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Friday, April 1, 1955 OTTAWA COUNTY NEWS, PORT CLINTON, OHIO B—Page Thref w.v//.sv.v.v.v.v/.v.v.v.v^.,.v.,.,.v.,.v.,.v.v.v.v.v Alice Beam, senior In homeroom 302. She is taking a Home Ec. EPG Federal Credit Union Goes Course and plans to attend Bowl Bowliii ing Green University to take up Into Its 14th Year At Army Post elementary education. Mary Alice Going into its 14th year at EOD, belongs to G. A. A., Y-Teens. Thes The Erie Proving Ground Federal the Post Restaurant, is open four SPORTS I Marblehead Mixed Bowling League days a week to serve the 734 em*' pians, Mixed Chorus, Band, Chor Credit Union looks back at a fine t'^;.v.v.v.v,v.v.v.v.v w.vav.'.wav/.v.v.v.v 1 Standings — March i52nd ale, and is president of F. H. A. record as a credit union, a coopera plovee members. Deposits may be Teams Points Her hobbies are sewing, dancing, tive institution organized for the withdrawn at anytime. On termi 1 1. Coast Guard 60 2 and skating; her special interest mutual benefit of employees. nation of employment an employee Luckless Pirates May Be 2. Sunoco 58 is in homeroom 213. Her favorite Membership is open to both mil usually clears his account and 3. L. & M 53 food, color, and song respectively itary and civilian personnel with ceases to be a member. 4. Mazur's 42 are; fried chicken and baked pota purchase of stock at S5 a share. Better In '55, Says Chick 5. Griesser's Truckers 41 toes, red, and "It May Sound No standard rate of interest is 6. Griesser's 40 By CIIICK LINKER Silly" by the MeGuire Sisters. paid to depositors, but dividends 7. Kelley Island Co 39 Mary Alice's amhition is to be »rc declared at the annual meet SOMEWHERE in Florida—(Special to The News)—Over 1/ 8. Carroll's Insurance 34 2 happy and successful. 'Dirty sad ing—a four percent dividend was CHAMPION at Clearwater where the luckless Pittsburgh Pirates are Weekly H.igh die shoes'* is her pet peeve. declared at the last one. working out, we had a chance to cut in on a bit of Manager Indv. Single Game: Leona Skri- Sheila Jess, Sarah Nissen llarold L. Lorton, Oak Harbor Fred Haney's choice statements. nak, 163; Pete Chura. 213. is president; Robert Ilauser. Port Affable Fred has two qualities most needed in managing Indv. Three Game: Inez Kopchak, SHEILA JESS Clinton, vice-president; Jarrett W. a hapless club like the Pirates—patience and a sense of 435; Pete Chura, 579 To build a trolley car line from Lyons, Port Clinton, secretary-trea- bumor. Port Clinton to Fostoria is the fu surer; directors, Archie King, Port Fred doesn't kid himself nor his back. Dykes hit the durable Kid Thursday Night Handicap ture plans of Sheila Jess. Shea is Clinton, and Harvey Guthrie, EOD. "5" listeners about the past or future. with everything but a slab from TEAMS: Gill & McAfee, four 5' 2" tall, has black hair, brown On the credit committee are Elmer Morro Castle. from Gerner & Wolf; Kirk's J)airy, Prior to the exhibition with the eyes, and is taking a business Knight, chairman; Ike Adams and "SSESS3^ Phillies, he was explaining why One more chapter from down four from Rube's Service; Bell course. "I Miss You So" by Eddie Mary Keys. On the Supervisory his club lost so many games last here in Dixie — and then we'll be Fish, three from P. C. Hardware; 1 Fontaine, pizza and yellow rate ?ommittee are William F. Wolf, seeing you on the strip, good old iLud's three from Fritz Ins. High season. —Photo by MISCH tops, but dancing, reading, and Clavton L. Border and TTarvey Delaware-avenue (home of the series and game: Lud'.s. 2907, 1062. CHAMPIONS IN THE RECENT TOURNAMENT OF THE MEN'S eating take up her spare time. To Goff. On the Education committee 1 r,Vl 1 "It goes into a funny situation, Crescent Hotel, dontcha know). TOPS: M. Taylor, Gill & McAfee, the times we're beaten, and the CITY BOWLING Association are these eight men, winners in the get married is her ambition wit> are Jesse Gates, Lois Cooley and 224, 575. team, singles and doubles events. CHIPPER CHIPS team, standing her special interest being at 917 Vaugn Sherman. times we beat ourselves," said iiiiiniiniiiHiiiiniiiH'lHiiiiiHtiiiniiiiiinitHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiutiiiiiiiiiuiiiiumiuwi LEADERS: E. Snider, 227, 526: Haney. "At our first meeting this in back, won the team event. Its members, left to right, are: Bob Poplar Street. Shea is a member All committee members serve J. Macko, 200, 537; R. Hauser, 200, Gerogosian, Bob Lorensen. Dick Bloom, Bob Gardner, and Dick of Thespians, Y-Teens and the