Foreign Import*. DAILT PRESS. THE CHOLERA. MASSACHUSETTS. Small Pox in Arizona. Haccarappa. the PORTLAND BUSINESS CARDS. WASHINGTON. CHESTER,NS. Schr British Tar-1860 boxes Jana 29.—Tho Commissioner Lodge, K. of P., Thurs- Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the Washington, Presumpscot Valley canned lobsters to Portland dz received tho Packing Co,200 egg? of Indian Affairs has following day evening elected the following officers: market. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., from Ur. Warren at the Mohave Decision of Importance to Pensioners. Assisted Immigrants at Boston. despatch Uay, C. C.—Peter 8. Graham. CADIZ. Schr Anna E Kraaz—1006 tons salt to At 97 Exchange St., Portland, Mr. Indian Emery A Furbish. NEW Washington, June 2!).—A of Hundred and Boston, June 29.—The board of health re- Agency. V. O.—W. M Warren. CHART, point import- One Seven Deaths Hackebby, A. T., Jane IS). MONCTON,NB. Sckr Did>—2800 railroad ties —OF— to has been ports to the collector of the port that within Dickie. ance pensioners just decided by from the Colorado liver P.—Jabez to B & M Railroad,8 wter stones to W H T Sumner. THE MAINE~STATE PRESS' tho lias ex- Small pox the Acting Secretary of the Interior in the at Damietta. pant six months the port physician prevails M. at A.—I. D. Leighton. Schr Medora—60.000ft, lumber 100,000 laths 71 is every Thursday Morning at $2.60 a to Ash 120 miles east. The Mohaves oil published FRENCHMAN’S and case of the of Job K. Collett for an amined 2J34 assisted immigrants. Many of Fork, Hall W. Shaw. knees 20 cedar posts to W H T Sumner. if In advance at $2.00 a BLUE application are sure to suffer. The Agent—A. ship year, paid year. tliom are too feeble reason of age or infirmi- the reservation Luppais 11YERS. Bark tons salt to increase of pension. Tho decision construed by Is iu a now Captain—709 Emery HILL now have the disease. Agent Clark, of the This lodge flourishing condition, *b6 BAYS, the law of Juno "total and ty for sell support and must bo aided by pri- & Furbish. or Advertising: One Inch of — 18, 1874, defining _ rates «y*ee, BY — who was with me aud of or Colorado reservation yester- numbering about 120 members plenty of column, constitutes a permanent helplessness’’ to mean a permanent vate public charity. Most are without lug- length “square.” Arrival of au Steamer he is except on the reser- ItailrondJ Receipt,, first wook; 76 ecnts per attendance Infected at Havre. gage and are clothed. day, says powerleis, work. Installation of officers next Thursday $1.50 ]«>r square, daily WIH. injury requiring regular personal scantily vaccine virus. If or continu- SENTER & CO. vation. Send you approve, week after; three insertions loss, $1.00; aud aid ot auotlier person, and as those condi- The Legislature Through its Business. evening. Portland. June!29. other after tirst 50 cents. Jo 12 d3\v I will see the Mohaves and Chippewas protect- Maine Central for Portland ing every day week, tions were found in the present case, the appli- A Senators Received by Railroad, Half three insertions or V6 committee on prorogation—three ed. Hualapa is safe. The emergency pormlts At the last regular meeting of Ammoncon- for square, less, cents; was 24 cars miscellaneous merchandise; connecting cation granted. This is a reversal of 'pre- on Ex- ne week, $1.00; 60 cents per week after. and eight Roproseulatlvea-waited ids no Chinamen are .selling whiskey and named roads 92 oars miscellaneous merchandise. vious decisions of tho Damietta, Juno 29.—The total number ot delay. gin Lodge, I. O. O. F., the following Special Notices, one-third additional. department. cellency this ufteruoou to inform him that the to tho Indians, or giving it away for head of “Amusements” and “AuoTioa REMOVAL. deaths here from cholera the last 24 opium officers were elected for the ensuing term: Under Naval Matteru. during Legislature had transacted the public business What shall I do? 1 ad- Dry l«ooiU Wheleasie nsrkei. inser- hours Is 107. immoral purposes. Sales/' $2.00 per square per week; three will find me located at 72 and ask to it to to N. M Warren. patrons Exchange The President to-day deoided the name of him prorogue Aug. 27th, vise that the Indians be ordered to Peach G.—W. The quotations axe wholesale prices and tions or less. $1.50. I’est where I shall following My street, opposite the Office, the boat for the should London, Juno 29.—Steamer St. Bernard, hear the ou the Tewksbury investiga- or their reserve, and allow none oil V. G.—II. A. Cragie. oorre**ted Storer. Bros. A Co.. Advertisements inserted in the “Maiwe State assortment of proposed despatch uavy report Springs daily by Dry Goods, continue to keep a complete he from Bombaid with cholera on board, arrived tion. He said he would his Commissioner Price It, S.—Fred Stevens. Woolens aud Fancy Goods, 144 to 162 Middle street: Press (which nas a large circulation in every part the "Dolphin.” signify pleasured tho reserve. immediately Ecup’ Ciirui.liiug-. lint., thru., Ac. at Havre aud sailed the in a lu next T.—A. C. Chute. of the State), for $1.00 per square for flrwt inser- Commander Thos. H. Kastman was tc-Jay yesterday, subsequenty Legislature message writing ordered a supply of vaccine virus to be sent to UNBLlf ACHBD COTTONS. tion, aud 60 cents per square for each ibaequent upon the retired list of the navy again. Fifteen oases of cholera and seven Monday afternoon. the threatened Agent—A. W. Snow. by points. 38 in. 7V4S *Vt Fine 7-4.14'al7 insertion. A. T. CLEVELAND. irection of the President. deaths were reported at Mausurali Thursday. next Heavy Slaced New England lnetitue Fair. Installation will take place Monday Med. 88 in. 8V4® 7Vi Fine 8-4.189*3 It is said the Italian vice consul aud a Euro- _ Postmaster at 38 in. 6 6 Fine Address all communications to Ju25__dim Washington. Tho woman’s department of tbo New Eng evening. Light St 9-4.32@2A@i8% Trine* Warp* 1 Exchange St, Portland, expressing his appreciation fof tho action of The Ogdensburg Journal has the following as follows: by USING EP“A11 business to Patents and caution against the introduction of cholera, dents from tbo New England States have been assigned relating promptly this government in accrediting Mr. Hunt as to the elected •• Good. faithfully executed. jul 2dtf and adds if the disease reaches English ports, appointed: say concerning newly president Salutatory.Minnie F. Packard, Aubnrn special representative to Moscow on the occa- E. Paris BLEACHED COTTONS. SCHLOTTEIIBECK’S it will he impossible to prevent Us spread to Maine—Mrs. E. A. Dickinson, of Belfast. of this road: Class History.Lizzie Marshal, ItXkuiiOK—neui..... sion of the coronation, and in order- Howe, Hebron Fine <5-4.16 imperial l he continent, which will occur on Its visita- New 11. Bell, of Exeter, Prophecy.Helen Beet 3«iu..llVi®13 @20 DR. E. F. a vessel ot the to Russia and Hampshire—Mrs. Walter L. Frost, the new president of the Poem.Lulu A. Paris Fine 7-4.It* TOWNSEND, ing uavy directing tion to and Caroline K. of Peuley, Med. 38 in B ®11 @23 Wart & Bunion Solvent. England. Kendall, Dover, & Lake Railroad Com- P. Paris « ® Fine @20 (torn, Inventor an Manufacturer of the presence of Admiral Baldwin at the cere- Ogdensburg Champlain Valedictory.Julia Morton, Light 38 In.. 7Vi tM.21 is not a caustic. June iu Vermout- Mrs. J. Gregory Smith, of St. Al- a month ®14 Fine 9-4.26 Entirely harmless; mony. The President said that such acts were Madrid, 29.—Great alarm prevails pany is in town, aud expects to remain Chandler’s Baud furnished music. 42 in..10 «:*> It removes Warts, Bunionc and Callous bans. his B-4....11 Fine 10-4 Corns, uo less than are due to the Spain over (he outbreak of cholera in Egypt. or six weeks looking after the interests of 817 ...27V%@33*% without a blemish. OXYGENATED AIB spontaneous friendly E. J. of Meri- A number were Hon. Hanni- leaving A sanilary council has advised the maximum Connecticut—Miss Leonard, which centres here, so as large presout, Brush for in each bottle. For and relations which have so long hound the two company, naturally applying Catarrh, Hay Fever I.ung Diseases. of bo all ves- den, and Mrs. Susan J. Cheney,of Manchester. to bal Hamlin to attend a general Mtock Tlnrkri. countries together, and that an to period quarantine imposed upon to gain a thorough knowledge of the things among them, CUKE IS GUAItAXTEED.vJBS Consultation tree, opportunity Rhode Island is not yet arranged for. testify their good will on so auspicious an (ces- sels arriving at Spanish ports from Egypt. The be done to increase the business of his road reunion of former students and teachers. Sen- The following quotations of stocks are reported Price cent**. Par wile by nil DrwgjtiMtN. 3(51 CONGRESS PORTLAND. Women every wbe e, intending to exhibit, ST., sion had been to the council has alto requested the ministry to urge and make it an important link in one of the and corrected daily by Woodbory A Moulton, cornea u21 d2w<,L very gratifying govern- are to do so and send for full ator Hamlin became a student at Hebron in Try it and you will be convinced like thousands ment aud of the United States. the British goverumeut to comply with the urged particulars linos from the Pacific to the of Middle and Exchange streets. people to Mrs. great stretehing who have used it and now testify to its value. advice ot the confer- H. L. J. Walcott, cbairmau of the Atlantic, He the 1821, when 12 years of age, fitting for college NEW YORK STOCKS | lor Porn nud %Vnrl Proposed Consolidation of Customs Dis- Constantinople saultary represents progressive spirit EAitk Plchlotterbeck’N ence. business committee, No. S Park street, Boston which has recently been infused into the Og- Missouri Pacific. 102% Solvent and take u« other. tricts. there._ Wal>asb London, Juno 29.—A case of trap Asiatic & Like aud preferred. 43% nov23 deushnrg Champlain Company, Denver A K. G. 43% _«adtf A good many requests have been received cholera was found on a steamer and she was which is the new at Rouse's W hart TEWKSBURY ALMSHOUSE. building bridge Improvements. < hnaha preferred. 196% here, urging the President to consolidate the ordered by the authorities of Havre to leave Point aud the link at Swanton, so as to give It 69 Wh.lc.al. nnd Samuel Te.gue yesterday began driving Rlch&*Dan. ea RARE OLD ENGLISH BOOKS. Retailj ousioms districts as well as the internal revenue port immediately. better connection wILb the network of New Northern Pacfic preferred. 89% for a foundation for an immense coal districts. These requests are based udou ignor- England roads and a direct liue to the seaboard piles Northern Pacific common. 61% Ii8 for sale Vienna, Juno 29.—The idea of a prominent Marsh on the Stand. Middle Streot newly opened ance of the law. The ouatoms districts are superintendent at Portland. Thla same will shed to be erected on Long wharf for Sargeut, Central Pacific. 76% of and of current and standard Second- European sanitary board is mooted by the progressive spirit STOKEabove, established law and the President has uo 29. -In the hear. and the Texas Pacific. 87% hand Libraries and of old books CLOTHIERb. by here. It is that the Austrian Lu.,i'as. Tewksbury bridge the Osweratcbie here, give Og- Dennison & Co. Books. Collections press thought BOSTON STOCKS. power to change the law. He recommended Ing tc-day Ox-Superintendent Thos. J. Marsh, & Lake direct connection purchased. goverumeut will officially propose to formation deushurg Champlain Mr. Teague is also rebuilding Merrill’s Flint A Pere Marquette common.. 27 % to the last Congress that tho districts should Sr., completed his He said rugs rail with all west aud the Canadian No. 470 Congress St. of suoh a hokrd. testimony. by points A.T *S. F. 83% be consolidated, but the recommendation was were made at the institution, but not to go Pacific railroad at Morristown and Brockville. wharf, recently purchased by Twitched, A Pere Alexandria, June 29.—Two thousand Flint Marquette preferred...102 OlO books wanted immediately. LANCASTER BUILDING. not heeded. per- from there. His : on kept chickens, but he had In consideration of his large and enterprising Champlln & Co., aud on which they are to L. K. A Ft Smith. 