The Wilmington Morning Star (Wilmington, N.C.). 1941-03-23 [P
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I World Bulletins! —-MAJOR LEAGUE ROUNDUP--- SPORTS Phils: Last YUGOSLAVIA WILL All for Oil (Continued From Page One) Philadelphia Again? s to JACK SORDS-—- YIELD TO HITLER develop and encourage ipse of -By substitutes in tile manufacture Baseball Scores of household articles ordinarily (Continued From Page One) made from materials now iieettatt&,., lor tile armament program. could develop, it appeared, would College basketball (NCAA east- be the of additional Banter ern resignation consoiation final): At Madison, NEW CHIEF Wis., ministers who might thus create Dartmouth 60. North Caro- ATLANTA, March 22.—f/P)— lina 59. a crisis to 15V JUDSON BAILEY ftobert Bunnelle, former Atlanta secondary merely post- staff writer for the Associated pone the Journey to Germany. yE'.V YORK. March 22.—CPI—Bill College basketball invitation tour- Press, is the new chief of Friends of two ministers who are the holdout pitcher, is work- acting Trte SAte ofAig& L£V. nament: At New York, Long Island the AP's London bureau. not too keen on the turn of events olit with the Boston Red Sox ibpy ymb miues j”r university 49, Seton Hall 26. said they might resign “as a pa- Florida while the Chicago Cubs !„ SEAWAY WllttOOY A YoP'RAtB triotic gesture.” : California. .The reason OUTFIELDER jrc, National negro WASHINGTON. March 22.— mcties?— y^b- Even if this does not Frankie Frisch of the intercollegiate 5 happen, Mrra.ucr WP) — basketball tournament: At Cincin- Contending that the St. y SYAPPCorisiSfroPA many observers believed the gov- Pirates covered up the Pam MV Jv.tsht'rgh nati (quarter finals): Lawrence waterway should be W ernment had only temporarily, fix- of the he fined f&d'J&tSGM? identity player $250 Clark developed as a defense university (Atlanta) 51, measure, | A ed things up. y1 f;1. breaking training was because A. Litwmiler A/OP BRACBOF Agricultural Tech (Greensboro, N. Adolph Berle, Jr., assistant For example, the army reserve :: family man and not PROVED LAST" SEASON iflA'T MoPBPUU l1? is young C.) 43. secretary of state, said tonight officers' association disbanded; to- el the playboys everybody sus- that there was no Me can Mi-r Bie league GbOfc'IBS' c.„e Carolina State 61, West assurance the day with the statement; -, When Clark Griffith had Norljfi pected. Virginia State 39. European war would end before PiTcAiNG, AVERAGING. 34£T “We have learned we are on.the f,iid nobody could keep him the could be a project completed IN 36 GAMES AFTER COMING eve of conclusion of an agreement from the Washington Sena- three hence. j.'jiv College baseball: At Lexington years OP FROM WiLKES-EARRE which does not conform with our sessions—until h i s •'-•‘fa* te's’ practice ! Va.. Washington and Lee 3. Lynch- national honor and independence. .liter. Thelma, hid all his trou- JAPS ij.i burg college 3 (tied). Led at end This is why we give expression to j TOKYO, March 22—(fl>)— sers. | of 10th by agreement. our protest as reserve officers and Lieut. Gen. Korechika Anami, combatants and have decided to Don't stop us if you’ve heard vice minister of war, told a National intercollegiate indoor dissolve our organization. one: committee of the diet this polo championship: At West Point. today “We declare ourselves ready to When Ernie Lombardi arrived at that, “whatever President *• « ! Princeton 9, Army 4. I defend with our lives our indepen- German anti-aircraft unit guards Reds’ to end Roosevelt will oil im- i;ic Cincinnati camp may say, Japan dence, sovereignty and the fron- Rumanian stores, of greatest lony holdout. General Manager proceed with a settlement of portance to gears of Nazi war ma- pis tier of our country. We are true 7 Giles kidded him, “well. the China affair under the firm chine. Warren Tmo^apsom to our king and fatherland and ih- is the earliest ever Ernie, this you News conviction that we are not,an national ideals.” Shipping spired by officials the German de- a contract. nation and will not opposlhg7 signed 1 aggressive The war minister, the high com- the UVl^GSTo^ mands already included three cabi- “How come?” grunted big CLEARED AND SAILED blanch before any foreign mand and leaders met PROW SPRlfteReu?/ army corps net ministers, eight senators, the catcher Hunger T. Ball, 3,126 tons, Smith threat.” in anxious consultations. mean in the IS MAKIaJSt A SlteW-r minister to Russia and the gov- -oh I morning,” Bluff, coastwise ports. Zivojin Balugdzic, former '"Sin- Giles. It was 8 a. m. 6lO For a CATcrti^Sr ernor of the militarily important hee-hawed Coast Guard Cutter Modoc, 1,200 BLACKOUT ister to Berlin and tutor of the. late 65RTM Vardar valley district. More were tons. Coast patrol. WASHINGTON, March 22— King Alexander, summed up the Ferrell slick with the air-de- expected hourly. Wes may </P)—An experimental situation as making civil war or Bees as a coach if he does fense “blackout” of The independent democratic par- Boston IN PORT Washing- war with Germany “the only two make the pitching. .He ton was ty, fourth most important' in this ,-i0t grade Barges urged today by Rep. 1 Altai erred, courses now open to our country.”