Million Book Collection
A; DICTIONARY OF KASHMIRI PROVERBS & SAYINGS Explained and Illustrated from the rich and interesting Folklore of the Valley, BY THE REV. J. IIINTON 'KNOWLES, F.R.G.S., M.R.A.S., &c., (0. M. S.) MISSIONARY TO THE KASHMIRIS. wise man will endeavour " to understand <i proverb and the interpretation."--Prov. 1. vv. 5, 6. /BOMBAY : :>NTSOCIETY'S PRESS. LONDON :-TutJBNKR & Co. 1885. rihts PREFACE- THATmoment when an authordots the lastperiod to his manuscript,and then rises up fromthe study-chairto shake its manyand bulky pages together is almostas excitingan occasionas when he fakes a quireor so of foolscapand sits clownto writethe* first line of it. Manyand mingled feelings pervadehis mind, and hopeand fear vie with one another and alternatelyovercome one another, until at lengththe author finds someslight relief for his feelingsand a kind of excusefor his hook, by writing a preface,in which he states brieflythe natureand characterof the work,and begs the pardonof thereader for hispresumption in undertaking it. A winter in Kashmir mustbe experiencedto he realised. The air is most invigorating,and the* quiet is sublime. Even an ordinarily briny rniKsionnryenjoyH much leisurethrough sucha seasonin this beautifulcountry. I have now spent two long quiet wintershere, and this "Dictionary of Kashrnirf Proverbsand Sayings5*is the result of many hours of labour, Btu^y, and anxiety,during theseIcisurable months. As a missionary,on arriving in the Valley, I at oncedevoted my attentionto the study of the language;and believing tilt Proverbstaught "the real people'sspeech,** discovered "the genius,wit andspirit of a nation," and embodiedits **current and practical philosophy,5* iV PREFACE.
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