|ohn Benjamins Publishing Company This is a contribution {rom h{ood in the Languages of Eurt:pe. Edited by Björn Rothstein and Rolf Thieroff O 2010. )ohn Benjamins Publishing Cornpany This electronic hle may not be altered in any rval'. The author(s) of this article islare permitted to use this PDF file to generate printed copies to be used by rvay of ofprints, for their personal use only. Permission is granted bv the publishers to post this file on a closed server rvhich is accessible to members (str.rdents aird staff) orrly of the author's/s'institute, it is not permitted to post this PDF on the open internet. For any other use of this material prior ivritten pernrission s}rould be obtained fr:om the publishers or througlt the Copy.right Cleararrce Center (Ibr USA: wnrt-.copyT ight.corn). Please contact
[email protected] or consuit our rvebsite: wwir'.beniamins.com Tables of Contents, ahstracts and guidelirles are available at rmv'.benjamins.com Mood 1n Modern Georgian* Winfried Boeder Oldenburg r. Introduction Ceor:gian is one of the Karl-r,elian (South Caucasian) langtiages which ar:e spoken in a relatively compact area to tl're south of the Caucasus ridge rvhere (as tär as lve knou') the,v have alwa,ys been in conlact lvith each other: Georgian in the easl, Megrelian (or Min- greiian) in the rvest and Svan in the north-western mountains of Georgia; Laz is mainly spoken in an area ad;'acent to the Black Sea between'liabzon and Baturni. Only Georgian has a long-standing 1500 year old rvritten tradition.