18 sons have already lied from this olty in con- that the State ton A Ont. common. 47 10,(100]un22 sntf2w* Alabama Claims Court. no knowledge graiu bought Iby ideas, his energy aud push, the pioneer steam- for their busi- Marquette, Hugh J sequence of the outbreak of cholera. erect a 840,CCJ building grocery Mexican Central 7s. 68 Iu was fed them. As far as lie knew no boxes er of the new liue of large lake freight and the Court of Commissioners of Alabama are to be made on Frank, bad gone from the almshou.-i to Kxet ir, Wait- boats in the new & ness. Some repairs Claims were announced as follows iiasBengor Ogdensburg New Verb tttock and Haney .Tlnrkel. C. judgments funeral G. Allen, B. F. Haskell, H. L. Jones. with interest ham or Reading. He never heard of Transit line, has taken his name. This new lin wharf. fob2 from date mentioned: THE HILL INVESTIGATION. dBm No. services over a bk ok of wo: i until it was boat will shortly make her appearance here, r (By Telegraph.): 807—Salder Tredick, executor of the es- New 29.—Money continues in abund- tate of spoken of in this investigation. "No property aud will mark an era iu the future G. A. E. York,June Aune E. Slappeu, $321, 0, 1863. important at « 3 cent, on call; mer- Aug. save of ant supply 2% per prime THAT ^KNOWLEDGE 18 No. of the Commonwealth two barrels ap- of POWER” 312—Joseph M.Caton, $(>10, aud No. 327, June 29 —The Hill history Ogdensburg,” Headquarters Bosworth Post, No. 2, I cantile paper Ht4'a'6%. Exchange dull at 4.84% Washington, investiga- ples that Mr. Noar. > arid might t o sent to Ex- Frauk Rogers, $265, May 24, 1861. Halifax Breton Dep t ok G. A. R. j for long and 4.88% for storr. State bonds steady. tion was resumed this morning, with General eter had ever to meint or of his fami- & Cape Road.. Maine, NEEDS NO DEMONSTRATION, AND HE WIIO No. 1CJ4—Patrick Crowley, administrator of gone auy Railroad bonds firm. Governments lower for reg 4s. BY EXPERIENCE KNOWS THE VALUE OF Steiumeiz as witness in the Bartlett Robbins He never a debt with funds Mr. Thomas agent for this road, Bosworth Post would return their sincere «ATlAffllCE! the estate John ly. paid private Brothers, The transactions at the Stock Exchange aggregat- J. TABKANTfM XEI/IZEK APERIENT Crowley, deceased, $284, & Co. case. The witness read extracts from of the never heard of Dr. thanks to all who assisted in any way Jane 14. 18U3 Commouweath. He was iu town yesterday to make arrangements perrons ed 193.419 shares. DOES NOT NEED TO BE TOLD THAT HE HAS two letters written him in 1874 to tho super- in the observance of Memorial lue are o. No. 2202— Edwin M. by Lalhrop striking or kicking auy patient. He Day, May JO, following to-day’s closing quotations IT WITHIN HIS POWER TO WARD OFF FEV- Books and at Cost! Fowley, $2012, and architect, relative to work done for Rummer excursions over bis road, which order of Government Securities: Stationery Christian B. vising being could not with the funds at his dispcai give 188J. By ERS, BILIOUS ATTACKS, HEADACHES. AND Graves, $05, July 20, 1801. Robbins & under their States 3s.103% by Bartlett, Co., con- the variety of.fr id that some of the sick should connects at Halifax with the Intercolonial Geo. H. Pooh, Commander. United bonds, ALL THE ILLS ARISING FROM A DISORDERED To close out entire stock I for a No. $131, Oct. do do do ext.....103% my shall, short 2523—Angus McKover, 29, tracts. In one lie represented that work was have. The food for the house had becu good road from St. and the Maine Central and 6s, STOMACH, LIVER OR BOWELS. A TEASPOON- time, sell at cost, 1801. John, Official: do do do 4%s, reg.112% being delayed through not having a sufficient He bad never heard FUL IN A GLASS OF WATER, BEFORE EAT- No. enough. auy complaints all its connections. The road runs to the E. C. Milliken, Adjutant. do do do 4%s, and 4745—Edwin 3ummeriield Tuttle, $400. force and not to be coup..112% ING. ACTS LIKE A CHARM. AND NO WISE Photograph Autograph Al- employed likely completed that his table wr bettor spread than that of do do do 4s, Aug. 14, 1804. the Straits of where there is fish, reg.118% MAN WILL BE WITHOUT IT. FOR SALE BY bums, Blank Books, Portc- at stipulated time. the inmat3i. Canso, splendid do do do 4s, coup.119% ALL DRUGGISTS. T&S 2w No. 011—John Dallett, administrator of the In the other he ju26T monnaics, Scrap Books, complained ot the character Gov. Butler remarked that that’, was not bis ing and sailing. One can visit the famous Pacific 6s, ’95. 127 estate ot John Dallett, deceased. $573, aud Es- of the tvork aud adviced of STATE NEWS. Scholars Companions, suspension pay- complaint, it wro that while the statute says "Bras d' Or” lake, with its unrivalled The following axe the closing quotations Stocks: teliua Dallett, executrix of the estate of Henry ment to them until the work could be scenery. Children's Boobs, .Vlis- properly the superiuteudont could “live in the build- A Alton.133 C. Dallett, deceased, $5931, July 31,1801. and The The distance is only 32 hoars from Portland. Chicago cellaneous iuspected approved. wltnesci then ing," it did not s ty he could live at tbo public Chicago A Alton pref.146 Books, No. 455—Foster Pierce, partner took The climate of Cape Breton is most salubrious. liquidating up the plans of the building and pointed expeneo. Chicago, Bur. A Quincy.124 of F. Pierce & The of tickets is a Tow Su- Writing Paper Co., $15,337, July 20, 1801. ont, item by item, the extra work for which od price puttat figure. KrieT... 37% and No. 522—Edward The wit ne s said he would not have accept AROOSTOOK COUNTY. Payson Nichols, $553, Dec. were perinteudeut Lawrie is expected iu Portland Erie .. 79 specifio charges rnado in the bill rendered tho position had he kuown he was to pay his pref Envelopes of all grades oi' quality. 29,1864. by Bartlett, Robbins & Co., aud allowed tc-jay for a brief visit. Mr. John Sprague killed four bears last Illinois Central.132% No. N. by liviug expemes. Iu no way could he have And a of other articles found 524—Henry Bartlett, $795, Aug. 14, Hill. Minor Notes. week, near Snragaeville. Mr. Wilcox killed Lake Shore.109% great variety usually paid them on bis salary. 93 OVER in a Book Michigan Central. and Stationery store. Mr. Coleman that three in Chapman. No. explained they proposed The Governor asked if the witness paid the The Grand Trunk is having fifty-five new New Jersey Central.... 86 508—George Franklin Augustus no Avery, to show that part of the 837,000 charged for in this investigation, and Marsh firm- cars built at its works at Point St. Charles, William H. Hnston, of Woodland, adver- Northwestern. 132% $448, and No. 895, Nancy J, adminis- expenses NOW IS YOUB OPPORTUNITY! Avery, extra work was ever aud that Hill on first-class tises for a wife. He wants a good, smart girl, Northwestern tratrix of the authorized, ly declined to answer, thongh the Governor in- Montreal, to he used its regular pref..160% estate of James Thatcher Avery, knew it when he the bills. for work New York Central.110% paid sisted that he would l > corni died to, claiming trains. Tbece cars will bs fitted np in the best from 1G to 20 years old, capable any deceased, $250, Oct- 30, 1804. from itemized witness stated Rock Island. 126 FOB TIME ONLY! ^Reading bill, that if he could show an organized body of style, with all modern improvements, finished on a farm. AjSHOBT No. 993-Win. S. McQuitty, $193, Feb. 21, that to St. Paul.104% Bartlett, Itobbius & Co. stipulated fur- men stcod behind the defence it would show in aud for esmfort and ele- 1893. mahogany, will, Tbe Episcopal Seminary at Presque Isle St. Paul pref.>....119% nish iron stairs at a price per pouud, whereas least the of now in No. what terrorism is brought to bear upon wit- gance, liejat eqaals any cars seems now to be assured. A location has been Union Pacific Stock. 94% 1044—Sarah Jaue and Wat- the lineal and were so Deroy Mary they charged by foot, ner.eg for the cut ion. use ou road in the on D. erhouse Gray,of the firm of & $540 pro: any countiy. determined upon grounds adjacent to the Western Union Tel. 86% WENTWORTH, Laroy Co., paid by Hill, which greatly increased the com- An wro STGCI ! 1863. order adopt od by the Senate this residence of Rev. G- M. Park. Tbe contract with Gentlemen's Low Summer Shoes! Too 553 CONGRESS ST., COR. OAK. July 21, pensation, to the corresponding loss of the afternoon that the Israel Washburn. many No. Tewksbury investigating for laying tbe foundation has been let, and the California blocks. Low Shoe#! Jon 27 dlw 1317—John Frank Peterson, $025, Oct. government. mining committee may sit dating rece:i to ejiarduda It is late to men when their lives have work of will be 29. 1804. The committee till liaise building pro~ecuted vigorously. adjourned tc-morrow. the hearing and to an adjourned cession. (By Telegraph.) .No. 15>2—Wm. Charneld, ¥50, July 19, 1805. report gone oat from us, but we never felt FRANKLIN COUNTY. San Jane 29 —The are the of the if- one is called, otherwise to Francisco, following No. 5191—Richard Carsaus ¥4463, LegiglalsKe M. Stillwell will to official of stocks to-day: Gurney, Ussuwtt'&eneral Court. that a good word was ottt, of place for Israel Fish Commissioner E. go closing quotations mining Sept. 21, 1862. FAILURES IN 1883. next to sal- Best * Belcher. 44k SPECIAL SALE! in mifciiAi>ii. Mr. conn tel for the Wa6hburn. Rangely Monday, empty 100,000 No. Brown, defence, expects Bodie. 1 50—Philo A. Strickland, executor of mon This will finish this work for this to iu all liis evideuce he hrs to offer to the fry. Eureka. — ox- the estate of Samuel Larrabee,deceased, put Iu October, I8G5, a few of tSS'feasiness men 44k ¥5123; Governor’s direct season. Gould * 24k METEOROL' JGICAL. administrator of the An Increase Of testimony by Tuesday night. Curry. George Augustus Upton, £bc6C>00,000 in Two and merchants of Portland held a meeting in KENNEBEC COUNTY. Hale & Norcross. 6 estate of INDICATIONS FOR THB NEXT TWENTY-FOUR Elias Augustus Upton, deceased, Years. Mexican... 2% the in that city to see what could' an was in at- Ann Maria executrix of the e FOREIGN. Exchange Thursday Augusta gentleman Belle. Gent s LOW SHOES HOURS. ¥2123; Bailey, Northern 6% New York, .Tune 20.—The approximate be done to a steamer on the route from HA'die of tbe side shows. nf tate of Isaac deceased, $2501; place teneBlWi Forepaugh Ophir ... 24k for the next 60 days! 200 pairs medium priced Bailey, Augus- of failures over the entire War Def't Office Chief Signal tas Dana figures country for On his he wore a 320 diamond- Sierra Nevada..... 8% Shoes that must be sol lro«a §2 to §3 per pair ( Mansou, ¥2561; Nancy Reed Taylor, Portland to Machias. There were three or four shirttfcspm D. C. the half year ending today indicate a very “♦ a fellow connected with Union Con. 44k Officer, Washington, j administratrix of the estate qf Tbcs. a German Frontier Town. While inside the Augustus marked increase both in number and extant of Fortifying citizens of Machias present. Previous to the Yellow Jacket. 3% Jane 30, 1 A. M. Taylor, Chas. Pierce the show, come ns, while performings deceased, ¥123; SjtanPou, liabilities with tbe Berlin, Jane 29.—The town of Castrin, the by For New administrator of the estate of Abnej^-percival compared corresponding meeting it had been arranged for some of the trick with cards, g id of the diamond and England, of tbe two In the first main point of cove' for Borlin against au inva- Chicago Live Block market. deceased periods previous years. Machias mon and some of the Portland men snatched it from iti p. on lhe gentleman’s Guild, ¥2561; David Bugbee, ¥2561; sion front is converted into a ,’-i°n GENTLEMENS Local rain, followed by slightly cooler, part- six months of 1881 tbe failures were 2862; in Russia, beiug latter cried (By Telegraph.^ Saiome Briggs Chase, executrix of of the es to the shirt front. The immediately Fine Jersey Low Shoes with London toe, Boston ly ciondy weather, southwest to northwest the first six months of 1882, 3597; while for the first clr s fortress capable of sheltering 50,CC3 to state opinions as feasibility Chicago. June 29.