Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-04-29
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IlltATS, PATS, n. ata .. ,., T. II,,,,.,. zs ••• At U, ....,h P lI .... ,.... r.OCE88ED POODII. 10'" ...p.. Cl! Ih.owlh XII ••11. SUO".. ~ ••It r... alaJnp 16 yabtl. far fl •• poaDd.. 8HOES, ....11 thre.e. Partly Cloudy ata.,. 1, J .." • ,o.t ' ••o,."llel, . 0'\ OLIJIIE. 16·,\ ~ •• '.D' .... I.r f ••, ,aUoDI an' B .. I, 11-1, C .. f aD. IOWA: P.,1b cloudy. Cooler. C·, ••11" ro. fl.. ,,110.'. FUI!L OIL. fe...... 0•• '''r •• rb II.. C ••'/.O.. I'M', •••• ...... y...... ,erl.' THE DAILY IOWAN r... , •• fl •• ,0 •. Iowa City', Morning Newspaper I, Who FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 1945 VOLUME XXI NUMBER 184 'SChOOl Ilain ~ 1lIiver. I, 14" • I e I Russians Hold SEABEE ON LEAVE SEES SON'S GRAVE Delegates See Editor Reports on- President Denies Unconditional All But Pocket Task Growing Nazi Prison Camps Surrender Report by Connally (Edltor's note: The followinr The crematorium, capacity 400 atory. cUstributecl by The AsIioc:I bodies per 10-hour day, was spot. Moscow announced early today that Heinrich I; ated Pretlll. Wall writ~n by a lessly clean, ' efficienUy the pride Rimmler had attempted to surrender Germany un In Nazi Capital More Difficult of its supervisors. Inside were the member 01 U1e ITOUP of editors arul members 01 eODIT_ invited unconsumed portions of recent conditionally to Britain and the United States. but a by Gen. Dwirbt D. Eisenhower to dead skulls, bones and fragments San Francisco report that a surrender actually had Reds North of Berlin Surrender Rumor lICe ai lirst hand conditions in ot flesh. Smash Across Plains Nul prison eamps.) On the wall hung a sign, taste been made to all three major allies was declared by Furnishes Incentive fully lettered in gold on varnished On 81-Mile Front wood. It read: "Let not worms President Truman to be unfounded. 80 ..... For Speeded Program By Ben MeKelway r .. ... eat my b()dy. Let it be consumed The United States and Britain rejected the Himm ~"f t..'-: AlIIIOCl&te Editor of the Washlnxton LONDON , Sunday (AP) SA FRANCISCO (AP) by pure flame. I love always ".. ...: Star warmth Ilnd light. Therefore burn, ler offer because it did not Include Russia, accordinq Soviet armie, taking a f inal H ope of the nited Nations ~SES PARlS (AP)- ACter what Hit but do not bury me." A pretty stran~lehold Oil dying Berlin, to the Moscow broadcast by the official Soviet Tass confer ence for a speedy German ler's Germany has done to the sentiment. 11./11 burled its defenders back into til. Itil sur render ro and fell like a world, the details at what it did at Downstairs was what was said aqency. a shell· raked 25-~quare mile tide last night and through the the Buchenwald concentration to be the Gestapo execution cham The San Francisco report that a surrender had r... pocket in the city's center yes confusion delegate saw their camp for civilians near Weimar, in ber. Victims were said to have "DO ,era1ty terday while thou and of Ger peace-shaping ta<;k g I' 0 win g central Germany, seem relatively been tied, hand and foot, and been made with strings attached," Originated with Senator Ulan troop gave up t he suicidal more difficult. trivial and important only as a thrown down a 13-foto chute to Tom Connally, chairman of the senate foreign relations com symbol. I, N. Y. struggle and s urrender ed to tho They cheered at word tha t an the concrete floor of this chamber, mittee and vice chairman of the American delegation to the Red army. American deleg/lt.e, S p na t 0 r But nothing could picture the picked up and hanged by the neck United States conference. ~ -.,.:; camp, and what it represented, as to iron hooks in the wall, their ~ ..;: German resistance was fanat i Tom Connally of Texa!!, l1ad This information, given at first with the .stipulation that Con cal but it was tottering . .A lmost any worse than what it undoubt feet barely ab()ve the floor. There nally not be indentified, was carrie~ by The Associated Press declared that the Nazis had sur edly was. were 45 hooks. ,II the city but the central rendered and the announcement at 7:55 p. m .