TCU DAILY SKIFF Tuesday, March 28, 1989 Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX 86Th Year, No
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TCU DAILY SKIFF Tuesday, March 28, 1989 Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX 86th Year, No. 89 Fear of responsibility may cause anxiety for seniors By ANDREA HEITZ The debate about television's influ- should not be interpreted to mean today certainly is not what it was prior But older people who watch televi- ram that teachei adolescents." Staff Writer ence on young people is nothing new, that television has a definite negative to the age of television," Barker said. sion instead of getting involved with But while studies show that chil- though, said David Barker, associate impact on education. Etta Miller, associate professor of the world around them undermine dren who watch "Sesame Street" be- In the continuing concern about professor of radio-TV-film. "For every piece of research that education, agreed. their education, she said. fore going into school do better when the state of the U.S. education sys- "The amount of blame that televi- indicated that television has a nega- "People spend their time watching The type of television children are they start school, they also show that tem, those looking to place blame sion has had to shoulder over the de- tive effect on students learning, there television instead of reading or parti- watching also makes a difference in those same children begin to get have a new, old enemy at which to cades for its negative impact on chil- is research that shows that television cipating in the world," she said. "And the effect it will have on education. bored with school more quickly, Bar- point: television. dren is nothing new," he said. "Be- has no effect,'' he said. that is going to affect education." Bob Ray Sanders, a producer at ker said. A recently released Educational fore television, it was the other mass But some effects of television are The type and amount of effect, KERA, a Metroplex public television "Teachers just can t compete with Testing Service study, which mea- media - radio, motion pictures, even obvious, he said. though, may vary with circumst- station, said educational program- the Muppets," he said "So we have sured math and science abilities, dime-store novels. The mass media Television tends to speed things ances, she said. ming such as "Sesame Street" actually some teachers doing a dog-and-pony showed that test scores lowered as have been blamed for many, many up, as people learn to expect a resolu- Television exposes very young chil- have a positive effect on education. show in order to compete." television watching increased, caus- years.'' tion to a complex problem In an hour dren to written language early, she "Public television's failure," he If television does have a negative ing new speculation about the effects And the results of the study, he or less, he said. said, because they try to read the said, "is that it has not been able to of television on American youth. said, while they may be disturbing. "And the attention span of students words on commercials. create a popular and effective prog- See Senior, Page 6 Repairs Week celebrates limit world business By JANA AGEE parking Staff Writer Executives TCU and Fort Worth are celebrat- By AMY THORNTON ing their association this week during Staff Writer TCU/Fort Worth Week with the to speak 1 (instiuction to replace a sewer theme, "Celebrating a World of Busi- line running from Daniel Meyer Col- ness." at forum iseum to Momrief Hall will decrease The week will kick off with a "Sym- posium on International Business" at the number o) parking spaces avail- By BRENDA WALLACE 7:30 tonight in the Student Center ihe coliseum parking lot until Staff Writer Ballroom. the beginning of May. "We tried to pack the calendar of Three corporate executives depending on the weather, con- events with an international theme," will discuss business in a foreign i Uon is scheduled to begin today said Linda Rove, assistant dean for culture to kick off TCU/Fort ■' W ' iday, said Harry Goodman, Special Programs in the M.J. Neeley Worth Week at 7.30 p.m. assistant director of mechanical and School of Business. tonight in the Student Center maintenance for the TCU According to Larry Lauer. associ- Ballroom. I,int. ate vice chancellor for university rela- Charles Anderson, vice presi- '!!)