:^ :. BloQdmobile :Vi^i8 Centef Church Tomorrow* l:4^h : . m . CMbbMii Cathi^^LA’ Iwld ihct^ puySihoM oirMtor 1 FamBy Night Sct - AboiitToi^ aiectint Tli4«tey^4Ml>t , IHUlf Net Presk-^uti p in the K, or:i$^o|iife,; ---------------------------- - By^nckJeyPTA The Weather M a m b m ^ BmimiMl I ^ a s u t 'yiiiest Ip ^ er wllL be^bp^e For Ihb lFaek'EmImI FoncMt of C; 8. Weather Doccw Sooitty who p U ^ JU ^ lnJr<jW Boatoa,‘ lecturer A coffee hour wad' hOld Veater- . The/ Buckley School RTA • will ' Bbptamberxfii. i*' ia tho '*h» «rt«ry ritfn tWN S. I^elye Co- whOae auh}ect 3 tU fy^n the SbuUt,Schbol for the. hold a Eamlly Might<Bdpt OoaHnuad mild taolght. LOw Bhoald sAMt at Uik church | motheTa;.tecl^tdaO^» of the echooi ' Thie family picnic !■ held, on u » Jy at| djiS^ A brief bualn«#*iei£K puplle. COfiSm-^itd^cake were achool------ ----la w—„ n -b............... a n n in.. g........ at I t u r n t t m i t 60-65. Friday faggy aS ■earhe, ing wUl be : ^'rved by rooi^;;hM>there'^^ Those who do pot. wieh to/pack'A MMiber of th* A . change of nhotiers Jn. lata alter- time and - table decoj^ted w lth^llow |unch:r/may’/^ f d h a hot doga^ ROWIm of Circulation noon. , jnigh,near 85: " . incyed by ^ santhemuiiu and tap« milk,'aodA. coffee and eteanr Mancheiter.— ^i'Cityr o f Village Chtirm chai rman and Mra Donald' Barrett aO at the .Cafeteria. , After new cool host^aa for the'kindergarten. nic, approxlntately 6 :30, the & H available' ' 4 ?avld, Keith'-.for Room - l? _ dren will take parehta to their r ^TWENTY-F^^^A&PS—' "^lANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTliRIBER 13, 1958 (CloaeUled AdVeittOig ob Fh I* 88) Edmund Brouder_ahdy:Mra.'''5 tu- claasrooms to' introduce''them to- PRICE FIVE CENTS art C^rWon for l^mi^Thiu 1^ ; -their teachers; At 6:45 thV/difl- >ur 'Murphy, Mre. Richard dren.wiUtiicfi go to-the auditoriuift- lagKer and Mra. Harold W t f to see^humbriiua cartoons. leaving for Room 3. the.parentS-with the teachers. W’ho as-Marjorie Leidholdt,- prin- ;\wUl discuss school plans for their ^lpal''bf.^e achool, introduced U^i faculty parents and , ea RoiAlppkrehta will 'be In each MtsaChrot plained the fatl^rograin for each 'thorn to/gre6t the parents. ''In the BUNN 8 t ; ahd..ltlaa grade., ^ librkfyr'. a b^d^k'Will "be set . up St^ave-dite^^^V^tser- .where alh-MrenU Can Enroll aa' 60 All-Tims ^ itM^School of , Miss Barbmi^(1e.witt. daugh hers in tlwTTA and pav their .Mffcs'l^ibu/eus *45*— ofair. and hfra. R. Hewitt, lambarshtp duesr^'c. Also li»''t,he t 3 Fdli«eld S W .lca ^ ^ g Hill- Teich School 1Sels^ .Mhra'rjC.w^**'J*’* displayed articles : m6itjrcubr§*fe00,'titot* popular yeP-...^lwife;..^I''re.Ahman '^amlUcm Phoid from the'Lutz 'Junior MuSSw^and I ^''r^Raynin^“ *l-' ' Lane,* H6 • rocortf plojfiiig syMoii^Vari Gardiier<^Aka^'Bh«i. will i veiling Courses parnphUU ^Scaired .py the tRUM I BCA Vltiby.aisrlt'Yl* , medical aehreikry'course at Mrs. RUpn L. Maher, 89 Henry Study tJtoup.'-^^/i.HedresentatiVes'' NOWf'Get the famous Glenn'Miller L Mi-ri, 4.tawe '^bstwiw'*; I y«r, ^ o n d L. Lane,^ 33. Hackma­ >, .wnmiltjev^ ev4 im g'^ u riea in trade St., win astume. Uie directorship from .these tw o.«uii^.w ’ni be on -jLimited Edition # 1 for just $5. It’s- I 3 . •eMlwv hrevWe*' .fw | ''' tack ^sAas,completed'SO'yeara Of InMruCtion r'hdjdtSs.wiU be of- of the Manchesier^'TWCA Plsy hand to aiiswer queetlbna. ' - yoDcait alrsctiph ofthe original coat IStraisliaalt tewnd. ert E. Johnaon 'hnd Hildur ser\1 ce wRJt^Hamilton Standard, fered agariHhIa.jvea School on its openlng'^^Monday, Family night will be heM ralii' division of united Aircraft CoPp. af atthe.Howell "When yOu buy-this new 45 "Victrols”#; J k^iwqr. «sW ee^. ! ’ Emanuel . Ldthe.ran Cheney TechnifeaLSchool.-^Gburaea Se.pt, 17. Mrs. Maher 1» a graduate or shine. In casebf bad Weather, I MmS iMili 6nMM |fap I BL^ He is in the machine^epartihcnt, of Wheeibek Cbllege, Boston, and the cafeteria will be'ustd by- evisi^ ''The Fabuloiia^45” syttem Jets you j o i n t s riegetea and alter-. are being■ offered/ih--^niachine( O shop enjoy almost two Wirs ot music with -t lagi. MadilY Hff. ' “1 “ h<R^4K'ida^^'-4a4 nate,'aespectiVel^.to the Hartford ... , practice, electricity^^carpentry. for sbme years, with her sister, ohe, . hire. Harry Maidment Sr., con- AiirtneeUngs of the Buckley; one loading. it’a 1 District Conv«itk»n'- at Salem mechanical drafting.'