Australian Species Oe Aristeidae and Benthesicymidae (Penaeoidea: Decapoda)
AUSTRALIAN SPECIES OE ARISTEIDAE AND BENTHESICYMIDAE (PENAEOIDEA: DECAPODA) W. DALL Dall, W. 2001 06 30: Australian species of Aristeidae and Benthesicymidae (Penaeoidea: Decapoda). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 46(2): 409-441. Brisbane. ISSN 0079-8835. Twelve species of Aristeidae from Australian seas, representing all genera in the family, have been identified (indicates new records): Aristaeomorpha foliacea, Aristaeopsis edwardsiana,*Aristeus mabahissae, A. virilis, Austropenaeus nitidus, *Hemipenaeus carpenteri, *Hepomadus tener, *Parahepomadus vaubani, *Plesiopenaeus armatus, *P. coruscans, *Pseudaristeus kathleenae, *P. sibogae. (Aristeus semidentatus has also been recorded from Australia, but its identity could not be confirmed in existing museum collections). In the Benthesicymidae ten species have been identified: Benthesicymus investigator is, B. urinator, Gennadas bouveri, G. capensis, G. gilchristi, G. incertus, G. kempi, G. propinquus, G. scutatus, G. tinayrei, plus a new subspecies Benthesicymus urinator howensis. Definitions of the 2 families and the genera represented, with keys, are included. Keys to the Indo-West Pacific species are given, together with diagnoses of the Australian species. Zoogeography of the 2 families is discussed briefly. • Indo-West Pacific, Aristeidae, Benthesicymidae, Australia, diagnoses, distribution, zoogeography. W. Dall, Queensland Museum, PO Box 3300, South Brisbane, Queensland4101, Australia; 1 November 2000. Up to the late 19th century all penaeoid deca- Upper antennular flagellum of similar length to the lower pods were included in the Penaeidae. It was and attached apically to the third segment of the peduncle; prosartema well developed and foliaceous recognised, however, that there were major dif- Penaeidae ferences between some groups and Wood-Mason * In some solenocerid genera this could be identified as a (1891) identified 3 distinct deep-water groups in postantennal spine.
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