Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1953-05-22
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• , The Weather Serving the' State lDtftuIDI ri.-M... aM University of Iowa a UUle .......r ....,.. S b • w era e. 8atura,.. .....:.&1111""~ Campus and HI.... Wa,. 11: lew. O. -nd ed. IIIP nua.... '. It: ...... men!, Iowa City ••• 'paPer at owo·n , Writ. Est. 1-868 - AP Leased WiIe - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa. Friday. May 22. 1953 - Vol. 'Yl. No. 168 J, bus. I news_ ~ic re none Engineers Awarded Scho.larships br the Council Bans ','Ex·Officio' . Tornado Sweeps U.S.-Canadian Border; Amendment The SUI Student Council Thurs day night defeated a constitu Waters ~eave. l/1l0 Famili~s Homel.ess tional amendmen~ which would have made Union Board, Univer sity Women's association and Stu Ship Ahoy, Matesl Biggest Flood , Air Force 'Blues' '8 Persons Die ' dent Board of Publications repre sentatives ex-ofllcio members of All seniors nnd graduates recei"in, degrees In 1953 will be the I the CouncIl. guests of SUI at the commencement pnrty. "Senior Cruise." tonight n As Twister The amendment, defeated by a at the lown Memoria' Union from 9 to midnight. ' 40 Years 24-2 vote, would have - given the Larry Barrett·s orchestra will prOVide dance music and retresh- H' three represntatives no vote. At ments will be served. Bill Skalte, LI, Dubuque, will be master of lis present Union Board and UW A I ceremonies. Juanita Bethke, A4. Cherokee. cpairman of the senior Leyels Cities class memorinl gltt committee, will present SlJI with a gift from the South , have voting members on the SARNlA, Ont:lrlo (,4» - A rare Council but the publica tlons board class 01 1953. More than J 750 families were Jim GIllJllan, C4, Independence, Wis., general chairman of the • northern tornado sweepln, across does not. senior party. announced that the eomplete (aciHties of the Union driven from their homes in Lake the U.S.-Canadlan border late The report of admtnistration of will be at the disposal ot the seniors, graduates and their dates. Charles, La., a.s tbat city of 50.000 Thursday dealt death and mulH. married housing was adopted by braced ItseJr for its bl,,~st flood million-dollar destnlctlon In the Ihe Council in its final meetlng of in 40 years. twin clUes of Sarnia lind Port Hu the year. This report was written ron, Mlch .. and beyond in south and passed by th!! old Council The rampa,ln, Calcasieu rlv..'r western Ontario. earlier this month. ) Big Three Plan June Meeting also flowed over the Lake Charles Many were Injured, mo t ot New RouaiD, Proltam ENGINEERING STUDENTS who re,celved scholarships tills week air force Due, l~avlllJ/ bombers them apparently by tlyln, ,lass An amendment to the "'eport nt torether after the preaentaUoDl. They are (ft'om left) Edward and other plant's huddled tOiether and debris. Parts of the twin cltl1!8 alon, the St. Clalr river inter- passed Thursday night provides Levin. E4, MuscaUne. B.J. Lambert award; James Brady, E3. Tip· To Strengtfien Peace Alliance on the few dry spots on aprons that a program be established to ton, Fred Stebler lIClholanhlp; Donald Tweed. E3, Ft. Madison. replace present ma~rled student We.tlD,house scholarship; Kenneth Wilson, E3, Cedar Rapids, WASHINGTON (J1» _ President and runways. (See ...... , ... a picture aN ,housing units with permanent American Soelety of Tool Encilleen award. and John Walt, 11.:2. Eisenhower plans to rJ4!Ct in Ber- about 700 miles otr thIs country's In other lectioN ot Louisiann, ...., ., tile effeeta ., the ~ MonIl ...hIeh &wept Oedar .~.) housing as they wear out. Such a Iowa City. WeaUniboule scholanhip. Wlnnen were announced at mud a next month with prime mln- Atlantic coast. plagued by five days ot tornadoes program will Incl6de an analysis an enaineeri~ collen faculty luncheon held in the Iowa Me- and J2 Inches of rain, the Red Ch I E W'I ot cost and such Illeasures as arc mortal Union. Ister Sir Winston Churchill and The President issu!!d a state- or as, I son national boundary were lett . ment saying the prlmllry purpose Cross estimllted more than 4,000 d mound.i ot ru~ble. neces.ary to if\l'ure n scale or rents the ,PremIer of France to stren,th- of the race-Io-tace meeting ot the families had been torced trom lIear Statement 011 Fmr S Bulldozer. plowed throuJh within the eCQnomic means of the 5 t G p en the Big Three alliance and dls- Big Three leaders was to tackle their homes. wreckaae and helped push aside students to be Berved, cuss the advisability