in the It is n weak shrunken swept her wheel South. cream of tartar baking powder. to DYE scheme to extort from any one to the now to hav A should be reported the Manager. lulu HOUSE I have no In addition representation ported that Mr.Cleveland intends j rUO 1 was robbed and swindled “cover the National a of the of sculpture mad .1 of all in leavening strength Mothers will do well to come early to avoid the rush. until I nearly lost faith in authorized by the rulesjof duplicate piece Highest 13 Preble St. Opp. Preble House by^the'quecks oester ooroing hero thi 5 of for himself. During the perliminar f Slates Government will but thank Heaven, I am now harbor for shelter Convention for the ;territories Utah, —Latest United REMEMBER this great Ciothing Slaughter only Machines and mankind, to and the Mr. Cleveland is to be modello The most powerful largest Floor wel’ Vigorous and strong, and anxious morning. New Mexico, Oklahoma Arizona, sittings means of cure known to said territories in Mr. Rhind will ask him t , Food Report. last TEN DAYS- space in N. E. Woolen Carpets, Mats, Druggeta make this certain committee advises each of plaster. admission Dose for fifteen minutes at a time Post a where no C, Stevens o [ to elect tonr’delesates and the only Bakins Powder Co, Portland Savings Bank. Near Office, &c. Steam Scoured, process beating to sell or C. O. D, Frank, sou of Edwin Royal Opposite "‘Having nothing send the oonven and will give him a long rest befoi c >. and colors restored to JAS. A. Warren Me., was killed by th ) of suoh additional delegates to 10S Well St., V. ME. Make no Mistake, Look for Signs is required original I want no money. Address Depot, sitting PORTLAND, Delray, Mich. Box 3B6. oars at Wilklnsonvills, Maas., last night tion ia juenmmended. again. and Number. OPEN EVERY EVENING. brillianojr*. Telephone Connection*. HARRIS. MISCELLANEOUS. AT THE NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH. ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Have a ___NEW | Instructive Cigar. Sermon Rev. J, 01 good by I!. Spiers the Rate Revelation. _ It’s MUNYON’S just as easy to have • At the New Jerusalem church ycsterda; a as a morning the pastor, Itev. J. Is. good smoke improvaJ Remedies Combirn Spiers ; Homoeopathic preached a sermon on IIIIR-• very strong “Tit "H,!7E_.;T.°.RE’ UlIR The Best In man All Systems and Make with bow and arrow on the Whit ; poor one, and they Positive Cures Where Al! Horse,” his text was the words o * ] John, “And I saw and beh Id a whiti , cost Other Med cines Fail. you .the. j horse, and the man who sat on him hat j a bow, and he went forth conquoring ant : same- to conquor. If You Are Sick Ask Your Druggist foi > a unswick John saw book written within ant Muuyou'g Guide to a 2; Health—Buy ; without, that is a roll meaning that ii > Cent Remedy and Cure Yourself. i ;: had an inward and an outward, a physi A Mr. A. cal and a FEAST. This CHRISTMAS Benoit, Waupaca, Wis.. says: spiritual application. “Lor I was years afflicted with a bad book which the Lamb alone was ° case ot catarrh. worthy TRACE MARK Cigar | head was | My stoppeed to open was the word of God, and whai ...... min...tinnimi.iiiiiiiiimiiing up. Mucus was continually dropping in is was therein had GOOD and you. will like it and buy it n:y throat. My stomach was affected, written reference to the again. and tho catarrhal poison produced general closing days of the early Christian Sold by first-class dealers everywhere. debility and weakness. I used large churoh. The ooraing of Christ ia the quantities of medicines without 'Wholesale depot. receiving clouds referred to his any benefit, until 1 began with Munyon's coming to the E. L. STANWOOD & CO, PORTLAND, Remedies. I minds of clouded with MAINE. used Munyon’s Catarrh men, doubt and For sale in by l’reble House, McDonough & .Sheridan, 235 Congress street; John Williamson The Cure and a Store Tablets few was on White weeks and sic und Attire the last judgement referred to gl ees and Free streets, D. W. Hesqltine & Co., Congress and Holiday Portland, Me.; Myrtle streets completely cured of catarrh. I also used Portland, Me.; A. 570 street, Portland. Me.: J. C, F has had a spiritual, and not a natural Irving Llfcberv, Congress Stephenson Mum-p i's Dyspepsia Cure and the Vital- ( ongress and Warren streets, Portland, Me.; J. D. Keefe, 205 Middle suvet, J and Portland; Me ize, and am entirely free from the stom- meaning, referred to a spiritual and H. Hammond, Free and Center streets, Portland. Me.; Fred A. Turner, Congress and Washing ton streets. Portland, Me.; Landers & ach trouble and general weakno«s. not to a na' ural state. The color of the Portland. Me.; Babbldge, Druggists “port in honor of occasion. This Grand of and will be in its land. Mil ; Hnrlbur.t Bros., Pharmacists. 940 St. Portland. Me,; John this Display Gifts Toys, glory Catarrh Remedies never fail. Congress O'dx. Monumen Munyon’s liorsu John saw was meant to indicate Square, Portland, Me.; J. H. Hamel. Portland, Me.; E. K. Too Catarrh Cure—price 35c.—eradicates Pharmacist, Guenthner. Apothecary today. Beautiful Presents, indicating of use, or or a combination of it was Exchange and Federal Sts. Portland, Me.; Geo. W. Merrill, Apothecary, 271 Middle St Port- ornament, happy too disease from tue truth, white, and the horse was land system, and tho Me.; Eduard Stevens. Apothecary, Portland and Parris Sts. Portland, Me; H. A. Harding. and a of 5 for Men Children. For one. There is for turh Tablets—price »5.—cleanse and only type the undrstanding and the Monument Square. Portland. Me.;Smiih & Broe, Druggists, Congress and. Center Sts. Port- both, Women, every everything Holiday ii •;<> l'iS. Me.; K. 278 Middle Me Walter p. man who was called "Faithful and end, G.Thompson, St. Portland, 1, Drew, Portland, Me. Presents. Do not worry about what will this or that one. Let on's Rheumatism Cure seldom thinking you give one, ■ True,” and who was followed nov23dlwieod4wks the ■ did our tuiicvj lu ouu 10 three hours, and by ...... us worry for you. We worrying in selecting the Finest Stock of Holiday Goods in in a few Price 35c. armies of heaven was Christ himself. nays. salvation. Men are not born depraved, ECONOMICS. this All can be and suited HERE. line includes some of the hij yen’s Dypepsia Cure is guaran- Ev ety one who forth in the of city. supplied Our latest goes spirit but are born teed to cure an form of aud they with evil tendencies. indigestion Christ is a man with the bow und ar- arrivals from American and Foreign Markets. stomach troubles. L’rice 85c. A man may begin a now life at but once, Vitalizer restores lost row, tliore was a special reterenoe to W. L. Munyons powers but the work of regeneration may re- Bright Papers by C. Women to weak men. Priej 41. Emanuel Our was in the market last ,Swedenborg. quire more than a lifo and Buyer our store A cure time, may SOMEBODY'S Look around NOW before gels crowded with Holt, separate for each disease. At The of the seals had and opening roferenco ■stretch over Monday Tuesday,pioking up special- all druggists, mostly 35 ceuts a bottle. into the spiritual world there Mr*. B. F. Brown, MU* Adelaide Bounty day Buyers. Xmas Suggestions in the following list, which is to the seond coming of Christ and he ties in the ordered to be of Personal letters to Prof. 1505 to be The fact that a Holiday Line, doing a lot unnecessary Muuyon, completed. man and Mr*. B. C. Peabody—Mias Caroline worrying a of our line of Goods. A roll who was, who is, and who is to be was Boston and New York Steam- only part large Holiday street, Philadelphia, Pa., answered has been converted does not mean shipped by about this time, thinking wbat presents with free medical advice for ihe that Gould’s Admirable on any disease. Lord Jesus Christ., who always was, Paper Geology. ship line—as knows there has lie has been taken from hell in to heaven, everybody he or she will give Christmas. There are who is, and who is been no arrival of boats for a CENTER COUNTER. GAME’S. constantly coming but that he has in Aii interesting “afternoon” of the W. week. so many to provide for and resources are THE RED CROSS. stopped his journey to faithful souls, and to those who seek L. U. was hold at the We have been wired that we shall re- slender for supplying them all. Just stop to hell. Tho lifo and of heaven Seaond Advent — Fish joy is do- that at Manson CELLULOID GOODS Brushes, Pond, Messenger Boy, Menagerie, to do his will. The of the church There ceive the Then and think, G. Larrabee’s unfolding ing good in the love of the and the Saturday. was a large at- goods Monday morning. Combs, Puff Waterloo, Yankee Doddle, Soldier Plan* for th© Work of Rescue to Arme- t Lord, you can obtain suitable gifts for every Trays, Boxes, Soap Boxes, Boy« nrist spirit in humanity is the true sec- seat we shall on a to time will come when the lovo of the tendance, every being taken. put large force, get member of the family. Toothbrush Glove Barnum’s Circus, Limited Mail, nia, ond of the Cylinders, Mirrors, Cinder, coming Lord, and ha believed Mrs. B. F. chairman of the them ready for stock. So today at 10 For Father, or Lord “will cover the earth as the water Brown, Br»ther,Son Uncle, one, Menders, Manicure Articles, in sets or ella, Bo-Peep, Cook-Kobin, Mansion, that this would be endorsed by the great made the o’clock we shall be in readiness to show two, or three SENATOR WHITE covers the sea,” and when no man will committee, opening addres* separate, Salad and Fork, Rivals, Hold the Fort, Bicycle, Steeple Washington, December 14.—At the of the Protestant SKIRTS. Spoon Paper majority ministers of to his and was followed by a selection on the you our complete line of Holiday Goods. Chase. Hare and headquarters of the American National say neighbor, “Know ye the The Bonanza, Forest City, or Portland Knives, Letter Openers, Tooth Brushes, Hounds, Yale-Harvard, Portland. It is God’s way of to zither Madame Already we are into busi- coming Lord?” for all will know him from the by Zimmerman. deep Holiday Prido, useful? Surely. Perfect fitting? Nail Brushes, Baby Hair Brushes, Nail Business Wonderland, Zoo-Uncle Sam’s Red Cross today; the permanent staff was the heart of men. least even to The first paper was by ness. Saturday’3 sales proved that faot. Warranted. These Popular Shirts can in the greatest. Polishers and Trays, and sets of Brush, Farm, Brownies, Penny Post, Innooence busily engaged making arrangments The world is indebted to the new revel- the be obtained only at The White Store. The address was a MISS CAROLINE Every salesperson, including large and Abroad, Napoleon, Darktown Cut for the skilled staff that will very able and GOULD Kid Gloves, Mufflers, choice styles in Comb, Tray Mirror. Ball, mobilizing niton to a far greater degree than it lias number of extra as as thoughtful production of which the force, were busy Scarf Sleeve ALUMINUM Brush and up Locomotive, Darktown Brigade, Cut initiate the relief work in as soou above of the High school. It was devoted Neckwear, Pins, Buttons, SETS—Comb, Turkey comprehended. It has been the bees, all long and The zest Silver coat trumpets is an imperfect abstraot. to local day evening. Sterling marks, Bag Tags, Tray, gentlemen Two Brushes and up History, House that Jack Built, as the requisite guarantees of hearty sup- of the geologic formations. She said set, angels proclaiming the truth of of Holiday jelling permeates every de- Cigar Cutters and Key Rings, Pocket Puss in the News that on h street above Tray, and Mirrors. There are the plain Corner, Boys, are forthcoming. These workers are God It has that TOM REED’S Hig just Cumber- Books, Paper Knives, Leather cases con- proclaimed the last judg- LITTLE JOKE- partment. also Maid. Apple Pie, Robinson Red now scattered land, there is a of the taining Brush and Tooth styles, engraved in dainty designs. Crusoe, thorughout the country ment is not in the but in good exposure Comb, Brush, natural, the A fewsuggestions—what to buy the Lit- Linen Silk Handker- desirable for Riding Hood and many others. in the various How He l>id the bed-rock of this region. This rook is en- Handkerchiefs, Very gifts. engaged occupations spiritual world. John of the ren- Liberal Thing by the Gun- tle Ones: &c. spoke chiefs, &o., the ounce or which sustain them when no tirely bereft of life. it PERFUMES—By bottle, great ca- of on the souls of boat Bovs, Markings upon For Aunt or Cousin : dering judgment the Handkerchief Boxes, containing three Mother, Sister, in the finest makes. their that would indicate to the are Kid the newest the low- lamity requires presence. Most of dead, in other words the of contrary little colored bordered Gloves, styles, BASKETS. separation Handkerohiefs, est Toilet them are awaro black oxide of manganese. This bed-rock prices; Handkerchiefs, all kinds, Waters, Smelling Salts, Soaps. already that their ser- and evil in each one. At (from the Chicago Times-Herald.} good this point 35c Box. plain, embroidered and initial, in Cam- Orders taken for vices will be required in desolated Ar- has the same characteristics wherever it Engraved Cards. 60 Work Baskets, Scrap Baskets, Glove the speaker read some impressive passa- At the national soldiers’ home near brio, Swiss and Irish Linen, better values in this Boxos containing three little oolored Engraved visiting cards and Plate tor Handkerchief menia during tiie next six or eight from appears vicinity. The rook seams that ever before offered; Handekrohief Boxes, Boxes, Work Boxes, ges the writings of Emanuel Swe- Milwaukee there is an ardent admirer of bordered with embroidered and much in width and nature- Handekrciefs, and Glove Picture Frames in 98c. Pin Writ- months, without exception, they The little the Lord Thomas B. vary very Boxes, Ring Raoks, Fancy Cushings, denborg. taught his Reed. He praises him un- initial, leather, white metal and have notified Miss Bar ton that are Tliore may be different varieties of quartz bronze. Jewel ing Tablets, Antimony Trays, B ancy they deciples regarding the world of spirits stintedly. I asked him why he took such 39c Box. Cases, Stationary Sets in silver and BOOKS. affairs a or'of asbestos or lime The bed-rock at Catch Alls, Men’s Toilet Cases, eta arranging private for possible was all that could an interest in / Manicure Work they then hear, and out the’Maine man. The Latest Games. pearl, Sets, Baskets, for street is the oldest rook that we Books the Little Ones, Books for Our lot of Veil and Glove year’s absence and will be ready to share of their first “We in High Rings, Brooches, Stick Pins, Sterling special boxes, ooneeption of that life grew served the navy, on the same The Latest Toys. the with her shall see on our It was made Silver After Dinner Coffee Spoons, Sou- Boys and Girls and lor Men and oelluloid, trimmed with silt and the dangers and responsibilities the Catholic idea of boat—the journey. The Latest Books, ribbon, purgatory. There is Sybil—of the Mississippi squad- venir Spoons, Book Fine China Christmas involved in the of relief in the Devonian age, one of the earliest Marks, Women, Cards. Booklets and hand painted. Only 44 ots. each. greatest move- some truth in that idea for there will be ron. I was secretary to Commander DOLLS—Negro Dolls, Jointed Dolls, Vases, Tea Sets, Jardinieres, Lamps, ments. The for the geologic periods, out of formations of Baby Calendars, aTarge assortment of these, preparations present a away of a of the Mitchell and Mr. Reed was Dolls, Boy Dolls, Exquimaux Dolls, Plates, Tile, Calender, Tin Tray, &o., taking evil, purging paymaster. Grandma all new this season. 3 are attended even older ages. The same bed-rook on Dolls, Paper Dolls, Red Riding &o. You should see this line of Prices from cts. undertaking necessarily with soul. A man seem here to an He drank goods. may have not, neither did he chew, Hood Dolls, and all kinds. Dolls’ Toi- Beantiful decorations. to 19.00 eaoh. HANDKERCHIEFS. greater deliberation and caution than , at the northern side of abundance of goodness, but there the smoke nor swear, was good nature it- let Sets, Writing Paper, Story Books, Aprons,Muslin Underwear, Moreen and STORY OF THE those iiitherto North out. We shall see BIBLE-Nioely carried out under Miss street, crops Fur Sets, Mittens, Silk Silk a seeming will be separated from the real, self, and never allowed his work to Gloves, Ties, Skirts, Pictures, Silk Mittens—an bound, very apmopriate present for the The and Barton’s get there rock and drift that Silver Fork and largest best selected stock of guidance as in no former experi- and polished remind Sleds, Knife, Spoon, elegant line, Ladies’ Liberty Silk Scarfs, ohildren. there will be taken away that which behind. Handkerchiefs ever shown us Gold Ring, Handekrchiet Box. a set of Ladles’ Silk Scarfs with at the White ence of the Iras it been nec- of the great glacier that covered this open work ends organization he seemeth to but what he is “He was a BIBLES—Limp binding, large type, have, will practical joker. While the Sterlinig silver Baby Pins, Baby’s Cro- —very handsome, and hundreds of other self Store. essary to leave this and and section ages ago to a depth that covered pronouncing, gilt edges, in two quali- country operate remain. captain most of the officers were chet Socks, and Mitens, Under- which are as Sacques things, just useful and at- ties, *3.60 and $3.98. A large line of colored bordered Hand- far from its sources of encour- away a week after we had been the top of Mt. Washington. There a bottle of tractive. A of principal John saw a new heaven and a new paid, i§ wear, Dresses, Perfumery, &o., fine line Books and Book- Reed directed the men Brooches kerchiefs at 5 cts. each. agement. does not to come to his layer on Munjoy Hill that contains fos- &c., lets. JEWELRY—-Finger Rings, This, however, deter in other words a new state and Stiok earth, in the quarters and receive a month’s pay.. „We.' Pins, Sterling Silver Key Our line of Cambric Swiss Embroidered the executive officers of the American sils. This indicates a period of supmpr Pen human mind. The of the moon were the Rings, Extractors, Cigar Cutters. turning astonished^ governmeut ’iiad not and Pure Linen at 12 1-2 cts. oannot be National Red who are This is further a Wal- Umbrella Silver and Cross, confident of into blood meant that all true acquired the habit of paying in advance. gence. proved by Marks, pearl Paper faith and Book urpassed. A choioe Embroidered- the cordial support otall the National Rod But there was Reed’s written direction rus bone that was dug up on Gutters, Marks, Sterling Sil- linejof would sometime go from the world and Commercial ver 5 to come and get another months’ PICTURES—We have seoured from a prominent manufacturer a speoial lot of o’olook Tea Spoons. Swiss and Pure Linen Hemstitched, at Cross oragnizations acting under the con- pay. street. It must have been brought here had a speoia 1 reference to the Christian “We gathered around the SPECIAL-CUT GLASS 25 ots. each. vention of smooth-faced, from the Framed Piotureg, including Pastels and at about the cost of INDIVIDU- Geneva. In fact a oa,biegram chucrh of happy-bearted north. Etchings, framing. the middle ages. young paymaster, when AL SALTS WITH STERLING SILVER Pure Linen Initial Handkerchiefs of approval from the International Presi- he handed out to each of us as dol- There are some boulders on The greatest offering is 100 Pastels and Etohngs in white, white and frames The reformers, of whom he many Munjoy gold a spoke lars as we were SPOON, 25 cts. set, Silver Plated 12 1-2, 25 and 50 cts. each. dent of the Red entitled to lor 30 to 31 Hill that declare were Cross, Gustavo Moynier, with as geologists brought —size 13 16 inohes. At the ridiculous of 25 oents each. high respect agents of God, were days of service, but they were Confederate by price Spoons, Knives, Forks, Napkin Rings, Gentlemen’s Pure Linen Initial Hand- Switzerland, leaves no doubt as to the co- from the White and others Bon uun raison up wi teacn me wnoio trutn Mountains, Bons, Toothpick Holders, Belt Buck- Jewel kerchiefs at 25, and 50 cts. eaoh. **** wuuw,ido ju n that came a Children’s cut. for did only few miles to the north- les, Cases, Sets, Knife, they not understand the whole Fork and Pin A beautiful line of Picturesque Maine. west. Spoon, Trays, Jewel Trays, Embroidered Linen truth. Luther, for as far etc. A Bi i lefo rd Libel instance, going eto,, Handkerchiefs at 50, 75, 1.00, 1.25 eaoh. Suit, Don’t forget that is the On Bramhall Hill there is similar SILK DEPARTMENT—Some exceedingly handsome and new effects in Ait one way in teaohing the dootrine of faith, tonight night Biddeford, December 14.