—Hogs—Receipts 16,coo bead, tate of Sanford Tappau Chase, deceased, ’•Thief!” upon which A-ie diamond pilferer toe, and plain French toe. Gent’s tine Jersey goods winds, and higher barometer. fir9t half nr 1883 tlie failures amount to 4637. men. of such a movement and shipments 7000; stronger, some 5c higher- mixed at $2561; Mark Louise Potter, ¥0123; Robert L. probable results. was arrested, and tbe jeiWtl found in his pos- a specialty. Widths AA, A, B, C and D. You can The amouut of liabilities shows even 5 7536 05; heavy 6 10®6 25; light at 6 S5®6 30; 8PKCIAL BULLETIN. ¥5840. greater France and China. Meanwhile it had been that Mr. session. He that the was ac- can have your feet properly fitted on Congress St., Tapley, Jr., increase. saggC3ted alleged 'grabbing skips 4 00 35 60. June 29.—A Berlin but was and he at Sign of Gold Boot, for less money than elsewhere Local rains hare prevailed on the Atlantic No. 525—Salome Bridges Chase, executrix of London, correspondent Washbarn when canvassing the political field cidental; the; story to'h-tbin Cattle—Receipt* 6000 head shipment* 6500 head; In 1881 tbe liabilities of the in -- parties failing V __ to 6 00. coast, in the Southern States and Ohio Valley the estate of Sanford Tappan Chase, deceased, says Germany has suggested the mediation of was taken to jail. good choice shipping 50@6 the first six months were ®W,C73,030; in 1882 Rossis in the between in his earlier days, had become acquainted IQg^jwer; with southerly to winds. 52812, Aug. 14, 1864. difficulty France and PENOBSCOT COUNTY. westerly Generally they were 850,063,000; in 1883, 866,003,603. with the people in Haucock and fair weather continues iu the Lake region and No. 525—Charles Pierce Stetson, administra- China. Uywwesteru Fifth The increase of liabilities the last half year is part of Washington county. He w”cent for The Whig says a petition to the Connty LADIES’ the Northwest, with variable winds The tor of tlie estate of Abnor Percival Guild, de- Minister Wallace’s Firm Stand. Kuto ^he week ending June 29. of course attributable to fail- and the last to speak to the on the Commissioners of Penobscot has been in circu- fine N. Y. Boots, a specialty. Woodmansee & Gar- temperature lias fallen in the ceased, ¥1812; J. largely repeated meeting slightly upper Llewellyn Morse, ¥2812; Lucy ures in the It is Constantinople, June 29.- Ministar Wal- steamboat to and has Georges Codfish—We quote prime Georges $5% side’s fine N.Y. Boots in all the on Lake Garland {West. noticeable however question. lation from Winn Staceyville, been leading styles region and rLsn slightly in the Mississip- Allison, administratrix of the estate lace still insists on his $4% for and medium; Bank at $44k® street at of Gold Boot. that during the second quarter of the refusal to recognize the Iu bis earnest, clear, positi /e manner beset for a road from ta p qtl large Congress Sign pi and Missouri valleys. On the Atlantic of Edward Allison, year numerously signed, Medway -» for and $3% for medium; deceased, ¥2812; Augustas these mercantile disasters have been much validity of tho new Turkish tariff. His last forth the business of the shore towns in the the mouth ot the stream. This qtl large English coast and Southern the Dana Mauson, ¥2812; Hanna Francis Wsssataquoick cured do at S5% & qtl; Shores $54k and $44k for State], temperature Howard, less in number than note to the Porte on the t wo in a solo tbe first quarter, during petroleum storage counties stroug light. Said he, “Gen- is a part of the propc ed route via Medway to and medium. has remained about stationary. executrix of the estate of James Boynton, has canted a large which the bulk of increase occurs, so it is pos- question noticeable progress to- tlemen, I tell you it would bo bard to find Mt. Katahdin. and the road has already been Cusk at $444 qtl; Haddock $244, Pollock at Cooler, partly ciondy weather is indicated deceased, ¥2812; Byra Porter, adminisiratrix a sible that the worst part of the has been wards settlement. a similar number of people anywhere, who built to the north line of Medway, some four $2 and Hake $2; slack salted Pollock $3. x_SPECIALTIES. for New and the northern of the e.-tate of Joseph White Humphrey, dt- year Ladies’ Patent Leather Boots! Ladies’ fine French England portions got over. The Second Suez Canal. would make more busiue:a for your proposed or five miles distant from the East Branch. Boneless and prepared fish 34k to 4c lb foe Kid Side Lace Boots! Ladies’ of the Midd States on Sunday. ceased, ¥2812; David Washington Poller, Hake. to 6c Cor Haddock and Cask, ami 6 to 8c Cloth June steamboat ront', than tbe:e people.” 44k Top Foxed Button. Warmer, fair weather is indicated for the ¥2812; Albert Glllatio Wakefield, administra- Lcndon, 29.—Mr. Bourke, Conserva- At the annual meeting of the Maine Tele- Codfish. Smoked Halibut 12ef> lb; smoked Sal- NEW YORK. tive, gave notice in the Commons that When Mr. Washburn clcaed his remarks we upper Lake region, and warm, generally fair tor of the estate of P. Bruton Mills, deceased, to-day graph Company, Albert W. Paine, Albert Hol- mon at 17c; Scaled Herring at 28c boa; No 1 at he would move felt certain that the steamboat wai a sure weather for the Northwest on 1874. that no arrangement for a ton, George Stet on, Noah Wocds, John 8. 25c; tucks 20c. Bloaters 90c p hundred. Sunday. ¥4250, Aug. 3, and it so besides all lie stated fair weather will will in No. 841—James D. Iiobin30D. Nov. second Suez canal would be satisfactory un- thing, proved; Ricker, Charles E. Bliss, Ambrcae C. Flint, Mackerel—We notice sales out ofp iekle at $6 10 Generally preveil ¥321, 1, true by Union. without and 60 with mixed and at miflEASE SUCCESS the Southern on 1864. Boycotting Trade Dollars. less it provided for a reduction of rat ss and proved experience.—Machias John F. and Edison F. Littlefield were $5 bbl; packed States Sunday,with no change Colby for medium 3s. attends our Special Sale of Ladies’ Curacoa Kid But No. adequate representation of British in elected directors. The directors chose Albert $6bbl in temperature. 627—Joshna Nickerson, surviving part- New Yobk, June 29.—Trade dollars today shipping new round Shore ton. We shall continue our special sale up to July its administration. and Herring—We quote $8% ner of the firm of Foster & Nickerson, 3195 were generally refused in all business circles Ordination- W. Paine president, John 8. Ricker secre- bbl; Labrador $64k. 4th. We invite you to call and examine oar goods 1,869. at The Channel Tunnel. of was tary and treasurer. resolutions Trout at Pickled Codfish at and get our prices. MAINE. Sept, 2, except a discount of 10 or 15 per cent. A council Baptist churches held with Appropriate $14 p bbl; $54k;Had- on the death of two members of tbe old board dock Halibut Heads $34k. at .$ 104k; No. llf:0—Abner Lowell and Wm. Senter, Verdict Against the Paciflo Mail The Press Association says the of the First church in Thurs- $5, Tongues Heavy Marquis Baptist Harpswell, of and William Sounds at $12, and Sounds at Ale- of the firm of Lowell & Senter, ¥225, Nov. 26, Laudsdowne, chairman of the committee directors, Dr. Gallupe H. Tongues $11, Company. joint to consider the of or- wives $5; Swordfish none; Halifax Salmon at Burglary in Bethel. 1861. of the House of Lords and House of day afternoon, propriety Simpson, Esq., were adopted. A dividend of $20; Commons California do $20; Fins $16, new; Shad $10. PEOPLE No. In January, 1873, William Swift and Ebon to the work of the Rev. N. G. 32.25 per share was declared. Bethel, June 20.—The store of Grover & 317—John C. Sarowski, ¥220, Oct. 11, on the channel tunnel project will report daining ministry Fresh sales 10 and 8 p lb for out of town are invited to take their feet with Perry, oil merchants of Now Bedford, Halibut—To-day’s living 1866. Maas., upon that i„heme, and that there a recent of Newton. Rev. J. WASHINGTON COUNTY. white and them when thev visit Portland and have them per- Burnham, in Bethel, was broke into Thursday contracted with tbe Pacific Mail favorably French, graduate gray. No. Steamship 00 crude do at fitted 335—Andrew Williams. $325, Nov. 30, will ulso be a minority report adverse to the Pure Medicine Oil $1 gal, 80c, fectly at night and goods of a value unknown taken. Company for the carriage of a number of bar- McWhiunie was moderator, and Rev. H. S. Eddie Bassett, of West went in 1862. project. Mr. luce. Liberal, has been elected Lubec, Blackfish Oil 66c; Cod do 46348c; Shore do at 44® rels of oil from Panama to New York. The D. was swimming Saturday, and was drowned. none on market. Fatal Accident. No. 351—Georgo Williams, $213, Nov, 10, member of parliament for Hastings in place of Barrage, D., clerk. Prayer offered by 45c;Porgie do, oil was delayed at the Isthmus by the railroad the Porgie scrap,$15 ton; Fish do $12;Liver do $9. 1863. Chss. J. Murray. Rev. Dr. Small. Delegates were present from Probably largest raft of lumber ever Bangor, July 20.—Samuel Bowker, aged 70 company and a lc's by amounting to No. 453—Frank Silver, 3150, Jane 22,1863. leakage Prussia and the brought out ot Dennysville river, was towed of South while at work 821,003 was suffered. Swift and sued Vatican. the First Baptist and Free Btreet churches, years, Orrington, yes- No. 482—Conrad Baker, Jr., sole representa- Perry down last Thursday, by tbe tug William Hinds Deueslic market*. the railroad and for tbe Berlin, Jure 29.—The chief con- terday on a new house for Kimball tive of the firm of H. J. Baker & Bro $11,- steamship companies propo3.il of this city, and from the chnrcbei in Harpg- were 160,0C0 feet of lumber in the raft. Means, amount tained in the last note of Tjiere October 1865. of their loss. Suit was brought iu tbe Cardinal Jacobini, (By Telegraph.) fell from the upper staging to the ground and 495, 31, of well, Freeport, Yarmouth, Bruuswick, Tops* WALDO COUNTY. v»:w June 29 — Floar No. 8upreme Court and the jury rendered a ver- pupal tecretary state to Prqeyia, is that the York. market—Receipts 523—Everett Staples, $18,164; Henry H. ham, Bath and China. The council voted bbls; still in fa- died shortly after. He leaves a wife and fam- dict against the two companies for 813,700. Vatican will reooguize the duty ol notifying The case of W. W. Castle vs. E. H. 52,826 exports 553o;bbls; buyers Grant, administrator of Wm. McGilvery, de- appeal vor with a export demand, tor low the Prussian government of clerical to to ordination. known light mainly ily. ceased, 58157; Josie P. Curtis, administratrix appoint- unanimously proceed Haney, otherwise as the Belfast Odd aud limited jobbing trade ;sales 16,100 bbls. ments on condition that Prussia declares grades Saw Mill Burned. of the eBtate of Libbeas Cartis, deceased, the The ordination exercises at 7 p. m. were as Fellows’ Hall case, came up before the law Flour quotations—No 2 at 2 40@3 65; Superfine THE INDIANS. exercise of all functions from A special to the Commercial says the Estes ¥4077; Robert Porter, ¥4078; Woodbnru priestly exempt follows: court at Bangor last week. It will be remem- Western and State at 3 4034 26; common to good and of free from extra Western to choice mill Carver, $4078; Phiceas Pendleton, ¥4078; Jo- prosecution, training priests bered that the plaintiff sued defendant for and State 3 90@4 40; good saw and shingle mil), located three miles all restrictions. The Invocation..Rev Mr Hanson White seph Park, ¥4078. John H. Lane, ¥1779; Hi- nolo emphasizes the de- trespass in entering tbe Odd Fellows' Hall in do at 4 60®6 75; common to choice Wheat below Winn was burned this More Trouble With the Savages. sire of the Vatican to contiuuu Hymn.Rev Mr Ford Western extra at 6 25@6 76; fancy do 6 80@7 00; Village, morn, ram \V. Carver, negotiations of H S I) Belfast, claiming that he was the lawful poi- Blaisdell, ¥4078; Bonj. ¥4078; Prussia’s Reading Scripture.Rev Burrage, D common to good extra Ohio at 3 DO 36 60: commo a SHQi. Loss insured for The lire Charles Wilcox, Ariz., June 29.