- JPORTT j A WD DAILY PRESS. / ENTERED AS S Κ CO Ν 1)1 MAIL PRICE THREE CENTS. MONDAY JUNE 28, 1886. CLASS liATTERj ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862--V0L. 24. PORTLAND, MORNING, BASE IN A BALL. A SERIOUS RIOT. Court of the United States under the CAPSIZED SQUALL. bill and tlie present intention is to allow a preme NEW advertisements. DAILY PKESS, FROM WASHINGTON. Constitution. In the famous legal tender ÛIIKCELLANEOin. THE PORTLAND debate 011 the measure before putting with the •lay's cases, Judge Davis was found siding Two Women and Four Small Chil- New England League. Published every day (Sundays excepted) by it on its If the temper of the passage. at the minority of the court—which a year or PORTLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY, House is favorable this bill will be followed The Lake Shore Strikers Chicago XEWBCBYPORTS, β; PORTLANDS, 4. A Hearing to be Civen the Friends of two later became the majority by the ap- dren Drowned. Portland, Me. other bills in the order in which Violence. at the ball game at New- At 97 , by forfeiture Resort to of new the doctrine The spectators Mr. Reed's Bill for the Protec- on the calendar and their consid- pointment judges—in Address all communications to they stand acts of making mon- the full worth of their money HAVE YOU GOT the con- that the Congress paper Pbovilence, R. I., June 27.—Λ pleasure buryport got tion of Mackerel. eration and necessary action upon and PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. a legal tender were constitutional, the three and afternoon, as thirteen were ference reports will nil out one week. the IVlob and the ey party, comprising principals Saturday innings Conflict Between must be applied to debts existing be fora some of the of the who insurmountable parliamentary employes, lithographing necessary to determine should win, and Apparently Police. were given a forced currency by firm of Tanner, Girsch & Co. of this city, A Backache, Drawing-down Pain, Weary, Tired THE WEATHER. that obstacles threaten to thwart Morrison in his greenbacks when the score was Ex-Congressman Sweat Denies act of went down the in the cat boat after the seventh inning, Disinclination to and desire to secure the action of the House on Congress. bay large Feeling, labor, Scanty High the David Davis' funeral will take place this When in at Pat- was Intense. The N'ew- Washington, June 28. He Violated Privileges of his resolution directing redemption of United Judge Wanderer morning. tied, the excitement Colored Urine? If you have any of these troubles Seri- afternoon at 3 o'clock. Senator Cove on the east end of Prudence Is- for New House. States securities to the extent of treasury Several Men Killed and Others Tuesday ter's did some heavy hitting, and had you may be sure you have Kidney Disease. Are The indications Maine, Hamp- Floor of the will be one of the bearers. The in the the was buryports is not un- Logan pall land, late afternoon, boat cap- but the surplus. The resolution privileged Wounded. m. men on and again, field- you bilious? Have you jaundice? Do you have a shire and Vermont are generally fair weath- ously body will lay in state Tuesday from 9 a. sized in a suuali and five of the persons were bases again der the present rules of the House nor is the was sallow Are troubled with con- to 2 p. m. AH business houses are draped drowned. The lost far as learned is Mrs. of tho Portlands magnificent, and complexion? you er, stationary temperature. Tariff Bill to be Intro- bill for needy naval establishments ing Outline of the providing and the mayor has issued a proclamation E. Farmer and her young child, two The visitors were stipation? If so, you have Liver Complaint and Thunder storms are reported in Savannah but in each case the promoter has deter- G. runs were at a discount. Randall Chicago, 111., June 26.—Shortly after the all places of business during the fu- Mrs. Charles W. should read the testimonials duced by Representative to secure, if some ac- closing young children, Girsch, of their five errors let. following Apollinavis and Charleston at 10 a. nx. mined possible, was very unlucky, three the tracks neral. G. who the House the next ten days. Lake Shore strikers blockaded William Bragdon, employed by which were Mus. Chas. IIathorn, 51 Pearl St.,Bangor, has "THE OF TABLE WATEES." The indications for New England are fair tion by during of the boat. The in four runs, two of on QUEEN one this the the firm and was in charge ting been low with Disease she had been and nother- The Senate proposes to devote day last night by throwing empty ears, night In the very Kidney ; HAS RECEIVED THE weather, stationary temperature President Cleveland Cives the Demo- THE BLUE AND WHITE WINS. rescued members of the party were taken to Kearns' muff of a pop fly thirteenth week to the consideration of the veto of the of 11 coaches, and carry- confined to her bed for some time. Had a con- ly winds. express, consisting Prudence Island. were out. cratic Leaders a Broad Hint. I)es Moines land bill and another to execu- inning, when two men Flanagan, stant and intense Very the United States mail, ran down the the struck the boat she HIGHEST AWARD, REPORT. tive if so much is required. To- ing The Race Between the When squall in batting, while the LOCAL WEATHER business, University feet of water and Shannon and Lovett led the bill to the adjust- west-bound track, but, finding the track about two right- LONDON,, 1884, Portland, Me., June 27, 1886. morrow providing Harvard and Columbia Crews. shipped In the cabin and car- of Cull, Galligan and which stands as unfin- ing immediately sank. fielding Flanagan, [Special to tlie Press,] ment of laud grants, blockaded, ran back and was switched on six fine. Cull made AND IS SUPPLIED UNDER 17 α μ ι li a m ; ;i ι· μ i 7 r m m ex- ried down with it were Miriam Farmer, Wheelock was exceptionally jii £ ished will be discussed. It Is ever seen on June 27.—The Senate com- business, the east-bound track. At Charles some most brilliant 20.840 2!>.U06 Washington, will be de- Fifty-first street, June 26.—Columbia years old, May Girsch, 12 years, of the plays Barometer 29.623 29.058 29.750 pected that the rest of the week New London, Ct., came in the ROYAL WARRANT on fisheries will a to the a Lottie Garland, 13 years. the and his errors shape Thermo' r. OC.3 107.3 03.9 158.7 56.0 mittee give hearing to the and the post office just before the train reached the switch, has won her first victory on the Thames Girsch, seven years, grounds, TO voted legislative be- fine The score: Dow Point 00.5 67.1 53.3 51.0 a and it was the best Mrs. Farmer floated away, and Bragton, of wild throws after stops. BACKACHE |03.5 friends of Congressman lieed's bill for the bills, the latter coming upon man ran out and turned the switch as the course over Harvard, 81.0 78.0 82.3 184.8 appropriation went to aid her but Humidity. [87.0 of the conferees. The race that ever took place here. The course ing an expert swimmer, NEWBURTPORTS. H.K.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. Wind W NW NW Ν Ν protection of mackerel during the spawning disagreeing report train came along. The locomotive jumped him and both TO. rO. A. M. river and harbor bill will be but was in condition, there was scarcely she evidently clasped firmly ΛΒ. Β IB. Velocity... 4 8 11 12 β at 10 o'clock. Sen- reported tender and the for- perfect six victims of the 3 5 7 4 1 season Tuesday morning until next week as the the track, carrying the wind or the compet- sank from sight, making Shannon, Sb 7 2 Weather.. Cloudy IL Rain Cloudy Cloudy I Threat will not be taken up any tide, consequently Ο Ο 3 1 I other of Disease. lier on behalf of the off in that direc- Laroque, cf 7 ο with all symptoms Kidney ator Hale, who is at work fiscal year will expire before the end of the ward truck of the first coach with it. ing crews had no assistance catastrophe. 8 10 Ο ο Mean daily bar...29.7601 Maximum ther .011.8 Columbia's Flanagan, lb β 1 4 husband was called home as she was dangerously notice of the to week and only one of the regular of the not tion. These facts considered, 1 1 1 0 1 Mean daily ther. .62.1 I Minimum ther. .56.5 bill has telegraphed hearing present The engineer express, although Yacht Prlscilla. Whltely, If β Ο 111 he Brown's she was bills has become a law. time was even better than with her race Arrival of the 2 ϊ » 2 1 ; bought Sarsaparilla; Mean daily d'w pt. 56.4 Max. vel.wind... 20NW» in Portland and appropriation yet a fiendish Wilson, c β Ο parties interested Boston, suspecting that such attempt last when 0 0 3 1 cured and Is now about her houso In better Mean ham.... 81.7 ITotai;precip. 05 Congress will be required to make with the Pennsylvania Thursday, Maubleiiad, June 27.—V'acht Motrisonjss 0 0 0 by It, daily will be provision Mass., 1 1 Ο and it is expected a number present. for the executive departments. This is ex- would be made upon his train, nevertheless covered the four miles in 20m. 4ls. Co- here this O'Brien, rf β 2 1 1 health than for years. The testimony of her tkey Priscilla arrived morning. 3 3 β « Apollinavis *At 5.35 p. m. with a resolution and so liimhin'a t.inm tndav was 21m. 38s. and Har- Lovett, ρ Ο 1 3 The committee charged investigating to be done by passing went at half by doing 3 friends is that Brown's Sarsaparilla saved lier life. pected only speed, 6 0 0 0 1 8 "THE 0Γ TABLE WATEES." of the continuance for a few days yard's 22m. 3. Cull, 3b QUEEN report. ex-Congressmen for violated privileges authorizing prevented a most serious wreck Mb. Charles Patterson, Engineer, Bangor, meteorological for the several branches probabiy As soon as the result of the race was 27 14 " of the expenditures and loss of life. Totals 56 β 14 20 39 caused over ex- P. the floor held their first meeting Saturday great was the a THE RUSSIAN Μ Κ I EkLi was cured of Kidney Disease, by The defective sewerage system of many (June 27,1886,110.00 M.) of service upon the basis of the appropria- in of the known, the band in streets, pro- Ter- A Lake Shore engine, charge town made PORTLANDS. ertion, lifting, etc. our Observations taken at the same moment of time morning. Mr. Voorhees, of Washington tions for the year. The proposition cession formed and a tour of the our cities and the present rebutai CIC»*, ICXb nue 1UU1IU uvuou ouuiuj IB. TB. PO. A. *■ of no-drainage of at all stations. Tin: a of fireworks. The crew ar- AB. Κ. E. J. Watson, Fern St., Bangor, was cured of who preferred the charges, charged may a cause a short discussion. policy 12 o'clock. Two cabooses were at- amid display Peculiar Exist ο ο towns and rural districts are ritory, after at and were Co-operative System If β 0 5 larger poi- xnermo'ier rived from their quarters 10.:», Galligan, 3 Kidney Disease by Brown's Sarsaparilla. Sweat, οί Portland, witn ueing an attorney tached to it. On each caboose were about 15 Ing Among All Laborers. Kearns, ss 5 0 the sources water as to confusion because expenditures escorted in the procession on the shoulders 6 Mrs. C. P. Bkackett, of Hermon, had Kidney soning very of potable leading of town of Lake polico and 20 Pinkerton Wheelock, 2b 4 0 for the Northern Pacific, and with having made accounts for of students and received a perfect ovation 2 in instances." are thus often upon men. Hatfield, 3b 4 0 Disease. Could not sit up but one or two hours at many Sweat ac- found that the line to the Crocker House. The Boston Commercial Bulletin. 2 lobbied on the floor in its beliali. which it is afterwards Congress at a rate no faster along Sheffler, cf 5 1 sick λ. ν λιι i-fci v Place ο! The train proceeded 1 a time. Had a constant tired feeling and err, /a.m., m.is., no at all in tho regular ap- celebration of the victory is the noisiest have a form of rf 4 1 ZS an attorney for the North- makes provision than a walk until it arrived in The Russian people peculiar O'Rourke, President the Medical c 5s knowledged being is a state- Englewood, over the races. lb 5 1 10 headache, together with the usual of Society of a bill. The following ever held here college a or Cavanagh, Observation. ■M S propriation when the officers mounted the cow-catchers It consists of combination 9 the State of New York. ern Pacific, but denied the rest of the charges, condition of the regular co-operation. Reilly.c 5 0 ment of the present of both and the train started off at 1 February 3, 1880. that he had refused to talk to bills to become a law, engines club, called artell, and is, to a certain extent, Haley, ρ 6 1 SI and claimed annual appropriation the rate of two miles an hour. A large The Salvation Army Camp Meeting. "The APOLLINARIS had tried to Indian bill awaiting the akin to the co-operative societies of West 6 39 20 the — purity of π members on the floor who open appropriation crowd of the strikers had rushed ahead of June 27 thousand people Totals 43 4 5 President's : The military academy- Weirs, Eight almost be called tem- the best the dan- with him on the sub'ect of the approval the train and set out for Englewood at a seventh Europe. They might 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 offers security against conversation houses but is now in the hands were here today to attend the day lnnings.1 passed both dead run. As the train's was acceler- In noinadic communi- which are common to most the New London 29.90 —5 NW Northern Pacific. The committee will give a the speed exercises of the salvation army camp meet- porary associations. Newb.. .1 10100100000 gers of of a conference committee ; post office, soon and a storm Mass 29.9'i —7 NE ated the crowd was passed o'clock a service was Portl's. .0 01 3 00000000 0—4 Boston, an of agricultural, ing. At two baptismal ties, artells are unions of liandi-craftsmen, waters." Me 29.86 —0: NE further hearing at early day. army, District Columbia, of stones and cinders were thrown into the BACKACHE, orditiary drinking Eastport, and held and fifty-three were baptised by Gen. is Earned 2. Two-base hit— consular and servants, etc., the object of which runs—Newburvports, London Medical Record. Mt. wash't'n Personal. diplomatic, pension, men on tha outside of the engine and this service about ten feet carters, Three-base hit—Shannon. Home run 50 NW the House and are re- Moore. During Flanagan. Portland, Me 29.90 have passed awaiting cabooses. A cry of rage went up from the into Lake to work, and sometimes even food, First base on balls—Portlands, 3. that Disease. Her husband Y 29.95 62 Ν of is here. the Senate committees. The river of the loig steamer pier extending provide —Klanagau. accompanies Kidney Albany, ST. J. W. Davis, Jr. Bangor, port from throats of the mob as the engines dashed by. First base on errors—Newburyports. 4; Port- New York... 29.90 69 x2i NW executive Winnepesaukee gave way, precipitating fifty for all its members. There are, therefore, 4. took Brown's to and its use and harbor, naval, and legislative, Milwaukee & St. Paul en- 5 ; by Haley, Sarsaparilla her, by 70 -4i Ε the Democratic Leaders. Soon a Chicago, into the women and chil- lands. 4. Struck out—By Lovett, Norfolk, Va. 29.92 A Hint for and are under consideration in the persons Take, men, different kinds of artells. In this way, the Shannon, Flanagan. she was cured, and can now run a sewing machine 74 x3 W judicial and one belonging to the Nickel Plate from Double plays—Lovett, Philadelphia. 29.90 is that civil is in course of prep- gine dren. Many had a narrow escape 1 2. Stolen bases— for 70 —1 NW Washington*, June 20.—It reported House ; the sundry the crowd of strikers. The custom-house officers and merchants provide Passed balls—Wilson, ; Reilly, and do work about her house better than Washington.. 29.91 road passed one being rescued just in sea- on 8W the before leaving on his junket, aration the House committees on appro- drowning, baby Lovett, Shannon. Left bases—Newburyports, Mr. there must have been Atlanta, (ia.. 29.97 68 —10 President, by engines were on their way to Englewood its life. But for the assistance for the contracting with them ball—(TBrien. years. Brackett says W leaders to understand and fortifica- son to save work artells, 11 ; Portlands. 3. Hit by pitched Charleston... 29.99| 72 —6 gave the Democratic priations, general deficiency to do some for the roads to have one hundred call to see her and all agree W yards switching from the crowd near by numbers would the of members to look after their Time of game—2 hours 30 minutes. Umpire— people Apollinavis Jacksonville. 29.95 82 xl that it would not be possible to adjourn by tions. as the for supply which they belonged, but they passed their Thiswas the that that famous Brown's Sarsaparilla cured her a 30.03 72 —91 NE not bills in of the President. lost lives, largett baptism- of the Dailey. "THE QUEEN OF TABLE DATEES." Savannah,G July 15, and that he should sign Return crowd were boarded by 100 furious men, In the goods, the loading and unloading AT BOSTON. of Disease. New Orleans 29.90 78 x2 S they al service ever held around the lake. Kidney haste. bearing the who without toot are also formed in 3 Cincinnati, 0| 29.95 66 x0| NE The steam yacht Corsair, ceremony undisputed pos- evening a grand prayer meeting was held in same, etc. Such unions Innings 1 2 456789 J. W. Tibbetts, M. D., Stetson, Me., prescribed "Filthy streets may be bad, and defect- W here at 1 ο clock The were at first Ο 1 Ο 0 C Ο 1 δ 0-13 29.92 69 —11 A Postmasters's Nomination Re. Presidential party, arrived session. engines supposed the pavilion. They have received over one barracks to for the soldiers ; travel- Ηaver h ills Brown's for all forms of and Memphis 66 NW the Po- provide Blues Ο 00000300—3 Sarsaparilla Kidney ive drainage and sewerage worse, but Pittsburg — 29.94| —ol this afternoon for her cruise; down to have been taken from the Lake Shore hundred converts during the past week and Boston 63 -2 Ν who accidentally meet on the road, and 13. Liver Disease. the diseases the diar- Buffalo, N.Y. 29.98 jected. tomac and bay. The party are round house. Then began one of the most will remain here over another Sabbath. lers Base hits—Boston Blues. 4; Haverhills, for promotion of of 29.98 69 —0 NE Chesapeake form an 4. Cleveland.. The Senate has the nomination of all well. They did not land at all and did exciting races races on record. Faster and wIh) separate after a certain time, Errors—Boston Blues, 17; Haverhills, rheal there is no like the Detroit 30-04! 62 —8 NE rejected type agent pol- Seenian to be at Dennison, little fishing. The President is much faster new the|Lake Shore train, and faster Backs Teemer. artell and defray their travelling expensea AT BROCKTON. — 29.97' 58 x2 SW John postmaster very A Man Who luted water Oswego nomination for that and to have been benefit- and faster came its pursuer. Thirty, 40 and and the cost of their food out of the common supply." Alpena,Mich 30.00 58| —4 NW Iowa. His is the second sunburned appears a Innings 1 23456789 an hour were covered bv Pittsburg, Pa., June 27.—John Newell, 4 Ο Ο 1 3—9 ."BROWN'S A. Van der Chicago, Ills. 30.04 63 Ν office that has been rejected. The first was ed by his short vacation. then fully 50 miles treasury. Lawrences Ο Ο 1 Ο Veer, A.M., M.D., NE still the well-known sporting man of this city, offers formed even for a Ο 01 100003—6 Dulutn. INI inn 30.19 48 ri' A. li. Keith, whom the Senate refused to con- in the pursued, and pursuers crept up. An artell is sometimes Brocktons President of the Medical Society of 45 NW! Manning Improving his feet on the to back John Teemer against Jacob Gaud- in the case of 6. Er- Marquette. 30.15 firm because the paper? on file in the depart- Secretary Walt Pinkerton jumped to few hours—as. for example, Base hits—Lawrences. 16; Brocktons, the State of New York. Ν for race of a side. The race to Milwaukee 30.04 61 ment showed that lie had agreed, if appoint- Health. hind platform of the last caboose and a re- aur, a $2500 servants who have accompanied their mas- rors—Lawrences 6 ; Brocktons, 9. February 3, 1886. Mol 29.99 72 X4 NE from :t to 5 miles with turn and take 8t. Louis, the of his office to the volver Hashed in his hand. "Back, back," be place ter's to a ball. These form an artell to leok " 29.99 63 —8 NWj ed, to devote salary Thomas J. Brennan, Secretary Manning's of TUE STANDING. The contam- St.Paul,Miim Democratic has returned lie but was answered by cries of on Chautaqua Lake before the departure after the and then distribute the dangerous qualities of Omaha, Neb, 30.02 67 —3 Ε establishment of a weekly paper secretary, who just cried, only property, with the Newburyports SARSAPARILLA and private derision from the dense which com- Teemer and Gaudaur for England. Newell received. The workmen engaged Saturday's game inated water are not obviated 30.08 74 x4 Ν to be in the Gorman language, a visit to his chief at Hot Springs, says crowd, drinking Bismarck,Da printed from is to make it a race of gratuities that club in 30.18 62 2 Ε since he took of tlie lie has covered the pursuing As it willing sweepstate m a building, or in doing any other dropped the Portlands below the addition wines or St. Vincent.. because, charge office, that the report that Secretary Manning pletely engine. to Gaud- erecting and by of spirits." 