194$ IRATI, PATII, .e. . Iamp•• Til'••• ,. zs ... AI I ••••• h PII .0" ••••. raOC!88!D POOD8. h ... :::::::::, .a"'III. (J. Ib,.. ,h XlI ••11. . lUG".. III ••, f ••• ..... , » nil. f., 'Iv. ••••••. 8 HOE8, ...., lb ••• , Cloudv. '--. ...., . 1. , aD' ••••• I.'ellnll•• ,. GASOLINE, III-A e...... , ••d I . t 'oln , allolll .ad B-1, B· 1, C-' a.' IOWA: Mostly Cloudy. occasional CJ·, nil. ' I., II.. ..110.1. FUEL OlL. perl.. • •• 11.... ,.. II.. .01'... ,.... al.. .•• 1 ,ea,·. ..,1.' THE DAILY IOWAN l\rh' rain. Cooler. Y 1\ 1 '01 r aDd nVI , •••• :-:-. Iowa City's Morning ~.wspap.r tOda, arked s~ FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1945 VOLUME XXI NUMBER 179 Ia n In en In tween ay. HUd_ • • • evfll. lOCII WOUld e tills aZls Rep.ort Fig ting In a o er In !S5ale to the itateQ i and 30 MILES I Nazis Warned Mainly of Political significance-.. . • Th ird of City 'tolen.

--rech~ Mrs. Of Mistreating Contact of Russ,on, A /lIed Forces I Now in Hands = By Klrke L. SlmJ)lOn Gel'mans and to tile world tIlat tile clear of Nazi remnants, and from ied POW' As,oelaied Pren War Analyst war in Germany is over and only nortll to south to clean up tile 01 Russl·ans -- AllI S of ~h~s~~~~~;t:~~'~~~~1sc~~~~: ~azjm:at~dj~~y d:~t ~~~~il~:~~:: ~:S~a~~i a~;!~Onal redoubt in J where soutll of Red army pene- lessly. At some moment General Eisen- trated probably will have ln a military sense tile junction hower wiu find it n~essary to split German Offer to leave more political than mllitary signi- between Russian and allied forces his vast Corces into two great army Soviet Tanks Reach Prisoners in Overrun ficance. splitting Germany apart from east groups, tile one north bound and Elbe River 20 Miles It would afford United Nations to west was an acoemplished fact the otller southbound through Ger­ Areas Accepted by u.s. leadership opportunity to pro- from tile moment American troops many. So will the Russians, and From Americans claim the end of organized resis- crossed the Elbe and Red army aside from tile clOSing scenes of the WASHINGTON (AP)-The tance in Germany, virtually out- forces surged out of tIleir long sta- siege of Berlin, it is southward LONDON, Tue day (AP)- . allies la t night sternly warned flanking die-hard last standel'S tic Oder-Neisse lines. where the American Third and With the guns of Nazi SS fanat­ the Nazis against mistreatment everywhere. That would strip With physical contact estab- Seventh armies lll:e sweeping ics at their backs erman army of prisoners, and the niled every German taken in arms tIlere- lished, however and wherever, be- toward Municll and Berchtesgaden troop counterattacked vainly i n after of the protection guaranteed tween the Russians and allies in that prime military interest arises. Berlin today, but the Rus ians tat took Germany up on an him as a prisoner of war under tile Grmany, the direction of the bitter The American front reaches swarmed o\' r one-third of the offer' to leave American prison­ Genevl\ conventions. It could go far fighting still to be done will from tile upper Danube crossings er -of-war in camps as allied to stimulate civilian resistance in change. It has from east to to the Third army spanning of the city and German reports indi­ forces overrun areas where they Germany to the senseless Nazi at- west and west to east in the maIn Naab west, of threatened Pilsen. cated savage fighting was swirl­ are held. tempt to enIorce virtual suicide as combat theater up to now. The And It does far more than threaten ing through nearly one-half of Prime Minister Churchill and a nation ratller than surrender. mopping-up campaign after tilt! to overrun the boasted redoubt be­ the wrecl

" , . ::::::: TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1945 THE DAILY IOWAN. IOWA CITY. IOWA PAGE THREB ======~======~=====~~~~~~=r====~~~~~~~====~======~~~~~~== Units of Methodist WED IN CEREMONY HERE Charlo"e Pluckhahn Wo;;,e;~:~~: ~~~~;sg ~ Holcomb Gets 'J ~ ' t~ I On 'Rights for Women' >II ~J Women's Society Engaged to Wed 11'-rtll! I Public Affairs To Meet Tomorrow The social sciences department iija Sergt. Paul Bordwe II ~i\;h~e!~';~id~~Yat ~2~~e~:Sm~~~~ Nine units of the Women's So­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Theo­ a luncheon-meeting at the Hotel Bureau Job ciety of Christian Service of the dore Pluckhahn of Davenport J eiIerson. Prof. Ruth Gallaher Methodist church will meet tomor­ announce the engagement and will speak on "Rights for Women." row for their monthly group meet­ approaching marriage of their New members of the club are es­ peciaUy invited and former mem­ I. To Perkins MISS ings. daughter, Charlotte Joyce, to Sergt. Paul Dent Bordwell, son bers are urged to altend this n;teet­ Unit A In New State Public JAMES 01 Prof. and-Mrs. Percy Bord­ ing, which will be the last in the AHairs Projects Mrs. Owen B. Thiel, 626 Brook­ weU, 111 E. Bloomington street. year for lhis department. Reserva­ lyn Park drive, will be hostess to The wedding will lake place in lions must be made by Wednes­ ENGAGED Unlt A of the W. S. C. S. tomorrow the near future in Trinity Epis­ day with Mrs. C. If. McCloy or Richard L, Holcomb of the Kan­ night at 8 o'clock. The topic will be Wilma Loghry. kina copal church in Iowa City. I4S City, Mo., police department presented by Mrs. L. G. Lawyer, Miss Pluckhahn was grad­ !halc bas been appointed as associate who will discuss "Methodist Mis­ 'api_ uated from Davenport high Seven Pay Fines professor in the bureau of public sions." school and thO! University ot affairs of the extension division of Iowa, where she majored in In Police Court the university, Prsident Virgil M. Vnl~B English and languages. She took Jlancher announced yesterday. graduate work at the University Seven persons paid fines in po­ Mrs. B. J. Lambert will be in lice court yesterday for trafflc vi­ He will assist Prof. Rollin M. charge of the program to be pre­ of Chicago and is now living in New York City. olations, They were James M. Perkins of the college of .Iaw in sented at a meeting ot Unit B to­ Hudson of North Liberty, $10 (or morrow afternoon at 2:30 in the Sergeant