West Wall Broken Anew Two-Way Traffic Across the Moselle 1St Army Seizes a Fortress Town in Siegfried Line
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Man Spricht Deutsch Id On Parle Frangais Kehrt! Links urn! ' THESES Asseyons-nous. Kerrt! Links oom! Daily Newspaper of U.S. Armed Forces Assayown OO About face! Left face! Cj^V* in the European Theater of Operatic Let's sit down. Vol. 1—No. 79 New York—PARIS — London Wednesday, Oct. 4, 1944 West Wall Broken Anew Two-Way Traffic Across the Moselle 1st Army Seizes A Fortress Town In Siegfried Line American troops made their third breach in the Sieg- fried Line yesterday as they captured the German frontier fortress of Ubach in their two-day-old bid to break through to the Rhine and the industrial Ruhr. Fighting at close quarters, the First U.S. Army units were reported to have broken halfway through the Reich's border defenses north of besieged Aachen. The Germans admitted the Yanks drove a wedge into Nazi defenses 10 1/2 miles wide and nine miles deep. Main weight of the assault appeared to be directed against the six to seven-mile sector , of the West Wall before Herzoen- rath, Merkstein and Geilenkirchen, about ten miles north of Aachen, 3 Nazi Towns but other U.S. force* also lashed out 50 miles north of Aachen and I occupied the Dutch town of Over- In South Hit by loon. U.S. Army Signal Corps photo. Third Army Gains As jeep and doughboys of the U.S. Third Army ford Moselle River in their drive toward Germany, a l,000JHeavies medical jeep churns through the water taking wounded to the rear. At the same time, the Third VS. Army, after taking high ground SUPREME ALLIED HQ, Oct. 1 five miles northwest of Metz, was (AP).—More than 1,000 American storming the inner defenses of Fort heavy bombers, escorted by 700 All-St. Louis Probable Lineups U.S. Worried Driant, a few miles from Metz on fighters, roared over Germany the west bank of the Moselle. again today, blasting the southern CARDS BROWNS And the Seventh U.S. Army liber- cities of Nurnberg, Gaggenau and World Series Hopp, cf Gutteridge, 2b For Future of ated Ronchamp, ten miles west of Giebeistadt. Sanders, lb Kreevtch, cf Beifort at the entrance to the 15- Targets included Nurnberg tank Musial, it Zarilla, If mile gap. works, the Daimler-Benz truck fac- W. Cooper, o Stephens, ss Opens Today Kurowski, 3b McQuinn, lb Unity of Allies Along the Siegfried Line, the tory at Gaggenau and a big Luft- Litwhiler. If Laabs, rf Germans were fighting bitterly. waffe base at Giebeistadt. Verban, 2b Christman, 3b By Charlie Kiley WASHINGTON, Oct. 3 (AP).— Prisoners captured in the initial The American blows followed a Stars and Stripes Staff Writer. Marion, ss Mancuso, c M. Cooper, p Potter American officials are becoming drive said they had been warned moonlight night in which RAF ST. LOUIS, Oct. 3.—The third or Kramer, p mildly apprehensive lest there be that if any man retreated he would Mosquitoes went train-busting over war-time . World Series will get Umpires: John "Ziggy" Sears and Tom a general weakening of Allied co- be shot and if a company fell back wide areas in Germany and Hollands under "way here tomorrow afternoon Dunn, NL; Bill McGowan and George every tenth man would be executed. Meanwhile, a strong force of RAF at Sportsman's Park with the St. Pipgras, AL. operation—particularly in relations between Britain and Russia—when Some of the most savage fighting heavies today hammered the sea Louis . Cardinals representing the raged In the town of Rimberger, wall on the west side of Walcheren National^ League for the third the European war concludes. The Polish situation is being studied in just inside the German border east Island, southwest of Rotterdam, fol- straight year and their neighbor- of Groenstraat, where doughboys lowing a warning by Gen. Eisen- hood rivals,' the Browns, carrying Nazis Flying this light. hower for civihans to evacuate. At the moment, the highest aim cleared the enemy room by room American, League hopes for the from a heavily defended moated Huge gaps were torn by 12,000- first time In history. Seized P51s of TJ.S. diplomacy may be described castle, an integral part of the West pound bombs in the isle's diket Although t^flkets were snapped i:p as designed to preserve this unity Wall. Walcheren had been used to harbor almost hefore Ifie ink on them was during the critical period now be- German heavy guns. NINTH Am FORCE HQ, Prance, ginning in which post-war economic Two Previous Breakthroughs dry, the players' pools will be the Oct. 3.