29.891 71 χ 5 Ε the drew the faces of the strikers could from 81000 to S2.W0, open Uanlan, to form an artell. the leaders Is guaranteed to do all claimed for it> any Denver had spent most of his time doing political suffered a relapse is incorrect. He left nearer, kind of work, join together the league, but the contest among Medical Officer of 29.81 59 xl S volumes of smoke aur and all comers. "Les Ouvriers Eu- will back if it does Privy Council, Cheyenne.... work. very much improved in bo seen through the dense Le Play, in his work follows : druggist give you your money 29.72 88 xl W Secretary yesterday be- is still a close one. The standing England. m Paso Senators on tho Sick List. in He says Mr. left behind by the engines of the Lake Shore says : "In Russia every person not. Remember also we print only home testi- Yankton— 30.01 65 -5 Ε health and good spirits. Cattle. ropéens," now as at train as tore along. The pursuing en- Importing Valuable to the working class is surrounded monials from reliable "Use but Natural Mineral Dead wood.. 29.91 67 NW number of Senators Manning is in as good health any they longing people. nothing There are an unusual of the caboose a numerous with time for six months before his recent illness, gine arrived within a few feet June 27.—Steamship Boston City tbrougliothis life by family, Brown's is sold all for Β. Α. Κ dîne y. laid illness. Mr. Mitchell of Pennsyl- Boston, as a Sarsaparilla by druggists Waters, such as APOLLINARIS, up by of a lame- when the town of Lake polico jumped in- arrived from which he lives in absolute community u. S. in his seat since and that with the exception slight of Furness line, which today «1.00; 6 bottles for $5.00. ARA WARREN, Pro- Private, Signal Corps, vania has not been February, and closed an* locked the door behind of noted all misfortunes which might all with his for ness all effects of that attack have disappear- side, London, brought a valuable herd guard against free from vegetable poisons." having a serious trouble eyes, tiie Pinkerton and three of if were isolated. The workmen prietor, Bangor, Me. jel0eodly-lstor4thpcF Boston Sena- ed The Secretary expects to remain at them, leaving Walt red Polled Norfolk and Suffold cattle, con- happen they Journal. which lie is being treated at his home. on the and into the towns to MAINE. a week or ten and go from his men with newspaper reporters of 18 and three bulls. One who go abroad large tor Morrill is still very ill with inflammation Hot Springs days, sisting yearlings to some time. rear A huge lump of coal sailed Gen. L. F. Ross undertake different kinds of work, and who SPECIAL NOTICE**. of the bowels. Senator Sabine has been laid there to New York State pass platform. of the latter is imported by Commencement at Bates. the followed by three or four are of this protection for the first and is still confined to his through air, of Iowa City. deprived up three weeks and a Pinkerton man fell hasten to the loss by forming Lewiston, June 27.—The commencement had to leave the Sen- coupling Dins, time, repair bed. Senator Mahone Crop Report from the West. headlong from the platform: Crack, crack, FOREIGN. associations, which are known by at Bates Sunday with a severe voluntary exercises College opened ate and go his hotel Thursday and a June 27.—The crop summary in went Wait Pinkerton's revolver, the name of artells." with the baccalaureate sermon by Presi- attack of cholera morbus and is still quite ill. Chicago, ûtrïlroi. foil f\fF fho «niTÎr»A Off fchftV IlinTOPfl an association of of tho Parmer's Review Fishermen Picked Up at The writer then describes Portlaw DR. Ε, B. Edmunds is from a severe cold, this week's issue Cloucester 011 REED, Mr. suffering a "One Brocktons dent The text was: "Pray ye, has been like with the exception oï dozen this kind. He says: workman, Cheney. for a few states that the harvesting of wheat sheep, Sea. Apoïlinaris and came to the Senate Thursday ----- Ύ7-.— i.—τ... itrîc.- about iO Bostons. — at first fire. the others in St. Petersburg, joined that he .a».v" men, the Possibly his arrival therefore, the Lord of the harvest, on the CUilUiUUCU. Ill Xi:iiuvooiICAIi ROOM* are ruined by Another shower of stones, which smashed Germanic of the line, tain sum of money treasury even more was of the Senitc for the wheat field reported "Pure water is : Senator Frye out Kentucky, without June 17th for this and Liver- Four members were then ap- important Matt, ix 38. and in one half of the windows of the caboose, doing New York port of the artell. first time since lie was elected, from illness, black rust, Fayette fully She had on board business : milk." New York Herald. before the class The in serious damage to any one on the platform, pool, arrived here to-day. to carry out the general Maine Intercollegiate League. 592 CONGRESS ME. :npure The sermon Theological for two tiiis week. Senator Jones, of the crop was ruined. average yield schooner pointed out for ST., PORTLAND, days 15 to 25 and more revolver shots, also apparently two of the crew of the fishing the 'artelltschik,' who had to look " this llev. James L. still love sick in and has these States is reported at from COLBY, 14 ; BATES, 4. Water with sewage is poi- evening was. by Phillips, Florida, is Detroit, were fired the officers, and Lillian Baxter of Gloucester, Mass., named to settle the price at which it was to treats all chronic diseases that flesh is polluted i»nf heart h the closest contest in and es- June a gentleman The Lake .Shore train was stopped vessel (luring a dense fog they entrusted tne control υχ nw with their full name and place of residence and creased popular professional Faismingtox, |2ϋ.—During heavy that Jones most of his as to indicate any wide-spread danger. glass. athletics. Detroit, says spends as the at a full the trawls. 'Jlieir boat was driven treasurer. At the commencement of the in the history of Maine college one 2-cent stamp and $2.00. Examination at the :/i as a and Table here this a has Rains over large areas of Dakota, just engine again approached tending t, agreeable thunder shower afternoon, large time the streets. He ceased a a which up a few consisted then of office and consultation free. pure promenading prevailed outlook for spring head of steam and struck the rear caboose out to se· by gale, sprung winter the artel], which The throughout has been remark- SI, British Medical in owned Miss Palm with his attentions, and improving the general of their vessel. work playing Water." Journal. barn on Mosher Hill this town, by tofannoy an blow that threw the thoroughly frightened hour* after they nad lost sight 05 members, was again dissolved. The Officr. ilAiii-H—(j)U. lit. lo p. iu. aplOsntf which she left wheat and apparently insuring able for steadiness and brilliancy. Some of and she has returned to her home, greatly, the tloor and shivered had drifted about for three days before had been done consisted in the load- was struck lightning to every They which ~ Eugene Lane, by average The general average through- policemen i-L —«·««« iîVù fΚίΐ 1 to o irnnriA hp.tween to escape him. yield. in the cars. The police left were up, and suffered terribly and unloading of ships and in looking with a lot of hay, farming tools, ect. out the country of both wheat and oats was pane of glass they picket ing burned, and held a with from hunger and exposure. in the town. The meals were and and the 2 to 1 game Effect of a Veto. 10 to 15 per cent, before the drouth the dangerous ground parley thirst, after gardens Colby Bowdoin, Three children were in the barn at the time, reduced which was that and the cost the The situation in Minnesota has the strikers, the result of taken together, defrayed by tnrtween and Maine State, have been of Gen. U. S. was was broken. twii oaluiiwoe wow The Comlne Elections. union dis- Colby but were not hurt. The loss is not known. The widow Hunter, Α., ».t .«où "i fcUrt îaiw Αηβίηοά- urw] artell treasury. Oil the being Uill in nut. materially imjorawA ever in the State. ko jiluickad hv tiu* vnt<* the wuMiiin In Iowa back to the Root street crossing. 27.—In Ireland 77 Parnellite the sum of money remaining in the among the best played Cochom Normal 8υΙιυυΙ. have some fear as Iowa ana ΛιΤοι aska is reported. pulled London,June solved Tho her favor that her friends were with no and the amount of oi the Bate» of rain has been very pressing, It is stated that three strikers shot, candidate» will meet opposition, treasury was divided, Two weeks ago the prospects Apollinaris June 27,—The anniversary exer- to the result. the necessity In I.ondon equally BLANK Goxihasc, are several be contested. individual not BOOKS and oats but beside these there probably seven seats will done each being f"w wore of wheat work by and TABLE WATEBS." and the prospective yield In team were most flattering, "THE QUEEN OF cises of the Gorliara Normal School com- to Introduce a Tariff to 20 cent. killed or wounded by falling from the rapidly nine seats will not be contested. taken into account at all." The savings of Mr. Randall has already been lessened 15 per Tory to the ser- in Non» of the were Unionists and Conservatives will member amounted to about 8-5 in our willing assign Colbys"*U^^T~— the inhabitants cities menced today. An able baccalaureate Bill. Corn prospects continue very promising moving engines. police Scotland each "If of great and Southwestern injured. contest 60 out of 72 seats. ond place. But by winning three successive was delivered Kev. Frank T. Bayley both the Northwestern currency. could see the that is concealed in the mon by June 27.—Mr. Kandall will The Lake Shore officials this forenoon, an- The for associations, deeply filth Washington, States. on the Situation. disposition games, one from each of their competitors, of text from James 4tli chapter, in the written notice on Froude the water which they use, and trace every Portland, to-morrow introduce his tariff hill ticipating trouble, served rooted In tue Sclavonic race, penetrates the latter now iind themselves at the top of verse. "For what is life." Wednesday The he does not contain the sheriff of Cook county of the condition the historian, writes : Tho Irish whole Russian working class. As soon as any and to its 14th House. hill, says, RESULT OF A LARK. Fronde, the list with the Bates. The schedule games drop particle source, disgust or and is de- of affairs along the lino of the road, and obedient if (irmly but justly one commences to learn a handicraft, the oth- evening June 13th, Miss Charlotte Mont- anything novel extraordinary, existing will be loyal have all been played, land it is left for the a nd na usca would be su rotection. to build up much needed industries, and notifying him that lie and his sureties They are as little capable of er workmen take him in hand, look after his decide which shall have the flicientρ read a and signed governed. two teams to gomery of Ueering, will poem and remove for damages as a crew or an him A workman is New York Times. revise these that are languishing, A Harvard Student Reçoives Probably would be held responsible any themselves ship's and find lodgings. by a single game. This will prob- of will deliver the strikers. There is in Ireland a meals, one trade pennant Prof. John S. Sewall Bangor, in equalities in the existing law. He does Fatal Injuries. which might be indicted by Up foverningInglish pnblic school. likewise permitted to cnange from ably be played on the Portland grounds next "Pure water is only to be obtained ex- the bill is a or a to 2 o'clock this afternoon the railroad offi- and miserable where be is made a member of an- au address berore the alumni. Closing not claim that complete per- discontented population, to another, Wednesday. but holds that no on the Governor for and hatred The Russian classes NATURAL SOURCES." with fect measure of tariff revision, cials had made demand among whom desire separation other artell. operative The following is the score : from aminations occur Thursday, July 1st, and June 27.—On Saturday night, but are to do Another of of whose aim Lancet. it is a decided step in the right direction, Boston, for protection, expected hourly of England are universal. part consist of a number artells, only COLBYB. exercises in the a ot Harvard students out miser- class parts and graduation a sufficient indication of the policy that June 18th, party so. the is neither discontented, however, is to provide food for all. Among into saloon on population All. K. IB. Til. PO. 1. ■. "APOLLINARIS WATER issues alumni will be should he in remodelling tariff and for a lark went McEvoy's The crowd is still in possession of the •able nor disloyal. The proposed legislation the cab drivers the artell has aleady assumed evening. The meeting Friday pursued "clean it out." F. Goodwin, ρ Β 3 2 4 1 17 Ο in rates Court street, intending to at street. with a and worthy minority at of societies cabs and a embedded in a dinner. revenue laws. Changes proposed yards Forty-third Returning would place loyal the form co-operative ; Putnam, cf 6 1 Ο Ο 10 Ο 1 spring deeply rock, morning followed by were and were remonstrated the crowd and worthless. It from are to go into effect January 1,1887. Addi- They noisy, the captured caboose and engine, the mercy of the mutinous horses are provided at the common expense, Webber, lb when one of the students 4122900, and is therefore of ABSOLUTE Commencement at the State College tions t<* the free list are square tim- with by McEvoy, overturned several box cars on the tracks, is the least promising expedient ever pro- and business carried on in the same way. The Larrabce, »s 6 1 θ 0 1 Ο Ο present his cane over the head, Ρ aud lumber in rough hubs f«r struck McEvoy with blocking the two main tracks. to recover shaken allegiance. Russian cab proprietors have to thank these W. Goodwin, 2b 5 11113 3 ORGANIC URITY." 27.—The thirteenth annual ber, boards, several posed 1 I 13 2 3 Okoso, June, staves and wood of all kinds.in making a wound that required As the Lake Shore train was being pulled artells for their exemplary organization. Be- Puis lier, c 3 2 wheels, in de- to John 4 1 Ο Ο Ο I) Ο Oscar Liebreich, exercises of the Maine State The to close up. McEvoy, street the strikers' Cladstone Bright. are where peo- (JlbbS, If commencement rough jute, butts and bristles. present stitches back to Forty-first by sides there many villages only <> Professor, University of Berlin. struck one of the stu- John Matthews, rf 6 2 2 2 Ο 0 Regius here with the Sopho- law live animals imported for fending himself, the crowd along the tracks threw Gladstone has written as follows to of a certain trade, as for instance, tailors 0 College began tonight admitting liim uncon- engines, ple Boyd, 3b 6 2 0 Ο free of is repealed. dents on the head, rendering rocks and other missiles through the win- "I to read your letter to and live. Here the "artellschik" takes Jl more declamations for the Prentiss prize. breeding purposes duty to Bright: regret joiners, The in the ex- scious. The latter was taken Cambridge dows of the cabooses. The persons inside Peter Without losing a moment I the orders, distributes the work as well as 44 14 8 10 27 21 β to arrive this principal changes proposed for two or Ryland. Totals The alunmi commenced law are as follows : and did not recover consciousness under tables and benches and of either to except me from the and forwards the goods. isting is critical sought refuge beg you publicly profit, BATES. Indications to a large at- timber 10 cent ad valorem ; iron three days. His condition very serious The arrival at Forty- that one year ago all Liberals morning. point Planed per do not escaped injury. your assertion ΛΒ. Π. IB. TB. PO. A. T.. bars ton iron and and it is that, if his injuries street was hailed with cheers the or to proof of tendance through the week. Orono people aud steel railway $13 per ; reported first by held Ryland's opinion, give THE STATE. Sanford, a 4 1 2 3 11 2 1 fatal will at least be permanent. of strikers and their since the home rule homes to steel Τ rails, and Hat rails punched S10 per they great crowd sympa- what you say. Never Underwood, ρ 4 0 1 1 Ο 12 Ο have thrown open their that all the parties inter- there. The have I once 3 5 Ο 1 hospitably 'on ; boilor iron cents per pound ; sheet frovet is understood thizers who were assembled was started 15 years ago Thayer, 2b 4 1 1 Apollinaris a li but it struggle COUNTY. the town later being clearly ANDROSCOGGIN 4 11114 4 entertain visitors, and presents iron one cent per ; horse shoe nails ested were arrested went into the roundhouse, leaving the it in or held in any way Woodman, ss MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. "THE or TABLE WATEBS." pound in self-de- engine condemned principle 0 0 0 0 0 QTJEE1Ï Town hall nails 3 cents shown that acted solely caboose on the side track. of which, to speak on a Tinker, rt 4 0 appearance. The spacious and wire per pound; ready McEvoy the opinions Ryland's Frank Canteau, aged 19, employed 0 gala all were discharged. The injured Call, cf 30 0001 ''No amount ocean air in the to listen to made clothing, except knit goods, composed fence frankly, I think absurd." boom in the Little Androscoggin river, was New Patterns of Check Books of pure was crowded with people tonight name is Whitelaw and lie belongs [later.] Small, lb 4000004> of cotton, 40 per cent ad valorem ; cotton student's drowned Friday afternoon. 4 1 0 0 0 2 4 can neutralize the bad The decorations are very The matter has been kept Chicago. June 27.—The Lake Shore Com- A Denial from Cladstone. Nkkerson, 3b with across end for lungs effects of the declamations. braids, &c,. 33 per cent ad valorem ; in St. Louis. If 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 place cords, has of the tried to move no freight out of the Cl'MB Ell LAND COUNTY. Flanders. water in the stomach elaborate, the stage being covered with flow- embroideries, trimmings, lace window very quiet. Nothing appeared pany Gladstone the statement that he said name at reduced rates. (oiluted laces, and but few Sunday. Officers stationed there to says A at Bowery Beach writes festooned. The curtains, composed of cotton and on cotton affair in the local papers very yards if returned to he would not be un- correspondent Totals 34 4 5 8 24 20 16 New York Herald. ers, and the hall completely of it aside from the company's property had nothing power that the steamer Novclv steamed out damask and handkerchief 40 per cent ad persons have been cognizant protect to the introduction at the next ses- fisning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ·— — POCKET CHECK BOOKS. L. a an favorable m. a Innings " orchestra, Claude Hawes, leader, their immediate friends. to as hardly striker put in the at 4 p. Saturday steering The water the traveller collegc valorem. The bill repeals all forms of in- the principals and do, appear- sion of Parliament of a bill for the disestab- past Cape Colby» Γ. 0 1 0 0 9 2 0 2 x-14 only safe for was the ance. Switchmen lively with boats hoisted on ο ο υ ι 2 ο ο— 4 furnished fine music. The following ternal revenue taxation upon tobacco of expect, however, of the of England was ab- southeast course, Bate» ο ι to drink is a NATURAL MIN- for tomorrow morning, knowing it to lishment Qjurch and indicating and all laws retricting its FIRE RECORD. work false wltff nothing to justify or board, all sail set, everything Earned runs—Bates, 1. Bases ou called balls- programme:1 every description, intention of the to start out solutely ERAL WATER." Music. farmers and be the company a long cruise. Bates, 1 ; Colbys, 5. Total called balls-Under- & sale and disposition by pro- and able to resist palliate it. — trains well oppo- 80. Struck out-Underwoo4, Loring, Short Harmon, Tlie Future and the Fast Winchell ducers after October 1st next. It allows a guarded FBANKLIN COUNTY. wood, 100 ; Goodwin, Sir Lond. Ν. H. Henry Thompson, F.R.C.S., A Costly Blaze at Nashua, sition of a very large mob. The strikers Cardinal Manning and Home Rule. 7; Goodwin, 13. Total strikes called— Under drawback orrebate of the fullamountof tax«s Mr. J. M. S. the new editor of the 11. Two base hit—Sanford. Preble House. Λ (Min naipswtii. have resolved to use every means to main- llunter, wood, 7 ; Goodwin. Opposite England. on tobacco of held by has written a letter to been successful Passed lulls— dim The Trowbridge paid every description Cardinal Manning Farmington Chronicle, jhas Three base hits—Thayer. Goodwin. jel6 VagabondsVagabonds. re- tain their ground. "APOLLINARIS NATURAL Albion Henry Buker, manufacturers or dealers at the time the Nashua, Ν. H., June 27.