Bordwell was grad­ the management of the annual speeding; N. F. Brownell, 1211 peace offlcers' short course and in home of Mrs. H. M. Hines, 30 Pros­ uated from University high rsll, school and the UniverSity of Sheridan a~enue, $10 for speeding; rtSearch, training and surveys. pect place. Assistant hostesses will Mat e L. Giddings, Woodlawn Holcomb was assistant director of be Mrs. Elza Means and Mrs. Car­ Iowa, where I"\e was affiliateti with Beta Theta Pi fraternity apartments, $3 for running a stop the police school and of in-service MR. AND MRS. Charles P. James, route 1, announce the en&'ac-ement ver Thompson, and Mrs. Frank sign. training in the Kansas City police and approachin, marrla,e of theIr daughter, Rila, to Avla.tlon Cadet Kinney will lead devotions. and Phi Beta Kappa, naUonal honorary scholastic Ira ternity. Floyd Sauter of Cedar Rapids, department. Russell M. Boshell, U. S. N. R., son of Mr. and Mrs. J . T. Boshell of $3 for driving t.hl'ough a red light; Portland, Ore. The weddln, will take place this spring. Miss James Unit C He is now stationed at Sedalia Born in Boone, he received a army air (jeld at Warrensburg, Ray McDonald of Norlh Liberty, was graduated from Iowa City high school and the UnlversU:v of Iowa. Mrs. Aubrey White, 1031 E. Col­ $10 for speeding; Tom Mead, for master's degree at lhe University Mo. ~t1 ori of Iowa in 1936. He was graduated In December. She was formerly employed as secretary in the depart­ lege street, Will be hostess to Unit driving through a stop sign, $5 for. Islod from Iowa Stale college with a ment of publications at the university. Before taking pre-flight train­ C tomorrow afternoon at 2:30. Mrs. feited, and Ralph A. Clane of Web­ ould B.A. degree three years earlier. Ing- here, Cadet BosheU served for 16 months in Alaska a.nd the R. E. Myers and Mrs. G. H. Swails ster City, $3 for obstructing the Iym: For two years he was research as­ Aleutians. He is now receivIng advanced flight training at Corpus will assist the hostess, and Mrs. MISS BETTY JEAN Arnett, daUKhter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Arnett Cynthia H. Roberts view of the driver by overloading, sistant In psychology at the Iowa Christl, Tex. Ernest Ruby will 11e in charge of of Clarinda, became the brIde of Warrant Officer David L. Ward, son child wel!are research slation at devotions. 01 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ward of PlttsburC, Pennsylvania, Aprll 21 at Files Divorce Petition 100 Railroad Positions the university. 11 o'clock. The ceremony was elven at the home o( Professor and Mrs. Servicemen's Wives' Unit E Bar1holow V_ Crawford 01 Iowa CIty. Reverend W. J. Bell of Cedar Open in Local Area The new appointee will spend A petition for divorce was filed Prof. N. C. Meier Unit E wlll meet tomorrow after­ Rapids officiated. Mrs. Ward Is a craduate of the Clarinda. hl, h school wilh the clerk of the district court There are 100 railroad employ­ much time in various seCtions of Club Invites Husbands and the UnIversity of Iowa and Is now worklnr on her master's degree lbe state, working with municipal noon at 2:30 in lhe home of Emma yesterday by Cynthia Houghland ment openings in the Iowa City' at the university. She Is a member of Beta. Gamma Sigma, commerce and county of,(j,cials. One of the Stover, 242 Magowan avenue. Roberts against William E. Rob­ area, E. E. K line, area director of Granted SUI Leave Husbands of the members of scholastic fraternIty. For the last three years she ha been employed In or several projects now being erts. She charges cruel and inhu­ the United States Employment IIrst Washlnaion, D. C., as an edltortal assIstant and assistant personnel planned is a city traffic survey. Servicemen's Wives' club are in- Unit F man treatment and asks custody of service, said yesterday. The open­ counsellor In the departmenl of acriculture. Warrant Officer Is direc­ Additional work in the develop­ ProI. N. C. Meier of the psy- vited to attend the meeting of the Unit F will meet for a dessert- one minor child. Attorneys for the ings inclued jobs as section hands chology department has been Servicemen's Wives' club this eve- luncheon tomorrow afternoon at tor of the 766th army alrforees band stationed at Freeman field, Sey­ plaintiff are Albrecht and Knox. and bridge carpenter helpers. ment of scientific methods of re­ mour,lnd. search and lraining in la w enforce­ granted a leave of absence from ning at 8 o'clock in the USO bulld- 1:30 in the home o( Mrs. David ment, including surveys in that his duties at the University of Shipley, 216 McLean street. Mrs. field, will be accompl ished at the ing. The · program will feature a Pearl Gamble will serve as assis- ANOTHER JAP SHIP GOES DOWN LIl university when Holcomb begins Iowa to work on research in New vaudeville show including the tant hostess, The program will in­ Hancher Warns Graduates- lor his work here May 1. York City and Princeton as an CortimigJia trio. After the program elude brief notes on the San Fran- associate of Dr. George Gallup. of games and entertainment, re- cIsco conference by Mrs. Shipley, Dr. Gallup is the director of the and Mrs. Glen Kaufman will lead American Institute of Public freshments will be served. Host- devotions. !sion W. M_ B. to Meet Beware Easy Solution Opinion, more commonly known as esses this week wiIJ be Mrs. How- 1 the The W.M.B. society of the I the Christian church will be enter­ the GaUup poll. As his aSSOcia te, ard Mahoney and Mrs. Marvin UnU G n at tained in the home o( Mrs. Fred Professor Meier will be engaged in Sass. All servicemen and their "Know Your Church" will be "Beware of simple solutions for cation, in such a lime of crisis and work whiCh includes problems on wives are urged to attend. ' the topiC of the program to be pre- hall! Miller, 707 Melrose avenue, tomor­ distant and difficult problems," destiny as lhis, must prepare the s no row afternoon at 2:30. A bUSiness quantitative and experimental sented by Mrs. L. G. Lawyer at a President Virgil M. Han c her younger generation both to tcnd lenls meeting and social hour will be social psychology such as surveys