( construction site will be 40feet tions, a steering committee of mem- dent and general manager of ' A ill run the full length of the bers of the Fort Worth City Council, General Dynamics, Fort Worth sewer line from the front of the col- the Fort Worth Chamber of Com- Division; Clark A. Johnson, iseum to Moncrief Hall, Goodman merce and TCU felt North Texas has chairman and chief executive said. an interest in foreign business mar- officer of Pier 1 Imports, Inc.; How many parking places the con- kets. and John Roach, chairman of struction will occupy is not known, He said the week "gives us a chance the board, president and chief but soon there will be two additional to talk to each other about how to executive officer of Tandy Cor- parking lots available on campus. work together toward our goal. While poration, were chosen to speak because they are all outstanding The dirt lot between Campus we're taking a world view, we're not local as well as international Police and Facility Services and the ignoring local issues such as the Super businessmen, said Kirk Dow- lot between Brite Divinity School and Collider." ney, dean of M.J. Neeley the Pastoral Care Center have been TCU/Fort Worth Week was started School of Business and modera- paved and will be available for park- in 1966 by the Chamber of Commerce tor of the symposium. ing, said Tom McGaha, assistant chief and TCU. The city of Fort Worth "I've heard all three gentle- of Campus Police. joined later, Lauer said. "Each year's theme is completely men speak on different topics Together the lots will provide 33 different. We look at what is going on and I can guarantee all three parking places, he said. in the city and at TCU and base the will have something important The additional lots were paved be- week's theme on that," Lauer said. to say," Downey said. cause of the shortage of parking on "One year, the nursing school was The symposium topic was campus, said Edd Bivin, vice chancel- emphasized, and another year, fine chosen because international lor for administrative services. arts was emphasized. business is becoming more and Who will be permitted to park in Lauer went on to say that this was a more important to both busi- the lots will be decided by a commit- perfect opportunity to concentrate on ness students and to the busi- tee upon completion of the lots, Bivin business and the dedication of ness community, said Larry said. Charles Tandy Hall on Friday. Lauer, associate vice chancellor Other activities for the week in- of university relations and head Bivin said he expects some of the clude a luncheon with speaker John of the committee that arranged space will be available to students. Rutledge, chairman of the board of TCU/Fort Worth Week. Oscar Stewart, chief of Campus TCU Dally Skiff/ Jim Winn Claremont Enomies Institute, at the He said the feeling on the Police, has offered free parking per- ing pitcher, the doll gets redone. In the third inning of TCU's Steve Callarman writes the name of Nebras- Worthington Hotel on Wednesday; a committee was that small, the second game Monday, TCU changed the doll mits and a free space to three or more ka's pitcher on a voodoo doll, which will be impaled speaker on the Super Collider and a medium and even large twice, scoring nine runs against three pitchers. faculty members who agree to carpool and hung above the dugout. With each new oppos- speaker on "Marketing in the Year businesses are currently looking to work but has received no response. 2000." at opportunities for business Lauer said the city and the uni- abroad and that this would be a New pastor versity recognize they are very de- timely topic for the panelists to Criminals, victims pendent on each other. The city. discuss. Chamber of Commerce ami TCU are "Most people feel that today's co-sponsoring the week in hopes ol business students must gradu- chosen by improving the quality of lite in the ate with an international view," studied by students area. he said. Wednesday's events will include Baptists family counseling, and the number of "A world view is a perspec- By MONICA LANDERS the "Charles Tandy American Enter- social workers in private practices has tive on things that is very re- Staff Writer prise Forum" from noon to 1:30 p.m. increased, she said. levant for our own students and By JENNIFER DOLT at the Worthington Hotel and "The Social work majors at TCU are "They (private practices) tend to faculty as well," Lauer said. Staff Writer Superconducting Super Collider and working with criminals and crime vic- work with middle and upper He said the symposium is one the North Texas Economy" at 7:30 The University Baptist Church tims to learn how situations influence socioeconomic classes," Moore ex way to provide both students p.m. in the Student Center Ballroom found a new pastor in time for the their reactions. plained. "These people can pay." and faculty with exposure to in- Reservations for the "Charles Tandy Easter service. "A social work major is generally Most social work majors, however, ternational business ideas and American Enterprise Forum" are The Rev.