—A writ was to visit City Hall and see glaoial dobris. It is also to 30 inohes for 60 cents Down 18 Ladies’ Muffs and as the Catholics had gone the other in Pictuersque interesting Silks, wide, yard. Pillows, inch, 59 cents, 20 inch, Boas, Children’s Fur Sets, Umbrellas, Gloves, Hosiery, today served on the proprietors of the Maine illustrated and hear the look at the landscape from there. Frbf. teaching the dootrine of works, but they grandeurs 79c. Toilet Sets in plain Muslin, Dotted Swiss, Crinkled Muslin, and Irish Point, Underwear, Blankets, Puffs, White Quilts, Dress Goons, Stamped Linens, Table Biddeford Evening Record in a $10,000 li-1 of the state described that able lectur- Morse says that it looks to him as if the were raised up to restore the word to the by Linens, Towels, Infants’ Crochet bel suit *ome trimmed with ruffles and some with ruffles and ribbon. Iri»h Point Pillow Jackets, Caps, Hoods, Mittens, Socks, Ladies’ brought by Misses Josephine W. er, Mr. Edward C. Swett. There is Presumpscot river ran into world, and after there had been a clear- every formerly Crochet Skirts and all useful and for and Addie F. who claim Shame, and Toilet Set to match, Look over our line of Slippers, acceptable holiday gifts. Small, that they of the indication that a fine audience will be and also Into Back Bay especially pretty. new Um- ing spiritual atmosphere the time Today we shall open a very choice line of Fine China from one of the lar- have been defamed and their business in- percent and from the kind through JDeering’s Oaks. brellas, selected especially for the Holiday trade. was ripe for the new revelaiton which judging many gest houses in the jured by alleged malioious artioles in and Miss country. the* oaine flattering statements made by the Gould spoke at some length! of through Swedenborg. Truth de- Trays, Pin Pecord. The suit will be entered for trial' in cities where the lecture formations in the harbor Comports, Vases, Calendars, Trays, Buttoners, Mugs, Pitchers, scended from the spiritual to the natural press has;been geologio andlthe at Sugar and Biscuit the January term of the a treat is in store for shell of the coast. i Creams, Jars, Jardinieres, Bisque Pieces, Lamps, Plates, Supreme1 world, and oreeds of the are presented, those heaps past held There is no time, of the year when money is more freely now. There After Court. who intend to be Her was of much local interest spenUthan Bowls, Tiles, Blotters, Dinner Coffees, etc., etc. but faintly in the light ot God’s truth. present. paper and of □ever has been a Holiday season when a dollar bought so much as this, These are Beleeted from the latest novelties of are It is the desire of the management that admirable literary merit. especially. carefully popular makes by an Another “They repeated with many reserva- Gale. The more and as a the audience be in their seats at 8 o’olook Marston|Club female quartette ren- HERE, selling space, greater facilities, incrased efforts, should us experienced buyer. tions,” Portland minister recently give St. Johns, N. F, Deoembor 15.—An- if dered a selectiou. A to customer said in a discussion of this sharp possible, as everything possible charming the GREATEST HOLIDAY SEASON wa yet hnve known. present given every who buys a garment of us before Christ- other storm is raging today and shipping matter. Even will be done tho MRS. B. F. mas. A of the We shall sell our in port is considerably damaged. Steam- the Catholic church is feeling this liberal by management to BROWN, present profits. entire stock AT COST until ers were onsure and oomfort to the 25tli of this unable to leave, and no prospect influence to a marked degree. quiet the audience. president of the Mutual Improvement month. of the vessels off the coast land A few seats still making Some who deny the of good remain and can be club and ohairman of the h. W. U. while the storm continues. Over 20 divinity Christ, and who will seoured at Williamson’s store be- oomrqRtec on economics, read a lcoal vessels carrying five to ten men each not acknowledge his lead- drug paper fore 5 are overdue, having been out during the ership, still retain the spirit of obarity o’clock. upon political economy. whole It is feared some of them She first of the gale. which is a part of the divine in human- spoke increase of late 310 will never “An Able Lecture on reach pprt. Armenia, years in the and ity of Christ in the life. Christ came to wrltiDg reading upon Rev. E. P. Allen of the and Vassar save from sin, not from the wrath of Vaughan street this subject college’s promi- A Humed. God. Middle Street. Church who was , Doctrines are church, born in Ar- nent part in making this subject LAllABEE’S WHITE Harpoot, changing, and must popular STORE, cmi Little Reck, Ark., December 15.—The menia, lectured at the Second Parish women. change in tho light that is breaking from among in First Methodist Episcopal church, He has an income of detail of woman’s entrance intu so south, church last evening on the Armenian Women are to the 000. $10,000,000. with its was burned God’s word. The old doctrine was of a beginning help wise contents, this morn- a uni- many of men’s fields of labor and said question. Want of and honest men He gave $7,000,000 to endow great ing. A delVc. vo furnace was the cause. literal second coining of Christ, the new space prevents the among politicians in as a Christian that this has caused a advancement The builiii; et.se insured for giving of an extended of his to solve the of the versity. He is regarded great L.W. $25,000; dootrine is the revelation of his spirit to report leo- trying problem greatest CLEVELAND, in industrial life beoause of the com- •8000. Two liren tn were seriously in- ture which was at ail times Yet a professor in that uni- icon. The old is not to live interesting advancement of all oitizens. gentleman. fall in- wall-". body again petition it has induoed men and jured by and at times so. He Mrs. Brown said that versity who taught a doctrine antagon- among on tho earth, but the s( ul is to live cn. thriiiingly began political economy was The women. by giving a hurried sketch of the life and means a istic to monopoly discharged. A Judge's tYife Dead. Dell was taught to be a place of literal getting living. Production, ex- of the millionaire has There are now over 400 employments in teaohings false prophet, and then change, distribution and are steadily fought anything and but it is a consumption Gas Electric lire, state of life and Newton, Mass., December 15—Abby simply with his which women are whereas in the Light Fixtures, touohed on the Armenian mak- the four of this that favored any competition engaged, Bowin' iieppin Morton, wife ot Chief the fires are those of lust and Bin. Men question, great steps getting a liv- is as a Chris- of many there were a Justice Morton of the Massachusetts Su- ing frequent reference to large maps of ing by the human race. business. Yet he regarded memory scarcely FINE DECORATED AND will be separated from God because they dozen. preme Court, died at her home at New- the Turkish He said that while in The two faotors of national tian will unite that Christ empire. economy gentleman. ron Highlands, Saturday night of a com- separation. All this has not lessenod the natural his the Sultan is re- are or land and man. MISS ADELAIDE BONNEY Cut of ujssoses. She was 75 will save even to tho uttermost and re- judgment directly territory There are Glass Globes, Annunci- plication years suitability of woman for the home life, Shades, Etc., old. The funeral wiil occur sponsible for the killing of the Chris- six great conditions of land of Tuesday. morse for sin even in hell will result in perma- of the Monica club read a paper on but Batteries and ho does not has increased it and made marriage ators, Bells, Telegraph tians, believe that it would nent importance. They are its “What the of Politioal surface, Study Economy unions and more be at this time to happier lasting, because and possible wipe the Tur- its soil, its water privileges, climate, ..di- Offers to Women in Club Life.” She Instruments, Piping Wiring. kish out of there is more equality between the man empire existence,'and said mensions and neighboring nations. said that all club women have one aim, and wife. 438 CONGRESS that the Sultan con ME. no more be relied Mrs. Brown disoussed these at some of the mind so ST.,.PORTLAND, the emancipation hitman The on to his meeting closed with a piano solo keep promise than a mod dog length. Man must be considered indi- it the truth. d8c13_eodwg that may grasp by Mrs. A. M. Smith. can be relied on not to bite if unchained. and in this lies our You know vidually right per- She enumerated all the special branches briefly ft i her! told. Cremated. He is in the), view of Mohamcdans their sonal that the term responsibility. of human knowledge polit- Steamer Portia at Last Found a Harbor at The of Samuel the prophet king, and the firing of a single She traced the necessity of labor and Includes and thus indicated body Farrington, ical economy St, John. Mr. Hay ward, father of gun in a religious war would be the education and capital and Harry Hayward, former boss blacksmith at the Maine sig- interest in its great value to olub women, as a sub- just hung for the murder of Catherine nal for the of of connection with the has Central who died recently, was, rising 300,000,000 people development of land ject for discussion. St. Johns, N. F., Deoember 14.—The laing, relinquished all claim for in- shops for a war of extermination. The and man and wealth. She ■trance on her lite, him to his express wishes oremated Sultan spoke with She emphasized the great need of study British steamer Portia, Uapt. Farrell, assigned by Har- according can be restrained, and he extended reference to money and ry- at Mass., last week, and the Camille however, be- silver as this line if women are to under- arrived here this morning three days and Rcxbury, along Young William lieves that the United States should money, and bi-metallism and tariff Baker"of Worcester, was ashes were taken to Fryeburg for burial. | join and itand what is going on in the world and seventeen hours from from Halifax. It drowned by falling through the ice while in demanding that every one of the 30 and the Mr. Farrington, during his life, always protection explained meaning of read the newspapers intelligently. She usually takes her 78 hours to make the skating Armenian* and manifested a strong interest in the sub- provinces be administered by these terms outlined the cost and ne- Farrell en- While bells complimented the newspapers by saying trip. Capt. reports having were ringing for the birth ject of oremation and always expressed foreigners. Ho made an cessities of government. of a son to the Duke of his eloquent appeal that while many people oonsider them as countered weather of unparalleled sever- York Saturday, the wish that body bo disposed of in for ror the the Queen was help 500,000 suffering, starv- She spoke of a modern millionaire who and The hurricane continued two attending memorial ser- that way after bis death. simply advertising mediums politioal ity. days, vices in honor of the ing, homeless Christians of Armenia. had accumulated In late Prince Consort. thirty years 1150,000, but that the fact is that the in- during whioh time her deoks wore Rev. R. C. Hack said organs, Ofiioial denial is made of the Real Estate — tiiat Portland report Transfers. Well know how — The deokload was to you popular she is a will join Boston in financial telligent reader oau find much of valu- swept. jettisoned published by the Paris that sending 8100 Reward 8100. Figaro, The following transfers of real estate “tip topper.” The Cigar that is named assistance to the suffering Christians of able information in them by looking for save the ship. Her wheel, compass, ste6r Captain General Martinez Campos had his in this have Armenia. The readers of this paper will be and deck furniture were carried resigned oommand in Cuba. county been recorded in after her is way up too; as as the pleased to It, even in our smaller dailies. She spoke ing gear good learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease Senator Stewart is to to the Registry ot Deeds: name that women of sufficient overboard and two of the crew were bad- expected reply it bears. Your dealer is anxious 'I lie Jolin F. Kttndall in Collision. science has been able to cure hi all its of tile ueed among Senator Cullom and that is Catarrh. today. Westbrook—Willlnra W. Lamb to John stages, Hall’s Catarrh to the:r ly orushed by the force of the seas. The to show it to Ask him for — Last Cure knowledge protect property P. you. it. Portsmouth, N. H., December 15 Is the only positive cure known to the Anderson. their engines broke down anil the ship was night us the schooner John F. Randall medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu- rights and also to prosecute charit- Yarmouth—E. M. Hodsdon to Charles tional a For rheumatism 1 was beiug towed to sea.a strong tide disease, requires constitutional treat able work to the best advantage. Polit- unmanageable for four hours. The stern have found nothing H. Johnson. tneot. Cure is taken caused the vessel -to" collide with the #Ws Catarrh lmeruallr was and to Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It Euward H. et al. to Clarence L. She’s a i the blood and ical includes these matters. under water for 86 hours nobody equal Moxcey beauty! schooner John at Slses’s acting directly upon mucous tmr economy J.Hanson, lying of relieves the J. Uucknam. facet the system, thereto desiroviutt the aboard ever expected to see land again. pain as"soon as applied. wharf. The latter schooner’s, -jibbooih Joshua T. Nowell to C. W. Potter. M. Foster & Co., foundation of the dlieaw. antl givina.th«.eatient -MR8~PeXBODY,. W. West W. Vo. The was broken and its headgear carried tke The Allan line steamer] Carthagenian Young, Liberty, Great Island—Louisa H. New York. strength by building up constitution ana Clieheague Manufacturers, four gets its of Acorn a relist it affords is alone worth away. The Randall’s of assisting nature In doing work. The pronri the club, read paper upon arrived from Liverpool tonight, having prompt Webber to Edith M. Lauroo. it etors have so mueh teltli in its shrouds were cut, and suffered other curative the “The Effect of the Indus- of many times tho ou cents. Its con Earle to Daniel E. John W. Perkins & that offer One Handled subject, enoountered similar weather. Reports oost, Doering—E. Viutpu Co., damage to the extent $500 or $700. they Dollars ior anv Comiski. case that it falls to cure. Send for trial World on Women.” She traced the coast oontinue to come tinued use will effect a permanent cure. Portland. soon at* the two vessels list of test? damage aloDg the Distributing Agents, As could he monials. cleared the Randall was dnoked and will history of women through the ages, in. Several vessels have been driven For sale by lenders & Babbidge, Drug- & HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Add..ess, F. J. CHENEY CO., o. IJs, be obliged to make repairs before proceed- Toledo, and said that her advancement of a are miss- gists, Portland, and C. B. 76c. briefly aBhore and cumber of others Woodman, Indigestion, Headache, --—_ ing. t3y“Soid by Druggists, Biliousness, ID’Arville late is due to her own efforts. She spoke ing. Westbrook. A. pleasant laxative- All Druggist* MISCELLANEOUS. QUINN & CO. ASSIGN. , JiliiiiiiiiiiiitHiiiimiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiib The Well Known Boiler Firm Goes Undei “ Ise in Town | | Honey.' —Liabilities J5*15,000—Universal Sympathy for Mr. Quinn. I OUR CHRISTMAS BELLS THEY RING FOR All There was general regret Saturday among business men when the informa- tion was spread about that the old and favorably known firm of Quinn & Co., boiler makers, at the oorner of Commer- A Cheerful Call to Christmas cial and Franklin streets, had failed. The Bargains. assignment was made Friday to Dennis Pancake A. Meaher, Esq., and William H. Low- j ery, time-keeper at the boiler works. The j firm has been in existence for 35 years, NEVER SO COO 888888S88888NEVER SO CHEAP. Flour. Mr. Thomas B. Merrill having sucoeeded | \ Mr. Geo. Coyle. Of late business has been A combination of the great staffs 5 bad and of life WHEAT, CORN and Mr. Merrill has been sick. Mr. | RICE.j Quinn did not realize until yesterday S A grocer who offers you any other} the condition of affairs and he at once • colored package than Red when vou* cask for the Genuine Aunt Jemima is. made an assignment. Our display of HOLIDAY GIFTS are opened and The most and desirable Presents at FAIREST £ trying to deceive you, and if he deceives} The liabilities are not far from $15,000, ready. appropriate you in this matter he mav in ac-> jj your and the assets are small. Probably the FIGURES. or Sv'ounts. Remember the Red package.* Remember this assortment contains the RIGHT for every ^person, old, middle-aged i Beware of counterfeits. 1 machinery in the shop is not worth $1000 thing Mr. Quinn owns two or three houses, HERE’S OUR GUARANTEE. young. We will We will We will meet be or small. worth eaoh. All this please you. satisfy you. your wants, they large n Buy a package of Genuine Aunt Jemima’s Self- > perhaps $1000 prop- fi Pancake and If Rising Flour, you do not find it C erty will have to go. Mr. Merrill, probab- 0 makes the best cakes you ever ate, return the C ft empty box to your grocer, leave your name, and * ly, has no property, at least none of any tbe will refund the and ? All the new and attractive from. handsome Garments at £ grocer money charge MPN’Q OKU I? ^l/ED^A ATC styles to select Durable, ft it to ua. jj amount and he *s considerably indebted Q -- Scientiflcally Prepared and ■*l I Ml W rim Bill w V and finer and are Manufactured S to the firm. EiiwVM I O* $3.98, 5.00, 6.00, 12.00. Still unapproachable bargains "only by our Overcoats at The principal creditors are Daniel Kel- 15.00, 18.00, 20.00, 22.00, 25.00 and 28.00. h. T. DAVIS MILL SO., Sf. Joseph, & Charles Jr., J. J Sx300tX30€30000OTQO€3GGOQQGOOC30GOD050C3GOGG(MoJ ley Sons, Staples, Gerrish & Co., and the First National lUIETIU’C STBIUST III GTTITDO And good, durable Low Priced Ulsters. Price, quality, workmanship guaranteed, at $4.98, bank. Tho business will have to be mcm o rime uloi evyo. clos ed out to sat sfy the indebtedness as 6.00,8.00,10.00,12.00,15.00,18.00,20.00,22.00ami25.00. LADIES’ far as possible. The creditors all feel disposed to be as Men’s at $4.98, 6.00, 8.00,10.00,12.00. In still finer grades at $15.00, 18.00, 20.00, favorable as possible toward Mr. Quinn. a MEN’S There will be meeting on December FINE SUITS. Business^Suits 20th at Mr. Meaher’s office. MEM’S FIME Diamond Rings. Mr. Quinn is known by all his tellow PAMTS. Men’s Odd Pants from $1.25 to 7.00 a pair. One lot of All Wool Pants at $2.25 a pair, worth 4.00. business men of Portland as a man of the strictest integrity and uprighteous- A bundled of tile pret- ness in all dealings and there is much ------x ox --- tiest Diamond Rings sympathy for him in this misfortune, the I result of no fault of his you ever set your eyes He said “I have been mak- BOYS’ on. You will say so Saturday, OVERCOATS. SMOKINO JAOK.ETS. boilers for 55 and this is the i when you see them. ing years first time Pve failed. But I’m not down- and Melton Overcoats, i » Diamond is of Boys’ Kersey fiom 5.00 to 20.00. 25 styles to select from, from 4.00 to 12.00. Every hearted. I shall to oome out of prices We try it. I Boys’ Ulsters, from 4.00 to 16.00. godd quality. keep shall keep on making boilers” no off color or from a imper- He will continue in bus! ness and any- Boys’ Suits, 4.00 to 18.00 suit. GOODS, ii feet stuff. $150 down body who has bad any dealings with him to $6.50. 1 will give will give him a helping hand. CHILDREN’S OVERCOATS. Underwear for all. Boys’ Underwear at 25c and 45e. Men’s white and mixed Underwear at | you more for your 19c, 45c,75c,$1.00,1.25,1.50and 2.00. Contocook W Underwear at 75c, Contocook A Underwear at money in a Diamond THE DOLLEY CASE. Children’s Cape Overcoats, from 2.00 to 8,00. than other 1.08 each, worth 1.25 at wholesale. dealers. Children’s Ulsters, from 4.00 to 14,00. iiiumsi *uu -VIX a I|UIU 1U VUUl Hosiery—English Cashmere Half 2 for 25c. Camel’s Hair Hose at 19c a pair. ttie —Mr. Anthoine Waived Examination. CHILDREN’S SUITS. Hose, pair McKENNEY, Jeweler, Heavy Wool Hose at 25c a pair. Monument Square. In the municipal court Saturday morn- Short Pant Suits, from 1,00 to 12,00, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs. Initial Siik ing Rose Dolley and her mother wore One lot of line all wool Suits at-3.00, former price 5,00, Handkerchiefs, plain fancy, Handkerchiefs, arraigned before Judge Robinson, Mufflers, Fancy Suspenders, Common Suspenders. charged with the murder of an infant CHILDRENS REEFERS. LINEN COLLARS and CUFFS, all style; Collars, 2 for 25c; Celluloid Collars, 18c; Celluloid YOU male child. Mrs. Ellen Dolly was ar- Children’s from 2.50 to 7.00. Cuffs, 34c. raigned first and in response to the read- Keefers, wish to make her a handsome, | ing of the arraignment, charging her ODD SHORT RANTS. GLOVES— Dress Gloves, 1.00, 1,25, 1.50 and 2.00. Working Gloves, oil tanned, at 19c a valuable, Christmas Gift, one she 11 with counseling her daughter to wilfully pair. Buck and Calf Skin, lined and unlined, at 45c, 75c, 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50. and with malice kill and Odd Short will be delighted to show adrnir- aforethought Pants, 21c, 45c, 75c, 98c, 1.25, 1.50, 1,75 and 2.00, We carry an immense line of Mackintoshes and Umbrellas and quote the Lowest Prices. murder her own the ing friends, buy a Diamond ■ child, replied. “Not guilty, sir." Ring and anai. jieautnui size 13 all Mr. Anthoine waived examination'and lectures, by 16, framed in White and Gold, with $3.00 worth from our Children’s Department, Christmas comes but ouce a jcai. to make the prisoner was removed. some heart glad. Don’t neglect the opportunity. Bring joy to some man or boy. GET IT HERE, Rose Dolley then entered the dock sup- -- xox---—- ported by Mrs. Moore, the police matron.