network shows in lesting the re- meeting of Unit G tomorrow after- warned graduates Sunday at the and audience reactions. They will noon at a 1 o'clock luncheon. home fires and to follow long the held. university's 85th Commencement. trails." also conduct experimental designs actions of lisleners to the pro- Mrs. A,rthur Klalfenbach, 226 "The mUltitUdinous problems of lear­ The Con voca tions speaker feels both Production of military vehicles in laboratory problems. grams. River street, will be hostess to the peace will be no less difficult to Young and Rubicam, incorpor- Professor Meier will be in the group and will be assisted by Mrs. lhai this is i:l mailer of time as I a y, and jlatts by the Automotive in­ solve than those of war," he weU as of geography, for the ,oons porated, advertising agency oI east from May to September, aIter Chan Coulter, Mrs. D. H. Finch pointed out. dustry amounted to $2,500,000,000 larger tasks of the postwar years r in­ In 19U. which Dr. Gallup is a director, which he will resume his leach- and Mrs. E. H. Weber. Mrs. Frank "In the solution of these prob­ handles most of the well known ing duties in the fall. J. Snider will lead devotions. ahead-the rebullding of human hler, lems, there will be work enough welfare and the constrlJclion of a for all. Our world will need aU the UnUH durable peace--cannot be com­ NAZIS PUT TORCH TO ANCIENT- CITY OF HAMBU~G skill and ability and character pleted in one generation. ( Three university stuQents will which you possess. Each one of present a discussion. "How I Will "It is the genius of religion to you can make some contribution, bring home [ires and long trails \ T Use My Vocation to Build Brother­ whether small or great. In the ) hood," at a meeting of Unit H 10- so close together that the bright­ years ahead, luck, chance and fate nes and warmth of the fires lights t ~st morrow afternoon at 2:30 in the wlll play some part in each of I 28, Methodist Student center, 120 N. up the darkness and uncertainty effer your lives," the president con­ of the long trails. So Lhe Christian Dubuque street. Hostesses will be tinued, in a charge to lhe gradu­ :din, Mrs. Victor Goff, Mrs. Lyle Eck­ gospel has kindled bright fires of Frea ates of 1945. devotion [rom events and persons hardts and Louella Danner. Stu­ Prepared Mind Favored Iffice dents participating will be Dale of long ago and sent its sons out Dilts, Lillian Woodward and Gwen "Chance always favors the pre­ on long trails of service and sac­ m Wager. Mrs. O. F. H&mbrecht will pared mind," President Hancher rifice to change the course of fulure mt lead devotions and Mrs. Nellie emphasized. "None can assure you history," The Reverend Gilkey Swails will be in charge of lhe so­ of pOSitions of leadership, but you concluded. ,0' dal hour. may be certain that you are per­ sons to whom opportunities for Ipplj Unit I leadership will corne. Chance may Imari "Ten Years In Japan" (JOSePh! playa part,. but chance favors the Speakers to Conduct rsil1j Grew) will be reviewed by Mrs. prepal'ed mmd. May y~~ measure lotild Velma Harlow at a meeting of up to you:, opoprtumties when s tra~ Unit [ tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 they come, he challenged the Conference Series etlan in the home of Mrs. Jessie Seger, graduates. lsar1 310 N. Gilbert street.. Mrs. Mabel Reminding his listeners that as The University of Iowa has en­ B8 Fullerton and Mrs. Mattie Arm- they leave the university and face gaged six speakers [or a series of strong will be assistant hostesses. the responsibilities of new duties, weel~end conferences on speech Mrs. G. W. V. Miller, local dele- they must remember that they Bnd hearing rehabilitation 10 ap­ gate to the fifth annual meeting of are part of a great republic, the pear betweet. June 22 and July 21 , ar· the W. S. C. S. of th" Upper Iowa president pointed out, "You are on the university campus. ,ut conference held April 17 in Cedar hell'S of a great tradition. May it They are Ollie Backus, Rapids, will give a report of that grow greater In your hands. of the University of Michigan ! lb. meeting. Devotions will be led by "We, who remain behind, will speech clinic; Charles E. Kinney, MI·s. H. L. Dugan. watch you with hope, interest and Uti .. public school expert from Cleve­ THE JAP CRUISER shown above had been hit and had limped Into Sing­ It iii affection. If ever your courage land. Ohio; Jayne Shover, Univel'­ MYSTERIOUS FIRES are raging In Germany's second largestI city, Hamburg, as units of the British should flag or faH, may the recol­ apore where a fake bow WIUI Installed to permit It to proceed to Jap Jt ell Unit J sity of LlIinois; A. Y. Crouler, home waters. It was located In the Chln& se& by Lt. George a rillf" Second Army hammered toward the Elbe river', whIch runs withIn 50 miles of Berlin. Situated on the M.l'S, H. A, Greene, 353 Lexing­ lection of this university and the Iowa State School for the Dea f; right bank of the Elbe, 70 miles from Its mouth, Ha.mburg was the fourth greatest seat ot maritime 8chmJdt, Gooding, Idaho, in a B-29 ot the Air Apaches group, and It ton avenue, will be hostess to Unit things for which it stands, give Capt. Raymond Carhart, U. S. wasn't Jong belore the above scenes took place. A Yank bomber trade In the world before the war. (lnternatioD