• (6:55 p. m. central war time). JlOcket, which was forged by a would come "mom ntarily." One hour and 40 minutes later President Truman told an Red army inner ring o( encircle They heard with dismay that extraordinary press conference ment, was in Russian hands. President Truman. in Washington. At a Glance- at the White House in Washing quoted by Tbe Associated Press U. S. Tanks Seize and had no wish to change it at The Paris radio said early today had pronounced the ~ urrender re ton that he had gotten Admiral tbat time. the Russians had occupied the port unfounded. Leahy to telephone General Eisen Reichstag in the center of Berlin, NAVY SEABEE Frank Eo Rice, Pollock. Idaho, presents a sad slrhl all Connally is chairma nof the .sen Two Italian Towns Secretary of State Stettinius "~ hower in Paris "and there is no made no statement and planned adding ':it is believed that the he kneels beside the «rave of hl~ son, a nav¥ medic altached to the ate foreign relations committee Today's f()undation for the rumor." • end of German resistance in the Marines, who was killed In action durin,' Invasion of Iwo Jlma and and vice-chairman of the Ameri none. Last German Escape The presidenl authorized direct This series of developments cli capital is imminent." By Mos 'burled in the Fourtb marine division cemetery on the former Jap can group here. quotation of his statement-an 'ust" cow's account, however, t he Rus held Island. Seabee Rice, on dub in the Philippines. was rranted But most of them felt thai a To Brenner Pass maxed a Saturday in which Ger unusual procedure. many's complete military col Jme. sians were two miles from the leave to visit his son's grave. Nazi collapse, If it does not come Iowan Into Austria Blocked Learnlnl' of the presidential lapse was so imminent that sur 'XNI_ Reiehstag. now, can'i be lonl' relayeeL Con statement, Senator 00 n n a II y nally repeated, after the Waahin&' ROME (AP)-Tank troops rac render reports and rumors sprang two While the city lashed in its President ...Truman * *d ItC I are s authorized Indentlflcatlon of hlm up in many parts of the world. dealh agonies, Soviet (orces north ton denial, that he expect. the an ing across northweste:rn Italy cap Connally's report of uncondi lieU as source of the surrender re lac American Armies nouncement 01 8Urrender "mo tured Brescia and Bergamo al the The Tass announcement carrfed o( the capital smashed out across Jap Ai~~raft '1 tional surrender unfounded. port and told a reporter that h e by the Moscow radio was the first let". Ih' Mecklenburg plains on an ex mentarily." foot of the Alps yesterday, block still expected the surrender an And the delegates' hopeful at ing the last two German escape official announcement that a sur oping panding 81 -mile front and gained Dash Toward Munich Russians reduce Nazi pocket in nouncement to be made "momen render offer of any kind had scent up to 22 miles toward Rostock titude was based on E)ne clear fact routes to the Brenner pass into Berlin to 25 square miles. tarily." Be said he believed the -that Gestapo ChIef Heinrich Austria, and an unofflcial Milan aclually been made. ir wig and Hamburg in a clean-up of the Sink Auxiliary Revolt Breaks Out ollfclal newl would be Iqrth The Tass dispatch said that Himmler had oUered surrender lo radio report said they already had lust.· isolated northern half of AdoU RevoJIll reported in Munich as comlnr In a matter 01 hours. In Last Stronghold Britain and the Unlted states and reached the Swiss (ron tier at Como, "responsible Soviet circles" con Hitler's now bisected third Reich. Third army tnnk forces clamp White H~use Press Secretary fIrmed the German offer and that Three major Berlin city dis had been turned down because he 30 miles beyond Bergamo. down on Germany's southern J()nathan Daniels, however, told Of Hitler's Reich made no overtures to Itussia. (Th~ Swiss radio said that the "tile governments of Britain and trlcls and parts of three others Surface Craft redoubt. reporters, "The Lid's on," sllPlity the United States have noted that Germans had agl'eed to surrender were captured by- the first White PARIS, Sunday (AP)- Ameri- Two different p09sibilities lay ins that noth'ing more wa~ ex in the provinces of Lombardy and they - will accept uncondHional RU$SJan and Fir s t Ukrainian ---1- "'lD armies crushed d()wn today on ahead' (If the delGQates: Iowa' Ha.wkeyes defeat Minne pected last night. surrender on Iy to all the a lUes. GUAM, Sunday (AP) ~Japanese Piedmont, which border on S()uth annies as they battled up to three Germany's last major str()nghold, 1. A IIhllt to high speed to ae sota 6 to 4. General Eisenhower issued a Including the Soviet Union." miles Ihrough blazing streets and ait'cralt attacked United States rolling an unstoppable wall of compllsh &5 much as possible to ern Switzerland and embrace statement in Paris to the army warships off Okinawa Friday northwest and north central Italy. Hlmmler, according t() Senator linked up in western Berlin, Mos tanks to wilhin 22 miles of Munich,l ward moldinr ihe paHern of a paper Stars and stripes, that he Connally, explained that Adolf cow revealed.