our Her face was oonoeaied a _ _ _ because stock is large and entirely by ___ thick brown veil. She sat with her head anti contains no spurious Diamonds. 1116 leading One Price Cash Clothiers, Hatters Furnishers, bene downward and her attitude was so Spot Next to Diamonds our special- eloquent of utter despair that it would hnve induced commiseration in the haid- ty is Watches. If you select a ] IRA F. est heart. To spare her Mr. Anthoine CLARK oC 26 AND 28 monument Portland. Watch be certain waived the of the CO., sq., reading arraignment, pleaded not guilty and waived examina- tion. Both Rose and her mother were CHAS. H. _^^^^^^___jr.it RBDLON,-• IT’S GOOD committed without bail to await the ac- Proprietor.^__ tion of tbe grand jury, which convenes the seoond week in January. in movement as well as case. We ] Warren Dolley, brother of Rose, was Mill i guarantee both. Silver and ■ held as a material witness in 1300 bonds, MJJSIfl, PEKEEXTER’S. whWi were furnished by his nncle, Ed- Plated Ware here purchased 1 wiM H. Dolley and Theodore Sayward. can be depended upon. In trading Rose Dolley is much broken down by BOOKS of f the strain her terrible situation. It is here sure of the f you’re getting not considered safe for her to be alone -AND- t best COAL. <| and 'the polioe matron. Mrs. Moore, stays GRAND with her at night, while the matron at A Full Assortment of the jail is with her constantly in the day Lehigh and Free- FANCY GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. time. Her mother remains calm and Burning Coals for Domestic Use. \ f passes —FOR— of her time in MARK DOWN SALE % much prayer. |l Pocahontas (Semi-Hi turn and —— incus) in-: THE TYPOS’ SUPPER. Georges Creek Cumberland Coals are Willis *•Cates. unsurpassed for general steam and LADIES’ 5 Christmas Gifts- I i Annual Banquet and Election of the Typ- Jewelry, jeweler, forge use. ographical Union. CHOICEST STOCK, .. Silverware. 573 Congress St. Genuine Lykens and Furs. l Talley Franklin, Jackets, Gapes t .LOWEST PRICES. The annual meeting of the Portland English and American Cannel. $ Union was Typographical held Saturday A visit to our store will convince you of f evening and it was a very enjoyable Above Coals Constant" Commencing Thursday, Dec. 12th, we offer Jl <> these facts. d affair. our entire stock of »U BiTicn. On lYtaue 6UU in the oarly the members ly Hand. I Square B1 anketb for the road. evening TELEPHONE .... Surcingle Blankets for Stable. gathered at the hall of the ogranization 100-2 We have everything pertaining to Optical & JONES GO. sizes and qualities* STEVENS JSSSStSi,. All bhapes, goods. Also a large stock of Ladies’ Garments. The Best 5/A ia the on Middle where the business i„ street, OFFICE: Christmas \ | Goods, IMF was held. BAKER BLANKET. meeting The treasurer’s report including Silverware, Jeweiery, Watches, in Seal, Mink, Persian Lamb, Astrachan, 5/A in ail stvles Many Have Worn 16 Years. showed that the Union was in a flourish- Clocks, from the elegant Marble Thousands of testimonials. 7b Commercial & 70 and Onyx to the Nickel Alarm. I also have an Electric Seal, Montignacs, Chinchillas, all dealers. Exchange Sts. Sold by ing financial condition. »P3 endless variety of noveliles in Silver, including u» for 5^A Book. M.W&Ftf Beavers, Kerseys, Cheviots, &c., at Write Tfio nlanfinti rtf offlnorn nnen Manicure Sets, Paper Cutters. Match Boxes, & SONS. MM. AYRES Philadelphia. Menthol in silver cases. Coat Plaster in Case, greatly reduced prices, and in many ing year resulted as follows Pin Cushions. Razor Hone in sil- Emery Bags, cases at President—Ernest A. Pollard. ver case, Thimbles in Solid Silver. Alumi- To the holders of Portland num all sizes at 6c each at Atlileth First Vice President—W. H. Green. LESS THAN COST. Club Ponds. Second Fice Presidant—Fred D. Wish. E. S. PortAasd, Me.. Dee. 3d. 1895. Recording Secretary—Arthur H. Berry. PF^DEXTER, We make this offer thus early in the for the to th< SILVERWARE, OEAIJiD Proposals sale, Finanoial Secretary—John M. Boyle. 561 St. Trutees. of Bonds ol the Portlanc Congress season in order to ensure the sale of these Treasurer—Thomas L. H. Haskell. -- Athletic Club, to an amount sufficient to abtorf Portland, Maine. Executive Committee—T. J. goods during the Holiday season. the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, will be re Magnet, decll dtf celved by the undersigned, until SATURDAY J. H. Wish, Jr., George E. Ken worthy, Rogers & Bro. A1 Star j CATARRH. fSBALABIfl, at Jr. | PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT December 14th. 1895, twelve (12) o’clocl Brand Silver Plated Ware I Florida m, The proposals must state the denominatioi Seargent at Arms—J. F. Haley. AND POTASSIUH of each Bona or Bonds oliered. and the lowes Auditing Committee—Harry C. Crock- is the best, and every piece I KiDNEY TROUBLES net price. through Washington, Richmond antf er, F. H. Hatch, S. Files. is warranted for 20 via.: We reserve the to or all offers Harry years. I Charleston right reject any to Central Labor Union— or to a of lot Delegates HASKELL&JONES, part accept any Arthur H. Knives, $3.50 per do*. Atlantic Coast Line Bakes. a^lTSFEPSfl Address, Wm.. H. MOULTON, Trustee, Berry, T. A. Ward, R. B. Monument Square. P. O. Box 466, City Rogers, L. M. Pearson, J. L. Sullivan. Tea Spoons, $2.50. S Trains Daily S deoil W.F.&Mtflt !?■ 5D.S*“. | Are ®ss5iirs3y i'eiaovs'& tby .rv; dec4dl(Jt Adjournment was taken to the Granite Rouet of the celebrated '“New Yoric and Desert Spoons, $4.00. Cures ar.d PotaB- Spring Cafe on where Florida Special.” Excursion tickets to Marvelous -Prickly Ash. Pose Soot , Table « Points. •tan, the ereateet blood purl her oa .rfj an excellent banquat was served by Ruby. Spoons, $4.50. all important Woman's Christian Temperance Union Johnson, N. E. Agt., 300 Washington St. Bos- earth. %■' Then followed a number of informal We have a large variety 1 1891. At the short business of tin ton __dec7dlmo in Blood Poison AB3BDB5S, O.. Jtlly 21, rff" meeting Mhs-jhs Lipphan Eros. bavatnah. M, speeches by the various members. The Of Berry Spoons, Pie ^ Portland W. C. T. which | Oa.: Dear Bias—l booRht a bo.cla of U., precede! P. Banjo, Mandolin and Guitar club, Thos. Kuives, Fisli Sets, Cold - yourP.P. at'Hct 3priiijj»,Axk..aiia the exercises in connection with tin | has done mo mcro good ti_au &-■ J. Newinan, leader, furnished music, Meat Forks, firavy. Oyster 1 REWARD! $500 Rheumatism eq oaths’ trea tme nt at the Hot Springs. >, blrthdny of Mrs. M. T. W. Merrill (ai botftlos Ci O. D. rfh.*. and arrest and conviction of the gsnd throe of which was in Satur Soup Ladles, Fruit I For the liespoctiully years. Vp account given N. E. o. r. M. NEWTON. Nut who assaulted John H. Doyle, JAB. PRESS), mention was made of tin Knives, Picks, Sugar parties and AhePdeaHj Brown Cour/y, Ob day’s The celebration of the fifth anniversary | in a saloon on India street, on or about Scrofula of Portlani Spoons and Butter Knives I fi>. JotuawLon. absence of tho president of Mt. Vernon lodge. No. 169, will occui the 17 th day of September. P. P. P. purifl#3 the blood, builds tip Capt. J. N* I the weak arid debilitated, gives I was ii in lined PIANOS it concern: rare? Cornelia M. who plush cases, and all -shorn may Union, Dow, at Mystio hall, and every JAMES DOYLE, strength to weakened nerves, expels To f§jjr Monday evening | t%v testify to the wonderful properties > been calloi make a useful diseases, giving ho patient health and akin. Lancaster, N. H., having member should make an effort to be B they and 1 nov28dlmo» Col. -0- o* P. P- P. for eruptions cf tho I pres- where sickness, _Victor, happiness gloomy for several yours with an un- there the sicaness and death of he: feelings and lassitude first y re vailed. t uttered by ent. An interesting programme will bt pretty present. sightly and disagreeable eruption oa jfc. face. I tried every known rema* sister, Mrs. Louisa Benton, who was alsi carried out, Su- Come and see the Our Stock Was Not Selected For and mv including addresses by goods Especially primary, secondary tertiary dy buc in vain,until P. P. r. was used® stf* | for blood mercu- a member of the W C. T. U. The secre before FOR ^ -.. syphilis, poisoning, and cm now entirely cured. Jk preme Warden, Hon. Geo. H. Howard, you purchase. WM. M. MARES, rial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and D. JOHNSTON. *******(J3ica l~» S- blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, were instructed to coBvey to her un ox tary, D. M. Frye. Contributions for tht jB tetter, scald head, boils, erysipelas, gli!n> Cns&eer Cuared. eczoma—we may say, without, fear of pression of tender iu her be be loft at- after 2.31 Card contradiction, that P. P. P. is the best the sympathy supper may the hall It is as we The and Best Assortment Testimony from Mayor of Sequin,TiK» Book, just always carry. largest in JV blood purifier the world, and makes reavemont and also regrets that she couli o’clock afternoon. Extra tickets found East of Boston. Tex. 14,1893. Monday —AND— to be IP._positive, speedy and permanent cures Sequin, January Bnos.. not be present at the meeting in liouo: can be obtained of the secretary and com- in all cases. Messes. Ltppman Savannrai* v McKENNEY, jib. Ga.: Gcntlernon—l have tried- your P. mittee of of Mrs. had arrangements. X». P. for a disease of the skin, usually Merrill, for which she plan Ladies are Contributions to the be lefi whososyetems poisoned known *.s skin cancer,cf thirty years* supper may jJM whose blood is m an conul- ncd. Mrs. Geo. S. Hunt, former presi at the hall after the & SONS. »nr dent of the Portland inter ots be JOB are benefited the won- purifies Union, whose may obtained of the seorotary oi PRINTER, peculiarly by ritation from the seat of tho disease KXCHANOg, denial tonic and blood cleansing prop- of tha est in tho work of the am members of the committee. PKSNTKSS’ and other First ^A and prevents any enraadiug society locally s r Hardman, Cabler, Bacon, ertiesof P. P. P.—Prickly A'b, Poire si:: r | monument qua e. soros. I bs vo taken five or hot lea and broader fields lu Boot and Potassium. thnt another course is still as great as ever •7 Exchange St, Portland. _ and feel confident > Sebago. ” Class Pianos. will effect a cure. It has also relieved! was also absent from the re 14th, 1893. ftjg?x' city, but she David Brown died cancel Spuihopield, Mo., Aug. mo from indigestion and etomaoti Saturday of Open Evenings. v —I oaa in the terms of the occasion 9peak highest trouble. memberetl bysending a beau on the liver. He was over 70 years oi IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS AND POPULAR WOODS. dm your medicine from my own personal j,. RTST. aBBMBM1HlligllliMir,THinTOm^ PRINTING A SPECIALTY. heart # His funeral will take Tues ♦♦♦ FINE JOS V- knowledge. I was affected with Attorney at Law. x. tiful offering. age. place in the New a and rheumatism for mail Hleitfci.it M The tact that we are sole Wholesale and Retail tepresentatives finglrnd State: disease, pleurisy day. All orlAfi by promptly 85 years, was treated by the very btc« lOtlltMtf hundreds of lol- Sweden and the Swedes. :S==sfob the sale or~~-^-:-= phy sicians ana spent m x bars, tried every known remedy wjtli- m on Blood Bisoases Bee. G® I have taken ol Pianos ot ot our ability to meet al ouc finding relief. only ALL DP.CGGI3TS SELL IT. To the Editor of the Press:' Eight the representative America, is sufficient gurantee bottle of P. P.» and cun qg* Beecham’s for consti- TICKETS FOR EUROPE. YOTJH Old Piano* or taken in mailed tree on I ^ one your.P. At the meeting of the Maine Historical pills BUY competition. Organs exchange. Catalogues application. ; cheerfully say it has done morpoio jJh taiion. next By good than anything I have ever LIPPNIAN Sooietv Thursday evening, Hon. W. LAMPS ^ medicine to ali # io^ and Get via. S. S. SCOTSMAN, on CROCKERY, GLASSWARE ANO 2 can recommend your W. Thomas, will deliver an addiv- the sailing above diseases. pbopp-istohs, Jr., pation 25b at wholesale prices. Fine goods at the •nfferers of the ami Thursday, Dee. l»th, at retail MttS. M. M. YEAEY, ,2^ upon Sweden the Swedes. It shouh for tile ordinary elsewhere. Ga V’ Can be obtained of price yon pay Green County, Me. mppniKk’e ’Bloc}s»Sa'«umali, be understood that these meetings an book at your druggist’s and fiprlugfield, free to the tnnt all are E. SWASEY & CO., Steinert & and cor M. Sons public 2 1-2 Co., fjp clially welcome. The doors will he opei it. H. G. STARR, Union Wharf. Importers Crockery and Glassware, at go by seven. Agents lot Allan. Dominion, Cunard. Atlantic 273 Commercial St,, (foot of Croft* street 517 CONGRESS STREET. T. C. McGOULDRICH, Manager. H. W. BRYAfx'T, Secretary. Annual sales more than 6,000,000 boxes. Transport and White Star Lines. oefJleodSmo n0v4 codSm) den Vi dtt I PORTLAND DAILY PRkSS debt to be payable in coin. He voted to FINANCIAL. AMUSEMENTS. —AN D— except specifically the fifteen hundred millions of 5-30 bonds fromooin MAINE STATE PRESS. payment, argued earnestly iu favor of taxing tiie Subscription Rates. bonds of the government, refused to sup- INVESTMENTS. Daily (in advance) $3 per year: $3 for stx port the bill for the resumption of specie months; St.50 a quarter; 60 ceuts a mouth. payments, and united with others in a Town of Dexter. Maine, 6's. national the act af- The Daily is delivered every morning by movement to repeal Town of Maine. 4's. Portland Theatre, ter it had a considerable Pittsfield, carrier within the limits and at been for period E. anywhere city in G. LOTHROP, Prop. Woodfords without extra charge. operation. City of Zanesville, Ohio, 4 1-2's. I On the Southern question, in all its Daily (Not In advance!. at Hi invariably phases, Mr. Bayard has baeo proclaimed City of Springfield, Ohio, 5's, ate of a $7 year. by liis supporters as calm, considerate State City of Ashland, Wisconsin, 6's. TONIGHT, Maine Press, (Weekly) published and just. In truth he has lias gone as INTERESTING FACTS every Thursday, $2 per year; $1 for six months; far as tho most rauoorous rebel leader of Borough of Braddock, Penna., 4 1-2's and 5’s. 60 cents a 25 the South, touching the reconstruction quarter; ceuts lor trial subscrip- Portland Water tion of six weeks. laws and the suffrage of tho negro. In Company, 4's and 5's. tile Forty-second Congress, in an official Persons wishing to leave town tor long or Portland & Stock, report on the condition of the South, Franz Liszt and the Chickering Ogdensburg Railway short periods may have the addresses of their Mr. Bayard joined with the minority of Dividends guaranteed by Mains Central Ratiroad. GILBERT papers changed as often as desired. the committee in tho distinct avowal Piano. -FOR SALE BY- Advertising Rates. that negro suffrage would praotically cease when the should In Daily Press $1.60 per square, first Republican party be defeated. These are the exact words week. 75 cents week after. Three Inser- MESSRS. UHICKERING:—It is very per in which Mr. Bayard concurred: “But H. HI. PAYSON &, OPERA tions or other me to add name to tbe GO, less, $1.00 per square. Every whenever that party (the Republican) agreeable to my < advertisements, one third les3 than these ay shall go down, as go down It will, at o onert of praises of whioh your pianos 1ty]7 dtf al es. some time not in the future, that living long are the objeot. i Halt advertisements week wiil be the end of the power of fin i i square $1.00 per political I must declare them PICTURES. the men on con- To be just perfect, Utfl I l st week; halt price each succeeding week. negro among white this tinent.” When Mr. Bayard united with and perfectissimes (superlatively perfect). “A Square” is a space of the width of a col- bonds; -IN- other Democrats in this declaration the There is no which is | umn ami one inch long. quality foreign right of the negro to vote had already in on first one-thud ad- to them. Your instruments possess, Special Notices, page, been protected by an amendment to the ditional. Constitution. Hie language was, there- the supreme degree, nobility and power OLD COLONY R.R. “Billie Taylor.” Amusements and Auction Sales, $2.00 per fore,a distinct threat to override the.Con- of tone, elasticity and security of the stitution in order the of square each week. Three insertions or less. to strip negro touch, solidity, 40—Recognized Artists—40 the which the Constitu- harmony, brilliancy. due 1924. power — $1.50 per square. political 4’s, REPERTOIRE — tion had conferred him. This threat oharms and prestige; and thus offer a Heading Notices in nonpanel type and upon was so t serious and so lawless that it harmonious ensemble of perfections, to Tuesday ...Chimes ol Normandy | classed with other paid notices, 15 ceuts per slioul have received more attention than the exclusion of all BOSTON & MAINE Wednesday p'atinitza line each insertion. a defects. lolanthe was bestowed upon it when first Thursday Pianists of the least will Friday Pirates ol Penzance Pure Heading Notices in reading matter type, forth. It was not uncommon to hear pretentions put Saturday Ollivette find means of from R. R. 26 cents per line each insertion. brazen defiance of Constitutional obliga- drawing them agree- Wants, To Let, For Sale and similar adver- tions from Southern speakers addressing able effects; and in faoe of suoh products GRAND SERIES OF Southern audiences fioin tisements, 25 cents per week in advance, for mere sensation- —which truly do honor to the art of the akeffect. But this was an anuouneement due 1937. LIVING 40 words or less, no display. Displayed adver- Have Stood a construction of instruments—the role of 4’s, PICTURES. made in tho Without Peer Senate of the United tisements under these headlines, and all adver- States, Seats Now on Sale at Box Office. not hastily and angrily in the excitement the oritio Is as simple as that of the pub- isements not paldl lin advance, iwlli be POPULAR PRICES—Evenings, 15, of debate, but with reflection and delibe- lic ; the one has but to applaud them 85, 35 and 50c. Matinee, best seats,25c. barged at regular rates. ration, in an official which had report conscientiously and with entire satisfac- In Maine State Press—$1.00 per square been studied for months and subscribed -AND ---—- rP# GEO. F. MATINEES tion, and the other but to prooure them for first and ceuts square lor to in by Mr DUNCAN, | || insertion, fifty per writing Bayard. each subsequent insertion. The common apprehension assigns to in the same manner. 42 Exchange St. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Mr. a at the bar dec!3 dtf Address all communications relating to sub Bayard bigb standing In congratulating you sinoerely upon and positive rank as a man of culture. scriptions and advertisements to Portland the great and decisive suooess obtained As a lawyer Mr. Bayard has doubtless 97 KOTSCHMAR HALL, Publishing Co., Exchange Street, oherished no ambition as he has attained at the Exposition at Paris, I am pleased Portland, Me. no prominence, while in point of educa- all to anticipate the happy continuation of Wednesday Evening, Dec. 18th, New York Office: tion lie never enjoyed facilities beyond Conquers Competion. the same in all where oommon or places your pianos WANTED. No. 66 Pulitzer Building, New York City. those of the school the private mer- will be heard; and I beg that you aocept, ■ Byron Andrews, Manager. academy. Originally destined for cantile he did not receive in 'I life, his J, gentlemen, tlie,expression of my most GRAND CONCERT nurlv vaiipb film hotiflflf. r»f ai liharnl train. --XXX-—- distinguished sentiments of esteem and — TO BE GIVEN BY — in?; nor did his tastes lead him into any consideration, THE PRESS. speoial pergonal pursuit of literature or science, or even into a close,careful (Signed) E. LISZT. Sally Frothingham Akers, study Soprani), Assisted by of the of his own country—a From December 2, to December we are an LEEDS AND FARMINGTON DECEMBER history 2I, 1895, holding MISS CLEMENTINE V ARMEY. MONDAY, 16, which would have bis study * exempted Second Soprano. public career from some of his more MRS. FRANK MCKENNEY, There are plenty of people who profess notable mistakes. (.Ada Cary) First Contralto, For obvious reasons Mr. Bayard has MRS. C. S. RAYMOND, to know who will be to all 6’s Louise Second appointed acquired exceptional popularity in the Vladimir de Pacliman and the (Annie Carey) Contralto, of the House the MISS GERALDINE MORGAN, important chairmanships South, and especially with Southern of New -BY THE-• Yioliuist York. committees, but the fact they radically men in Congress. When those who par- Chickeriug Pianos. MR. HARVEY MURRAY. Accompanist. in the Rebellion were freed from disagree among themselves is pretty con- ticipated Tickets, including reserved seats #1.00 Now their disabilities and their old “THE on sale at Stockbndge’3 Music Store. clusive that their is regained WILLOUGHBY,” proof knowledge seats in the Senate and found House, they SARATOGA, August 25, 1890. mere assumption, and that the committee Mr. Bayard in position, and they natu- Exhibition The Piano stands PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. The Unitarian Women’s Alliance secrets are still locked in rally aocepted him as a leader. It was Chickering rightfully up Speaker Sale, nov23 dtf fresh in the of these men for on this earth It is not Heed’s breast. memory that alone, only un- Announces a course of Mr. -AT- Bayard’s friendship for them has surpassed, but unequaled. I can give been constant and unremitting; that TP nfru The Bed Cross Society has resolved to logical and aesthetic proofs of my asser- even in the fatal folly and wrong of FIVE LECTURES Undertake the difficult and dangerous secession in 1861 they had his sympathy, tion. When one asks: why do these work oX to the Arme- to such an extent that he advocated in a manufacturers attain carrying provisions unique perfection? to he in the public speech the policy of permitting 583 Congress St., in the New Hotel given nians who have been rendered destitute City Building. the answer is: beoause they bave en- Casco National them to separate peacefully from the Bank by the raids of the Kurds and the attacks Union. He the deavored to secure (as no others have spoke earnestly against -OF- FIRST PARISH CHURCH of the fanatical Mussulmans. To accom- use of the national power to hold these and have succeeded in done) scouring by Kev. Minot S. Kev. Thomas Van states to their as members of a com- Savage. its mission its must go iu duty the nearest to the tone Miss B. Barnard and Mr. E. plish agents We are selected instruments direct from our possible approach Ness, Margaret mon government, and expressed the belief Exhibiting only specially shipped Factory, No. Chariton Black. The fifth lecture announced person into the interior of the disturbed of n»ture, to what is known as the hu- PORTLAND, MAINE, that it would be better to have two re- 791 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Our will be in constant later. The series will open with a lecture by district where will be surrounded personal representatives attendance, the they publics than to have one strong enough and is secured for man voice; Uhlokering Piano sings Kev. Minot J. Savage on “Lowell a"d the Bige- to command for its laws aid to every possible advantage intending purchasers by with the manu- low Papers.” Monday, Dee. 16, as 8p. m. by hostile sentiment which their mission respect dealing directly like* a lovely voice. This is no compli- enforce obedieuoe at the cannon’s mouth. facturers. 195 Middle St P. a Boi 1108. Course tlokets *1. Single tickets 86 itself will Their but the of for Albion Keith at intensify. previous The avowal of these north of ment, expression my innermost cent*. Tickets sale by Mr. opinions Merrill’* Jeweley Store, Mr. McLellan errands of this kind have been mostly the if I harbor an Erving National Capital was greater and to conviction, may opinion with Steveus & Jones, Foss's Drug Store, and to places and among people where there the Southern conspirators than if Mr. on this subject. Incorporated 1824. at the door.declOdlw had their councils FromDec. 2d,to Dec. 21st, 1895, was nothing but kindly sentiment toward Bayard openly joined PUIPIfEDIAOP 9. CfUIC Yours truly, CAPITAL AND 8URFLFS or expended his valor in the ranks of them ai:d a desire to assist them in theii at No. 583 Congress St. IHIIUlVEillllU ft vUllU. PACHMANN. their army. VLAQIMIR BE • • merciful work. In Armenia the condit- It was evidently not deemed prudent PICTURESQUE MAINE. ions are likely to be exactly tbo opposite. by Mr. Bayard to repeat his disunion FINANCIAL, view*. After Fort at Mr. It is a bold work they have resolved to Lafayette, Pine Tree Ticket Office. THE LUXURY ONE MILLION Seward’g command, had opened its doors %% undertake and one that entitles STATEMENT, OCTOBER 1895. them to to men who publioly expressed disloyal of a' EARNINGS AND EXPENSES MR. EDWARD C. the warmest admiration and praise. sentiments in the North, Mr. Bavard UNDER U. S. HOTEL. HOLIDAY SEA BATH during * SWETT gave to the rebellion the benefit of his v The rumor comes by the way of Paris sllenoe. The great struggle went on; Bangor & Aroostook Railroad Co. DOLLARS. Will deliver his new illustrated that Gen. Martinez myriads of patriots stepped to the ranks Excursion to Campos has resigned Special Washington. Gross lecture at of the Union Army ; the people were Earnings.$82,970.62 the command of the in Expenses. 51.620.12 Current Account* received on favorable Spanish troops fired with love of country; from every & Whitcomb’s Excursions to Handkerchief terms. Cuba and that another Raymond Sale. Spanisii general loyal platform and every loyal pulpit Aj Gold Weather, lanta. $31,450.60 has been to succeed out words of faith and for the Fixed Interest allowed on Time Deposits. CITY appointed him. Of rang hope excursions to A liar ‘a. charges.$18,196.83 HALL, oause and for its brave defenders. Special 300 dozen All lot. and discount solicited from course the story needs corroboration be- But Raymond and Whitcomb Excursions to Linen Hand- paid Correspondence Individu- Mr. sllenoe was even A during month. 488.45 and fore it Bayard’s unbroken, California. als, Corporations, Banks, others de- ean be accepted, but the probabili- the thunders 9 MONDAY DEC. 1895. by of Gettysburg almost Special mos. excursions to California. kerchiefs, imported expressly -$18,679.28 to accounts, ns well as from EVENING, 16, *' lO lbs. BAH lO lbs. siring open ties are in its favor. It has been known within sound of his or Florida. home, by the Special for those to transact I.ow rates to or from ali of for our Surplus month.—.