(Iowa City, Iowa), 1952-05-14

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(Iowa City, Iowa), 1952-05-14 , - Serving the State Univenlty of Iowa The Weather Campul and FaIr and warmer today Hlrh todar. 19; 1_. 5%. Iowa City Hlrh Tuesd&:r. '7S; low. at 42. Est. 1868 - AP Lecaed WiIe. AP Wirephoto - Five Centa Iowa City. Iowa. Wednesday. May 14. 1952 - Vol. 86. No. 159 Senate Extends Controls Students Storm But Reorganizes WS.B· Stores Get Ready For Spree WASHINCTON (IP) - The senate banking committee voted Tues­ Dorm, Sororities day night to, continue wage-pricl" controls to next March 1 but to strip May Thrirt day will be Thurs­ Hundreds of men students stormed Currier hall lind near-by sor­ the wage stabilization board or dispute-settling authority. day through Saturday In Iowa The committee also voted to extend rent control and authority t.o City. The annual barialn doys are ority houses with varying deerees of success Tue-sdny night In one ot .lIocate scarce essential materials sponsored by the ret.all trade sales the most determined riots in SUI history. throuah June 30, 1953. division or the Chamber ot Com­ Compus lind city policemen and firemen h Id the mob at bay tor President Truman hod asked that City School Boa rd merce. several hours betore II &roup PJroke throug1"l the nortbwest door of all controls-wage, price, rent and Joseph K.. Sch:laf, Thrl!t days Currier about midnight Dnd circulnted throullh the bulldlnll. allocation restrIctions-be extend­ chairman, SOld, "The idea ot the , OIma&'1! Nt,llJ1ble ed through June 30. 1954. The Hires 10 Teachers, special sales event is to make the present law expires June 30 this entire business distrIct one bIll Although some room were ntered, Currl r otficlals reported that year. store for shoppers." dallUlge to property was negligible. AeUon Because of Steel CrIll. Accepts Gas Bid Many ot the stores will For all of the shouling outside. the students were remarkably The Iowa City School bonrd an­ special Thrift day emblems The action on WSB power to nounced Tuesday niaht that 16 .. .. .. their windows. once InsIde the step into dispute Is an outgrowth teachers have resigned and 10 After a quick tour of of the steel crisis. There has been have been hired to date 10r the Faunce Asserts SlrOni criticism In congress ot the Currier, the &roup WD herded 1952-53 school year. out and then concentrated Its ef­ amount of the pay raLses the Teachers who have resigned Vickery Appointed bo3rd recommended In that sltu­ torts on Camma Phi Beta, Delta University to Take are: City high school: Mrs, Ther­ Zeta and Delta Delta Delta sorori­ .Ilon and also ot its recommenda­ esa Mochal, home economics; Mrs. Business Manager tI , tion . fol' the union shop. Lois Charlton, physical education; 'Definite' Action The steel industry has bitterly Joan Merryman, Boclal studies. No ndmittan e was ,ained at contested that last part of the Junior high school: John E. Of 1953 Hawkeye Gamma Phi Beta although some Inan of Student. L. Dale WSB proposal. It has also claimed Estenson, history and civics. 01 the rioters climbed on top ot Faunce aald early &Ill morn.l.h&' he it would have to have up to $12 a Longfellow: Dorothy Blesle. J ames Vickery, A3. Des Moines, the doorway. At Delta Zeta sev­ did not know what dJselpllnary kindergarten; Lois Scott, 2d grade; ton price increase to cover the Tuesday wos appOinted bu iness eral windows were broken and actlon would be taken In ~rard proposed pay raises totaling 17." Mrs. Anne Walton, 3d grade; Mrs. manager of the 1953 Hawkeye by some of the mob entered through to the tuden! riot, but said u&bIl cents and hour by next January Marjorie Larson, 4th grade; Mrs. the Board ot Publications. them. universIty wlll ddlnltrly do IOme­ Henrietta Krogh, 4th grade; Mrs. lIe succe ds Sally Bailey, A3, plus some 8~ cents an hour In Sorol'ily members fought off the thin,." such items as holiday pay and Wlima Martin, 5th grade. Ottumwa. who resigned lost Henry SabIn school: MirIam Thursday two days after her ap­ Inh'uders with paddles. Although Faunce aald he hact picked WI sht!t differentials. Showalter, speclal room. pointment because of pressIng the mob went throullh th soror­ several Itudent identlllcaUon The vote on extension of wage­ Lincoln: Mrs. Dorothy Stafford, studies. ity the only thlnt reported mls - cards and It wa reported he alto price controls to next March 1 head teacber; Mrs. Irene Kleell, Vickery, an advertising major, ing were om b th room scaies. had everal drIvers llcen.seI. \Vas 8 to 4. 