HOUSE OVERRIDES BONUS VET Cash RINSO Group 9 of Center Church Women, Street, Tomorrow Evening

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HOUSE OVERRIDES BONUS VET Cash RINSO Group 9 of Center Church Women, Street, Tomorrow Evening THCnRSDj&T/X&Ifl»BTfly »• », p*a o b t w b l v b BhmdiMtMr Simtino fim Uli AVBBAOB DAU.T OIBOULATIOM As an aftermath of their recent­ It la atm pooalbla to get forma to Young people of the Zion Luth­ The Friendly Bridge club wlU .... for UM Month of Dooember, 1888 IB ® WBATHXB moke eomplalnta about violatlona of eran church on Cooper atreet will meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. of D, B. VI'rathii Bo n m . ly rejected challenge to the Coast Bartfor. ABOUT TOWN to Coast Setback Team, the Oak the NRA at the Station A poat have a Bingo party tomorrow night William Montle of Bigelow street TIM JW. HAM CPU Oomrally fair toMglit oM Satw- Street Tavern Setback Team made office according to a notice that la at 8 o'clock at the church, -under W aller N . Leclerc 5.853 posted on the walla In the office. auspices of the Walther League. All L. T. Wood G>. Member of the Aodlt tey. probably followed by now IdM Lrou aad tatr AWMimiuu or­ It clear today that they did not Funeral Director Saturday night; ooaUnoed ooM to­ chestra will play tonight at the consider the Coast to Coast team The Supreme Court has outlawed members and friends will be wel- 61 BiaseU St Tel. 4496 FRIDAY Borenn of ClrenlaUona S h i n i n g night, rialng tomperaton Satudoy, Silver QrlU. In addition to this champs, because champions In any the NRA and the newapapera have 258 Na. Main S t Maneheatei MANCHESTER - A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM color^ band Mias Lou will feature line are usually willing to demon­ told the atory, but no official notice 3 to 6 Specials her Harlem Floor Show which is to Station A that It la all over baa Raymond F. Benson of 299 Main AGENT strate their ability by accepting The CHOICE VOL. LV., NO. 98. (ChuaUtod AdvertiBing on Pago 1A| direct from a New York Show Boat been received so the aign remains. street will leave early tomorrow for Jack Frost (TonfMtioncry challenges as a means to demon­ MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 24,1936. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE i strate their claim to championship. Charlotte, N. C., where he has ob­ of a good automobile insurance FOR Ulantonomoh Tribe No. 58, Im- The Oak Street Tavern team, there­ Many complimentary words have tained a position in a large depart­ policy is of vital importance to A t m t O R lU t SUGAR I roved Order of Red Men will hold fore, makes claim to the champion­ been heard of the good work done ment store. Mr. Benson was former­ you . I sell dependable auto­ fts regular meeting and Installation by Don Hattin and his crew of the ly display manager at the J. W. (Pound Package) ship, and again Issues a challenge mobile insurance. n u T OPPERS of officers tomorrow night In Tinker to the Coast To Coast team. state highway department In open­ Hale Company's store, leaving their hall at 7:45 sharp. Deputy Louis ing up the state roads through Man­ employ about a year ago for similar Come to ihir itore for Double-Ksy Kreh and his officers will be the chester. duties in a Bridgeport establish­ Nntt. Wc toast ficah with ettamety Mrs. H. H. Longaker, chairman butter—lo dtffm nt from ^ordinary Installing chiefs. After the meeting ment. 2 1 3 « clam chowder will be served in the of the committee in charge of the Roads still being blocked for JOHN L. JENNEY tailed null mrrefp cooked in oil. 10 Depot Square Phone-6850 OKE Large Package clubrooms on Bralnard place. A W. Jerold O'Neil lecture Tuesday truck travel In some parts of the THE WELDON DRUG CO. large attendance Is hoped for. evening in St. James's hall, has call­ country there was another large Repreeenting a ed a meeting at her home, 215 Pine shipment of incoming express at THE TRAVELERS, Hartford, Conn. 90S Main Street HOUSE OVERRIDES BONUS VET Cash RINSO Group 9 of Center church women, street, tomorrow evening. the Manchester railway office this Mrs. Rollln H itt leader, are plan­ morning. Price 1 2 a LATEST WINTER ning a social meeting for 7:30 Miss Mary DIelenschnelder of Ashes Removed Tea FRANCE TENDS Flasf-Draped Caisson Carries George V From Sandringhain o'clock Monday evening at the Strickland street has been appoint­ Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hackett of SPORT, GRABBLING church. Every member of the ed vice president of the Hartford North Main street, Buckland, are group Is urged to be present and county organization of the Young Weekly — 25c plapning tir leave Monday for their Neat, Dependabie Service. All You Need Is A Hay Hook prepared to tell how they have Democratic clubs. The appointment winter home In Florida. TO THE LEFT IN I PRESIDENT STANDS PA' and No Shoes To (jatch earned their dollars. A surprise was made by Attorney Frank R. LOCAL AND K You Prefer Coke Texas Fish. program with refreshments la being Odium of Hartford, county presi­ LONG DISTANCE MOVING arranged by Mrs. William Kean, dent, to All a vacancy caused by the Semi Van Trucks. AYVISO NEWJCABINFT Mrs. Arvid Seaburg and Mrs. W. J. death of a Bristol woman. FOR TOUR BUILDINO AND For Fuel Dallas, Tex., Jan. 24.