—This morning's the statement circulated that he was in for the town the daily weather Sanford. 2; Pulsifer, 2. Wild pitch—Underwood, loss- deny securing ?·ΓΙNERAL WA TER has a Kockland. peal goes into effect. It also permits from fire was under control at 2 o'clock. The to home rule. On the contrary he indications of the Signal Service, and the 1. Umpire—Michael Boyne. Esq., of Lewlston. acquired the manu- opposed hours 50 minutes. Phillips and after the passage of the act es were very heavy. Peasley & McCleary DAVID DAVIS, he has favored the plan of home are now each morning displayed from Time of game—2 in esteem and says always flags leading place public throughout facture and sale of fruit brandies wines, were insured in the People's of Manchester rule consistent with integrity of empire and the top of a tall tlag pole in front of the office Presque Isle. of internal revenue taxes. Under the $1000. C. It. the world." British Medical Journal. free for $1000, Capital of Concord, to sovereignity of imperial parliament. of the Chronicle. Other Carries Music. and leather the bill loss insured. The Judge and Ex-Senator Sinks Saturday. head of silk goods gloves McCleary's private stable, $600; COUNTY. The Skeleton In Armor Longfellow of Assistant insured to Home Rule. KENNEBEC 1. Edward Elvrell, Jr., embraces the recommendations J. II. Hunt, house and barn, $2,220, Rest. Opposed At Chicago—Chieagos, 5; Philadelphia», Henry of summer of the Grand 10: 8. Deeriug. Secretary Faircbild in liis letter June 14, in Merchants and Farmers, and Worcester The Liberal Unionists of Ulster have is- The encampment Base hits—Chicagos, Philadelphia», Schiller committee on T. Morrill and of Maine will take place at Marano- 1 Philadelphia», 0. The Diver 1880, to the chairman of the for $1,200. The estate of 11. 2G.—David Davis sued an address in opposition to home rule Army Errors—Chieagos, ; Marsh. Wools owners of ISI.OOMINOTON", 111., June cook immediately after the election in Sep- Washington», 0. 6. HAVES 4 GO. lialph llemenway ways and means, already published. Hulierson of Milford, were the and in which they say that the solution of At Detroit—Détroits, 2; I, : He sank 1. Bradley. are divided into three classes, viz. clothing, the stable. No insurance. The Old» Indian died at G o'clock Saturday morning. the difficulty may be found in aproper settle- tember. Base hits-Détroits, 5; Washingtons, Tha Alchemist Ellis nnrnKinrre ov>rl /-.nrripf·. wnnls. On fchfi first and with was in ti. Dying Head House stable owned in connection a comatose state twelve hours before ment of the land Hon. E. F. Webb of Waterville Errors- -Détroits, 3; Washingtons, Apollinaris M 111 M 11111.11,11 uuuiuiuuiii into question. is fixed at ten cents W. Far- on business 3; second classes the duty the convent and occupied by Earl sur- Boston and New York last week At Louisville—Louisvilles, Pittsburg», dozen fine linen collars, 4 Augusta. a in the end, and passed painlessly away 10. Γ$100 "the "queen OP TABLE WATEES." Music. a pound, and 011 the third class three cents well was fully insured. The tire caught MEXICO. connected with the Coburn estate. During 4 Base hits—Louisvilles, 5; Pittsburgs, «Ο ii for «5cents, regu- of first class is to suuu aim i-> his During the early lands 5; 4. ply. styles, The Death o£ Arnold Leppard pound. Washed wool the the northwest corner 01 ine nay rounded by family. his absence he sold Nantasket and Errors—Louisvilles, Pittsburgs, " 1. larly sold for 80 cents eacli. An- The contam- Francis Stephen Brick, pay double duty, and on scoured wools of supposed to be incendiary, l· iiteen horses of the night he appeared to be failing Killed by Irvlians. Boston, Lynn and Revere Beach Railroad At Cambridge—Ilarvards, 5; Yales, dangerous qualities of the at- part other lot of shirts 50 cents, Biddeford. all classes is fixed at three times were burned, only one being saved. The he could not live band ol stock belonging to the Coburn estate, for an At Brunswick—Brunswlcks, 9; Presump- niglit water are not obviated Anon duty and it was felt certain that Guaynias, Mex., June 27.—A worth 1·2. for inated drinking The Madman amount 10 which they would be subjected was made to get out one or two, but amount a half million dol- 4. 87 Headquarters Lorraine tempt the At 11 o'clock he was Indians attacked a mule team loaded approximating Ask Claude Howes, woolen or worsted cloths and uneuum- into the flames. The scene of through night. Yaquis NOTES. Celluloid Collars and Cuffs. the addition vitnes or Boston. they plunged with near Becon.on the 28th and kill- for by cf spirits." erated manufactures of wool valued at not the has been visited by thou- better somewhat, and was given milk and freight rENOBSCOT COUNTY. clubs called the Fats and Lcans.which to see the C. G. French Hose The March of Mind ..Bard conflagration ed two men and captured thirty mules. Λ The Medical OSiccr of Council, (M cents a pound, 30 cents a pound sands & McCleary will at in small The effect the so last have SO cents, regular $1.00; a Privy Seymore Farrlngtou Miller, exceeding today. Pcasley stimulants quantities. later the lieutenant, colonel, and A few nights ego burglars entered became notorious year, reorgan- price and 35 ad valorem ; between (>0 and 80, 35 and business. report says of Foss's nine and England. Burlington. once resume for at once he relapsed soldiers were killed by Yaquis near house of Mr. W. E. Nichols of Bangor and ized under the names great bargain. Music. 35 ad valorem above 80, 35 and 40 ad was bad, however, sixteen their K. cents " ; took ®200 in money, jewelry and a watch. Shaw's nine. Saturday they played P. Ties, line quality, 25 The of APOLLINARIS Establishment of the Navy Quiucy balnio- into a comatose condition his pulse becoming Potam. 6. purity valorem. Flannels, blankets, hats, next near one of the doors a first Rame, the Foss nine winning 14 to a dozen. Large assortment Scarf stetson Bachelder. or BEATINC THE RECORD. feeble. the succeeding three The morning the best the dan- George rals, yarns, knit goods composed wholly very During CENERAL NEWS. for cut in it was In the games on Portland grounds and low offers security against Exeter Mills. of failed noticeably stocking with holes eyes league Pins Cuff Buttons at in part of wool, and all manufactures hours he gradually, growing thieves season Wheelock has stolen 18 which are common to most the to the Carthaginians Kellogg cause of found. It is thought that one of the this bases, Underwear in vari- gers of Begulus wools and of wools of other animals Makes a Pas- weaker until the end came. The Fort Satur- 15. prices. great Frank Llewellyn Small, alpaca A New Steamer Quick A despatch from Monroe, Va., a mask. Kearns 16, and Hatfield waters." valued at 30 Davis'death was Bright's disease of used it for ety ordinary drinking Freeport. not specifically enumerated, sage. Judge day afternoon says that the yacht Corsair Manager Murnan of the Boston Blues is a be- the weakened WASHINGTON COUNTY. London Medical Record. Irish Allensjand English Victories Sliiel cents or less a pound, 10 cents pound ; the kidneys, aggrevated by with the President and party on board, ar- still for talent with which to be- of the from the time Fourth of looking Frank Adelbert Smith. tween 30 and 40 cents a pound, 12 cents ; condition system dating rived tiiere at 1 p. m., made a circuit of the Pembroke will celebrate the nis team. Ryan and Sullivan June 27.—The new steamship a carbuncle. His strengthen East Corinth. tcen 40 an 60 cents, 18 cents ; between <>0 and New Yokk, when he became afflicted by and stood out at sea. on the 5th, with horse trotting in 10 MILLIONS, Music. which arrived roads, July Monday, will be the battery today's Newburyport ANNUAL SALE, 24 cents and in addition upon all the Labairgoque from Havre, last hours were calm and peaceful. fair a ball at Washington 80, ; Official information has been received by at the grounds, game. J. G. HAYES & 00. Fernald delivered the articles 35 cent ad valorem ; here yesterday made the ipassage in 7 days, Mr. Davis was born in Cecil county Mary- Two bras» Sunday, President above named per of State that the intenia Hall, and other amusements. Bresnehan has written t· the Portland children's dress 5 hours and S minutes mean time, the fastest land. March 9, 1815, and was educated at the Department music. baccaulareate sermon before the graduating women's and goods, to be held at Adelaide, bands will make the management asking for an engagement. He of like on record between these two ports. Ohio. He studied law with tional exhibition coat linings, and goods description, passage Kenyon College, sanctioned the YORK COUNTY. lias a average of 288 and a NO. 7 MARKET class. His text was from Ileb. :i-4. hair was a little over 18| at and in the South Australia, is not by batting fielding SQUARE. composed in part of wool or animal Her averageing speed Judge Bishop, Lenox, Mass., of !»16. dtf and not- best run was 435 In 183G he was British was president, II. Waterhouse average Je5 All day the weather was rainy, not 20 cents per yard in value miles per hour. Iter daily law school sit New Haven. government. When Tyler is a exceeding the of When Cleveland Mcuarr of the Haverhllls $8 per High safe, RUR1VHAM, Yum-Yum Sis- —Miss Christine Brown to build up ail sorts of industries, from the References : those made and (Three ) on or Scotch and Franklin Streets. mings. Buy only nicely bargain. If want a bargain in an Oil Pitti Miss Perle Dudley •peaking every night English smallest to the greatest ; we are even striv- Judge W. W. VIRGIN, ) Corner you Sing Hers,wards! Congress eodtf with lasting trimmings. (of Ko-Ko, J Miss race Monico in aid of Mr. Gladstone. with New in some Hon. JOSIAII H. DRUMMOND, Portland, Me. with oven and tea all Peep-Bo platforms ing to compete England J je25 300 Stove, kettle, Katlsha in love Hon. C. F. ) (an elderly lady lines of manufactures. In line, the. people of LIBBY, and come to with Nankie Miss Emma Jones Hon. H. M. BEARCE, Norway, Me. complete warranted, Poo).. Νow the rumor is that the President will this section, no matter what the newspapers je7eod3m Pooh Bah. Lord High Every- and no the Branch Store, for cash or on Else ...Mr. go to Weirs, Ν. H., this summer. |He prob- may say, matter what the attitude of 200 New and Dark Checked thing John Ramsey southern Congressmen may be, are in favor BEST ROOF Nobby installments. Pish Tush, a Noble Lord II. A. Malioney ably wants to endear himself to the with the Chorus of Noble· of protection to home industries. The most WOODBURY & JIOl'LTOS, In the "World is tbe Montross Patent EXTRA FINE DRESS SUITS' Together School GlrlsT the attraction ever masses by tending out on a few campmeet- unintelligent farmer knows that he must ana Guards, making strongest Breasted If you want the best Befrigera- given on the Island. Pianist, Mr. John D. Jones. ings. have nearer home markets before he can from of Boston. Metal Single Scotch or in the market at New and Elegant Costumes IIlll, prosper, as the farmers of the north and Shingles. in line Cassimere, Worsted and tor Ice Chest Take steamers Emitaand Cadet,Franklin Wharf. of 'ate is Send for Circulars and Price-Lists Free. Tlie most startling pieceof news west have prospered, and he knows that the Plaids, desirable for all purposes, at $6, low price, or if yon want an Ice Fare 25 cts., Including admission to Garden and that the Massachusetts legislature is near building up of these industries in the south E. VAX NOORDEN & CO., $8 and $10 per suit. Opera House ; Orchestra Chairs IB cts ; Drees Cir- Chest for $2.00, come to Donnell cle 5 cts. Je25dtf dissolution. the people of will give him these home markets. 383 Harrison Ave., Boston, Mass. People, especially BANKERS Building, for cash or on install- had settled down to the con- eodSm Massachusetts, may3 SACK BU1INB8H CARDS. PERSONAL AND PECULIAR SUITS, ments. viction that it was immortal. manufactured the leading mills French Chamber of has de- General Grant's book has been translated Cor. Middle and Street. goods by Short Pant Suits If yon want the best Ash, Cher- The Deputies Exchange to retail CLARENCE HALE, of «lie country and intended by or feated a bill to abolish the titles of into the Japanese. ry, Walnut, Mahogany, Painted nobility. us at and now offered at $10 for $18 $20; 200 fine durable Salts in light and The French however much they may love a The poem entitled "An Ode to Daniel Choice Securities, suitable suit. Chamber Set in the Country for MONTH25 and $12 per this season at and Counsellor at read at the dedication of the Web- 25PRESENTSTHIS Dark Checks; Suits sold $<> Attorney Law, are careful to leave something for Webster," the money, come to Atkinson's, Republic Banks and Trust now offered at and Savings $3.50. — — ster statue at Ν. was written GIVEN AWAY. $8 HAS REMOVED TO an empire to tie to. Concord, H., $1000 300 Extra Fine all Wool Pin Checks for cash or on installments. a of named on Jinnd. lOO EXTRA Flivr by Sophomore Colby University Fmuls constantly and i'laias, new, rresli goods, at $4 .uni The Lewiston Journal it is alleged bhrppartl. jaul3 eodtf il warn me uesi nair υιοιιι 39 EXCHANCE STREET. says MORRISON & GO S NEW JEWELRY STORE. $5; sold regularly at $8 and $10. A you je2t> dim Colonel Edwards lias been 111 the habit In the opinion of the Springfield Union, that customer lias a cliance to secure a valuable present. BLACK great bargain. Parlor Suit of seven pieces that the prospect that sponges may be success- Κ l>Ut-ATI ί>Ν Λ I.. Every of speaking of the Grand Army as a "set of WATCH CRYSTALS 10c. was ever offered in this country Κ fcmvJY AL. grown in Long Island Sound opens up WATCHES CLEANED $1. MAIN SPRINGS $1. CASE SPRINGS 50c. _ -2u-rs." J-'erhaps it is because he did not fully of Teachers. an«l by workmen of ability and experience. No appren- for $35, or the best Mohair Plush the of an absorbing occupation Examination Fine Watches Jewelry repaired Shirt Waists and Flannel * ..rtUt ÎiWtSsôciate with men whom he re- possibility tices employed. A11 work warranted. for the nutmeggers. sup-committe on examination of candi- (not Worsted Plush, but Mohair NORTON as bummers that he never it. in the of joined dates for schools — — garded London World So the Ί1ΗΕ teaching public B. ! JOHN E. SARGENT, SUITS Parlor Suit for come HAS REMOVED TO The says: pretty ARTHUR MORRISON, WHIPCORD Plush) $50, Portland, will meet for the examination of teach- Blouses, JEWELLER. > WATCHMAKER. Fitz John Porter has been vindicated so Welsh matron has driven the American ers at High School Building on Tuesday, the 6th to the Branch Store, for cash or on No. 12 North day of July next at 9 a. m. Applicants must pass G. A. R. HALL. NEAR CITY HOTEL. Street, a of the Senate and House maiden off the field. So much the better. 575 CONGRESS STREET. UNDER in at from far as majority a satisfactory examination in the following eodtf in Sacks and Frocks, at $15 each. This great variety, prices ranging installments. where he will be Tuesday and Friday of each week The Yankees have enjoyed too long a run of viz: jel4 can vindicate him. What the President can branches, is not a regular $15 suit, but such as is to attend to his patients. Je26dlw popular and royal favor. Arithmetic,including the Metric system of weights at And if want add will come Everybody will be and De- sold by us and all dealers you Mattresses,Wov- presently. Of ex-President Webb is aud measures, Bookkeeping, Physical regularly Hayes's children, including 25 CENTS TO $2.00. glad that the case is finally settled and that scriptive Geography. English Grammar, $20 per suit. en Wire Springs, Pillows, Feath- WE WANT a trunk maker at Cleveland, Burchard is Composition, United States History, Physiology is to be with it 110 longer. this Fact. Bedsteads, Congress pestered reference to the effects Kemeinber ers,Odd Lounges, Sofas, DO YOCB practicing law at Toledo, Rutherford is pay- and Hygiene with special TO of little bank at of acholic drinks, stimulants and narcotics upon Battan Chairs, Vienna fishermen back from Pro- ing teller a savings Frement, of music Imported Gloucester just the human system. Elements (Mason's), do not like the flavor of and Fannie and Scott are at school. Free-Hand and and If you Hammock Chairs, vincial waters report ill luck in catching Elementary Drawing, Theory Chairs, &c., PRINTING- Koswell P. Flower, of New York, says: "I Practice of Teaching. come to this sale. mackerel. They think that the fish have All must be present on the morning think that money should be eliminated from applicants their This con- above specilied, and the examination will continue changed schooling grounds. unless sooner finished. THE a campaigns, and I shall certainly take mine through two days «DOCK'S FOOD, And, above all, if yon want WE WILL· DO IT firms the made not long ago that No other examination will take place to LIQUID QUICKLY. prophecy to run for prior & or remem- He refused Portland out." lieutenant-gov- Boston first-class Stove Bange, of the schools. between New and Can- the opening it is tlie natural flavor of the Co., WE WILL I>0 IT CHEAPLY. the rumpus England he because the Democrats (iintl Clothing ernor, declares, THOMAS Τ ASH, Superintendent of Schools. ber we have the largest stock scare the fish. to run him for his articles of which it is made,) you got ada would wanted pocket-book. Portland, June 3,1886. jeSdtd WE WILL DO IT WELL. can alter it time you take it. of these in the at There were but 143 lives lost in the past every goods country Our late minister to Persia has been heard Keineniber also it must have a our prices, one-quarter year in the entire fleet of American steam INSTRUCTION IN ENGLISH AND CLASS- from popular from. He is parading the streets of Con- flavor different everything 2SS MIDDLE STREET, PORTLAND, ME. down and balance of $5 month. vessels. This includes all the navigable known, as it is the only Kaw Con- per stantinople with a red Turkish fez 011 the Union Mutua a B. THURSTON & sounds, rivers and oceans. The ICAL STUDIES densed Food free from insoluble We warrant every Bange baker, the idea of lakes, bays, MANAGER. great head that conceived laying railroads of the little State of New Jersey in therefore W. C. Λ7ΦΆΑΈ3, Given to private pupils by the subscriber, matter, the world, os- American Collection, a the man whose in- I* supported by Liquid utter work to disparage RECOUD and re Ireland in her appeal for constitutional ton, without the loss of a single patient, all The last is a sheet music size book, and all House Store, 827 I and |T» large Furnishing WILBUR F. LU tegrity I revere, whose characur love, rights." stored to usefulness. contain lust the songs that make the time pass NT, excursions. Washington street, Boston. who has conferred upon his country services A peculiar freak of nature is presented in Death losses merrily In hotel parlors, boat rides and paid, $8,361,920.47 Liauid Food was before and after the whi»h cannot be forgotten." the result that attended the experiments of given operations Endowments paid, 3,374,402.90 For Piano. Counsellor at Law, stocking Lake Ontario with shad seven Surrendered 6,647,970.22 With what we hare been and are doing Piano ClaMsics, Moderately difficult and very THE LAKE SHORE STRIKE. policies, we shall be able, in our new Free Hospital tasteful Piano Pieces. $1.00 years ago. Millions of them were hatched, (LATE UNITED STATES ATTORNEY,) PROF.CHS.LUDWIGVON SEEGER, Dividends, 4,268,802.35 that we are now building corner of Hunt- ISAAC.O The strikers who are the are to disorganizing but they dwarfs. None of them grow Medicine at the University ι Avenue and Camden street, to For Summer there is more ATKINSON, Manager. Professor of Royal ington per- Reading, nothing I»IE. business of the Lake Shore Kailroad in Chi. be over seven inches long and they are not trie ltoyal Austrian Order o f the Iron A TOTAL PAYMENT to form in the flnrgical half of the Hospital, fresh and fascinating than PORTLAND, Knight of delightfully eodSm fit to eat. Crown ; Knight Commander of the Royal Spanish of nearly jel6 can very little sympathy from SHOWINGPolicy-holders The letters of ITIozart, (3 volt*, each §1.35). cago expect Order of Isabella ; Knight of the Royal Prussian vols. each. UUIUU O OUll UCUlgC IO UCOUllUCU ΛΟ (I WOLFE'S The letters of Mendelssohn, (2 afternoon the ouy the of dol- the public. Last Wednesday Order of theRed Eagle ; Chevalier of Legion of miLLioive 500 $1.50). well-built who : to switchmen stopped work, since then they good-looking, young fellow, Honor, dbc.t says Twenty-twolar», equal Βeethoven's letters, 81.50 ever what it was " IIEBIG CO'S COCA BEEF TONIC annually. Beethoven's Roinauce SI.SO extreme meth- grew up without knowing DOL- Operations SCHIEDAM AROMATIC Biogsnphical have not hesitated to adopt should not be confounded with the horde of trashy HUNDRED THOUSAND Mozart'*· Romantic Biography, 91.50 to be That when most young for each of ods to the railroad from running its young. period cure nils. It is in no sense of the word a patent SIXLAR*, paid policy-holders year The Soppho, a Musical Novel, $ti.OO prevent men are their wild oats was taken the existence. sowing remedy. I am thoroughly conversant with its company's with the various lives of the great tone trains. And ali this on account of no real a α These, out of his life, and the responsibilities of mode of preparation and know it to be not only are most valuable as well as ASSETS ARE while SCHNAPPS. masters, interesting, a worthy 80,II9,4*7.15, grievance. The strike is simply renewal broker's office put in its plaee. legitimate pharmaceutical product,butalso - and should be in every public library. it has received in all ITSits Liabilities are only £5,413,410.74. At that time the of of the high commendations .7^ As a general beverage and necessary of the fight of last April. Henry Couillard, Charlemont, Mass., of the world. It contains essence of Beef, STEPHEN parte A SURPLUS of corrective of water rendered impure by BERRY, switchmen demanded the of who did such service to the wounded in Quinine, Iron and Calisayn, which are dis- HAS THEREFORE OLIVER DITSON A CO., Boston. discharge eight good Coca, to the Massa- or other causes, solved in pure genuine Spanish Imperial Crown ITNearly $400,000 according vegetable decomposition maySl aod&w2w non-union who have been in the com- the Fitchburg Railroad was on the and of over men, disaster, Sherry." chusetts standard, §700,000 by as Limestone, Sulphate of Copper, &c., ami York standard. fccle, (gaid pany's employ from eight to fourteen years. train as a convict on his way 10 jail. He lias Invaluable to all who are Eun Down, Nervous, the New ÎiiMiifl rililllllipOj the Aromatic Schnapps is superior to perfect health Bilious, Malarious or afflicted with alj NATURE'S Mo. 87 Plum Street. The company stood by these eight men, and been pardoned by Governor Robinson, and Dyspeptic, UNION MUTUAL, recognizing its mu- every other for these pur- Is impossible if the Diges- weak kidneys. Beware of Imitations. preparation ρ,,πγ runrnD wanted to turn them out of has furthermore received 82,MH) from the is the most liberal company in its A trial of over 30 years wUKb tionIs impaired, the Liver the strikers who HE2 MAJESTY'S FATBITS COB1ÎETIO CLYCEEIHE. 