Serving the State , • The Weather University of Iowa oud ... II h possible tbulld~morms a0 d a ,. Campus and onUnued warm and hll­ mid. UI"b todar. "; low, Iowa City 65. Wan:ner kmjMRallftS at linda wI6II pnbable lhundtrsho" tn. Est. 1868 - AP leased Wire. Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa, Saturday, June 12, 1954 Hails Liberal Education As Foe Of Fear Alumni Activities Ena GreeneTelisOr aduates I As Old Grads Hold Obiectives of Learning Liberal education Is cruCial In preservin& the American way ot (lass Reunions Today life from corrosions or Internal fear and dlstrlL~t, said Prot. Theo­ old es, m etme former c:l m tcs and dore M. Greene, of Yale unlvel"Sity, addressin, 978 degree candi­ tt nding reunions will be order of the day today a hundreds dates and about 4,000 spectators at the SUI commencement in the of · I alumni take ov • the campus Cor the second and Un 1 day field house Friday morning. of alumni activlli .. "Liberal education has a great dual objective-to liberate the Alumni week nd b ian Friday aCtt'r commencement exercises Individual Crom the yoke of Ig- _____________ where 978 ·tudents joined the ranks of over 50,000 JIvIng univer­ norance, insensibility and pro­ lIy alumni throughout the TEXT ON PAGE 2 world. Loren Hickerson, dLr dor vLncinlism and to enable him to The complek klCh 01 achieve responsible freedom in Schedule of Events of nlumni records, said Friday comm~ncement address riven by a tTl:e soelety." th t the number of alumni com­ Pror. Theodore ~f. Greene, Yale Greene continued: "Though T DA Ing back this year may be the unlvenity. entitled, "EdueaOon Morulnc--Mtclleal prort lon- !ar,e t In SUl h ory. our technological society will for What?" and the cbaree to I o~, medic.. 1 amphlthe- AHorney General Leo A. amply reward you for your the aTaduales delivered by specialized skills, your vocation­ a tn. Hoe,h, Republic n nomln [or President VlreU M. lIaneber. are governor, was th I t alumnus al education has been sadly de­ printed on pare 2 o. today'. 9 to 11:31 a.m. - Coll tC'e of to regl ter Friday nl,ht, Robert ficient if it has failed to con­ DaUy Iowan. nllrslne coffce hour, Wl"5Uawn trlbutc something, day by day, to 1 un~t. Noble, alumni rccord editor, the well-being 01 your fellow ...aid. H h, who was lTaduat d ID lo noon-.'~ bool of journal- are among a prlviledged minor­ from SUI In 1929, will attend men which Is wocth even more bin corfee bour, onununlca- the 11129 ilver Jublle today at than pride in craftsmanship. Ity who have been permitted to llo mtn. Urees Concern for Others grow In Intellectual and moral 12;30 p.m. in the Iowa Memorial "We cannot, as a nation, be stature in nn environment full 10 a.m.-IIIOII law hool cia Union. brunch. Currlt'r hall. both uneducated and Cree. But of beauty and kindliness." " Al~.d Dinner education is not automatically Coder Pre Ides 12:30 p.rn. - Ttntb IlJlDlv~rsar The Inre t m rltu club good or desirable unless it brings luncht'on for cia uf J U , ur­ dinner In SUI hlliory WM held Pro!. William Coder, coordin­ rl~r llall. you a real concern for your fel­ ator of conferences, acted as Friday nlghi It Currier hall, low men and an abiding humil­ master of ceremonies. Prof. Ro­ 12:30 p.m.- IIvl'r Jubllu ror with pproximalc)y 80 tumnl • Ity and tolerance," he concluded. bert S. Michaelson, head of the clas uf til II, Iuwa Memorial from cia I oC 1903 and e rll r SUI President Virgil M. Han­ school of religion, gave the in­ nlon. In attendance. There were !tra­ cher presented diplomas to the vocation and benediction. J2:30 p m.-nuJrr& lun hron duat s Crom COlist to coast, Mas­ 978 new degree holders, wel­ The sur band directed by for I \ cia of 1939, Ilt hume of .achuselts to California, Hleker- coming them as "part of the Prof. C. B. Righter, played. mil 'fr U. 331 ummJt. on said. timeless fellowship of learning" Sixty-nve candidates received In th • pring of 1858 D xter and as new members of the 3 to 5 p.m. - Alumni eofree sur doctor of philosophy degrees. 116 bour. Iowa 1 morial ilion. Ed~on White became the fir t alum ni fa mily whlch now num­ SUI nlumnU$ w.h n he r Iv d doctor o[ medicine degrees, and THI WAS TilE CENE In t.be Ul field bou Friday mornln" 6 p.m.