Mummel Gulf National Park and State Conservation Area

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Mummel Gulf National Park and State Conservation Area Plan of Management Mummel Gulf National Park and State Conservation Area MUMMEL GULF NATIONAL PARK AND STATE CONSERVATION AREA PLAN OF MANAGEMENT NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service October, 2012 This plan of management was adopted by the Minister for the Environment on 2nd October 2012. Acknowledgments The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) acknowledges that these reserves are in the traditional country of the Biripai, Anaiwan and Thungutti/Dunghutti Aboriginal people. This plan of management is based on a draft plan prepared by the staff of the Northern Tablelands Region of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, part of the Office of Environment and Heritage, Department of Premier and Cabinet. FRONT COVER: View of the central section of Mummel Gulf. Photo: Penny Peters / NPWS. For additional information or any inquiries about this park or this plan of management, contact the NPWS Walcha Area Office, 188W North Street Walcha or by telephone on (02) 6777 4700. Published by: Office of Environment and Heritage NSW 59–61 Goulburn Street PO Box A290 Sydney South 1232 © Copyright State of NSW and the Office of Environment and Heritage NSW: Use permitted with appropriate acknowledgment. ISBN 978 1 74293 866 0 OEH 2012/0839 Printed on recycled paper FOREWORD Mummel Gulf National Park and Mummel Gulf State Conservation Area are located approximately 40 kilometres south-east of Walcha and 85 kilometres west of Wauchope. Mummel Gulf National Park covers an area of 14,127 hectares, while Mummel Gulf State Conservation Area is 1,162 hectares in size. Mummel Gulf National Park contains extensive areas of old growth forest and is large enough to support space dependant top order predators such as the spotted- tailed quoll and a number of species of owl. The park also supports key populations of the parma wallaby and common wombat. It contains two plant and seventeen animal species listed as vulnerable under the Threatened Species Conservation Act. A significant area, approximately 10,700 hectares or 76% of the park, has been declared wilderness under the Wilderness Act. Mummel Gulf State Conservation Area protects large areas of rainforest in pristine condition and provides habitat for several plant species of conservation significance. The New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 requires that a plan of management be prepared for each national park and state conservation area. A plan of management is a legal document that outlines how an area will be managed in the years ahead. A draft plan of management for Mummel Gulf National Park and Mummel Gulf State Conservation Area was placed on public exhibition from 12th February until 24th May 2010. The submissions received were carefully considered before adopting this plan. The plan contains a number of actions aimed at protecting native vegetation, biodiversity, landscapes and waterways including fire, pest and weed management programs and the implementation of recovery actions for threatened species. The plan also contains actions which contribute to the provision of facilities and opportunities for sustainable visitor use and enjoyment including the maintenance of roads for visitor access and the maintenance of picnic and camping facilities at New Country Swamp, including facilities for horse riders using the Bicentennial National Trail. This plan of management establishes the scheme of operations for Mummel Gulf National Park and Mummel Gulf State Conservation Area. In accordance with section 73B of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, this plan of management is hereby adopted. Robyn Parker Minister for the Environment Map 1. Map of Mummel Gulf National Park and State Conservation Area v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v S v v a v v m v v v v v s v v v v v v d Fl v v R v a v l v v d s v t r an l l ak R v T O O v v r d e T x ir t v v l v e v F g v y v e M l v v v H v v v d v v y r i v v v n v g a a d h v R v d v w v h le Springv a a v n y v n u v a v v o d v P v v B R v v n r r v v e v B v P D e v t i v o o v r r s v g a t v v v e R v v v a v r T v c s r hv E v a k v c v p r e C t i v C e n v a w v v k d m o i a r R v M r r l p e v g a e v v R h i t Y c d v R R T r t v i v Porters d r e a l i w Camp p T o v p r U v r v v a Delig ils ht Y ev M D g t T r v v l l v r v v d l T r v t R T v v g t d v s t R M r e g n v l Fo o y e M t r r k a m o v v d m C M v n u s u y M o e B k v n r c te v es W Ja M v u v v m d m R e ld v New Country Swamp l fie n E R v i v v v e r v v T v ight B oot v Trl v Mummel Gulf NP D Enfield SF a Mu v m m i el F s v ore y st P R d a tc h v R ks Hu d Dic t Fire l T r C o Riamukka SF o p M Mummel Gulf SCA E l t a C n c a r f u r i in e r g l r to d i n d B p R S R u Tr r rn a l c d s e v r C R r i u ee i R b k v b er y C k M gt Trl l Tr W e D r a o i l d T c d F h r s 3 e o Mg 5 To w p R t s R iv T e r d r l C arab M C een u k M g v m t T v m rl v e v l F ir e v T v v rl E v n v f ie l d ts Trl ran G R v pe d rov v v r v P t ire v y F T v l r Mummel Gulf NP & SCA n v R e l to d m g m v n v u v i r M Planningv Area r a Camping Area v C v State Forests v Mtv v v v v Armidale Highway v Day Use Area Unsealed Road - Off Park Unsealed Road - On Park Communications Tower Armidale Walcha 4WD Road Tamworth v Powerlines Management Trail Walcha Private Property Trail Rivers c.AUSLIG Tamworth Bicentennial National Trail 0241 Kilometres 1 1. LOCATION, GAZETTAL AND REGIONAL CONTEXT Mummel Gulf National Park and Mummel Gulf State Conservation Area are located approximately 40 kilometres southeast of Walcha and 85 kilometres west of Wauchope (see Map 1). Mummel Gulf National Park covers an area of 14,127 hectares. An original area of approximately 12,260 hectares was gazetted in January 1999 as part of the North East Regional Forest Agreement under the Forest and National Park Estate Act 1999, and an additional area of 1,788 hectares, known as the Dicks Hut Lease, was purchased in 2003 and gazetted as part of Mummel Gulf National Park in 2007. Mummel Gulf State Conservation Area, formerly Daisy Patch Flora Reserve managed by Forests NSW, is 1,162 hectares in size and was gazetted in January 2003. Mummel Gulf National Park and State Conservation Area are herein referred to as “the planning area”. The planning area covers 15,289 hectares in total. The planning area is located on the high eastern edge of the southern New England Tablelands and lies within the Walcha Shire. The reserves are primarily in the traditional country of the Biripai people but also adjoin the traditional country of Thungutti/Dunghutti, Anaiwan and Nganyaywana peoples. The planning area is within the area of the Biripai, Purfleet and Amaroo Local Aboriginal Land Councils. Major land uses in the surrounding area include timber harvesting and cattle grazing. Tourism is growing in the region and the park and the surrounding State Forests are popular for scenic driving. The reserves are two of many in the area, with Cottan- Bimbang National Park, Werrikimbe National Park, and Nowendoc National Park located in close proximity and collectively they form part of a regional system of conservation reserves. As well as the gazetted National Park and the State Conservation Area, the planning area includes lands which are vested in the Minister under Part 11 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NPW Act). These lands include Mummel Forest Road, Porters Camp Road; sections of Panhandle Fire Trail and Mummel Fire Trail within Mummel Gulf National Park.
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