A Fond Surprises Jimmy Will Make Report T day Goodbye Hawks Come By,.:Jack_Sords YANKEE SHORTSTOp· To Lire ~ ~ ..liZ d Leading,,,': Decision Whitney Martin's.- ' r------~-----,miCE Bell EVE.D -tHROUGH M A, By Roy Luce PL.AYER 13e:-, American Loop Dally Iowan Sporill Editor CAUfE:. OF AN Uncertain Weekly TIDS IS THE LAUNCWNG of EYE. INJURY a new column, but sadly enough, Aging Outfield Trio it is not complete as all launch­ REceiVeD . ings should be with champaign, WHE.N HI~ \ Sparking,ffAle Hose Propose Naming BYA6NE- Review ribbons, and so forth. It has been In Early Season Race Duration Leader all of two days now si nce our il­ I lustrious Mr. Krause, author of ~A~t-PAUL O'Connor Head. List CHICAGO (JAR ..... The pitching By WHITNEY* * *MARTIN "Maybe So" for the past few months, climbed on an eastbound is as good as '.Manager Jimmy B, ORLO aOBUftoN NEW YORK (AP)- Here is a OPfA./· Dykes expected, but the hitting Of of train and headed for the Malne CLEVELAND (AP)-BuebaU's review the week, or maybe it 'FOI?MJ:R 5'-rM~ Chicago's und Ce~ White Sol{ should be spelled weak: woods, where, we understand, he JIIIIjor leque owners will aitern:pt will recuperate from the trials ON CLEVELAND has almost made rotund Jam" to select a commissioner today but The nicer guys always seem to swallow his InevHable cigar 1II eet the bud breaks. This time it is and tribulations of journalism. SAN DLOI),1 f YeSterday theY were .tlll al tar It was with deep regret that we .BIDDING fOe pleasant surprise., , !rom mind lut Nov. 211 , a tough cookie on a The Americlll'\ .Mague pace-set. one u ballfield and sweet one when bade him a fond farewell. This A "ReGULAR BEW when the deeth of Kenesaw Moun­ as as ters, off to tl\e, RE:st White Sol( away from it, who gets one, liter­ column is dedicated to him - a WlfJ-t 'fHE 1K:113E. tain Landis vacated tile office lor start in a quarte~ of a century with ally. His fractured ankle may grand "boss" and a great guy. I THIS yeAR.; the first time since it was t9tab­ think all the sports. minded peo­ five straight win", have belted .. mean tbe end of his playing career, hits, an average of 13 per game, lished 24 year. a,o. pic 01, Iowa City will join with me as when a fellow is 38, well, he's for a .352 perce1'\t.\Wi~ at the plate. aepert 38, and injured bones and muscles in congratulating him on the ex­ The Majors' four-man commit­ cellent job he did during the past Most ot the thlJ!l<\~l' in the sur. 'mend in slow motion. He's one of prising get-aw,ay Qf Ole lightly r~ 10:30 tee, appointed to sift the long list season, and in wishing him suc­ the lew active old-timers we garded Pale Hose liS/' acked in tilt 11:00 of candidates, will make its report. thought would really do a lot ot cess wherever he goes. And that is where the certainty of bats 01 Dykes' jl~f~ outfield trio It : 1~ playing this year, as he's that "Second Guess" will be just II : ~O today's session ends. Even the of Otis Hockett t.439), Johnll1 kind ot a determined guy. His loss what the title suggests-a second Dickshot (.4.35) and Wally Moses It :45 quartet, composed of Alva Bradley guess on everything in general probably ends any chance the Red j . - (.391) whose av~!~.;~e age is nearly of the Cleveland Indians, Don Sox might have had of finishing in connected with the sporting world. ~ 33. This "totte til· • three-some ~ Barnes of the St. LoUis Browns, It is especially dedicated to the the top four. 0' DtA, A 5'rX-fOOTER., hitting a sizzlirl ~. O. of the St. Louis Iowa Hawkeyes, Iowa Seahawks, The veteran 'MoSes reports for Cards and Phil Wrigley of the Chi­ • • City high Little Hawks, University '~r-rEo.~18 fOR TI-\E "(1Chicago Cubs. ting average wit'ri"tou)t)ess fIeld· Cleveland. will have regular trai ning "camps" We will leave that end of the ing. Thil'ty-sl >lJjlea~-old Ton 7 to prepare for their 72-hole chal­ sporting world up to our friend, To Compete Saturday No IJuUeation Cucci nella (.386}V lls at third and lenge golf match May 26 and 27. Whitney Ma rtin. 35-year-old Ler!Jt-S\:hald (,304) at Neither was there any Ind~ation Await So we'll probably be reading that • • second. Tony ~\'alned his leg whether the committee was con­ • In Drake Relays 5:00 ' Snead did five miles of road­ OUR HATS ARE off to Sunday. ,I (11..0 B:SO Sidering an active baseball man work, then went three rounds Waddy Davis and his Iowa Hawk­ Rookie Bi1\,u No' et, converted 5:.5 such as President Ford' Frick of with his sparring partner, that he eyes. They came through in the third-basemtrn, '!;mt is a question 8:ob the National lealue; Le.lie O'COft­ Decision looked sluggish and seemed to be clutch Saturday and proved what CHAMPAIGN, Ill. (AP) - A mark at first, bufU¥k has good ':5S nor, former secretary to Landis developing a slice, which was ap­ we always contended-that, po­ squad of about 15 University of insurance in Kerby Fnrrell, vet· 7:00 and now a member ot the three­ Luke MaJorki- parent on his sparring partner's tentially, they were one of the Illinois track and field athletes CIlICAGO * (AP)* *'- Leslie M. eran first sacker recently bought man bOdy ruJin, the sport; or one race, and that he weighed 178~1 strongest teams in the Big Ten. will compete in the Drake relays O'Connor, chairman of the Majol' ft'om Indianapol'is', who has pinch. of a lar,e group ot outliders tha~ at the end of the workout. And Their 12 bingos that. they col­ batted two-game tUl'l1ing singles. at Des Moines this weekend, League Advisory Council, sa id Includes James A. Farley, Senator spcaking of their match, the first lected in the first game repre­ ~ht yestel'day he was awaiting furth er Albert (Happy) Chandler of Ken­ New Cadet Outfielder 36 holes wilt be played over the !!ented the large3t number at hits Coach Leo Johllllon announced information ft'om Walker and tucky, Paul McNutt and tormer Fresh Meadow course, and they'll that any conference team has col­ yesterday. Mort Coopet' before making a de­ Gov. John W. Bricker of Ohio. By BOB BROOKS have to be good to equal Gene lected in one contest this senson­ Previously, both the Drake re­ cision in the 8ulary dispute of the There was some talk ot namin, Dalf)' Iowa. Spor1s WriteI' experience never seem to hamper Sarazen's Ceat at covering the last and strangely enough- all of them lays and Penn relays officials hnd star brother of the St. a duration commissioner with Luke Joseph MaJorki, former him in any athletic contest wanLs 28 holes in an even 100 strokes were 01 the"soundly hit" type. Louis Cardinals. O'Connor the chief candidate. Pro­ batting champion of the Ohio State the war to end soon so he ca n get which he accomplished in winning Spider Man said the mini would compete in back to play his favorite game­ Wall(iitq ponents of this plan pointed out league and member of the Great the National Open there in 1932. their meets. O'Connol' la st Wednesday look baseball. Pluying under C I a y J ack Spencer, the "spider man" that many of the country's best Lakes basketball quintet, is in the Coach Johnson said he originally under odvisem nl th Coopers'de­ Byrant, the ex-Chicago Cub • • • o[ basketball fame, showed the mand for salary increases from men are tied up in war work and enviable pOSition of having to till Headline: "Dodl'ers to hurl , at Newark, Luke likes to way in the hitting del>artment had sent entry lists to both be­ $12,000 to $15,000 annually after would not be available for so im­ the shoe.; of the Detroi t Tiger star seats In polo .