1ΊΗΕtuality, public railroad for his injuries. dealings with its policy-holders. éBBÊÈEI uration in section of our country their were defeated. Now the same Used Her Highness thc\Princess of Wales Soses. every LOCK Κ &■ places which rushed to Pekin by Royal its un- Constipated. LOCKE, The syndicates and the nobility. For the Sldn, Complexion, Erup- POLICY CONTRACT is plain and of Udolpho Wolfe's Schnapps, CONSTIPATION,., demand is made, and the company is fight- Of Tarrant's Effervescent months to for China's tions,Chapping,Roughness. $1.00. druggists. definite in all its terms and no chance for solicited endorsement by the medical the dif- some ago compete ITS ing the same battle over again, only IjIEBIG CO'S Genuine Syrup of Sareu- misconception. and a sale unequalled by any Seltzer and Counsellors at railroad patronage have not only been sadly is guaranteed as the best Sarsaparllla in faculty Aperient Attorneys Law, ference being that the temper of the strikers he market. other distillation have insured for it the will cure Sick a bit Îtnrilla, ARE Constipation, disappointed, but were given of protec- POLICIES for it. It nave removed to seems to have grown worse from pondering Ν. Y. 38 MURRAY STREET. I NCO NT Ε S Τ A R I. Ε reputation of salubrity claimed .HeadacheandDyspepsia. tion talk the viceroy, who said that China Depot ITS regulates the bowels and en- The has by After three years for any cause except fraud. BABIES. For sale by all Druggists and Grocers. over the former failure. company would build railways when she was able to ables those of feeble diges- 180 MIDDLE of dee7 M&Fnrmly tion to their food. It STREET, made each day to run trains out manufacture the materials needed in their PAYH DEATH CLAIMS, WITHOUT that with feeble infants who do not enjoy »wl fotiner ο dice. attempts Remember reduces Fever, Cools the Three d*or* of construction within her own dominions. as soon as the 011 their mother's milk or the best its and the strikers have as often IT DISCOUNT, immediately thrive prepared UDOLPHO WOLFE'S SON & GO., Blood, is invaluable in Piles Joseph A. Locks. Ira s. Lockb. yards, are and satisfactory, and without in the WE NO CHIANG Ε A curious has beeu presented to proofs complete foods market, REQUEST and Diseases, feh27 dtf massed themselves to defeat the attempts. petition 60, 90, or any number of days. OF FOOD, but add 5 or more drops four times inflammatory waiting ■ and is a esteemed the wife of a mis- Murdock's and will find 18 BEAYEIt STREET. Α· n justly Ap- In most cases the trains have been Congress. Mrs. Baldwin, daily of Liquid Food, you erientforChildren.Econom· ISSUES POLICIES on all approved their lost or needed will be restored N nk-HfianaCne to and now a resident of Chel- that vitality SEW ÏORK. OIUI\ licauaui.0fl(>al Keijabie, Elegant. It ; and in every case the efforts on sionary China, to them in less than days. Λ (Ί(·ΛΚ No. 1 Fourth Are., \. V. REMOVAL. thrown, without damage, American soldier, who captured WITT, Common food does not contain over one CO., HARDWARE. HENRY D. SMITH, Secretary, any. per eod&wlm two engines, as a the British. The UPHOLSTER/ cjent. that is available. CLAMBAKE je5 strikers immediately captured hanged spy by ARTHUR L. Ass't Secretary. RATES, matter than common DR. OSCAR B. BRANN, contains less — — in WE MAKE THE OXLY Medical Director. It organic FUL-COMFORTING. them started pur- Franklin of has under- THOMAS A. FOSTER, M. D., AT GRATE — — and swarming upon Society Brooklyn and common food contains 16.85 the other HAS REMOVED TO JOSIAH H. DltUMMOND, Counsel. food, ; suit. Pursuers and pursued put on full taken the collection of the subscriptions, it preparations from 22.62 to 60.50 per cent. Island, Ο, 1880. NNIMt 4 Co'l. KOLLEK, which is Long: July 589 1-2 CONGRESS ST., ow Λ. L. are said to being the intention to erect the shaft or me- GENUINE It contains 0.42 of ash, indigestible steam, and the fiying engines onr Boiler Is Standard· 3.30 to of morial in Park, the site of Hale's and Stop JAMES SINKINSON, matter. The others contain from 23.74 One of the most enjoyable portions Centen- have reached a of fifty miles an boui. Prospect tWAek your Dealer for them, take no other. per cent. nial Exercises comprising a trip clown the Harbor EPPS'S COCOA. speed hazardous mission. alcoholic extracts 1.97". The other Portland Clambake. on train MANAGER FOR CITÏ AGENCY. lu prep- to Long Island and a genuine But the strikers gained the ahead, [WHOLESALE.] from obtained KREAKFANT. The royal princes of France had taken inar26 eodtf arations are all TONICS, as they contain Tickets now ready and may be of any few feet of the rear 56.13 at each. a of the and soon were within a wise precautions against unforeseen events· ap21 eodly 20.13 to per cent. member of the Committee $1.00 "By thorough knowledge natural laws These facts snow why Murdock's Liquid Food Η. H. Bicker, Chairman ; Goo. Trefethcn, Η. Γ. which govern the operations of and nu- car. Then the battle began, the strikers digestion The Duc de Chartres had secured a mort- excels all other foods and preparations in making Dewey, John P. Hobbs, John C. Roberts, J. F. trition. and by a careful application of the fine from their of disease. throwing coal and coupling pins his in Paris of 650,000 new blood and cleansing the system Liscomb, D. B. Kicker. je22dtd properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has gage upon property our breakfast tables with a the and the officers re- provided delicately perches on engines, francs. The Count de Paris had borrowed A tablespoonful four times a day will make 10 flavored beverage which may save us many from the cars. As the Patent Fuel and Goal. rounds new blood monthly, and the system con- doctors' bills. It is the judicious use of plying with revolvers 3,000,000 francs upon his land at Eu. The heavy by the wounded strikers ; ains 24 to 28 pounds. such articles of diet that a constitution may be bullets took effect, Due d'Aumale had raised 12,250,000 francs RENEWED built up until strong enough to resist while SHOWING HOW EASY IT IS gradually rolled off the moving engines, his lauded estates, and the amount, DISEASED. every to disease. Hundreds of subtle swiftly upon Patent Fuel now landing. The bricks are AND HOW NECESSARY WHEN tendency the more than three millions of dollars, is sup- Cargo maladies are floating around us ready to attack their companions dashed on. Finally made solid under pressure of three tons per square to be invested in and the wherever there is a weak point. We may escape Photographer, England and heater for all steam in their forward posed inch, is a great enduring a fatal shaft ourselves well forti- "tiikers succeeded coupling States. free from all dust and dirt. MLRDOCK Boston. many by keeping United clear, LIQMFToODk CO., blood and a twr.oflM fied with nourished rear car of the train; but purposes, Cumberland, my22 SM&Wtf pure properly 514 MM. engine on to the Also first' Georges' Creek, « Mr. Clias. L. of the firm publish- quality er « frame."—Civ# Sen-ice Gazette. Webster, Albion. Sidney, Cow Bay, CMfiRESSJT., when were reversed the coup- Acadia, Vale, Reserve, mr-uwT-KRun » ;hcs* Made with water or milk. Sold the engines Gen. Grant's has sailed for Eu- Run of Mine's, and Culm, Sale of Ileal simply boiling We guarantee finest· of both in Main and ing book, Sidney, Coarse Screened, Executors Notice of MWORCAN—NY. h·) ill Α8*1 W TCt.t in half tins labeled thus: work, But this time the For sale J fjÎU Tjf only pound by Grocers, Colored at most reasonable rate·. ling pin bj the latter very cheap for steam purposes. AN3 Photographs, snapped. to make arrangements on the Continent Estate. 4JLANG-BQ5ICN 6 0tr>' rope Ii. FAKJ1ER. £2 Ëxchan^ Street. *1. JAMES EPFS A C O., Oall and see our mammoth show of Larue i'lain scared to ; and by J. CARL ZEBRWiN ». ,Τγ !1AVt C3iA3 policemen were ready parley for the more extensive sale of dim to a license from the Hon. Judge .Ilj g=a"*^F^ f*»l>i7*ltr and elsewhere — ANO HUN— USHED A ilEPU- Iloiainopnthic Clicmi«f«, Ijomlou. Eo{. Photographs. were to "jel2 want to advertise. For of Probate for the County of Cumberland, I very soon the strikers returning Mr. that vV you PURSUANT OXEOS OF. OTHER TATIQN UNEOUALUC S&Tu&wly the Grant volumes. Webster says ten cents will send sell at auction on the 22d of July, l^. je!9 of this New 1886 model Mail, y J we shall public day MUSICAL AUTHORITIES"·"'·-' BYANY MAMjrACTUntfl. with their Pursuits Royal of in the 011 Β. Chicago of the Grant .,hC directory Α. I). at 10 o'clock forenoon, ft. ΓΛΛ V prize. volumes is complete 1886, Atkinson DIKIOO ( «Μ the edition of ItOOFIDili 325,000 with Ball Head,—new Grip-Fast Η ΒΒΑηικΙ FISTULA treated with sort are not novel. There were sev- De- the premises, all the right,title and interest which ψ% | wholly now so exhausted that a new edition Rim,—no cement,—new CO· the use of the knife or- Builders should investigate as to the stooflng nearly Handle Abel M. Baker, late of Deering, in said county, ORGAH/^ΡΙΛ^Ο II I eral on the Missouri Pacific during the last tachable Bar,—new 631 TREMQNT ST. BOSTON,MASS* ■J Β Β. detension from business, also Material manufacture·! by the Dirlto Hooting of is about to be published. The next invited deceased, had in and to the following described | ^ 25,000 Dust Shield. Wheelmen FOR CATALOeUt AND PRICES NOTION PAPER· other diseases of the Rec- Co. It is in durable with proper not recom- on viz The homestead of the late Abel SEND II Bp _mall tidy appearance; strike; but it is a way that does to Mrs. Grant of profits the work to examine at store. The MATES FREE. real estate, care for a for too check my if?# in H ill, atuni. Cure guaranted. WM. 8t half century. The rooting feet In de- η wmibyst. M. Baker, situated at Morrill's Corner Deering, CO., and it of the mend itself to but the m -t desperate will be on Mr. Webster's return, Wheel year. great f ç Pnooc feb24 eodly » ■ η HEAD (Μ. ί). Harvard 1842) coat» 9^,45. bel ire red iri/Jiotit frelyht. cA a rye any paid few old Ui Ui BOSTON. 011 the line of the Horse rail road and consisting is stated that it will probably amount to mand.—A pattern Roy- uUubbj U. Harvard at any point in Maine with railroad or ttteamboat men. Such an on the high seas Mails at reduced Ad vug Agency. of a Cottage House, Stable and about three-fourths and ROBERT M. READ (M. 1876), escapade is estimated that within two al prices. Newspaper t-uiont connections. It is the most valuable roolhij; ever 8250,000. It acre of land. ΰΙΛΛΛ^ΛΚΥΤΟ A«ENTS.-A(ldrossat Urnn· llouae, No. 175 Ti Ml., Ro«. would be if the authorities the work Mrs. l)lt. SCOTT'S ELECTRIC GUUDS, invented for the price. Just the thing for cottages. piracy ; Chicago years from the appearance of c. l. AUGUSTUS B. BROWN, Executor. SlUWonce, ion. References given. Consultation free. Sen I BAILEY, 842 Broadway, Nuvr York. Tlia Only Genuine. Send for circular. Address liirigo Hoofing Ce., <1υ their the men who mair.cd the pur- Grant will realize lully half a million from Portland, Maine, June 21,1886. for pamphlet. Office hours, 11 A. M. to 4 p. M IS duty ti t I Hi dill, street* eod3m dtf Steep Falls, Me. apr2Geod3m suing the sale in this country alone. maylO dtf je22 dlawTuSw aprl7 (Suudays aud holidays excepted.) feblSeodly jel4 engines will learn thai t have gone apr3 iUwteodtf&w2w Hill ItllllK. MTEANERN. NEOBi. TO LET. at 2 13- 25th. sell Grace Ε Stevens, MIMCELLA 51 63 000. The market is firm ; price—60x56s PROVIDENCE—Ar lived Cumberland National Bank.. 40 from Maine for Pawtucket. house, where Miss Sophronia Packard 100 148 150 16@2%C ; 64x64s at 3 Vic. and boarding First National Bank Sid 25th, sell Eagle. Simmons, Bangor. LET-Α first-class lodging MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S & LI NE. THE PRESS. all alone and took in sewing. Mrs. Brown 123 125 and in running PACIFIC WO R C ESTER Merchants'National Bank.. 75 FALL RIVER-Ar 25th, sell Fred W Chase, TOhouse centrally located good PORTLAND made the usual civil and then Miss 142 144 Markets. poor -LINE KOK- inquiries, National Traders' Bank 100 Domestic Nason condition; cause of present parties leaving, 90 Georgetown. be Sophronia opened the conversation. Ocean Insurance Co 100 80 [By Telegraph.] DUTCH ISLAND HARBOB—In port,, sells Ε Β health; furniture and carpets may purchased & It. R. MONDAY JUNE 28. : 90 100 address A. Centrai Rochester MOUSING, "I see you come from Mis' Meeker's well, Portland Company is dull and Philadelphia for RoekDort ; Fair or rented, For further particulars, California, Japan, China, Portland 62 65 NEW YORK. .Juno 26,1886.—Flour Shaw, Campbell, 26-1 woman- she hasn't a minute's Portland Gas Company 50 2 for New York ; Maud Mal- Press Office. 1 do pity that weak ; sales|8450 bbls ; State at 25@4 90 ; Ohio Wind, Maddox,Bangor L., and South America and Mexico. children and here's Mis' BOND S. Southern at do for Calais; W L Elkins. Frambs ARRANGEMENT OF TRAINS. THE PRESS. peace for them ; at 2 o0@4 90; Western 2 25@4 90; loch, Johnson, 8 rooms, No. 50 Wat- North for Augusta; Sarali & Ellen. York, LET-Cottage house, From New York, pier foot of Canal St., Bunnell, next door, is iust as bad, though State of Maine 6s, due 1889 109 110 3 10(9600. Philadelphia 2.50 per month. Ap- lethmu* of Ou and an, be obtained at the Periodical of N. No 1 do for Portland Decora, Berry, New York for TO erville street.; price $3 River, for San Francisco via The aftereioadltT, May Depots she hasn't but one ; but her May is head- Portland variouslOO 115 Wheat Va®1/^ higher but lessiactive; ; Centennial block. £j§ig£lS will Leure Horse Railroad got City 6s,Munlcip'l No 2 Red Colbetli, Machias for New York; to JOHN F. PROCTOR, .■"*INStl, PassengwTrains G. Fessenden, Station; Marquis, all 6s, K. R. aid 1907... 124 125 White nominal ; sales 96,000 bush for Boston; Reno, ply 2C-1 Panama, —13 R. R. strong, now I tell you. Why, she goes Portland City Providence for Louisa noon. Porilnn·!: 76 Exchange St. ; Armstrong, E.& M. C. De- various 102 105 at 84"',l°^ city. one an' two in the mornin', and, naterally, Portland Water Co. 1st mtg 6s—103 104 @1000. : rooms, one front chamber and Sebago ; Ε. Α. Λ DA.TIM CO., at 7.3# & Co. 6 Nettie Β Dobbin, fm St John, NB. for No. 1 brook Junction and IVofdlord»» Auburn, Wtllard Small she sot down lier foot that May shouldn't 2d 6s 106 108 Lard firm ; steam rendered 50. Rockland; month ; 10 St. Inquire Cor. Uroa«l Mouton. e.wi, tt.£o and mtg $11.00 per Quebec 115 Stale Street, St., a. m.» I.ltfj 44 " at Harvester, Vinalhaven for do; Robt 25-1 and lo.oo Augusta, j. F. Pierce. She didn't know the feller, and she 3d mtg 6s... .110 112 Butter dull; Western 10@16V2C; State 14@ New York; CUMBERLAND ST. ,i. o. Shaw. go. Blueliill for do; Lyra, Bangor for Nor- jelQ dtf_ (mixed) ·©.:!© p. iu. Bath, knew real well it wasn't for a gal of 17^c. Dority, lOOOa.*. F. M. Bumham. seemly Molasses firm.Petroleum steady. wich; Chas Ε Moody, Ellsworth for do ; Wm F LET—Lower tenement 19 Henry St. In- For Forcni Ivrour (Derrieg) "iddfeford, with Market. Sugar steady. m. A. L. Jellerson. fifteen to go off that way any young Boston Stock Collins. Higgins, Portland for Bridgeport; Dele- 51 St. 25-1 3:0©and O.viO p. believe Coffee dull. "Freights steady. Spirits Turpentine TOquire of L. RKDLON.ti Congress from connects at Boston, Mass., American House. man, and so she said ; but, if you'll [By Telegraph.] steadv at 4 l-16c. ware, Ellsworth for Providence ; Lizzie J Clark, The 1.1© p. m. train Jutland firm at 33c. Tallow 19 1 Route for Brunswick, B. G. Dennlson. Mis' that put 011 her of stocks are received for Taunton ; Hiram, Calais for Paw- LET—House 131 Emery St., rooms, Janet, with Hoonac "IS· it. Brown, piece jest The following quotations June 26. 1886.—The Flour market Rockport Ayer WoreeMer, for Cumberland Mills. D. P. Horr. out of CHICAGO, J Β Johnson. Bangor for Norfolk. bath modern conveniences. House Boston? tiie West, and at Union Dcpfl· sack and bunnet, and walked right dailv: 4 45 tucket; TO rooms, and all E. W. Dunbar. is dull ; Southern Winter Wheat at 25@4 ; sch Mills. Rock- bath modern Philadelphia I-ine, rail, Damariscotta, been Railroad HYANNIS—Sid 25th, Chase, 389 Danfortli St*, 9 rooms, room, New York via Norwich the door and off with her feller! If I'd Atch., Topeka and Santa Fe 887β at 3 75ίέ4 25 Michigan do at 4 00@ STEAMSHIP LINE. N. *·» W· K. R. R. Λν. A. Mitchell. 88 Wisconsin ; land Planter, Smith, Bangor. conveniences. House No. 1 Gray St., bath room, DIRECT via also with Freeport., her she'd have a locked door in her Eastern: Railroad Wheat 3 75 ; Minnesota ; Springfield, for Philadelphia. A. F. Lewis, J. C. Gerry. ma, got 184 Va 4 25 ; soft Spring 50@3 BOSTON—Ar 25th, barque Jennie Harkness, modern conveniences. Tenement of 6 rooms Maryland Route") Fryeburg, home." Bell Telephone 3 75 4 75. Wheat is (•'Steamer and the Snetii, ana Fairfield, Ε. H. Evans. face when she come Railroad. 40*4 bakers 25(^3 ; patents 45@4 lloilo. $1109. Ν. S. GARDNER, No 40 Exchange WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. Baltimore, Wanhington, that New York and New England No 2 72*4c; No 3 Spring at 63@ Amesbury, price From BOSTON 0*017 Κ. B. for the Went. Farmington, D. H. Knowlton. "Oli, Miss Sophronia, do you think 130Va active; Spring Cld 25tn, sch Annie J Pardee, Crosby, Horse St. 24-1 With Ronton & Albany dopref 63Vfec. Corn steady at 34y2c ; June closed 34Mj. at Gardiner, Palmer & Oo. would have the matter? A father's Central es 37Vt Island; Mary Freeland, Blake, Mt Desert. and FRIDAY Close connection made ^e"!k'H,Die,le· helped Mexican c. No 2 at 58c. Barley Is 8 From PHILADELPHIA every TUESDAY Maine Central R.R. and Jas. H. Irish & Co. never to be closed on a Oats 26% Rye quiet; Ar W Snow, Burgess, Goree; LET—A nice cottage containing rooms, tion witli through trains of Gorham, house ought child, Boston Water Power Co 4Va 2 Pork at 9 60c ; closed 26th, brig Lucy En- 3 with through Chandler & Estes. 39 dull ; No at d0@53c. 50@9 sch Nellie G Davis. Davis, Barrington. near Jones' Landing, Peak's Island. From Long Wharf, Boston, at Grand Trunk Transfer, Portland, Lewiston, any more than our Father's, least of all Mexican Central R 7s Lard 6 22ya(g}6 25. Boxed TO 24-1 Street T. M. Glendeuning. 