—Indians are re- notwithstanding violation of the Rev. W sersor of the was derided DEALER ing. $3500; $2000. James T premite:. TUa-Ca.e at 3 9036 Paten Nicholson, ¥3237; Deshou, Prayer. Sargent to choice extra St. Louis 76; ported in Ash Canon and on the new Mexican diplomatic usage by passing the ohnrck bill W Bradford at the in favor of tbe is supposed to have caught from sparks from ¥1731; George C. Osgood, administrator of the Hymn.Rev Supreme Court, defeud- Minnesota extra good to prime 6 6G®6 60: choic 5 line. are iu pursuit. The Indiaus are while were Sermon. .Rev estate of Jcsiah Webber, deceased, $2981; Cavalry negotiations pending. ,J McWkinule ant. Tho plaintiff tiled exceptions and mo- to double extra do at 6 GO«7 26; City Mill extra at •a engine. New machinery and a water who were E S Fish Liura J. Ricker,Tadministratrix of the estate the Chiricahuas, to have beeu on The Tonquin Difficulty. Ordaining Prayer.Rev tioned for a new trial. The full bench last 6 25® 5 80: 1200 bbls No 2 at 2 4(>®3 66; 900 bbl* Hand of Fellowship...Rev A A Smith 421 St. wheel had just been put in. of Charles H. Webber, deceased, $100, the reservation several days ago but weio de- week overruled the motions which drives Cas- Superfine at 3 4034 2500; 1100 low extra at 3 90 April London, June 29.—Tiie Post the latest Charge to Candidate.Rev A C Herrick Wheat extra 3 751 Congress Fire In Damariscotta. terred by knowledge of the fact that says tle and his case out of court. The ®4 25 3100 bbls Winter 96®6 5, 1861. they to the Church.Rev A K P D D decision of SIGN OF THE GOLD BOOT. enter the newsree«h»ed at tlie foreigu office in regard to Charge Small, 370 bbls Minnesota extra at 3 90®7 25: Southern No. 2524—Lorenzo Dow Carter. August could reservation. These hostiles liened'ctton N French the Supreme Court stands, and as this was a JnlG eodtf Damariscotta, JJune 29.—A vacant house $215, the is that China has .Rev G tiou quiet; oommon to fair at 4 203 5 10: good 1864 are said to be greatly incensed at what they Tonquin difficulty test case it is that this is the last of 13, to presumed t choice at 5 16(36 76. 64,800 and ell owned by William Ford Jefferson consider to be a hreaeli resolved prepare for war whilo on Whenl—receipts No. 3293—Edward J. administrator of faith and another carrying these celebrated cases. hush cash and Joues, with France to time. The Trades experts 96,015 bush; 4k@l options were bnrned last night. Loss about $000; in- of the of murderous raid is anticipated. It is belived negotiations gain Procession. feverish and estate George L. Greeo, ¥825, Nov. The Oak Hill quarries at Swanville are turn- 14431% lower, dosing irregular;sales that other bauds will shortly make their Foreign Notes. It is estimated that the “trades bush on sured. 11. 1864. ap- procession' ing out large quantities of fine granite. The 6.706,000 bO-'h, including 154,000 spot; I sarance but that when they bear that these The National Line steamer which No 3 Red 1 09®! 094k; No 2 Red 1 1331 1344 f o Drowned. No. 4885—William Henry Clark, adminis- England, will be over one mile iu length. Nearly the company does not eolicit orders, with a aro yet b; 1 1631 1744 dev; 1 14 delivered from store; trator of the of Richard H. de- who returned with Gen. Cn ok prisoners has arrived at from New York, Calais, Juue 29.—The five-year oil sop of estate Moore, Liverpool whole of Co mmercial and a of Pearl force double that of last year they are unable No l Red SUte at 1 18%: No 1 White do at 1 17; they will return to Mexico. ten saloon of the Anchor portion ceased, ¥35,439, August 12, 1864. brought passengers to with the demand. Carloads are No 2 White 1 No 1 1 Albert D. Taylor of St. Stephen, N. B., was street will be used for Fred R. keep pace 00| White, 23,OCX) part 084k Line steamer before dis- forming. » The court adjourned until tLe first Wednes- Belgravia, reported Ellis, shipped daily to all parts of the country. The 31 09. Kv steady; Western at 67c; State 72c. drowned this evening by a in next. abled, which was .'!00 miles southeast John C. William W. 2 on a fallig^ through day October spoken Small, McLellan, F poorer quality of stoue is made into payings, Knrley is nominal. 4’arn— No spot shade POLITICAL. of Halifax. The sailed from New other cash wharf. The body wat recovered. The Consolidation of Internal Revenue Belgravia Robie, Charles A. Plummer, G. E. end a gang of thirty men is now employed iu lower; grades 4k®lc higher; options 2® York for on June Sylveste^ 244 lower and more active, closing heavy at about Postmaster at Liverpool 16th. manufacturing 260,000 of these blocks for the Wlnthrop. Districts. and Fred C. Rollins have been selected inside rates;receipts 94,547 bush; exports 107.608 The Chinose Legation in Loudon has re- by of Boston. Granite men from Will tists’ Materials Washington, [June 29.—The President to- The President made several modifica- city abroad have bush;sales bush, including 241,000 bush to-day The New Hampshire Senatorshlp. ceived a telegram from Shanghai, the Mar the! G. M. Mcore as aids All who have 3,763,000 se^N^i stating made advances for the purchase or rental of on hot 3 at 66367c:No 2 at appointed Elliot Wood, postmaster at tions in the recent executive order relating to June of the settlement of the spot; 47®48c;No 614k 25 cex'fl* from cata- day Concord, 29.—Following Is the result report Tonquin quo;- not reported that intend joining the proces- this quarry. low Mixed 02c; No 2 for June 69% 5604kc; per the consolidation of interal revenue districts. lion had no foundation. Winthrop, Me. of the ballot for United States Senator 1n tbo 59%301Vfec, closing at 59%e; August 61® The most important is in re- sion are requested to send their names with f;G2c:nly the next change Kontncky, Legislature today: Mach excitement was caused at Queenstown 62%c, closing 61c; Sept 61%®6344 enclosing at logue Gorham Normal School Commencement. sulting in the retention of one more district ill number of teams to G. C. Owen before Satur- priCtX^'or Whole number of votes.23 on Tnursday by a report that Jatnej Carey, the 61%cc; October at 63%c. thus weak; receipts that State than was allowed in the or- 3 at White two weeks. Gorham, June 29.—The closing exercises at original Edwurd H. Hollins. ;> informer, was among tho passengers em- day noon. The reason why the procession FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL 69.4(H) bush;sale» 949,000 bushjNo 39c; der. at 40 Vac; No 2 at White at 43%344c; the al were Harry 7 barked for America. whoreabouts 394k£40o; Gorham Norm School today largely Bingham. Carey’s doesu't take in street is because of at In General. James W. Patterson. 2 conld not be traced. Congress No 1 at 41c; White 47c; No 2 Chicago 41c;Mixed I have all the attended and very interesting. Gov. Kobie Aaron F. Stevens. 2 the teams in the and the Western :it 39®43c;White at 423}4#c; White SUte «fost pub- The Commissioner of Internal Kev. Mr. Hitehborne who was assaulted on heavy procession de- Kentucky Oilman Marston. 2 47®49%c. Bugar dull; refining (5; 6% 6%c.refined and Messrs. Locke, Bolster and Swazey of the the attack of Thursday on a train between Calais of street dear for lications in lievenue will have to meet Jce Alonzo II. 1 railway sirability keeping Congress Partlnnal Wholesale Market. Yellow at f>%«0%c: Extra C 7%374kc; Quint. and is Unity lower; Eng^shqngs. Governor’s Council were present. The exam- Blackburn on account of the consolidation of Paris, recovering from the attack upon cars and White d* 7%: Yellow C 6%®7c; off A at 7%®8c; a his life. pedestrians. PORTLAND, June 20. Fine Framing Specially— ination of the class iu didactics revenue districts iu Kentucky. Con. A at 8 7-16; Cubes 87go; crushed 9%c; pow- graduating lie are at The national is to sur- THE DOMINION. La France comments upou the that The Fire following vo-daj’s quotations of Flour, dered at cut loaf 9%c; granulated 8% ; was conducted Stat] banking system likely report Escape. 9@9%c; at lowest I by Superintendent Luce. Russia lias consented to offer its Provisions. Ac. standard A Molasses quiet, Feirolcnns prices. M^e vive the attacks of the Greenbackere. During good office in The trial of Grain, 84438%. were as the New England Fire Escape 1 Twllww steady; sales 6«v The class parts follows: the last six mouths the records Bbow that the the difficulties between China and France, and Flout*. i riliu. —united at 17%. some very Desirable Shaped Mr. ,J. F. at the 000 lha 15-lGc. Pork declining: sales 100 SffGooU W E Cumberland Mills number of national banks is A says the former had intended to ask the media- by Burnham, Falmouth Ho- Supertine and H.M.Coru, ear lots_70 7%®7 Morning,”.... Ayer, increasing. Failure lu the Hardware Trade. bbls mess on spot 17 76 « 17 874k- 4*«rd is lower; Ida 1. tion of hut theanti-Uhtuese measures list a success. low grades.. 3 60@4 60! Miv Coru.cer lots in the Barbotine Jfetory. Smith, Gray large number of uew banks has been organized America, tel, evening. proved groat A trade quiet; sales 110 ics prime^steam on spot at Pottery. ..Anna A Newfield Montreal, Juno 29.—K. II. Kelly, whole- X and Corn, lots... dtamfelei..■•'. Moulton, in the last six mouths. adopted by the Uni* id States Congress have canvas or Spring bag .75®77 9 65: 146 tes steam at 9 303 9 35; re- Lizzie of sale hardware has tailed for long slide, shoot, with ruugs inside XX 5 60. Hats, oar lots.52 62Vk®9 city Prophecies—written by J Dennett dealer, 8125,003. caused a certain ccaluess Spring.. 60@0 at 9 for S. A. 10 50. Butter The returns of the Bureau show between tho two Pateut Oats, fined for continent 9h; I ufsring and Mary J A lion, Saccarappa .. Copyright so that a man could come down in Spring bag lots.57 that the business is incroaE- nations. adjusted firm for choice; SUte at 15@24; Western UK®23c; Poon.. F Moody, Biddoford copyright rapidly Wheat*.7 60®8 60, Meal 70 SUte at ,V:.Mabel A Stupendous Railroad Scheme. has to the abolition of the same way os on an ladder, was Penn creamery 24e. Cheese weak; 94k@ “Goal-Bye”.. Fannie A Young, Jlirani ing. Italy agreed capitula- ordinary Michigan Win- CottonSeed.ear lots 28 00 tions at Tunis. ter 60A8 1084 : Western flat 4®9. Class by Gertrude II Frank, Isatli Senator Mahone lias called his followers tc- Indianapolis. June 29.—A stupendous rail- placed at window in the fifth story. Two men straights."* 00; CottonSeed.hag lot*30 00 steam 3d. Sang—written 00 Freights steady—Wheat for a conference on a of road scheme was here A I>o roller....0 60®7 SackedBran car lot, were getiier plan campaign developed to-day. stood ou either side caf uui uvi mwcr The drjlomas conferred by Governor The Delaware River Getting of the mouth of tho CHICAGO. «JUne an.—nuur jit He expresses great confidence in Vir- number of persons from various States through High. St. I/>uis Win- lSOOMuglOOO'a J. T. Kobie. carrying at tho and held Spring Wheat 3 50®5 00; Minueeot* at 3 6034 2£; STUBBS, this fall. out the West met here in secret convention [nr Trenton, N. J., Juno 29- The Delaware Blioot, bottom, it in such n way ter straight.6 00®6 60 do lots.23 50 ginia bag bakers at 5 75; patents 6 60®7 50: Winter A Mau Sunstruck. river Is than it has been for that who to Do roller... 0 60@7 00 car lots.24 (HI 00g5 Brunswick Postmaster Pearson's friends claim that the the organization of what they called “The higher to-day those chose slide down—and all Middlings, at 4 00.36 25. Wheat—regular lower; |98%c for Winter Wheat do lots ... 2H 60 N. It 2ft.—CharleB Strout of against him are Railroad of America,” many years. Information from points up the bag •Tune: for 1 0I%®1 01% for Augost: Dover, 'Jaitp charges inspired by personal People’s Company thoso who experimented did so—fell lightly on ateuts.7 60 1 99%c July; enemies iu the Post Ollice whose it Is to build two lines of double- river shows that tho heavy rains have swollen 00$1 Bye. 1 0351 03% for September; No 3 Chicago Spring 400 St. ras here this af- Department. purpose their feet. At feast I’rotiuce. Provisions. Brunswick, Ms., sfjpslruck the streams which into the tweuty tried the escape at No 3 at 83e; No 3 lied Winter 1 0t> Congress The ‘managers of the colored convention track, narrow gauge railroad from New York empty Delawate to Cranberries, t> bbl— Pork— 08V (300c; ternoon and lies iu critical condition. Ho au extent that exceeds known and ralher tho sensation. were (31 06. Corn lower:6a%®52%oea»h; 50%c June; have disavowed all purposes, and the to San Franoisco, and from to New anything during enjoyed They Maine.... 12 00® 13 OOl Books. .. 