Mcnarney Orders Drillcurf Ew Penalty
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r EUROPE One Year Ago Today USAFf: WEATHER FORECAST NORTM WEST: Cool, Max S5, Min Red's Berlin trap closed. Nazi 34; SOVT I & EAST (includes *ienna): Partly r Iv with scattered showers, army broken; British in Bremen; warmer, >lax 67, Min 3S; BERLIN: Low Yanks driving toward Austria. San clouds I r a. m., light intermittent rain, Max 6h Min 37; BREMEN: Same as Franciseo parley opens. Berlin, v Unofficial Newspaper of U.S. Ar^ed • in the European Theater ax 63, Min 33. Volume 2, Number 115 20 Pfg., 2 fr., 1 d. Friday, April 26, 1946 McNarney Orders DrilLCurf ew Penalty —were ordered today by Gen. Joseph T. Mc- FRANKFURT, April 25 (AP)—Rigorous measures to combat deterioration of discipline Narney, Theater commander. Admitting morale and discipline have among American troops'in Europe—including declined seriously within the last ffw months, busy training schedules for all and 11 p. m. McNarney told a press conference he had curfews for soldiers with bad conduct records tissued orders that "prompt corrective measures must be taken to remove the cause, deal swiftly and justly Plane Attacks with the offenders and limit and Big Four Open prevent any future occurrences.' Among these "corrective mea- Paris Parley Will End, Reds sures" he listed: 1: New training programs—"in addition to^he normal training pro- On Peace Issue Assure Clark grams for occupational duties"— which will leave soldiers less idle PARIS, April 25 (UP)—The for- By ARTHUR NOYES time or unused energy to get into* eign ministers of, the Big Four— Staff Writer trouble. Great Britain, France, the Soviet VIENNA, AP"! 25—Marshal Ivan, 2: Requirement that soldiers must Union, and the United States—met S. Koniev, Soviet military com- in the Luxembourg Palace late have special passes to be out of today to open discussions which mander for Austria, today assured their billets after 11 p.m., with may settle the fate of Europe. Gen. Mark W. Clark, USFA com- only those having good conduct The objective of the conference manding general, that there would records granted such passes and the was to break the deadlocks which be no more attacks by Soviet planes rule enforced by frequent "taps had blocked the deputies' earlier on American aircraft. He added checks." efforts to draft peace treaties with that he had summoned his ajr com- 3: More rigid controls of firearms, Italy and the minor Axis satellites mander to Vienna for a complete with courts martial for those who carry weapons illegally. in Europe. It will also probably report on the two incidents which 4: More intensive control of vene- seek to reach agreement on a broad took place Sunday and Monday. plan for the future organization of real disease. Germany, including the status of The marshal told Clark that fol- 5: Swift punishment of lawless- the Ruhr and Rhineland, and may lowing the receipt of the Russian ness or offenses against civilians. attempt to work out new plans for report, any offenders would be dealt Causes Cited the treatment of Austria. with severely. Koniev said that The Italian problem, which will the action by the Russian fighter- "Other additional measures are probably be first on the peace-treaty plane pilots in shooting at an Amef- contemplated," McNarney said. 'The Most Unkindest Cut of All' agenda, will be complicated by the ican Army transport at Tulln Air- McNarney blamed the deteriora- As if it wasn't bad enough to give him his measles immunization Russian demand for sole trusteeship port in Vienna on Monday, and in tion of Army discipline principally shot in a spot where he can't very well brag about it, little Joseph over Italian colonial territory in firing on an EATS transport over on rapid redeployment, heavy turn- Dormant is subjected to the added indignity of having to march past North Africa. The western powers Linz on Sunday, was "contrary to over in personnel and inexperienced a line of waiting little girls with his pants down. This little drama are expected to oppose this request my instructions." replacements. took place at the Children's Aid Society in New York City. strongly. Also entering into the Italian Clark told the Russian commander Asked if he believed there was any discussion will be the Yugoslav- that full American Veports have "concerted, deliberate. Communist- Italian dispute over the Adriatic port proved that the American planes inspired effort" to undermine Army of Trieste. It was expected that a were not flying outside the approved efficiency, McNarney said," I know of Strict Garrison Life Urged special inquiry commission will lay "corridors" over Russian occupied no such plan and there was no its report on Trieste before the con- territory, thought of Communism in my mind ference on Saturday. Koniev declared that he did