Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1954-06-12

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1954-06-12 Serving the State , • The Weather University of Iowa oud ... II h possible tbulld~morms a0 d a ,. Campus and onUnued warm and hll­ mid. UI"b todar. "; low, Iowa City 65. Wan:ner kmjMRallftS at linda wI6II pnbable lhundtrsho" tn. Est. 1868 - AP leased Wire. Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa, Saturday, June 12, 1954 Hails Liberal Education As Foe Of Fear Alumni Activities Ena GreeneTelisOr aduates I As Old Grads Hold Obiectives of Learning Liberal education Is cruCial In preservin& the American way ot (lass Reunions Today life from corrosions or Internal fear and dlstrlL~t, said Prot. Theo­ old es, m etme former c:l m tcs and dore M. Greene, of Yale unlvel"Sity, addressin, 978 degree candi­ tt nding reunions will be order of the day today a hundreds dates and about 4,000 spectators at the SUI commencement in the of · I alumni take ov • the campus Cor the second and Un 1 day field house Friday morning. of alumni activlli .. "Liberal education has a great dual objective-to liberate the Alumni week nd b ian Friday aCtt'r commencement exercises Individual Crom the yoke of Ig- _____________ where 978 ·tudents joined the ranks of over 50,000 JIvIng univer­ norance, insensibility and pro­ lIy alumni throughout the TEXT ON PAGE 2 world. Loren Hickerson, dLr dor vLncinlism and to enable him to The complek klCh 01 achieve responsible freedom in Schedule of Events of nlumni records, said Friday comm~ncement address riven by a tTl:e soelety." th t the number of alumni com­ Pror. Theodore ~f. Greene, Yale Greene continued: "Though T DA Ing back this year may be the unlvenity. entitled, "EdueaOon Morulnc--Mtclleal prort lon- !ar,e t In SUl h ory. our technological society will for What?" and the cbaree to I o~, medic.. 1 amphlthe- AHorney General Leo A. amply reward you for your the aTaduales delivered by specialized skills, your vocation­ a tn. Hoe,h, Republic n nomln [or President VlreU M. lIaneber. are governor, was th I t alumnus al education has been sadly de­ printed on pare 2 o. today'. 9 to 11:31 a.m. - Coll tC'e of to regl ter Friday nl,ht, Robert ficient if it has failed to con­ DaUy Iowan. nllrslne coffce hour, Wl"5Uawn trlbutc something, day by day, to 1 un~t. Noble, alumni rccord editor, the well-being 01 your fellow ...aid. H h, who was lTaduat d ID lo noon-.'~ bool of journal- are among a prlviledged minor­ from SUI In 1929, will attend men which Is wocth even more bin corfee bour, onununlca- the 11129 ilver Jublle today at than pride in craftsmanship. Ity who have been permitted to llo mtn. Urees Concern for Others grow In Intellectual and moral 12;30 p.m. in the Iowa Memorial "We cannot, as a nation, be stature in nn environment full 10 a.m.-IIIOII law hool cia Union. brunch. Currlt'r hall. both uneducated and Cree. But of beauty and kindliness." " Al~.d Dinner education is not automatically Coder Pre Ides 12:30 p.rn. - Ttntb IlJlDlv~rsar The Inre t m rltu club good or desirable unless it brings luncht'on for cia uf J U , ur­ dinner In SUI hlliory WM held Pro!. William Coder, coordin­ rl~r llall. you a real concern for your fel­ ator of conferences, acted as Friday nlghi It Currier hall, low men and an abiding humil­ master of ceremonies. Prof. Ro­ 12:30 p.m.- IIvl'r Jubllu ror with pproximalc)y 80 tumnl • Ity and tolerance," he concluded. bert S. Michaelson, head of the clas uf til II, Iuwa Memorial from cia I oC 1903 and e rll r SUI President Virgil M. Han­ school of religion, gave the in­ nlon. In attendance. There were !tra­ cher presented diplomas to the vocation and benediction. J2:30 p m.-nuJrr& lun hron duat s Crom COlist to coast, Mas­ 978 new degree holders, wel­ The sur band directed by for I \ cia of 1939, Ilt hume of .achuselts to California, Hleker- coming them as "part of the Prof. C. B. Righter, played. mil 'fr U. 331 ummJt. on said. timeless fellowship of learning" Sixty-nve candidates received In th • pring of 1858 D xter and as new members of the 3 to 5 p.m. - Alumni eofree sur doctor of philosophy degrees. 116 bour. Iowa 1 morial ilion. Ed~on White became the fir t alum ni fa mily whlch now num­ SUI nlumnU$ w.h n he r Iv d doctor o[ medicine degrees, and THI WAS TilE CENE In t.be Ul field bou Friday mornln" 6 p.m.-LlbC'r I art ('I bers over 50,000. 52 doctor of dental surgery de­ I COWl and II dtl'f of the Cir t degree ever awarded as 918 " raduaUn, studen II tened to President Vlrrtl 1\1. lIaneh­ 1929 dinner. at Ma flo er. "We hope that you wlll re­ grees. mony " by the university. In the 96 years member with gratitude and er deliver the charn to tbe clB11S or 19M. The com_DCtment 6:30 p.m.