ot a high- "the many problems that must be Dama,es to crp". and property faUen trea so ambulances laden A resolution pr(lposed by Jack ena e roup roposes 1 d l' I th t th .... Y t CI. eters, Ll, Ames, tha. Council level meeting "(ith the Russians. so ve co-opera Ive y so a e mounted to more than $200 mll- or y alms with the Injured could reach hOll- P ~ world cause of peac!! may be ad- pltals. members be given free access to T f t H tI · Ch nng News of the conference was nn- vanced." lion. The weather bureau sold the A · D f Alter dlppln, down onto SOI'- the facts In matters directly aftect- a - a r ey u e s nounced simultaneously Thursday But Churchill and Mayer 1m- river crested Thursday night. Ire ens e nla-Port Huron, the tornado s ed ~! ing t.he student bqdy was P!1 S In Washington, London and Paris. mediately saw In the consultation Alol\( the Sabine river, the •• moved on to the east-northea~t unamm~usIY. WASHINGTON ~A')- Chairm~n The French foreign office said it a path toward a later meetlni boundary between Texas and Plan Del cent and again .truck down In On- Peters resolution also stated H. Alexander Smith (R-NJ) .. f write pre-work contracts with '11 b . J 17 with Kremlin leaders "My main I I tarlo province. that the Council welcomes any the senate labor committee made employers and to have seven-da,r WI egln une • ho "Churchill told' arliament LouiSiana, the Industrial city of It hit the area of London, Ont., P I ,slstemen.t 'of policy from univer- public Thursday a score of Pro-I union shop clauses in their COll- Soon att~rwards, however, the "Iithat we may take a deflnit~ Orange, Tex., was threatened with WAS HI N G TON (IP) - Rcp. Dnd destroyed most ot the build- si~: admmlstrators. posed changes In the Taft-Hartley tracts. French national assembly denled step forward to a meetin, of lar the worat flood in Its history. Sam u e I W. Yorty CO-Callt.> IllJ/s . in El,infleld, a hJ,hway We desire to serve. as an 10- law. , 3. Abolish the office of general premier Rene Mnyer a vote ot con- graver imporl" _ with . Soviet The Oran,e national ruard unit Thursday quoted the air force a.s junctIon on Ont:lrio hlfhway No. stnIme~t for better unIversity re- SmIth declared tnt program counseL to the National Labor Re- fidence and his cabinet collapsed. premier Georgi M. Malenkov. and navy personnel. trom the sayln, President Eisenhower's 4. Help tor that area was IlBk!!d ~,ations, the re~olution stated. was p.repared ~y ~he st.aff of the lations board and set up ~ new Presumably Mayer's successor will U.S. Not ConunlUed . nearby mothball fleet battled l.be ro am lor buildln u the na- ur,enUy by polJce and rescue Our chief goal Is to have a better comnllttee. He InsIsted It was not and independent agency to mves- t B d b t th FhA state department spokesman rLaln, waters by reinforcini exlst- p rr g p workers. Informed student body." "a Republican program," but con- Ugate and prosecute untalr la- ,01lt~ lerm~ . a, uld de I re~~ here said cautiously the agreement In, levees and building auxlllalY tlon', defenses will result In olr The Toronto weather bureau , Ohalnpe'.' JJ.,ted . ceded that in. discussions. preced- bor practice and representntlon ~eetl~ag crlSlS cou e ay e to meet "docs not commit the U.S. dikes. strenrth well below "the absolute said late Thursda,. night the vor- Committee cblllftpen appomted lng the draftmg Repubhcans on election cases. or so for as we know the British Twelve miles north of Oranic mlnlmum" fo r notional security. tex of the storm had pa.ssed. Tor- tor the new Council Include Frank the committee endorsed at lea"t AUow Striken To Vote Ike PropOted Meetln& 0; the French to Q ~y ultimate the town of Deweyville on th~ Yody read into the Coneres- onto and beaded out over Lake Myers, AS, Snll1doll. student 1\"- some of the proposals. 11 t 'k h be It was understood that Eisen- four- wer meetin .. Sabine WIlB nearly all under w _ . Ontario. J anlzatlons' Bill lsenberger A2 S 'th 'd th Id 4. A ow s rl ers who ave en hower proposed the get-toaether . po g. sional Record a s\.atement he said On the Canadian .Ide Red g , , , ml sal e program wou re la cd ' th ' job to ote'n Elsenhower's statement did not ter • Sioux C,~y , N~tlonal Student As- be the. committee's "work ~heet" re~re~ent~~on ~rectio~ . v 1. and that Churchill sug~esled It be mention the possibility ot n later ~he Sabine Is scheduled to crest the air force gave him In response Cross headquarters in Toronto soclatlon, Jackl!! Lewis, N2, Burl- when It ,gets down to consldera- .