Portland Daily Press: August 12,1873
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862. TOL. PORTLAND TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 12, 1873. 12._ TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS EDUCATIONAL. REAL FOUND. LEI. any of success. ESTATE. WANTS, LOST, TO MISCELLANEOUS. prospect It does seem as if a Published the every day (Sundays excepted) by the press. determined attempt were about to be made to stifle the Republic. The is PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., Lost. To Let. Assembly omnip- Boarding and Day School, F. G. TUESDAY otent, and if the Is Patterson’s in No. 130 Middle Street MORNING, AUGUST 12,1878. Assembly determined to KNIGHT TEMPLAR gold crosB with key stone Story Store Those Baked restore At 109 Exchange St, Portland. SECONDover at No. 137 Beans. the monarchy there is not, so far as A on ->ack. The finder will be rewarded t'V re- Shaw’s Tea Store”. Inquire 12 Pine St., Portland, Me. across the au6*3w we can in in advance. turning the same to ALBION Middle entry. see, any power France strong Terms: Eight Dollars a Tear Real KEITH, Gossip and Estate Bulletin. street auglltf Gleanings. enough to hinder them. MacMahon be Lodgers* THOSE BAKED BEANS may THE Maine”STATE PRESS Misses Symonds, will re-open their School and Boarders Wanted. strong enough to play the role of General lor Young Ladies on Newtoudlaud rilWO — — Monk but the French are a THE TO on First-Class Dog Found. Gentlemen lodgers can be accommodated WHICH Tbe Indian question—“White man ; peculiar a got any people, la Thhbsdav Morning at *2 50 MftlVEV^ * a water in tlie published every THURSDAY, Bepterabcr 18th. of Real Estate Owner can have the same l v calling at w«jh good large room; Sebago rum ?” and it would not be at ail at *2 00 a Mortgages room. Also a 38 wonderful, strong year, if paid in advance, year. be in I or timid and Real Estate G. R. few Boarders wanted at No. Myrtle Catalogues may obtained of the Principals. vicinity. THE GARDINER’S, Brown’s Hill, Capo street. W. as MacMahon is with the army, if he should au7 bought and sold. Rents collected. Apply Elizabeth an8*6t au4dlw* C. COBB One Inch of space, d5w be found counting without his host. France Rites of advertising: to The has a a * Ohio River face. tnjrh of column, constliutes “square.” F. G. PATTERSON, is selling BY THE QUART, at his Bakery, remarkably long is evidently on the eve of another crisis, and > er dailv first week; 75 cents per It is $. 50 si|mire Abbott Family School for Boys, BOARD iy bostoy. twelve hundred miles from its head to its it remains to lw seen how she will comport w ek aft'jr; lluce insertions, or less, $1 00; continu- Real Estate and Mortgage Rroker, LOST! first NOS. 28 & 30 PEARL mouth. herself. The not to ing every other nay utter week, 50 cents. AT LITTLE BLUE, Farmington Mr. over Ijowell’s Jewelry Store, STREET, Republic ought go down iJ.iif fonare. three insertions or less, 75 cents; one ap25»ltf Cor. Congress & Krowu Sts. During the Summer Momtlis without a struggle. A royalist restoration week. «s 1 bo: 50 cents per week after. Autumn session will have been tested and pronounced will open August icth. All Evergreen Lauding, Tuesday, 5th inst, a fine If thou wouldst be free, joyful and calm, not make the Umpire impossible, nor will Ser eiA?, Notices, on© third additional. the Company can be accommodated at T1IE comforts of Home arc here combined with a for ATGold Necklace Chain with small charm attach- rjlKANSIENT take the means that it the I n ui Lead of f j oO Gothic Cottage Sale, No. 8 AUston street Boston. only cannot be affected quench hopes of republicans. The old “Amusements,” per square superior school. arc for or busi- ed. three insertions or less 50. Boys prepared college GOOD ! factions will per week; $1 ness. by accident—Virtue.—Biehter. remain, and the for su- Graduation and diplomas aro confered upon corner Verandah and Winslow streets1 The finder will please leave the same with Capt. A. C. FARLEY struggle V vertiwments inserted in the “Maine State all will be resumed. who finish the required course of study. Send East Peering, containing eight finished rooms, S. of Steamer Isow if you wish to can premacy Pr ss” (w hich has a circulation in every SITUATED Oliver, “Express.” Boston July 17 1873. jy21tf try them, yon by sending largo part for an illustrated circular, or address the stable on the premises. I ot 50 x 130. au7d3t n your order have them from the of the State) for $1 00 per square ior first Principal cellar, good Portland, August 6,1673. brought right