Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1944-10-06
., RATtON OA Lt!NDAll MEATS, F ATS, Rod .l. ml's, J\~ U" •• , h Z8 . "a A5 10 IU nlld Indollnllely, " ROIJESSED r OODS, BI." I'• ." . , AS lo ZI In elulive a net A ~ to Jt.3 Inclu,lve, valid Indoflnllely; tit/GAR co upon. 3U, ai, 3:l . nd 3a Fair ...... ,ood lor live pou ndo Vt.lld Indollnlloly; GASO LINE " A" coupon, No. U valid ,In ce Sept. 2~ tbrou ,h Dn. 21; FUEL ou. ••u\,on . lor period 4 and G .1 lasl IOWA: Fair aDd waJ'lDel'. ....Un, lea. oa .... COUPODlil for period 1 of btw h eat THE N Ie•••• • OD valid Ib,ourb Au,. 31, IOU. SHOE S ,OU POD 1 .nd 2 .lrpl.De slamp valid lodollalloly. Iowa Cit Y' s M 0 r n i n 9 _N e~w.s pap. r --- ,--... =~====================================~~~~~~~~~~~========================~~~~~~~ mE CENTS THII A8800lATIID rans IOWA CITY. IOWA 1'1UDA"t.,octOBER 6. :1944 TIl••• 8OClIATU ..... VOLUME XLV NUMBER 11 = fDR Appeals 80mbers Cripple- • " I U S for Maximum Japanese 0,/ Source ' . , . Tan:ks. ',Take Begge.rdorf; ny 1' IIE ASSOCIATED PRESS Japan's vilal source of oil on the huge 3,OOO,OOO-barrel oU re- C • Borneo has been further crippled finery at Balikpapan, Borneo, an- I 0 Voler Turnout by a second heavy allied air nounced a 40-lon blow Tuesday a r, ! • s t I' ike, American submarines w h i c h the Japanese resisted F'dll Potrai have sunk 11 more enemy ships, fiercely, shooting down seven o[ I R's,p:orts of, Deplores Use but Japanese armies in China ap- the Liberalors and losing 19 pear to have scored another big Zeroes in an hour-long battle, B·" h BRITISH* TOMMIES* * INVADE P~lOPONNESUS* * * Of 'Reckless Words' victory, But in Chin~ indications point~d I rl IS In R~ds in Panteyo, In Campaign These were segments of thc to another NIpponese success complex Pacific war pieced to- the drive on Kweilin, capital of I Push WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi gether today by the latest com- Kwangsi province.
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