2d grade. transferred to SUI last fall trom At the Tri-Delts, windows wcr The dean ot atuden sal. he Board to Be AU-Publlo Roosevelt: Marjorie Rockafel­ Crinnell college, where he worked broken but no ntry was made. would islue I tatemut 111ft- in The vote on stripping the WSB low, 1st grade; Jean Killlon, 3d on the advertising staffs of the Faunce Trl to peak tho day . /lrade; Mrs. Carol Tiliou, 51h and student paper and yearbook. Filunce arrived at CurrLer ha'" of disputes-settling powers was 7 The main break at Currlt'r came shortly after 11 p,m. Ted Rebeler, to S. The approved plan also calls 6th grades. This ycar he has worked part­ Teachers who have been hired time in the IIdverU,ing depart­ otter Dean or Stud nls 1.:. Dille clJrec&or of dormitories, arrive4 for reorgan Iza lion of the board. F dunce had atem}>tCd to qUIet the. minutes later, Among other things, It would be ~nd the grades they will leach ment at the Iowa City Press­ are: Mrs. Marjorie Clauerbaugh, Citizen. He Is a member ot A1\lh:1 ~roup. set up liS all-public body. Faunce had just given up the Faunco told policemen to "nab Roosevelt principal and 6th grade; Delta Sigma, national profession­ the rlnrleaders" bu' audonecJ On the present board, the pub­ al advertising iraternity. ettort when the shouting became HarrIet DeHa·an, 5th; th Ko­ a,.. ln t harmJn, tuden". lic, labor and industry are equal­ toed, 4th; Margaret A es, 4th ; Vickery was one or two appli­ too loud and had entered the ly represented with six members building when the ,roup rushed The dean of ,twlent. joined 10 Diana Caraway, kindergarten; cants for the job. The other was wIth a number of campus leaden each. Marie Neslar, kindergarten; Alice Jerry BOll1und, C3, Muscatine. the door and quickly pushed back the three or four defenders. In a!tempUnr to qulet studen&a. Those voting for extension of Sykes, 1st; Jacoba Voss, lSt; Mrs. They mlnrled wUb Ibe crowds. wage-price controls to March I Carlton R. Johnson, 4th; and Fro Most ot the 600 girls living in Currier retreated to their rooms pludlnr that they atop an' DO included Sens. Homer Capehart Anne WllJiamson, high school. one shoula. be Inlund an' tha.\ (R-Ind.) and Everett Dirksen (R­ Toe .board accepted a low bid after the torced entry but a few no clam.. " be done. A PRECARrOU PERCH Is held by illl unIdentified UJ student, one ~ hundreds who 8tormed urrlrr Ill.). of $218.81 from the Iowa-illinois stoyed In the halls and attempted "PI88e consider UtJ. (riot) fI'Om hall Tuead ..y nl&'bt In the biu'l! t and wildest demon 'ratlon In the school'S history, ThJ studen" was to dissuade the rioters from any Those against the proposal in­ C~s and Electric Co. for installing tbe Ainelpolnt of tbe UIIlverttb'." a gas conversion furnace in Kirk­ Inchlh&' hll way alonK a econd·story ledge on the outh side to rain entr.. nce In a window. He prred damage. he aboutecl. "rm Dot lntere.W In cluded Sens. Paul Douglas (D-Ill.) the .creen oH, but couldn't get In beeause tbe window WJ.S locked from the Inside, He threw the Prior to the main enlry in Cur- and Blair Moody (D-Mich.). wood school. This Is the first gas :Iu.t .. few IndIvlduaa.. I'm bMer­ furnace to be put in Iowa City IOrcen to the rround and then started down hhnsel( amid boisterous cheer. from the other students. 1'1 r, n group had torced the north ested that you aa .. croup Ihoulel Douglas and Moody told reporters door and had started to roam the they favored a longer extension. schools. Four otber companies al­ not be banned." so submitted bids. building before ~ing expelled by Uia woru were oD17 met wHb Plan Strips Board La w officials. boolnr. A contract 101' waterproofing Oil Strike Continues Fllh&a with Police Those ror the Dirksen amend­ the high schooil; walls was let to Science ,Foundation Director ment to strip the wage board or . There were sev ral brushes William Sewell and Co., st. Paul, with policemen ot the two south man returned 10 the door . disputes-settling authority lnclude which submitted a low bid of With No Prospect doors be/ore the group became Whl Le the /Il'OUp was milling ~nators capehart lind Dirksen. $6,500. The contract includes re­ orianized for the !uccesslul pwoh. around outside the buildIng, al. Moody and DOuglas voted pointlng and recaulk ing the walls Calls for More Federal Aid Of Qqick SeHlement In one, city patrolman Richard most every girl in Currier was aaalns! the amendment. Bnd cllrrjes a 2-y~ar guarantee. Lee and an unldentl11ed campus leanln, out windows watching the The Dirksen pion would malee Three olher companies also sub­ Additional congressional appro­ WASHINGTON (.4') - The na­ policeman were Involved with a ptoceedin,Il. Mat\y were shoutln& lhe members ot the oli-publlc mitted bids.
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