-rounds opener." with five for six, and Bill Ochs, 'More?-' portant a job at this time. The po­ Dick Wakefield, who was the recall the night he hit one over cause he was undetermined which earlier dissuading them I rom the fence with two out in the ninth No boUles, we hope. A HUle Who just recently won his wings carnival he would enter. quitling the Cardinals until the sition pays $50,000 annually. sllark of the Seahawks baseball Inve Uptlon reveals the seats inning with two males on board to as a full-pledged first stringer, The Illini will be without Dave dispute went through "proper Should Be Named a' Once team last season, and who later mentioned is Tom, a. youlbJul win the game lor his roommate was close behind him In the "in Nichols, N.C.A.A. hurdles cham­ channels." On the other side, however, were returned to the majors to drive chucker WllO did well WIth the clutch" department. The pitcher, 4.-3. pion in the Drake carnival, but owners led by Horace StorM!ham the Tiger ball club into second San Franclsso last year. peppy second baseman of the "I have obt3ined some informa­ of the New York Giants and LarrY place in the American league. His dad, a gear cutter in the In­ will have several entrants for in­ tion [rom the sCl'vice of wage sla­ ternational Harvester plant in • • • Hawks started the eighth inning dividual events, as well as en­ MacPhail of the New York Yank­ Wakefield's position in left field Chalky Wright has been sus­ rally with a si ngle and ended it bilizntion," O'Connor expl

irgt. Paul Pappa! to Broadcast Transcribed- Pvl. Oran Kennel Awarded Purple Hearl (Students in Hospital I Bridal Shower Tonight RUSS-JAP BORD R TENSE NOW"

9 Myster, Theater (WHO) John Huey, MS of Rowan-C3S To Honor Rita James • For Injuries Received in Battle of Bulge Geraldine DeSpiegelaere, A4 of ... Bretton Woods Security Program Batavia- Isolation (KXEL) A -transcription prepared. by Pvt. Oran Kellm!i has been Worth, Texas. Colonel Mcnnay, In honor of Rita James, bride­ 8:15 Eilene Beatty, N4 ot Randolph, Serll Paul Pappas, with the 88tQ awarded the Purple Heart medal wears the Legion of Merit and elect, Lillion Biluer and Mabelle tnnet Sa dum t.WMT) tn.-second West dil'ision in Italy, will be .broadcast for injuries sutlered in the battle Bronze Star awards earned whIle Tremmel will. entertain at a mis­ on the From Our Boys In Service Myslery' theater (WHO) of the Belgium bulge. Private Lenon: Nelson, AI of Alta-C22 cellaneous shower tonight in the Bretton Woods Security ProlTam serving as staff surgeon ot the Helen Oltman, AS of Oak Park, protrflm Uils afternooh lit 12:4/i. Kehoel Is the husband ot Mrs. Eighth airtoree in England. home of the latter, 431 S. Governor • Selleant t>appas prepared and re­ ;' (totE!.) Barbara Kennel, 817 Melrose ave­ 1Il.-C22 street. ApproxlmateJy 20 guests Icorded the scrlpt tor Army DIi)'. .:~. nue. Henry Sadewater, EI at Rock­ wlll share the courtesy at which tord, rll.-C22 I H~ tejls of doullhboys ot the ~tth \vh~h The Name ot That Song Announcement has been made brldJje will be played. army's 88th Infahtry ciiylslon who (WMt) Second Lieut. Harold R. Mc­ of the award of the Distinguished V lslt1n« Do urs Miss James, daughter 01 Mr. and hlV@ lived hrough th . '{ertlble bal­ ribber Mcbee arid Mol1y (WHO) Dowell, of Salem, and former stu­ Flying Cross to First Lieut. James Private Patients-IO a. m. to 8 Mn;. Cbarles P. James, route 1, tln In Italy and are on thelt way to Spol1lght Ba4.ds (kXEL) dent at the State University 01 p. m. will become the bride of Aviation • Serlellnt Pappas' wlte Mh. R. Narber, 23, of Vinton. He also reil. ,:45 Iowa, has been awarded the lourth Ward Patients-2-4. p. m. and Cadet Russell M. Boshell, U. S. N. .. Plul Pappas, and tltIrents,. Mr wears the Air Medal and one Oak Ill' What's The Narne ot That Song Oak Leaf cluster to the air medal 7-8 p. m. R., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. and Mrs. John A. Pa as, reside a t Leaf cluster. Before entering the Boshell PorUand, Ore., in the .. (WMT) -tor participation In bombing at­ No visitol's in Isolation ward ot 314 S. Llnh In lowa dty. Edna A Fibber McGee and Molly (WHO) tacks on Nazi war Industries. His service 25 months ago he attended near future. Herbst ot the WStJI start wilt J:ead spotlillht Bands (KXEL) wife, the former Joan Huntzinger Iowa university. .. newS from other boys In the servIce 9:18 resides In Omaha, Neb. Sergt. R. E. KI!ne orl this progratn. Service to thE; Front (WMT) Promotion of Second Lieut. USO flequests Ueftd Tob,'s I'Hllrams Bob H9pe ahd Skinnay Ennis Freed ~rom Nazis (WHO) The promotion of Delmar C. Carrol Henneberg to !ir~l lieuten­ .,0 New (Jutsf Poltcy ' :00 Morning Chapel ant is announced. Lieutenant Musical Miniatures Rdyinohd drlih} SwIng (KXEi,) Bane, 21, 26 W. Court street, from All servicemen and students 8:,5 Henneberg was an attorney prior Serg!. Robert Kline, has been News, lowai. the grade of sergeant to staff ser­ are requested to cooperate with • 1:1. The fl.Ii, 9:15 to entering the service. He gradu­ flown from a German prison camp ~ : 45 Progtam Calehdar S.erVlce 0 the Pfohl (WMT) geaht has been announced froln and is now in France according to a lhe USO in its new "guest pol­ ated from the University of Iowa 8:55 Service RepoUs Bob Hope and Skinnay Ennis an Eighth air force B-17 Flying V-mall letter he wrote to his par­ icy." Law school in 1939 where he was Unlimited (witO) Fortress base. He is the son of ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kline of (1) Reservations for ou~-ot­ ':00 Se~vlce a f 1 i II ate d wit;. Gamma Eta ,:15 ~lJslc MagIc