Portland Daily Press: June 30,1883
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1 PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862—VOL. 21. PORTLAND, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 30, 1883 aSIffiittffifflSE!_PRICE THREE CENTS. Foreign Import*. DAILT PRESS. THE CHOLERA. MASSACHUSETTS. Small Pox in Arizona. Haccarappa. the PORTLAND BUSINESS CARDS. WASHINGTON. CHESTER,NS. Schr British Tar-1860 boxes Jana 29.—Tho Commissioner Lodge, K. of P., Thurs- Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the Washington, Presumpscot Valley canned lobsters to Portland dz received tho Packing Co,200 egg? of Indian Affairs has following day evening elected the following officers: market. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., from Ur. Warren at the Mohave Decision of Importance to Pensioners. Assisted Immigrants at Boston. despatch Uay, C. C.—Peter 8. Graham. CADIZ. Schr Anna E Kraaz—1006 tons salt to At 97 Exchange St., Portland, Mr. Indian Emery A Furbish. NEW Washington, June 2!).—A of Hundred and Boston, June 29.—The board of health re- Agency. V. O.—W. M Warren. CHART, point import- One Seven Deaths Hackebby, A. T., Jane IS). MONCTON,NB. Sckr Did>—2800 railroad ties —OF— to has been ports to the collector of the port that within Dickie. ance pensioners just decided by from the Colorado liver P.—Jabez to B & M Railroad,8 wter stones to W H T Sumner. THE MAINE~STATE PRESS' tho lias ex- Small pox the Acting Secretary of the Interior in the at Damietta. pant six months the port physician prevails M. at A.—I. D. Leighton. Schr Medora—60.000ft, lumber 100,000 laths 71 is every Thursday Morning at $2.60 a to Ash 120 miles east. The Mohaves oil published FRENCHMAN’S and case of the of Job K. Collett for an amined 2J34 assisted immigrants. Many of Fork, Hall W. Shaw. knees 20 cedar posts to W H T Sumner. if In advance at $2.00 a BLUE application are sure to suffer. The Agent—A. ship year, paid year. tliom are too feeble reason of age or infirmi- the reservation Luppais 11YERS. Bark tons salt to increase of pension. Tho decision construed by Is iu a now Captain—709 Emery HILL now have the disease. Agent Clark, of the This lodge flourishing condition, *b6 BAYS, the law of Juno "total and ty for sell support and must bo aided by pri- & Furbish. or Advertising: One Inch of — 18, 1874, defining _ rates «y*ee, BY — who was with me aud of or Colorado reservation yester- numbering about 120 members plenty of column, constitutes a permanent helplessness’’ to mean a permanent vate public charity. Most are without lug- length “square.” Arrival of au Steamer he is except on the reser- ItailrondJ Receipt,, first wook; 76 ecnts per attendance Infected at Havre. gage and are clothed. day, says powerleis, work. Installation of officers next Thursday $1.50 ]«>r square, daily WIH. injury requiring regular personal scantily vaccine virus. If or continu- SENTER & CO. vation. Send you approve, week after; three insertions loss, $1.00; aud aid ot auotlier person, and as those condi- The Legislature Through its Business. evening. Portland. June!29. other after tirst 50 cents. Jo 12 d3\v I will see the Mohaves and Chippewas protect- Maine Central for Portland ing every day week, tions were found in the present case, the appli- A Senators Received by Railroad, Half three insertions or V6 committee on prorogation—three ed. Hualapa is safe. The emergency pormlts At the last regular meeting of Ammoncon- for square, less, cents; was 24 cars miscellaneous merchandise; connecting cation granted. This is a reversal of 'pre- on Ex- ne week, $1.00; 60 cents per week after. and eight Roproseulatlvea-waited ids no Chinamen are .selling whiskey and named roads 92 oars miscellaneous merchandise. vious decisions of tho Damietta, Juno 29.—The total number ot delay. gin Lodge, I. O. O. F., the following Special Notices, one-third additional. department. cellency this ufteruoou to inform him that the to tho Indians, or giving it away for head of “Amusements” and “AuoTioa REMOVAL. deaths here from cholera the last 24 opium officers were elected for the ensuing term: Under Naval Matteru. during Legislature had transacted the public business What shall I do? 1 ad- Dry l«ooiU Wheleasie nsrkei. inser- hours Is 107. immoral purposes. Sales/' $2.00 per square per week; three will find me located at 72 and ask to it to to N. M Warren. patrons Exchange The President to-day deoided the name of him prorogue Aug. 27th, vise that the Indians be ordered to Peach G.—W. The quotations axe wholesale prices and tions or less. $1.50. I’est where I shall following My street, opposite the Office, the boat for the should London, Juno 29.