$12,771.22 wishing Banking busi- for a time that the home closing and oomplete of the na- parts Europe. long govern- triumph rates to points East and OF These are 5 cent First ness of any description tkremgk this Bank. uuder the auspices of tional arms. He had spoken words of Cheap North, South, per Mortgage Gold ment and Campos were not in accord in West. Bonds, due Jan. I, 1943, of which $16,000 sympathy and encouragement to the only issued per mile. to the to be in All made in regard policy pursued enemies of the Union. He never uttered arrangements advance. HOLIDAY SALES An opportunity is hereby afforded investor! to obtain a STEPHEN H SMALL Presid»u BOSWORTH POST NO. G. A. R. Cuba. The homo government has been a word of cheer for its friends. nov22 lmo eod WEST INDIA safe investment in one of the best 2, SEA SALT State of Maine securities. in favor of a will be sold about MARSHALL R. GODINS, Tickets 50 cents. Reserve policy oftextermination, Please call or write for statement, Cajhyi — seats 75 cents at Williamson's giving the rebels no quarter and making FOR SALE BY C Thera Is no discomfort, Drug Store Congress and Free uo concessions of any kind. Campos, WlSI iCIIl pnt For the HUTSON B. no disturbance of busi- 1-4 Less Than Usual Bath, SAUNDERS, streets. however, has clearly seen that suoh a Prices, Investment dec8,2w bllt ness or pleasure, no loss AT COST Securities, policy wouia De almost sure to rouse the Street CHICAGO of after taking Hemmed, em- 51, 1;a„ Ex°hange Portland. Me vigorous protest of the United States p J n sleep, hemstitched, dec13 F.MSWtf VCliaifl Hood’s Pills. Theyassist PORTLAND HIGH SCHOOL and probably its aotive interference, and broidered, initial and colored digestion, so that natural, healthy habit is cts. hejhas opposed it from the beginning. He borders for DRAINAGE, about. gents, ladies and 20 * brought has also informed the home government Hood’s Pills and jhiidren. You will save ENTERTAINMENT DANCE. was money Per that there little prospect of subduing Monday NUnIHtHN HANKING 5 Cent. Bonds, Home for are silent but handkerchiefs of GO,, For the benefit of the labels except at the cost of a very by buying us, and Friendless nevertheless cer- 53 Exchange Street, Destitute Boys. and war, and he has un- the long expensive tain in their ef- iind have best assortment to -AT- doubtedly recommended some conces- GEO. FRYE Due July 1, 1901. fect. from. Also IT Preparedl select ladies and BONDS and CITY Dec. 18. sions. To the hot beads at home who HALL, Wednesday Evening by C, I. Hood * Entertainment by class of selected pupils of know the Tuesday and initial silk hand- little of the situation attitude Only. ;ents Interest and Grecian plain APOTHECARY, SECURITIES, Payable Jauuary Mrs. A, W. Lowell, Including Co., Lowell, Choice new colored Searf of Cauipos|bas looked like faint hearted- novelty kerchiefs and mufflers. 320 Street. July 1. D^tnce. Mass. 26c. Sold Congress JVIusic ness, and it is not improbable that they Dress Goods, the handsomest of by by all druggists. Novelties in ladies new INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS have succeeded in working up enough this These bonds are Issued the Sanitary Dis- GIVEN’S ORCHESTRAL CLUB. season’s importations. Associated Charities of Portland.- CHAS. S. by him to make his FOBES, Frest., 1 trict of Chicago, a municipal corporation reg- Tickets for sale at Center & McDow- feeling against position w. F. MILMKEN. 1 50cis., 25 or 30 dress annual of this corpoiatioi V.Prest.. ularly organised under a general act of the ell’s, Jones & at door aud so unooinfortahle as to drive him to Only about fflHE meeting JAME8 E. Cressey, Allen's, by resig- HOLIDAY X will be beld on Decemder 13 McDOWELL, Executive of the State of Illinois, in pursuance JVECKWEAR. Friday JAMES E. legislature High School Scholars. and one at at tbi HEWEY, I Committee, of a popular vote of the electors within its nation. Campos is unquestionably the patterns only of a kind. 1895, four o’clock in the afternoon FRANCIS deciadiw office of the corporation, Room No. 9, of th< FESSENDEN, j limits, which include practically the entire ablest of the Spanish and the -AT- O.HA8. L. of generals, It will be necessary to make an City Building, Portland, Me., (or the pur MABSTON. Sec’y, City Chicago, and the greater part of the eodtf HALL prospect of rebel success will be greatly pose of electing euch officers as are pro °C21_ adjoining populous towns of Cicero and Lyons, KOTZSCHMAR selection to one vided the aasociat* his early get of by by-laws, electing improved by withdrawal, especially VERY LOW PRICES. members, and transacting any other busi FOR SALL BY- If his successor undertakes such a cam- them. ness that may be required by the by-laws o Dec. the Wednesday Evening, 18th, as the home corporation. paign government has beet Dated at Portland this December 5th, 1895 specks nor jj dec6dtd CELIAM. PA I TEN, Clerk. i.dvocating. _ SWAN & • nor insects’ BARRETT, CONCERT grit to 5 * Iewis; GRAND eggs BANKEH.S, THOMAS F. BAYARD. mar the daintiness and octl4 dtf — TO BE GIVEN BY — Ambassador Bayard’s prominence at delicacy of M J. M. DYER & J. M. DYER & GO. this time makes CO. decl4dtf opportune this publica decl4d3t tion of Mr. Sally Frofhingham Akers, Blaine’s estimate of him ai Acciaent Insurance SOPRANO, Assisted by given in the latter’s “Twenty Years o a* i NEW LOAN. Congress.” People who have wonderei MISS CLEMENTINE VARNEY, that a manj of Mr. Bayard’s long experi -ShQes- $ Second Soprano, enoe and should 100,0o0 reputed ability have beei $50 REWARD. The best wearing, most stylish, and MRS. FRANK McKENNEY, guilty of such improprieties as are fount BOOKS. the greatest value of any $3.00 Men’s (Ada Cary.) First Contralto, in several of his speeches in Englam Shoes on the continent. CITY OF BELFAST, MAINE, MRS. C. M. RAYMOND, since he has been ambassador will fini Cumberland ss. Sheriff’s Office. Best calfskin, dongola tops, solid (Annie Louise Cary,) Second Contralto, leather with all the a good in Mr. Blaine’s Portland Dec. soles, popular toes, MISS GERALDINE explanation pel Me., 12, ’95, lasts and and Lewis’ Cork MORGAN, which shows that Mr. fastenings, 10-30 4 Per Cent Bends. Violinist, of New York, picture, Bayari Our and Choice I will pay to any person or per- Filled Soles. has had the Holiday MR. HARVEY fortune to be very mud L sons the sum of Each contains a Acci- MURRAY, Accompanist, Fifty Dollars pair paid-up DATED NOVEMBER I, la 95 overestimated both as regards his nature l for the dent Insurance Policy for $100, good for ($50) recovery of the Tickets, including reserved seats. and his This i 90 $1.00. ability acquirements. of a days. We recommend these bonds for Trust Funds Now on sale at Stockbrldge’s Music Store. body child, a'bout two Wear Shoes what Mr. Blaine says for him : Lewis’Accident Insurance decl2dlw» GIFT BOOKS _ months old, supposed to have once and will never The Thomas F. Bayaid, who entered th 3 you change. been abandoned in tlie insurance for “full measure.” Senate at the opening of the I woods goes • ART • orty-flrs Talk with dealer who sells Lewis' LIBERAL EXHIBITION Congress, was little known to the public near Prides Corner, your WOODBURY & MOULTON Monday Shoes. except as a member of a family whid I night, November 25tli. Mow Open Free at had been for a considerable period promi Sold by CENTER & McDOWELL. bankehs. nent in political affairs of Delaware. Hi SAMUEL D. PLUMMER service in the Senate lias been CHRISTMAS decl2dtf 507 1-2 St„ remark Sheriff. Cor. middle and Exchange Sds Congress able for one leading characteristic—tin are now received and being n ov26 d tf (Over OWEN & MOORE’S,) power, or the accidental fortune, to ere if, ate a as to l»is caree is well to make an early publio impression Oil and Water Color Paintings, Architec- precisely the reverse of its actual history selection. tural and Mural The iilustratious are : NOTICE. Drawings Decorations, many Portland National Bank, aud from In financial circles Mr.Bayard 1ms heel in window. Photographs, Drawings copies display The National A Rmoid's Broio-fieieig. Italian and Dutch masters. Also iielil as a fair ana conservative Chapman Splendid curative for Nervous or Sic t exponen Bank. agent fllHE annual of the stockholder; of The annual of the Headache, Brain Exhaustion, meeting student the sound views, a jealous guardian o meeting stockholders uf Sleenleegnesfor Khei A of the Portland National Bunk of Port work, iucluding the National Bank of For ,special or general Neuralgia; also the public credit. As a matter of fact h Chapman Hand j\r0 raatism, Gout., Kiduey Disorder*, Acid Dr land, for the election of directors for tJLm will he held at its Rooms c«i Alcoholi in a crusade to Banking Tiiesdav pepsia, Ana»mia. Antidote for ; and the transaction of an] joiued political enfore the 14th of 1896. at B GO centi STEPHEN BERRY, ensuing year the day January. 10 o’clock other excesses. Price, 10,26and other business that way leaally be yre payment of the national debt in de a. for the election of Directors Tor Effervescent. Fox Studio for 1895. m., the en sen ted, will be held at their banking housi preoiated paper money, and almost th 5 k suing year, and the transaction i>f SHORT HARION any 1896 HIRING, other THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. JOB on Tuesday, the Htb day of January, will be first business come BOOJf The exhibition open vote he ever gave in the Senate wa that may legally before tn. flHD PRIflTES at 10 M. Sunday H. 1’R 1G1 S. Western, CHICAGO o’clock A. pgalnst the hill declaring the natioua 474 Congress St. meeting. CHESTER USE. CaihW Cand Avenue, CHARLES G. Cashier. afternoons including Sunday, 29th nova eodtf 14, 189.', ¥o. 37 nvx strm*. ALLEN, Portland, Dec.,

Over $70,000 of tlia lit quests Have Been Fqr Stealing Hose at M. G. Larrabee' \ Yesterday’s Weather Delightful— Many Paid. Store—Search of House Keveals Mucl People Kiding to Westbrook and Over to Suspicious Properly. the Cape—Bicyclers Took Country Spins. Moor~ & The exeoutors will of the Oo. of the late Ira Owen, P. Farrington of this city, paid last Late Saturday afternoon Mr. M. G. Yesterday was a delightful day. The week his legacies of $40,000 to the Home Larrabee caught two women who wer > cold snap of the past week apparently for Aged Men in Portland, of $20,000 tc in his store “shopping” taking som ) melted Saturday night and Sunday inorn- the American Unitarian Association, ehose. He charged them with the ac s ing “dawned bright and beautiful and of $10,000 to the Home for Aged Women and they indignantly denied it, but Mr tolerably comfortable temperature. This in Portland, and of $2000 to the Female Larrabee was very certain that they hai l past week has been the oddest for the cor- Provident Association. taken the hose and patrolman Merril responding date for 29 years. On Wednes- December took them to the station. : PORTLAND, 16th, 1895. MUSIC AND DRAMA. There they brol day, Thursday and Friday the tempora- down and said to Deputy Sterling tha : ture averaged 17, 18 and 19 degrees colder it was the first time they had been guilt; than the average for 20 yoars. momentous annual conundrum, “What to get for Christmas," will have to be Gilbert Opera Compauy. of such au act, and that they “didn’ The that came out of doors way people answered this and we take it for that have the The Gilbert know what made them do it.” in the warm seemed THE week, granted you already given Opera Company will open The; sunshine yesterday a week’s engagement at the Portland proved to be Mrs. Mary Mason, wife o ! to indicate that the oold of the past week question a deal of thought, and, perhaps, some worriment. The main difficulty Theatre tonight, giving a of bill James Mason, ot 15 Hampshire street, am 1 had had its effect. The sidewalks were change after all as Rena is in CHOOSING, from such a wealth of. variety every of this each performance with the living pictures Mi's. Hughes, her daughter, whi Ailed and the eleotrie oars were crowded. department big with her lives her at each. The St.John Sun had this com- husband, with parents Many people wont to Westbrook either store offers, and we assume that a few timely hints in advance will help you. plimentary reference to Mr. Gilbort and Deputy Sterling questioned them close to skate or see the skators, for the Pre- his company : The Gilbert Opera Com- ly, hut they repeated their statement tha sumpscot is now in flue condition. it was the first stolen to In pany will olose their St. John season on time they had any Many people went the Capo. fact The following list are only selections. The whole stock is not represented here by Wednesday night, on which oeoasion Pin- thing and begged piteously to be alio wet the Cape electrics carried an extraordi- and be we’ve left out the that would have most. afore will be presented, with Mr. Gilbert- to go home, but the deputy looked then nary number hack and forth. Nearly all any means, may very thing interested you thi oars in his original role of Diok Deadeye— up, and after quietly investigating day the both to Pleasantdale and Whatever it is, however, be sure of finding it here. first played by him in St John some 18 case sent for Judge Robinson who issuet Willard were well Ailed and many of the years ago. The occasion will take the two searoh warrants. Deputy Sterling trips were crowded. One oar carried in form of a complimentary testimonial to assisted by Patrlmen Pillsbury and Keat one trip 108 five cent fares. Mason house and alsc The Mr. Gilbert, who in addition to his popu- ing, searched the bicyclers also were out yesterday, silk handkerchiefs, silver another but in latter oase founc j larity as an artist, has won an enviable house, enjoying the warm weather. The froz- FOR 25 CENTS. FOR $1.00. en coffee silver reputation as an operatic manager. The nothing. roads have been worn fairly smooth by spoons, which The result of the visit to the Masor this time and Pocket knives, work company he leads has during its several wheelmen who nail files, umbrella hold- stay in this oity given a series of first- house was the removal to the station of s went over the “shore road” on the Cape, Clothes brushes, silver boxes, needle cases, tape coat tongs, class marked an atten- extensive collection of goods. Ol reported fairly ers, markers, performances, by very good wheeling. key silver spoons, silver knives, tion to detail rarely seen on the St. John course, as Deputy Sterling said, “It isn’i measures, pin cushions, Bos- Lecture Tonight by Kev. Minot ,J. Savage. tags, pen extractors, watch bib stage, and agreeably free from those stated as a fact that these goods weri chains, holders, Rev. M. J. will and saucers, crudities and hitches which have been too stolen, was suspioious that such might Savage scissors,Jcups ton bags, calendars, ther- whistles, fob chains, moustache lecture on James Russell much in evidenoe on previous ocoasions be the oase and so brought them here.” vases, silver Lowell and the plates, trays, games, tablets, combs, seals, shoe horns, by other companies. The principals, The collection was found stored ii Bigelow Papers. It is mometers,writing conceded that Mr. is baskets, racks, work while not stars of the first magnitude, trunks and ranged from artioles of ladies generally Savage paper cigar cases, initial hand- belts, boxes, writing the foremost of the are ail capable singers, and tho chorus, dress to silver spoons, knives and othoi preacher liberal faith horse cars, drums, banks, desks, clothes hampers, music of New England and that he kerchiefs. silk undervests, which is exceptionally strong and effec- artioles, the silver being found in a stock today racks, blackboards. a brings to this field of labor and ten tive, gives evidence in its work of long ing. There was a large and apparently love, dolls, pins, boats, abdominal bands, bamboo and oaerful at Mr. Gil- those fine points of reading and culture personal training quite valuable rug, but it is claimed thai slates, paints, toys dishes, .... it* shirt bert’s hands. The fact that.this company it was bought of Joyce Bros. .g.vuuv. easels, nightshirts, to audiences for six consecu- of olea> and as a oritio. played large Goods were found bearing the name o: Feeing thinking blocks, children’s books, cut- tive weeks in the Halifax Academy of So and versatile studs, leggins, cigar J. R. Libby; boots and shoes from th< vigorous is his pen that FOR$1.50. Music is a pretty atm its ex- guarantoefol the most fastidious admirers of Lowell towels, tray cloths, doy- cellence. store of H. P. McCarthy, and a packagi ters. \ need not fear any detriment done to his The Aker-Carey Concert. marked “McCarthy,” contained shoes lies, genius, by such treatment as we may napkins, underwear, table embroid- Mrs. known in There was a of Fringed cloths, George C. Riggs, better pair ladies’ extra nici expect from Mr. Savage’s interpretation = of the handkerchiefs, ered Portland as Kate Douglas tViggin, writes walking shoes, and quite an assortmen spontenaeity and excellence ot Mr. hosiery, FOR 75 GENTS. pillow shams, union under- Lowell’s style, the freshness and veracity pleasantly of the approaching debut of of children's shoes. A boy’s suit market card rose of his wit, the daring of his satire, his pocketbooks, cases, Initial silk handker- wear, fancy umbrellas, jars, Miss Sallie Akers on the 18th: “special, $1.98,” was added to the wholesome pile patriotism, the sooial literary shawl thimbles, clocks, fancy inkwells, leather “My Dear-You must go and hear which Mr. Newcomb spent some time ii and artistic aspects of the terms in straps, chiefs, aprons, pocket Miss Akers at her concert so which he wrote, must to a writer of Mr. lined kindly pro- sorting over. side hair orna- photo frames, skirts, cro- jected by Mrs. Raymond. I do not ask you Savage’s keen and sympathetic apprecia- combs, bed bath will Mrs. Masoi 1 knives, quilts, to hear her she a Deputy Sterling bring a field of cheted skirts, with silver because is favorite of tions.seem enchanted literature ments, silver hat garters nor because she is to a few of and Mrs. before Robinsoi which he would share markers, mine, sing Hughes Judge pleasantly with mats, commode scarfs, buckles, men’s silk my little songs, but because I believe so Monday morning on the Larrabee case others. cuff cuff stockings, in her talent. She buttons, pins, thoroughly proved and will endeavor to settle the questioi linen squares, sheets, fancy shirts, Turkish pin cush- very thoroughly her to charm and Good Service by the Cutter. ability of the of tire varied match wind- to the other at house. ownership collectioi safes, fans, hem- ions, mil- please evening my The schooner Egg Rook of Jonesport, carving cloths, travelling cases, flasks, We have taken a sculptor’s house and of goods now at the station, and fo from sor made the studio into a room Bryant master, Rockland, Me., to scarfs, itary brushes, mirrors, fruit music and which the friends of the women unde tidies, puff stitched towels, umbrel- supper room. On this occasion Orland, »o finish for particular arrest’ claim will be able to accoun Me., loading cargo knives, silver match boxes, sil- we a little the they boxes, drinking cups, gave dinner, guests being Jonesport, and a greater part of her las,painted picture frames, Sir Henry Irving, Mrs. Ellen 'i’erry, Mr. in a satisfactory manner. ver rattles, silver cush-'- cargo of lime on on the CHRISTMAS boxes of bottles of pin and Mrs. George \V. Smalley and Mrs. a_u!y board, soap, mounted photographs, Oraigie (“John Oliver Hobbes’’) all of night of December 11th, in a heavy north- ions, salad dishes, birch bark Peaks 1st and. whisk brooms, Lonuon; Richard Harding Davis, Wm D. east gale, parted her chains and* loosing perfumery, lined gloves, Tam-o- bon ben Carl Sohurz and others. At photo frames, dishes, Howells, At the TJ.O.G. C. Hall Friday and Sat both anohors, went ashore at the mouth nail the en trance of the studio on the Hoot polishers, baby shanter tea kettles, water urday evenings, the Dra of the Penobsoot river. The revenue out- BUYING. caps, night gowns, pitchers. above is a quaint little gallery where 1 an matic Club the “Th on mirrors, have upright'; piano. Two tall ruby produced drama, ter Woodbury learning of the disaster brushes, pin worsted jackets,scarf pins, lamps lent a soft glow there and down Mountain in a creditabl went to her assistance and at 8 a. m. of Waif,” highly common stairs in the studio a fire shone December 13tli, ran a hawser to Wood sound trays, perfumery bottles, scarf great open manner to a large and appreciative audi her, rings, suspenders, on a of and pulled her off and towed her to bewildering array copper Uastine, LSUIlCtld __cl _ *n_ ence. is the cast: sense characterizes our neckties, arm FOR $2.00. brass vessels all Following Me. she was elastics, iUiXV burnished to the last .where made fast to the UlCOd ouu pull UV.O, pitch of brightness. There is no othei Bill Mason, of the Overland Route, wharf. line pf Christmas goods. muf- light in the room.save that of twelve old S. B. Adam 2l|Af| suspenders, garters, em- Musical Notes. **■1*"* mufflers, catchalls, lioman lamps. Jack Wilbur, ajplucky New Yorker, Dollars spent in our Cigar boxes, umbeella stands, Akers and I into bal- E. flers, bibs, shirts, sacques, brush Is^Miss slipped the E. Skiling The Oeoiliar, quartette of this city are will be well broidered doylies, cony without and a stofer spent. flower tea any warning my open- Ralph Delmar, blaek'sheep, meeting with brilliant success in their COHCO holders, fancy kettles, ing chord on the piano gave the guests G. Thomas Steven SCllbCi and not mittens, rattles, caps, hot water tour of the The them you’ll need many cases, bottles, water salt and their first premonition of the little con Parson Tibbs, a happy-go-lucky, country. press give caraffes, pepper • boxes of cert H. G. Bracket ; and crowded dollars wristers, great praise houses greet either. gloves, cut glass bottles, black, boxes, tea ball stands, Miss Akers that the scene New York dude, that is ring says below, Asterbilt,a all, them everywhere. A report of a recent note with the beautiful dresses, the fire light, A. W. Springe stationary, books, sets, celluloid hair silver candle concert given in one of the large cities of ing stands, sticks, the Roman lamps gleaming in dim cor Sheriff Kraut, proprietor Minors’ the south “Their Best Colored Skirts- babies’ ners,,.inspried her to her best efforts, but Roost Hotel, Geo. E. Frollicl ; says, voices blend beau- picture frames, paper brushes, real shell combs, fancy sachets, clpaks, she certainly enohanted an audience thai Pat Hennessy, from Ballymahon, are rich in tone and in DRESS GOODS Skirts that are scientif '' tifully, perfect I Skirts. ink letter children’s wrappers, silk mit- might have awed many young singers, C. G. Trot 1 weights, stands, book * * * # tone.” Of Miss lawyer the press says, markers, baby pins, Hamilton Ham, from nowhere, cally made. You ms y fur a tens, gloves, shaving mugs, Yours- C. E. Bracket “This young lady posesses voice of sin- Nicely put up in pat- openers, easels, pen wip- silver Pat- think there's no differenc 6 silver pin trays, KATE DOUGLAS WIGGIN. Monte Miller, a crook, gular purity and charming quality. Her silver calendars, bed sets. terns—an attractive sen- ers. from II Trovatore au- terns. F. A. Millet i song captivated the but there is a difference. salt spoons, silver silk Angus D. Gilbert, who so brutally rav Me, the Mountain waif, dience and she was recalled several sible present. isbed and then murdered Alice Sterling, Miss Minnie E. Bracket b times.” This week the quartette will winders, silver tweezers, was Saturday sentenced at Boston to b< Do) ly Wilbur, Jack’s sister, sing in the larger cities of Ohio and the FOR 50 CENTS. : a Best hinged February 31st. He took his sail Miss Agnes E. Skillingi following week will make tour of New One lot of 50 Mo- quality all wo Dl silver glove hooks, music FROM $2.00 UP. tence with utter indifference. Mrs. Tibbs, Miss Ethel York state. $2.98. pat- Ackle; moreen skirts with 12 inc h .. ■ ,, reens Chocolate .—I... ,, $2.98. terns—8 yards in each pots, lacquer rolls, letter books, cigar- Good Skating. all $2.50. ruffle at $2.50—ourgrea $2.98. pattern of 38 inch fine trays, clothes baskets, cases, bill work Feather collarettes and boas, There is splendid skating on the river est seller. holders, wool French Novelty case at Westbrook, the ice being good for five jardiniers, dozen tum- baskets, candle holders, lace dressing sets, dining miles up the river. At Stroutwater too, goods—regular 50 cent Fast black Cotton Su table damask tow- blers, fire tennis > cut linen, fancy the surface is fine way to the boom. engines, glove boxes, glass up qualities—$2.98 per pat- ahs with one deep ruff silk boxes The Portland Street Railroad els, pure underwear, oompany terns. at $1.00. racquets, croquet sets, dishes, dressed dolls. are running special cars to accommodate silk hosiery, Dresden handle the skaters and This lot is limited so if toy lanterns, many skating parties are Other fast black skir trunks,magic umbrellas, macintoshes, nursery being arranged. want a- come in surahs n door mats, boxes, you pattern fine and Italis stamp FOR $1.00. baskets, bath wraps, blanket MARRIAGES. early. cloths at $1.75, 2.00, 2.1 5 fire screens, tool chests, wrappers, bedroom slippers, to 3.00 tea silver Needle house coats, In West Auburn. Dec. 12. B. cloths, books, jackets, smoking jackets, George Mace of Your choice of hosiery, East Winthrop and Miss Lizzie M. Brown of $5.00. fifty pajamas, sofa pillow down puffs, Portland. frames, Mar- or fhore patterns of fine picture paper knives, collarettes, Ill Norridgewock. Dec. 1. Franklin Heald and $5.00. etchings, framed water colors, Mrs. Janie E. Busweii, both of Norridgewock. cutters, driving gloves, seilles quilts, silk stock, In Ellsworth, Dec. 1. Howard Andrews and $5.00. goods. Japanese screens, banquet Miss Eva Pierce. wool The line of Un i- worsted silver In Bridgton. Dec. 4. Fred C. Knight and Miss Figured goods, Um- largest mittens, baby ings, picture frames, lamps, silk lamp shades,fur rugs, Marv L. Wilkins. brellas for trac e In Kipley. Dec. 1, Leonard V. Clark of Dex- Serges, Novelties—goods brellas Holiday bonnets, baby dresses, kid men’s lined Turkish rugs, shaving mirrors, ter and Miss Nora Robinson of gloves, Ripley. that have sold at 75 cents we’ve ever shown. In Machias, Dee. 4, Wm. B. Nash of Rock- jewel boxes, triplicate Mirrors, land and Miss Maud Smith of shirtwaists, fascinators, gloves, fancy aprons, Machias. to $ 1.00—in patterns of 6, silver bill In Baston. Dec. 4, Harry D. Bridges of Easton Ladies umbrellas at s !1 hair toilet water, shoulder side flies, silver carving and Miss Georgie Raftord of Ashland. 7 and 8 brushes, blankets, In yards according silver cream Steuben, Dec. 4. David C. Smith and Miss prices. flannel sets, ladles, silver Dora Leighton. to sponge Florida elastics, canes, In Dec. width—$5.00 per pat- bags, Rockland, 4. Alton W. Ingalls and Men's umbrellas at s 11 mucilage bottles, lace fans, Rosa Martin. tern. sachet table cov- In Dec. water, powder, night gowns, feather silver Hennon, 3, Martin V. Bryant and prices. fans, hat brushes, Miss Nellie Casey. toilet tooth brush ers, manicure silver In Friendship. Dec. 1, Alvah W. Geyer and bottles, atomizers, tea strainers, Ada B. Dress of still More about umbrelk s chafing Delano. $6.00. patterns. sets. In Deer Isle, Nov. 30. William I. Conary and later holders, smelling salts, dishes, hall gongs, toilet cases. Miss Lizzilla S. Stevens. finer goods at $6 00, 7.00, In Friendship, Nov. 28, Wm. A. Manic and Miss Millie M. Simmons. 8.00. up to $15.00.