135% 9 o0@9 52V2· steady Cld 27th, barque Florence, Carter, Port Spain; of CAPT. J. FISHER, Peak's Island. p. m. From Pine Wnarf, trains of Grand Trunk Railway. Ix>ng Island, when the child's fault's are the result of the C. B. & Q 5 25 clear a: quire at 10 a. m. West and South Mecnanic II. S. E. A. Thomas. meats steady-shoulders 20@5 ;short schs Rockport ; Bertha Williams, Philadelphia, Tickets to all points Falls, Jordan, Wisconsin Central I8V2 Dione, Raynes, Pine Clark Through Port- and weakness." 6 20. RENT—House corner and » Insurance one-half the rate of Agent, Norway, S. L. Crockett. A. O. Noyes. parents' folly and Ont. com 35 16@6 Gould, do, to load for New York; Mary Freeland, may be had of 8. H. HELLEN,Ticket that I Marquette. Houghton R.£ bbls; wheat. 12,000 POWDER HILTON & HAR- foot of Preble Street. E. "Well, mebbe there's something in Receipts—Flour, 6,000 Mt Desert ; Eliza S Potter, Gardner, Dam- Sts. Enquire HOWES, β25εζ?3=5=3Βκ-ί«—^sailing vessel. laud & Rochester at Old Orchard. Geo. Fogg. Flint & Pere Marquette Railroad com 19 Blake, FOR 24-1 and Depot had bush ; corn, 155,000 bu ; oats, 94,000 bush; rye News. 317 Commercial St. the West bv the Penn. R. It., _ Richmond, G. A. Beale. But it does seem to me that something 97Vé ariscotta. to load for Newport RIS, Freights for •Does uot stop at Woodford's. Sunt. dopref bush; barley, 1,000 bush. from Pure. forwarded free of com- W. ΡKTKKS. îiockland, O. S. Andrews, R. H. Burnbani. to be done, when a girl flies right in 3,000 SALEM—In port, schs J Nelson, Bangor Absolutely 8 South by connecting lines, jegtîdtf j. ought Rutland Shipments—Flour, 4,000 bbls; wheat, 13,000 fm Portland for LET,—A pleasant, convenient rent, Saccarappa, 1). P. Horr. lier face like that!" for Provincetown ; Emma Green, of of mission. ma's pref bush: corn, 217,000 bush ; soats, 91,000 bush; for Calais Plie- This Powder never varies. A marvel of purity, rooms, Western section city. Enquire 8aco, H. li. Kendrick & Co., Wm. Stackpole. to do much at Boston & Maine Railroad 200 New York ; Sarah H Reed, Lynn ; TO st. 23-1 $10.00. Round Trip 918. "I'm afraid it is too late rye, 1.000 bush; barley, 4,000 bush. Providence: do for and wholesomeness. More economical C. P. WALDRON, 40 Exchange Paseage «pringvale. C. H. Pierce. Boston Land be Ann, Bangor for Diadem, strength R. R. but for her." Company for the and cannot be sold in com- Meals and Room included. and So. A. M. May's age pray & 188 ST. LOUIS, June 26,1886.—Flour unchanged; New York; Mary Means, do Providence. than ordinary kinds, the rents in the Portland Ogdensburg Paris, Gerry. Boston Albanv Railroad of low short LET.—One of pleasantest For or to S. Delano. "Land! you don't Mis'Bunnell li XXX at 2 50 ; family at 2 65(5-2 85 ; choice GLOUCESTER—In schs A II Beldon, fm petition with the multitude test, weight freight passage apply Thomaston, suppose Portland. Saco & Portsmouth 131V2 40@2 port, in cans. at 29 State street. For particulars apply A. thinks needs for? she 3 40 3 75 ; extra fancy3 85@ lor New York ; Witch Hazel. Hallowell a um or powders. Sold only TOcity ■£. B. NA.HPSON, Agent, Vinalhaven, B. Vinal. May prayin' Why' at 25@3 ; fancy 65@3 Rockport phosphate N.Y. A. G. 39 Exchange street. 23-1 ARRANGEMENT, as 4 80. Wheat steady ; No 2 at Gardiner for do ; Francis Royal Baking Powder Co., 166 Wall St., to DEWEY, SUMMER Waldoboro, G. Bliss. thinks she's about as nigh perfect they Stock and Market. 4 10; patents 40@4 lor do ; Maria Adelaide, Sldtf 7© Long Wharf. Boston. 1886, • New York Money Mixed cash for dly June 28, Waterville, C. II. Haves. make 'em ; she's clean eat up with that 80c. Corn firm; No 2 30ya@3iy2c. Ellen, Provincetown Bangor; Mary Means, je2 LET.—A tenement of four rooms at 104 Commencing Monday, Telegraph.] at bid. Lard strong Trains wtM Yarmouth, Ην Humphrey. child—all the one she ever had. If you TBy Oats—No 2 Mixed 28@29c Bangor for New Haven. TOWilmot street. Enquire on the premises or and until further notice Passenger June 26, 1886.—Money on call at 6 05. NEWBURYPORT-Cid 24th, sell A Ρ Emerson, St. 23-1 Leave Portland as follow»: should so much as hint about prayin' for her, NEW YORK, 00&6 of J. C. WOODMAN. 105Va Exchange COMPANY at 1@2 per cent., the last loan being at IV2· Keceipts—Flour, 2,000 bbls; wheat, 8t000Jbu; Thompson, John, NB. MAINE STEAMSHIP Jackson, Glen 1 guess you'd raise a muss right off!" easy sch Μ S.35 a. m., foi No. Conway, Congregationalist. Prime mercantile at 4^5 per cent. Ex- corn. 14,000 bush; oats, 12,000 bush; rye, 0,000 PORTSMOUTH—Sid 24th, W G R ο wry, LET—To a small family, without children, Profil· Brown tried to control her face, but paper sit- House, Crawford's, Faybans, Bethlehem, Mrs, dull at 4 88@4 88Vaand 4 88(®4 88%. bush, barley 0,000 bush. Mot ζ, Calais. a house of six rooms, in thorough repair, For NEW YORK. Montpelier, Ht. air of line change wheat bu; TO House, Littleton, Wells' River. THE CHILD KING. found it hard. Miss Sophronia's Government bonus are Railroad bonds Shipments—Flour, 5,000 bbls; 1,000 uated No. 17 Chestnut street: price $250 per year. Montreal, Burlington. quiet. oats bush 5000 bu; 22-1 Johnsbury. Newport, scorn was irresistible. She changed the have been dull and generally steady. The stock com, 12,000 bu: 4,000 ; rye, Foreign Ports. at No. 21 CHESTNUT ST. Steamers leave Franklin Wharf on Wednesdays and West. Inquire Pier Swanton, Ogdensburg : market closed and shade under last eve- barley 0000 bush. NSW, to June 23, ship Pat- and at β p. m. Returning, leave Summit Ml. jeet by saying steady Ar at Sydney, prev 22 and 24 State St. Saturdays 12. AO p. na., Express to Fabyan's, 26.1X86.—Wheat—No I White New York. LET—Two houses, No. 38. East River, New York, on Wednesdays and Profile House. Little- "I am sorry Mrs. Phelps lias gone away ; I ning's closing price. DETHOIT.June rician, Keuney, second and oth Washington, Bethlehem, ROSE TERBY COOKE. transactions at the Stock Exchange aggre- Robert Sinith- Sebago water on first and story at 4 m. J. B. COYLE, Jr. Jefferson, con- meant to have called on her." The 80yac; Mich Red at 80y2c. At Iquique May 13, ship Dixon, TO ST. 22-1 Saturdays p. Franconia, Lancaster and shares. St er conveniences. Apply at 36 STATE General Agent ton, and St. canif want she ain't gated 184.738 Receipts, 500 bush. wick, for New York ; barque Mary, Hallowell, sept21-dtf necting via Wells' River for Montpelier "Well, you to; of Govern ~ not you a ne roiiowing are to-day's quotations for Roads. This train will over to Nankin with me to- said Miss in a acrid Hampton LET—One more of those large nice stores Johnsbury same afternoon. "Will you go gone," Sophronia, very ment securities : Havana Market. 31st. Feabody, Baldwin or Hiram. AtCallao May ship Antelope, in the Block, a few doors below stop at So. Windham, W. morrow ?" asked kindly Mrs. Brown of her tone. United States bonds, 3s 101% of Alex Yeates. TO Thompson to Bartlett and In- [By Telegraph.] stowing cargo ship the Post Office ; also a large spacious chamber β.Ι5 p. iu·, Local. Portland tired and hard-working neighbor, Mrs. Pe- "Not gone ! Wlvy, she had wanted so much New 4s, reg 126*4 Ar at 24th, ship L Schepp, Gates, San 127 HAVANA, June 26.—Sugar—Better prices Liverpool on three sides ; rent reasonable to the termediate stations. ter. "You know Association meets there, to see her I thought nothing would New 4s, coup Franscico. lighted il Kezar Falls, Porter, sister, have but owing to fluctuations in the Inquire at No. 164 BRACKETT ST., Stages for Limineton,|9ebago, I New4VaS, reg 111% prevailed Passed June 23d. shin Riverside, right party. connects with 12 40 p. m. and husband's got to go, so thought you hinder her!" market neither buyers nor sellers dared Dungeness where the keys may be found. je2-4 Denmark and Lovell New 4VaS, coup Ill7/» foreign from New Orleans for Revel. connects with β. 16 p. *i. would like to drive over and see your Aunt "I know it; she hasn't seen Mies King for 118 ; hence only small business Langdon, Stage for No. Windham Central Pacilic lsts operate extensively At St June 18. sch Nat Meader,Brown, lease in three but Marian went and asked two The market closed firm. Domingo IvrOTICK—Cottage lots to Willard, train. Betsey." years, Denver & R. Gr. lsts 121 was done. For ! to waiting cargo. J3I near the water, Cape Elizabeth. fur- STEAMERS. Train· Arrive in Portland: "Oh, I should, ever so much But Dell has girls, and the brother of one of 'em, to come Erie 2ds 108 Molasses sugar, regular good polarization, 6th brig Edith, Turner, 43 Ar at Kingston, Ja, inst, ther particulars inquire of B. J. WILLARD, from Bartlett and way stations. to go to a picnic to-morrow afternoon, this week and stay till after the Fourth, and Kansas Pacific Consols 107 Vt $1 75@2 07 gold per quintal. m ™ 8.45 a. na.. got to 85 to 90 de- Laguna. BEST THSNO KNOWN Commercial St. may7-2m from all White Mountaia take me the whole of the wasn t to leave 'em there Nav. lsts 113% Muscovado, fair good, refining A for 12.35 p. in., Express and it'll morning Mis' Phelps goin' Oregon 00 in 14th, scli C Buckman, Higgins, 1st 119 grees polarization, §1 75@2 per quintal. port FARE $1.00 Resorts. to iron her white dress. I've just got it alone to raise hudy ; besides that, her hired Union Pacific Charleston. Bartlett and way. Centrifugal sugar, 92 to 96 degrees polarization, G 5.45 p. >n.t Mixed train from out ; and there s bis- to do for But do Land Grants At Demarara 5th inst, sch Elbridge Souther, WASHIN Griira BLEAOHTN FORSALE. washed and hung then girl, ain't competent company. in and boxes, at $2 50@2 77 per m., from Montreal, Burlington, Ogdens- do Sinking Funds lihds, bags Fales, from Boston. STEAMERS 7.45 p. cuit to make ; she wants 'em fresh. And—" that's the fashion ; the children rewl, now-a- COLD WATER. THE FIRST-CLASS West. stock market is re- auintal. at NS, sch Henry, Lindsay, IH HARD OR SOFT, HOT OR furniture business in burg and "Oh mother I" 1 feel thankful to The following New York in warehouses at Havana and Matanzas Ar Parrsboro, 22d, and J. HAMILTON, Sopt days. goodness every day Stocks AMAZ- or ceived daily, by private wire, by Pullen. Crocker Machias. SAVES LABOR, TIME and SOAP ExpressBOSTON, separately together. Good T. A. The words came before the door flew open, that I wa'n't never beguiled into the married 31,500 boxes, 805,000 bags, 21,000 hogsheads; D CHAS. H. FOYE, G. & Co.. No. 33 Exchange street. Portlaud, Me: 647 Ar at St John, NB, 25th, seli Sawyer, Kelley, and universal satisfaction· stock ; first-class teams ; a good business all readv and FOREST CITY bounced a of with 1 haven't no a- receipts·, during the past week, boxes, 9,- INGLY, gives TREMONT June 25, 1886. Je25tf and in young girl twelve, state, and got youngsters 140 the Jonesport. should be without it- for an energetic man to step into. at 22 000 bags and 620 hlids; exports during New NTo family, rich or poor Apply will leave FRANKLIN WHARF, the assurance and poise of forty, dressed in ^valkin' over me, and makin' a door mat of 106 of Cld 25th, schs Alta V Cole, Cole, for York; Brookline Street, Mass. Address, alternately week boxés, 33,500 bags and 1,600 lilids, Hn. Son Tïïvrl Anrlri>W« fnv all Grocers, BEWARE of imitations Cambridge, and INDIA WHARF a Per- Sold by A. & Portland, at 7 o'clock p.m., a braided costume that implied week's hard me! Not but what I might be like Mis' Pacific 42 and all hhds were to the C. MOORE CO., Falls and Kuckheld liauroae Central which 27,000 bags are 11 designed to mislead. F EAR LINE is the Mass. Boston, at 7 o'clock p. m. (Sundays excepted.) Rumford nci uo.ii .... liockland. 506 Main Y>UIK il uni rwuicuuu.y, ii^ni utiugcu kins, to be sure, if I'd had a nephew, thanks 9 Street, Cambridgeport, a 1- τ T1..J. Τ ..i.—4.U.,„„ Chesapeane &>Ohio and this line secure comfortable ....143 for ONLY SAFE labor-saving compound, je25 eod2w Passengers by on her low forehead, cheap rings and brace- Ctiicago & Alton Freights quiet but firm; loading at Havana rest, and avoid the expense and inconven- In Effect June 14, 1886. 150 75 Spoken. always bears the above symbol, and name of night's Summer Arrangement, let» shining on her lingers and arms, a gilt t'other day, and if that woman wasn't goin' Chicago & Alton preferred United States per lilid of sugar, $2 50@2 gold. ience of arriving in Boston late at night. ....3341/4 outside to in Straits of Florida, ship Alice M JAMES PlUfi, NEW YORK. Bail necklace round her sallow throat, over a frill round the keepin'-room on all fours, with Chicago, Burlington & Quincy. From ports 011 the north coast, ports, Juue 14, Through Tickets to New York, via the various CoBuct'tiona via Grand Traak way. & liud. Canal 100*4 United at $2 75@3 00. Minot, Percy, from New Orleans for Liverpool. for sale. of imitation lace, lier whole air pert, tawdry, her sister's boy astride of her back, and she Del. the States, Railroad and Sound Lines Mixed train leaves Mechanic Kalis Juncttea Del., Lack. & West. 132*4 Spanish $J 87*4®! 87 Y2. as usual. at 11.45 a. m. and disagreeable. .She nodded to the a-sayin': 'Oh do stop, Sammy! I'm so gold LOST AN» FOUND. Freight taken 10.45 a. in., arrives at Buckfleld barely Den & Rio Grande 15% quiet but firm. OLD ORCHARD. J. B. COYLE. Jr.. Manager. minister s and went on in a loud And he her Exchange ocltf at 1.10 m. wife, voice, tired!' a-whippin' of up, and Erie.. 28V8 and Canton p. ! Lucelle I'd to have some train leaves Mechanic Falls Junctlos "Say says ought a-screamin', 'Go 'long, hossy! go 'long!' Erie 02Vé lot of those ladies' $1.50 kid Passenger and G'aa- preferred European Markets. 3.15 in., arrives in Buckfleld at 3.60 little pies and some cream cakes beside the And she did go 'long, till I picked him up Illinois Central 139 CHOKING CATARRH. ? button boots that sold for $2.50. p. By I^OUND—Another formerly cottages to let; situated on ton at 4.30 m. so I run riome to tell a and sot him down hard on liloom. & Western 22% Telegraph.] lot children's heel boots at ex- p. biscuit, you." with jerk, the Ind 101 1-16. from a disturbed with Also large spring on tlie at 4.15 and ».l# 12 LONDON. June 2G, 1886.—Consols Have you awakened sleep bound to reduce this Furnishedthe sea wall and camp ground. Apply Returning trains leave Canton Poor Mrs. Peter's face fell. chair. My! didn't he holler! and Lake Erie & West tremely low prices. We are 361 street. Portland and Bo·- Highest 1886.-U. S. 114. all the horrible sensations of an assassin clutching it. M. G. PAL- to MRS. H. C. GILMAN, Congress International a. m., connecting for Lewlston, hake Shore 84% LONDON,June 26, 4Vfes stock if low will accomplish "I don't really see how 1 can, i)ell. It's wa'n't she mad! Hut I'm glad I done it!" prices or MRS. A. A. DENNETT, Washington houisville & ISasn 42·% 1886.—Cotton market throat and the life-breatli from your 541 Congress street. 26-1 Portland, tun. train at ■quite a piece of work to make them cream That night Mrs. Brown detailed all that LIVERPOOL, June 26, your pressing MER, street. Old Orchard. jeiotf STEAMSHIP Stage connection» dally witb passenger Manhattan Elevated 128Ve Orleans 5 3-16d; sales 8,- noticed the CO., at Bu.kSeld f»r cakes. I can make some crust and fix it she had seen and heard in her round of steady ;r»uplauds oVsd; tightened chest? Have you languor between Portland and WestMluot for Hebron Academy; pie calls, Michigan Central 72% 000 and export 1000 bales, a Pocket Book, Turner at Uan- bales; speculation that the effort to of no value West Sumner. Chase's Mills and ; up for the pies." to her husband, as they sat together by the Minn. & St. houis 21 and debility succeeds clearjyour Two Lights, containing papers WANTED. Vails ; June 26.1886.—[Beerbohm's report LOST—A be rewarded on ton tor Peru. Dixfleld, Mexico and Komlord "Oh, but 1 want Viie cream cakes ! If you study fire. His face clouded darkly, but lie do;pref 4(514 LONDON, throat and head of this catarrhal matter? What a only to owner. The finder will ST. JOHN Ν. N. S. to Chamber of Commerece.] Cargoes off the coast, DUNN'S corner EASTPORT, CALAIS, B„ HALIFAX, also for Bretton's Mills. 107 the same at W. S. Spruce — make ein the can wait till did not tell her what Missouri Pacific leaving — to-nijiit, pies heavy thoughts pierced wheat rather easier. Cargoes on the passage and influence it exerts upon the mind, 22-1 to know in AND ALL PA&TS OF L. L. LINCOLN. 8upt ^ New Central 54 depressing and Emery streets. that everything jeiedtf morning." the future, and saw. as in a vision, impend- Jersey wheat corn, less dispo our Prince Ed· Northern Pacific 27 V2 for shipment, depressed; clouding the memory and filling the head with WANTED—Allthe line of fireworks can be found at New BrunKwick, Nova Mcotin, "But De'ù, I've got to get the breakfast ing trouble fur the land and the people that sition to buy. At Liverpool, spot wheat dull ; corn store fire and cannon crackers, torpedoes, pistols, wardit Island, an«l (lape Breton. ao pref 59% and strange noises ! How difficult it is to rid LOST. ; and wanii the dishes and make the beds and he loved. All that he did, when his reverie quiet but steady. pains Chinese bombs and lanterns, flags from 3 Nort h western 114*4 and of this hand purse and mem- punk, RIVER R. R. and then iron white and was was to draw a and re- 142 ihe nasal passages, throat lungs pois- aligator bag,with to 3 feet in roman canules, SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. BRIDGTON & SACO sweep, your dress, ended, deep sigh, Northwestern preferred LIVERPOOL,: June 26, 1886.-Quotations- inside. Suitable reward will be paid inches length: sky wheat 6s 5d all can who are afflicted with BROWNorandum blue lights, pin wheels, tri- The new Steamers of this Line will leave Rail- yoii know there's sights of work on it, and peat, in melancholy tones, one text from the New York Central... 106% Winter Wheat 6s 7dg)6s 9d; Spring onous mucus testify & CP'S. Je2dtf rockets, serpents, lOd. at OWEN, MOORE star mines, brass and iron cannons, etc. road Wharf, foot of State every MONDAY, nay 34, 1880. you want the ruffles fluted, and—" Scripture that was his counsel for both New York, Chicago & St. Louis 8*4 @0s 7d; Club wheat 6s 8d@6s Corn—mixed catarrh. How difficult to protect the angles, street, Commencing 5d. &c. system lowest in the at our store. D. RAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at 5.0(5 p. m., for A. M. P. M. can't real lives : do pref 20Va Western dull 4s 2%d; peas 5s Provisions, its further towards the lungs, prices city "Oh. you get up early?" at 3Ds for against progress 7 Portland St. 26-1 EASTPORT and ST. with above connec- Ο. K. 8.35 3.00 Ohio Central —Pork 50s ; bacon at 31s 6d. Cheese liver and all will admit. It is FOR MALE FROHOCK, JOHN, Leave Portland (P. Λ It.) Mrs. Brown was indignant. A wise prov- "Woe to thee, oh land, when thy king is a at kidneys, physicians tions. ·' 10.03 4.45 Ohio & Miss .' 2SVi American ; lard, prime Western at 33s; tallow ana cries out for relief and cure. Bridgton Junction erb cautions us not to a between child." a terrible disease, WANTED-In large or small quan- issued and checked to 11.03 i.45 put finger Ont. & Western 19 25s 3d for American. curative when all other Through tickets baggage arrive The remarkable pbwers, Plants. All best varieties for of the Boots. Shoes 4.00 p. m. Bridgton, 3.2· the bark and the tree, but she did not re- And let all the people say: Kadical SALE—Colus MONEYtities, in exchange any destination. |yFreight received up to Leave Λ55 Ore co 11 Transcon 33% remedies utterly fail, of Sanford's now Bridgton don't make the cake "Amen!" for salo at Cape Elizabeth Depot. Telephone and Slippers in our immense stock, which is For Tickets and Staterooms, at the Union arrive 10.40 a.OS member it. "Why you Pacilic Mail·..· 54% OF STEAMSHIPS. Cure, are attested by thousands who gratefully I^OR 26-1 apply Portland, SAILING DAYS 1012. J. W. M1XOTT. than any stock east of Boston, and will be Ticket Office, 40 Exchange St., or for other infor- A. BENNKTT. & Pas». Agt. yourself, Delia?" she said. "When I was Panam?. 98 recommend it to fellow-sufferers. No statement larger J. Supt. FllOM sola at the lowest prices. M. G. PALMER, 541 mation at Company's Office. Railroad Wharf, foot dtf I could make cake. Can't you ?" Pullman PaUee .1351/4 is made regarding it that cannot be substantiated new No. 2 my24 your age New Tne 29 SALE—A Remington Type Congress street. 26-1 of State street. J. B. COYLE. JR., her Mrs. WIT AND WISDOM. Heading Wyoming York..Liverpool the most and reliable references. 