Re- spring, I told the players sloppy Set TO Hits 1613 without pay, office manager Mrs. 5Y2H.P. O 563; F. Wolf, 208. Selgo. Andy Koilok, middle of the front row, was singles cham vista staff. "From Monday to Sat Clifford Snider being the only paid base running, flubbing cutoff plays pion with a big 740 series. Doubles champions were Chuck Bauser, urday especially Thursday" is her employee. The office, located in and throwing to the wrong bases In Chicago Tourney Industrial League left, and Ellsworth Petersen, right. cost us 15 games last year. Take pet peeve. Dick Selgo blasted a 1613 eight TEAMS: 112 Ord., three from Sarah Nissen, Sheila Jess Visit Cleaners off those and you can see we game series that put him currently P. C. Mfg.; Variety, three from Sophomores, in Mrs. McFadden's wouldn't have finished in the cel in fifth place in the big DeVito •Myers Sunoco; Smith Automotive. Two K. of C. Teams Bowl In Home Ec classes visited the Swan lar.?,.. Sweepstakes in Chicago Saturday, DICK HAZZARD Avalon, two each; Lake Cleaners, 'The Wallflower" by Etta Cleaners and Laundry on Thurs Continuing his explanation of and was good for a $100 prize for three from Black's. High series and day, March 24. the Pirates' woes. Fred remarked, high score on Iiis particular shift. James, roast beef and mashed po game. Cleaners, 2957, 1047. State Tourney At Columbus tatoes, and blue rate tops with Mr. Swan conducted them on a "A good, smart club plays you in addition to what it may bring TOPS; L. Sherry, 223, 584; R. tour of the plant and explained even and lets you beat yourself." . later in prize money. Two teams of Port Clinton K. of Dick Hazzard in homeroom 213. He Smooth . Super-smooth forward. Hauser. 206, 582. has brown hair, hazel eyes, and is the process of dry-cleaning. n«utial ami reverse power shift witH f Before that particular afternoon Augie Kaufman, Dick's team LEADERS: P. Eidenour, 223, C. bowlers, one sponsored by Port The chief purpose of this visit Ma^ic Wand steering urip control. Sim» 5' 6" tall. Dick is taking the In plilios boat and motor operation. was over,' the Pirates indicated mate on Catawba Marine Sales, hit 539; W. Taylor. 201, 569; iM. John Clinton Council. K. of C., and the was to encourage girls to be more dustrial Arts Course and plans to Quiet . New modern, low-friction they may be better than in 1H54, a 1572 for his eight game series, son, 527; J. Tokar, 209, 527; B. other by Fritz Farm Bureau Ins. SCHOOL careful in purchasing fabrics of powerhrad. Reduces weight to horse® because they made the Phillies and it was good for a S25 prize on Co. will roll Saturday and Sunday be a mechanic if he can after power rntlo. Weber, 210: J. Fought, 205. 533: JflMfS graduation. He is interested in cars ready made clothing. Members of wait until the 12th inning before his shift. Don Bredehoft, Mike T. Simko, 202, 561; J. Danehisen, in the 37th Annual State K. of C. the class were told to be sure to Dependable . Positive starting. Re and golf, but his special interest sponsive flexible power from 0 to II an error by phortshop Gair Allie Drusbacky and Bob Lorensen also 526. howling tournament at Columbus. Perry Heads Council for "56" is at Fremont Ross. Dick belongs read labels and examine the gar miles per hour. Di.iphragm fuel pump. put catcher Gus Niarhos on base had commendable scores in the Bowling on the K. of C. quintet Visible primer. Swing-into-boat lower Jacob "Jake" Perry, son of Mr. to Varsity Club, played football, ment carefully to see how it unit. Separate low pressure 3'z gallon with the potential winning run. Sweeper. P. C. Mfg. Co. will be Clarence Gumb, captain: should be cared for and to decide cruising tank. EZ-OfT hood. Weighs Bobby Morgan drove him home Robert Hauser. John Macko, Don and Mrs. Arthur Perry, 505 Madi and is a pole vaulter during track oui# 46 pounds. On display now. niiiintiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiitiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiii TEAMS: Automatics, three from son Street, was elected to succeed 'Plymouths" are his pet peeve. whet.her it is a good investment. with a double. Production; Tool Room, three from Quisno, and Edward Snyder. On They were also shown how an ef No manager is trying harder the Fritz Ins. team are Carl La- Harry Chaffin as president of the Sheila Jess, Sarah Nissen Grinders; High series and game, Student Council for next year in ficient establishment does its best LAZY ACRE than Haney to develop young Tool Room, 2878, 1023. Valle, captain; Norm Kolhoff, Dick to renew a garment.