In this Dec. 15. Charles city, F.. oldest sen of About Mackintoshes that ai e Sarah M. and Samuel Howe, aged 23 years b Silk twenty fancy Mack* 15 months days. sillc waists were all mac! The “Musical” on $6.oo, waterproof—not calendars Miss and [Funeral Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’c'nck Waists intOSh* arranged by Mcgregor, designs by Miss Pettes, from his parents’ residence, No. 62 Atlantic 7.00, 8.00—now down to eS intoshes are. 3tr66t cheap. two Portland is of interest to 111 tills Dec. artists, special Portland and it is local and city. 15. Wm. M. Shine, aged 44 $5.00. For $5.00 a people, purely years 7 years. $5.00. good qua [Boston and New York papers please copy.1 All good medium colors texture mackii unlike calendar is a to to in Westbrook. Dec. 16. Carrie F.. widow of ity double quite any published, peculiarly good thing send your friend who the late William Porter, aged 60 years. in fancy taffetas, plaids tosh—double detachab! e Funeral Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock at lives at a distance. Boxed for St. Luke’s Church. and satin stripes. ready mailing. In Freeport, Dec. 10, Bessie, child of George capes—black and blue. and Blanche Partridge, aged 3 months. A chance to get a good At Orr’s Island, Dee. 9, Infant child of Hart- Extra values ; it ley Doughty. good In Mad son. Dec. 6. Mrs. Hannah [Iiaines $7,00 to $12.00. aged 86 year3. Black Black Silk Waists— In Rockland, Dec. -Daniel 3, Brown, aged taffetas, brocade 72 years. WaiStS surah, In East Union, Dec. 3, Elsie Jennie Hilt, aged 50 years. silks, all prices from for out-of-town to be In Waldoboro. Dec. 5, Mrs. Sarah E. Heath, Packages points sent by post or express will be a. 67 years. $12.00 down. carefully in Calais, Dec. 4, Mrs. Augasta Hume. Men’s Silk Initial Har d ones at 25 and forwarded from here to In North Woodstock, Dec. 1, Mrs. Leora Mil- Good $5.00 and packed any address, and we make no charge for the service lett, aged 41 years. cts. kerchiefs 25 cts. to $ 1.0' In South Paris, Dec. 3, Albert Record, aged $6.00. 86 above the or cost of years. other f postage transportation. In Presque lsie, Dec. 3, Marshal Jinnno, aged Every kind 62 years. Plaid woolen waists, handkerchiefs for me In Clifton. Dec. 2, Edna I,. Chick, aged 23 PlaidS. 1, mouth IT days. yeors.1 $2.50 and 3.50—new line, women and chiidren. In Berwick, Dec.. 2, Willie F. WitJiam. aged 75 years. II In Stillwater, Dee. 3, Charles N. McNuliy, aged 22 years. In North Norway, Dec. 6, Mrs. Olive E., wife of 0. C. Hussey. In Richmond, Dec. 1. Mrs. Lena Charlton aged 34 years.

[The funeral service of the late Clarence Lc Huy Hooper will take place on Tuesday after- ■ noon at 2.30 o'clock, from his BROS. parents' real EASTMAN & BANCROFT MOORE & CO. Jd.no. ^. ll OWEN, ^ L--1..L_!_-‘l—" MI SCELLANEOUJj. THE MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. ——- BIG SCOTSMAN. TO LET. FOR “-P-—r- _ J __MISCELLANEOUS. SALE. SMITH’S SAW cHOP. 31 St., will words inserted under this head Her Kough Voyage to This Port—Tile Temple Forty words inserted under tills head Forty Dyspepsia, be closed from Dec. to Mon- one one week for 25 cents, cash in advance. . tT : Monday, 23d, week for 25 cents cash in advance. tVheel House Smashed. Concise Competent BARGAIN OAKDALL ; ay, Jan. 6th, 1896. 16-1 such as # riiO LEASE—For a term of years, the elegantly SALE.—sets of books, Dickers, Gastritis A and PRICES on flour and sugar; compare a few appointed residence, corner of Mechanic For,16 volumes ill a box, $4.00 $6.00; The Mad- 6 steamship Scotsman, Capt. Conclusive Commendable ] L of our prices with wiiat you are paying. and High streets, Deering Highlands. Will Macauley’s History of England, vol. price 6 $1.25. dox, arrived and when she Washburn’s superlative flour, $4.00; best St. make a very low rate for a term of years. F. H. $1.00; Cooper's Novels, vol., price and all sto-mach troubles where Saturday, COLESWOR- 1 i0uis flour, $4.00; 24 lbs. granulated sugar and HARFORD, 311/2 Exchange street. 13-1 Nice two vol. sets books, 60c, docked showed ample evidence of the of tea 92 St. 16-1 that Conscientious Comprehensive lb. 50c at $1.50; best pea and yellow THY’S, Exchange great rough handling she received her ye beans. 50c a pk ; fine cooking molasses, rriO LET—2 splendid rooms in apple pie order life-maintaining organ during 1 5c and 35c galon; best rose potatoes, 15c pk, in Hooper, Son & building, cor- POR SALE.—A single sleigh, almost new, long across the Atlantic. She is Leighton’s A refuses to dispense nourishment passage n. I Oc. bu, choice Formosa tea, 25 c and 35c; ner Congress aud Pearl Sts. Suitable for club having been used but one winter, in good a new and a very handsome vessel, and f lbs. best cooking raisins, 25c ; 3 lbs. bestCal- rooms, billard or storage for line furniture. order. Can be seen by calling at 75 PLEAS- facts. i 100 common ANT 16-1 brnia prunes 25c; crackers, 22c; Rent $10.00 and $12 60 mouth. of ST., Deering Centre. to of the and leaves little to be desired officers, per Inquire every part body, by pas- 4 lbs, new Persian dates for 26c; 36 bars west HOOPER, SON & LEIGHTON, 482 and 484 or crew. Maddox said that a every lameness is ( nd soap for $1.00; 10 lb. tub pure lard, best, Congress St. 13-1 POR SALE.—Two-horse traverse runner sengers Capt. It is fact, that any anywhere, everywhere, pen- * the sufferer paiu 5c: to roast 8c lb; fresh and pickled roll dasher. Have no use for it. will gradually wasting all the weather had pork pung,;i pleasant they oomiug etrated, relieved or cured by this wonderful, soothing Anodyne. It is the t ripe 8c; salt pork by the strip 7c; pickled pigs LET A whole house of 8 rooms in first sell cheap. NOYES & PEARSON, West Fal- T10 class away and flesh across was limited to just seven hours for bites, burns, bruises. For backache, earache, head- f jet and Frankfort sausages 10c; fore quarter repair. No., 23 Cumberland street; month, Me. 16-1 losing daily, sovereign remedy 1 »mb, 6c to 7c, legs 10c; pork steak and sau- cemented cellar, fnreace heat, Sebago water, from midnight to 7 o’clock in tho morn- in fact ache. For closets. For meets his ache, neckache, stomachache, toothache, every scalds, age. 10c; best round steak, 10c to 12c: Eng- further particulars, price, etc, SALE.—Photograph albums in plushand finally death from the i sh 13c; whole 10 apply to N. S. 186 Middle IjlOR wal- ing, after the steamship passed Crpe stiff swellings and sore muscles. For breakfast bacon. hams, lean, GARDINER, leather, scrap books, writing desks, stings, strains, sprains, joints, colds, t 3 11c; lean smoked shoulders, 8c to 9c; nice street- 12-1 lets, plush boxes in great variety, toilet sets. Kuca. There was a constant succession and perforation of a gastric ulcer or chills, coughs and catarrh. F'or hacking, hoarseness wnooping cough. c orned beef. 2, 4, and 6c; nice turkey. 16c to Best variety of 25c knives in the city. COLES- ] 8c. leave your order or send LET—Some of the best rents at Wood- WORTHY’S. 92 16-1 of gales, each soemingly worse than tlio la sore throat and Call and postal, TO Exchange ST. dies actual For asthma, bronchitis, diphtheria, grippe, lungs. For ( roods delivered. Telephone 228-5. JOHNSON JL fords, central and handy; bath, furnace, by starvation, can be other, and this stato of etc: good houses in Office unpleasant things cholera-morbus and summer complaints. For i : LAMBERT, 24 Wilmot St.13-1 Portland. aud POR SALE—Fur Seal Cloak of colic, croup, cramps, dyspeptic rooms, 413 Congress 12-1 a superior culminated in a storm of hurricane force street, WATSON. quality, has been worn but few times and as has been done time and rheumatism. For cuts, cracks, con- Middle street. cured, and muscular corns, f|R. ROSE, Specialist. 199% perfect, cost $800; must now be no rea- when were off when tho paius, neuralgia LI parlor, furnished or unfur- sold, they Halifax, and inflammations. “Ment l Science,” ’‘Magnetic Healing” npO LET—Large sonable offer will be J. and chilblains, all irritations For lame A nislied. with lieat and Also other declined. J. REVOL, the use of snow was and the tusions, chaps nd •’Occnlt forces” taught and demonstrated gas. 553 Congress street. 14-1 again, by simply blinding, wind, use luiuiceHate Sale. rooms newly furuislied at 217 CUMBERLAND shoulder. For in chest, kidneys, stomach, the great vital * ] 1 the cure of all diseases. Hours, 9 to 9 daily, off shore was back, side, pains 11-1 12-1 fortunately, something or (o cure no pay. street._ POR SALE—A new double sleigh made by ailmeut above is caused by with ol' the * fearful. aud muscle nervine. Every accompanied One best and most convenient T. Z. Thompson & Bro. at 300 __j LET—At No. 812 Congress street, Inquire cure which Liniment was seven DANFORTH STREET. 18-1 One of the incidents of the inflammation, to Johnson’s Anodyne originated. bouses, rooms, modern plumb- 110 pleasant and convenient up stairs unpleasant ONEY TO LOAN on first and second new Lf rent of seven rooms and bath room. Price POR aoross was when the ing, this year, sold at a "A on heal comraer- SALE—Cory home at Woodfords, new trip steamship went bargain mortgages estate, good 3520 per month. Inquire of A. C. 1 Bovin! ne ial LIBBY, two story bouse and stable, corner lot, paper, stocks, bonds, down into a tremendous wave, if taken Terms personal property 42 1-2 Exchange cemented cellar, furnace bursting immediately. easy [ r any good collateral securities at the lowest street._10-1 beat, open plumbing, sewe>. Sebago. papered Price in the wheel house, demolishing tho lock- enough for Call at uarket rates. Inquire of A. C. LIBBY & Co., AND ROOM—Large sunny front throughout. that blood anybody. $1695, only $500 down, balance at 6 cent. great enricher, flesh 2 1-2 Exchange street. dec! 3-4 room on second floor with two per ersjand carrying away the bombs, rockets BOARD good A rare chance. C. B. 478Vj Con- chisels, gas light and furnace heat, bath DALTON, HAKE MONEY—BY CAREFUL SPECULATION gress street, 12-1 and muscle and and of There C. C. same floor. Also table (one flight). builder, strength singals every desorption. ADAMS, in Grain through a reliable, successful firm. Excel- on boarders wanted. ont to 301 Cumber] nd street.10-1 was a tremendous orash when the wheel opportunities make profits by our new plans. POR Give the Johnson's0"” and SALE—Beautiful new double creator. vital centres No. 31 Exchange St. Milly explained sent free. Highest references. A sleigb, house was demolished, but the big boat decl2 eodot :*attison & Co., (30b Omaha Buikiing, Chicago, 111. rilO LET—Very desirable rooms, single or never used, made this season, very stylish, JL connected, with at No. 74 also a new single sleigh will sell chean for '-ash of the to stood and as Maddox board, Spring body strength perform up well, Capt. said, ItTONEY to loan on first and second rnort- street. 30-4 or exohange tor second hand single sleighs. C. LTA real there was so little water that E WOOD MANTELS gages estate, life insurance policies, B. DALTON, 478 1-2 Congress St. (1 flight) 12-1 M N -»-- functions and shipped T their i >ersonal and regular per- Anodyne property good collateral securi- one | M LET—Brick house No. 11 Henry street, might almost have walked about [ ies; notes discounted on POR favorable terms. W. SALE—Houses and lands too an old noble hearted and TILING. TO near Deering street; has 9 rooms, furnace numerous fect health is a natural It was invented the late Dr. A. Johnson, fashioned, ?. CARR, room 6, second floor. 185 Middle A to in and sequence. witli slippers on. by St. heat, hot aud cold water, and all modern con- specify, Portlaud vicinity; some All who use novl5 4 modern The Family Physician. It is recommended by physicians everywhere. veniences, just 10 minutes walk from postofflce. elegant places, conveniences, handy to stay at Halifax was notable be- and finest stock. Low* evervv in Dr. Louis Faust, of Largest Dec. 1. at house or to ybere; will cost more the Spring. Now Schenectady, it are amazed at its and it forever after. It is for Internal as much possession given Apply cause of a slight accident to tho cables, power praise cst Prices. GEO. F. 191 Middle street. 20-tf Is the time to secure a home cheap. 413 “ SAMUEL LEVY is now prepared"to WEST, of In the as External use. It is used and endorsed all athletes. It is the best, the JAIfR. Congress street. WATSON.12-1 N. Y., says Bovinine, by which tho steamship was somewhat by buy cast off clothing of all descriptions for to all cash Address letters or and the from Halifax oldest, the It is unlike any other. It is superior others. It W. A. ALL.E ilghest prices. postal SALE—Wojilfords, new two family cases of the damaged, passage original. o 100 MIDDLE TO LET. severest gastritis octa N, STREET.sep4-tf Foilbouse, 7 rooms and bath for each, two to Portland was in the face of is not a Diniment, it is the Universal Household Remedy from infancy Foot of Preble Street. dtf the storm. merely Rooms In Mechnic Building front doors, good stable, large lot rents for stomach will bear it. For one The to old not a medicine which the confidence buy from S1000 to $15,000 $28. Electrics pass the a forced Scotsman brought 10 steerage age. There is today possesses IfTANTED—-ToII premises, worth of cast off clot him-'. I pay the Dr. O’Neil. sale for or home on own recently occupied by $2700; good investment, passengers to this port, 14 of whom were of the to so an extent. It has stood its intrinsic cash for month my mother lived almost public great MERCHANTS’ NATIONAL BANK. lighest prices ladies’ dresses, Apply to with a tenement to let. W. H. WAL- passed by Inspector Fogg, and two detain- merit while after has used it with entire satisfaction. :ents’ and children’s clothing and gent’s DRON & CO., 180 Middle street. 11-1 generation generation vinter overcoats. Call or address ter on a le GEO. A. HARMON, Sec. it such ed the results of sent can Mother should have it anneal of the stockholders exclusively during waiting telegrams You safely trust what time has endorsed. Every meeting oj >r postal to S.DE GROOT, 70 Middle street. SALE—New two 8 THEthe Mercnants' national Bauk of Port- 51A Congress St. story bouse, rorns, to friends. in the on children love to take it. It y-t decorated, and water closet, sickness.” Over house, dropped sugar suffering .pro- land. jNLaine for the election of seven directors FOR Sebago 25000 physi- dec7tf 4 bay windows, cemented cellar and stable, and thus cures disease. for the year and the transaction of duces an increase of vital activity in the system, ensuing any Butterfield house has been newly fitted 5500 feet of land, 3 minutes from electric SAVINGS BANK TAXES- other business that may legally be LET—A few pleasant furnished and un- cians use and endorse it. inflammation without irritation. presented, ]1HEup and under ew management is now cars, located between Portland and Wood- Its electric' energy everlastingly eradicates will be held at their banking house on Tues- TO furnished rooms, steam heat and gas. at ipened; e egantly furnished rooms, steam fords; a forced sale, W. H day. the 14th day of January. 189S. at 10 No. 2 Gray street.novl9-4 price $2200. Bond Purchases the Cause of a leat, gas and use of bath, central location. For Waldron & iso Middle street. 10-1 Falling Off who order direct from us. and shall receive a certificate that their money o’clock a. C. O. co„ All request it, m. BANCROFT, Cashier. ms inquire at the house No. 221 t umber- be refunded if not abundantlv satisfied. Price Six $2.00, express prepaid. If 1 J._lrr» f) LET—Pleasant furnished rooms with / iu Amount. shall 35_cts; aud street. nov20-4 T ■jujj* oAjjft--ueering center, new 3 story near sen** to us. Ask first. Sold by druggists. Pamphlet free. yott can’t get it home X? bouse, 7 rooms, water closet and bath & £2 House Street, Boston, Mass., Sole Proprietors. 457 Cumberland street. 2(44 1. S. JOHNSON CO., ^ustom Canal National Bank. room, nard wood floors, 5600 feet of land. FARM.—70 acres well divided, The house is thoroughly built and within Augusta, Docember 14.—The semi-an- LET.—A Lower tenement of six rooms rrVHE annual meeting oE the stockholders SEASHORE200 fruit trees, cuts 25 tons hay, 12 story two minutes ot elec Tics, must be TO and bath hot and cold all sold, nual taxes for the six 1 of the Canal National Bank of Portland louse of 12 rooms, good barn and four poultry room, water, price *1250. W. H. WALDRON & CO.. 18U What’s months, ending ! Jewel Casks, Pa pee Cutters modern improvements, located Best Lap for tno election of seven Directors, and for louses, plenty of fish and clams at shore, also very pleasantly Middle street. 10-1 tablets, Stationery October 30, 1895, have boen assessed by L.HJ ElRlflljf. near a manufactur- inupsg" care girl to take of babj fine a location as tnere is in to Can't lake the Presents silver and All thG Deerlng. Apply Tho total taxes for the previous six natural handies. WANTED.—Youngday tim6‘ Apply at 42 DEER ANDREW HAWES. Stroudwater. ING STUrh:S ily27-if months were The off at $197,471.66, falling you desire but come and see u lower prices than ever. An in the tax returns of the six months pre- PENNYROYAL U ADOLPH ZIMMER, PILLS, Hr3—11! If have not the to a or AUCTION SACKS LOST AND FOUND. ,,'Ask for SB. MOTT’S PSTCETCBOTAXi BIDLS and take no other. you money pay appropriate present for lady |) 6 boxes October from those liWSend for circular. Price $1.00 per box, for $3.00. we will VJ 10 ceding 30, preceding cash sell you on weekly or can Bellwood,Neb.,Apr.l3,1895. —fDR MOTT’S cre- ; V gentleman, be selected from book called the April 30, is due to the large number of f'O, Cleveland, Ohio. F, O. BAILEY & Chatterbox, monthly payments at the lowess CO., FOUND.—Thefull of pictures for the children; price 50 bonds which the banks have For sale by Landers & Babbidge, 17 Monument Square, Portland this stock at the nsnal low dry government Mp. prices. cents. The Brownies, Illustrated. Colored purchased during the latter period. store Anctioneers and Commission Merchants picture books in great variety. Samantha book, We shall be pleased to show you a goods prices. price reduced now !36 cents. Evangeline, il- Salesroom 46 Street. lustrated. 35 cents. COLEsWORTHY BOOK ic- line of Exchange j.iic iBttuers ui uui jjmo complete Watches, Diamonds, STOuE. 92 Exchange St. 16-1 quested to use Salvation Oil for any and r O. BAILKI. c. W. ALLEX Rings, Jewelery. Clocks, Bronzes, arl4 all poins. It is a sure cure. 25 cents. dtf p. in., in Spring St. car or =l Silverware, Spectacles, Eye Glasses, on Park bet wen and yihjmeii LOST—ThursdaySt., Spring Gray Sts., a sum of The finder will At Opora and Field Glasses. money. be suitably Forest City Greenhouses. WIT AND WISDOM. Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restore*!. rewarded it at No. 272 Lost Nervous by leaving SPRING Vitality, Debility, Insomnia, Falling Memory, and all THIS street.13-1 Telephone at Fickett’s — Diseases and all J. Wasting Weaknesses resulting from or M. OYER & CO. Drug •CLEfcitQREi early late, excesses. SI ne." box, S for $5. Mailed So address Store, 193 Daufortli St. _ any by decl4dtf Different Sye*. The Japanese Pile Core Company, 8t. Paul, Minn. FRED L. MERRILL & GO., 18 Lowis street and foot of Cecil lmo* WILL LOST—BetweenFree street one set of blue print plans for ^_ For sale in Portland by JOHN D. KEEFE, 205 Middle St,, and SIMMONS & HAMMOU Jewelers and Opticians, I was afflicted with the Casino building at Simonton Cove, to be 575 and 800 Congress Street. novl'Jtf the Portlaud & Elizabeth Rail- Staadisk catarrh last autumn. buiitby Cape t:'j* Myles Rifle Club. 151 Federal St., near Pearl St. road Company. Finder will be rewarded by During the month of Oc- INTEREST them at the PORTLAND TRUST CO. Tho soores were made at the leaving following WATCH OUR WINDOW DISPLAY, tober I could neither 12-1 Myles Standish Rifle club Saturday 00 YOU APPRECIATE BARGAINS ? de c!2d taste or smell and bighti could hear but little. YOU. -A watch. Owner can have same by FOUNDcalling at 131 Park street.12-1 Carton, 198 Second Hand Furniture Men Use Them. Ely's Cream Balm cured 4 lbs. New Prunes, 25 cts. Chu Salmon, 10 ots. ear Stanley, 188 it.—Marcus Geo. Shautz in ti lbs. Good Ilaibins, 25 ets. Pork Roasts, 8 cts. R While Boston Wednesday, a repre George R. Daivs’ and Wentworth, 188 4 lbs. 3-Crown, New Raisins. 