LIlZy jim Da,:~kx:EL) Mr. and Mrs. Earl T. Bane. His 313 College court. town guests must be made at wife, the former Margaret Oaks, Gamma, legal fraternity. He re­ Jeast one day previous to all ' :30 Ag~lculture In Action Sergeant Kline was taken ~rl­ " Is livink at hom'! wllh his parehts. ~eived his commission after at­ dances. IUSSIA'S D~NUNCIA'fION of her neutralIty pact wlht Japan, which ' :45 Vtlll~d China ReJiet Horoe Town Phliosopher (WMT) {end in, Judge Advocate General's soner last December. His liberation .:50 Keep 'Em Eatlhg (2) Local girls bave the priv­ expire! April III, 19406, focullel attention on thJa area In the Far , HII. ddle~· atili! with Xclvler Cugat school at Ann Arbor, Mich. W/iS by American armies. His wife . .:~ NeW'll, the baf" tbwlUl tW '1') The pron1olio'l of William J. resides in Clinton. i1ele of applying for Junior Eut. The ql1elltlo:! whether Rus.1a will A'O to war with Japan \lisa 10:00 Week In the Bookshop Olle dh's talnily (RXEL) Baller, sOh of Mrs. Olive Bauer Hostess membership and there­ lett unanswered. Japan and Ruasia long have mlllntained strong foren Illong the borders. Vladl VOilOlt, the lTeat RU8llan seaport and 10:15 Yesterday's Mus.lcal Favor- 9:45 732 Rundell street, frbm corporal Pvt. Rolta G. Hukill, 1d W. Col­ Coast Guard helicopter pilots lore are not enti tied to any naval bale on Peter the Great bay, II the termlhua of the Trans­ 1tes ' Frank Sln,lser NeWs (WM'I') to serleant has been amiounced lege street, helped In the con­ have put out Ii res, rescued guest privileges. Siberian railway. It la ~O air rnIlea from Tokyo. (lnternlltional) 10:30 fhe Bookk}{l!lf Hl1d~i8rde with Xavii!r Cllgat by the 95th bombardment group struction of the "Dumbar" bridge/ stranded persons and flown many J . B. Martin, director 11 :00 Melody Tilne (WHt1) headquarlers. His botnbihg group irst permament military two-way mercy flights. was cited by th~ jitesident for jl :)5 Behind the '#ar News One M~h's Fllmll,v (KXEL) fraWc bridge that was built across ~=-=-=-======~=====:======lI:~O ChfId Play 10:00 bomblnll' aSsault on German rllil­ the Rhine, in nine and one-hal! POPEYE 11 :45 So You Want to Buy a Doug Grant News (WMT) road yard and plane factories, and days. Private Hukill is a member Farm Supper Club (WflO) he recently was awarded the Air of the 343rd engineer regiment. 11 :50 Falm Flashes H. R. Gross aNd th~ News Medal tor pal'Ucipatioh In the 12:00 Rhythm Rambles (KXEL) raids. Prior to en lering the service .. 1!:I'l,'le~, The DaD, lowari 10:15 he attended the University of Pvl. Leroy G. Anderllk, 232 12 :45 Frortl Out Boys in Service Fulton Lewis (WMT) Iowa. Mott street, who Is servIng In the l:1!O Musical CI1~ts News, Clay Rusk (WHO) Philippines, helped hold vital Ma­ 2:1)0 Cahipus News H. R. Gross and the News Col. Olih F. McIlnay, a graduate linta hill on Corregidor for more 2:10 18th Century Music, Prof. (KXEL) of the college of medlcille at Iowa than 48 hours against heavy con­ Philip G. Clapp 10:11 university, has been assigned to centration of Japanese strehgth. : s:bb hdlbn Pata~(! C~ngress Speaks (WMT) Lieu!. Gen. Barton Yount's train­ Private AnderJllc Is serving with 3:3& NeWS, The Dally illwan Dick Haymel' Show (WHO) Ing command headquarters In Flo the 24th Intahtry division. 3:95 lCiwa Uhlqrl Rddlo Hour Metropolitan Opera USA ... 4:bo 14asler Wr)tet. of tht! 20th (KXEL) bf!Jltu~y, Dr. Henri Barzuh 10:41 4:30 Tea Tillie Melodies George Stetney's Band (WMT) 5:90 Ci1lklren's Hour Music; News (WHO) 5:80 Musical Mbods Metr(lpolitan Opera USA Daily Iowan Want Ads S:4S News, Tile Dally to~an (KXEL) 8:00 DiHner Hour MUsib 11:" Lost: Black 5tleaffer pen. Senti­ 8:55 Ne\(,s, Tile D~ tly Iowan News (WMT ) CLASSIFIED mental value. Call X393. Re- 7:bo Unlled Slates In the 20th Music; News (WHO) ward. BLONDIE CHIC YOUNG Century, Prof. H. J . Thorntofi News (KXEL) RATE CARt 7:30 Spbrtstime 11:15 HELP WANTED 7:45 Evenlb~ Music:Jle, Helen Off the Record (WMT) CASH RATE ,, , JoJigewaard Roy Shield Co. (WHO) lor 2 dati- HIe per llne per WANTED - Experienced painters 8:ob Wesleyan Cl1a~el Bour Rev. Pieisch's Hour (KXEL) da, tor • con.ecuUv. da,1- and paperhangers, resi­ 8:sd France ,orev~ 11:30 .", 'Ie per Une per dQ dential and industrial painting, in 8:45 News, The Dall, Jdwan Ted Weem's Band (WMT) Cedar Rapids. Brush and spray­ News, Garry Lenhart (WHO) • coD8ecuUve daJ- lie per Une per cIaI $U!5 and $1.45 per hour. Steady N!TWORKHIGnLIOHts Rev. Pietsch's Hou: (KXEL) work for qualified workmen. See 6:00 1 month- 11.:45 4c per Hne per da, H. L. Johnspn, 1012 9th St. S. W. Kirkwood SHoW (WMT) Jan Garber's Band (WMT) Jack -FlJure 15 words Un_ Cedar Rapids. (Painting Con­ Lucia Thorne aild Company to Music; Ne\Vs (WHO) M.lnimwn Ad-2 Imel tractor) . (WHO) Dance Orchestra tKXEL) 0I,f'., The Hidihs Bo;ys (KxtL) 12:00 WANTED-Girl for g e n era I "Ill Press News (WMT) CLASSIFIED DISPLAY housework-part lime. Dial 2516 Music That Satisfies (lYMT) Midnight Rhythm Parade(WHO) 15 Oc col. incb after 6:00 P . M. Or .5.00 per montb NelYs or the World (WHO) Station Break and Sign Ofr H. R. .pross anti (hb :News (KXEL) Wanted: Young lady for cashier's (KXEL) AD Want Ads Cash to Advance work at Whetstone's from 11:30 Payabh, at Dally Iowan Busl- to 2:00-daily except Sunday. 6:30 ottlee daily until II p.m. "merican Melody Iiour (WM't) 0_ Apply in person. Junior Odd Fellows HENRY News, Cilly Rusk Jw}IO) CaDcel1at1(\n. must be called in Student waItresses at Mad Hatters CARL ANDERSON Did You Know (ItXEL) Tea Room. Dial 6791. .'") .) r before II p. III. , , 6:45 Honor Theta Rho s Retponalble tor one incorrect If: YoU ReTURN THE Ametic&n Melody Hour (WMT) ID1ertlon onl,. BASE BALL - YOU GET COUNTY Jimmy FH1i~r (WHb) The Junior Odd FellOW, newly Pr~ferred MeIOfl\*!s (KXEL) organized group, honoted the Old Dancing Lessons-ballroof1l, bal­ IN FREE - HENRY.! ~AIL 7:~ Gold Theta Rho lIirls at a surprise let, tap. Dial '1248. Mimi You de A1lfLETIC Bla 1'owh (WM't) p

Now Is the 11m. to broadccsI' the lact that you hu.e houH­

hold 900da to ..U-to I qet rid 01 all tho.. c:utlc1.1 that herte been 1ft the way. Let UI ..11 them lor you.