— (AP) McCormack. REPAIR JOBS CALL Modem Equipment. Barefoot fishing Is Texas’ new­ Hose Company No. 1 of the South Alia Massaie Italiane est winter sport. It’s called ON PREVIOUS Two Services Order It From Us posmoi Another story hour for children, Manchester Sre department res­ n sottoMrttto annoncla ohe Venerdl 24 Oennalo al N. 78 Blreh Sarraut to Be Premier and grabbling. WM. KANEHL You’ll Appreciate. PPPERS St.; aprira ana 5Iacelleria e Salumerla Itailana, nnloa In Man- grades 1 to 6 Inclusive, will take ponded on a still alarm this morning Oeneral Building Contractor Equipment required; A sharp place tomorrow afternoon at 4 at 9 o'clock for a chimney fire at $12 75 per ton cash. chester, che col ano alstema poo mettcre In vendita earne hay hook, indifference to pneu­ In Brief Message o'clock at the Whiton Memorial 48 Summer street, which was ex­ 519 Center St. Phone 7778 Austin Chambers freachlaalma dl 5Ianra, VlteUo e Malale maoellate e Ispezlonata' Minister of Interior, Flan- monia, water moccasins and tinguished without damage. dall’Antoiita Vetertnarle In glornate. Library. Dial 6260 drowning. Here’s Complete Text OKE Prompt Delivery. <4aesto negozlo eara aperto eolo 11 Venerdl e Sabato, per dar din Succeeds Laval as To grabble, one wades bare­ Executive Says He a modo negU altrl glorni, dl andare nelle farme per aqnlatare foot Into a stream, feeling with TAX COLLECTOR'S NOTICE qneeto beetiame vivo. Head of Foreign Office. the toes along rocks and sub­ O f Presidential Veto Change His Views Ed e proprio qneeto alatoma, qbe puo metterml In grndo merged logs for giant catfish, TlfE W . G. GLENNEY GO. dl vendere a prezxi basal, da non temere oonoorrenza. dozing on the bottom. When Over 30 Degrrees Drop In Temperature In the fish is found, the fisherman TOWN OF BOLTON Coal, Lumber, klaaona' Suppllee, Paint- Washington, Jan. 24.— (AP) __ victions as Unita alia carne dl prima quallta, troverete Salslccle, Salami, Paria, Jon. 24— (AP) —Senator dives after him with the hook (Congreas complete and explicit rea­ Unlveraal Electrical Appliances. President Roosevelt today vetoed sons for my action. A Pew Hours Last Night! CONCERT Tonno, Formaggl, Paata, Pomidorl, Salalne e tntto II rlmanento Albert Sarraut waa aucceaaful to­ —and the battle la on. 886 No. Main St. Phone 4140 Manchester neoesaarlo per tare nna bnona Cuctna Itallaaa. the cash payment bonus bill. 'The bill I now return differs day as Year Ago He All persons liable by law to pay Featuring the day In hla attempt to form a new The fish often wins. One In a brief word hand-written sportsman made the error of 200 from last year’s bill In only two Im­ the Old Age Assistance Tax of 83.00 Non dtmenticatevl Venerdl 24 Oennalo 78 Birch St. cabinet for France—the lOlat gov­ message to the House, the President portant respects; First, It eliminates in said Town of Bolton are hereby BETHANY GIRLS D Proprletarlo, tying hla hook to hla wrist and simply referred Congress to his veto ernment of the third republic. then sticking It Into a 50- the Issuance of iinsccui^ paper cur­ dares — House Vote notifled that I have a rate bill for and OREMMO ABTUBO. Sarraut. who already haa served message on the bonus lost year. rency to make the payments re­ You Need Our Quality enrollment of 1935 due and payable hla country aa premier, la a veter­ pound catfish. The big fish "My convictions are as Impelling CHESTER SHIELDS dragged the bigger one Into a quired and substitutfui Interest bear­ on Feb. 1st, 1936. Penalty of 81 an of the Kadical-Sociallat party. toilay aa they were then," he stated. ing bonds, which, however, may be to 61— Senate Not will be added If not paid on or be­ Auspices of The cabinet he baa formed la a deep bole in the Navasota river "Therefore I cannot change them.” but companions of the latter converted Into cash for face value fore March 2nd, 1936. Said tax tranaltlon body to keep the govern­ The message, unusually short for at any time; second. It adds 8213.- No Slate Pennsylvania MEN’S BIBLE CLASS dragged them both out.
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