25 cts. Beef Bonfds, 6 to 12 cts W. Railway, N. J. LOST—BetweenMorrill and Ross’ store. Congress 11 L. LITTLEFIELD, sentative of this firm came across some Ward, 185 3 lbs. 4-Crowu. New Raisins, .5 cts. Corned Beef 2 to 8 cents’ It street, gold eye glasses with gold chain. tfeth, 185 5 lbs. New Clean Currenst, 25 cts. Tamarinds, 8 cts l'c Cor. Market & Federal thing that attracted and held his atten Finder will be rewarded by leaving at 28 Now 16 Sts., CATARRH FORD. 11-1 Smith, 184 Citron, cts. 16 bs. silver Skinned Onions, 25 ct« Exchange street. A. H. New Cider, (for pies only) *0 cts. 12 lbs. >weet Has been using a National Cash ELY’S CREAM MALM Opens and cleanses tion. Duran, 180 Potatoes, 25 cts Pie Beef, Suet and Good Potatoes, 50 cts. the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflamma- 174 Slices. bust Register for over a year. Ask It was a fine all wool Ulster inOxfori l WANTED—SITOATIONS. Pifikhara, New Fi^s, Nuts and Bates. | Si. Andrews Turnips, 50 c;s. buah tion, Heals the Sores, Protects tlie Membrane Beth, 173 101 bs. Rolled Oats, 25 cts. him what he thinks about it. from Restores the Senses of Taste and wide wool J colds, gray, collar, lining, well made Forty words Inserted under this head Stephens, 183 SmeH. The Balm is auickly absorbed and cash in Sold scores of them last and a t one week for 25 cents, advance. Jones, 100 gives relief at once. year this $14.85. The elub will hold an all day shoot WANTED by 25 smart and A particle Is into each nostril and is Edward Christmas to all foi S. A.. R. H, jyDA applied He was offered the entire lot at a SITUATIONSneat Prince Island, Norwegian, day, open oomers, MADDOX N, Price EC cents'at or tig agreeable. Druggists by St. Johns and American girls. Will do ure that would table, eash prises which will be announaet STATE AGEMT. mail, enable us to sell them a t chamber, kitchen or laundry work in Hotels or 35 & 37 to 60 ELY 56 Warren St.. New York kter. EVPiddie, 54 India Sts BROTHERS, each. Boarding Houses. Those desiring capable M.W&Ffnrm $10.00 should call at office, 104 __ girls immediately my Exchange St., He didn’t buy, came home to drear 399 1-2 Congress street. MRS. PALMER. Tenth Annual Banquet. PORTLAND, ME. WHITE’S ANNUAL about those Ulsters. Woke detei __13-1 nov!2_dtf up The Maine Commercial Travellers’ As Mammoth Christmas Tree. mined to hare ’em, Telegraphed for ’en TITANTED—A lady experienced in double SPECIAL at entry sedation will hold their tenth annua HOLIDAY PRICE $1.24. Following our usual custom Christmas aud here. book-keeping, correspondence they’re and as .cashier desires a time, we will erect at our store Saturday. situation in an and at the West Enc over again. office. (Excellent meeting banquet FOR THE HOLIDAYS! Dec. 14th, a mammoth tree, loaded with a va- Not a great many of them. 5 references. Address Perhap M. W., care of The Other he • of choice which we will present tc Press.lM hotel. Saturday evening, Deccembei One—Tfes; isn’t ®^ver is Just received from the importers riety gilts, to last three if Ulstei It satin flu- all our customers goods to tlie enough days BStli. A musical i beauty?—Life. purchasing situation at Woodfords. splendid programme GERMAN and VENETIAN PHOTOS, amount of fifty cents and upwards; and we alsc wanters are slow in here. ish with getting W-ANSTED^AWould like small with no chil- excellent Bonbon eu- GRAVURES. wish to acquaint our patrons that we will pre- family being arranged, post prandial AQUARECEE Most all si dren. Address J. G\, 7 Cushman NEW ENGRAVINGS, sent for their inspection at that time the largest sizes. Don’t expect to get street, exercises, and all travelling men are in orna- ever City. Dish or graved WATER COLORS and ETCHINGS’ assortment of Christmas slippers displayed uch for your this winter _19-1 vltcd to assist this IVORY Ac., iu this state. We have secured one thousand mouey again progressive associa OLD STATUARY. Ac,, a young man and wife, a inents. pairs of manutactures samples in men’s and or tion. Landlord Castner is all it My stock of unframeu and new and you won’t, WANTED—Byposition in a hotel or restaurant, doing pictures which we will sell at less than Trinket exclusive to frame them in is more boys slippers, cook and waitress preferred. Can make and When Baby was sick, we gave her Unusual good mouldings the cost to make We intend that oui Iris power for tire comfort entertain- Castoria, than ever before. them. ourselves useful in any capacity. Address complete store shall be for ol men. When she was a Child, she cried for orders for as earlo ns pos- the headquarters supplies Box No. 4, Scarboro Beach. Me. 10-1 ment of the travelling Castoria, Holder. value. Bring your framing our tree will sible and avoid the Christmas footwear. Remember When she became she to hurry. remain from Dec. 14th, until Christmas and we Miss, clung Castoria, colored man aged 24, wou d like Prof. of Boston invite you to bring the children in order that Woodbridge explainei When sli» had she YOUNGwork of any kind in private family, Children, gave them Castoria, they may see the presents which it will contain. to the Senate committee on rules yester- STEVENS SILVER 573 Congress St. ft. F. HILL i CO. | can take care of furnaces and understands CO., R. H. KNIGHT WHITE’S SHOE STOHE, the care of horses, and can make himself day his plans for lighting and ventilat 500 St. useful. References given if required. 108 opposite Chestnut. 480 St. Preble House. Congress Please address E. HAM!L»f‘N, 26 lag the Senate chambers at Washington. Congress Congress* Opposrite Edwards > declO<12w ] -teclSeodtf deUdft Place, Rockland* Maine. 2-2 I'rint doth Market. SAILED—Schs Augustus Palmer, Calvin B r 1 FALL RIVER,Mass. Dec. 14. 1895.—The fol- Oreutt, Geo W Jewett, Mabel Hall. lowing is the print cloth statement lor the week : FROM OCR CORRESPONDENTS. Pieces. BOOTH BAY HARBOR, Dec 13—Ar. sch Mil- & Market. New York Stock and Money Production.220.000 drod A Monday Tuesday, Deliveries.176.000 Pope. New York. (By Telegraphy) Sailed, brig Harriet B Hussey, Warr. Charles Stock.200.000 for NEW YORK. Dec. 14. ton. SC: schs Onward, Kelley. Rockland Sales.140,000 Lynn; Herald, Kockport for Boston; Belle Money on call 1%@2 per cent. Prime mer- Spots. 11,000 Cora Futures. Bartlett. Miller, Mt Desert for Portland; cantile paper was quoted 4%a5Va per cent, .135,000 C Meader. Meader. Rock port for Boston; Jen- ONLY AT COST The at bteriing Exchange was steady, with actual busi- market is quiet 3Vsc for G4x64s. nie Greenbank, Rockland for New York. ness in bankers bills 4 87% a.4 87% for Poston Produce Market. EXCHANGE DISPATCHES. 60-day bills and 4 88%' 4 88% for demand; Sid fin 12th inst. stm Vancouver, 4 u.4 t BOSTON. Dec. 13. 1895.-—The following are Liverpool posted rates 88% 89%. ouimerctai bills for Halifax and Portland. Fancy Silks for Waists. o-ciav's or 60-days at 4(86% w4 87%. Government Bonds quotations Provisions. Produce,etc.: Ar at Hong Kong Dec 14, ship St Francis. firm. Railroads FLOUR. Winn. Barry. higher. Ar 10. sch John B Mi tin.. 3 at Port Spain prev to Dec Bar silver 66. Sspringpatents. G0:o>$3 80. 3 Coyle, Leighton, Wiscasset via Portland. Spring pat. Wis., 50&3 60. A of Mexican dollars52%. Spring, clear au.l straight, 2 35. great variety styles and 75@3 Memoranda. Silver at the Board was dull, Winter patents. 3 76 a 3 90. Winter, clear and straight, 3 25®3 80. Boston, Dec 13—Sch Eva and Mildred, before colors, the handsomest line we At London to-day bar silver was quoted Add 25c to the above for the jobbing rates. reported ashore, is on the railway repairing. 30 3-16d oz and Quiet. ^ MEATS. Parc of keel is gone and rudder damaged. It have ever had. this ##0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000®# Pork, long and short cut, barrel. 12 50. will cost about $150 to repair her. Improve and uacks Drummond, arrived at Railroad Iteceiprs. Pork, light hvy $11 6o@12 50. Sch Emma W Brown, to Pork, lean ienus 13 00. Boston 14th from Georges with a good fare of opportunity get one at cost. PORTLAND. Dec. 14. Tongues pork, $15 6<»: dolbeef $19 $ bbl. haddoch. which sold at $4 25 pr cwt. Receipts by Maine Central R. K.—For Port- Beef, corned. $3 50911 50. Norfolk, Dec 13—Barque Clara E McGilvery, They make very River for Baltimore, has ar- acceptable land, 163 «ars miscellaneous inercnadi.se; for Shouiders, corned and fresh 6J/ac. Lynch, from Bull Shoulders, smoked. 7Vo. rived here leaking badly and with foretopmast, Christinas connec u.* roads 128 cars. presents. Hams, large aud small, 9V2&10c. backstay, and chain Dlaies carried away. Will > • Bacon. 9@l0c. proceed in tow. Retail Groter> Sujjar Rare*. Pork, salt 6Vac. Gloucester, Dec 13—Sch S P Willard, ashore be floated. She is not Portland market—cut loaf at 7c;confectioners Briskets, salt GVa. at St Pierre, may leaking she would float after GRAND HOLIDAY 7 c;pulverized. —c; powdered, 6c; granulate*., Sausages, 7 Vac. badly and it was thought £ — the ballast is out. OPENING, Ya e; coffee crusned. 5 V3c *. vellow. Sausage meat. GV«e. 45c. Goodell. at Lard. tcs.GVic; palls, at 6V4@7Hc; If, in pails, London. Dec 13-Ship Charger, Hamburg from La Plata, reports a gale in the Portland Wholesale Market. 8»/i Beef steers.OH®8V4. North Sea. in which lost sails, and had cabin I PORTLAND. Dec. 14. 1895. and ladders smashed. Beef, fresh, hinds, 9@l2c; fores, 3Va^o^i c, doors, bulwarks, The following are to-day’s wholesale prices of Lambs, spring, G.ajVac

ear lots. 00 00(322 60 Butter. North, choice. 2 @22. Prlnee; b A Fuller, Brown, New Orleans. All Solid Gold. Any size, weight ttLouis st'gi bag lots 0000®24 Ou Butter, unit, rrm.;18@2uc. Cld schs M A or in 14 Toller... 3 75®3 8i Sacked Br’r Ladle 14th, Achorn, Achorn, Ponce; style, 10, and IS kt. gold. packed 15@16. Glenullen. David Al- clear do. .3 61 car lots. 14 00.® 15 oO Cheese. new do 10@10Va ch’ce Mitchell, Boston; Faust, Pounds of them. You can find our 60®3 Northern, ; Wst, ley, Providence. just We take in to friends and Patrons a t\ nt'i wheai bag lots. 00 pleasure extending* cordial invitation .tl8@17 9@10c. Sid what you want in my stock. 4 00®4 2< Middlings. 17 00 East 141h, barque Beatrice Havener, Point-a- patents.. .816® Eggs, hennery choice. 33@35: 24@25. St Fish. bag ots. .$17«gl9 00 Eggs. Midi, choice. 24@2oc. Pitre; Katharine, Shanghai. Passed Hell Gate sch Clifford I White. tod—Large Coffee. Western fresh 22@23c. 13th, and Elizabethport for Boston. to visit our Furniture Shore ... .4 7o®5 21 fito. roasted 22 @24 Va Beans, pea. I 35® 1 60;mediums, 1 36@1 40. newly Enlarged Drapery Emporium. Passed Hell Gate 14t,h, schs Abner file small do. .2 60®3 2i Java do.28®31 Beans, yei. eyes, 1 60@i 60:red kid.l 40. Taylor. McKENNEY, Jeweler, 35@1 from New York for Calais; Nettie Cushing, do Pollock ... .2 25®8 2£ Molasses. Beans foreign, 1 35. 25@1 for do for Haddock.. l-6‘0@2 O Porto Rico.27@33 Potatoes,Aroostook Co. Hebrons bush. Thomaston; Alsatian, Providence; 30@35c Edna. Romlout for New York We not have the Furniture and Hake.1 60v®2 OL Bar Dadoes.27@28 Potatoes. N H Hebrons Boston; Otranto. Monument only Largest Strictly Drapery Store in New 33@35. for Square, Herring, box Fancy....30@35 do Rose. Providence; Henrietta, Simmons. Amboy j Tea. for Fall River; Sarah Eatou. Elizabethport for ! Scaled.... 9@13c Apples, choiec bbl, $3 75. 1 00@3 Boston; Rebecca Tau lane, Amboy for Portland; OPEN Mackerel, bi Amoys.17@2o Apples. Baldwins at $2@2 75. EVENINGS. for we have also an Immense Stock of the Extra Is 00 00 Berry. Maehiasport; Native.bbl.... .@i 5< Beef-Alight.. 9 00 1: oiliestic AtarEifiv mett. Newport News: J D Williams, Knowl- Sp ChicKens... 3 4®li heavy. 10 50 (By Telegraoh.1 ton, Rockport and Oyster Bay. Turkeva, Wes. x6®17- BniestsVibS 5 75® BRUNSWICK—Ar sch Helen L DECEMBER 1896. 14th, Martin, Geese—.12® 1< = Lard, tes ami 14, NEW Fountain, New York. Ducks, native.. L4@i< Va bbl.pure.6Va® YORK—Flour—receipts 64,143 pckags; BALTIMORE—Cld 13th. sch Sadie C Sumner. hush and DIRECT STEAMSHIP Fowls.... il®13i do com’nd, exports 14,244 17,421 sacks;saies 7,- II LINE. 6V4® 60o dull and Harrington, Colon; Clias Trickey, Fickett, Apples. pails,compd 5s/i@6% pkgs; steady. Bristol. RI. » 94,360 exports 16.000 Fancy. 2 7o®3 21 pails, pure 7A4@8 Wheat—receipts bus; CHAltLESTON-Cid 13tn, sch Wm H Allison From Fair to good : bush;sales market Boston every and 75®$; pure If 9 Vi @9% 74,600 bush, spot weaker; Kenniston, Richmond. Wednesday Saturday. • No 2 Red store and elev at afloat at Baldwins- $2 50@2 7i Bams .... @10 69; 70Vs® CAPE HENRY—Passed out 14th. sch Mada- E vap 49 9< 70% c; fob 70(8,70(4. From lt».8® aocov’rd @10Ve leue Cooney, from Baltimore for Cardenas. Philadelphia every Wednesday JLemons. Oil. Corn—receipts 198,800bush; exports 16,144 JACKSONVILLE—Sid sell busli; sales 34.000 bush: weak and No 2 11th, Roger Drury and Maori.S Kerosene 120 ts lOVa quiet; Hart. Portland. Saturday. Messina 3 5< » at 834/4 c elev, 84% c afloat nom 50@4 Ligoma.11 KEY WEST-Ar 14th, sch Maud Spurhng, Central Wharf, Boston, 3 p.m. From 3 > 2772 Malaga.... 25@3 5( Centennial.11 Oats—receipts 18,000 bush; exports Spurling. Portland, and sailed for Punta Gorda. Pine Street Wharf, Philadelphia, at 3 p, m. In- hush; sales 20,000 dull and No 2 surance Oranges. Pratt’s A.stjal ..13 bush; lower; MOBILE—Sid 13th, Jessie one-half the rate of saiUng vessel. * barque Macgregor WALTER Jamaica 60@6 oi 1 Devoe’s brilliant 13 at 22Vi®22%; do White at 24(824V*. Freights for the West the Penn. R. and COREY Berry, Philadelphia. by R., CO. South Eggs. ;lnbalfbbls 1c extra CHICAGO—The Flour market to-day was NEWPORT NEWS-Ar 13th, sch Geo E Wal- by connecting lines, forwarded free of 3< 1 Nearpy.. (& Raisins. dull, steady. Wheat—No 2 Spring 06 Ye@ Gov Provi- commission. Kasternext.- barely cott. Reed, Portland; Ames, Davia, 24®0< Muscatel.50 lb bxs3®6 57% ; No 2 Red 60®6l7/iC.Corn—No2 at 20V4 dence. Passage $10.00. Round Trip $18.00. Fresh Western... ©2: London lay’rl 25 Oats—No2 at 17‘4@17 Vac: No 2 Kve at 34VaC Sid 13th, sch Addie M Anderson, Portland. Meals and room included. Held. 2( Coal. bid. No 2 Barley 38©40. No 1 Flaxseed at 94 NORFOLK-Ar 13th, schs D H Rivers, Col- For freight or passage apply to F. P. WING, Kuttei. 1 Retail—delivered. Central 094V3 :mess pork at 7 87 V'2V8 00. Lar at b 26 cord, Baltimore; Calvin F Baker. Darling, from Agent, wharf; Boston. Creamery,fncy..24@2£ Cumberland 4 00@4 60 E. B. SAMPSON. Treasurer and General 28 ia6 sliort rib sides at 4 35. Free 27Va: 26®4 Dry Clarks Cove. Street- Gilt Edge Vr'mt.l8:® 2( Chestnut.... @h 00 89 State ■ ■ ■ -■ salted meats—shoulders 4 50 a.4 75; sliort clear Cld 14th, barque Bruce for Boston, Manager, St.. Fisko Building, Boston. __Gecl4d2t 1 "4 FranKiln.... Hawkins, Choice.16® ~7 26 aides 4 37 Vi 4 4 60. in tow of Underwriter. Mass. oct22dtf Cheese. rug Lekin. • • • qO bbls: wheat. 77.000 N. \. | Receipts—Flour, 10,100 NEW LONDON—Sid 12th, sch Chase, New tet’ry.12 ®12Va Pea. 4 00 bush: corn."291 000 bush: oats.240 Ooo bush: STEAMERS. RAILROADS. Vermont ...12 York; Myra B Weaver, Allyns Point for Phila- MAINE CENTRAL R. R. 4tl2Vs rye. 4500 bush barley. 49,000 bush. RAILROADS. Ha*e .....13 ®13Vj delphia. In Kffect December 9, 1895. Shipments—Flour 4 90t( bbls; wheat 74.000 PORT BLAKELY—Sid 6th, ship Beuj Sewall, FREEPORT STEAMBOAT CO. bush; corn. 103,000 bush: oats 204,000 bush; Sewall, Shanghai. Trains leave Portland, Union Station, Railway for Portland & rye. 2,800 bush: barley 20X00 bush. PASCAGOULA—Ar 14th, sch Lena R Storer, Square, stations named below and inter- Worcester Line Boston & Maine R. R. CH1GCAO BOARD OK I'd A II. Girls’ Silver Watches. /COMMENCING Sent. 23d will leave Port- mediate poiuts as follows-. ST. I.OUIS—The Flour market to-day was Rouce, Kingston. in Effect October f v' land Pier for 20, 1895. Little- Tnursclav’ auoiaisioiis. dull.unchanged; patents at 3 35(88 60; extra PORT TAMFA—Ar 12th, barque James Wr | Falmouth, Oousens', 7.00 a. m. For Brunswick, Bath, Rockland, Great and Bustin’s tancy at 3 l.-.®s 26; fancy at 2 8o@3 O: choice Elwell, Goodman, Cienfuegos. john’s, Cheheague Ia1ands, Augusta, Waterville, Skowhegan, Pittsfield, PORTLAND & ROCHESTER R. R. WESTERN DIVISION. WHEAT. Wolfs Point and at 2.00 m. 2 75. Wheat lower; Dec 66c; 6u’ic. Sid 12th. sch John Paul, Cowan, Baltimore. ♦ Solid Silver Stein Wind ▼ Freeport p. Bangor, Bucksport. Lisbon Falls, Lewiston via Dec. 6(>®2 May Coin, at 7.00 a. m. Trains leave Portland. Union Station, for May. Corn is lower Dec 23% : Jan 23% PHILADELPHIA—Ar 13th, sch E C Allen. RETURNING, leave Freeport Brunswick. Opening.07V2 613/8 ;May 25Vsc. X Watches, $5.00 to $10.00. STATION Scnrboro Crossing, 10.00a. m.. 5.15,6.20, p. oats lower, Dec 19%. Meady, New Haven. for Portland. 8.30 a.m. For Danville Jc. (Poland Springs) FOOT STREET. Closing.6 7 V* 61 17Vs, May Provisions— j m.; Scarboro Pine 6 Cld 13th, sch Clara Goodwin, Pinkham, Port- 4, Every watch warranted to keep sep9dtf J. P. BAXERT. Mechanic Fails, Rumford Falls. Lewiston, 0F_PKEBLE Beach, Point, 7.00,10.00 Pork at 8%. Lard at io®5 17V2. Bacon- £ а. Old CORN. Livermore On and after Sander. December ra., 3.80, 5.15, 6.20, d. m.; Orchard, shoulders at 614; longs atSVs; clear ribs at land. ♦ good time, and my prices are the . Falls, Farmington, Phillips, Range- 6, 1*95, Dec. Ar 14th, sbh Elliot L Low, Pinkham. Sullivan. ♦ ley, Oakland and Waterville. Passenger wains will Lemre Portland: Saco. Biddeford. 7.00, 8.40. 10.00 a. m.f May. 6V4 ; short clear at 5-.sc. Drv sailed meats— lowest. You can save on ♦ Kenne- 27% Cld with Koliiuoor money 8.45 a. m. For For tv ores a tor, Clinton, Ayer Jmnctlon, 12.40, 3.30, 5.15, 6.20, p. m.; Opening.25% shoulders 4%: 4Vs ; clear ribs at 4% ; 14th, tug Wrestler, barges Bridgton, Fabyans, Burling- longs 1 Watches if you of Names, Windham and at a. bunk, 7.00, 8.40. a. m., 12.40. 3.30, 6.15, ('losing.. 2o3/i 283/4 sliort clear 4S4. aud Draper, in tow, for Portland; schs Thos G buy ton, Lancaster, St. Johnsbury, Sherbrooke, Eppmg 7.30 J and 12.30 in. б. 20 Wella a.m.. Swain, Bridgeport; City of Augusta,Ad- Montreal, Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis m. p. p.ra.; Beach, 3.30, FORK. Receipts—Flour 6.4C0 bbls; wheat 86.03C Smith, For 5.15 m.; North ams. E C Provi- and all west. Manchester, Concord, and points North p. Berwick, 13.45, 7.00, 8.40, 0usn;corn L2.000 bush; oats 11 OUu oush: ry« Portsmouth; Allen, Meady, ♦ the points Jan. McKENNEY, Jeweler, m. For at 7.30 a. m. and 12.30 m. a. m., 12.40, 8.30, r.16 p. in.; Kennebunk- — bush. dence; Alice Holbrook, Ellis. Allyns Point. 10.30 a. Brunswiok, Bath. Lisbon p. 8.3o | For ale. port, Somersworth. Dover, 7.00, 8.40 a. Hi., Opening. Marcus sch Elliot L Lewiston, via, Brunswick, Gardiner Au- Rochester, Springe Allred, Water, 6.301. bbls: wlieai 1010 C Hook—Passed up 12th, * Falls, Closing. 8.37 Shipments—Flour Monument Square. and Waterville. here and Saco River at 7.30 a. an 12.30 and 12.40, 3.30, 5.15 p.ra.; Rochester. Farming- bush; corn 4,800 bush; oats 63,000 rye Dbw, Philadelphia. f gusta bus.i; 1.00 m. for Brunswick. Lisbon 4.25 s. m. ton, Alton Bay, 8.40 a. m.. 12.40, 3.30 p. in.: — Passed down 12th, barque Lizzie Carter, for p. LARD. bush. Express at 7.30 3.30 Worcester (via Havana. OPEN EVENINCS. Falis. Augusta, waterville. Bangor, Bar Harbor For Gorham and 9.45 a. m., 12.30, Wolfboro, p. ra.; July. t I Somers worth and 7.00 a. in. Sept. DETROIT—Wheat—No 2 Red cash 66% c At Delaware Breakwater I3th. sch ♦ Oldtowu and Houlton, via B. & A. 3.00, 4.26, 5.20 and 6.25 p. a. Rochester,) j Opening... White Talofa, ______♦ For Concord, 7.00 a. m.. 3.80 No 1 title. Corn—No 2 at 28V*c. oats- Fletcher, from Port Tampa via Tortugas for 1.15 p. in.. For Danville Jc„ Poland Springs Westbrook, Cumberland Mills, West- Manchester, p. m.; Closing. No 3 White 21. station. Mechanics Fails, Rumford E'alls, brook Junction and Woodford’s at 7.30, Rockingham Junction, Haverhill, Law- Philadelphia. Daily Line, Sundays Excepted. 9.46 a. Lowell, 8.40 a. 3 30 Saturday’s quotations. Sid im Delaware Breakwater 14th, sch Ger- Lewiston, Farmington, Kingfield. Phillips m.. 12.30. 3.00. 4.25, 6.20 rence, 7.00, m., 12.40, p. THE NEW AND PALATIAL STEAMERS and 6.25 o. m. ra. Exeter. Boston, ?3.45. m.. WHEAT trude L Trundy, from New York lor Fernan- Oakland, Bingham. Waterville, Skowhegan, t7.00,18.40a. (By Telegraph.) and BAY STATE AND PORTLAND, m. m. Arrive in dina. Portland Boothbay Steamboat Co Bangor aud Vaneeboro. The 12.30 p. train from Portland connects §12.40. 3.30 p. Boston, *7.25, Dec. Mav. alternately leave Franklin Wharf. Portland, 10.15 a. m 4.20. 7.15 m. Leave LONDON. Dec. 17.1895.—Consols 107(i foi PORTSMOUTH—Cld sch John F Ran- 1.80 p, m. For Freeport. Brunswick, Au- at Ayer Junction with "HeesaC Tunnel 12.65, p. 1 oer'ng.66 Vs 6(j»/a 15th, TAEL, ARRANGEMENTS. every evening at 7 o’clock, arriving in season Boston for 8.30 money and 10 l-ied for the account. dall. gusta, Bath, Rockland and all stations on Route” lor the West and at Unleu Station, Portland, 7.30, a. m., 1.00, 66 Vs Crocker, Philadelphia. for connections with earliest trams for points lor 4.16 m. Closing.,;,. 