oven The Timet says on the of insertion, julldSm ALDEN J. This desirable is in closo to the to your door That is a sensitive man who ‘‘alleged packing and 5i> ecui.8 for each inser- BLETHEN, A. M. property proximity any morning during the week. Or, if young slings per square subsequent Omnibus line. Price $>109. Terms you say you want them the Supreme Court President Grant: tion. East Peering Wanted. TACHT TO LET. Sabbath morning (as is the lemonade in a circus-tent. He mad be- by one-half cash; balance on t mo. Apply in person or custom) Mr. Cobb will have a fresh lot which got Address all communications to* GOOD Dre«s makers can can find work at M. ready The legal tender was decided to be un- by letter to F. G. PATTERSON, ho will send you Saturday evening. Then by put- cause an him PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Navigation School! 3 ARMAND’S, corner of Union and Middle streets in admiring country-man pointed constitutional so far as it relates to au6d2w Dealer in Real Estate, Tlie owner the Yacht Alarm ting them your own ovt n you can find them debts in- over Palmer’* Shoe Store. Come to work. going away, there out prepared will or week at breakfast time and save the to his wife as one of the Aztec children. curred before its on the 7th of NAVIGATION SCHOOL will l»e at No. lw be let to parties by the day unpleasant task ot passage Febru- opened auC_ and rising before you are and to the A March 3d, to be under daring tbe month of August Septem- ready hurrying bak- ary, 1870. The court then consisted of seven 15J Exchange street, For Sale. ber. furn- ery. "business cards! the charge of CapF. Edward Breen and C. H. Earley. Lost. Cabin and pantry completely acting memhers,and there were two vacaneiaa. ONE and half live ished. Orders left at Tobey & Co. P. N.—Take some Chicago pays out a deal of for Instruction will be given every afternoon by Cant. story House, finished rooms, Lyman, choice BROWN good money act II. in order. Price WO Commercial street, or on board the Yacht, The of Congress making the whole num- Breen, and Monday and Friday evenings by C. A good $250. Enquire of KILBY TRANSMISSION by mail certificate No. educational and is vexed to see A. SEW BREAD with them or an von like. purposes, ber of is The course will begin with decrnal arithme- & MERRILL, Carpenters. Spring street. au6dtw INfor twenty shares International Telegraph Com- a»5dtfT. ALL, Capt. not, judges nine, the one which is said to ~JAMES Farley. some of her name of business FLICKERING, tic, and well comprise .Plane, Traverse. Parallel Mid- pany standing in the undersigned. All per- ; ap!5tf prominent men hang out have been passed for the purpose of enabling the use of the use A Nice Surb sons are cautioned or Board. dle Latitude sailing; Logarithms; urban Residence against purchasing negotiating Quiet of “two wrent.” the President to the and secure of Nautical Latitude for the same and notice is »hat I have A signs pack court, WILLIAM and adjustment Instruments; hereby given GENTLEMAN and Lady wishing a quiet home Dissolution of the HOBSON, Chronometer. FOR LEASE. The commodious to the Treasurer of for the issue Copartnership. _ reversal of this decision. Yet this act by Sun and Stars, and Longitude by applied said company can find pleasant furnished or unfur- two story brick house on Stevens’ rooms, was Lunar observations will not be included in the course of a new certificate nished, with board at No. 4 Cotton Street. passed in April. 1871, ten months pre- C OUNSELLORS AT LA the late is Hereby thrt the firm ol RAN- The Governor of South Carolina W, but will be taught if desired. Plains, formerly occupied by M. PULS1FER. Also room for given spends vious to the decision it is to have been Win. L. Wilson. The con- auloaw3w_It. single gentlemen. jv2tf MCALLISTER & alleged The evening instruction will be given before the house NOTICEDALL, CO., is hereby dis- a 35 OI/D STATE HOUSE, solved $40,000 year. He probably pays too much meant to affect. it is im- whole class, when the various problems involved in '---—tains tweive finished rooms, includ- Agent for the State of Maine fo- by mutual consent. Plainly, therefore, Bath all in coo inarr that in BOSTON. navigation will be worked out upon the black-board ing Room, repair. The lot contains WANTED—Anthe best “Family Sowing Machine'* in the To Let. JOHN F. RANDALL, attention to what the Governor of North possible its first form the charge can aul aud illustratod suitable and more than an acre. Nice Grape Vines, also Apple ket; liberal terms will be given to the right HENRY F.