—Steamer St. Bernard, hear the ou the Tewksbury investiga- or their reserve, and allow none oil V. G.—II. A. Cragie. oorre**ted Storer. Bros. A Co.. Advertisements inserted in the “Maiwe State assortment of proposed despatch uavy report Springs daily by Dry Goods, continue to keep a complete he from Bombaid with cholera on board, arrived tion. He said he would his Commissioner Price It, S.—Fred Stevens. Woolens aud Fancy Goods, 144 to 162 Middle street: Press (which nas a large circulation in every part the "Dolphin.” signify pleasured tho reserve. immediately Ecup’ Ciirui.liiug-. lint., thru., Ac. at Havre aud sailed the in a lu next T.—A. C. Chute. of the State), for $1.00 per square for flrwt inser- Commander Thos. H. Kastman was tc-Jay yesterday, subsequenty Legislature message writing ordered a supply of vaccine virus to be sent to UNBLlf ACHBD COTTONS. tion, aud 60 cents per square for each ibaequent upon the retired list of the navy again. Fifteen oases of cholera and seven Monday afternoon. the threatened Agent—A. W. Snow. by points. 38 in. 7V4S *Vt Fine 7-4.14'al7 insertion. A. T. CLEVELAND. irection of the President. deaths were reported at Mausurali Thursday. next Heavy Slaced New England lnetitue Fair. Installation will take place Monday Med. 88 in. 8V4® 7Vi Fine 8-4.189*3 It is said the Italian vice consul aud a Euro- _ Postmaster at 38 in. 6 6 Fine Address all communications to Ju25__dim Washington. Tho woman’s department of tbo New Eng evening. Light St 9-4.32@2<S pean lady are among the dead. RAILWAY NOTES. 8 Fine 104.. PORTLAND PUBLISHING 00. Tho President has Frank D. Con- land Institute Fair lias many new features. Fine 40 in. 7'AS ..27%®32 G. appointed June 29.—The have Herbert Briggs, ger, son of Senator of post- Alexandria, ministers Applications for space are being received from j TICKIKGB, BTC. Couger Michigan, for Hebron Academy. Drill*. master at vpted $5,IKK) the use of the Hauitary com- all parts of the world. Tl.e union of the Ticking!, m at law and Washington. prac- at Hebron attorney solicitor mission. All fairs have been, prohibited. A tical witli tlie ornamental and educational Graduating exercises Academy Beit?.16 @18 ConetJean*.... 7: NOTICES. — The Czar Returns Bis Thanks. SPECIAL or — of Cairo & Lake Medium... 11 @14 Satteen*. committee doctors disputed the exist- work will to and old and new Ogdensburg Champlain. ocourred yesSerday. A class of twenty—the interesting, 8 @10 Cambric*... .... Mr. Walamon, Charge d'Affaires of Russia, ence of true cholera in Light. Egypt. methods of weaving and spinning will be com- ever from this institution— American A I'orcign 1‘meHU, was tc presented to the President and de- largest graduating Denim*.12V4@16V4 Silecia*.1 day June 29.—The Tomns out that pared wltu from the hand looms and Duck*-Brown II Cotton Flannel*. a Paris, products The class were @13 livered letter from the Emperor of Russia, points received diplomas. partB « Cure Your Corns No. 93 Me. every country except England is taking pre- mucaiue power. The following Vice Presi- Fancy 12>A@i8% Trine* Warp* 1 Exchange St, Portland, expressing his appreciation fof tho action of The Ogdensburg Journal has the following as follows: by USING EP“A11 business to Patents and caution against the introduction of cholera, dents from tbo New England States have been assigned relating promptly this government in accrediting Mr. Hunt as to the elected •• Good. faithfully executed. jul 2dtf and adds if the disease reaches English ports, appointed: say concerning newly president Salutatory.Minnie F. Packard, Aubnrn special representative to Moscow on the occa- E. Paris BLEACHED COTTONS. SCHLOTTEIIBECK’S it will he impossible to prevent Us spread to Maine—Mrs. E. A. Dickinson, of Belfast. of this road: Class History.Lizzie Marshal, ItXkuiiOK—neui..... sion of the coronation, and in order- Howe, Hebron Fine <5-4.16 imperial l he continent, which will occur on Its visita- New 11. Bell, of Exeter, Prophecy.Helen Beet 3«iu..llVi®13 @20 DR. E. F. a vessel ot the to Russia and Hampshire—Mrs. Walter L. Frost, the new president of the Poem.Lulu A. Paris Fine 7-4.It* TOWNSEND, ing uavy directing tion to and Caroline K. of Peuley, Med. 38 in B ®11 @23 Wart & Bunion Solvent. England. Kendall, Dover, & Lake Railroad Com- P. Paris « ® Fine @20 (torn, Inventor an Manufacturer of the presence of Admiral Baldwin at the cere- Ogdensburg Champlain Valedictory.Julia Morton, Light 38 In.. 7Vi tM.21 is not a caustic. June iu Vermout- Mrs. J. Gregory Smith, of St. Al- a month ®14 Fine 9-4.26 Entirely harmless; mony. The President said that such acts were Madrid, 29.—Great alarm prevails pany is in town, aud expects to remain Chandler’s Baud furnished music. 42 in..10 «:*> It removes Warts, Bunionc and Callous bans.