Of Puerto Target of Governor Rico, Is Assassin
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AVBBA0B DAILT OIBCCLAI^M ' <pr me Stoom of J«ae«.lMB 6,114 Btaabw of the Audit Bureau of Clrenlotleue MANCHESTER — A QTY OP VILLAGE CHARM MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 25, 1938 (FOURTEEN PAGES) VOL. LVn„ NO. 251 (CMsolflod Advortifling ou Pugo U ) PRICE TAREE .CENTS Wins HiUbilly Campaign'^ SENATOR SEES :1 STATE COUNTS COST GOVERNOR F.D.R. FAILURE OF DOWNPOUR WEEK ON THIRD TERM OF PUERTO RICO, IS AS WATERS SUBSIDE Vandenberg Believes Presi* P. O. MAHBS DRIVE dei^Will Try But Lose TARGET OF ASSASSIN Farmers, Tobacco Growers ' ON CHAIN LETTEBS Washington, July 35— (A P)— h Convention Or, If Npiii” EASTERN ROADS PUT UP Leadiog, Suffer Worst But “ne poatoffice department Is FARES HALF A CENT Ing to break up s new series of SIX DIE IN AIR, inated, On Election Day. chain letters. About 75 persons Washington, July 25.— (A P)— State And (ItOities Corn- Eastern railroads tegan charg^big have been reprimanded, officials Celebration Of Landing Of said today. Most of the schemas more for passenger tickets to- Washington, July 35.— (AP) — ROAD CRASHES have concerned merchandise. The day. With Interstate Commerce panies Are Also HiL Commission approval, they - In- U. S. Troop Misses Go?er- I outbreak is nowhere near the Senator 'Vandenberg (R., Mich.) ex- creased the fare from 2 to 2.5 size of the dime chain letters pressed the opinion that President circulated a few years ago. Roosevelt would seek a third term. IN THIS STATE cents a mile for an expe^nental The dreary business of counting nor And Officials; Two T expect him to try,” Vandenberg period of 18 months. ^p the damage faced Connecticut -4* said, “but I do not expect blm<'to' 'ey as a letup in the rains-which succeed.’’ , Men KiDed, Miuiy Wound- eve pelted the state almost con- The statement was contained In 3 Naval Officers KiUed In fInuouBly for the past week gave a letter which the senator wrote to SCHOOL BOARD a Michigan constituent and which ed Bnt Parade Goes On. Irtual assurance that flood condl- Wreck Of Bomber In O’D A N IE W IN S was made public by a friend here. tions would disappear. It came in the midst of speculation Farmers, especially . the tobacco DEFENDS SELF over third term possibilities. Woodbridge; Auto Acci- Sfm.Jnan, Puerto Rico fby tels- ^ . growers in the northern section, of Oovenibr Frank Murphy of Mich;- INTEXAS; MAURY the state, seemingly were the worst phOne to New Ydfk)~july 35— (AP) igan declared in a sp^ch at Tra- Sufferers but the state Itself and in- verse City, Mlcb., jresterday that W..Lee O'Danlel, Forth Worth flour salesman, has wonrthe Demo-, dents Fatal To Three Men —^Major-General Blanton Winsblp, dividual :communities faced a size- ONfAGESTAND cratic nomination for governor. N omlnatlon la equivalent to election. able repair bill because of washed "we -may have to draft the President MAVERICK OUT governor of Puerto Rico, escaped att for four more years of leadership." O’Danlel, who campaigned with a hillbilly band and a sound truck, out roads and collapsed or damaged dally ate a peach and displayed hla political treasure cbost In which he aasasaln’s bullet at P on^ today bridges. John D. Hamilton, Republican By ASSOCIATED PRESS k national chairman, asserted last collected donations. He couldn’t vote for himself because he hadn't while he was reviewing a '^<ara<is. Public utility companies, too, bod Assumes Pnbliiation Of Sat< paid his poll’ tax. Death riding Connecticut’a sky- Early tdephone reports to tM their troubles and the Guifford' week that WPA administrator Hop- Pension I s ^ Fignres Large- kins actually had launched a third- ways and hlghv/aya took six Uvea govemor’a palace here sold Deithv d Chester Water Company waa a Governor Wlnohlp nor any membdr prominent 'victim In this respect, aries Intended To Adjust term movement when he told re- during the week-end, three in the « porters 90 per cent of those on re- ly In Democratic Prima- of his party waa injured. faced with rebuilding two reservoir worst airplane accident the state lief were for the President. Police immediately returned tha n dams swept away by the swollen has ever seen and three Ih separate Pay; Befieveslt Is Best Gommlttee Takes Notice. MARKET IN HAIFA fire from among l ^ e c t o w m Menunketesuck river in KUllng- traffic mishaps. ries; McFarlane And San- O A worth. The loss was unofficially Hopkins’ remark has attracted The three airplane victims were watching celebrations ‘of the 40th IM the attention of the Senate Cam- LATE NEWS estimated at 3100,000. Judge In The Majjer United States naval officera, bound anniversary of the landing of Ameri- Streams Start Falling paign Expenditures Committee. IS BOMBED AGAIN from Long Islaiid to Maasachuaetta ders Are Both Trafling. can troops In tbe Sponleh-Amerieen Committee Chairman Sheppard (D., The rain bolted Sunday afternoon fbr a Week-end with their families war. ee ’Tex.) called ..members to meet this tb and lost • night--the . overburdened FLASHES' when their Douglas’’bomber came A t least 3 pereons wars ktlled ah4- streams began the retreat to their The Boeid of ^ucatlon, seeking week to consider whether action crashing to earth in Woodbridge 20 Injured. Tbe police killed eoe mi should .be taken on this and other DallM, July 25.