1 St Army Opens Big Push Air Fleets Planes and Shells Blast Reich and Front Rip German Line
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Man Spricht Deutsch Ici On Parle Frangais Zeigen Sie mir den Weg. THE TRIPES BE On peut-on prendre verre? Tsaigcn Zee meer den Wayj. OO put own prond ran vair? Daily Newspaper of U.S, Armed Forces Show me the way. in the European Theater of Operations Where can we have a drink? Vol. 1—No. 78 New York—PARIS — London Tuesday, Oct. 3, 1944 1 st Army Opens Big Push Air Fleets Planes and Shells Blast Reich And Front Rip German Line SUPREME ALLIED HQ, Oct. 2 (AP).—A mighty fleet To Start Assault of more than 1,200 U.S. heavy bombers, escorted by 500 fighters, returned to Germany Pouring through gaps torn in the Siegfried Line after today and banged industrial a concentrated air attack and one of the heaviest artillery targets at Cologne, Kassel barrages of the war, First U.S. Army troops last night were and Hamm, while another reported to have gained two miles in some areas north of 1,000 planes joined the First Aachen, in a new major offensive. Army in assaulting the Sieg- The gains placed Lt. Gen. Courtney Hodges' troops in fried Line near Aachen. Virtually an area of the Siegfried Line where it narrows into one no enemy opposition was reported. flank north of besieged Aachen. Other First Army troops While almost 1,000 Portresses were reported to have reached a point 400 yards beyond a struck industries at Cologne and Kassel, 300 Liberators pounded railway track on the east side of the River Wurm. Germany's largest marshalling The major assault on strong enemy entrenchments yards at Hamm. quickened the pace of the Allied offensive, which for the last two Dutch Are Warned weeks had been stalemated by powerful Nazi counter-attacks. Meanwhile, Gen. Eisenhower had Paris Brothels a warning broadcast to inhabitants Sees Thrust to Rhine of the Dutch Islands in the estuary Stars and Stripes Map. Are Closed to Preliminary reports from the front of the Scheldt River, advising them indicated that the new attack, com- to evacuate immediately because U.S. troops, pouring through gaps in the Siegfried Line in a new bined with the mighty air-artillery offensive north of Aachen, yesterday gained two miles in some areas. "there is every likelihood that se- Allied Troops blow, had opened breaches only in vere and heavy aerial bombard- ♦ a small section of the West Wall, ment" will be hurled at German More than 180 Paris brothels but Ned Palmer, a CBS radio cor- troops and installations there. Tunnelsfor Luftwaffe Plants closed their doors to soldiers last respondent, said he doubted that After a day of idleness Sunday, night as military police posted off- the advance would stop until it when weather virtually halted bomb- limits signs and GI vice squads reached the Rhine. ing operations, RAP Mosquitoes at- Found by Patton's Forces began a systematic quarantine of American troops of the Third tacked Brunswick in bright moon- red light districts in the French Army on the Moselle front cleared light early today. capital. the Germans from Gremecey Forest September was one of the busiest By Pierre J. Huss As freshly-lettered signs reading and seized strategic high ground months for both the AAP and RAP, International News Service Writer. "Off Limits to Allied Military Per- 14 miles northeast of Nancy, while with the heavies flying over Ger- Proof that Hitler is striving by all his means to bury sonnel" went up on licensed and Seventh Army forces in the vicinity many 20 out of 30 days. unlicensed bawdy houses, the pro- of Montbeliard were at the entrance Luftwaffe plane production in huge underground factories prietors were notified through the to the Belfort Gap. Little information had been re- RAF May Change Tactics immune to the heaviest bombing came to light today when French police that they were not Lt. Gen. George S. Patton's forces found 40 miles of tunnels to admit Allied troops. leased by Supreme Allied Head- LONDON, Oct. 2 (AP).—The RAP Announcing the cleanup cam- quarters at a late hour last night may be .abandoning its policy of being converted for a monthly turnout of 1,000 Messer- paign, designed both to check the on the new advance in the Aachen saturation night bombing in favor schmitts. spread of venereal disease and to area, but front-line dispatches said of smaller, more concentrated, day- The embryo plant is located at keep soldiers out of the Paris under- the Germans were meeting the at- light attacks along the American Algrange, west of Thionville, and Weather Aids world, Co!. E. G. Buhrmaster, Seine tacks with stubborn resistance. pinpoint technique, it was hinted was selected by Willi Messerschmitt Base Section provost marshal, said "Yank infantrymen are tackling in official quarters today. six months ago as best suited to the most