1 low as the owner has no Delia stared at scornfully; Peters 30 by respeetabie ITiORWriter; will be sold nov20dtf Gen'l Manager. Hock island ....1251/4 Helvetia New York.. Liverpool... May contains one bottle of the Kadical in in her word at once. Each packet use for it ; would exchange for a Bicycle good MAN OF TEMPERATE AND put .... York..Bremen Jne 30 OF St Louis & San Fran 2414 Werra New one box of Catarrhal Solvent, and an 26-1 to IjRA.MI TRIM RAILWAY CANADA 1 haven't never asked it of Mis' three vears went to a Cche, order. Address P. 0. BOX 1176, City. WANTED-Amoral habits, seeking employment, rep and Coal. her, Little Eflie, old, strange .... New York..Rio Janeiro..Jno 30 Ocean Tickets "Oh, do pref 49% Finance Improved Inhaler, with treatise and direc- house in his own sec- with her mamma, to visit uncle, and the next 1 resent an old-established Brown. Dell's real delicate, and she loves city — 111 i/a Parisian J aly for cor. Oak Intermediate and 1st pref Quebec Liverpool... tions, and is sold by all druggists $1.00. Ο Κ SALE—At No. 553 Congress tion. to #70 per month. Refer- First Cabin, Second Cabin, CHANGE OF TIDIE. children ain't children but once, and I morning was occupied in flattening her nose 93 July 1 shoes Salary begin and best the to go ; St. Paul Vancouver Quebec Liverpool... St.. a and fine stock of boots and Am. Maxufactubino House, Steerage tickets by fast steamers; the window pane and her child- 1 Totter Drug & Chemical Co., Boston. F ; large ences exacted. want for her to have a good time. I'll fetch against satisfying St. Paul preferred ....122ya City Alexandria,.New York..Hav&VCruz July low new store new goods. Call dlawM Cuiiara, White Star, Gnion. Anchor, National. In- ish at the unusual scenes. 3 at very prices ; 14 Barclay St., Ν. Y. Had after HOBDAY, June 14, 1*84, it dear. You tell Aunt curiosity by gazing St. Pau'., Minn. & Man ...115 Cienfuegos New York..Havana —July W. 26-1 man, State, Red Star, North German Lloyd, Ham- On round somehow, Dell, I)o see this awtul man!" and see J. TURNER. will ran net follow· "Oh, auntie! lioniely .... York. 3 lines to train* Mis' how 1 St Paul Si miaiia 471/4 Manhattan New .Hav&VCruzJuly persons indebted to me are burg American, Amsterdam, and Italian Betsey, won't you. Brown, want- child. That is Mr. Lord, the mayor. 3 CRYI Ν G WOMEN. "Hush, ao prci. ....114 Peenland New York. .Antwerp ...July SALE—Fire crackers, cannon crackers, to call and settle by England and Continent, at lowest rates. Sterling DKPABTl'RES. ed to see but I couldn't over. He is a nice I must I cannot bear these WANTED—Allrespectfully requested her, really get You must not talk that way. very .... 11 New York. .July 6 give we have a few Texas Pacific _. Arizona .LiAerpcol.. up; and fireworks; also all accounts of not and Scandinavian exchange. 7.20 a. m., 1.39 a β much." I all and nothing I FORflags first ; long standing paid For Auburn and l.ewitfon, I thank you just man." .... York.. J 8 pains; ache over, make more July and Gas Union Pacilic 56% Santiago New Cienfuegos illy American cannon crackers that will bv 1st. will be left wltn my attorney for col- COAL·—Georges Creek Cumberland, 110 "Mr. Lord?" and the nose closer 8 does me good/' Backache, in July and 5.18 p. m. Mrs. Brown offered further remarks. presses against U.S. Express .... (>3 Adriatic New York..Liverpool July try any and more racket than any other cracker 24th. 25-1 Nova Coarse and Culm, Patent Fuel, ni. of and side noise ection. O. W* Fullam, Portland June Coal, Scotia, For€*orhana, 3.60 and 5.18 p. the while Kffîe watches him clear out — New 8 Uterine Pains, Hip Pains, 480 Con- J. L·. There was a tone of aggrieved motherhood glass, Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific .. 18% Hanunonia York..Hamburg July the market. L. J. PERKINS & SON., all for immediate shipment, for sale by LVloutrcal and Chicago, 9 SO [ι with a toss of her little "I 9 Soreness, Lameness, Weakness and In- For €«orhain, in Mrs, Peter's voice that warned her to sight, "My!" head, do 30% Siberian Quebec Liverpool...July St. 25-1 small Daniel's planer. Ad- FAKÏIi:K, tw Exchange ap24tf never knew lie made me!" pref 9 flammation relieved iu one uiiuute gress a. in. and 1.30 p. m. — .... .w lowest cash silence she said and Western Union Telegraph β43/8 Sarnia Quebec Liverpool...July dress stating length and price, m. keep ; good-bye, pursu- Havana 10 that original, elegant and infallible anti- lots on Cum WANTED—A For Quebec, 1.30 p. Alton & Terre Haute .... 30 Niagara New York July by new, SALE—Desirable building H. H. Box 270, Saccarappa, Me. 25-1 ing her walk up the street, rung the bell at a 10 dote to and inflammation, the Cutieura An- ARRIVALS. do ef .... 80 Gallia Boston Liverpool...July pain berland, Sherman, Grant, Portland, High, 0PE.\L\(« OF THE EVER POPULAR handsome house in a If are nervous or Carter's Lit- p» i-l'aiu Plotter. At 25c.; Potter FOR other standing well-kept you dyspeptic try ... of .New York..Liverpoo... J.uly 10 druggists, and Mellen streets ; also lots in locali- or twenty reliable boys and 8.25 a. n.. Boston Air Line 9î)1/3 City Chicago Boxtoii. State From Lewhtlon Auburn, that told its own of wealth with- .... Drus and tJhemieal Co., BENJAMIN SHAW, 10 15 of in the city, yard, story tle Nerve l'iils. Dyspepsia makes you nervous, Hurl in \t 01 & Cedar Itapids 55 ties at reasonable prices. WANTED—Fifteenfrom to years age living 12.05. 3.15 and 5.40 p. in. was Th&M&w 25-1 like to earn some Dy working m. in. She admitted to the parlor, and and nervousness makes either one Canaoa So'irhern 42% ALMANAC JUNE 28. jel7 48y2 Excehnge St. who would money From liiorham, 8.25, 9.30 a. m. and 7.00 p. you dyspeptic ; MINIATURE each to the will warmly welcomed by Mrs. and Miss Vin- Long island .... 98Vs two or three hours day; right boys Froin Chicago »nd Montreal, 12.0i and renders you miserable, and tlif.se little pills cure .. 7.49 and large lot of im- work will the week or com- a wife of middle and her sistcr-in Canton SALE—Cottage give steady ; pay by 5.18 in. cent, age, ... 8.07 in that Route, p. on street or 3 m. Lake both. 17 land situated the best mission. uom 7 to 9 a. m. 1 to p. 12.05 m. law. Central lowa 7 ft 9 in FORprove Apply Sebago From Quebec, p. 70 flower of the city ; lot has frontage of ft; at the EVENING EXPRESS OFFICE, 55 Union and after June Steamer Se- car» on train a* had she E. Tenn., V. & Ga 9 It 1 in part Monday, 2$th., Pullman Palace Sleeping night But hardly begun to talk with her and fruit trees in fine bearing condition ; St, 34»! from Lake Sta- Portland a· "Now, pa. dear." said a young lady, "you must do! m et garden ON bago will make daily trips Parlor cars on day train between friends when the door opened, and in rushed an attractive and place. B. SHAW 48Ys North and not forget to bring me those colors and brushes." Fort Wavue 144V2 pretty tion to Naples, Bridgton, Bridgton Montreal. four children of various after St. 24-1 and room in private fam- lake river and moun- OFFICE ages, who, "Oli, 110, my dear. What are you to paint Kansas & Texas 311/4 Exchange Harrison, passing through TICKET going young man of good habits. Refer- Dur- nodding at the visitor, or reluctantly shak- now? Another on a brass plate?" Houston & Texas 33 MARINE ]ΝΓΕΛ\ΓΒ. WANTED—Boardily by tain scenery unequalled in New England. chrysanthsum FOR SALE—Situated in Falmouth, ences C. N., Press Office. 24-1 will Foot of India Street. at once the conver- how ridiculous. I'm not like like na- El 167 given. ing the busy season the steamer pass through 35 St., and Deoot ing hands, monopolized "Why, pa, Metropolitan one mile from <*. τ. Ε. κ. Station, 27 acres Exchange .... 15 FAR5E a view of the Hawthorne sation. In vain did Mrs. and Miss Vincent ture. 1 never repeat I am going to Mobile & Ohio PORT OF PORTLAND. new Gents' and Children's tliè "Notch," giving myself. paint 142 land: large, convenient and nearly buildings; where maae his to the beautifulest, gr«at Morris & Essex This is one of the out- Cane, and Images Capt. Frye TICKETS SOLD AT REDUCED RATE struggle be heard. loveliest, ugliest, big spi- 140 also fanning tools, stock, &c. WANTED.—Ladies'.Cast-Off Clothing of every description, 70 feet into the lake ana —itffJ i, wèb nnd η 11, on a plnsli tirty. KlcIiuioiiU ΰύ Duu ville June 26. desperate leap for life "Oh Mm I was to tell ilia. SATURDAY', most locations in the town for a summer side and under garments, over and under coats, — το y! trying IV a ν 107 pleasant swam across to Frye's Island pursued by Indians. Oregon residence. Also for sale, with or separate from boots, shoes, &e. Send postal. I Brown—" Wells.*Fargo Express Arrived. suits, dresses, Steamer will leave Lake Station on arrival of uada. Detroit,Delroil, Chicago,Chicago? the above, a wood lot containing some twelve or will call at house and pay highest cash price. This Canada^ "Well, ma, I've got to go ; I said I would, Pacific 6s of '95 120 Steamer State of Maine, Hilyard, St John, NB' 12.40 p. m. train from Portland, leaving Harrison Cincinnati, St. l.ouiw, 0flank*, la|i- fifteen hundred cords of wood. Enquire of H. P. is an American establishment. Address J. C. and—" via Eastport for Boston. at 7.45 a. m., connecting with train arr.ving in uaw, St. Paul, Salt Cake City, MERRILL oil the place. 22-2 MARSTON, Press ofilc. 23-1 "Oh, yes! You told Will Johns you'd go, New York Mining Stocks. Sch Condor. Swin, Canso, NS—canned lobster to Portland at 12.35. Denver. Nan Francisco, Co. for tickets over Lake Route. For and all in the and yoii've got to! Just like a girl! I'd—" Portland Packing SALE OR TO LET— Co'tage at Old TIT ANTED—A street talker to assist in selling Call Sebago points [By Telegraph.] Sch Golden Belt. Swain, Pictou, NS—canned sale at Boston & Maine Depot. I want to ask Mrs. Brown—" "When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, Orchard, six rooms, furnished or unfurnish- M a first-class article on the street ; expe- West and Southwest. "Millv, dear, NEW YOHK,June 26, 1886.—The following are lobster to Burnham & Morrill. FOR only E. Gibbs will be in charge of Northwest, aunt I must if neighborhood, three minutes walk of rienced men need apply. Call at room 11, EAGLE C. personally "Well, Sue, go Marygoes, When she was a she cried for stocks Sch Mathers, Smith, Barrington, NS— ed, quiet and will be to meet all former Child, Castoria, closing quotations for mining to-day: Harry ground ; terms moderate ; for particulars ad- HOTEL. India corner of Middle, Tuesday steamer, pleased and there's that picnic, and—" canned lobster to Winslow Packing Co. camp street, and welcome new ones. JOSEPH HICKSON, General Uaaat;» When she became ehe Colorado Coal 24 50 dress Box 1845, Biddeford, or inquire of B. F. and Wednesday of this week. 22-1 patrons So it went on, a Babel, which no Miss, clung to Castoria, Frank Barker, Meader, Free coach from Landing. WM. EDGAR, (i. P. Α.. perfect Homestake 21 50 Sch Boothbay. STRICKLAND, Central Avenue, near Tabanacle. Bridgton effort could it had TXT a wted—Ladv aeents for a household arti- For circulars, to J. STEPHENSON. Supt present silence, been so When ehe had Children, she gave them Castoria, Ontario 29 00 Cleared 22-2 descriptive apply habit in this house for the cle with merit. Call at 499 congress CHAS. E. GIBBS, Proprietor. J line 14. 1886. Jelédtf long the elders to Quicksilver 5 00 Eleanoia, Bragg, New York—J Β Τ Τ Steamship SALE—A work horse fair driver room C. 22-1 je25dlm Bridgton, Me. listen and the children to speak. do 23 00 Covle. good ST., preferred lbs. of JOSEPH LIB- a 12 Vi ιλο— weighs 1100 Enquire Mrs. Brown made only short call ; she Standard jl ling w υ warner, (.tir; w h nier, j-/iguy, FOR to do housework. 135 BY. near the Base Base Ball grounds or at foot general went but a few steps further to the house of Bulwer & Kelsey. ST. 22-1 ■ Ml.AND HTGAJIBBa. !AM mmi aAlLnUAv 2 40 Ryan of Wilmot on new 22-1 Inquire at 179 CUMBERLAND a Savage Sch Denison, St Pierre—J H Hamleu St., building. WANTED—Girl a desolate woman, widow, who had lost 1 4Γ> Aldiine, & Soil. horse for the season for her two children a month since with diphthe- "John," inquired the counsel for the witness, 2 60 ■ Λ U ■&> »ΑΜλΗ2—UUCilll 1U1 CcUU wuc mot-viaoo On and lifter Juuc Sg, Hale & Norcross Sell J W Collins, NS— of care IflOJVDAV, ria Mrs. Tennv burst ir.tn tpnrs sis «Ιι» a facetious at the "when you Raymond, Westport, new has nice top, the very light riding ; best ahd easy usage. casting glance jury, Alice JT open buggy, ironed, WANTED—Carriage 1SSC, Passenger Trains Leave Chinamen take celestial oath, what is done }-60 master. of all Call on Address Box 2. Gorham Maine. 21-3 STAR LINE STEAMBOAT 00. came into the room, and Mrs. Brown put your Eureka ·* 00 Evans, Chester, NS—master. best wheels, running part hickory. Portland as follows: the chicken after its head is cut off?' Sell Brltlsli Tar, E. corner Preble and Cumberland her arms about her teD with St ΝB—master. MORRILL, of Portland an o. Bid- jerly. the witness." Sell A C Watson, Spragg, Jolin, 22-1 people Foi Vanceboro, Ml. John, Hali- friend!" "Some lawyee glet him," replied NB—master. streets. Madam the SPECIAL TIME TABLE Hunger, "My poor was all she could say. California Mining Stocks. Sch Jeddo, (Br) Bishop, Moncton, WANTED—Thedefordtoknow that Johnson, fax, and the Previucra. t)l. Mtrphrn and Gardner, and medical and business of — FOB — "0, Mrs. Brown, \ can't, I can't be recon- (By Telegraph.) Sch Portland racket, Eastport of ana Jbx- SAL·E—Two story and a half house and celebrated clairvoyant, ArocMtook County, 12.30 p. m., via I*ewia- Blake. Tlio Standard 1'uriiy 1 3 is still at56Free ciled to it. 1 nii',s them second. Hal avoid purgative pills. They first Pembroke—Ν a lot of land, 100x50, at Saccarappa ; Boston, street, excepting Fridays Gar- ion. 12.35 and {11.16 ill., via Augniita; anil every Always harsh, SAN FKANCISCO.Juns 26, 1886.—The follow- Blake. FOR be found at Meed's Opening Night at Greenwood p. to come Sell New Packet. Francis. Millbridge—Ν cellcnce. sheds and cellars, all in good repair ; and Saturdays, when she may fur EU»worth, Bar Ilarbor, and Bangor used l.j so bright from school—his make you sick aud then leave you constipated of stocks Blake. rooms, good 8-3 June 38. ing are closing official quotations mining Sell Lulu, Leighton, Millbridge—Ν water: to depot, stores, &c. Inquire Hotel, Biddeford, Me. den, Monday, A- It. {11.15 p. 111., for first year to know ; and was al- bowels Blake. and Healthf illness all Sebago handy Piscataquis B., got you Susy Carter's Little Liver Pills regulate the : Sell Rienzi, Cliatto, Sedgwick—Ν Endorsed for its Purity by 22-2 The elesant steamers of this line, in addition to nn.i at to-day it. at McLKLLAN & LANE, haccarappa. Mkowhr|(au, llclfniit Dexter, 12.30, ways IT.y knee or in my lap, when she was Sell Tiara, Cliatto. Bluenill—Ν Blake. Chemists and who have examined buy $1,000 cast off Clothing will Slate Street Wharf a. ■ and make well. Dose, one Hale & Norcross '2V* Physicians time table, m. ; Wnterrillf. 6.45 m., you pill. Pond—Ν Blake. FOR WALE—At a good bar- cash Call régulai* 12.35, {1L15 p. awake and in the lonesome nights I used to Va 13/β Sell Cinderella, Nichols, Round "I have this a chemical WANTED—Toof all kinds. Highest price paid. ana Franklin Wharf at 7.HO p. in. Return- m. ; for An. Con. Cal. & given powder thorough stock of flour, fruit and 13.30,12.35, 5.15 and, ill.15 p. listen, {or their soft and out IV* Sell C M Gillinore. Teel, Port Clyde—Ν Blake. and find it to be of full weight, entire- BUSINESSgain a small groceries or address immediately. Mit. S. LEVY, 97 Middle leave Peak»' Inland at ΙΟ. 15 p. m. Gardiner and Brum· breathing, put Bulwer examination 5 Moulton excellent location 8-3 ing. tfUHin, lliillowell, m* Sch Oliver, Parker's Mead—Ν Blake Liine and the Phos- in store No. Street; Portland. Me. of will Tues- ni. hand to feel Susy's little tender face in Two old misers fell into a dispute as to which Bodie Cou IV2 Enterprise. ly free from Alum, Ammonia, and water St., Summer arrangement trips appear wi< k, G.45 a. in., 12.35. 5.15, {11.16 p. ; Sch Wilson, Blake. for fruit store, commanding excursion 29. the and thank God I bad them if was the more economical. "The said one. Eureka 3V± Lincoln, Boothbay—Ν phates, and to be an absolutely pure bread-raising to know that MRS. day morning, June Bath, β 45 a. m 12.35, 5.15 p. in., and on crib, still, proof," for trade ; will retain heavy goods if desired, leaving public that have no idea of that Sa va ire 2% Archer, Formosa ; brig Da- every way to be recommended the well known J. B. COYLE, Jr., Manager. at 11.15 m. ; Bockland and their father had left me." you saving is, during SAILED—Barques preparation stock of fruit and fancy goods very small : favora- WANTED—TheC. H. F. SNOW, Clairvoy- Je26d2t Saturdays only p. hour we a in IV* sclis Kensct. wholesomeness and efficiency." and business Bin ox nnd Lincolu Β. 0.45 a. m., 12.35 There was to to this ; as of old, the half have been arguing fly your Gould & Curry vid Bugbee; Aldine, terms of rent for neat business. Ill health ant Physician, life-reading, test B., nothing say ble any at 5.15 m. ; suçar bowl has been having a feast, and you have Best& Belcher IV» SUNDAY, June 27. A. M. Ph. D. at or 18 medium, lias taken parlors at Eagle Hotel, India FOR DIAMOND ISLAND ANB DIAMOND COVE. p.m.; and on Salurdays only p. the mother wept for her children and refused RICHARD < STANLEY, only reason for closing. Apply store 12.30. not taken the trouble to drive it away." Yellow Jacket IV* 21-1 St., corner Middle, where she is prepared to re- ΛιιΙ iiru and Lewiaton at K3.0 a. 111., to be comforted. Mrs, Brown tried another Arrived. Portland St. J. M. PLuMMER. and 0.45 "And the proof that 1 am far more saving than Belcher lVe Professor Chemistry and Geology, Bates College ceive her many friends. Office hours from 9 to 12 On and after Monday, «fane 14th, 5.10 ρ m.; LcwiHion ria Branawick, Baltimore. at Falmouth Vlomuouth. course. vou, and that nothing escapes me," retorted his Sell Annie Ε J Morse, Lansil, State Assayer of Mairie from '75 to '83. RESIDENCE a. m., 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p. m. 27-3 nntil farther notice, a. in., {11.15 p.m. ; Faruiingtou. were not both taken at once?" she "is that I leave that insect in my Sch St Thomas, Otis, Philadelphia. a large summer residence with and Mnranacook 8.30 a. m. and "They aged opponent, The Wool Market. SEASIDEForeside; Milk customers. 21 Wiatlirop bowl on He acts as Ε New York. rooms, and eleven ANTE D— Keeping THE STEAMER ISIS nnd North Anion, asked. sugar purpose. my spy. is a Sell Ciosson, Haskell, SALE BY ALLCROCERS broad piazzas, spacious open Wf 12.80p.m.; Oakland BOSTON, June 26, 1886.—The following FOM and half a it cows, I am to furnish pure milk the mother ceased for the moment to Whenever I come home and find the fly gone, I Sch Game-Cock. Robinson, Lynn. marl o nrnidly fireplaces, with fifteen acres of land prepared ! will rim as follows : (Sundays excepted.) 12.30 p. 111. ; Farniin^ton ria Branawick, And to one cow's milk for infants and in- a. am sure that the cook has been stealing list of prices quoted this afternoon Sch A J York, Wallace, Boston. jnile of seashore, at Falmouth Foreside, five miles my patrons ; Leave Buruham's Wharf at 6, 7, 9.10.15 m., 0.45 a. ra. and 12.35 p. m., and from answer and with the pathetic garrulous- perfectly milk delivered at Peak's Is- lier, Sch Iowa, Tracy, Boston—salt to A M Smith. rrom the City Hall. May be had for the season by valids a specialty; 12.20, 2.15, 3.30, 5 and 0.15, p. m. of entered into detail. sugar." Ohio and Pennsylvania— months without extra ness grief Sell Sadie Kimball, Kimball, Boston. to C. W. GODDARD, at Davis' Block, land during summer charge. Leave Casco Wharf, Diamond Island at 6.30. CONGRESS ST. STATION ONLY' one Picklock and XXX 34 3Γ> application Me. P. O. Address, East "No. liai came home from school @ Sch Addie J, Wilson, Boston. street. 21-1 J. P. HALL, Falmouth, 7.45, 9.30,10.40, a. m. 1.30, 2.45, 4.30,5.45, and For Ellsworth and Bar If arbor at Choice XX 32 Congress Me. Bangor, so and said his head ached. And @33 Sch Hinckley, Boston. Peering, apr27-8 G.45, in. m. Fast at Bruns day tired, Fine X 30 ύα) Λ1 Wave, p. 12.38 p. Express slopping on Boston. «λι,Ε or EXCMANCiE-Milk farm 10.15 and 3.30 will be made around and Water- 1 tried to make him keep still the sofa, 33 34 Sch St Leon, Perkins, The trips wick, Gardiner, Hallowell, Augusta mmCiAL Medium @ of the from Boston. of 135 4 miles from Portland ; cuts 50 WANTED. at Diamond Cove at lia. m. but lie was restless, and he would go out in AND[COMMERCIAL. 