—Fighter-bomber pilots fly- Ninth Air Force fighters and me- poorest in recent years because and political policies must be formed Yesterday's breakthrough at diums continued to give close; sup- ing yesterday in support of the throughout Europe. Ubach, 1 1/2 miles across the Ger- Sportsman's Park, fee home of both First US. Army's offensive en- port to the First Army today' and clubs? houses only 34,000 customers. On the shaping of these policies, man frontier south of Geilenkir- it was revealed that more than countered what was believed to be it Is believed, depends the ultimate chen, was the third made in the The . Cardinals will rule as home a jet-propelled Me868 and two Nazi- 2,500 planes participated in yester- team for the first two games and success of whatever world peace West Wall. The previous two were day's curtain-raiser to the Firs* piloted PSts. league may be set up. (Continued en Page 4) the sixth and seventh, if necessary. The jet plane was destroyed In Army breakthrough. * The Bfbwns win bat last, Friday, combat near Minister by l'Lt. Vala- Core of the diplomatic problem Saturday and Sunday. is regarded as being the mutual sus- more J. Beaudarault, of White Billy^Sdutihwartti, Cardinal mana- Plains, N.Y., who said it had a picions and misunderstandings New Assault Gains Momentum ger, still refused to name his start- single tail fin, swept-back wings which cloud dealings between Ing pitcher as late a* tonight, but and one nacelle under each wing, Russia and the rest of the world. observers expect Mort Cooper, right- with white vapor trails pouring By far the most serious clash of handed ace with a season record out of the jets. Anglo-Russian Interests is in the of 22 victories and seven defeats, At the same time, front-line re- Balkans because of the expansion will dravir the assignment. Ted ports said that Ninth P47s were westward of Soviet influence and Wilks (17-4), Harry Breoheen (16-W attacked by two Mustangs with Britain's concern over the Turkish and Southpaw Max Laaier (17-12) Luftwaffe markings. The P51s ap- Dardanelles—flank of the Empire are likety to follow Cooper as Car- parently were brought down in good lifeline to India. Probably less vital, dinal ^starters. condition in Germany or occupied but more spectacular, is the con- When the Browns were battling territory. The German Mustangs flict over Poland. the Tigers down the stretch to the fired a few bursts and then,broke (Continued on Page i) off the engagement. Maj. Gen. W. H. Brooks Roosevelt and Dewey Giant 9th AF Now All Now Commands V Corps Will Speak This Week Based on Continent FIRST VS. ARMY HQ., Oct. 3. —Maj. Gen. W. H. Brooks has WASHINGTON, Oct. 3.—Presi- NINTH AF ADV. HQ, France, taken over command of V Corps. dent Roosevelt will make his second Oct. 3 (AP).—All planes of the The former commander of the campaign speech Thursday from Ninth VS. Air Force, world's corps which came in on the Nor- Washington and his Republican largest tactical air force, are mandy beaches D-Day, Maj. Geh. opponent, Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, now operating from bases on Leonard T. Gerow, has returned will broadcast Saturday from the Continent, well within range to the States as a witness In the Charleston, W.Va. of Germany, it was revealed to- Pearl Harbor investigation trial. Dewey then will tour the Mid- dayv west; Including Marauders, Havocs, GRANT-HUTTON SPLIT OFF Lightnings, Mustangs, Thunder- HOLLYWOOD, Oct. 3.— Movie ARMY NEEDS CHAPLAINS bolts and Black Widows, the Actor Cary Grant and his wife, Bar- BOSTON, Oct. 3.—Brig. Gen. Wil- moving job for the huge air bara Hutton Grant, dime-store heir- liam R. Arnold, chief of the Army force was probably the biggest ess, have announced their reconcilia- Chaplain Corps, said today there undertaking of its kind in the tion after six weeks' separation. was need for more chaplains of all history of warfare. They said they were leaving town First U.S. Army troops made their third breakthrough in the Sieg- denominations in the Army. for several days. fried Line, capturing the fortress town of Ubach, north of Aachen, Page 2 IHJh. STARS AMD STRIPES Wednesday, Oct. 4, 1944 An Editorial BLOW IT Wake Up, You Sleeping Fritz OUT HCRt Is it true that an 8th Air Force KP has been awarded The Silver T'S said a picture is worth Spoon with Oatmeal Cluster. • » • I 10,000 words. This one Bad Time=Minus Points "And then," said the GI, explain- may be worth 10,000 lives. It ing baseball to a pretty WREN, Will you have to make up "bad shows a group of German "there is the squeeze play!" time" after Pearl Harbor? How will * • • officers. At their feet a that apply to this present point Today's verse is passed on to you German private sleeps.