-LlbC'r I art ('I bers over 50,000. 52 doctor of dental surgery de­ I COWl and II dtl'f of the Cir t degree ever awarded as 918 " raduaUn, studen II tened to President Vlrrtl 1\1. lIaneh­ 1929 dinner. at Ma flo er. "We hope that you wlll re­ grees. mony " by the university. In the 96 years member with gratitude and er deliver the charn to tbe clB11S or 19M. The com_DCtment 6:30 p.m.-Goldtn Jubllel' din­ Master of science delTces wcre adare wa eh'en by Pror. Theodore M. reeDe of Yale uolver­ more th n two hour . m~n ment w since his graduatIon, approxi­ pleasure this university and the J1 r for 19 I., luwa lemo­ mately 68,000 delTe and di­ years you have spent within it," sill'. The tull n , who have "S\\ut" ou, retUne their d ere • fOnnt to t8k pI ct' on the campu th w ekenl! . e\'u I hUll- tlal nlon. also had to swed out the ommencement exercises under woolen plomas h vo be n aw rd d. Hancher said. "Even in this (Colltjllued 011 Page 2) dred alumni rrturo d tor r unton , dill" rand olb r I tivm HIckerson, who t coordinator land of broad opportunity you GREENE- of alumni activities, ha complelc files In the alumni oWee on the 'Schine Plan' Flanders Asks War Intervention 50,000 llving gradu tcs and r c­ - Greene Addresses SUI Graduates Geneva Peace Parley ords of every former university student, including blo rnphJcal Causes Furor Senate To Strip Only If 5Conditions data snd current ddr 55 . He Foundering,SaysEden wa graduated 1rom SUI in 1950. S rv GraduaUn,. Clu. At Hearings McCarthy Power GEN /::VA IA"J - Briti h For- clo e to cOlwurrenc on 1101 Met, Dulles Says Cew Viewpoints," Throu&hout theo year the alum­ eiln Secretary Anthony Edc:1, I oWc rve on-th -campus WASHINGTON (IP' S n. Jo- "The I i 110 rca ·on wha 0- s WASIIINGTON IIPI - Sen. who Thur doy decl rer! the In­ rl'pr ntsUve for very graduat­ ~eph R. McCarthy (R-Wi.) nalph Flondeor (R-Vt.) demllnd- ever why \\'\! 'hould stup ,uin!! crossed swordll wlth Army Coun­ ed Friday that the senate strip on." he laid. Ing class of the W1lver~lty. He­ sel Joepll N. Welcb {or Ih 5C­ Sen. Jo· ph R. McCarthy of h pr' nintIv' f cl e which ond lime in thre days at thl! Inve tigalive powers as a eom­ pI n to huv r unions on cOlmpu , McCarthy-army hearings Friday uch liS the ones that or being miltec chairman unW McCarthy negoti, tlons on unlf 'Ing Korell. held now, coot d Hlek on tor lind tb proceedings WCI furth­ purge him etr ot "contempl" by Ed n let he Willi r ady to ex. Ike May Not Run er enlivened by a erlo-comlc an, w e r I n g "char e" made "I. All Invitlluon from tim PI' '. arwns ments. disput about th "Schlne plan" against him In 1052. plore every inC n or c aellin lnt luwful lIuthorltl ~. In ddition, the univ rany ~ch dul spedul events durmg 11 to sell democracy through the BeCorc delivering thl open allreement 011 Kor 'a, uut th.lt In '56, Adams Says s ":.1. I' r a:urallt of compl ·te tllumnl weekend tor the 10th, world. chlllienge on the . nate Ooor,t "th 'I mu. t be om WASlI1NCTON W) - Sh r­ incfeJ.lCnd nee for Lao , Cambodia 25th lind 50th year class s. The Welch. wbo aecu ed th Wis­ Flanders confronled the WI con- I ugreement Is pOe Ible," (fnd VI t Nom. IO n Adam , chief iI I tant to 50th y ar graduates rcc ive gold con in enator of reckle~s cruelty sln senator at the McCarthy- .. "3. Evidencc of can en by the army hearin,s ond erv d writ- [f no woy .ean be Cound or medals at their golden jubil e. two days ago, pleaded with him PI' Ident EI cnhower. s Id Fri­ United Nallons. • to give a clean bl11 of health to tcn notice that he intended to re ·olvln. lhe dIfferences of the.e The 10th anniversary luncheon day h could think ot "certaln "oj. A joinlnR 10 th cnllective ror the class of 1944 will be h Id Pvt. G. David Schlne's former make the address. 11 wns Flan- twu m 10 i_ ue ," Eden id, conditions" that ml.bt make Ei- eC!crt ot l ome ot the other lIa­ lit 12:30 p.m. today In Currier hall commanding oWeer. ders' third speech against Mc- "then we hall hove to admit "Aren't you capable of a sin­ Carthy In recent weeks. Ihat thi · confer nee has not senbower want to rl.!tirc aft r tions of the area.
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