-Goldtn Jubllel' din­ Master of science delTces wcre adare wa eh'en by Pror. Theodore M. reeDe of Yale uolver­ more th n two hour . m~n ment w since his graduatIon, approxi­ pleasure this university and the J1 r for 19 I., luwa lemo­ mately 68,000 delTe and di­ years you have spent within it," sill'. The tull n , who have "S\\ut" ou, retUne their d ere • fOnnt to t8k pI ct' on the campu th w ekenl! . e\'u I hUll- tlal nlon. also had to swed out the ommencement exercises under woolen plomas h vo be n aw rd d. Hancher said. "Even in this (Colltjllued 011 Page 2) dred alumni rrturo d tor r unton , dill" rand olb r I tivm HIckerson, who t coordinator land of broad opportunity you GREENE- of alumni activities, ha complelc files In the alumni oWee on the 'Schine Plan' Flanders Asks War Intervention 50,000 llving gradu tcs and r c­ - Greene Addresses SUI Graduates Geneva Peace Parley ords of every former university student, including blo rnphJcal Causes Furor Senate To Strip Only If 5Conditions data snd current ddr 55 . He Foundering,SaysEden wa graduated 1rom SUI in 1950. S rv GraduaUn,. Clu. At Hearings McCarthy Power GEN /::VA IA"J - Briti h For- clo e to cOlwurrenc on 1101 Met, Dulles Says Cew Viewpoints," Throu&hout theo year the alum­ eiln Secretary Anthony Edc:1, I oWc rve on-th -campus WASHINGTON (IP' S n. Jo- "The I i 110 rca ·on wha 0- s WASIIINGTON IIPI - Sen. who Thur doy decl rer! the In­ rl'pr ntsUve for very graduat­ ~eph R. McCarthy (R-Wi.) nalph Flondeor (R-Vt.) demllnd- ever why \\'\! 'hould stup ,uin!! crossed swordll wlth Army Coun­ ed Friday that the senate strip on." he laid. Ing class of the W1lver~lty. He­ sel Joepll N. Welcb {or Ih 5C­ Sen. Jo· ph R. McCarthy of h pr' nintIv' f cl e which ond lime in thre days at thl! Inve tigalive powers as a eom­ pI n to huv r unions on cOlmpu , McCarthy-army hearings Friday uch liS the ones that or being miltec chairman unW McCarthy negoti, tlons on unlf 'Ing Korell. held now, coot d Hlek on tor lind tb proceedings WCI furth­ purge him etr ot "contempl" by Ed n let he Willi r ady to ex. Ike May Not Run er enlivened by a erlo-comlc an, w e r I n g "char e" made "I. All Invitlluon from tim PI' '. arwns ments. disput about th "Schlne plan" against him In 1052. plore every inC n or c aellin lnt luwful lIuthorltl ~. In ddition, the univ rany ~ch dul spedul events durmg 11 to sell democracy through the BeCorc delivering thl open allreement 011 Kor 'a, uut th.lt In '56, Adams Says s ":.1. I' r a:urallt of compl ·te tllumnl weekend tor the 10th, world. chlllienge on the . nate Ooor,t "th 'I mu. t be om WASlI1NCTON W) - Sh r­ incfeJ.lCnd nee for Lao , Cambodia 25th lind 50th year class s. The Welch. wbo aecu ed th Wis­ Flanders confronled the WI con- I ugreement Is pOe Ible," (fnd VI t Nom. IO n Adam , chief iI I tant to 50th y ar graduates rcc ive gold con in enator of reckle~s cruelty sln senator at the McCarthy- .. "3. Evidencc of can en by the army hearin,s ond erv d writ- [f no woy .ean be Cound or medals at their golden jubil e. two days ago, pleaded with him PI' Ident EI cnhower. s Id Fri­ United Nallons. • to give a clean bl11 of health to tcn notice that he intended to re ·olvln. lhe dIfferences of the.e The 10th anniversary luncheon day h could think ot "certaln "oj. A joinlnR 10 th cnllective ror the class of 1944 will be h Id Pvt. G. David Schlne's former make the address. 11 wns Flan- twu m 10 i_ ue ," Eden id, conditions" that ml.bt make Ei- eC!crt ot l ome ot the other lIa­ lit 12:30 p.m. today In Currier hall commanding oWeer. ders' third speech against Mc- "then we hall hove to admit "Aren't you capable of a sin­ Carthy In recent weeks. Ihat thi · confer nee has not senbower want to rl.!tirc aft r tions of the area.
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    369. 1949 Silber’s Bakery Colts Y.A. Tittle SGC 40 Rookie (Only Known Graded) While most football historians associate Yelberton Abraham Y.A. Tittle with either the San Francisco 49ers or New York Giants, the Hall of Fame quarterback honed his craft with the 1948-1949 Baltimore Colts of the All-America Football Conference. The affable Louisiana State alum followed his Baltimore tenure with ten All-Pro/Pro-Bowl selections and a pair of NFL Most Valuable Players awards. Depicting the gunslinger at the dawn of his prolific career, the offered 1949 Silber’s Bakery Y.A. Tittle rookie card is the first such to have been offered for public sale and the only professionally graded example. Graded 40 VG 3 by SGC, Tittle was one of seventeen known players issued by the Southwest Baltimore bakery and distributed during the season as part of a promotional campaign at the eight Silber’s “Charm City” locations. According to a reliable Maryland-based hob- byist, only three Tittle examples are known, the offered sample and another, which is permanently nestled in a private collection. According to a book by Patterson entitled Football In Baltimore: History and Memorabilia (2000, Johns Hopkins University Press), a previous owner relates the following story, “I ran into Y.A. Tittle, one of my all-time heroes, several years ago, and showed him my Silber’s card of him. Y.A looked at it in amazement, saying he had no recollection whatsoever of the card. He thought, and all the price guides echo it, that his 1950 Bowman card was his rookie card.
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