(Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-04-24
194$ IRATI, PATII, .e. Iamp•• Til'••• ,. zs ... AI I ••••• h PII .0" ••••. raOC!88!D POOD8. h ... :::::::::, .a"'III. (J. Ib,.. ,h XlI ••11. lUG".. III ••, f ••• ..... , » nil. f., 'Iv. ••••••. 8 HOE8, ...., lb ••• , Cloudv. '--. ...., . 1. , aD' ••••• I.'ellnll•• ,. GASOLINE, III-A e.. .... , ••d I . t 'oln , allolll .ad B-1, B· 1, C-' a.' IOWA: Mostly Cloudy. occasional CJ·, nil. ' I., II.. ..110.1. FUEL OlL. perl.. • •• 11.... ,.. II.. .01'... ,.... al.. .•• 1 ,ea,·. ..,1.' THE DAILY IOWAN l\rh' rain. Cooler. Y 1\ 1 '01 r aDd nVI , •••• :-:-. Iowa City's Morning ~.wspap.r tOda, arked s~ FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1945 VOLUME XXI NUMBER 179 Ia n In en In tween ay. HUd_ • • • evfll. lOCII WOUld e tills aZls Rep.ort Fig ting In a o er In !S5ale to the itateQ i and 30 MILES I Nazis Warned Mainly of Political significance-.. • Th ird of City 'tolen. --rech~ Mrs. Of Mistreating Contact of Russ,on, A /lIed Forces I Now in Hands = By Klrke L. SlmJ)lOn Gel'mans and to tile world tIlat tile clear of Nazi remnants, and from ied POW' As,oelaied Pren War Analyst war in Germany is over and only nortll to south to clean up tile 01 Russl·ans -- AllI S of ~h~s~~~~~;t:~~'~~~~1sc~~~~: ~azjm:at~dj~~y d:~t ~~~~il~:~~:: ~:S~a~~i a~;!~Onal redoubt in J where soutll of Red army pene- lessly. At some moment General Eisen- trated Berlin probably will have ln a military sense tile junction hower wiu find it n~essary to split German Offer to leave more political than mllitary signi- between Russian and allied forces his vast Corces into two great army Soviet Tanks Reach Prisoners in Overrun ficance.
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