Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1953-05-22
• , The Weather Serving the' State lDtftuIDI ri.-M... aM University of Iowa a UUle .......r ....,.. S b • w era e. 8atura,.. .....:.&1111""~ Campus and HI.... Wa,. 11: lew. O. -nd ed. IIIP nua.... '. It: ...... men!, Iowa City ••• 'paPer at owo·n , Writ. Est. 1-868 - AP Leased WiIe - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa. Friday. May 22. 1953 - Vol. 'Yl. No. 168 J, bus. I news_ ~ic re none Engineers Awarded Scho.larships br the Council Bans ','Ex·Officio' . Tornado Sweeps U.S.-Canadian Border; Amendment The SUI Student Council Thurs day night defeated a constitu Waters ~eave. l/1l0 Famili~s Homel.ess tional amendmen~ which would have made Union Board, Univer sity Women's association and Stu Ship Ahoy, Matesl Biggest Flood , Air Force 'Blues' '8 Persons Die ' dent Board of Publications repre sentatives ex-ofllcio members of All seniors nnd graduates recei"in, degrees In 1953 will be the I the CouncIl. guests of SUI at the commencement pnrty. "Senior Cruise." tonight n As Twister The amendment, defeated by a at the lown Memoria' Union from 9 to midnight. ' 40 Years 24-2 vote, would have - given the Larry Barrett·s orchestra will prOVide dance music and retresh- H' three represntatives no vote. At ments will be served. Bill Skalte, LI, Dubuque, will be master of lis present Union Board and UW A I ceremonies. Juanita Bethke, A4. Cherokee. cpairman of the senior Leyels Cities class memorinl gltt committee, will present SlJI with a gift from the South , have voting members on the SARNlA, Ont:lrlo (,4» - A rare Council but the publica tlons board class 01 1953.
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