27 Sch Queen West, FOR acres, the Island touching ville only. Coarse @28 Cousens. Boston. has house with 10 rooms; new barn, at Farm at 11.15 sunshine to see the it was a Sch Iodine, tons hay ; to take the agency for this city of our and 4.05 p.m. and Landing All other trains timed as above from Commercial the chickens; PORTLAND WHOLESALE MARKET. Michigan- Boston. three wells of water, fruit. Sch Perine, Reed, plentv of wood, grafted Mineral Oils and Greases. Address OILS, a. m. ana 3.50 p.m. at St., where through hot dav in May, and I couldn't make him June 1886. Extra and XX @30 before owner in PAltTY can be St. Station, stop Congress POKTLAND, 26, Sch Fannie A Spurling, Cape Shore. Could find Willrill sell or exchange haying: Rooms 23 Park Row New York. Arrangements for evening sailing parties be obtained for a hat on soon he sort of cra wled Fine 29 @30 44, tickets and baggage checks may keep ; pretty with no mackerel. health. N. S. GARDINER, Real Estate dl w* made with the on board. jel9dtf The market for Flour continue quiet steady Medium 32 @ 34 ^oorpoor je2f. Captain points East and West. back into the kitchen and said his 'froat was Sch Pennsylvania, Savage, Rockland—lime to For "worn-out," "run-down," debilitated Agent, 40 Exchange St. 21-1 principal demand at Fork and lard firm Common 26 @ 27 house- ra. train is the express wltM sore, and 'fines kep' goin' round an' round unchanged figures. C W Belknap & Son. school teachers, milliners, seamstresses, Wanted. {The 11.16 p. night have Other Western- women generally, SAIjE—Drug store; on account of ill DAI L Υ Ε XCU RSI ON. ear attached and runs every night 8u·- an' round.' Then 1 sent for Dr. Smith, and and tending upward. Sugars easier. Lemoms «Λ Stella Sorrento ; brig W C keepers. and ο ver-worked sleeping Fine and X 29 SAILED—Barque is tho best health of the an old established FURNISHED COTTAGE on the seashore, included, through to Bar Harbor but not to a and M liilron. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription " FOR proprietor days lie gave me some medicine and brush advanced about 50c. Oranges al30 ;sliow consid- Medium 32 Warner; sch Kate for be near the wish or to Belfast @34 of all restorative tonics. It is not a Cure-all," Drug Store in a fine summer resort is offered A near Portland; must water, Sknwhegan ou Monday mornings me it on the inside of his 25 27 told to put throat, able advance. arc strong and lc better. Common @ a of purpose, at a those meaning business chance for Address, with terms, and Dexter or Bangor, excepting to Bar Eggs FROM EXCHANGE. but admirably fulfills singleness sale sacrifice; only good bathing. beyond some liniment on the outside. But Pulled—Extra 25 31 MERCHANTS' all those care Press W. E. Me. and rub Cheese @ a most for need Address DRUGGIST, je23-lw SHILLINGS, Bethel, Harbor, on Sunday mornings. Beans firmer. steady. 25 38 Edw H being potent Specific apply. Hally wouldn't let me, and he screamed and Supernne @ At Mayaguez 5tli inst, brig Williams, Chronic Weaknesses and Diseases peculiar to Office. 19-2 STEAMER Trains are due in Portland as follows : The mora- are of The following to-day's closing quotations No 1 17 @23 to load at for Delaware Break- as well as HAIDEE, trains from and Bath 8.45 a. m. ; kicked so lie choked away; 1 Gould, Arroyo women. It is a Ing Augusta up right powerful, general house lots CAPT. II. B. TOWNSEND, Ban- Flour. Grain, Provisions, &c.: Combinirana aelame— water. and and imparts vigor MALE-Twenty-five desirable Lewiston, 8.50 a. ra. ; the day trains from couMn't do it, it hurt him so, and he wouldn't 35 36 uterine, tonic nervine, and *ine and No 1 combing @ Ar at Fleetwood 25th inst, ship Challenger, whole 11 at Old Orchard ; some on the sea wall WANTED TO HIRE. at 12.45 and 12.55 p.m. ; the afternoon trains me if I'd wanted to flour. ûrniu. and strength to the system. promptly FOR will leave Buruham's Wharf, Portland, daily (Sun- gor let Fine delaine 33 @35 bloat- some on Avenue. Address Ε. H, BANKS Bath. Kockland and Lewiston al and Mixed Corn.48@49 Thompson, Queenstown. cures weakness of stomach, indigestion, Grand the for So. Freeport, touching at fromWaterville, I meant to sent away, but she never Superfine High course 30 'iû 32 June Geo S Old Orchard. 10-2 MEN. with horses, to banners in days excepted,) the Susy — Low and Sid lui BC, 17, barque debility or W. G. SMITH, cariy Yankee at 5.45 p.m.; low 25@3 50 Corn, bag lots 50@52 Moodyville, ing, weak back, nervous prostration, Biddeford, the commit- Cousins and Great Chebeague Islands, at 10.30 a. 5.35p.m., Flying would with but nie, the little grades.3 Medium mi washed 25 Melbourne. Pre- jLAJ Trades' Procession. Apply to train at 1. 50 a. m. stay anybody X and lots.. .40®50 @27 Homer, Perry, and in either sex. Favorite in. and 5 m. Will leave So. Freeport daily at night Pullman Express Spring Meal, bag 20 St 9th sch Mabel F sleeplessness, SAIjE—A very desirable lot at Camp tee, 35 Preble St., Thursday evening, from 7 to 8 p. and second for precious ! I never could make her. So she .4 75 car Low unwashed @23 Ar at Domingo City inst, is sold under our posi- 2.30 m. I.limited Ticket·, flrsi clan», XX Spring. 60@4 Oats, lots—40@42 10 do. scription by druggists Old is offered at a o'clock. W. P. GOSS. 7 a. in. and p. sickened and there couldn't be California @24 Staples, Dickson, from New York, to load for See around bottle. FORComfort, Orchard, bargain. ) to the on all in the Province· on «ale af re- next day, any- Patent Spring Oats, bag lots—42@44 tivc guarantee. wrapper A. P. H. BRADLEY, Committee. For passage or freight apply captain poiatM Texas 15 @ 25 Passed June 25, ship Timour, Johnson, for of or address, FRANK BRYANT, J rates. done for her ; there wasn't a day be- Wheats » oo@5 75 Cotton Seed. Anjier Price $1.00» or six bottles $5.00. Enquire board. Carriages in attendance the arrival duced thing Canada 25 @ 33 for New York. of Saco, Me. 22-4 C. H. PLUMMER, ) upon tween them. And house is Mich, straight car lots..23 00@24 00 pulled Hiogo A larfi-e treatise on Diseases Women, pro- dtf of for Freeport and vicinity. je!7dtf now—now—my I)o 34 @36 J une Bosworth, and nu- passengers MT. OESERT & MACHIAS roller 4 12 do bag...24 00@25 00 Combing Ar at Accapulco 9, ship Reaper, fusely illustrated with colored plates je24 PORTLAND, BANGOR, like a grave all the time." 87@5 18 20 in SALE—Martin & Pennell extention top Clear do....4 75 Sack'dBr'n Smyrna washed @ Cardiff. merous wood-cuts, sent for 10 cents stamps. CO. In the burst of that fol- 25(^.4 10 15 Hunter- Medical cutunder very light, m tip top re- STEAMBOAT piteous sobbing 75 car lots.. 3 β 3 7 00 Unwashed @ Ar at Aspiuwall June 11, sch Palos, World's Dispensary I^lOR carryall, Atone ground.4 (32^4 00© 26 28 Address, cost will be sold verylow. HORSE & Steamer CITY #F ΒI Clin ON D makes twe lowed, could Mrs. Brown speak the thought do ...37 J 8 00 Buenor Ayres @ man, New Orleans. 663 Main Street, Bulfalo, Ν. Y. pair; §125, HARPSWELL STEAMBOAT CO. St Louis st'gt bag ΟΟν,α. 30 Association, CARRIAGE MART, Plum street. 17-1 week on the route between Portland and that filled her heart and friend, 17 00 Montevideo 27 @ trips per say, "My roller 5 00@5 25 Middlings. 00@21 SICK HEADACHE, Bilious Headache, Portland at 11.00 p. m., have fallen into the have 00 Cape Good Hope 25 @26 Memoranda. Machiasport, leaving you pit that you ciear du....4 75(α,5 00 do bag lots,18 00(a23 and promptly cured by After June and and at 4.00 a. Australian 31 @40 at Dela- Constipation, On and 7, 1886, Tuesdays Fridays, Machiasport digged ; if your children had learned to obey Winter Wheat PlOVÎMIOUH. Barque A C Bean. Foster, which arrived Dr. Pierce's Pellets. 25c. a vial PLACE. men in the Cen- and Donskoi 20 @ 23 while A HEALTHY 60 to take part in., Mondays Thursdays. you in health, they might have been with Patents 5 25@5 50 Pork- ware Breakwate; 23d from Iquique, reports, by druggists. STEALER GORDON PAYSON TUCKER, General Manager. ... 13 3 75 has been somewhat a sea which stove cabin on Great Tableaux. I'iNh. Backs 25(a2l The Wool market excited, off Cape Horn, shipped Cottage Lots Cor sulc tennial Historical Ap- F. Gen'l Pass, and Ticket you to-day?" 13 and leave Custom House Wharf for Lone Ε. BOOTHBY, Agt. Cod, fc»1 qtl— Clear —12 75;a 25 and sales for the week foot door, flooded cabin, destroyed provisions Will daily, June She could not, deeply as she felt the up 4,610,600 pounds, je24 d&wnrmly-cw Island. to GEORGE E. 10 a. 2.00 ami Portland, 25.1880. je26tf it; Shore2 75@3 00 Mess 11 00 a 11 50 water. The erew suffered greatly until reaching Cliebcague ply BROWN, Island anil Little Chebeague at in., hour for counsel was she could Large the business of the season; prices have Che- past ; only Large Uank2 00Î2 25 Mess Beef. 7 50@8 00 largest the equator. Was entirely out of provisions and No. 235 1-2 Middle Street. û.OO p. m. Jenks' ami East Euil, (Great "weep with them that weep," and betake Small 2 00(α2 25 Ex Mess. 9 00(2-9 50 advanced 2 to 4c l ^..6%®6%c figures. today. tug HORSE AND WANTED! Arrive at Port- Scaled t> bx.. 16@20c Tierces— 6%@6%c Batavia, May 15—Capt Call, of barque Oasis, 8.20,11.20 a. in. and 3.20 p. in. ATLANTIC HOUSE, minister's wife. m. No i 13^16c Pails 6%®7%c Boston Produce Market. from New York for Hong Kong, died on the 12th FOB SALE. land at 0 a. in., 12.00 m. and 4.00 p. "Oil, we're reasonably well, all but Nelly; Hams lb % of March. Scnrboro' Beaeh, Mackerel ψ bbl— ψ —10@10 26. 1886.—The following are to eciiSAn. she throwed down at the rink last 00 do covered, .life!2 BOSTON,June got night, Shore ls.l9 00@21 roadster, and fast walk- Sewers and Machine Island, Little Chebeague, .Tenks, 10 a. her ankle real bad. I've ex- 6 7 *0 Oil. day s quotations of Provisions, Sc.: Domestic Porcs. YOUNG horse, good 25 experienced For Long and sprained Shore 2s. 50@ cows. PORTLAND arrive in Portland 12.3 FOR 1886 ON JUNE 22. 13 00 A er, at low price; also two Stitchers wanted none but in., 2 p. m Ketum k.', Bp. OPENS SEASON TUESDAY, pected all along something like that would Med. 3s. 4 75@ 5 75 Kerosene- Pork—Long cut 3 2 75@13 00; short cuts SAN FRANCISCO- Ar 27th, ship Fredk Bil- to-day; expe- 25 cents. Port. Kef. Pet t>l/2 backs 12 50;lean STAli MATCH CO. Je22dlw in. Bound trip tickets, Sundays to her. Small @ 13 25:b:icks 13 25 £13 50; light lings, SlierniHU, Kobe, 29 days. rienced need apply. GEO. F. WEST, Manager. closed to transient happen Water White 9 Va at 12 je7dtf Tliis house positively people think it is a bad for Produce. ends 12 75@13 00; pork tongues 50g§13; Cld 25tl». ship Calumbia, Hogan, Antwerp. B. GUNNISON. Don't you place girls Pratt's Ast'l.î>bbl. 3 :> at 9 75 on the Sabbath. 8. asked Mrs. Brown. Cranberries- prime mess at §12 50@13 00; extra prime SAN DIEGO—Ar IStli, ship Tam O'Shanter, H US ΒIV ESS t'HANt'KR. to go anyway?" Maine 3 50 Devoe's Brilliant 13 at 10 00; do new at 11 00@ je23-lw the folks are 50@4 ttiflo 00; mess, old, VVaite. Nanaimo. STAR LL\E STEAMBOAT CO 'Land, yes! But all young .5 50 Ligoni* TO sell Ella M 8URE CURE FOR Cape Cod.. 50g6 MOBILE—Ar 25tli, Jlawes, Puring- Liver and Kidney SAIiE—S97ô ; part cash will buy a splen- to go, and you can't stop 'era. I Beans... 1 75 Silver White i> Lard—choice at îb in tierces; 7 Μ® Dtspepsia, Indigestion, in GREENWOOD GARDEN LINE. possessed Pea 60(g/l 6Ve@7c ψ ton, Wiscasset. Nervousness, IIkartbikn,Wixi> FORdid old established millinery store Boston; ιnroKTED the men that built that Medium.... 1 75 Centennial 3 0 7 in ΙΟ-lb in 5-ito pails; sch Complaints, the Steam Yacht wish to goodness 60@1 Va'" pails; 7^&@7%c FEKN ANDINA—Cld 25th, Herald. Cray, or Pains in the Bowels» all the business 2 smart women can do; tills is a ROBERTF.SOMERS Elegant KaiMinH. in the Stomach rink had been further! There's all sorts go German nidi 65®1 75 8c m ïMh pails. JDeniarara. Headache, Drowsiness, Low Sfirits, rare chance to step into a prosporous business ; 65 Muscatel— 2 25(5,3 00 to size and and talk to everybody, and get Yellow Eyes. 1 40»! Hams ll<&2c pib, according cure; BRUNSWICK—Ai- 15tli, sell Grace Andrews. Melancholy, and Intemperance. owner going West ; desires to sell at once ; if you tfc CADET there, they 2 25(a2 90 hams at 1 ic. and curing CO., WINES and folks wouldn't have New Potatoes3 50®3 75 LondonLay'r smoked slioulders 7Vî@8c; pressed Andrews, New York. As a Memcine it ie quick effectual; want to don't delay. JOHN W. S. RAY- will leave Franklin Wharf LIQUORS familiar-like with you cases of buy (daily) St Potatoes (α4 (X) OnduraLay. 12V2 ; country 5% ; sell Lizzie for Bal- the worst and most aggravated Dyspepsia, Boston Mass. OF KINDS, no more than nothing. But it hogs, city, Sld 25th, Wilson, Chadwick, all other MOND &CO., 277 Washington St·, at 5.45, 0.45, 9.00, 10.30 a. m., ALL them know Bermu Umons2 25 I Valencia live hogs 4%@5c. Kidney Complaints, and derangements can't em no- 15@2 timore. and Bowels. 232 MIDDLE STREET. 2.00, 4.30, 0.10, 7.30 p. in. makes money ; so you stop ; ëujiar. Butter— Western extra fresh made creamery 18: sch Warner Moore, of the Stomach iltf THE 3,u.rlteTs 17@22 RICHMOND— Sld 25th, It will instantly revive the most melancholy ana je4 Leave Peaks' 6.25, 7.15, 9.20, IK ORIGINAL PACKAGES* can't." Chickens ,a> 4? lb ey2 do extra firsts at do iirsts 16@16VaC; New York. OK cash. One of the body 17@17VaC: Crockett, drooping and restore the weak, feeble, NAM!—$1000—Part —- lia. m., 2.20,5.05, 0.25, 9 p. ni. ΓΟΚ HALS BY there?" xtraC <» extra, do ex iirsts 3 2 spirits, in room "Why do you let your girls go 10^14 Granulated imitation creamery 14@15c; NEWPORT NEWS— Sld 24th, sch Standard, nervous, and sickly to health, strength, and vigor. F best lodging houses Boston; every Girls Wauled. at a. Rowis % SecdM. to Leave Cusliing's 7.00, 9.30,10.50 m., 2.30, 1 can't help 'em goin'. Girls is Ducks @18c; do fresh factory choice at 12®—c; fun· Oram. Boston. Nightly Dissipation. —Persons who, from furnished handsomely and occupied by first class "Mercy! the evil 4.45, 0.45 p. m. Geese rw Red Ton....$2i/4(c;$23/8 lO^llc ; do common lots at 8@9c ; Vermont BALTIMORE—Ar s 7®8c Creamery 12@12%c. PHILADELPHIA—Ar 25th, brig fel)7_ _ openings ; bargain WANTvassers for every city and county in this p. stop ■ /«•■Μ. Ver....l8@20 Address E. F. care Portland Press. Leave Cottage 11.10 a. m., 2.40. 4.45 p. m. SUMMIT MINERAL SPRING that so Gilt Edge higher. bert, Southard, Bath ; sch Lucy Ε l. 9.00 m. Charley'll hurt him. Imports. $10@$11 ψ Sld 26th, barque investigator, (from Philadel- for the market. A live man wanted more than WANT expenses, a. 2.15, 3.00,4.30, p. DR. a didn't rose do Hebron do to wholesale A rare chance. No Portland 11.00 WILSON, crazy after bicycle, and Mr. Meeker ΡΙΓΤΟϋ, NS. Schr Golden Belt—3169 cases Potatoes—Maine 65c; 65c; phia) for Portland. as owner cannot attend to all the lar, my goods. Leave Peaks' for 6.10, 7.15, 9.30, Burbank at Ver- Sick Headache, ZVervon* Headache, IYeu- money, present sales. Address F. M. WEAV- 5.00. 0.35. 9.20 m. know how to one for real canned lobsters to Burnham & Morrill. 65c ;do seedlings 65c; NEW YORK—Ar 24th, Gleneida, Corn- one of the chances we have competition. Quick a. m.. 2.35, 3.30, 7.50, p. get him—they're prolifics barque business. This is best Vt. 31-4 Ev- SPECIALIST, Schr Condor—3004 cases mont Rose 6oc. Ε Ha- ralgia, NerrouNnex^ MleepleHxucKM. ER, with stamp, Bennington, Leave Portland for Little and Great Diamond, costly—and I begged him not to one, for 1 CANSO.NS. canned ing, lquique; sells Maggie Gray, Plummer, Vitus' ever offered, and $250 secures it. HUNT & CO., Treats complicated Dis- buy Eliza Ann ParalysiN, St. Dance, and Trefethen's 5.15,6.50,9.00,10.30 knew 1 shouldn t have a minute's lobsters to Portland Packing Co. vana; Carrie Belle, Wright, Baltimore; 11 State st., Boston, Mass. 23-1 ergreen eases and thoHt» made peace M Norwood, St a. m., 2.00, 4.30. 6.10, 7.30, 9.00 m. lie was off with Cattlo Market. Jameson, Rockland; Seth Todd, niSCELLANKOUK. p. cliroulc by malpractice while it; but the boy want- Chicago as Leave 3.10, Margaret's Bay; Laura H Jones, Bangor; Cephas and all nervous troubles, they act directly upon SALE-Confectionery,Fruit, Periodical, Evergreen6.05, 7.15,9.35,11.30a.m., No cure no pay, for ed and that's enough. What he wants Foreign Exports. By Telegraph.j of m. only it, Starrett, Pensacola ; Laina Cobb, Bangor; Win the nervous system as a nerve food and exciter Musical Instruments and Cigar store ; old es- 5.05. 6.45, 8.15 p. medicine. We're ART. Schr Aldine—2470 shooks FOR a. he's get to have. behind with the ST PI ERRE,M CHICAGO,June 26,1886—Cattle—Receipts 500; Pickering, Ellsworth; Senator Grimes, fm Calais; nerve matter. They are invaluable to all nervous tablished; best location in the city; always done this week at NELSON'S Leave Trefethen's 6.10, 7.20, 9.25, 11.35, m„ over heads ft lumber 42 empty hhds. none ; steers at 3 75@ as street. La- 9.35 m. t'ounulliif··» nud Εχηηιιηι,ήοη r__ taxes, and I'm fixing my old clothes and 21,756 shipments ; steady shipping Judge Low, Am boy for Boston. and Dr. Benson's reputation a special- a good business; sell at actual value ; extrachance SPECIALTIESnew Novelty Store, 534 Congress 3.15, 4.55. 0.35, 8.05, p. at 2 40 Un ··,. ■« Ν m. than ask John for a cent ; hut 5 40 ; stockers and leeders 50.^4 ; cows, Ar Lucille, Lawrence, Iioilo, Mch 1. st in the treatment of nervous diseases at once for business. MAINE REAL ESTATE & BUSI- dies' linen collars 8c. ; Gents' linen collars 12 Vfe. ; Leave Great Diamond 0.20,7.30,9.40,11.40 a. m., front p. lanlBdtf rather Char- bulk 2 25: 26th, ship fteople. the of his father's S^iiroad Receipts. bulls and mixed at to 00@3 90; 75@3 Cld 25th, brig 1 W Parker, Pressey, Richmond; gives them a high standard. Sold bv all druggists, NESS AGENCY, 45 Exchange street. 221 Ladies' cotton hosiery 10c.; Gents' seamless hose 3.20, 5.10, 6.50, 8.20, 0.40 p. ill. lev's got length foot at 3 40. 11.50 a and I don't know PORTLAND. June 2G, 188<>. through Texans sch Emma Crosby, Campbell. Charlottetown, PEI. or sent to any address on receipt of price—50c a 12V»c. ; Gents' gauze undershirts 25c. ; Boys' gray Leave Little Diamond 6.25. 7.35,9.4·, m., as folks say, why lie — Port 16,600 {shipments 5000;stromr- Sld for Havana. box. or (i boxes for §2.50. Office 154 N. Howard SAL· Ε Fine cottage house, lVa story, seamless hose 18c. 22-1 3.25, 5.15. 6.55, 8.25, 9.45 p. m. fiKRMI imiA u,™ have. mnst be Received by Maine Central Railroad—For Hogs—Receipts and 25th, barque Miranda, shouldn't Boys boys, you con- rough and mixed at 4 20@4 45; packing from New Baltimore. barn aud shed, new, young orchard ; Leave Portland for Long Island 5.15, 10.30 a. m., (i:*tnntly relieve» thel and 48 cars miscellaneous merchandise; for er; Passed the Gate 25th, sells Princeton, St., apr8d6mnrmcTh fjiOR nearly mo«t violent and I never did believe in mak- 4 4 4o; skips 2 50 land view of ocean tin for 10c. ; a glass in. attack·,· know, cars miscellaneous merchan- shipping 40@4 70; light 20@4 York for New York ; Lamartine, do for Deer Isle; East Deering; 10 acres ; good ; large pail largo 2.00 p. hi·** so and be necting roads 97 hammocks In·are· comfort.V ing images of 'em, to do just prim (ffi3 7 5. Majestic, do for Boston; Magnet. Hoboken for will make the price reasonable. MAINE REAL LOOK—Alamp for 25c. ; lunch baskets 25c. ; Leave Long Island for Portland 5.50,11.15a. m., "V îSï* dise. 6000 0000 ; steadv ; 45 colored with this mmthua "sera and all their days. Oh, o-h! there! 61ieep—Receipts ; shipments Boston; Judge Low, Amboy for Bangor; Horten- IF YOU ESTATE & BUSINESS AGENCY. Exchange 98c.; glass mustards spoon 10c., 2.55 p. m. iahalntion, reaching the disonne direct. relax-· proper 2 00S3 00. Lambs at 534 Con β jhe facihtatee free I he was off that time, but he was- Press Stock List. natives 2 25@4 25 ; Texans sia, do for Boston; Vineyard, do for Portland. street. 22-1 week at NELSON'S New Novelty Store, Sunday Time Tabic. upasm, ^||r\r a! thought Portland Daily 2 have money deposited in any Having* flank, St. 2f-l expectoration, and LKt'Et'TH w iX C, ΛI nerves will be worn to Bankers and 25@3 00pnead. ΡΕΚΤΗ AMBOY—Sld 24th, sells Judge Low, in- gress 4.30 wh«trr nil other rawcAku h'l. A trial n't. I do believe my Swan & Baiuiett, write to Box 301)5, Boston, Mass., for valuable and store The 9, 10.30 a. m., 2.15, 3, p. m., <-»n«tnrr· tkr muât Corrected bv Boston. SALE—Millinery fancy goods regular of It» Initio<Π-·«. that Don't go!" Tenney, Bangor; Hortensia, Sanborn, will be run to Peaks'. skeptical .'Ilrrrt and nrtcr.fe i||DB to ravelin's with bicycle. Brokers, 18G Middle street. Market. formation. my27dlm doing a large cash business; nicely located; Sunday I'riee 4>Oe. ami >.f Print Cloth NEW HAVEN—Ar 24th, sch Ellen, Clark, FOR T -, φ I.(Ml; JruzKlHts or by mail Trial Mrs. Meeker. I know Lady best of may be found on lite at Geo. For Little and Great Diamond, Evergreen and "I won't stay new, STOCKS. FALL —The cloth Lizzie L sold at actual value of stock and fixtures ; i'aaLllhi· RIVER, June 26,1886 print Calais; Morelight. Webster,do; Mills, TTT1 S l\ IV I'. & Co'* a. 30 in. l*ANTSt- want to I'll come some i ■''«•'«wlelpMa reasons for will bear the closest investi- V Al iWll Newspaper Trefethens, the regular 9,10.30 m.,2,4 p. Jiî■ ».■HI"t you watch Charley. Par Value. Bid. Asked market—Production for the week 175,000 pieces; Hammond, Bangor. tao Adver- selling: âî Descriptions. i t-ffivia siîîiat îer MAINE REAL ESTATE AND BUSI- For Long Island. 