Friday, April 1, 1955 OTTAWA COUNTY NEWS, PORT CLINTON, OHIO B—Page Thref w.v//.sv.v.v.v.v/.v.v.v.v^.,.v.,.,.v.,.v.,.v.v.v.v.v Alice Beam, senior In homeroom 302. She is taking a Home Ec. EPG Federal Credit Union Goes Course and plans to attend Bowl Bowliii ing Green University to take up Into Its 14th Year At Army Post elementary education. Mary Alice Going into its 14th year at EOD, belongs to G. A. A., Y-Teens. Thes The Erie Proving Ground Federal the Post Restaurant, is open four SPORTS I Marblehead Mixed Bowling League days a week to serve the 734 em*' pians, Mixed Chorus, Band, Chor Credit Union looks back at a fine t'^;.v.v.v.v,v.v.v.v.v w.vav.'.wav/.v.v.v.v 1 Standings — March i52nd ale, and is president of F. H. A. record as a credit union, a coopera plovee members. Deposits may be Teams Points Her hobbies are sewing, dancing, tive institution organized for the withdrawn at anytime. On termi 1 1. Coast Guard 60 2 and skating; her special interest mutual benefit of employees. nation of employment an employee Luckless Pirates May Be 2. Sunoco 58 is in homeroom 213. Her favorite Membership is open to both mil usually clears his account and 3. L. & M 53 food, color, and song respectively itary and civilian personnel with ceases to be a member. 4. Mazur's 42 are; fried chicken and baked pota purchase of stock at S5 a share.
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