21 0(VS21 50 Opp CITtf 12ALL. political Chicago August; 61%®61%c for " from to now are that the hundred million dollars of the The river is still Cod.16 17 00 60%o July; 51@51%o ju8 dtf viat enreute Concord, NvH, Portland, indications convention will Orleans- Three past twenty-four years. shot down, feet foremost, although oue man Capo O0@ Clear.20 00®20 60 lirm and ea*ier;32*4 Pea Means 2 75 September. 0»t*—cash options he attended. stock i» to be subscribed in sliare3 of 850 rising. tt&@2 Mess.lit 00g,l» 50 for Me. generally each, came down head first. About a 333c for cash: 32% ®32^0 June; 32%f332% _ tweuty people Medium*.. ..2 05 Mess Beef.. 12 00 o so every poor man in the country can bo a 50@2 12 5o 29%c for 29c Septembe. Rye quiet July Prices of Coal. minute can nse the slide. German med2 25 a 2 30 Ex Mess.,13 13 60 ,Tuly; August; Nil WS. ROUTE troskholder in a railroad. Earl Kenney of 00® at 66%c. Pork loner; 15 87%®16 00 for cash, MARINE STAR MATTERS. Yellow Eyes3 86(^3 00 Plate.15 00015 25 thiH Is at the head of the and has Philadelphia, June 29.—Lehigh coal Juno and 16 12% « 16 15 August; 16 27% city scheme, ox„ Onions pbbl. Ex Plate. 15 BOol6 75 July; STATE STREET S. S. to make no Sons of Veterans. 16 30 for Lard n. a men changes agreed oliaugo in 1 A®16o 9 40 for Bulk Meats in fair de- Schooner Lawyer Say — 37%‘9 June Geoucesteu, Mass., have over iu this State alone. circular embodies an advance of 15 cents per Eggs P laird Septomber. Saturday 30th, procured 8103,670 this will entertain the of dos.18@19o shoulders at 7 OO; Bliort rib 8 30: short clear Midnight, Capt. Trevoy, of this part, at Si. of the Long and Tedious Trials. tou for white and 25 cents for stove city camps Lewiston lb. 00c lb .10' mand; — — ash, ogg, Turkeys, p Tub, V a® 104; AT June in iat. 9 65. Pierre, reports 20th, 45."(i, Jong. New York, June 29.—William A. Cook, and chestnut. and Auburn, the oi oasion being the installs' Chickens. @00c Tierces.. .lOVi®10s4 afternoon l At the closing call of the Board tills up a containing two devd bod- a statement to the Illinois Crops. Fow .20@24o 58, picked dory lawyer, prints long effect tlon of officers of Shepley Camp. The Pall.lO-nSll'i Wheat was 98%c foi July; 1 01% for WHITE IBUEi a.D. ies dressed in black oiled rubber A Couuty Treasurer Short. visiting Huiier. irregular; clothes, toots, that alter receiving instructions from Presi- SpttlNariUU), III., June 21). -From the ad- $7,000 August, 1 03% for Septomber. Corn lower 50%C smooth face and the other with about tvo camps will arrive on the <> o'clock train and Creamery.23@24c ftrrtls. STEAMER GAZELLE will leave Eallroail Wharf, one dent Garfield to carefully oxamlne info the vance sheets of the Juno crop report published Wileesna rue, Pa., June 29.—A deficiency for June and July; 50%0 August; 51c September. bo at the Gilt Edge Ver....20a2lc Bed Top.4 25,®4 50 declined % for foot of State Street, 1) a in. sharp. Afternoon Boat weeks’ beard. The dory was an oiii cue, witt. of the Star route matters, ho rubiuitta 1 the State Board of it is shown of $7,CuO lias been discovered in tlio accounts received depot by Shepley Camp Oats advanced V*c for Juno and charges by Agriculture, Choice.17 @180 Timothy.2 16®2 35 and 6 lower will leave Custom House wharf at advertised time. six marked on the port bow, black dot on star- nt to of Treasurer September. Pork 12% loner tor July tlie result such examination President that the estimated increase in the corn acreage ex-County John T. Griffiths and beaded by the Continental Baud. The line Good.13@16c Ootoher. Arrangements have been made for a two hours b and two trawl tubs aboard. The his Clover.ISVaglG for August. Lard declined 2% for board >w, Barfield at iSlberou, when the latter remarked over that of 1882 is .1 per cent., making tire cmiof clerk, John Pollock, who lias siuoo of march will ho Store.10@12o Raisin*. wheat 38.000 sail among the islands in the for those through Park, Spring, High, iteceipte—Flour 9,000 hbis, bush, afternoon, bodies were decayed soinowliat and were bul- the case was a weak one. Mr. corn area this over acros. The been al the Pension office in Wash- Muscatel.1 0022 50 who wish to it. tbtt IJiHS-y year 7,500,COO employed com 158.000 bush, oats 136.000 bu.rye 16,000 bu, enjoy Free, Middle, Exchange and streets Vermont.... 11 12 Mi I London 2 25a2 Children 25 40 led at sea. Cook tlod Hie Dorsey-Brady cases were condition indicates a yield three fourths as ington, Is suspected of tlio theft. Congress @ laiy'r 35 Tickets, cents, /dulls cents’ in- nays N Y Foct’y.. 11 @12Mi I (ludura Val.. cluding Ice Cream and Lemonade and the sail. The Mystery Explained. oy Mr. Bliss bacaused Mr. Bliss consid- largo as the average, or 108,750,000 bushels less tod A. Hall, where a collation will he served. 104; gl1 13,000 bbls, wheat 74.000 bu, pushed Apple*. Oranges. blShfproents-F1|oaroats bu. If stormy Saturday, picnic will take on ered them the ‘‘head devils," while Mr. Cook than the crop of 1882. The winter wheat pros- PERU. this will ho corn 166,000 hush, 85,000 bu. rye 69,000 place New Yoke, June 2!),—The German ship Following the installation of offi- Eating$» bbt.. 4 60@6 00 Valencia 000 00 bush. Mondav July 2nd. were the weakest. are not as good as in aud the pres- OOgO bariev 00.000 winch arrived considers‘.hey pects May, cers and a Evaporated p lb 18@19 Florida..OOOaOOO Tickets can be obtained at A. L. MILLKTT .He Paulina, Capt. Malsterfeld, general good lime. Col. Merrill of Loi-is, June 29.—Flour is d Wheat in lat. In relation te Hie indictments, Mr. Cook says ent estimate Is 10,000,000 bushels- ltye, Mux !>rio corn brig those associated Gen. Iglesias. 0,000 busb.oats 00,000 busb,rye 00,000 busb. against Brady, Dorsey apd French (white aud a Creek Indian named Pino Tree No. 11. K. (Iraml Trunk.60@(10 barley 0000 busb. Lodge, of P., elected BO with in blunders in iHtnauagomu.'it, and were hero todav. Pualiska ProllBes, Eastern. L ABOK TKOUBLES. them, I’ualiska hanged MINOR TELEGRAMS. the Detroit. .Tune 29 —Wheat quiet; No 1 White fell of time used in Mr. lilies Finch following officers last: Burbanks. 55 the length its\trii‘l killed Emanuel C. Cochran July, 1881. The number of at spot at l 01 Vi; at J 01%; August at 1 04%; a»d Mr. immigrants arriving Mon- O. C.—E. A. Chase. Grand Trunk.••••;. 55 July has made a considerable iortumb Ker shot and killed Burt Johnson and Washing- Sentember 1 05% ; No.2 at 91; No 2 Red Winter at treal this month is over lii,000. An Immigrant \ Jacksons and White Brooks...... 50 and Mr. Merrick largely incrW*w,d their in- ton colored In July, 1882. 0.—Horatio Hall. 108. ') ho Chicago Printers. Crinky, soldiers, depot similar to that, at Castle Garden, New come. The whole affair will be aud had P. —J. W. Pinkhuui. 20,000 busb; shipments2,000 busb. probably Finch was a deserter from tho army York is to be established. Chirsi* Grain Qusmtisni. Receipts Chicago, June 25). the printers’ in a new M of A.—Wins. Photographer, Regarding shortly seen and true light, ^specially been captured hut ruado his escape by killing H. Godfrey. New Orleans, June 29,—Cotton steady; Mid- demand for in this #11 the s- Tlio authorities of Pobtland, June 29. Fine Portraits a specialty, higher pay city, if fully examined by Cangress. the two men. Joseph killed Bud Stevens and police Brooklyn yesterday Rep. to P. H. A. for 18 Months.—Wm. A. dling uplands 9 13-18c. have refused to accede issued an order the Salvation The following quotations of Grain wero receired publisher#, except one, his wife in last. restraining Jacobson. Mobile, June 29.—Cotton nominal; Middling up- to it. The belief in newspa- April sorvices ou the streets. telegraph & prevails to*night Army fromcondactiug by to-day by Bigelow Co., 157 Commer- lands 9% o. circles that the union will in- Iron Works iri Trouble. cial Portland: per typographical Alfred Baldwin, is under arrest in New Real street, June 29.—Cotton is easy; OPPOSITE P.MOtJTH HOTEL the Archbishop Purcell Sick. E8tuto Transfers. Savannah, Middling dettoi't ly postpone strike. Rock Island, June 29.—The Moline Mal- York for u ot moulds, Arch- having largo ipiantity Chicago-Wheat.---Corn.— Oats. uplands 9%c. leable Iron Works Corporation has executed a- Citfcwfc»XI June 29 —9,50 P. M for counterfeit The following transfers of real estate in this Portland. Mo- dies, metal, etc., casting $5 and duly. Aug. Sept. July. Aug. July. Memphis, Juno 29.—Cotton steady; Middling up* Bubo Hall. trust deed lor on its and a chat- bishop Puro,,:] ig ill. .9.30.. 101% 62 jaufi deodtf 879.009 realty seriously $10 plecos and silver coins. county have been recorded at tho Registry of 97* 103% 52% 32 land* 9%c. At New York—New Yorks 7, Philadelphia# tel mortgage on all its other effoctu for 809.600 10.30 99* 102 103% 51% 52' 32% _ Lane Britton, a murderer, while escaping Deeds: 11.0". 101* 103% bx to protect George It. Hill, S. Wheoloctf, A. L. Hauled for Murder. 199% 61% 61% 32% Kuropeun Market*. Tlac X*il!>lic from his'capture at lilunde City, Missouri, D. 11.30.. 99% 102% 103% 62% 62% I.ibrary A •• D ; so.' Cleveland *, Detroit# 3. Carson and the Keator Lumber Company, t'ne Oa Jh, Deering—Martin Coffin to Cliesly Nason, 32% ai I>a;ukn, H James, (col- shot Constable A. V. Davis dead ami 12.00. 99% 102% 103% 61% 33 (Bv Telegraph.) \*fTLI. be closed every eveuios G o’clock ei- Al U.rC.l*1 iiuilotlOH 3. trustee U. F. Hr cashier of the 29.—Toney Thursday laud and buildings. Consideration $100. 51% '—GiliOrlgUf. «J, ooing meuway, w shot 1‘iiuo- Anderson, was hung to- wounded G. G, Davis. A 12.30.. 99% 102% 103% 33 Lvinrpool, June 29-12.30 P. M.-Cotton market on Vi eduesday* and Saturdays from ored) mortally posse ate Stover to Patieuce S. 51% 01* \\ eept At Providence—Providence 5, Bostons 2. Moline National Bank. i Scarboro—Theophllus l."S.. 89% 101* 103% 61 dull.upl tmlH at *» »l-lriri; Organs 6 % ; sales 8,000 1st to 1st. ju29U3t day. in pursuit. 51% 32% Sept. Reed, laud Consideration .. MO. July audbuildings. $800. Call 98% 101% 103% 50% 60% 34% bales, speculation and siport

# Recent x’EXE PRESS. Publications. he considers much less an evil than the MISCELLANEOS. NEW FINANCIAL. ENTERTAINMENTS. whiskey drinking of America. lie says that ADVERTISEMENTS._ in men are seen under the SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 30. The Housekeeper’s Year-Book. By nelon Germany rarely __ MORTIMER’S ISLAND THEATRE. Island Campbell. (New York: Howard influence of strong drink, aud thero is not (Peak’s Maine) Fords, ~ tho of one Fred Horllmrr, Uuuiigrr. & Hurlbert; Our Confluent proportion drunkard to twenty in We Uo not read auonymouB letters ami conunuiil- Philadelphia: PARASOLS. in our own country. In fact Mr. e&tious. The name and address of the writer are in Publishing Company; Portland: Hoyt, Buggies’s ftrund Opening Suturrtay i;veiling — 30tli. all eases not & comparison between the inoral condition of fr June indispensable, necessarily for publica- Fogg Bonham.) Helen Campbell __ tion but as a guarantee of faith. edils the the German and those of the United Wo offer lor sale llic NEW EOF It good Household Department of people Steamer KMITA leaves Kranklin Wh&rt »t ,.it> We cannot OF undertake to return or com- Slates is but FEU CENT CITY LEWISTON m. Round 35 cents. ju27dtd preserve Our Continent and has published a anything favorable or compli- TO-DAY wc oiler a assortment of p. trip munications that are complete BONOS, ami recommend (hem us not used. to this Ho very popular cook book, lu this lit- mentary country. says “when fiac medium and low cost n*very desirable Investment lor tle manual she has met a real necessity—a the laws iu the United States are enforced trust purposes. The Coming Contest. 