severe penalties would be with bayonets a 'human wall'— "The range of destruction of tar- replace a vast but completely bomb- Planes in Italy inflicted on any men who tried to hundreds of foxholes occupied by gets in Germany was increased by ed-out Messerschmitt plant at Augs- force their way into the brothels In crack German reserves," Henry the use of comparatively small burg, in south Germany. The first break in the weather violation of the ban, enforced by Gorrell, of the United Press, re- forces, bombing with such accuracy The complete construction of for a week on the Italian front yes- order of the theater commander. ported. that as much damage was done as planes from frames through motors terday enabled air support to be Though the number of houses is Huge Air Assault in much heavier night attacks of was envisaged with the use at peak given the Fifth Army, battling too great to have MPs posted at the past," the Air Ministry declared production of from ten to twelve- strong German defenses near Imola. ! each entrance, vice squads from Preceding the land assault, hun- in a routine statistical review of thousand slave workers supervised American troops drove up Monte the Army police force will make dreds of medium and fighter- bombers pounded pillboxes and September operations. by German areonautic specialists. Capella, to the west of Monte Bat- 1 daily inspections of every establish- other fortifications. Nazi soldiers Hitler, last May, approved Messer- | taglia, captured two days ago, and nt to check against violations of me occupying six-foot-thick pillboxes schmitt's blueprints, which gave cleared the entire peak in the face the order. were burned or smothered to death him highest priority on all mate- of heavy artillery fire. They now by the air attack, which lasted for Confirm Nazis rials he needed. Subsequently, are holding both heights, southwest •QUAKE IN MISSOURI 90 minutes. Goering delegated his trusted Nazi of Imola, against furious infantry ST. LOUIS, Mo.., Oct. 2. — An So heavy was the bombing and efficiency production taskmaster, attacks, an indication of how serious earthquake of mild intensity, prob- Plan for Future the shelling that observers reported Herr Patzholtz, with the job of the Germans consider the threat ably centered south of the city, was completing the underground factory. felt throughout the St. Louis area that one small German village—. LONDON, Oct. 2 (AP).—Diploma- to the city and the highway to Bo- Patzholtz' orders were to begin yesterday. Dishes and small objects Falenberg, north of Heelen—actually tic sources today said reports from logna. A breakthrough also would operations by Oct. 20, wherefore he were rattled and residences shaken disappeared in a short period of the Reich's frontier substantiated threaten the rear of the German cracked his whip mercilessly over concentrated bombardment. Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden's forces along the Adriatic. but no damage was reported. the thousands of workers brought In Holland, meanwhile, British charges that Himmler was forming into the huge tunnel. Under rising troops, supported by American air- a secret organization to keep Na- Berlin pressure, Patzholtz finally (Continued tn Page 4) zism alive by establishing three dif- conscripted all available labor in From Paris to Siegfried Line, ferent "crews." the Algrange vicinity. The Germans One was described as picked Ges- imported the first batches Of Rus- How to Win Friends tapo men, who assumed new identi- sian and French slave labor* and 28th Division Rolled In High ties in new localities and took the informed them they would receive And Influence People papers of men killed in Allied air (Continued on Page 4) FIRST ARMY HQ., Oct. 2. — In its actions south of St. Lo, the raids to support their claims. The Pennsylvania's "Keystone Division," 28th became known as the "Bloody Sgt. Carl G. Schubert, of Chi- second reportedly was made up of —the 28th Infantry—headed straight Bucket Division," partly because of cago, probably has the most un- picked youths from special schools New Tank Destroyer the red, bucket-shaped Keystone popular job in France. He's the for Germany to batter the defenses for Nazi children at secret camps in flash worn by the men, and partly guy in charge of painting the of the Siegfried Line after their all lodges of the underground or- Is in Production in U.S. because of a captured German of- off-limits signs which go up in ganization. triumphal march through the streets ficer who thought the patch might every town after its liberation The third is to be composed of NEW YORK, Oct. 2.—The U.S. of Paris, it was disclosed today stand for that after he had seen or capture. boys and girls under 16 years who Army's new tank destroyer, the when the outfit was released for how men of the division fought.