Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1947-08-08

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1947-08-08 ON THE INSIDE THE WEATHER TODAY Cards,Gain Again ........._ . .. Page 2 Fair and somewhat warmer weather is pre­ State AFl Hits Labor Curbs .......... Page 3 dicted for today and tomorrow, with temper­ Delay Parking Lot Purchase .. Page 6 OWlIn Established 1868-Vol 79. No. 270-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Friday, Auqust 8, 1941-Five Cenls atures ranging from a low of 70 to a high of 95. , * * * Bugsy Seigel's Elliott Says Bailie Ends Girl Leaves His Father Stormily as Paris for U.S. Made Mislake Charges Fly Hughes States Senate Virginia Hill Sobs and WASHINGTON (A»-Elliott Agent said, 'We're Says She'd Just as Roosevelt says his father, the late President Roosevelt, aoted "in dtr­ Out to Get EllioH-' Soon Jump off Plane ect opposition" to the interests of photo reconnaissance in permitting WASHINGTON (JP) - The PARIS (JP)-Virginia Hill, weep­ Hughes-Brewster battle came to ing forlornly and sobbing that "I'd the Hughes Aircraft company to a s1ormy, inconclusive close last just as soon jump off the air­ continue building a car,o plane plane," left Paris by air yesterday during the war. night after Howard Hughes flun, lor the United States where Amer­ Roosevelt made his statement In out fresh accusations of "lies" and ican police have indicated the un­ a talk recorded Wednesday for "ulterior motives" in a senate in­ derworld might pu t the pretty Cal­ vestiga tion of his war contracts. Ifornia party girl's life in jeopardy. broadcast over WINX last night. Ending a hectic two-month stay Asked If the White House had Senator Brewster (R-Me), in Paris and swank Mediterranean exerted influence in the award of chairman of the senate war in­ resorts, during which the late Ben­ SOIPe $40,000,000 worth of airplane vestigating committee, stood on jamin (Bugsy) Siegel was shot to contracts to Howaro Hughes, mu - his denial that he had offered to death in her California home June tl-milLionaire Hollywood movie call off the inquiry if Hugbes 20, the raven-haired Miss HHI took I producer and plane iluilder, Roo­ off for New York from Orly field sevelt said: would agree to merge his Trans at 4:30 p. m., (CST). The plane's "Not only did the White House World airline with Pan American first scheduled stop in the United not influence the awards, but tes­ I airwIlY~. Stales was Boston. timony will prove that President And by agl'eemnt of the two Bitler" frequently incoherent Roosevelt's action in arguing that antagonists, the committee closed and verging on hysteria as she after .13,000,000 had been spent that phase 01 Its Inquiry atter tWD talked with a reporter just before on the (Hughes) cargo plane they tense days-the sworn charge and boarding the plane, Miss Hill said ought to keep the contract in lorce its sworn denial standing on the she would set things righ t with the until they got the benefit of aU record. press when she arrived in tile Uni­ THE FELLOW whose 1947 Chevrolet go~ its (011 ba.shed In here the other day can sy mpathize with the work to date-so that he Howard Hughes ted States. George A. Va n Keuren, East Greenbush, N.Y., who jumped from hi.8 parked car at Albany a fractloll aUowed them to spend $5,000,000 He Made the Charges "I don't hove the strength to Since Siegel, gambl",·, man­ of a second before a tractor-traUer, carryLnK a. 12-tol1 load, toppled on It. CAP WlREPIIOTO) mor&-that was in direct opposi­ go on," said Hughes, complaining abolll-Honywood and Nevada ---------------------- ---- - tion to our interests in the recon­ he got only two hours' sleep night club operator, was slain, naissance program. Wednesday night. "I feel that Sen­ Eaker Says We'll ator Brewster Is not teJling the Miss Hill has been hlentioned fre­ "We felt the cargo plane shOUld 92 High Here;­ truth. I think that if I had the Quently in the American press. be shelved and all facilities that As E. S. (ooper'ldentifies Self As Boy ScouJs Land, opportunity to cross examine him, she arrived at the airfield Hughes h&.d should be turned over and walked to the customs office, lose Third War I could prove it." to reconnaissance." Senator Pepper (D-Fla) finally she was approached by the repor­ in Hand LOS ANGELES (JP)-The United Situation Roosevelt said the senate war No Rain Due turned to Hughes and asked: ter. Flopping her three silver tox investigating committee "will States, if it pursues its present furs about her shoulders, she pout­ Assaul' Victim; Push Probe "Senator Brewster says he is MOISSON, France (JP)- The have a good deal of fun and do course, will be involved in a third By The AsBoclated Pretl ed, "Why don't you leave me willing to let this issue stand on County Attorney Jack C. Cor admission to the ~:u ddle cot­ boy scouts have landed and the much good for the people of the world war, Lt. Gen. Ira Eaker, Teperatures soared Into the mid­ alone ?" While's investigation of the beat- feeshop in the Jefferson holel. situation is out or en-Tyone else's deputy commander of the army the record as it l'Iow is. Is that United States jf they will lOOk In- dle 90's in Iowa yesterday under agreeable to you 1" ing...o -BJ~ ~n here lB.'il He said his two a ~ hands. all' 10rc;cJ! Bald y!:Sterday. adding: 10 some Of JIle H"MW' lAd con­ it , vas, and Sena­ e," Miss Rill !iaid be- May 6 began yesterday as the loud and coarse remarks about The villages of Molsson and tract negotiations and contracts "And we won't be on the win­ cloudless skies. m:rgrre snra lw~~\\ sobs. '''I'm \\0\ gOi))g \0 victim identitied himself but said Jews and that when one of the Rosny, ancient and peaceful com­ ning side." It was 96 at Sioux Clly for the tor Ferguson (R-Mlch), chairman that were let. As I -poInted out of the subcommittee, announced: talk to anyone until I see my law- he would "stand by my con- men "caught my eye" the fight munities 40 miles west of Paris, in my report, they were complete­ ' He said he had "defended 13 highest mark reported to the Des yer." science" and would not bring started. certainly never have seen any­ air lorce budgets before congress," Moines weather bureau. Other "The ch air will now rule that ly valueless to the process' of the this matter is now closed." Then, as an afterthought, she charges again st his assailants. He was severely cut and bruls- thing like it. war,U and recalled that the national high readings included 95 at At­ added , "I can take care of myself. E.S. Cooper, 130 E. Jefferson, ed, he said, and went to a dllctor Boy scouL monitors ore direct­ legislature in 1939 reduced "an al­ lantic; 94 at Ottumwa; 93 at Des He added the committee will I've been doing it for 30 years and issued a statement saying that friend at University hospital for ing tl'atric for miles around the Brewster Charge, ready meager 150 plane appropri­ Moines; 92 at Iowa City, and 90 at turn tomorrow morning to the in­ I can keep on. "after talking things over with trP'8~ment. spectal encampment in 1,500- Burlington and Mason City. vestigation of Hughes' $18,000,000 a Jl ation" to one calling for only 52 . Miss Hm, reputed by Americans my conscience, I believe that Cooper said there were "plenty acre wooded sile. Train toads oi "Smear Attempt "Last year those same old men Reports of two additional deaths cargo plane contract, and then go ,,. \0 be wealthy and who has had the erring youth should be reached of bystanders and witnesses scouts lrom all over the world were 'still there in congress-men as a result of the current hot spell into the $22,000,000 photo recon­ naissance plane contract. swankiest accomodations during thl'ough methods of education and around but only r,ne attempted to are being dlsgorgea at 1I special WASHINGTON (A» Sen. who would have been eliminated brought the tolal to five. Ira V. One of Hughes' parting shots her two mo nths' stay in Paris and rellgion rather than th rough legal do anything." scout railway station. Brewster (R-Me) declared in a in any other nation because of Watson, 70, was found dead in his was the accusation of "ulterior on the French Riviera, wept soCtiy punishment.'? White conferred with Cooper The arrivai of 1,1 18 Americans network broadca$t (ABC) last their appallingly bad judgment." room at Council Bluffs, a victim motives" in the inquiry. He at limes as she sat alone in the ter- Cooper, who refused to coop- and Dean C. ' Woody Thompson, brought to 18,9 19 the number 01 nigh t that he was the object ot a General Eaker, who will soon of "heat apoplexy," and Raymond quoted a senate agent as haVing minal waiting room. erate in the investigation, said, director of the university otflce boy scouts from 17 countries who "nationwide smear campaign" by retire, declared that within 30 C. Johnson, 34, of Cedar Rapids, said, "We're out to get EUiott "I don't know anything about "l orn a New Englander. I talk of student affairs, for over two have buill n tent city in three publicist Carl Byolr-a campaign days after the start of World War died of a heat stroke as he was be­ Roosevell." all these stories ihey have been things over with my conscience.
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