'I'liis loan does not increase Hie EXCURSION 10 with the same convenient form for a housekeeper’s daily promptness and certainty AROOSTOOK, The city's debt, (which is but about 4 St. Louis Globe-Democrat has been account of expenses. each that they are in Germany, without reference Opposite page per cent ol its valuation,) as it was the field of and arrives at for to tho social of the prospecting 1884, accounts is a printed page with sugges- position culprit or his issued to retire six per cents. conclusions that may be summed up follows: tions upon housework, marketing, family friends, then shall we sed less robbing of Denominations $.»WO's and There will be 401 trust At much lower than last $1,000's. 4th of votes iu the next Elec'oral dinners, etc. The book is bound In limp banks, corporations aud institutions prices year. July Celebration T he called <> per cents taken iu College, ?01 for a cloth and the and less being necessary choice. price is 50 cents. We heartily by ‘respectable officials,’ crimes of exchange. The fifteen — AT — States of New York, Ohio, Penn- recommend it as a complete and “handy’’ every variety by the criminally inclined.” All Silk Sun Umbrellas 22 inch $1.75 “ sylvania, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, little affair. He considers Germany’s standing army “a 66 “ “ u Massachusetts, Michigan, Ne- curse to tho a millstouo about Its 24 $2 00 Minnesota, Ancient country, GRAND New Classics. The Commentaries of braska, Hampshire, Vermont, Wiscon- neck, which absorbs the talent of the coun- ■ Cmsar. Black - Swan & sin and By Anthony Trollope. (New York: Satin Parasols Lined ISLE-:- Rhode Island furnish the try add tho flower of its It demor- $2.00 Barrett, precisely John youth. “ -:4WP B. Portland: “ “ “ Alden; Boring, Short A ■ requisite number. If the Republicans can alizes the dignity of labor, and produces a Harmon.) I'lie name of the author of this $2,25 ISO Middle Street. carry all of these, can afford to let the that shuns labor and they little military aristocracy lg- Jtin30 eodtf Democrats history of a history is a guarantee of Celebration have the other twenty-three, in- nores all trades and professions and those ■Slack Safin Lace trimmed in its goodness, and indoed it is perfect in its very lar^c cluding Indiana, New Jersey, Nevada, Col- engaged iu them.” Mr. Buggies describes MEW LOAN ! The Maine Central Railroad way. In a convenient form the student variety, some of wliiek arc $1.25 less than orado, California, Oregon and manners and the 1 ]\ Virginia. finds here scenery, customs, picture The doubtful a clear, brief, most interesting of a few weeks since. only States in the list of fif- galleries and so on, in a bright, capable prices of WILL SELL ON account of the writings of Caius Julius Cie- City Lewiston, Me., teen enumerated above are New York and manner, and one does not weary of two hun- sar, “the name Ohio. If the greatest in history”—those 4 Per Cent. Republicans lose New York dred and ninety-six pleasant pages of Ills JUNE & 30thand JULY 2nd and writings which described the wars in Gaul PORTLAND, 29th, Ohio, they would have to carry a'l the attractive book. BONDS. and the Civil and covered Excursion tickets for Presque Isle from States mentioned In the second and War, a period Due 1803 and 1 ill3. principal list, stations. Portland to Augusta inclusive, an<\ reaching from 58 to 47 B. which is as Land and Labor in tho United & eight more votes besides, to win. There is C., States. RINES BROS. Population.210,000 Lewiston, Winthrop. Keadtield Skowhegan forMl late as C&'sar’s own William MY A»»e»»*d Valuation ht0.070.:^0 $10.00 the round trip. Farmington $11.00, Wat- a account extends. By Godwin York: 1884. certaiu Moody. (New element, calling itself Republican, 4lli, Net Debt. .w liO, |.W JO errille and Belfast $9.50, Pittsfield $8.75, New- We are told that “the author of this Charles Scribner’s Portland: - We recommend t lieu© bonds to those a Dexter Orono and Old- which assumes that it will be to little Sons; Lor- 241 NIIDDLE ST. ME. desiring r*ort $8.50, $9.00, Bangor, good policy PORTLAND, safe investment. town Lincoln Mattawamkeag $8.60, volume-’ was “especially anxious not to lie iug, Short & Harmon.) This book is $7.50, $7.00, fiddle around with bargains and promises, Kingman $8.20, Dan forth $6.20. thought to have made an at worthy of attentive aud careful con- Tickets good for a return until July 9th. Ihis sacrifice of and a weak- attempt writing reading The 107th involving principle of will be an excellent to see Aroostook, to sideration. It is Anniversary oppurtunfty history.” This, be sure, does not thoughtful and are l>est. ening of the party at large, in order to stand prevent suggestive, the of the & when the crops looking their Moulton d6t our recognizing the wit and humor of the and contains much food for Independence GENTS’ WHITE jun25 a chance tf securing Vi-ginia and whatever grave reflection. United SHIRTS, Woodbury great novelist, a modern It is full of facts and of reliable States will be Cor. Middle &. else can be got by truckling to Greenback- throwing illumina- statistics. Exchange Sts. tion upon the old classic without in the least It treats a and difficult the la- observed in this J*8» dlwleodiaodtt ism and what not. great subject, Ladies’ India Gauze Vests. blurring its light of other bor problem in the United with evi- If there is any one particular lesson days. States, City in a Man- dent apprehensions of danger to the future Grand Opening Tuesday Evening, July 3. taught by the situation it is that the party ner all FRIDAY, SATURDAyFmONDAyT’.June 20, 30 and July 2, Tiger Lily and Other Stories. Julia of the It discusses the Eclipsing Excursion of Roller Ska; rs from Portland. Fare shall devote its chief to the By couutry. subject in We shall offer 80 dozen Bents’ White Shirts at ets. energies capture Former 58 each. for the round trip, including admission to the Kink, Schayer. (New York: Charles Scribner’s connection with the use of iu Attempts in 25 of* New York and Ohio. If the Democrats machinery ag- dozen Bents’ White Shirts at 75 ets. each, and 20 dozen Bents’ While Shirts 80 cents. Tickets good on any train. Short A the tlie at 00 each. 1i. II. A C. It. both of Sous; Loring, Harmon.) This book riculture, Bonanza and tenant of the State. $1 WHITNEY, carry those States, they will elect farms, History 71 a will have a These three lines are of the celebrated manufacture and are ju27dlw uugcr«*. local interest for Portlaud railroad grants, machinery In ma. Petersburg with- their candidate beyond peradventure. There people textiles, a from the out doubt the best litting shirts to be found anywhere, and we guarantee the fact that it was written by a chiuery in printing, the effects of the war on is uo chance of the Republicans gaining Con- daugh- cloth and work to be as good as any sold at 75 ets., $1.00 and $1.25. The city of Lewiston having ter of the Rev. Zenas late of labor and the also Ladles’ necticut, New Jersey or Indiana if they lose Thompson, wealth, currency, foreign and We offer India Bauze Vests and medium Weight Vests iu all sizes called Two Hundred and Twenty Woodfords. Mts. resides in Wash- domestic the six hour tho at 44 ets. each. These are line, desirable goods, any one sold regularl v at 50 and Fourth of New York and Ohio. if Schayer trade, law, gospel At noon four Thousand Six Per Cent. Races Iudeed, the Repub- sunrise, and sun- 02 1-2 ets. lots of Bents’ White Bauze all sizes at 25 cents July ington. At the time of their in of relaxation, and Industrial re-distributlon. Also,‘new Vests, each, licans lose either, their chance to publication and Bents’ medium Colored Vests and Bonds which are redeemable at the recoup her set the will be Weight Pants at 42>nd 50 ets. Also, Bents’ -AT- magazines stories attracted much atten- Mr. Moody’s theory is that the re- day themselves is very poor. The ground for present White Bauze and Drilling Pauts at 50 ets. each. .Special lots and prices in Lnd- pleasure of the city, after June tion, and they now in a lations of labor to tend to greeted with ies’ Bents’ and Children’s to close. the contest is right in the he trt of the thick- appear prettily capital produco llolsory 30th, 1883, on which date the in- bound volume. The narrative is condensed great wealth aud extreme to make the clamor of Park. est population of the country, and the policy poverty, bells, and a terest ceases we now offer in Presumpseot and dramatic in its style, and the stories are the rich richer aud the and that the for Republicans to adopt is a clear and poorer, National salute from exchange the City of Lewiston 4 all pathetic. The most them only source of a nation’s is straightforward and unembarrassed adhe- striking among prosperity “con- brazen Per Cent. Bonds at the market is entitled Molly. The talent displayed by stant work for all, with liberal wages.” If rence to sound money, honest financial con- A. B. price, and other desirable Munici- ENTRIES. * this author is of an unusual order is _ whether and she political power constantly stealing from BUTLER, or liailroad Bonds. duct, State or national„aud the pal ■J.OO .Tlinutc C'Ihvm. ParM' *1 50 -divided. is to be the to 2-17 congratulated upon her literary suc- many the few, iu the matter of wealth „„ Middle Street. conservation of the business and iudustria! J«20 d4t William Small, Deering ...b g. Presumpscot Boy cess. accumulation property is constantly beiug K. T. Maxwell. Portland.ch. g. A1 Q interests. P. H. lacnnon, Portland.b. stolen the few the g. Apprentice Boy by from many. To see H. If. Tanzie There have been opportunities enough for Topics of the Time. Social Problems’ Woodbury, Deering.br. g. Barney uie great inequalities m society, aim to com- I. P. Woodbury, Deermg,.b. g. Steve Republican campaign managers to learn that Edited by Titus Munson Coau. York: F. A. Clark, Portland....br. m. Little Kate (New the difficulties WOODBURY k MOULTON, the I. the full vote of their can not be G. P. prehend surrounding la- P.|Woodbury, Deering.blk. s. Tom Patch party brought Putnam's Sous; Portland: SPECIAiTSALE Corner A Tiddle Sits. J* 8. br. Exc)>angc Jordan, (Jape Elizabeth, g. Spurvt ink Loring, bor question is but how to cure I Boy out where there is a visible sacrifice of Short A easy, the jun29 dlwtheneodtf prin- llarmou). Among the nov- many evils of the is most difficult. J.50 Cluw. Pur»c $150-divided. will cut that vote system ciple. Nothing down elties in published works this strikes us with CZ> F W. D. Whether or not the author Ramsdell. Knightville, b. ra. Humming Bird more than an of this book evidence that the national especial favor—the plan of E. T. Maxwell, Portland,.ch. g. Al. O collecting, prin- has discovered a for these evils ad- H. H. Baiuev Tanzie canvass is conducted mere remedy Woodbury, Deering.br. g. being by schem- cipally from leading and Continen- Ira P. Woodbury, Deerin*.blue Blue English mits of serious doubt. It is well that g. Jay ers. Should the commit such William Snell, b. Pres urn party itself to Ma- tal journals, essays upon of the Deering,... g. psco. Boy questions a book as this should at F. P. Fox, Cornish.b. m. Little Nell honism or bossism and appear the present 4th in the OF and Laces & repudiation day giving them to the in a public cheap as it will lead to a Trimmings, Ornaments, 2.40 vain of time, discussion of this Buttons, CIu»», changed to Free for All—Pnrae probably hope gaining Virginia—for form but with large print and clear paper. which can but result in 9200-Divided. now the issue has lost its The first number is subject, good, and equal rights prom- on social problems and W. D. Ramsdell, m. Flirt may lead to a a ise solution of the Knightvilie.b. inence—it would a course labor H. li. .br. s. pursue which contains eight papers, which are Dyer, Ferry Village. Lightfoot among JULY I. P. b. Tom Keeler problem. Woodbury, Deering.. g. would be about as fatal in the case of New World H. H. Crowding by Robert Giffen, Presi- TRIMMING DEPARTMENT. LACE Woodbury, Deering.br. g. Barney Tanzie DEPARTMENT. John McLaughlin, Portland.b. Nat Otia York as were the forged proxies last year. dent of the London Sinners and A g. Statistical Society; Saints. Tour Across the R. G. Knights, Cornish.. m. Miller’s Maid have 85 Sew ami Ele;aut Styles Passanieute* 110 choice Black Respectable Republicans grown very Home Rule, Socialism and Secession J. States, and Round Them: With Three patterns Trimming by In Lace, in Hand Hun and sensitive to that sort of In a fair Woulfe rles, plain, satin and beaded, cord- ('handily Span- IS thing. Flanagan, and Secret Societies in Months the Mormons. On Among By Phil ish, Satin and Escnrial ana ail open contest the can win the el, braided and leaf patterns, making (Hpure, CONDITIONS. Republicans France—Jehau de Paris. Robinson, Author