CALL 4191 0./. ~ itinAa. dMo. 1m; ...th tr.... M~n.aM' 1), are ;eporWd ...... mlles .$.vAPPING .,00 (II), and are Ie .. than 114" miles frolll tbe I DAILY IOWAN CLASSIFIED DEPl. TENT5- ..-;; eap'''1 of . 008. ______~~~ ____~~~~ __~ ______~~ ___• PAGE SIX THE D A I L Y lOW A N. lOW A CIT Y. lOW A TUESDAY, APRIL 24, INS Three Directors of Community Chest ·C ommlSSlon• • Electedl Chosen to Serve YANK IMPRESSION OF HITLER AT NUREMBERG STADIUM Annual Junior-Senior GRUESOME EXHIBITS fAY. NAZI HORROR-CAMr- Three-Year Terms Dance to Entertain 1945 War Fund St. Mary's Students Drive Committee The annual junior-senior ban­ PreMnts Final Report quet and dance of St. Mary's school will be in the Rose room I. J. Barron, H. S. Ivie and Dale of the Hotel Jefferson tonight W. Welt were elected directors of from 6:30 to 11:30 o'clock. The the Iowa City Community Chest committee in charge o[ decorations' commission at the annual meeting will include Betty Barry, Mary of the group last night. Kubic, Carol Clopey, .Florence The commission is composed or Fout, Bert Toohey, John O'Brien, 33 local civic organizations. Rep­ Paul Harmon and And r e w resentatives of 25 of these organi­ Chucklos. Those serving on the zations attended the meeting. entertainment committee are Lyle Elected for three-year terms, the Seydel, Christine Adrian. Wilma new directors succeed Mrs. Joseph Donovan, Bonnie Blaha and Eve­ Braverman, Vern Bales, and Fred lyn Greaze!. In charge of seating Boerner. arrangements are Jack Shrader, Betty Shay, Bill Sueppel and Mar­ The finnl report of the 1945 War Ilyn Mottet. Fund drive committee showed that Guests of honor will be the Rt. Iowa City exceeded its combined Rev. Carl Meinberg, the Rt. Rev. War Fund and Community Chest Edward Neuzil, the Rev. John goal of $29,739.84 by $4,639.05, Schmitz, the Rev. Francis Keat­ raising a total of $34,378.89. This ing and the Rev. Martin Horan. OIRMAN CIVILIANS who refused to believe tales of bestiality practiced at the Nazi horror camp at Buch­ is an increase of $3,689.58 over Chaperones for the event will. the amount raised in 1944. enwald, near Weimar. were shown the gruesome ex¥.bit& above following the capture ot the prison. Accord­ be Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Toohey. Ing to the U. S. Signal Corps caption that came 'WIth the pboto. the table holds shrunken beads, part.s 01 The [allowing amounts were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sueppel, Mr. raised by different Iowa City human organs, and pleces ot skin stripped from vidirns, bearing tattoo markings and stencilings. The lamp­ and Mrs. Leo Chopek and Mr. and made at riaht wu fabricated from human IIdn. Sl~al C:orps Radiophoto. (lnte1'714tioll4l) groups: Mrs. Truman Shrader. University ...... $ 5,088.26 Hospital and College or Medicine ...... 2,950.05 Doctors, Dentists, Tea, Exhibit- Righter Announces BUsiness ...... 13,365.00 Driv,er Crashes Car National Firms ...... 4,867.00 HOLDING A COMa TO HIS NOli. T/4 Harold L. Hershey, Wash., D. C., gives an imitation of Hitler as be once Wind, Percussion Employes ...... 1,773.60 addressed Nazi thronp from a draped box in the Nuremberg Stadium. It was in this h~e amphitheatre, Into Gasoline Pumps Nurses to Receive Residence ...... 4,187.63 which fell to U. S. 7th Army forces, that the Nazi party celebrated Hitler's nalal days. The clty feU to our Cro·lt Public Schools ...... 478.63 troops on the 68th bJrthda)o of the German leader. 01ilcial U. S. Si&nal Corpe Radiopboto. (Int~natioMn A woman who was just leaming Degrees June' 17 Rehearsals for Today Professional ...... 1,769.00 to drive started to drive out of P.T.A. Milk Fund ...... 451.90 Home Oil company service station Pro!. C, B. Righter, director of Total ...... $34,378.89 Lucius C, Manning Graduates in medicine, dentistry Recreational Center ...... 5,385.12 Marine Corps Author Sunday night when the front Guild the university band, announced The Community Chest goal of wheels of her car locked and the and nursing will receive their de­ yesterday th at aU players of wind Rest Room ...... 660.00 Funeral Services grees at the next. ceremony for the $15,964.39 was disll'ibuted to the Returned Checks ...... 49.00 car went out of controL It struck and pcrcussion instruments should following civic organizations: awarding of cerii[icates at the Uni­ The Iowa City Craf~ guild will Iowa War Chest, Inc., Today at 2 P. M. To Address Clubs . the corner oC the office and lunch­ * * * report for the first rehearsal 01 versily of have its annual spring tea an,d ex­ Recreational Center ...... $ 5,000.00 1944 ...... 11,181.26 room and crashed inlo two gaso­ Iowa, Sunday, June 17 , the band this afternoon at 4:10 io Girl Scouts ...... 3,200.00 Iowa War Chest, Inc., Funeral services for Lucius C. line pumps and an air pump, 1945. hibit at the University clubrooms the south rehearsal hall of tilt Boy Scouts ...... 4,381.52 Lieut. James- Lucas, United 1945 ...... 8,678 ,07 Manning, 82, early Johnson county States marine correspondent and knocking them over. Commencement will be that' of Iowa Union on May 6, with music building. Formal registra. P.T.A. 600.00 pioneer and a resident of Monroe The gasoline in the pumps afternoon In Iowa Union,according Mrs. H. H. Trachsel serving as Campaign and Adminis- author of the book "Combat Cor­ tion for band is not necessary, al. Total disbursements ...... $38,067.91 township all his lJfe, wi1l be held caught lire but the fire was to Prof. F. G. Higbee, director of though arrangements can still be tration 1,100.00 respondent," will speak to two general chairman. The members of the commission this afternoon. at 2 o'clock at the groups of Iowa Citians today on quickly brought under control. Convocations. Chief degrees to be made to take the course for credil Rest Room ...... 725.00 Brosh funeral chapel in Cedar Clark .F'. Mighell, proprietor of awarded are M. D., D. D. S. and Each member or the gulld will gave a vote of thanks to the re­ "The Story of Iwo Jima." be privileged to invite three Regular rehearsals will be held tiring directors and to the chair­ Rapids. the station, estimated the extent of certificate of graduate nurse. Total ...... $15,006.52 This noon members of Kiwanis, guests. throughout both summer ternu, man of the fund-raising commit.