not in issuing these orders." He added, Press is Barred however, that "if any organization For ET asVD Rate Spars allow his pilots to carry ammuni- w,ere seeking to overthrow the The first of the full conference tion and could not understand the American Government by force it sessions, from which the press has reports of shots being fired. certainly would be good tactics to FRANKFURT, April 25 (AP)— at the end of the European war to been barred, was expected to be Clark, «whose own plane is flying weaken its armed forces." U. S. Army medical officers, faced 427 cases in some areas, Eberhart devoted to drawing up a program over Russian territory today, was Also, he said, "there certainly with venereal disease of "epidemic revealed. ♦ timetable. offered an escort by the Soviet proportions" and growing promis- have been things published by some New measures to enforce treat- Immediate difficulties were fore- marshal to assure that no other in- newspapers and individuals plainly cuity, have made drastic recommen- ment of German girls have leveled seen- over the question of whether cidents occur before the matter has calculated to decrease the prestige of dations to substitute the drill field off .the average to 211 cases per France should be admitted to the been settled. the Army." He declined to identify for "pickup girls" in Europe, it was thousand at present, he added. meetings at which the peace treaties the papers or individuals. revealed today. - "There is, however, no guarantee with Hungary, Bulgaria and Fin- The proposals fdr a "return to that the rate won't continue to land are to be discussed. MG Disfranchises garrison life" have been made to all rocket," Eberhart said. Under an agreement made in major commands in the European "Food shortages, as they grow 14,500 Off icers Theater by Major Claude M. Eber- Moscow by the Big Three, France Ex-Bavarian Leader worse, will increase the promiscuity would not in the normal course of Will Be Demoted hart, theater venereal disease control of girls who will become more wil- MUNICH, April 25 (AP)—Amer- officer. events be entitled to sit in on these ican Military Government today dis- WASHINGTON, April 25 (AP)— ling to sell themselves for the talks. France, however, is extremely Eberhart «aid the recommenda- chocolate bar and the necessities of franchised Fritz Schaeffer, one-time Some 14,500 Army officers, from tions fell in line with Gen. Joseph interested in the Balkan problem American-appointed minister-pres- colonel through captain, will be T. McNarney's sharp new discip- life which soldiers can provide. and delegates admitted that France's ident of occupied Bavaria, taking "One of the few alternatives is to reduced in rank one grade by next linary measures for American troops position as host to the conference away his right to engage in politics Feb. 1, according to War Department in Europe. enforce Army discipline with an created a delicate situation. after an investigation showed him plans announced today. McNarney, it was disclosed yester- emphasis on drills, reviews, parades, An indication that France would to be "an early Nazi sympathizer." a tightening of courtesy and general They will be demoted "without day, said the excessive venereal also press for early discussion of the Schaeffer was appointed to his prejudice" beginning May 1 in ac- disease rate was an indication of the discipline and a reinstitution of future disposition of Germany was Bavarian post in May, 1445, but was military calls, such as retreat and cordance with lessened requirements deterioration of soldier morale and seen in a speech made yesterday by removed in September, 1945, of the dwindling armed forces. discipline. reveille." Foreign Minister Georges Bidault The disease rate has risen from "This not only will keep the idle before an Anglo-American Press As- 52 cases per 1,000 soldiers per year (Continued on. Page 8) sociation luncheon. Bidault strongly stressed that no agreement among 'Black Brigade' Band Believed the big powers, nor any general European settlement for that matter Kuhn Freed, Big 3 in UNO was possible until Germany's future To Have Snatched Duce's Body had been decided. ROME, April 25 (AP)—Police speculation that during celebration Seeks Privacy Confer on Spain theorized today that the ghouls who of the event something new might Truscott Suffering stole Benito I^ussolini's body from a grave in a potter's field in Mijan happen which would give a clue to ASPERG, Germany, April 25 (AP) NEW YORK, April 25" (AP)—The From Heart Ailment the mystery, of the disappearance1 Security Council was scheduled to were former members of the "Black —Fritz Kuhn, former fuehrer of the FRANKFURT, April 25—Lt. Gen. Brigades" that fought beside the of Mussolini's body. German American Bund, was re- meet late today Jo shape a policy Lucian K.