Sf Under the Sea. at S a.in. the new in from (Bos- iu all styles, prices varying Races to be best 3 and 5 to the next Their the most complete assortment 10 cents harness, governed by presidency. strongest weapon ton: Roberts Brothers.) Mr. Robingpn, in to $3.25 per yard. rules of the National Trotting erer shown in this iu 100 new is candor. Their best reliance is not in the his Sinners and has city, all the dif- patterns White Laces. This is Association. Books and to Saints, made a very en- COMING schemers and How Use Them. By J. C. feient from 25 cents to the choicest assortment of new pat* No horse distanced except for foul driving. Catch tricksters, but in the intelli- volume. This is prices $3.50. Van York: tertaining book something, terns to be found in the at weight. and economic interests of the Dyke. (New Fords, Howard A city, prices and fine desirable Straw Hats will be gence people. quite remarkable, both wit and BOAT RACES from 8 cents to fjrft'has ranging $2.50 per yd. searce. Hurlbut; Portland: Loring, Short A Har- very To-day we shall hare rafts Admission The contest is not to be carried on by skir- in 50 cents. Ladies, Carriages and Grand This little pathos abundttice, combined with power- In (lie Harbor at Same Hour. of the Nobby Styles, in Mackinaw, Ma- Stand free. mishers and but mon). manual, intended for the guerrillas, by the methods ful and much solid nilla, French Palm, Canton, and all the IRA P. WOODBURY, Secretary. use of will be found of description information. of honorable warfare. It is students, value to different and now is the time je29 did being discovered Added to this is a charm of an Braids, to the reader as well. Its style, inde- that the masses of the general pick out a good one. party are not adapted suggestion} scribable which is BUTTONS. are clear and concise and something, very captivat- to other kind of and that rath- withal jwrtfcal. Grand any fighting, The author has a keen for lu- Procession at 00 different Mr. Yan ing. eye the styles of Ornaments, all 1100 choice and all new “ST. LIKE’S CATHEDRAL er than in other Dyke especially #??8cates system styles colors, engage any kind many of much freshness and in bv *• dicrous, vivacity, and new, in the braided, beaded and satin* this Spring. Small and ilarge sizes to them will withdraw from reading—reading bjects and at 10 a. m, the field altogeth- regu- in that all the which match in ail the different and lar hours. And he qualities go to make a in all colors and black. Also full line styles er. .gly condemns, but at from 8 treat. It is a colors, prices cents upward. EXCURSION. none too literary pleasure to read an of Trimming Braids, in all colors and THE There is strongly, _utle in FINEST PARADE EVER SEEN !N Remember, this is the LIGHT ANnriL every indication that the next immorality” book about PORTLAND. I unquestionably books—books in Englishman’* America which is Black. best line ever shown in Portland. Presidential election in New York will which, under a geueral be written with so School Picnic harmonious much good nature. Mr. All tlie ofthe Sunday much as that of was. tone^grace of manner and ele- Military regarded very 1880 Robinson is so in will take on of kindly his little dashes of place The winning card for the then gance lajtgaage, the poison is so concealed S*ate in line. Republicans satire or criticism that we can HATS. as to easily laugh was the belief that a Democratic regime j^g'uuperceived by the young reader. JUNE 30th. with him, and feel neither nor eerct Societies in their Attractive SATURDAY, -■* The on The disgraced Peail and all the new colors in thn the chapters Public Library and Uniforms. My Gloves and Swiss Kerseys, Tbo Steamer Grneral Bartlett will leave State 'atf^uess hurt to he and is Hosiery, Underwear, and Street wharf at 0.30 a. m. How to anything says; there not a Semi-Stiff Soft Felt Hats. and Long wharf at 2 d Use It, and on are m. for •i lUlBfLij. The Democrats uone noth- Bibliography, and Nainsook ht line of unjust stricture but plenty of hearty Edges, speak tor them- particularly to be commended. An United States LITTLE ing to strengthen confidence in themselves Appen- and will Battery CHEBEAGUE ISLAM). dix a praise good expressed whenever selves, and call tor a gives good list of reference books. only person- Tickets for round trip 25 cts., for sale at State st On the contrary they are in a hopeless mudl there is an for from Fort Preble. opportunity it. al inspection to satisfy all. wharf and at the office of the Canadian Exprn* die with reference to the tariff and to fi- The Pall Mall Gazette of Mr. Robin- Company, Ju29d2t The Last Athenian. From the Swedish says nance in The of general. people the great son, he “belongs to that school of lit- SILK of Victor Rydberg. Done into English by pure Handsome Display of commercial and manufacturing States are erary essayists whose types are to be found W. W. Thomas, Jr. Philadelphia: T. B. the Trades and Plymouth School not willing to run any risks with them so in Lamb and North Sunday Peterson A Brothers; Portland: Loring’ Christopher and Oliver Will go on their long as they have confidence in the Republi- Wendell Ilolmes, but who seem to have Manufactures. Short A Harmon.) The appointment of the HATS. can It would be suicidal for died out for the most party. simply Hon. W. W. Thomas part with the pre-sci Fire Department with its Hand- ANNUAL PICNIC to the Swedish Mis- FRANK To the to weaken that confidence alli- Mr. We have an overstock of Silk and _ Sebago Lake, June 30. party by sion entific age.” Robinson in some Steamers and other Hats, Satnrday, has brought afresh to notice the trans- describing GOUDY, Arrangements have 1*een made for a ances Greenbackers or in will sell them at greatly reduced general good with repudiators his travels never wearies one with too much Apparatus. prices. time, and all friends outside the church are cordial, lation of a famous Swedish novel that ly invited to go with them. Refreshments oa the any form. The Democrats have in their fa- detail, and yet nothing escapes his keen ob- 561 canght public attention a decade ago. The Congress St., Between Oak & Green. grounds. vor the natural tendency toward change of servation. Ho has a wonderful knack at Jn21 dtf TICKETS Last Athenian is a remarkable and administration where one or- book, Can he obtained at Mrs. W. No. 2 Vernon party political was pen-pictures, vividly portrayed with a few Sawyers, pronounced by Fredrika Bremer the Court; Miss Emma Cummings, No. 237 street has been in High ganization long power. They best historical light strokes, and his versatility is remarka- and at Cbamberliu & Hoinsteds, corner Congres* novel ever written in the Swe- and Elm street*, and of the have an executive record of over twenty ble. TRUNKS committee at the depot. dish language—a verdict to which students Price of ticket.-Children, 35 ct*.; Adults, 50 eta. to assail. If bad a reasona- years they only of literature have He discusses the Chinese, whom he thinks TRAINS given hearty assent. The Leave at 3.25 decent and coherent to are “self-made tlie of Ogdensburg Depot a. m. and 12.35 bly public policy men, at any rate d° Telling Story Early Days. m. scene is laid in Athens, at the time of Juli- they p. sustain, the chances would be very largely not seem to have been made who THE LSr*If stormy, the picnic will be postponed till an the by anyone AND and the ATTENTION Apostate incoming of the Monday, July 2. je29d2t in their favor. If the Republicans should knew how to do it properly,”—and the Chi- new Christianity; and the resolute but ever- descend to their or even it nese in one level, approach question” breath, disposing very ■■■ ■■■ iosing resistance of the old religion, with its g* v i-V* to any great extent, by contaminating them- satisfactorily of both in a few words. His Greenwood Rink. sole worship of the beautiful, is DEDICATION OF MONUMENT and dishonest or portrayed BAGS. Jones Landing, Peak's Island. selves with demagogism three months in Utah give one much infor- with the vividness of a great historical T O Regular sessions daily from 2 to 6.00, and from ignorant isms, the scepter would not be long mation and insight; but few, probably, Now is the season for Trunks aud Bags, 7.30 to 10 p.m. Admission 15 cents, Skates 15 painting. The sweet daily life of a Grecian cents. Children at afternoon sessions 10 in from their hands. would with his conclusions and our stock is complete. Patent Ex- cents, in- passing agree in relation GENTLEMEN eluding skates. Good floor anil first class music. philosopher-the teacher of Julian—the the main FIRST SETTLER CLEEVES celsior Trunks (which no other dealer in The policy of relinquishing cita- to the Mormons, and look so BOItXEYdc CRAWFORD. Christian mob that surges the leniently upon Portland has) Zinc, Sole Leather, Canvas del in the endeavor to through the faults and follies of juu2Cdtf MANAGERS. capture insignificant streets of this people. Mr. and Crystalized Zinc Trunks. Athens; the sensuous Roman pro- is called to the elegant assortment of outposts has never been considered a wise Robinson takes a surface view of the whole Under the of the Grand consul; the dissipated pastimes of the giddy Auspices one. And this is precisely what those par- matter apparently; and yet he be Grecian youth; and the and noble may quite who so much stress pure ties advocate lay right in his judgment as to the wisest course of character of Hermione, the Lodge Masons, FINE of and philosopher’s READY MADE CLOTHING on the capture Virginia, for the United States Government to pur- daughter, are admirably portrayed. Es. Willinfon Sunday School will make an Ex- North Carolina. A careful ex- sue for the of perhaps pecially to those who suppression polygamy. Commemoration of the 2o0tlutnniversa- HAMMOCKS cardon to of the electoral votes enjoyed Kingsley’s of the which we have manu- amination of the sev- However Mr. Robinson’s readers may dis- ry Settlement of the City. finely made, recently Hypatia and Ebers’s stories of ancient times in all sizes, colors and prices. eral States is recommended to those who agree with some of his opinions, will factured and placed on our counters. will this book commend itself. Events in they think that energy can be spared from the all confess him to be one of the most de- LAKESEBAGO, that most trying period in the of the June 30tb. York and Ohio to be history Saturday, ^ contests in New dissi- lightful humorists of the day, with a highly Goods delivered in early Christian church are well pictured. OUlt STYES ARE CORRECT--OUR FITS EXCELLENT Portland, elsewhere. cultivated mind and a delicate and pated fertile ! Decring?, Cumberland Mills Tram leaves r. a O. at The disputes which grew fiercer after the ORATION I>epot 8,2.'. a. mV^j Rep. uem. fancy. and Saccarappn, free. “•“P- ">• Tickets f'H adults New York.38 New Jersey. 9 Council at Nice, on the question of the iden- 35 B0d«.,ygndren Ohio.23 Connecticut. 6 Our are as low as is consistent with of Christ with the BV HON. W. W. .IB. prices Clg-___ Pennsylvania.30 Colorado. 3 tity Father, resulting in THONIAS, Illinois .22 Indiana. .15 the formation of two distinct sects, each be Iowa.13 Nevada. 3 the And other exorcises in City I Tall at 1 Kansas.9 Oregon. 3 Sieving other to be heretic and therefore HON. WM. TAYLOR. p, m. GOOD GOODS. Maine.0 Greenwood Virginia.12 to be exterminated, and the fierce and Massachusetts. 14 Delaware. 3 many An Open Letter front an Ex-Sena- Carden, Maryland.8 which both COE, Saturday Michigan.13 bloody struggles followed, sects Eyen*;n^, June 30, Minnesota. 7 Missouri.16 • Gentlemen’s Fine to united in bitter tor of Massachusetts. Spring 0vcrsaeks$10 $27 Nebraska. 5 Mississippi.9 being hatred towards the New ... 4 North Carolina.11 h Gentlemen’s Fine Suits 8 to 28 Hampshire Jews and the heathen—all are described Office of Wm. Taylor, Pemberton sq,» Spring Portland Vermont.4 Sonth Carolina.9 Boston, Mass., Nov. 30, J Cadets, Wisconsin.11 West Virginia. 6 and illustrated powerfully and dramatically. Gentlemen’s Fine Spring Pantaloons 2 to 7 THE Island.4 Tennessee.12 It affords me pleasure to say that I have recovered Bhode The to fanaticism and Ball Christians, given up a Base Texas.13 from severe case of skin disease through the use Contest! / ROLLER 201 California. 