. been working hard with Casey (D-Va.) chairman Rookie PraatA land of many races, many creeds has Huron, SSS tons, loading ties. Randolph / SAuriMoee, That the government had chosen kids. .Harmon of the house committee on the i Wiu^ doiam first and many languages, directed all Stengel's green Southeastern Shipping service. Moto sasb to risk the former instead of the the young hurler Hugh District of Columbia. f —Mg Mrf,321 of its members in government Shufro, Herbert, 239 tons, loading lumber. FbRi^g, latter was indicated by a com- recommended to the Phil- positions to resign. The party is Mulcahy J. H. Bate Co. f ostotes lASf seAsai munique to be published in : all lived in a tourist camp until EGOSCUE composed mostly of Serbs living lies. Sanborn. 423 tons, waiting to load Yugoslav newspapers Sunday. Manager Doc Prothro’s WASHINGTON, March 22— in Croatia. he passed cargo of ties, C. D. Maffitt and com- It said “great nations can af- and was invited into the (/PI—Police said that Miss The Serbian peasant party re- tests pany. agents. today ford to undergo risks but small team's hotel. .Jim Vernon isn’t Ruth war fused to name a successor to its Steamers Egoscue, 22-year-old that the Army lias no direct invofve- I—where Clipper planes are built— nations cannot, so Yugoslavia has at the same hotel as the clerk, who told resigned cabinet representative, stayit\* (Ital.) Villarperosa, 3-921 tons, held department ment in the matter, however, since early today. decided to maintain neutrality and other Washington players because them she could remember no- ALUMINUM PLANT Dr. Branko Cubilovic, minister ot in port because of war. it is an affair between private con- peace as a basic condition of her bride of nine — and said it Would have he his days of’hvhat had to — agriculture, brought U. S. Coast Guard thing happened tractors and the unions. NEW YORK. March 22. CP) development and progress. to camp and was too bashful to her in the last three days. nothing to do with a government Patrol Boat No. TJ. S- Cus- A spokesman for J. M. Busby, Matthew Woll, AFL vice president, “We demand nothing from any- register there. .Louis Newsom, ^28. STRIKE SETTLED be doubt which failed to oppose the Axis tomhouse dock. president of the district council, Hod said today there could no body but we yield nothing. We do the man of the Detroit TRANSIENT some strikes demands. mighty Carriers and Common Laborers’ in- that of this country’s not want to use our weapons ex- who gave himself most of WASHINGTON, March 22— were communists It too was expected to order all Tigers, INWARD BOUND (Continued From Page One) ternational Union, said in Baltimore inspired by Nazis, cept in case of attack, for self-de- those nicknames like "Buck” and (/PI—Charles P. Taft, assistant ■. nd fascists but added that in many its members in government serv- Steamers that "no such sum” as the $-100,000 fense. Consequently, Yugoslavia •Bobo which he is coordinator of health and wel- as a pre-requisite fb employment. eases workers were in re- ice to tomorrow. by familiarly mentioned by Army officers "has justified will remain outside the war and resign himself "Crown American, steamer. 2.S34 tons. known, now calls fare activities for the defense The workmen have been engaged sorting' to walkouts. her sov- I from Pacific c-oast ports via Puerto been collected by this union.” He not wage war so long as Prince Louie.” commission, today advocated erecting barracks and other buildings The only large country In either llico and South Atlantic ports, gen- said he could make no statement on ereign rights are respected. a federal for an influx of soldiers expected W. Va„ March or tropical regions free grant-in-aid program the amount or what would become of MARTINSBURG, “Such moments as this demand temperate eral cargo, Cape Fear Shipping Co., Just why Rookie Shortstop Alt as “the only practical way” to to reach nearly tiO.OUO. union. 22.—CP)—A strike call involving ap- of dangerous snakes is Madagascar. agents. money collected by his cold-bloodedness and objectivity Anderson of Atlanta made such a meet the transient and migra- Several hundred complaints—most proximately 1,500 employes of the In- Barge from the rulers of the nation. No holdout against the worker relief of them carrying the phrase "why terwoven Stocking company’s Mar- In the single year of 1918, the determined tory problem.