10.30 a. m., 2 p. in. other time." Canal National Bank 100 108 170 deliveries, 218,000 stock62,000 pieces; STONING Τ ON—Ar 24th, sclis Ε & G W Hinds, .4 s tieiiitf Agency of Messrs. gation. apri) pieces; 45 Street. 18-1 jel7dtf B. J. WILLAltD, Manager. dw&SraM So, quite unattended^ Mrs. Brown found Casco Nat. Bank 100 152 1U4 last week's stock 105,000 pieces; sales, odd, 12,- Colemun, Calais; W Ε Leggett, Pierce, do. ilw W· AV E« 4 son. car agents. NESS AGENCY, Exchange her way to the door and went on to the next NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Λ ?H ΝΙΐηΕΛΤΜ. AUCTION HALM. PERSONAL. PULPIT AND PLATFORM. Florence Wiggin, Mrs. Ansa Small, Mrs. Ε. Opening of the Pavilion. Mrs. E. J. Mrs. ΊΉΈ PRESS. L. Fernald, Winship, Mary The Pavilion at Peak's Island will open AUCTIONEERS. K. and the Misses Fannie and Jen- F. 0. BAILEY & CO., Mr. Van FIB8T PARISH. Harper for Kent" will be 1786 lOSe. Valkenburg took tea with General a stands in tonight and "Rooms pre- MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 28. nie McDougall, occupying row of Neal Dow last evening. Rev. Dr. Boratio Stebbins, of San Francis- front of the platform, were very beautiful. sented, introducing many airs from Mikado. KID CLOVES. Assignee's Sale of Vessel of recitations and Mr. Cliarles M. Gore of tiiis city is at Bar co, preached to large congregations at this The exercise· consisting The company is called excellent, and the the little ones in the afternoon, and Property. PORTLAND AND VICINITY. Harbor on a short visit. church morning and evening yesterday. songs by cozy theatre will doubtless be filled. The responsive readings and recitations inter- at 10 o'clock a. in., At The wife of Conductor Mace of In the morning the text was taken from the Forest boats will leave for Fine Stock. II noli Lower Prices than June 28th, the Maine spersed with music in the evening, passed off City Company's any MONDAY,Salesroom of F. O. Bftlley & Co., 18 Kx- NEW ADVUKTIMEiaEIVTN TO-WAY. Central is at Waterville for a visit of several First Epistle to the Corinthians, xiii, 8, pleasantly, and were apparently thoroughly the islands at 7.30 p. m. and return at 10..K) change St., I shall sell Ά J l_Jl audience which failed previous year. 1-16 Schooner Wlllard. **■ weeks. "Love never faileth ; but whether there be enjoyed by the large m. Georgie NEW ADVEKTISEMENT8. p. of Portland (5-10 Clear the Track. li' A'k the entire house. Kid Mrs. Λ. W. Tourgee, wife of Albion they shall fail; whether there at 75 cts. City 1-8 " Moses B. Llnscott. a"f Brothers. prophecies for week's sale Gloves—Kines Judge CONGBESS CHUBCU. $1.50 Gloves this «· Boston & Κ. K. SQUAJRE NEWS. l-i ο juiietta. y...:wum Maine W. Tourgee, of X. is visit- be tongues they shall cease ; whether there SUBURBAN " of Portland. Chautauqua, Y., front of the 1-16 Florida. «*£2 Lost—Willis' History The pulpit, chancel, and organ " To ing Bangor. be knowledge it shall vanish away." The 1-4 Dele ware. V Let—Two Cottages. _ were 14 Business. loft of the Congress Square Church, KNIGHTVILLE. 1-16 Contest. β?7Ι Π For Sale—Manufacturing Mr. Charles Barron will Miss central idea of the sermon was the everlast- CHEAP. " not support PRINTS Nellie Burns. Place. decorated with flowers yesterday 1-8 I Found—The To under- beautifully The new vestry of the M. E. Church at " For Business. Kose Coglilan, as has been announced, but ing power of heavenly sympathy. 1-16 Arizona. «ί. Sate—Millinery on the occasion of Children's Sunday. In " Pearl. New Sale. will a man it is that Knightvillo was opened with appropriate out sale at 10 cent discount on 1-4 House for play leading characters in support of stand what says necessary Closing to-day per 11 Centennial Celebration—M. C. It. 1Î. the morning there was the beautiful cere- services under the direction of Kev. W. S. Jtescue. Mr. Booth next season. we should know what kind of a man he is. thousands of NATHAN CLEAVES, Lost—Bank Bills. mony of christening the children of Captain afternoon. yards. & Prince. For Sale—Lodging House Mr. Clarence A. Ilight has been appointed This is especially true of Paul, the great lib- Jones, presiding elder, Thursday Je28dlt Assignee Carney for Pettes land Mr. Knight being christened. of elected Aorse Sale. to a eral Paul wasn't the kind of a man Bayard Lodge, Knights Pythias Business Agency—3. position on the Harvard freshmen crew apostle. F. O. BAULKY & CO., AUCTION Κ Κ RM. Maine Iteai Estate Rev. Mr. Blanchard delivered a very earnest the officers at its DAR 29 Notice is Hereby Given. which will row and Columbia to disparage reason in the name of following regular meeting DAMAGED CENTS. against Yale empty- discourse to MOSQUITO Portland Railroad-Congress Street Station. and impressive the children, : at New London, July 2d. headed sentimentalism, but lie was pervaded Thursday evening AUCTION SALES. Friday, for his text,the motto of the Womens' C. C.—L. We shall sell 250 GROCERIES, We throughout witli true humanity. His soul taking S. Arey. to-day pieces Mosquito Netting, Vessel regret to learn that our esteemed fel- V. C.-W. E. Allen. Assignee's Sale of Property. had the very perfume and aroma of reason, Christian Temperance Union. "For God, in the manufac- Fruit low Ira had an ill turn Prelate—Geo. F. Stevens. subject to slight imperfect places Fixtures and Stwk of Store, &c., citizen, Berry, Esq., but he thought love grander, and more en- for Home and Native land." In the evening M. at Α.—Albert Parsons. H Y AUCTION. last than or a Imitations liave been foisted upon tbe market yesterday afternoon. It was thought during prophecy knowledge. It is there was a children's concert. The lirst at only 29 cents per piece. The rank of was conferred on Mes- turing, June at o'clock n. m.. Ailcock's that Mr. would be much better privilege to possess great endowments, class from the Reform School were Page TUESDAY. 20, 2^ so resembling Porous Plasters in evening Berry present srs. Tlios. J. C. S. we shall sell closely grandut there are men of fine gifts and power James E. Smith, Willard, ON at salesroom. Exchange street, as to be well calculated to de- this at the services in the morning. of of Teas. Coffee. To- general aypearance morning. who have no knowledge, or of using Batchelder and F. M. Wilson. a stock goods, consisting idea, baccos, Canned Goods, Soaps, Sardines, Hard- ceive. It is, however, in general appearance only Mr. Ο. B. Whitten left for Washington them for any other than their The immense tide of travel on the Cape LADIES' UNDERWEAR. person's good ware, Marble Slab, Coffee Mill, Meat Block, with for are own. no The Centennial. shore road demands additional outlets from that they compare Ailcock's, they to appear before the Con- They have more soul than corpora- Scales, &c. ; also, at same time, a stock of Saturday night a cross Trough, worthless, Inasmuch as tions It is a far to what it now has. Some mouths ago Cottton Underwear and Knit Underwear for Ladies School Books, worse than they contain committee in regard to the bill possess. greater blessing Former residents of Maine and particularly Confectionery, Cigars, Stationery, gressional that moral can enter road was talked up from the of Port- Ice Cream Freezers, Peanut Boast- ingredients which are apt to cause seri- possess sensibility that vicinity us Show Cases, deleterious close tiuie mackerel. The of Portland will hold a meeting at the Amer- land Head to the Hannaford ; read if this is and Children will be offered by at retail all this Measures, Tables. Clocks, Candy Jars, that concerning fo^ into the feelings of others. Isn't this su- er, Scoops, ous injury. Remember Ailcock's are the only it to the market Two Ice Chests, Fruit Baskets, Show bill designates three months from March 1st premacy of love verified in every day expe- ican House, Boston, this evening, at 7.30 consummated, will open up week at extra Lamps. plasters—the best external reme- hundreds of which are now bargains. Candy Pans, Stoves, &c., &c. je25d4t genuine porous rience? The products of men's hearts have to make the at- acres compara- Signs, and when as close time. o'clock, arrangements for dy ever known ; purchasing plasters do an undying life that is denied to the products tively worthless land and wood. The class of Portland School, will tendance of a large upon Port- BAILEY & AUCTIONEERS. not only ask for, but see that you get "Ailcock's '80, High of their intellect. Men's hearts have but one delegation FALMOÛTII. GRAND F. 0. CO., send several to Andrew II. his land's Centennial. Porous Γ Ulsters." The popularity which these boys college. language and that is a universal one, but Saturday morning Mr. Sewell P. Leighton JEWELRY. have attained Mulnix will to Nathan Clifford intellect many tongues that are not under- Past members of St. School are plasters during the past thirty go Amherst, Augustine of Falmouth, went out into his field to work, &C. so standable by all. The deep calls to the deep, For this week's sales we offer a new stock of Cold HARD WOOD PLANK, years has no parallel, it is no wonder that imi. and W. C. Eaton to Harvard, C. L. Hutchin- requested to meet at the office of Isaac W. PILING, but not a freshet to a freshet. It is the sym- and as he had not been feeling well for a tatlons and counterfeits abound. son to Wilbur F. Frank First National Bank Ex- Plated examination of which is BY AUCTION. Bowdoin, Whelden, pathetic in this world that is never forgot- Dyer, building, his wife went out after to carry Jewelry, recommend- eod&w time, shortly Jnn28 P. King and T. H. Flaherty to Colby. ten, and is as fresh in our minds today as it change street, tliis afternoon, at 3 p. m. him some medicine, when she found him ly- one about to Our FRIDAY, July 2d, at 10 o'clock a. m.. at of thousands of ed to every purchase. low prices Advice to Mert.eM.-MRS. VVINSLOW'S Orrin Hamilton, Esq., the popular and was to those years ago. Mrs. M. E. Hamilton of Bangor is visiting ing on the ground dead. Heart disease was ON Grand Trunk Wharves, lot of Hard Wood The poet's dreams of all ages are always the cause. a stock. Logs, Piling Planking, &c., &. Terms cash. SOOTHING SYltUP should always be used when efficient senior conductor on the Boston & Mrs. William H. Chase, Cedar street. She probable makes it very attractive dtd with us. Who can ever forget the parting of CENTENNIAL Je26 children are teeth. It relieves the YARMOUTH. cutting little Maine railroad, has just completed thirty- Hector and Andromeda? The heart tales of has brought a large table spoon, ene tea sufferer at once ; itproduces natural, At a special meeting of the Yarmouth Ri- quiet sleep by nine years of continuous service in the em- the old Greek tragedies keep step with those spoon and a China mug, 12T years old. The F. O. BAILEY & CO.~ relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub of the Bible in our memories. kindle fles held June to LANTERNS AND FANS. of that of They mug belonged to Capt. Merrill of Wells, and Thursday evening, 24th, as ploy company—the larger portion that never is awakes "blight as a button." It is very pleas- a light extinguished. Know- elect a first lieutenant in of Lieutenant which lias as conductor on both to Mr. Walker of place and Merchants to taste. It the been the through is ever vanishing, but the self-sacrificing spoons Eastport. Fans and Auctioneers Commission ant soothes child, softens the ledge F. A. Second Lieutenant H. A. Large variety of Japanese Lanterns just trains between Boston and Portland. deeds of love's heroism live forever. They They were brought here in 1759. Pendexter, gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the Merrill was to the and Street. are on fire with God's like promoted position, for this week's sales. CEWATIOiV Salesroom 18 Exchange and is the best known for The Cape Elizabeth Sentinel says : humanity spirit, Col. Charles P. Mattocks formally accepted A. was opened Vowels, remedy diar- never con- Sergt. J. Chase elected Second Lieu- Moses' bush that burned but was W. ALI.K1 whether from or other "The many friends of Elisha N. Jordan of an invitation to take charge of the first divi- tenant. F. O. HAILEY. C. rhoea, arising teething sumed. Abraham's science is out of date, UU Elizabeth will his name to the At the semi-annual election of officers mar 14 causes. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Cape present bill the deep human pathos of the Bible re- sion in the procession July 5th. This divi- by It, next county convention as a candidate for Wescustogo Lodge Knights of Pythias, held ODD NAPKINS. Jan SM&W&wly mains undiminished. "Deep calls to deep sion will comprise the military, Grand Army sheriff. Mr. Jordan has been in the sheriff's and heart to heart." The lament of David Thursday evening, the following were chos- of the incorporation of From John Wyman, formerly Postmaster, as a for four and and Sons of Veterans. office, deputy, nearly years, over Jonathan, the Psalms of David that in en: For sale cheap to-day. South China, Me. his courteous of his duties to tickets for the way performing themselves are a grand cathedral, were quo- All who intend procure C. C.—C. L. Bucknam. "Too much cannot be said of Adam- as an officer, brings him before the people T. C.—(ί. A. Leichton. OUT SALE ted as illustrations. St. Paul's real so once. CLOSING power clam bake should do at The with with all who have had grand Prelate—F. C. Moody. son's Botanic Cougli Balsam, as it is the best favor, especially was through men's hearts. His theology was j business with and he is qualified bake will take place on Long Island, and ar- M. at Α.—Ε. Stoddard. SMALL WARES. OF remedy for coughs, colds, etc., that I Have ever him, fully notas important as men think for. Probably | in the different branches of the sheriff busi- are complete for the entertain- The exercises of the class of seen its wonderful effects owe re- of all the apostles, on account of this rangements graduation ; and to I my ness." very our ex- sympathy, St. John bfot understood Christ. ment of five thousand guests. The commit- '8G, Yarmouth High School, took place Fri- Large additions have recently been made to Ladies' and Misses1 covery. It is well worthy of praise, and I would j at the Central which Miss Addie L. Libby died at her father's The Stoics were men of great intellect and desire that tickets be obtained day evening Church, PORTLAND, advise all to use it who are afflicted." tee, however, was filled to tensive stock of Small Wares and Goods. residence on ability ; they had great influence upon the overflowing. Twenty graduates Fancy MW&S&w Prospect street last Friday eve- so that all the details can be at- june28 world and de now, but St. Paul was superior promptly, took parts in the exercises which were of a Hamburçsi ning. Miss Libby had been a teacher in the tended to without order. After the Hosiery, Gloves, Ruchings, Ribbons, Carter's Little Liver Pills are free from all crude to them. Simeon taught that men should be delay. high awarding diplomas OUTSIDE public schools for some time, having been the but Paul men 4th the Boston & the class with their friends repaired to Rus- Buttons and all kinds of Trim- and in itating matter. Concentrated medicine ou- governed by head, taught On Sunday, July next, Corsets, Underwear, j connected with the Casco street school for to listen to tiie heart. Depth of feeling is sell Hall, where a reception was tendered small to 110 110 ! Maine railroad will run a special excursion have become ly ; very ; very easy take; pain; thought to be with of them by the principal, A. J. Curtis. The mings leading departments. and the past three years. She was greatly be- incompatible strength Sunday, Moidar Tuesday, intellect by many. People talk of "cold Yarmouth brass band furnished excellent of best and cheapest Soaps and nc variety d&wlw un eu uy lier pupus, ana naa a large circle 01 fortfo" if *1.« minH io i*-c lu.,t r.fnfn o'clock noon. Tickets for this excursion music for the occasion. Large who will mourn lier death. reduced to and on cold Handkerchief Perfumes. F. Ο. & Co. will sell at 10 o'clock tills friends, early poverty subsisting will be good until Tuesday, July 6th. Bally victuals. By mere intellect we cannot move GARMENTS Her funeral took at the Free morning, by order of Nathan Cleaves, assignee ol place Sunday Rev. E. C. Bollesof Salem,and Rev. Joseph others and we cannot move ourselves much. HOOF PRINTS. 5th and Otli. & of several schooners. See Baptist (Plymouth) church. There was a T. Elder of New York have the in- 4tli, Carney Prince, parts We want it driven into us that the soul is accepted NECK TIES. July Regardless of Cost, notice in auction column. large attendance and the floral offerings superior to the intellect ; that the understand- vitation of the city to attend the Centennial were a while the soul Notes of tho Track, Road and Stable. — ΛΤ very beautiful. Rev. Mr. Lowden offi- ing speaks provincial, speaks as special guests. Harpkk's Bazak.—This beautiful weekly pub- a universal language. If we had nine senses, Special offer at retail of 200 dozen Cent's Spring ciated. Letters regretting their inability to attend lication Is a welcome visitor to the parlor circle. and two of them were superior in every re- and Summer Neck Ties at half cost. Our venerable fellow citizen, the Hon. W. to the revolutionize have been received from Neal Sher- The black mare owned The number for the ensuing week has been re- spect others, they might Mary Kitty, formerly by W. arrived our but couldn't our 10 ceived N. G. Fessenden, 484 street. Thomas, home from Europe knowledge, they change wood and Margaret Eleanor Neal, daughters Mr F. E. Stanley of Lewiston, has been sold 50 dozen 25 cent Ties at cents. by Congress " " " " " 4th. BROS.' love in one This this JULY TURNER in health. While in particular. humanity, SUNDAY, Saturday improved of the late John Neal. to a New York gentleman for $1,000. This love, is more than provincial dogmas or evan- 100 50 25 Sweden His Majesty, King Oscar, accorded mare has been well in " " " " " MUNICIPAL COURT. escent religions. Let us be fond of publicans M. Parker Williams, editor of the Daily known the central 50 I.OO 50 a special audience to Mr. Thomas and his and sinners ; let us, like Paul, try and be He- Register and Weekly Gazette, Hudson, N. part of the State as the Jackson 1 lot Fancy Brocade Silk brews or Israelites or whatever MORNINC. Also, son, the ex-minister, at the Royal Palace. may be, has sent a letter of as other en- mare, and on June 16th last won the These are fine and the very latest made. BEFORE JUDGE OOUI.D. rather than to be leaders in religious eti- Y., regret, styles for evening wear, reduced from John H. The King heartily welcomed botli gentlemen will him his 2.45 race at Canton in She Satuhday—Joliu Γ. Ward, Gallagher, quette, if so we can bring these sin- gagements prevent from visiting 2.35^. each 80 i'l by doing in all tlic Churches. $8.00 to $3.00. Thomaston, intoxication; days eounty to Sweden, and at the close of the audience to us is Historic Discourses ners Christ. God will be with and if old home. not only very promising in speed but one 1 lot $3.00, form- Jail. a before his throne there should be Fancy Stripes John 1*. Ward and John If. Gallagher, resisting presented handsome photograph of himself judgment One of the most attractive features of the of the most stylish and squarest trotters that each fined and one-half costs. in a contradictory voice it shall be silent, for er $6.00. officer; S3» clad naval uniform to Mr. Thomas, the Centennia lwill be the conflicts which our ever left the State. RINES BROTHERS. AFTERNOON. price Theodore Deerlng, Searboro, cruelty to horse; that nobler voice shall be heard, saying, dit Fine Lisle as a souvenir of his visit. Ex-Minister je28 Ladies' and Misses' flued ST) ami costs. elder, "their sins that are many are forgiven for early settlers had with the aborigines. The The raising of good horse stock has be- Andrew Jones and Charles Dee Hose at less than cost to close. Sawyer, ring ; Thomas will remain in Sweden during the they loved much," and Paul shall say, "I told Ilebdomodal tribe of Indians who added so come a valuable in Maine. While in Hall. Addresses malicious fined S5 and one-half costs industry PORTLAND RAILROAD. Exercises City by mischief; summer in you when I was stoned and scorned, when in at one-third the each. engaged historical researches. much to the interest of the exercises at the there has been great improvement within Rev. Elijah Kellogg and Rev. William Laces regular hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold CONGRESS STREET STATION ROUTE. Dr. Adams returned with Mr. Thomas. " H. Fen· I). I». in and 'love never faileth.' recent Gorham anniversary been secured,and the last few years in the matter of breeding Religious Worship price. BRIEF JOTTINCS. nakedness, the Music. CENTENNIAL ©α aa