— (A P )— W. Lee wl natural confines. to explain Its position In regard to Saturday afternoon. man, believed to have been one eC matters. Including a complaint by 39 Arabs KiUed, Many In- O’Danlel, the novice politician who S0 As early as last Thursday Dr. O. the differences of opinion over the PICK-A-BACK IN CANADA They were LieuL H. J. F. Mc- the party that started the firiai^ Street set an estimate'Of at least Governor William Langer of North Donough of Boston, the pilot; Lieut. made a wreck of Texas political ed publication of salary Mats for teach- Dakota that relief workers were Boucherville, Quebec, July 25. — Lieutenant-Colonel Irieury o f th* da; ' 31,000.000 as the damage to the jured In Worst Inddent (Canadian Press)—Tbe Britlsb pick- WiUiam J. Drumtra of Gloucester, precedent, today assured bis public Puerto Rico National Ouozd was tobacco crop and a look at the ers in the local schools, today sub- Intimidated during the recent state thl a-back plane Mercury took off from Mass., and Aviation Cadet John R. he would be a "regular fellow" os wounded fatally. • plantations yesterday, some of them mitted to The Herald a signed primary. Langer was defeated for Patch of Ipswich, Maas. am statement, setting forth In detail the Republican Senatorial nomina- the St. Lawrence river at 10:50 a. m. governor and scoffed at the possi- Poloee officials oold arreete had m under two feet of water, made it Of Jewish-Arab Strife. (E. 8. T.) for Botwood', Newfound- Those killed In automobile accl- appear the loss would be greater. the reasons why a mandate of two tion by Senator Gerald P. Nye. bility of a dictatorship. been mode but they bad not yet 1 hot land, on the second leg of her return denta were John Dcnby, >78. of informed bow many. D m age to hay, to vegetables and town meetings has npt been follow- Vandenberg, who Is In Michigan, 22, of Ansonla, and Mark Tiittle, 65, Mired indirectly in the O’Danlel *n trip from Port Washington, N. Y., to landslide were two potent members Find By Natlowadet to other produce was unestimated. ed, and why the School Board still wrote that "I may be forgiven for Ireland. ThompaonvUle, Frank Washlnakl, refuses to pubUsH the teachers’ , pay commenting upon the opposition’s Haifa, Palestine, July 25— (AP) of Congress, tart-tongued Mpury They said the first shot Thirty-five hundred customers In of New Haven. five otnt ttthe towns supplied by the Mats. The teacher salary question presidential problem Inasmuch as —A Immb blasted-the crowded Arab Th? Mercury alighted In the air Maverick and Morgan Sanders, who Heved to have been fired by a nqse* harbor here at 9:26 a. m. (E. S. T.) Blame Weather GuUford-Cheater Water Company In has arisen at various times, and Mr. Farle'y (Democratic national market place here today for the Pending the findings of official was slated for ebairmanahip of the ber of the NatlonoUst party, tha a 1 Old Saybrook, Westbrook, Clinton, during the past two years, on two chairman) has so freely commented from Port Washington. From Bot- powerful House ways and means group demanding independence for nil second time in a month, killing 39 wood, her schedule calls for fllghta investigators, blame for the sky Guilford and Madliwn were asked to separate occasions, town meetings upon ours.” tragedy was laid on the weather. committee. the United States’ insular poeeei'i w i use water sparingly for the next He said Mr. Roosevelt "may be Arabs <md wounding., between 50 to. Uorto. In tbe. Azores, JLIsboa, Por- Fourteen Infanta already had ston.............. ’— — at have ordered that the report be tugal, and Foynes, Irelwd. '’Ihe bomber, bound for. the air base few days but company officials gave printed. A t a recent meeting 'of the stopped In bis own Democratic con- and 60. Tbe incident was the most been named for O’Danlel, a political Order quickly was restorod. thcgr tto ooftly In tbe turbulent, strife be- at Squantum, Maas., waa - flying assurance no seriovi shortage would Board of Selectmen, Mathias Spiess vention where the mor« literal Jef- babe-in-arms.