8 every passion, urged on in their violent of the Cuticuba Remedies. My case which is SKATING, Arkansas.7 known to of our best physicians and t o thous- On Western Promenade courses bv many Alabama.10 unprincipled, politic leaders) ands of our citizens* has been reported fully in the at « and p. m. HATTER those Florida.4 ready to turn with every political tide and daily papers, who are interested are re- Georgia.12 ferred to it. It is not of it. however, that I now Kentucky.13 lead the persecutions against their former propose to wrjto, but of some features which I have ALLEN 197 Middle Street* to & A invariably found accompany the treatment of mm OF Louisiana.8 tnZ3 FIREWORKS, a COMPANY, aeon adherents, presents striking contrast to the skin and blood diseases which unnecessarily retard TICKETS a cure, These are: 1. A lack of as to / 35 Cents. 200 noble, calm, harmonious followers of the knowledge / je30 how the remedies suggested are to l>e used. 2. 470 CONGRESS ait This is giving the Democrats all the States Neo-Platonic philosophy. After the acces- Careless or spasmodic use of them. 3. Neglect of ST., Market Square, proper sanitary and hygienic meMuros and Fire do not and sion of Julian, who proclaimed to the world auxiliary Japanese Works tire Republicans actually need, treatment. 4. Want of patience necessary to ef- universal freedom of fect a permanent cure. It would seem nec- of than they will carry, but religion, came a time hardly more, course, essary to advise one who has out his for below Bramball No 6 of paid money York and or either of comparative peace to Athens, hostilities to master the directions and Munjoy Lodge transfer New Ohio, medicine, general phi- of treatment from the only to be renewed with Increased bitterness losophy recommended, by which alone Hill at KNIGHTS OF them, Republican column, keeping he can expect to make a cure. But such is often the 3 p.m. PYTHIAS. in mind what bearing such transfer will after his death. A love story runs through case. Many do not half learn how to obtain all the / effectof the the book of The remedies, because they do not half read DRUGS, GRAND EXCURSION have on other States, and it will lie found absorbing interest. charac- the pamphlet entitled Diseases accompanying them, —TO— to fill the from the other col- ters are drawn with power and feeling, the of the Skin and Blood, and How to Cure Them. impossible gap Others know so much more than the tone is originators MEDIC^ES, with of whatev- general pathetic, but with many that they feel in need of no instruction. In either s umn any degree probability — case there can be no success. The Cuticura ANpr is in the and bright touches, and the end Is as great LAKE SEBAGO. er. The fight right big States, tragic, the now blood should betaken Resolvent, purifier, Members of the ladies and accords with the wildness of the and Cuticura.and Cuticura Soap the oriftr, friends, will unite the must be freed from all the times. Internally in a Basket lMcuic at Republicans skin as Sobago Lake on The translation is done in great cures, applied externally many times CHEMICALS. outside embarrassments that little men strong, sinewy, per day as is found to agree with the nature ‘of the SHAM BATTLE idiomatic disease, and regularity and persisted in. FRIDAY, JULY o ex- The book has Dancing, Base Ball, Foot Ball, Croquet, and other passed through three edi* pected to favorably affect diseases which have been At J p. m., on Plain under V amusements, will be INFANTS’ IV" tne Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfnm- provided. Ice Cream, Lemon- in a chronic state. is it reason- FINE HOSIERY. Combs, tious. years reaching Nor and other McCarthy and W. L. who There is now an increased call for it— Brumhull llill. The most ry ami Articles in Ureat ade, refreshments for sale on the grounds. Page Royal, able to hope for cures in cases tortured for Fancy Variety. Confec- speedy the r and doubtless on account of the with arsenic, zinc Inciting Eveut'of Day. jotionerj; Cutlery Stationery. Also a line lino of Adnlts GO els. are figuring as friends of Bierne, one of the recognition by the years by physicians mercury, and Tickets, Children un- lead. Blood humors, whicn are bom in tue Kenlislic Imitation of tin Administration of the work and merits system der 12 of 40 cents. newspaper would-be duelists of Richmond, of in many cases, and in others have poisoned the Armed Contest. years age, for Trains w ill leave Eastern It. It. in the the distinguished translator. blood years, must, bo patiently treated, with all IMPORTED & DOMESTIC Station at 8.2S have both figured duelling way before. m. d.2B m. the aid obtainable of nourishing food and whole- Wc shall oiler TO-DAY three a, 12.3d ana p Returning will le.uvrfthe some I'jts l'}ike at and 10.110 McCarthy killed his man, and for nearly a exercise, to make a permanent cure. In my special 6.00, 7.10, j» m to accoiumo- own case I have experienced so much of of date those who wish to remain at the dance in the was in the hands of a sur- Germany Seen Without or failure, ol* Infants’ and full year afterwards Spectacles, despondency, of useless expenditures, of worthless three-quarter Icr^tii CIGARS. Evening. Tickets can be obtained of the committee aiui at the Station. a Random Sketches of Various advice, of long, increased suffering, Instead of geon recovering from wound received, and Subjects. A. G. relief, as promised, oi ignorance, of Fancy Hosiery. Grover, E. L. Robiuaon, W. A. Taylor M. Penned from Different In the speedy supersti- Royal was one of the wounded man’s sec- Standpoints tion, of irtdsons and poisoners, that 1 feel it both a Committee of Arrangement*. and pleasure not only to recommend to all J°,U) onds. The other affair was about a beauly Empire. By Henry Buggies, Late U. S. duty Cor. CONGRESS & GROVE STS. _dtd sufferers from every form of skin and blood diseases Lot No. 1 at *2.1 cts. who afterwards married another fellow. Consul at the Island of Malta and Barcelo- these pure and wholesome remedies, hut to empha- BAND CONCERTS size those points which have rendered a cure in POH.TLAKTD. affair is about words na, Spain. (Boston: Lee & New my Lot do. 2 sit 20 e;tg. This in a newspaper, Shepard; case possible, viz.; an intelligent, faithful, and per- but back of it is the Mahone-Bourbon Yord: Charles T. Dillingham.) sistent use of the Cuticura remedies. Lot do. .1 at F. B .unLANI). A. W. PIERCE. NFW COFFIN WARLR0018. quar- WM. TAYLOR. !M, cts. rel. Mr. Ruggles’s volume on Germany is very Trice: Cuticura Resolvent, $1.00 per bottlc- FIRE WORKS readable and Not that it con- CUTIUUKA, 50c. per box; large boxes, $1.00; Cirri. it means of interesting. Preseripilon Department Spec- The process by which planks <-uba Soap, 25c.; Cuticuba Shaving Boat, 15c; and tains anything especially new, but his point AT ialty Fully F<|iiippc. liter t» m. ul ?(l Park ... nil II our. of scarce and dear, and straw is so abundant pen cooking slove and apparatus, dishes &c., Ac., will EXTRA TRAINS. p. p Oil, .rlklg® pioveor exterminate.’’ bo sold for $400 cash. Persons wishing to view St. Office telephone 37lx. House on as Doubtless this is to be looked a nuisance to be. rid can call on the subscriber at J. BAR- *r,‘ **"' got of said property Every Accomodation to get telephone *dS1x. I A.owesi in iho true just and kind:y and People Executrix Mule. J0“'’, eily. of burning in the field. If the farmer criticism, those BOUR’S, above Pride’s Corner. Here and uSeodltu* d2w by CH KNIGHT. Safely Promptly. WHITE MOUNTAIN writers must be who AS. C. a first class stooR of his straw into as he pardoned mistake ex- sale CloUilng, Hats, can convert lumber, Westbrook, June 25th* 1883. Jun2(Jood8w* anil Gent’s ceptional cases for the and ‘.huB The Main© Central, Portland & Ogdeusburg, FOUCaps Furnishing G-oods, at store Dissolution. his wool into the rule, occa- UBG Main Street, Worcester, M-jss. It !h an op ICE CREAM FREEZERS. converts doth, qondilions Portland & Boston & Grand No. Rochester, Maine, with an established trr.de of 1* sionally misjudge. Mr. Buggies seems Nof ice. stand, yea rF nick. rilllE firm of RANDAL). & McALI.ISTER is this life in the North-West will he Trunk and Eastern Railroads, will all run be sold at a S'i.OO of greatly special Above stock will great bargain, ullj -1 day dissolved l»y mutud e >iisent. Both greally impressed with the of firm of O. M. & D. W. NASH was dissolved for s».r* part- degradation MpHE trains, at reduced and will utfonl ev- would take In exchange a. part good real ners arc auth rixed to claims duo r~ ameliorated, death of Daniel W. Nash. greatly rates, estate collect the Arm, the German -1- the 21st inst. by the unencumbered. Apply to ami Mr. John K. hand 'll dellvei ICE _ peasant the custom of for those to com© to will coutiuue the busiue** daily .. 1-1 nd In women, The business will he continued under the same firm ery facility desiring the city any oak's fc-DIN TOI.MAN under the same stylo. muuiti.ies tosmt. mn the students name the The steam best lines will also mule tb©usual Ororr* be M: -a the fo-t Thk Richmond Stale promises that every dueling among of the universi- by surviving partner. reduc M*lu JOHN F. RANDALL- I eak’s .June OLIVEB M. NASH. otreet, Otnce, Island. 25, 18$g. Mom. henry f. Southern State will go solid against Butler. ties, and the beer-drinking, which, however, Jun2Q cod2\r Je26dtd , JelOootlSw KENDALL & WHITNEY McAllister, •»*» I* JOXE*. V(«',MtW,jia»s. iun26 iliw Portland, Jane 27,1880. Jun28dlw julSdtf THE TRBMONT. FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION. T'FTTj T^ni^BS. The Govcr ment Chemist Analyses two NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.* MISCELLANEOUS. AUCTION SALES. of the Leading linking Powders/ and MORNING. JUNE 30. Arrival of the New Steamer. The Staff of the Chief Marshal. SATURDAY what he liuds themmade of "“mSIJRANOE 2 Valuable Properly by Auction Sale. I This new and have examined samples of ‘‘Cleveland’s CITY AND VIOINITY. elegant steamer of the Port, Tho Chief Marshal of the Fourth of July to the provisions of a trust deed to Steam Packet line Superior Baking I’owder” and “Royal PURSUANTme from Mary a. Waterhouse and others land Company’s left New celebration has issued the order dated March in ske following 26,1869, recorded the Cumberland Other Local Matter Final' Page.] York at 3 m. [Fob p. Thursday with quite a party naming bis aides for that day: Baking Powder,” purchased by myself lu [this PRENTI SSL Registry Book 376, page 106, and agreeably to the ORING, wish of a in sell bv en board for under the ROOM majority interest, I shall public Portland, command of City ok Porthand, j city, and I find they contain: PAPERS!; auction on the premises, on June TO- DAY Saturday, 30, N*W ADVERTISEMENTS Capt. Donovan. Among her' passengers wore Ofliee of Chief Marshal, Invites attention to tlie excellent 1883, at 3 o'clock p. m., the lot of land and build- J “flcvcltiud’n Huperior Uniting Powder.” ings thereon situated on the fide of Capt. John B. Coyle, Mr. C. \V. of the une JO, 1H8J. I northeasterly Iuglis, General Order A’u. I. Winter street in Portland, being the same firm of John & of Tartar formerly FINANCIAL. Inglis Sous, her Cream owned by Joseph Ayers, and aijoins that known as builders, Capt. The following named officers are hereby as- and Mrs. Titus Bicarbonate of Soda ihe “Nancy Hanson’’ lot, which is on the corner of Lewiston Bonds—Swan Barrett Merrill, of Norwalk, Conn., signed for duty on (he Staff of tho Chief Flour American ROOM PAPERS! Winter and Spring streets. The lot has a frontage Marshal on and Insurance NOTICES. Mr. Daniel of the occasion of the celebratiou of Go’s. of seven MISCELLANEOUS Herrick, New and a half feet on Winter York, Capt. B. S Available carbonic acid gas 12.01 per cent* English fifty 8treet and Fourth of July by the of Portland and runs backward from said Winter street Another Remarkable Cure—W W Whipple & Co Osborn, of the Nautical Gazette, Dr. Files and City equivalent to 118.2'cubic inches of gas per oz. uniformly will be obeyed aud tifty eight feet. The title to be conveyed will be ENTKKTAIN M ENTS. Charles H. respected accordingly: of Powder. i*c|»rcNcntc