60}2 Below schs Jas Boston Knox & Lincoln division. Waterville, Skow- Worcester, Providence and New York, p. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 14. 1895.—Cotton marke 14th, Holmes, for Bel- beyond. SUNDAY TRAINS. CORN hegan. Belfast, Dover and Green- via "Providence Line,” for Norwlok ana firmer: American middling at 4%d: es After Monday, Sept. 2, tickets for Providence, Lowell, Foxcroft, Through Oldtown. Vaneeboro. New York, vis “Norwich Line” with Keeton For Boston, 3.45 a. m. For Boston Dec May. timated sales 10,000 bales: speculation anc Hodgiion, do for Camaen; V M Loring. Rock- New Y"ork, etc. ville, Bangor, Bucksport, express, Worcester, Houlton and Woodstock. £ Albany R. R. for the West, and with tht and 4.16 m. Arrive in Opening. 2514 28V2 export 1000 bales. land for Boston: Amelia F Cobb, Blueliill for do leave India St. John, Halifax, way stations, 1.00, p. Returning, Wharf, Boston, m E’er New York All Rail via "Springfield.” 8.44 m. Closing.2 5 Vi 28 Va Sardinian, Salem for Rockland; NYork Steamer 7 o’clock. 3.30 p. Sebago Lake, Bridgton, Fry- Boston. 7.25 a. m., 5.27, p. Lucy. Enterprise ever> Evening at Trains arrive at Portland Irom Worcester for Calais; Cbas E Sears. Hoboken fer B. burg, North Conway. Fabyans, Lancaster, Boston for Portland, 3.45 a. m. FORK. Eastport Will leave East at 7.15 J, COYLE, Manager. & at 1.30 p. m.: from Rochester at 8.30 a. in., A F Kindberg. Camden for New York. Bnothbay Monday J. F. LISCOMB. Gen. Beecher Falls, Lime Ridge Quebec, St. Johus- Jan. a. m. tor Portland, at So. Agt. Montreal and 1.30 and 5.45 p. m.: irom Gorham EASTERN DIVISION. Also below 14th, sens Fair Wind, from toucning Bristol, Oct. 1, 1895. bury, Chicago. 8.52 OCEAN at 6.40. 8.30 and 10.60 a. for Opening. STEAMER MOVEMENTS. Ellsworth for Rondout; Bed Jacket, Elizabetli- Heron Island, Boothbay Harbor and Squirrel 6.05 p. m. For Brunswick. Batfi, Lisbon m„ 1.30. From Union Station Cape Elizabeth, Closing. 8.50 Island. 4.16, 5.45 and 6.16 p. m. a. FROM FOR port for Boothbay; Bramhall, New York for Falls, Augusta and Waterville. t+8.45 in.; Saco. Conway Junction, leave Portland at 6.45 ‘a. m. for New Danville For through Tickets to all West and Wolfboro, 9 00 a. m.; Ports- Etruria.New York. .Liverpool'.. Dec 1< Portland; Grace Webster, do for do. Tuesday, CASCO BAY STEAMBOAT CO. 5.10 p. m„ E'or Gloucester, points Biddeford, Boston «toc« Market. Pemaquid. Touching at Squirrel Island, Poland station, Mechanio Soutn, apply to F. H. COLLINS. Tlokel mouth, Amesbury, Newburyport. Salem, Venezuia.New York.. Laguayra .. Dec 1. PRO VINCE TOWN—In port 13th, sells David Junction, Springs Boothoav Heron So. Bristol Portland, Me. t9.00 a. ra.; The following were to-day’s quotation? of Gascogne.New York. .Havre Dec 1< P Davis, Davis. Baltimore for Batn; Katharine Harbor, Island, CUSTOM HOUSE WHARF. PORTLAND. ME. Falls, Auburn and Lewiston. Agent, Lynn, Boston, f2.00, {12.55, and East for 5. W. PETERS, m. Arrive in 5.58a. m.. stocks in Boston: Rotterdam... .New York. Amsterdam.Dee 1. D Perrry. Boston for Philadelphia. Boothbay. Winter Time Table, in Effect Nov. 25, ’95 11.00 p. m. Night Express, sleeping cars, Supt. t6.00 p. Boston. 12.49, Central 4s. sell Wednesday, leave Pemaauid at 6 a. m. for Bath, Lewiston, Augusta, Watervilie, 4.15, 9.20 p. m. Leave Boston for Portland, Mexican 67% Paiatia.New York. ... Deo 1- PROV IDENCE—Ar 14th, John For Forest. je29_dtf Hamburg Douglas, and above Leaves Portland City Landing, 7.45 ^ ■ Portland landings, Bangor, Bar Harbor, Vaneeboro, St. 9,00 a. m.. 12.30, 7.00, p. m. Atchison. Topeka atania be ft. 16Vi Aiene.New York. .Jamaica .Dec 1 New York. a &IK Bucksport, j 7.30, leave at a. m. for Peaks Is.and. 5.45. 6.40, 8, m„ 2.16 Boston * Maine VA — Ar sch Thursday, Portland 6.45 Stephens, St John and all Aroostook County, SUNDAY TRAINS. ft.175% Salerno.New York. .Rio Janeiro Dec lr RICHMOND. 13th, Warner 6.10 p. in. For Little and Great Diamond uo Boothbay Harbor. Touching at Squirrel Halifax and tlie Provinces..b"t, does not run to pfd. Majestic.New York.. Liverpool .. Dec 1’ Moore, Crockett, Charleston. Trefethens and Island. m. For Portsmouth. Island. Louig 8.00,a. and Foxcroft or Biddeford. Newbury M alne Central..137 % Aller.New York. .Bremen .Dec 1' SAVANNAH—Ar 14th, sch Carrie A Belfast, Dexter, Dover beyond GRAND TRUNK j Norton, leave Harbor at 9 a. m. and 2.15, p. m. ; port. Salem, Lynn, Boston. 2.00 a. ra., 12.55 New York and Now England it...... St Pan! .New York. Dec li : Fridav, Boothbay Bangor, Saturday nights. .So’ampton Wviie, Philadelphia. at C. W. T. GODIftG, General Manager. p. m. Arrive in Boston, 5.68 a. m.. 4.15 p. — for Portland. Touching Squirrel Island. Union Pacific. 6% Kensington New York. li ! WILMINGTON. NC—Cld 13th, sch S nov25dtf RAILWAY. .Antwerp!_Dec Henry Saturday, leave Portland at 6.45 a. m. for SUNDAY JLKAlNJS. American Hell. 202% Yumuri.New York. .Hav AMex.Dec li Woodruff, Trainer, Port au Prince. East Boothbay. Touching at Squirrel Island, 7.00 p. n>. American common.104 York.. 1: A.l Sugar, Claribel.New Jacmel Dec Island and So. flL vnuioi'i AT-/ A 1 1J IbUlPlllSIUlA.U' 1*1 7.20 a. m., paper train for Brunswick, Au tDoes not run Mondays. Boothbay, Heron Bristol. T< On and alter MONDAY. Nov. 18th, 189: Sugar, pfd... 98% Santiago.New York. .Cienfuegos .Dec li f oreign Ports. specially chartered steamer, January 29,1896. gusta, Waterville and Bangor. Connects with Kali Linas tor New ALFRED RACE, manager. Granada. trains will run as follows: York, Mass., pfd. Pomeranian ..New York.. Liverpool. .Dec li Bermuda, Gibralter, Malaga, Alhambra 1.00 m. For Brunswick Lisbon Falls, South and I Passed St Helena Nov 2, sell Nahum p. West. do common. 12 AlUanca.New York. .Colon Dec 2i Chapin augSldtf Algiers, Cairo, Jerusalem, Beyrout, Ephesus.Cou and LEAVE. Sound New ¥2 for etc. Lewiston, Bath, Augusta, Waterv'lle, ^Connects with Lines for York. Mexican , Arey. (from Algoa Bay Philadelphia. staiitinople, Athens, Home, Nice, Only $B5< Central. 10% Newport.New York. .Colon Dec 2i Bangor. and Lewiston a. m •Western Division from North Berwick Sun- Sid fm Honolulu 4th inst, barque S C Alien up all excursions, fees, etc., Included. For Auburn 7.15, 7.55 Portland, Saco & Portsmouth ft.14G% Veendam.New York. .Rotterdam. .Dec 2 11.00 m.. Night Express with Thompson. San Francisco. MAINE STEAMSHIP CO. F. C. CLARK, 111 Broadway, New York. p. sleeping 1.10, l.SO, 6.20 p. m. days only. Campania-New York.. Liverpool .Deo 2 m cars for ail at Scarboro Sid 14th 16.18-21 points. For Gorhamand Berlin, 7.55a.m.. 1.30 and MOonneets Crossing with Kama.New York. 2 fm Nanaimo inst, ship W'acliusett New York .Hamburg. ..Dec New York Direct Line. 5.20 p. in. train tor Boston via Eastern Division. Quotations on Stocks and Bonds. ...New VVilliams,.San Francisco. Champagne York. .Havre.Dec 2 ARRIVALS IN PORTLAND. For Island a. m., and 1 80 n. m. Througn ticket* to all points in Florida, At Rosario Nov 2, barque Addle An Pond,7.55 (By Telegraph.) Scotsman.Portland.. .Dec2 Morrill, ISLAND SOUND BY DAYLIGHT ALLaF Ij I KE Montreal and the South and West lor sale ax Ticket Office. .Liverpool.. drows, for Boston, idg; E L LONG From Montreal, Quebec, Fabyans, Bridgton, For Chicago, 7.55 a. in., and i The are Adirondack.. New York. .Jamaica ....Dec 2 Mayberry, Hinds Falls in. Union Station. following to-day's closing quotation:* lor New York, idg. Koyal mail Stcamsliij.s. 8.25 a. m.; Lewiston and Mechanics 1.30 p. Oi Bonds: Philadelphia. .New Yorg.. .Dec 2' 8.30 a. m ; Watervilte, and Bath, For 1.30 D. J. FLANDERS. G. P. and T. A., Boston. i.aguayra At Rio Janeiro Nov 10th. barque Arthur and Sea Augusta Quebec, p. m. Dec, 14. Dec. 13. Paris.New York..So’ampton...Dec 2, Delightful Invigorating Trip. Londonderry, Halifax & Portland Servici 8.85a.m.; Mattawamkeag. Bangor and Rockland ie21dtf Wade. Sherman, from New York. Liverpool, om New 4’s Friesland .... New York. .Antwerp. .Dec 2, Manhattan ami Cottas From I I F) From Kum- ARRIVALS. reg...».«fni felll At Colon Dec 6, sell B W Morse, The Steamships 12.25; Iviugfiblrt, Phillips. Farmington, New 4’s Germanic ... .New York.. Liverpool.. .Dec 2 Newbury leave Franklin wharf Tliurs Liver pool,] Htenm-h ins 1 Part'-ap d Iln/i/ar ford Falls, Skowhegac. Oakland and Lewiston coup.($ll2Vi jgl!2vi for New York. City Tuesdays, From Lewiston and Auburn. 8.25 a. m„ and United States 2s reg. 96 V2 Obdam.New York. Rotterdam.. I lee 2 and Saturdays at 6 p. m. Returning, leave 26 *28 12.30 p. ni. ; No. Ccnway and 4.40 86¥2 Ar at Navassa Nov 27, sell days 5 Dec. | Mongolian. | Fryeburg 12.15 3.10. 5.15 and 6.30 n. m. Portland & Romford Falls York. .London _Dec 2: Falmouth, Wal same at 6 ni. 31 n. R’yi Centra! Pacific lsts.104 1C4 Mississippi.New Pier East River, days p. 19 l Numidian. 9 J.wi- Jar in.; Skowliegan, Waterville, Rock- lace, from Baltimore, to sail Dec 7 oil return. 38, From Island Pond. Berlin and In Effect Oct. 7, 189.7 Denver * ft. G. 1st.113 113 Umbria.New YorK. .Liverpool. Dec 2: Fare to New York, oue way, $4.00; Round 2 Laurentian. 28 25 land 5 25 p. m.; St, John. St. Stephen. Gorham, Ar at Barbados Nov 30, barque Jan. 8.25, a. m.,12.15 and 5. 30 p. m. 2ds....;... 7i 74 Amsterdam .. New York.. Rotterdam..Dec 2: Lillian, Wil 0 Feb. 8 Feb. Aroostook County. Bar Harbor and Bangor DEPARTURES. Erie ley, Santos. trip1 **7.00. 16 Jan. I Mongolian. | From Chicago ana Montreal, 12.15 and 5.30 Kansas Pacific Consols. 77 77 Bourgogne.New York.. Havre.Dec 2; J. B. COYLE, Manager. 30 Jan. Numidian. | 20 Fob. 22 Feb 5.35 p. ni.; Range ley, Farmington, Rumford Sid 1 st inst. barque Herbert. Black, Blanch | p. m. 8.30 A. M. & 1.15 P. M. From Union Nav. lsts.. 111 ¥* 111 J, F. LI8COMB. General Agent. nv2-dtf Falls, Skowhegan. Lewiston 5.45 p. m; Chicago Station Oregou ; ard. (from Punta Arenas) for New York. from Portland about I. P.m. oi From Quebec. 12.15 a. m. for Pacific Steamers sail and Montreal and all White Mountain Poland, Mechanic Falls. Buckiield, Can- Kansas lsts.108Vs 108Vs at St sell ail trams due a' Pullman Palace tors on MINIATURE 16. Cld John, NB, 12tn, Abbie K Bent Tiiursdavs after arrival of 8.10 all points on B. & A. Sleeping Night ton. Dikheld and Rumford Falls. Northern Pacific cons 6s..., 37 ALMANAC.DEC. points. p.m., R. R., trains and ley. Price, Newport. noon. parlor cars on day trains. I 8.30 a. 1.05 and 6.10 m. From Portland'at __ Bangor, Bar Harbor, 1.40 a. m.: m„ p. Union 01 stocks = ( TICKET OFFICE NO. Closlag quotations High water Co. kedcced bates. express Halifax, St. John. Waterville 177 MIDDLE Station lor Polani and Sunsets. 4 2: international Bangor AND DEPOT AT POOT OF Atchison.16 16 J3| J_n one who has children Steamsnip SCO to $60 and Augusta, 3.30 a. m. STREET, INDIA Mechanic Falls. ¥4 , Any will rejoice CABIN—Portland to Liverpool, STREET. 147 Ud. FOR PAYSON TUCKER, Y. P. & G. M. Train Union Station 1.15 p. m. con- /.cams Express...... 147% Moobn“s0ets\ven, Moore & Co. On of It Sunday evening the rector St. j. Libby. afterward regretted the act and wished All Under Fourteen Years of wurabee’s White Store, Paul’s gave the sixth discourse on the Age—To Seel tines Bros. for reunion. One of tho Dr. Coke Her Lost Chris- things for llusbaud—“Its Like Look- F. Homsted. agreements and differences among [. brought from was a book Hurrah prayer in a ! Wesley, fur a Needle Grand Vestbrook tians. His was “Our b’rieuds ing Hay Gelt sh, "eminary. subject but it has the aate of Maine. never been published by Holiday the Methodists.” The following is a Said, AMUSEMENTS, book ooncern or been in use among Me- brief abstract: iberal Art Exhibition. thodists. Imagine yourself a woman, as One of the historians of Methodism years of New To For in the north Immense Wants, Let, Sale, Lost, Found I have spoken of the past of Methodism. rid, living of Scotland, Dolls, Games, Books, with these words: aggregation Toys, r.d Similar advertisements bis first volume will be found under opens No fair with five small all Ueir beads on 6. minded man can doubt the sin- ohildron, less than 11 appropriate Page “Had a studious heathen to as- sought and with a cerity and zeal of its people. We cannot rears of age, sailor husband, certain the nature of the Christian relig- from and all manner of Gift No Christinas and New Years' table refuse to give them due credit for the who had sailed away homo over 11 IVlusic-making-things, Holiday ion immediately after the completion of nonths and from whom hould he without a bottle of Dr. Siegert’s sacrifice and heroism they displayed in ago you had re- the canonical records and solely from ceived but one letter and that was 1-1 .nsoatura Bitters, the world renowned ap- their of early history, l'lie rapid growth nonths ago, and stuted that he was in etizer of flavor. Beware of these records, he would have been sur- Goods. exquisite Methodism in and influence is Cleveland, Ohio. vounierfeits! prised by its contrast with nearly all numljers phenomenal. But I believe much more Imagine yourself leaving home and prior systems of religion in its suggestive jarents and relatives, and starting aoross OUR STORE a “Mrs. Wmsiow's ftoothing Syr up’* of lasting good might have been accom- EVERY YEAR WE TURN HALF into Gigantic Toy Bazaar, a rollick- rather than prescriptive of ecciosiastical he ocean, alone with the five children, if the had never taken scant in the cns used over plished seperatiou tnd resources, desporate been Fifty Years by million arrangements, it general abstinence from hope ONCEing, Santa Claus Fair, and give the Children free run of the premises. place. if fiuding this husband, who had been frolicsome, )f mothers for their children while Teeth- ritual forms and its total abstinence from iilent for 14 months and who was some for more ing, with perfect success. It soothes the A church meeting, the zeal and enthu- This store-transformation is not for money-making; there’s actual profit in one good I dogmatic definitions. whero on another continent. lliild. softens the gums, allays cure siasm of the Methodists, and con- and ask Pain, He would have discovered what modern steady Imagine all this yourself if you than in a week of the wholesome of Goods business Toy-selling. find Colic, regulates bowels, and is the servatism of the Episcopaleans, unite a wouldn’t consider that a great deal of day legitimate Dry Protestantism emancipated from tradit- {cst remedy for Diarrhoea whether arising of to cause was requisite for such an under- our customers an to these that the policy enough elasticity give every we make this two weeks into Toys, to give opportunity buy from or other causes. For sale ional influence, has found puri- taking. dip teething by man a chance to work. Joined to ilie When this was Oruggists in every part of the world. Be sure fication of the individual is the character- question asked Mrs. for children and families in a familiar and to the current of trade Anglican faith, such a ohuroh in Jamesina in the BUTthings their store, keep ask for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing istic of Rites and power Williamson, police lodg- ycd ijyrup design Christianity. sho and influence would move like a con- ng room yesterday, didn’t seem to t*cts. a bottle. creeds as aides to faitli being left discre- chink that she had done setting this way. quering army to the conquest of the anything partic- tionary however necessary” ularly unusual or brave. She Baid in her world. uroad Scotch that of Baby cried, This is an astounding statement to brogue, hundreds Take ten thousand Dolls SEEMS ’f More Christmas Do you ask wbat the future of Metho- women come across the ocean to find every game make and oan be accounted for Mother only by their lost and with of than ever effect- sighed, dism will be? If it be true to its early husbands, familios that human ingenuity ever Handkerchiefs Aprons. Very dainty the faot that it was written before Pro- ittlo children also. or ten thousand people, GAMES. Handkerchiefs. Aprons. Doctor prescribed: Ca^torias traditions its future must be glorious. at dozen Made of sheer Swiss testantism began to show signs of a re- Her story is as follows: She reached invented is here.—Except waived any Muslin, Methodism wa* well boru, for it first from her home in turn to rites and creeds and while Metho- Quebec Coithnesshiro, cards. salutes. Trimmed with fancy Lace and Rib- saw tho light at Oxford University. Me- Scotland, about three months ago. She ilaying Chatauqua PERSONAL. dism was reaching its high water mark went straight to Cleveland and YOU’LL NEVER FIND thodism wa3 well bred, for it was cradled finally Thousands of hem- bon. of zeal and enthusiasm. ;ot some trace of hei husband. She Lagomaohy, Dominoes, Backgammon, in the Anglican church. John and two of the Dolls, or two of and Mr. and Mrs. George E. Bird will close of cound men who had seen him and one AND Srooery Store, Authors, Fish Pond, stitched Handker- Prices, 75 cts., $1.00 $1.25. There is statement extant Charles lived and died churchmon. nojbetter Wesley to Peter iheir summer home at Falmouth about chough! he had gone Boston and ship- the that Sliced Articles, Coddle, Where’s doctrine than Paul’s and no I fceiove if Methodism could return to people, exactly handsome and Waitress St. epistles red there for South Africa. loony, Apple-Pie, Jack Straws, Grand- chiefs with Nurse Aprons Iho first of and have tho anoient fold, the power and influence January, engaged better of “ecclesiastical ar- The brave little woman, with her five resemble each other. ather’s Jack Straws, Cnole Sam’s compendium of both bodies would be increased one Farm, colored fast made of Cambric and 25 cts., rooms at the Stuart for the remainder of for Folks Historical Dr. Bus- borders, Lawn, rangements” than bis to St. hnnHroH fnlrl ittlo children, started Boston. She Young game, epistles Curious isn’t it ? 1 the winter. md beon earning her living in Cleveland iy, Yankee Pdtldler, and a hundred other colors, at 5 cts. 39 cts., 50 ct3. Timothy anu house work. She work- mte and entrtaining games. Mrs. J. R. Libby is quite ill at her BRIEF JOTTINGS. iy washing One of the prime requisites of civilized id her way to Boston by stopping at For women and home on Danforth street. of to is a use of pure water as nauy places on the way and earning aprons life, plenteous children. Miss Annie Frank Libby, the harpist, what mough money to get a little farther. conducive to cleanliness. But The steamer Portland left Boston at in a tens SEVERAL editions select from, Cambric, Lawn Arrived in Boston, after three weeks YET, way, of Multitudes will the in with 6pend holidays city would be of the man who should 9.45 last ^the thought night. lom Cleveland, sho found no trace of her of Fiction and handkerchiefs, and wide friends* thousands of resemble History muslin, hem, say that in the attainemnt of cleanliness Ivauhoe K. of will entertain husband and determined to come down AND people BOOKS. Lodge, P, embroidered the most ac- Miss Gertrude of o Portland as a hatter nlaeo in whieh tn the world’s by cluster Insertion and Ruffles, Timmons, Myrtle Presumpscot Valley Lodge and the offi- tens of thousands of other Science, by Swiss tucks, Itroet, who has been spending the past tarn a living. in cers of the Grand tomorrow eve- authers. complished embroiderers, “new 25 cts., 39 discretionary? Lodge They reached the Union station late greatest up-to-date” styles, two years ai> mus .angojes, oai., nas re people. Ritual and doctrine may be as simple ning by a short musical programme, fol- Saturday night and stayed there till the world: the women of St. Gall 50 cts., 75 cts. turned home. And so do Dolls. Alpine edition,solidly bound books, cts., and olementary as the publican’s prayer, lowed by a banquet. Sunday morning. Agent Whitney found in Switzerland Mr. and Mrs. William Littlefield and hem and kindly furnished them with a one such as Scalloped edges, lingerie yet by the use of them the man was par- Officers Skillings and Sylvesterjmade jilt top, hundred titles, Mm. and. Mrs. William H. ot ireakfast. Soon after Officer Jones's att- and both and narrow Quimb.v down to his house a deep, doned and “went jus- seizure of beer at No. 5 Chatham street, ention was called to them and lie ad- dainty SETS. Four piece sets, em- Belfast, spent Sunday with Dr. Exquisite tified” yesterday. rised her to go to the polios station, since Corna Doone, A. D. Blaekmore embroidering. 