­ Mr. Manning died at his home Lions, Rotary and Masonic service his damages at $1 ,000. The driver Under the normal schedule, Tesday, Thursday and Friday all. Johnson county rural areas ex­ Sunday morning after a short ill­ of t.he car was uninjul'ed and her awards to graduates in these units Leather articles, w e a v i n g, ceeded their War Fund quota of tees, 1. J. Barron and Dale Welt, clubs will hear Lieutenant Lucas emoons from ~:10 to 5:20. No pub­ co-chairmen for Iowa City, and ness. speak at a luncheon in Hotel Jef­ car undamaged. are made at the spring Commence­ painted handkerchiefs, ceramics Uc concerts will be given durin. $12,287.50 by $2,638, collecting a Lysle S. Duncan, rural committee ment, but under the accelerated and candles will be on dlsi:>lay. total of $14,925.51. He is survived by three daugh­ ferson. the short term and band rehearsaL! chairman. ters, Mrs. Myrtle Hanson and Mrs. , An organization meeting Of Fa lalism is the doctrine that all plan of study the semestcrs in In charge of the exhibits will be will bc devoted to the sightreadilll The Johnson county War Fund Mrs. B. L. Gainsfo,th, leather; goal of $24,575 was divided Letha Lawrence of near Fairfax Johnson county war bond commit­ things happen according to a pre­ medicine, dentistry and nursing do of light program material. and Mrs. Lillbelle Berlin of West­ tee members meeting at the hotel arranged fate, necessity or inex­ not coineide with lhe terms of the Mrs. Kirk POI·ter. Eda Zwlnggl and equally between Iowa City and the Methodist Couples Mrs. A. C. Trowbridge, weaving; rural areas. Both exceeded their ern Springs, Ill.; one son, Theo, of at 6:30 o'clock tonight will fealure orable decree. other colleges. Spain first fortified Corregidor To Have Picnic Fairfax, and one brother, T}1omas talks by Lieutenant Lucas and V. Mr/!. A. V. Smith, textiles; Mrs. to guard Manila. share of the quota. George Coleman, ceramics, and Manning, of Max, Nebr.. L, Clarke, state war finance com­ lS Prof. Roscoe Woods, chairman of Colic a term in medicine used The gum-secreting hair on the Mrs. William Petersen, candlES. the auditing committee. presented "Fun and Food at Fountain's mittee chairman. for any paroxysmal abdominal buds of certain plants are called a statement of receipts and dis- Farm," a picnic for aU marci.ed The coast guard became first pain. colleter. Organized fo ur years ago, the bursemenls lor 1944. Amounts de- Methodist students and their operators of landing barges 'be­ guild now has more than 50 mem­ 1t)MMY GUNS ARE: • posited to the account ot the or- friends, will start at 6 p. m., Fri­ cause of experience in handllng BOYHOOD PAL TRUMAN'S PRESS AIDE bers who meet in study groups to ganization tot a led $62,689.42. day, from the Methodist student small boats for more than a cen­ Agency to Investigate weave, paint and do other types ot WRAPPf.O 'N WAlC~ During thc year a tolal of $38,- center. tury, handicraft. 067.97 was spent, ieaving a balance The picnic is sponsored by the President of the guild is Mrs. of $24,621.45. married students and couple's club Black Boys" will be told by Mark War Crimes Pmposed George Glockler, who was one of These expenditures included: of the Methodist church. The Daily. Its organizers. Other officers are tAPER Savings Account ...... $ 3,500.00 group will go to the Howard Those. I'loing al'e to bring their WASHINGTON (AP)- Crealion Mrs. H. H. Trachsel, vice presi­ Campaign and Adminis- Fountain farm localed on the Iowa own wemers and a pot luck dish dent; Mrs. C. O. Ingersoll, secre­ of an official American agency tration .. river south of the city. Recrea- and those wanting transportatio~ tary, and Mrs. John Eldridge, to investigate and record war Boy Scouts ...... tion wit! be directed by Vic Goff are to phone the Methodist Stu- treasurer. G_ ir_I_S_c_o_u_ts_ ..._ .. _... _ .. _... _ .. _.:'_ ... _ .. _.. ______a_ nd a campfire story. _"_T_W_O_ L_il_U_e_ d_ent center by ThurSday. crimes was proposed in congress yesterday as reports of Nazi atro­ cities built up deep anger at the capitol. University Club The senate, meanwhile, debated To Have Kensington nearly an hour ovet complaints Tea Thursday that a congressional delegation al­ ready on the way to see lhe The University club will have a MIl1WAY horrors perpetrated by Hitler's Red Cross kensington at 2 p. m. .... thugs, was hand picked. The Thursdl/.y, to be followed by a tea ... ~ congressmen, and a g r 0 u p of .MAlCUS I • HAWAIIAN at 4 p, m. in the University club­ newspaper and magazine editors rooms of Iowa Union. Serving on : 1!mtttmB.~:.~~WAKE ·Pacific Ocean .. :: ' ..IS. and publishers, were tlown to 'Jj JOtiNSTON. • the committee wLU be Mrs. W. L. Europe by the army at the re­ Bywater and Mrs. Clarence Van quest of Oen. Dwight D. Eisen­ Epps. hower. Resolutions [or oHiclal inquiries were oCrered in both houses-in the senate by Senator Chandler (D.-KY.), and in the house by representatives Brooks (D.-La.>, '. Gossett (D.-Tex.), and Flood SUPPfRIPfAS SAMOA (D.-Pa.). . " ' .. ) NEW"! As sponsors of t~e measures I HEllJDES'" voiced their demands, several of --to q,t their colleagues spoke angrily about Nazi mistreatment of pris­ BRITISH PUT HITLER'S ELITE SS MEN TO WORK ~~-- oners. ... • •. .~."'" ...... , .• t " ....••• ~ ...: •• A._.' y .,j _ .... ""W .. , .. Gossett suggested a congres­ POINTS! sional Inquir:y group, but Brooks PRESIDENT 'I'RUMAN announces the selection of Charles G. Rosa, £.XT«A RfP and Flood wanted a more-varied above, of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. one of the most dlstinrulshed "war atrocities commission." and popular or Washlnrton correspondents, to be his press secretary bornbe effective May 15, when ROS8 returns from coverln&, the San Fran­ beaded Th'e w-ord mascot originated in cisco conference. The men were schoolboys to«ether in Independence, I Sri I Provence and Gascony and meant Mo. Jonathan Daniels, who succeeded Stephen J!;arly as Rooseve1t's I Ioin~ ~.. something which brought luck to press secretary this winter, will conUnue In the post until Ross 'AI' p a household. takes over. air fiel W&ilh tat ~ THE LAST LAP FOR THIS LIBERATOR OVER ITALY their c bombs thins' One Ii left to be I I!rtd I Mauen IIid hI IAUIAGU, A'PI.. RINGS and ma,hed potatoet for rainy April • !Ioul niahts. Keep draining off the fat as you cook the saulages. Filla bic! up YoUr rat·... vale can. Every drop il needed by our country ~ for th, batUefidd and home-front _ential•• U. S, C9RNID .... HAIM can be made with a little meat and lots of pota.toe,. and.till be .upeJ'b. When you're prep(lring the corned Ge beef. remember to eave those little trimming' of rat. Melt th. down; Itrain them into the aalvace can. C;RIAMID CANNID PlIH, when it's popped into a casserole and under the broiler to brown, looka like company'. comin&. But be lure you pour off the oil it's packed in , •. Remember. it's the aman amounts, that eoon add up to a pound and those very welcome 2 extra red point. and 4 centll Thi, meaqe ha. been approved by WFA and OPA and paid for by InduatrJ.

..... ~ , • _._~ ..., ___ ...... _" ~".O...... ~ . APT •• IOMIINO In support of the Brltlllh Eighth Army drive in northern Italy, thi. B-2. Liberator We Must-Save Mort, U~ fa1s! THIS BBITISH OFFICIAL radlopboto mows German 88 mea, eaplured by the BrtUah troo.. at &ebea 01 the U. S. Army 15th Air Force has been hit by flak, and the foree ot the exploaion has crumpled conceatratlon camp wbere thoauada 01 pmoaen went to their death. belnl' forced at baYOIlet poInt to the wing, The big plane caught Are and plunged to the ground. with two men balUng out to latety. load the lHHIiea 01 lOme 01 U.elr vlcUaa Into truekJ to be carried awaf for deeeJt' b1ll1aa. ThII II aD o1Dc1aJ VD1t~ Stale. NrJ.!y /tlr lorc! phot9,a (1lJ~eln.tioaal Soundpllo«o),