^ljlueprlnt saves you mbiiW' I 13B.f5 <r Church. Bridgeport, Sept- 17. Paa- reading and in shop mathematics. ducle<l a private' nlirsey school! School PTA-are held the third Labor Supply ^ Monday of tlie month. William tec. C. Henry Johnson wiR'alao at­ '77»*6|'COursee are organised in ac- here,-in'MMchester. C om # fn -------------rJ dAirD Clipias Eden’s tend. .. cordanc^^ith industrial n^eds and The Play school has been Sinbng Zimmernian is thie new president. Moy l Prav« are so planned that adults may se- ,the YW's successful projects- for New DeIhT.''India. Sept. IS"-;, MriAnd.Mrs. IgaaU Reiser, 219 Shrinks Here cure trainingmjA'particular phase Several seasons. Re^sirations are id*)—Prime Minister Nehru to­ School SW^hote 50th wedding en- of their work. CbunMiing service already filled and there Is a con­ day denounced western plana PlaiLTat^ads to DYNAMIC niveraary occurred' today, ..were Manchester’s available ' labor is available to assist Ih-Urranging siderable. waiting list. PRESCRIPTIONS M to create a Suez Canal Uaerff ' Assn. feted at a party'thtS'afternoon by supply waa reported, yesterday aa a program of study. A get-acquaihted session, with ••FREE P lC K -lY COR. OF CHURCH IN S U I^ N C E friends In Hartford.'Thiy will ob­ 130 CENTER ST. He -said Ke wB8,"surprised" continuing to shrink an;, an in­ Registration may be made ^the. coffee hour for the mothers, will a n d DELIVERY” London, S,ept. 13 (/P)—The British Press Assn., said to^ty Btfftr freftefioii serve their golden wMMiqg, lo­ school office, 39 School St;. Sept. -take place from 9:30 to 11:30 on Cairo, Egypt, Sept. 13 (;iP) by British' Prime''Minister' ^ Ully, y. by "open house” at their creasing pumber of job ieekers 24 and 25 from 7 to 9 p.m„ or dur­ the'-opening morning. Eden’s statement yesterday in a Suez Canhl users’ eonference will he held next week, prob­ ndm^imc from 3 to 6 p.m. Sundi^ Qnd work, ' - PINE PHARMACY Egypt carried her side of the Hou'-se of Commons ■'a'hd U f M. SaVil|STEIN ing the regular school hours, 8:30 Mrs. 'Paul McKSy, will continue 664 CENTER ST.—MI 9-9814 ably in Lhndbn. Sept. Td.^^e}r Were married Sept. Miss Ilaael Anderson, manager to 4r30, X \ as aseistartl'director. Advertise in The Herald— It Pays the Suez .crisisi' toj the tf.'N'. declared the ' ‘cpitaequences It r^rted British Foreign Secretary Selwyii LloydL.«l> 8W, in^t. James' Church. of thV local office ~ot the State today, charging: B'Htain and would, be very grave,” ^causa Employment Service,- has report­ it closed the door to'further eady^ hag sent invitationg. The Wegtem Big Three and. 15 ed that the munber of- persons France must hear Tesponsi- negotiatidns.with Egj-pt and iher nations that backed-th$ Suez Conference control ptiin seeking work through her office bility for any obstruction in implied an ihtention to Impose afe on the list. dropp^ from 895 to 767 at the A Long W ay to Go shipping ' resulting from a a settlement. .. end of August, At the end o t pending walkout of foreign Speaking in axparliament June, the number was 1.200. ><; 'Sitting atop on unabridged dictionary. William Jacquea,; 6, session: Nehru " Said, he had Washington, Sept. l3 <iiP)—Secreta^ of^gtate Dulleg said What A Blesang At the same time, she saljJ/the otarta kindergarten In Quincy, Mbm ., and la aurrounded by/all pilots and technicians. ” told Edeivx and P>*aldeht gay the United States has no intention.'of.shooting'its way. number of unfilled jobs w file at the booka'and wockbpoka he w-ouid be. uaing in the next 13 year* This appeared aimed td counter Eisenhower that Egypt’s pro-'' thtough the Suez Canal if Egypt blocks the pasgfi^'Of ships. the office increased inr August if he takes the,-College high achool course in the Quincy public the- declaration of EU-itain and posal to create a negptiatihg^ from 319 to 394. sm ceiest of flattery—j acltoolB. Ovetall'costa o f books and workbooks approximates France in a--letter to the Security agency opened the way to a Dulled told a news conference the United States'wpuld favor conoN 1458.20. Ttadae will be supplemented b y ^ 3126 enclycIopedlA a council President yesterday that A primary cause of the heavy settlement. diverUng its vessels around Africa under such conditions, / demand for wpriters is the new 33.75 globe and a 32.76 abridged dictionary for total of 3569.71. Egl’pt’a attempt to end the system regardless of the extra cost' involved. / Manchester . Chopping Parkade, “7^ of international operation might .'He sail).the U.S. Govemment.it*', —-----— . / a number/bf w'hose IS stores, Hindsome new knits by Chevy Chase whlj • ^ endanger free passage of ' the ready to consider dollar loans to | ' Miss Apderspn said, .
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