12 1-2 cts., 25 cts., and Mrs. B. B. Foster. leave to- ;ho refused to to the almshouse. type of doll in L Owen Meredith pire Robe, Combination They The misuse of ritual or doctrine is not The Park street school will be as go They ucille, open Win. 50 cts. on an extended Southern ;amo to the police station by the electric Madcap Violet, Blaok covers and day trip. an its use, but usual this Chemise and skirt. Corset agreement against proof morning. airs and woro accommodation in DOLLDOM, is Mary St. John, Rosa N. Hon. Holman S. Melcher and family given Every represented Cary that it has been turned aside from its The Liberal Art exhibition will iho small room where Geo. Elliot ojien lodging they passed here in our Middleruarch, Drawers, elegantly decorated with who have been at the Falmouth during ast Mi cull A. Conan proper use. Our historian in developing at 507 1-2 Congress street, over Owen & night Clarke, Doyle LINEN Hemstitched the reconstruction of their house on Fine Mrs. Williamson is short and Fair. |\V. rich Lace. basis of Methodism new Moore’s strongly Great Doll Misjudged, Heimburg the says, “any today. Mosses from the Old several widths street, have returned home. milt. Her faco is rather irregular in Manse, FINEHandkerchiefs, Price for the set, $4.50. practical measures which may be rendered Rev. G. M. Howe of the Lewiston First teature but full of and determin- Dolls as chunky as a Nathaniel Hawthorne Gen. and Mrs. 'John Marshall Brown courage Plump baby of sheer in 1 as The Jules border, fine, stock, expedient are admissable, being har- Congregational church, will give a free ition and plenty of kindliness well. robust Dolls. Del- Mysterious Island, Verne Wve returned from a visit In Washing- iVhen asked what she about dumpling, healthy Natural Law in the Spiritual SALE of fine mony with the original purpose and sim- lecture at City Hall, Friday evening, De- thought World, 12 1-2 cts., 25 cts., 50 cts. Night ler husband’s she said, “1 Drummond ton. of the however much cember disappearance, icate Flora Me Dolls. Dolls plicity gospel they 20th. The subject is,“God’s Hand donna ken what ter think. I don’i Flimsy Old Mam’sello’s E. Mariitt Robes for Holiday presents Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Verrill are Secret, SPECIAL may contravene ecclesiastical precedents in American Politics.” ihink at all. I’vo done thinking. I’ve charmingly dressed, and Dolls abso- Oliver Twist, Chas. Dickens trimmed with now travelling through Spain. till its mode mo sick. He Our Mutual Friend, Chas. Dickens FINE LINEN Hem- charmingly or traditions. “Such is the standpoint Cars will leave the car station, head of :hought maj n—k—d. Mrs. White of the Preble entertained bo dead or he may have dons something lutely The Pathfinder, J. Fenimore | whioh Methodism takes in the history of Preble street at 7.15 and 8 to ac- Cooper s daintiest embroidery. p. in., that makes him wish to from John stitched Handkerchief a party of 20 friends Friday evening in keep away Pilgrim’s Progress, Bunyan MEN’S the world. commodate Odd Ladies the a attending me.’ Beveries of Bachelor, Ik. Marvel some some honor of her sister, Mrs.'tHarlow Wood'of hold of W hen she do Robinson having initials, CORSETS. Whatever opinions men may house-warming given Mrs. Davis atJEast asked what should here, Dolls and Bos- Crusoe, Daniel Defoe Bockland, who has been spending the she said “I shall do the best I can foi Smiling dignified A Romance of Two without. All full Methodism, they must acknowledge that Deering tomorrow, evening. On the re- Worlds, pnre linen, size, are found Dr. W’liat more can I do.” Marie Corelli always month with her. Mrs. Wood returned and myself. ton Dolls. Dolls in its methods were new practical. turn trip a special car leaving East Doer- She said that she had live dollars and Esquimaux 12 1-2 cts., 25 cts., 50 cts., 75 cts. home Satur Romola, George Elliot Warner’s world encircling day. The more attention in at 11 a anc HERE Wesleys'attracted ing p. in., will be furnished. should hire rent with that today white bear fur. Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne The statement the Corsets. We 15 differ- following concerning their work than ever the Salvation Army Officers Fell and Lamont arrested four rheu sho should look for work. Hot Scottish Chiefs, Jane Porter carry arrival anu of the new jldest child is a well grown girl of 1- Self Help, Samuel Smiles receiving president did. The English ohuroh said: “Let fellows Sunday for the SILK Hemstitched ent of them, the morning larceny rears. She said that she was a gram The of the A. Conau grades including of Coibv was given out Friday: “Presi- « Sign Four, Doyle the people come to the parish church to of four cases of beer. Both the men and help, also that her boy, IS years old, Is o! Silas Msrner, Handkerchiefs. Several de- 50 cts. dent Butler will arrive In on George.Elliot “Gem” at an MEN’S Wateijville hear the the beer were sent in. much assistance and Story of African Farm, December and will assume gospel. 1 -thousands Friday, 27, The other all are Olive Schreiner of fineness. 25 “The poople will not come to the The Ileethovon programme by the Ros- three, boys, agoc (Ralph Iron) grees cts., the duties of president of the universltj seven years .four years and one year, anc and thousands of on Swiss Family Rabinson, 6 6 ER MAJESTY’S” therefore it is our to take sini Club will be Decem- Thousands Toys, 50 75 $1.00. Corsets, church, duty given Tuesday, light months. Tho baby is a red-oheekec Montolieu and cts., cts., y January 1. On January 3 the trustees ol these central and in Wyss claimed to be the best in the ohuroh to the people,” said Wesley. ber 17, at 4 o’clock. Associate tickets lively little fellow,very large and action counters, Thaddeus of Jane Porter H jg the college will tender an informal recep- Warsaw, for his All the children are well Samuel The Wesleys met with opposition from can be used. Tickets at the door 50 age. the stock rooms. Thrift, Smiles the world. tion to President Butler in Memorial ind warmly dressed and and heal Scandal, J. M. Barri of fine two sources. They were opposed to the cents. plump Tillyloss figured hall,at the college, that he may become thy. Their mother referred to this faei “P. D.” Corsets and all the best of intense conservatism and the There is thatTwill so Frogs that swim so natural that everybody silk in choiee with the members of the spirit by nothing popularize is being apparently all that she coulc Mufflers,many designs acquainted wants to stone ’em. Jumping Jacks. Tops- and others. Price 19 cts. an^ make s of Corset Waists. of worldliness in the establishment as faith with isk for except to find her husband. Af many board of trustees, the spirit English any keeping many kinos, Matties, Magic Lanterns, Toy and various faculty, students, to the qualities. where John used his fath- the and feeding and clothing of her chil Watches, Musical Things. Balls, Big Beetles 25 cts. alumni and the friends of the ohuroh, Wesley public doing good work. The college. Iren, sho seemed to have no doubt oi that chase you around the room. Yes, and al- 50 cts., 75 cts., $1.00 and $2.00. er’s tombstone as a as he most excellent and work The formal, inauguration of Mr. Butlei pulpit preached perfection done nor ability to provide for them. ligators that do the same; Steam engines, Mag- A a J. R. LIBBY. to 5000 people in the open air, it gave re- by the Troy steam laundry, 36 and 38 If anybody who reads this account oi neis, Drawing Slates, and a thousand other (The 19 cent edition has not the gilt top.) beautiful present for gentle- as president of tha college will not occur Juvenile hooks multitude. P. S. and conservatism a Preble is this breve and fearing and unfortunate Toys. bythe until next commencement. spectable drowsy street, what makes that firm so man. little Scotch mother has any opportuu great shock. popular. Their business is Ten experienced sale want- Mr. John A. Larrabee, inmate of the constantly ity to assist her by pi-nvlding an oppor people When the tears coursed down the Home for Aged Men, being weak and increasing. tuntty for work, they will be helping ed at once. blackened faces of the Cornish The Beethoven Programme by the Ros- those who are in every way worthy o: infirm, fell from his chair in his room ;nnh ACskfAnnA J. if. LIBBY. J. R. LIBBY. J. R. LIBBY. miners as listened to sini Club will be J. R. LIBBY. him a they given Tuesday, Decem- early Fridays morning, causing fc — M — the of men men as 4 good deal of lameness. He is confined to preaching ber 17, at o’clock. Associate tickets FOR SELLING SUNDAY- Whitfield and Wesley, all England won- can be used. Tickets at the door 50 cts. his room, but is doing well. ; and the wonder increased when the Delavina the Tobacco Dealer Ordered t< . Have examined these Pianos? The were the arrivals dered, SIXTEENTH SIXTEENTH you following among Marine fact was recalled that these field preach- Notes. in Court. C,. at the falmoulh hotel yesterday: J. L. Appear ers were in in For the first time this season and for Annual oale Bauer, Alex Haft, New York; H. W. clergymen good standing sixteenth sixteenth that matter for a time There were some Woods. Geo. Johnson. H. A. Wolf. K. E. long past, the complaints the pasl GIL0EMEE8TER & KROEGER AND BLAIS k SONS, Some of the opinions that the work of work of discharging the cargo of an Eng- /reek that Delavina, the tobacco dealer Stevens, H. H. Hilton, Boston; O. S. ■ We’re the sole for these makes. Both these Wesley and his associates was greatly lish liner was oarried on ail through tad been selling goods on Sunday, am representatives Marston, Farmington; K. W. MoAllister, makes have of excellence that piano critics needed. Dissent and the establishment Sunday without a halt. A great num- vlarshal ^Triokey ordered Officer Hansoi points appreciate. A. R. Tuok, Providence; C. W. Ross and Don’t buy any Pianos without seeing these two makes. were sadly lacking in spiritual life. The ber of people went down yesterday to vis- ;o look out for the case. Yesterday Mr at the Little Corner wife; J. E. Neals and wife, Gorham ; C. Customers Store do not expect features of Methodism are it the but were not allowed to Sanson reported that ho had Dela B. Annable and wife, Brunswick; G. A. peculiar many. Scotsman, caught to find and To John must be the credit on the wharf and the work on rina in the act of a bunch o toys for West and Cook and wife, Wesley givon go went selling playthings young- wife, Emery The man who then of making great use of laymen. It is without the loss of a moment. The spec- iigarettes. bought Waterville; and Auburn /aid that he was a but the & W.Sprague wife, stranger and kn ev ssery just JONES to opposite. ALLEN, be never ial trains were as CRESSEY, noticed, however, that he sent out as H. B. Tottman, San Diego; O. E. Rock- rapidly pos- lothing about it except that lie asked fo considered them but sible all and and received well, as“priesls, prophets. Saturday; night, yesterday /he cigarettes them am Hot; Springs. five cents for them. PIANO 538 CONGRESS ST. To Methodism must be given the credit 50 oars were loaded and forwarded. Quite /aid WAREROOMS, Delavina was ordered to appear in cour Last Week's Arrests. of in sacred the an amount of came down expressing song great cargo from ,his WHAT DO WE SHOW morning. Dec. 16 we shall be even- The number of arrests for the week doctrines of the gospel. Many a strongman Canada, including loose grains, boxed Commencing Monday evening open ings until after Christmas. ending Saturday night was 54, for the who sat unmoved through the preaching meats and tne like. The big steamer will -FOR- following causes- Drunk, 32; suspicion, of a powerful sermon was melted to tears go to the elevator to take in grain in 1; larceny,5; contempt of court, 1; throw- by the simple melodies’sung by humble bulk today. The U. S. custom officers What Shall I Do? ing snow 4; search and seizure, 2; and women whose hearts have been balls, men were forced to work 48 hours with almost resisting offioer, 1; affray, 3; murder, 1; Is the earnest, agonizing cry o: r \ touched by Divine love. practically no rest. The rush is some- vagran t, 1; uttering obscene words, 3. weak, tired, nervous women, and crowded SEMINARY. To the Wesleys belongs the credit of thing almost unknow n in the of history overworked, struggling men. Slight dif- CHRISTMAS ? WESTBROOK^ Ladies’ Watches \ Motors in New York rousing the English ohuroh to a relax- the office here. Winter Term Dec. 31. Belknap ficulties, ordinary cares, household work Begins Tuesday, ation of the need of making an effort to Several car loads of Christmas trees and Boston orders have just been placed or daily labor, magnify themselves intc A Classical Seminary of High Grade. came | reach the masses of the people. In this down the Grand Trunk yesterday with the Belknap Motor Co, of this city seemingly impassable mountains. HERE IT IS: Four Courses of Study, English, Class- ? Away up in quality—Away down :! age a thousand: men are doing what the and will be sent to New York ; for 90 horse power in motors and dyna- Thfs is simply because the nerves art ical, Scientific, College Preparatory— : in prices. Why not select one the full of the The steamers State and Portland | .) mos New York 3-20 H.P. elec- Wesleys did with approval Bay the each of four years. Business course of by parties, weak, bodily organs debilitated, anc | now for Christmas. We have a | ohuroh. reached here yesterday and their cargoes Umbrellas! Umbrellas! Umbrellas! From 75o to $5.00 each. Largest variety two years. New Post Graduate Course trio motors, one (10) ten H. P. motor and they do not hundred of them. No old at once. we have ever shown. for advanced stuff, ^) one There are many question which nat- had to be taken out They en- students. Regular sys- 11 2000-pound dynamo. Thirty-five (35) tematic but the latest of the countered a head this white and from 50c to a training in English, productions |) H. P. in motors has been ordered urally arise as one recalls the origin and rough pitch side of Blankets, oolored, pair $11.00. A perfect beauty for Elocution, 11 just by Physical Culture throughout the and Waltham Factories. 0 the Co. of development of the Methodist movement. Thatcher’s. T ake $5. 00 bill. (I Elgin Goodyear Machine Shoe Bos- courses. Chemistry and Physic a concerns nourishment. Feed the Linens for the Table. The most we in stook 0 Come to the store, we will be (* viz: two 115 H. P. motors and one One the seperation from the No fishermen arrived here proper nerves Dining oomplete line have had feature. ton, yesterday special Instruction thorough. • church. Our Methodist friend organs and tissues on rich red for years. Damask Covers, 3 1-3 yards with to for f pleased to show you, and if you 7 1-3 H. P. The Capo Electric R.R., have English and as far as reported no vessel reached blood, anc long, Napkins matoh, $4.75, Expenses moderate. holds that the was not how soon the glow of health comes to th< three yards long with napkins for $6.35, and the finest For with fnll information A like the and we will *. just ordered one 8 H. P. motor of the seperation only here after having had any special ex- $6.00, $8.50, $10.00, $13.00, catalogue style price but inevitable. firmness to the of Damask we ever had in the store, three with 3-4 to address the President, it aside for until Belknap Co. Perkins & Danfortli, Nor- advisable, perience in the storm. Some of them pale cheeks, unsteady piece yards long Napkins ( lay you | and to the for the set. What a fine REV. H. S. WHITMAN, j have ordered one 60 it. At the close of our Revolutionary war were iced but that hand, strength faltering limb match, $17.00 present any of the above Linen Sets Christmas. cross. Me., just badly up. was all. decl6dlw Me. \ \ the destitution of the would make? Deering. dynamo. There are 18 elevators in this religious people There was very little stirring on the wa- Damask the from 39c. to $3.00 city that are being operated by the Bel was such as to make it necessary to pro- ter front, and the fish business promises by yard, per yard. from 50o. to $9.00 dozen. knap motors. This company make e vide the sacraments for them. So Coke to be dull today unless some good catches Hood’s Napkins per \ 5 of Wool Dress Goods from specialty of both direct and belt driver and Asbury were sent over by Wesley as are brought in. Any quantity 35c. Fine Cashmeres to Novelties 1 to and and havf superintendents of the work. Church- are worth $8.00 $12.00 per pattern. \ elevators, passenger freight Tho ooai pockets being rapidly men are of the that Blaok Wool Dress Goods from 39o yard as as installed complete both elevator and mo opinion this destitu- filled, apd the storm only gave time in Sarsaparilla up high 1.50 per yard. tion was Black Silk Fabrics. tor moralthan any other only temporary and that which to clear out tho schooners so and enriches Watches company. Thej Wesley as to purifies, vitalizes the blooc Gents’ formed an of it. Satin Luxors for *1.00. $1.35, $1.50 per have about 300 H. P. in motors and dy exaggerated opinion be ready for others now on the way hav- and is thus the best friend to unfortunate yard. naos in this and when ord- city, present The fact remains that the seperation been detained at Be sure to Surahs, 75c., $1.00, $1.35 per yard. FRENCH | | ing various points for humanity. get Hood’s anc ers are will have about 300 H A hundred of them. A completed took place. Coke and Ashbury were re- Hood’s. All Black Gros Grain for.Sl.OO, $1.35 and *3,00. ! | P. in the city of New York alone. 1-Iigl shelter only druggists. Jl; six for §5 I as no for Waists for kind you wish. Don’t machines has made this ceived bishops, ono There is a very Lots of Fancy Silks 50c. to $1.50 and Dark colors. PER FERES. 0 Any good 0 grade compani questioning good prospect tor lively the after-dinner per yard. Light ordain HnrsdVt Pi I?<5 pill am the poor ones. and 0 very prosperous. Wesleys authority to them. work at the steamer wharves the balanoe nOBU & rliD family Outing Flannels, Peroales, Ginghams and Prints, good variety. {I keep Elgin cathartic. 25C, It is White from 75o to $5.00 each. natural that the French Waltham are all 0 of the season. The for Canada Quilts should excel as 11 right. They / freight perfumers, it STATE OF DIAHNeT" 5c each to $1.36 eaoh. been one • have suited millions and will is largely of a nature not to bo hold on Towels from Fine lot for $1.00 a pair. having of their fine arts 1 0 “Pure —id Sure." tor generations. and Cumber], ix i>, ss. New lot of Warm Shawls from $4.00 each up as as each. (• suit $5.50 to 0 the way special trains and fast ones high $6.50 Among them Roger & Gallett you. $100. at will be Supreme Juillcal Court. In equity. Stepher Handkerchiefs! Handkerchiefs from 5o each Nice line for 35o, Fine are the peers. that, the rulo after this. The W. upwards. Carr, insurance commissioner, vs l>rnvi'* We have just received an im- TOO of dent Aid line for 50c. all embroidered. tons oranges and lemons brought Society. ; linen, port order through their New The Robert over by the Scotsman went to Canada undersigned, T.;Whitehouse 0 York representatives, fresh from I’ortlahd, in the County of Cumberland am Paris. The last installment will reach Slate of rapidly. Maine, duly appointed master ii -AT'- They are bright new goods chancery in the above entitled cause, to our there this morning. There is however receive and prices are as low as aiiy hear and determine all claims against salilue in the city. still a marked of fendant laok outgoing parcel corporation; hereby gives notice tha The assortment is now un- MeKENNEY, on the fourteenth and freight while there is loose grain!enough. twenty-eighth days o broken. January, A. D. 38'J6, at two o’clock in | tv It is that this week will seo a forenoon, at his office in the Union & | BAmm Pcwdesc expected Mutua said The Jeweler, JL' ;; marked in this Building in Portland, iu comity hearing: change respect. Made of cream of tartar—a will be held to receive, hear and determine pure crystal product of arrived ai The steamer Manhattan last suclr claims as aforesaid. T. F. H. H, HAyT SON, the grape and most wholesome.» Alum, ammonia and evening from Vineyard Haven, and even ROBERT T. WHITE HOUSE, Homsted’s, i MONUMENT SQUARE ? MIDDLE STREET. yesterday had three hours of fearfully MasterLeU LESLIE C. CORNISH. are substitutes for cream of tartar. sea and then no furth- 0 Open Evenings. 0 phosphates cheap rough experienced solicitor. er trouble. and his Complainants 0 Bbv235. 0 J\To*adulteration any kind in “Cleveland’s.” to reach sengers were very glad Portland. decl6dlaw3wM 451 Congress St.